acute abdomen

Acute Abdomen Definition: This is an acute surgical condition caused mainly by a variety of acute surgical pathology. Abdominal pain arising from alimentary tract is of two types: 1. Visceral pain: Which is related directly to the alimentary canal and it's origin either from hind gut or foregut and midgut giving colicky pain. 2. Peritoneal Pain: It is somatic type due to peritoneal wall irritation. It's more severe and more localized. It's due to irritation by underlying inflamed organ e.g. appendix or infected free peritoneal fluids e.g. pus. Surgical anatomy of acute abdomen: The abdomen is divided into different anatomical compartments. 1.Upper abdomen Right hypochondriam, Epigastruim and left hypochondruim.

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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akut abdomen


Acute AbdomenDefinition:This is an acute surgical condition caused mainly by a variety ofacute surgical pathology. Abdominal pain arising from alimentary tract is of two types:1. Visceral pain:Which is related directly to the alimentary canal and it's origin either from hind gut or foregut and midgut giving colicky pain.. !eritoneal !ain:"t is somatic type due to peritoneal wall irritation. "t's more severe and more locali#ed."t's due to irritation by underlying inflamed organ e.g. appendi$ or infected free peritoneal fluids e.g. pus.Surgical anatomy of acute abdomen:The abdomen is divided into different anatomical compartments.1.%pper abdomen &ight hypochondriam' (pigastruim and left hypochondruim..)id abdomen: &ight lumber region' umbilical region and left lumber region.*.+ower abdomen &ight iliac fossa' suprapubic region and left iliac fossa.,."nguinal regions:&ight and left inguinal region.Common causes of acute surgical abdomen:1. Acute appendicitis:"t is the most common acute surgical condition in the abdomen. "t affects both se$es e-ually' age incidence. at any age. )a$imum between /0*/ years.!athology:Two types eitherA. 1imple non obstructive:+ess common */2' less serious' catharal or suppurative.3. 4bsturtive appendicitis:"t is due to obstruction of the lumen by fecolith. 1ymptomsare more severe' and complications are more common.5linical picture:A. !ain:6irst generali#ed' periumbilical and then shifted to right iliac fossa. 3. 7ausea and Anore$ia.5. Vomitting. 4nce or more' not repeated.8. 5onstitutional symptoms:malaise' headache and fever.4n ($amination:A. +ocali#ed tenderness at right iliac fossa.3. 9uarding rigidity at right iliac fossa.5. &ebound tenderness due to peritoneal irritation. 5omplication of acute appendicitis:1. Appendicular abscess.. Appendicular mass.*. !eritionitis either locali#ed or generali#ed.8iagnosis:)ainly by clinical e$amination.A.3lood picture.+eucocytosis occurs nearly in */2 of non complicated appendicitis.3.%rine analysis to e$clude urological causes.5.Abdominal %1 to e$clude other causes of acute abdomen.Treatment:"mmediate appendicectomy in uncomplicated appendicitis.Differential Diagnosis of pain in right iliac fossa.1. Acute appendicitis.. Acute mickel's diverticulitis.*. %rological cause.,. 9ynacological causes.:. Tumors in right iliac fossa as cancer caecum.;. 5hronic inflammatory bowel disease as %lcerative colitis and chron's disease.2. Acute cholecystitis:"nflammation of the gall bladder occurs usually as a complication of gall stones. !athology:Two main types:1. Acute non calcular cholecysistis:"t is catarahal' suppurative' or gangeronous. 7o stools.. Acute calcular cholecystitis:"t is due to stone in the gall bladder impacted at