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Team building events, indoor activities Program offer Activiteam-Art Kft.

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Team building events, indoor activities

Program offer

Activiteam-Art Kft.


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Table of contents

Activiteam-Art Team Building Programs .................................................. 2

1. World Stock Market .......................................................................................... 2

2. A Minute to Win................................................................................................ 3

3. Crime Scene Investigation ............................................................................... 3

4. Vintage Fun ..................................................................................................... 4

5. Them Outlaws! ................................................................................................. 4

6. The Amazing Cartoon ...................................................................................... 5

7. Making Your Own Movie .................................................................................. 5

8. Gangster Club .................................................................................................. 6

9. The Quest for the Holy Grail ............................................................................ 6

10. James Bond – On a Mission with Agent 007 ................................................ 7

11. Mind Wellness .............................................................................................. 7

12. Play and Surprise! ........................................................................................ 8

13. Domino Day.................................................................................................. 8

Indoor Events .......................................................................................... 9

14. The World of Wine ........................................................................................ 9

15. Activity .......................................................................................................... 9

16. Culinary Delights ....................................... Hiba! A könyvjelző nem létezik.


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Activiteam-Art Team Building Programs

Over 10 years of experience on the field guarantees that all our programs are designed down to the

smallest details with perfection in mind. Our highly trained experienced staff of actor-animators,

coupled with the use of individually designed authentic tools and accessories create an equilibrium

that is nigh impossible to match or copy. The following team building events can be tailored to meet

various requirements regarding location, duration and language, amongst others. We worked hard to

provide a diversified portfolio to satisfy the needs of all our current and possible future clients.

1. World Stock Market

Strategic game involving all the countries around the globe, with costumed animators, spectacular sets

and continent specific games. A giant stock market, buzzing with life, where the prices are constantly

changing, and no one can tell which direction they will be going. The goal for the players is to gather

as many currency as they can playing the games, with which the can bargain at the giant map of the


Location : indoor, outdoor or mixed

Duration: 2- 4 hours


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2. A Minute to Win

A superb program requiring stamina, dexterity, ingenuity and some luck on part of the participants in

order to prove victorious. Based on the successful TV show “A Minute to Win”, tailored to fit the

requirements of a team building event. Fun and entertaining moments sharpen our senses and

concentration where we get to know who will be the champion of the key as well as the most cunning

juggler. A game that stimulates all our sense, and game that cannot be missed!

Location: indoor, outdoor or mixed

Duration: 2-3 hours

Language: Hungarian, English

3. Crime Scene Investigation

Authentic accessories and tools all the way from the US in order to satisfy the hunger of investigation

fans. The weekly stories of the crime scene investigators pin an overwhelming number of people in

front of their TV. Now is their chance to relive those moments participating in this spectacular team

building event. We offer them the opportunity to participate in, and solve the mysteries professional

investigators have to face daily, in order the get to the bottom of cases.

Location: indoor, 2 outdoor locations

Duration: 2-5 hours

Language: Hungarian, English

Other: Can be expanded with a CSI quiz


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4. Vintage Fun

Many Hungarian folk traditions can be linked to the yearly grape vintage filled with fun and enjoyment.

During our game, the participants divided into teams can try out the various vintage challenges and

perform in humorous tasks. Their performance will be awarded by points accordingly, and the team

with the most point at the end of the day will be named the victor!

Location: indoor, outdoor

Duration: 2-3 hours

Language: Hungarian, English

5. Them Outlaws!

The Hungarian derring-do is still alive and kicking, proven by our homebred outlaws for everyone lucky

enough to be present. The past legends of the Alföld will come to life once more, to show the

participants the games our great-grandfathers used the pass their time with. A traditional and authentic

Hungarian program, with an extra emphasis put on our world-famous wine and pálinka.

Location: indoor, outdoor or mixed

Duration: 2-3 hours

Language: Hungarian, English, German


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6. The Amazing Cartoon

This program offers an opportunity for the participants to become real cartoon heroes! The goal is to

create a humorous, sketch fitting a given theme, with the use of our greatly varied stock of costumes,

tools and accessories, and the help of quality photo machines. Our professionals than add the

required layers and shaders to transform the pictures into a form of art.

Location: indoor, outdoor

Duration: 3-4

Language: Hungarian, English

7. Making Your Own Movie

In this entertaining team building event, the teams will be given the opportunity to create their own

masterpiece, be it a commercial, a remake of an old classic or even a company themed picture show.

Our professionals help the participants to acquire the foundations of film making to ensure the end

product will be up to their high standards. Teams have to divide the roles of actors and directors

between themselves, with the chance to pick from a vast amount of tools, accessories and costumes

provided by us, to make sure all their needs will be fulfilled.

Location: indoor, outdoor or mixed

Duration: 3-4 hours

Language: Hungarian, English, German


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8. Gangster Club

Now is the chance the relive the famous times of the 20’s of the US. Notorious gangsters and

mellifluous pussycats, who doesn’t give a squat about the alcohol prohibition! Teams have to side with

either the bad or the good guys, and compete with each other in a variety games requiring dexterity

and a cunning mind. Our actor-animators provide cozy performances, to further enrich the experience.

Location: indoor

Duration: 2-5 hours

Language: Hungarian, English

9. The Quest for the Holy Grail

Upon arrival, showmen and market sellers greet our guests. After having the teams formed, the search

for the Holy Grail begins, accompanied by dizzy knights to help them through the challenges of the

fearless Black Knight, the maze of the Witch, and Merlin the Sorcerer just to name a few. Fueled by

the performance and costumes of our actor-animators, hilarity is ensured, but if the teams keep their

composure, victors will surely emerge by the end of the day!

Location: outdoor

Duration: 2-4 hours

Language: Hungarian, English


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10. James Bond – On a Mission with Agent 007

Players will get a glimpse of the life of spies in this program. As opposed to the common belief, a

lonely wolf cannot save the world, teamwork and utilizing all their strengts combined will be the key to

defeat all the obstacles, engraving their legacy in the legendary world of intelligence agents, together.

Special codes, and the need for exciting and innovative solutions characterize our challenges, where

only the most cunning minds will prove victorious!

Location: indoor, outdoor or mixed

Duration: 2-3 hours

Language: Hungarian, English

11. Mind Wellness

This game can be used during conference brakes, as well as a standout event, to provide refreshing

mind challenges requiring imaginative solutions. All sort of tasks, ranging from logical riddles to

deceitful puzzles with quality tools and accessories, to refill the energy level and provide a fun factor

for the participants.

Location: indoor, outdoor or mixed

Duration: 2-3 hours


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12. Play and Surprise!

Exclusive games to provide fun during conference brakes, company birthdays and other special

events. or be used as a standout program. Unique looking giant wooden gift boxes of unified design,

but with a varied and different content inside. Ranging from exciting gambling games to logical

challenges, everyone will find something to please their needs in this interactive collection!

Location: indoor, outdoor or mixed

Duration: varied, can fit any need

13. Domino Day

The excitement of creating something spectacular drives us to work together for the good of the

common goal! Every team is given a huge table of their own to materialize their part of the vision,

keeping the final layout in mind, since the tables will eventually be linked using bridges to make the

thousands of dominos fall one after another, leaving no room for mistakes!

Location: indoor

Duration: 1-3 hours


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Indoor Events

14. The World of Wine

Wine, the drink of the gods, play a central role in our lives, but only a few is aware how many games

and customs can be actually linked to the making and enjoying of this beverage. This program was

made to enlighten those unaware, so they can proudly wear the title of a Wine Knight if proven


Location: indoor, using one room with tables

Duration: 1-1.5 hours

Language: Hungarian, English

15. Activity

The familiar game of Activity, tailored for events with an MC, assistants carried out in a professional

manner, in which a number of teams compete each other in several rounds. Participants will have to

put their drawing, display and paraphrasing skill to the test, while also left wondering what the colored

envelopes could be hiding.

Location: indoor, one room

Duration: 1-1.5 hours

Language: Hungarian, English


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16. Culinary Delights

A mixture of culinary delights and a playful competition, during which the teams take upon a journey

on the roads of gastronomy. Teams formed around the tables engage in the entertaining and

challenging tasks to battle for the final supremacy, as well as for the grand prize of the Golden Kitchen


Location: indoor, one room with tables

Duration: 1-1.5 hours

Language: Hungarian, English