active code compliance- october 2013 to date 11-2013.pdf

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  • 8/14/2019 ACTIVE CODE COMPLIANCE- OCTOBER 2013 TO DATE 11-2013.pdf


    CTIVE CODECOMPLIANCE OCTOBER 2013 TO D TEPROJE T NO RECEIVED LOC TION COMPLAINT ST TUS CLOSED eoCOC13 037 10/24/2013 Junipero Trees on Right of New trees planted on

    way right of way. Refer tocity forester for initialcontact.

    o 13 033 10/21/2013 onte Verde illegal use of gas leaf use of gas leaf blower. 10/21/2013 MPblower Immediate compliance.

    o 13 034 10/21/2013 Lincoln property nuisiance broken windows MP

    o 13 035 10/18/2013 San Carlos and Posting of Handbills area check conducted. AFother various Several maps in varioslocations locations. Sent to

    planning for research.

    o 13 036 10/18/2013 6th illegal parking at Large personal truck 10/18/2013 AFbusiness parked blockingpedestrian access.Immediate compliancetruck removed.

    o 13 031 10/17/2013 6th Poss Unpermitted Possible living quarterUse in commercial space

    o 13 032 10/17/2013 San Carlos Illegal MP/AFuse/construction

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  • 8/14/2019 ACTIVE CODE COMPLIANCE- OCTOBER 2013 TO DATE 11-2013.pdf


    PROJECT NO RECEIVED jLOCATION ICOMPLAINT STATUS CLOSED eoIo 13-030 I 10/10/20131 an Carlos I oss Sign VIolation INo exterior business 41557.00 AF

    I I ign visible. No Iiolation foundAbandoned Vehicle a b a n d o ~ vehicle in Io 13-025 10/9/2013 Guadalupe I Jback yard

    I I II II I- t I - 1boulders and possible j Io 13-026 10/9/2013 Guadalupe ROW Violationvegetation in ROW I II ite Coverage -- i l0/9/20131Carmelo - jAF/MPo 13-027 r o n t yard covered in

    I Violation white substance II- - 1 1 0 9 2 0 1 L o b o s W VIolation rMPo 13-028 IPaver Patio in ROW

    I I- 10/9/2oi31s an t o n o - o 13-029 IUnpermitted Site visit, unpermitted MP/AFI tonework jstone work on building. 1

    Planning applicationsubmitted.

    I Io 13-015 10/8/2013 Monte Verde Illegal distribution of Various handbills stuck 10/8/2013 MP

    handbills into vehicles and ondoorsteps - contactwith business ownertold to remove.10/8/13 Owner statedhe will removehandbills that he placedon cars. Compliancemet.

    o 13-016 10/8/2013 Camino Del Monte Illegal tree trimming Site visit, tree service 10/8/2013 MPworking in city trees, nopermit. Verbalwarning given. Nofurther work performedon trees. Complianceissued resolved.

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    PROJECT NO RECEIVED [LOC TION COMPL INT jST TUS [CLOSED CCOo 13-017 10/8/2013 Camino Del Monte Business License

    ViolationCalled Realtorinformed she needsbusiness license toconduct bus iness.10/11/13 Licensenht:>inorl

    o 13-018 10/8/2013 Camino Del Monte Gas Leaf Blower Site visit regarding gasleaf blower being used,advised of ordinance.Immediate compliance.

    o 13-019 10/ 8/2013 San Carlos Street

    o 13-020 1 / 8/ 2013 1San Carlos

    o 13-021 10/8/2013 Dolores



    Site visit, investigationneeded

    Business has notIobtained a sign for the 1business violation ofbusiness licenserequ irements

    Business Sign TV monitor on during [vio1at i-on t n-o__w_ork hours IBusiness Sign TV monitor on during Ir to 13-022 10/8/2013 San Carlos

    COC 13-023 t 10/8/2013 Lobos- - o 13-024 10/ 8/ 2013 jSan Carlos

    Iil l - '

    Violation non-work hoursPossible Abandoned couch inEncroachment driveway andviolation and bottleneck due toabandoned couch in planting in ROWdriveway

    ROW Violation bench placed in ROW


    COC 13 -014 10/7 2013 1San Antonio EncroachmentI

    lbo-;:;ders and u l n t rgarden to the edge ofiolationI Ihe street 1Page 3

    10 9 2013 P

    10 8 2013 MP



    ~ MP


  • 8/14/2019 ACTIVE CODE COMPLIANCE- OCTOBER 2013 TO DATE 11-2013.pdf


    PROJECT NO IRECEIVED LOCATION [COMPLAINT ST TUS CLOSED j oo 13-011 10/3/2013 San Antonio I llegal Fence 110 3 13 - site visit I MPI 1ence and lattice over II I Iallowed height limitj _j1o 13-013 10/3/2013 San Carlos Ave Use Permit violation 1Contact i t h u ~ n e s s 10/3/2013 F

    I Iregarding complaintI nd InternetI advertisement

    I I egarding overnight Ianimal boarding inviolation of Use Permit.

    J Io 13-005 10/2/2013 Ocean Avenue Work Hours Setting up and starting 10 1 2013 MP

    Violation to work prior toallowed hours. Allwork stopped will waituntil8:00 a.m.Compliance met.

    10/2/20131Monte Verde I INew landscaping 6 I IMPo 13-006 1ROW ViolationI I

    Iarge boulders placed in 1ROW II II II

    o 13-007 10/2/2013 7th ROW Extension cord across 10 2 2013 MPViolation/Safety City sidewalk.

    Immediate removal ofextension cord.rnmnli mrP mpt

    o 13-008 10/2/2013 Dolores Use Permit Violation Business setting up IMPBusiness License with no use permit andViolation no business license -

    Red Tag issued.

    I III I l I

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    PROJECT NO RECEIVED jLOCATION 1COMPLAINT jSTATUS jCLOSED jccococ 13-009 10/2/2013 Mission Business License 10/2/13 talked to 10 7 2013 MP

    Violation owner of business,explained need toobtain business license.10/7/13 Businesslicense obatined.Compliance met.

    coc 13-010 10/2/2013 Monte Verde Business license 10/2/13 talked to 10/25/2013 MPViolation ; No contractor, submitbuilding permit; plans, secure job site,Unsafe site renew business license.conditions 10/25/13 Building

    permit obtained.Contractor licenseobtained. Compliancemet.

    coc 13-012 10/2/2013 Junipero Ave Short term rental Site visit, residence 10 2 2013 AFvacant. Door hangerand business card lef ton front door. 10/3/13verified this is not arental. Case Closed.

    coc 13-001 10/1/2013 Junipero Street Illegal Construction. 10/1/13 CO site visit, 10 11 2013 MPIllicit discharge on no building permi t;street exposed wires, illici t

    discharge. BOcontacted; SCLB alsocontacted. Stop workorder issued. 10/10/13- Building Permitobtained, Compliancemet.

    coc 13-002 10/1/20131Mission Street Illegal sign Site visit, verbal to 10 2 2013 jMPremove illegal sign turnoff neon sign. 10/1/13Immediate compliance

    - m tcoc 13-003 10/1/2013 Santa Fe Street Short-term Rental No longer in violation, AFhowever waiting for Iacknowledgement

    I letter.J - - coc 13-004 10/1/2013[0cean Avenue o n s t r u c t i o n Safety Construction debris I 10 1 2013 MPI 1blocking sidewalk.I I Immediate compliancemet, debris removed.I I I

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