action-items - xxix [guzzardi]

First, here is Guzzardi’s depiction of the rationale for this effort, conveyed in his unique “breezy” style: The target of the Guzzardi for Governor campaign is to defeat, discredit, expose and humiliate the phony, snake-handling, two-faced, double-talking Harrisburg Republican (?) Leadership (?) Here is the Senate Leadership. Keep your eye on the ball. Note Sen. Bob Robbins is part of the Incumbent Insider Network of Lobbyists, Government Profiteers, Unions and Hacks. Constitutional Republicans Are Centered On The Constitution of Limited Government. Tom Corbett votes like a Democrat for bigger government and higher taxes. Republican (?) Tom Corbett and Ed Rendell joined together to lobby for more spending and more taxes. Corbett puppets voted YEA. This was top-down legislation. Big Business, Big Labor, Left Wing Environmentalists and Big Government join together to spend more and tax more. Cui bono ? To whose benefit? Not The Forgotten Taxpayer s. Tom Corbett is financed by Rendell Comcast Democrats Second, here is a compilation of Guzzardi-related press: Dave Davies [very Liberal WHYY]   Guzzardi feels this is an accurate article, capturing the fact that he is conducting an internet grassroots campaign, the dynamics of which are unique because of Corbett's Unelectability and because, oddly, there are no others willing to challenge him; I am unique in that regard.  Angela Couloumbis [Inquirer Harrisburg staff] - Nice article. Keegan Gibson [PoliticsPa] - first to report (12/10/2013).

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First, here is Guzzardi’s depiction of the rationale for this effort, conveyed in his unique “breezy” style:

The target of the Guzzardi for Governor campaign is to defeat, discredit, expose andhumiliate the phony, snake-handling, two-faced, double-talking Harrisburg Republican (?)Leadership (?) Here is the Senate Leadership. Keep your eye on the ball. Note Sen. BobRobbins is part of the Incumbent Insider Network of Lobbyists, Government Profiteers,Unions and Hacks.

Constitutional Republicans Are Centered On The Constitution of Limited Government .

Tom Corbett votes like a Democrat for bigger government and higher taxes.

Republican (?) Tom Corbett and Ed Rendell joined together to lobby for more spendingand more taxes . Corbett puppets voted YEA.

This was top-down legislation. Big Business, Big Labor, Left Wing Environmentalists andBig Government join together to spend more and tax more. Cui bono? To whosebenefit? Not The Forgotten Taxpayer ’s.

Tom Corbett is financed by Rendell Comcast Democrats

Second, here is a compilation of Guzzardi-related press:

Dave Davies [very Liberal WHYY] – Guzzardi feels this is an accurate article, capturingthe fact that he is conducting an internet grassroots campaign, the dynamics of which areunique because of Corbett's Unelectability and because, oddly, there are no otherswilling to challenge him; I am unique in that regard.

Angela Couloumbis [Inquirer Harrisburg staff] - Nice article.

Keegan Gibson [PoliticsPa] - first to report (12/10/2013).

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Main Line Times (with logo).

Brad Bumsted [Pittsburgh Tribune Review] – “The Guzzardi Factor” (12/28/2013).

Peter Jackson [Associated Press] - Year End-Pennsylvania Politics (12/30/2013).

Third, after having ID’ed a group of potential Guzzardi -supporters and having distributed an entreaty toserve as a petition- circulator, I received two “polite declines” [and a request for clarification]…yielding:

First, one of you inquired regarding the Holocaust Education Bill, and you are referred topp. 129 and 146 of “II” [“Acton -Items” attachment] for what had been accomplishedinitially [with a bunch of older hyperlinks provided @ the bottom of the page, documentinghow this project evolved during the past month] and what its current status is felt to be;essentially, we want to mandate the topic of holocaust/genocide/human-rights-violationsbe taught to everyone in the Commonwealth’s sc hools, an effort that has statutoryprecedent and that will not constitute an unfunded-mandate [and we are currentlyattempting to suppress the PA Jewish Coalition, which has professed support for adiscretionary effort that would be replete with myriad and potentially-pricy certification-requirements].

Second, two of you expressed concern with Guzzardi’s effort, and you should know that Ifeel his campaign could energize “primarying” other Establishment -Republicans [so that itmay not be properly perceive d as enervating such efforts, particularly because it’s easierto recruit support within a county/state when a cognizable leader has been dubbed];furthermore, I have been arguing aggressively for a year [posting on PoliticsPA andchatting with people such as Vereb] that Corbett is damaged-goods due to Sanduskyso —for this reason if for no other —the GOP Gubernatorial Nominee must be ANYONEelse.

All who knows him must admit that no one is better -educated on the issues AND on thephilosophical underpinnings of what conservative governance would entail; he is in theprocess of memorizing Scott Walker’s book [and felt his recent appearance @ theConstitution Center was fantabulous]; is effort is for-real, as evidenced by his

accumulation of dozens of petition-circulators during the last fortnight [while most peoplevacationed].

Fourth, this colloquy among self-described conservatives continued; as per this string-of-comments{noting that, as a result of this e- mail “colloquy,” Guzzardi will be speaking on 2/6/2014 @ 7 p.m. @ theMiddletown Township Municipal Building in Langhorne }:

One individual struck a “studied” agnostic tone:

Although I absolutely support you running, I can't not throw my supportbehind you at this time. I love that you’re using your voic e to try and fixthis flawed system and I commend your effort and energy. If more peoplelike you stood up against the bad guys the country could be better. With

that being said, I am unable to endorse you yet because I frankly don'tknow enough about your campaign. I enjoy talking to you and know weshare many of the same views but since this all began it seems like yourmessage is more anti Corbett than anything. I need to know whatchanges you actually want to do to this state. My principles are clearwithout all the anti-union/anti- “big-government” tag lines; I need to knowthat we see eye to eye on these things before I can throw support behindyou:

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I am pro 2 nd amendment and will not vote for anyone in favor of any typeof restrictions.

I am pro nullification and I believe we need to start using the power of theconstitution.

I am anti NDAA.

I am anti common core and I think it needs to be removed immediatelyand control needs to be granted back to the states.

Anti ObamaCare/healthcare exchanges.

In response, I wrote the following {to which we did not receive a reply}:

Although he launched due to Corbett’s failings, he has a strong, positive -assertive —upbeat and powerful —Constitution-based message.

I think you will find that his liberty-blog contains numerous/referencedessays that are c/w your core-concerns.

His efforts have been characterized as “Faith, Family and IndividualResponsibility.”

RSVP after you have confirmed my assertion.

Later, I wrote the following in response to further reactions:

In response to an obviously- defeatist posture [“ I think we should PrimaryRepublicans with candidates who can win. Bob Guzzardi is not that and,therefore, it is a counterproductive campaign. I am no fan of TomCorbett's but, he has a FAR better chance than Bob Guzzardi to beatwhomever the Democrats pu t forth.”], one should first confront the fact

that Corbett cannot win [having suffered the double-whammy of sinkingpolling and antagonizing-the-base-by-violating-a- “no new taxes” -pledge];I’d want to read Andy’s reformulated -rationale after having processedthis stark-fact, particularly noting the alleged-overlap of the policies hehas espoused consistently with those that presumably are shared bythose on this “cc” -list.

BTW, what is missing from [one person’s] e -mail is the fact that Guzzardiwants t o change Harrisburg’s structural assumptions, surely a view thatshould resonate; the import of the social-issues recedes in comparison,although Guzzardi would go FURTHER with regard to some [such asreturning Common Core…not just to the state…but to the LOCALS].

Thus, y’all are invited to share how you perceive Guzzardi for, assuredly,he WILL be on the ballot and he WILL be working with others who areintending to alter the compositions of the county/state GOP-Committees.

Still later, I wrote the following:

After [one person’s] comment, already discussed in my reply [“I think weshould Primary Republicans with candidates who can win. Bob Guzzardiis not that and, therefore, it is a counterproductive campaign. I am no fanof Tom Corbett's but, he has a FAR better chance than Bob Guzzardi to

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beat whomever the Democrats put forth.”], [another person] wrote a fewthat may be viewed as supportive of Guzzardi [“You’re saying that youdon't like Corbett but Guzzardi won't win? No one triumphs from thelesser of 2 evils. We know Allyson Schwartz is projected to be the demcandidate so it's a uphill battle regardless mine as well stand onprinciple.”]; [the initial person’s] reply [“And like most Tea Partiers, takean all or nothing stance.....hence, the failure of the movement.”]prompted a rebuke [“Good thing I'm not a "tea partier" but thank you forusing the same label as every other establishment republican or RINOand liberals use….I just choose to stand on principle over party no matterwhat! Freedom is what is most important! ”] that appears further afieldfrom Guzzardi’s yeoman effort. [The other person] later-on confessed[“I'm not saying I will not help him if he further defines his stances I'm justsaying as of now I would have to stand with the libertarian candidate KenKrawchuk.”]

{Another individual} wrote: “then we continue to reelect rino s like farryand many others in Bucks who do nothing to help us except raise ourtaxes. No LCB, no 2 nd amendment confirmation, NO relief in propertytaxes, etc. Andy tell me why should I as tea party member vote for any ofthose rino's….No right to work, no pension solution, hmm should Icontinue.” This appeared to support Guzzardi’s fundamental efforts. Thelast- comments [“No right to work, no pension solution, hm m should Icontinue.”] merit clarification, for Guzzardi is firmly behind revampinglabor- control over Harrisburg [and has ID’ed those in the GOP whom hefeel have been compromised in this regard by, for example, receivingcampaign-donations [compiled here ], info that fueled a rebuttal ofCastor’s support for Corbett [congealed here and elaborated-upon here ].

This is how I concluded:

We will emerge victorious if we allow the emergence of common-ground[without compromise on principle] to yield consensus-development; we

will lose if we remain fragmented and engaged in name-calling[subconsciously using verbiage implanted by the lib-media]. This is whyGuzzardi’s efforts are so vital to us all!

[Again, although I must depart, I’ll be eager to read reac tions to theseassertions, for it will be optimal if everyone is reading and singing fromthe same “Hymnal”…ASA {.}

Fifth, illustrating why Guzzardi’s soap -box is sorely needed [for his critical voice appears unique] is thefact that the PPA contract, the latest twist in Phila. labor relations , perpetuates established problems.[“The contract does not address changes to t he pension system; Mayor Nutter has repeatedly calledreforming pension costs necessary for any deal with the district council and essential to the city'scontinued financial health.”] He also wrote [in reply to other putative-supporters]:

An ad will start running on Keystone Report at the end of this week. Although I would findyour support valuable, I do not see support of Libertarian message as hostile. It mayeven help make my case that alleged Republican leadership has voted like Democratsmore often than not. Corbett's approval numbers are well below 50%, telling us that he isunelectable in November. This presents an opportunity for the disappointed anddisaffected.


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I see us as two fronts in the same battle. You will make the case in your way and I inmine. You are committed and competent and I think it would be a disservice to try toconvince you to do something you are uncomfortable doing. You will be making the casethat Harrisburg Republicans are selling out Republican rank and file base. In the book,Winning in Fast Time , the authors who designed the strategy for the very successful GulfWar I, discuss the strategy of striking on multiple fronts as more effective than a step bystep approach which relies on each event happening in sequence. The diversity of yourapproach and mine and others means that one or the other will win and defeat anddiscredit the Republican Insiders who have excluded different voices. E PluribusUnum ...we have a diversity of ideas, perspectives and tactics and yet are unified aroundConstitutional Republicanism of Limited Government and Personal Responsibility.

I do not see eye to eye on the substance of the issues to some extent. To a larger extentI don't agree with your priorities. Nor tactics. However, I don't think it will undermine mycampaign because you address a different audience. I think we complement oneanother.

Corbett is irrevocably damaged in my view. Nothing any of us do can rehabilitate what hehas done to himself. The Corbett Gas Tax was the last straw. His numbers have been indecline since Kane shellacked his man, Dave Freed, and even before that when TomSmith crushed his endorsed man, Steve Welch who came in third. I do not see anythingthat will reverse the decline and see reasons that it will accelerate. It is reasonably clearCorbett cannot defeat any likely Democratic candidate, particularly, not Rob McCord,Tom Wolfe or Jack Wagner.

I think the Union power is key issue, economically and for Liberty. Not only becauseUnions are powerful proponents of bigger government which the Forgotten Taxpayer but,perhaps, more importantly, Unions coupled with coercive government power depriveworkers of the freedom to choose whether to belong to a Union and pay dues or not.Such coercion is, or should be, very offensive to everyone. Pay Check protection is acore issue of personal liberty which, also, reduces tax burden.

I think Pensions are another key issue. Bankruptcy does not provide the infrastructure for


As to Pro Life, I am not part of the movement. However, I, deeply, resent those who claimto be Pro Life and then who advance an expensive big government agenda thattaxpayers are forced to pay for. While there is a view that all taxation is theft, that is notmy view. However, the Harrisburg government is collecting far more than needed toprovide core services; the 1/2 billion dollars annually for multibillion dollar private tax-exempt corporations is one; the Hollywood Tax Credit is even less defensible andsubsidies to multi-billion dollar Shell and Boeing do not advance the General Welfare. It isvery hard to be sympathetic to people who are taking your money by force of governmentdictates.

Sixth, Simon Campbell wrote of a concern that prompted an aggressive response from Guzzardi

{and illustrating the efficacy of this effort is evidence that Walker Won in Wisconsin, inasmuch as70 Teacher Unions Shut-Down .}:


Any candidate going against Corbett needs to address the rampantcorruption within the Executive Branch with respect to the

Administration’s desire to assist PSEA’s argument about ‘third partyrights’ with respect to citizens’ Right to Know.

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Given Terry Mutchler’s desire to be re -appointed by Tom Corbett; apending dispute currently sees Pennsylvanians for Union Reform staringdown the barrel of Briefs from PSEA, AFSCME, PSTA & at least sixdifferent Executive agencies and their taxpayer-funded lawyers.Taxpayer-funded mailers to 34 foreign countries and states all aroundthe U.S. are involved.

This is occurring despite the fact that a precedent setting majoritydecision of the Commonwealth Court already ruled in April 2013 (Mohnand Raffle cases) that “no one” has an expectation of a privacy in ahome address. The opinion was penned by the no-nonsense PresidentJudge of the Commonwealth Court; Democrat Dan Pellegrini. ThePennsylvania NewsMedia Association agrees.

Guzzardi {who notes the liquor-store-union-gave-to-democrats-and to key-republicans }

Simon Campbell is correct that this is an issue that needs to beaddressed. The Republican governor and the Republican General

Assembly, infiltrated by Unions, will not. Just as the Republican governorand the Republican General Assembly will not address issues of workerfreedom and choice.

The Republican Agenda does not include Pay Check giving workers achoice or Right to Work to reduce costs to the burdened ForgottenTaxpayer. Right-to-work push fizzles in Pa .

“'Just because the Republicans have the majority doesn't mean we havea majority that is willing to change the status quo ,' said Rep. DarylMetcalfe, R-Cranberry, who has introduced several bills that would banforced union membership. His most recent, House Bill 50, has remainedstuck in the Labor and Industry Committee since he introduced it on April30."

The Republican Chair of House Labor and Industry is RepublicanRepresentative Mario Scavello who is financed by Wendell Young IV'sUnited Food and Commercial Workers Union which, also, defeatedLiquor Privatization.

UFCW PLCB members Karen Reese (L) and Marcia Hall (R) with StateRep. Mario Scavello (R-176th) from UFCWU Facebook page.

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Mario Scavello is endorsed by the AFL-CIO

Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania: Government Union RepublicansRewarded with Committee Chairs

“The new Chairman of the House Labor and Indust ry Committee is Rep.Mario Scavello (R-Monroe*). In 2012, Rep. Scavello was endorsed bythe United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) and the AFL-CIO. The UFCW is the union which represents state liquor storeemployees. Furthermore, he has received thousands of dollars incampaign contributions from government unions since 2010; the stateteachers’ union (PSEA) has been particularly generous toward him. Theselection of Rep. Scavello sends a very clear message that Houseleadership has no interest in curbing the finical or political influence ofgovernment unions.”

Seventh, Guzzardi established his position regarding how he plans to disseminate his message, followingreceipt of an e-mail that appeare d disparaging [“ I don't know your personal wealth, but if you have $10million to spend in the primary then I think you have a good shot at winning. Otherwise, while I agree withyou on many issues, you have about as good a chance as me. And my chances are next to nil, becauseI don't have $10 million in some account that I can spend to beat the heck out of Corbett in an email,

social media, direct mail and television advertising campaign in Pittsburgh, Erie, Harrisburg, Scranton andPhiladelphia. Issues and policy are meaningless in today's campaigns. That is unfortunate, but it is alsothe truth. Get Tom Smith to write you a $5 million check and then get back to all of us....P.S. I will NOT bevoting for Corbett for anything ever... ”]. Guzzardi claims this type of voter will either not vote or voteGuzzardi for Governor to deny Tom Corbett the Republican nomination and to defeat, expose anddiscredit Harrisburg Republican (?) Leadership (?).

Eighth, Guzzardi attacked the Independence Hall Tea Party Foundation ’s decision to honor Rep. StephenBarrar [“ Rep. Barrar, prior small business owner, former Township Commissioner, and U.S. Navy, retired,is now serving in his sixth term in the Pennsylvania House. We are most grateful to Rep. Barrar for hisadvocacy of Voter ID reform, liquor control privatization, and his efforts to stop runaway taxation mostrecently evidenced in the 2013 PA Transportation Bill. Rep. Barrar, like Tom Smith, is also as successfulbusinessman and dedicated family man. He is a man of character, who has also been named an

honorary member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart for his support of disabled veterans. ”].Guzzardi issued a scathing-rebuke [ The independence Hall Tea Par ty sent a notice that i t intends tohon or Republican (?) Representa t ive Steve Barrar. Steve Barrar seems an ano malous cho ice for aTEA (Taxed Enoug h Already) organization. Maybe they simply fa i led to do their due -dil igence andto research their honoree 's public reco rd. What e lse would expla in this c hoice? ] and a personalnote to the leaders of this organization [“ Don and Teri, I think it is a big mistake to give Steve Barrarcredibility. I have also reviewed his campaign contributions and he got union contributions in his 2012campaign even though he was unchallenged. Steve Barrar is, also, allied with House Committee on

Appropriations Chair Bill Adolph who is responsible for a lot of the spending. Steve Barrar is NOTindependent of Penna. House Republican Leadership. ”]; the Assemblyman attacked him [“ I didn't vote for

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Namefriends ofStephenE. Barrar

Aston PA- 19014


09/24/2009 $100.00

Description: DonationFiler/Payer: 1776 PAC (UFCW)Report: 2009 Cycle 5

↑FirstReport ↑

ViewReport [Filer \/] Download

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Steve Barrar Voted AGAINST Tom Corbett's $2.3 Billion Tax Increase for "crumblingroads and falling bridges" -


Steve Barrar’s Three Bad Debt Vote s to Increase Debt by $6.3 Billion - Not TheForgotten Taxpayer's Friend Debt is Deferred Taxation.

Ninth, when Guzzardi touts his bipartisanship when it comes to rooting-out corruption, he recalls reasonswhy he actively opposed Perzel and is still quite disappointed with Corbett’s post -BonusGate posturing[brian-preski-pleads-guilty; the-mighty-have-fallen and John Perzel is 'architect' behind political strategy , Corbett says]. This also explains why he is unhappy with Harrisburg-insiders who self-link with Preski,seeking reinstitution of his law-license [via a Facebook announcement]. Among his public supporters isBucksCo’s GOP -leader, Pat Poprick, whose lawfirm [by information and belief] received a no-bid contractto float bonds that will finance expansion of Bensalem High School . Specifically, the fiscal- “break-out ” andthe identity of the “bond counsel” were depicted neither in a Powerpoint budget presentation [on page 13]nor the minutes of the November meeting. Yet, the secretary’s minutes [page 40 ] include the bond report

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