action-items xc [potpourri]

761 One week has elapsed following the Guzzardi double-hearing before Commonwealth Court and, despite the pledge that a prompt decision would be issued, the world waits. Thus, other action-items are now congealed herein, focused on the unraveling of BHO’s Scandal-Sheet and foreign policy…and RINO’s. {Also, note internet-users-told-to-change-all-passwords due to catastrophic-heartbleed-security-bug , and that Michigan became the 34 th state to demand a “Constitutional Convention ” in the United States.} Levity: Jimmy Fallon and Anne Hathaway Sang Broadway Versions of Snoop Dogg, 50 Cent and Kendrick Lamar . 60 Most Powerful Photos Ever Taken That Perfectly Capture The Human Experience . adorable-baby-elephants george-bush-used-google-images-to-find-pics-of-world-leaders-for-his-paintings Regarding state-level policies, my having endorsed pot-legalization [despite not having touched it for four decades] was not shaken by yesterday’s O’Reilly segment with Stossel [and Marjorie Margolies- Mezvinski’s comment during the 13 th Congressional District debate] alleging dangers unleashed, for other people are beginning to weigh-in on this issue positively [LONGMIRE: LEGALIZED POT WILL FORCE CARTELS TO DIVERSIFY FURTHER and Folmer blasted Corbett & GOP leaders for "hypocrisy" on vice bill]. Regarding union-coercion, Union Dues Force Home Care Workers to Support Their Undoing at Polls and GOP Rep claimed BHO's OSHA Targeted Non-Union Plants with Inspectors Accompanied by Union Reps ; regarding education, a 13-year-old was suspended after telling students of Common Core opt-out rights ,

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Post on 26-May-2017




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One week has elapsed following the Guzzardi double-hearing before Commonwealth Court and, despite the pledge that a prompt decision would be issued, the world waits. Thus, other action-items are now congealed herein, focused on the unraveling of BHO’s Scandal-Sheet and foreign policy…and RINO’s. {Also, note internet-users-told-to-change-all-passwords due to catastrophic-heartbleed-security-bug, and that Michigan became the 34th state to demand a “Constitutional Convention” in the United States.}

Levity: Jimmy Fallon and Anne Hathaway Sang Broadway Versions of Snoop Dogg, 50 Cent and Kendrick Lamar. 60 Most Powerful Photos Ever Taken That Perfectly Capture The Human Experience. adorable-baby-elephants george-bush-used-google-images-to-find-pics-of-world-leaders-for-his-paintings

Regarding state-level policies, my having endorsed pot-legalization [despite not having touched it for four decades] was not shaken by yesterday’s O’Reilly segment with Stossel [and Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinski’s comment during the 13th Congressional District debate] alleging dangers unleashed, for other people are beginning to weigh-in on this issue positively [LONGMIRE: LEGALIZED POT WILL FORCE CARTELS TO DIVERSIFY FURTHER and Folmer blasted Corbett & GOP leaders for "hypocrisy" on vice bill]. Regarding union-coercion, Union Dues Force Home Care Workers to Support Their Undoing at Polls and GOP Rep claimed BHO's OSHA Targeted Non-Union Plants with Inspectors Accompanied by Union Reps; regarding education, a 13-year-old was suspended after telling students of Common Core opt-out rights,


a common-core-lesson-teaches-that-america-is-a-racist-nation while praising BHO, and colbert delivered a hilarious takedown of absurd common-core-math-problems; regarding AG-Kane, Government watchdog Stilp filed criminal complaints against 3 of 4 Pennsylvania lawmakers as controversy rages-on; regarding Sandusky [and reminding voters of Corbett], LAW REQUIRING $60M PSU FINE STAY IN PA DEEMED CONSTITUTIONAL, BUT COURT DIDN'T MAKE NCAA FOLLOW IT; regarding how some GOP-Reps mirror Dem-priorities, Republicans joined the call for tax on Marcellus drillers, regarding a motel located a half-mile from my office [@ 7600 E Roosevelt Blvd], surveillance tape depicted a Shooting; regarding the Divine Lorraine Hotel, rehab-efforts are being promoted; regarding local-sports, DeSean Jackson Skipped Exit Interview With Chip Kelly; regarding the Dem gubernatorial debate, gloves came off.

Inasmuch as pa-9-republicans are coordinating a-series-of-debates, Corbett should debate Guzzardi, assuming he remains on the ballot…as is anticipated.

Regarding BHO’s Scandal-Sheet, more data were released regarding BenghaziGate (although Krauthammer feels it’s 'Too Late' for Benghazi Select Committee, for the 'Administration Has Won') and Mary Matalin said Dianne Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi Are 'Despicable' 'Blatant' 'Liars' regarding their knowledge of CIA “torture” tactics immediately after 9/11. Meanwhile, the IRS-Scandal provoked the House-GOP to suggest arresting lois-lerner if the DoJ doesn’t and others to ponder giving immunity (which would invite her to fall onto her own sword rather than implicating superiors, in my view); it seems Lerner talked of getting a job with BHO’s organizing-for-action-while-she-had-official-oversight-over-it as a NON-PROFIT. Violating the Hatch Act, the Dallas IRS office was plastered with pro-Obama stickers, screensavers and 'VOTE FOR OBAMA' BUTTONS WERE 'COMMON' AT IRS OFFICES; by a PARTY LINE VOTE, the House panel urged criminal prosecution. Meanwhile, Issa Accused Top Dem of Colluding with IRS because Emails suggest Cummings prompted targeting of conservative group and his STAFF CONTACTED IRS ABOUT TRUE THE VOTE. Regarding his exchanges with Rep. Gohmert (who accused him of choosing Which Americans He ‘Persecutes.’) and Rep. Gowdy, AG-Holder Played Race Card, Complaining About 'Ugly Adversity.' {Also, ONLY 2 HOUSE DEMS VOTED FOR OBAMA BUDGET, reflecting, again, the widening schism between BHO and the Dems who are struggling to be reelected.}


A Tea-Party-Patriots Co-Founder Blasted as a “Vile-Rant” the claim by the Wall Street Journal that Amnesty-Opponents are Racists [recalling my use of the “Reverse Racism” topic-heading for the past year]; also, exhibiting desperation and electoral fear, Nancy Pelosi claimed she’d Rather Pass Amnesty than Be Speaker.

Gov Walker Signed Bills Broadening and Protecting Exercise of Gun Rights; a Pistol Packing Nurse Saved a Man Being Beaten by Gang of Attackers in Detroit; a Fort Hood Soldier who was Unarmed, simply decided “to Lie Down and Wait to Die,” a soldier-says-the-fort-hood-tragedy-will-happen-again, and Palin [alluding to yesterday’s hearing] Warned Holder on Gun Bracelets: 'You Don't Want to Go There, Buddy.' Unfortunately, Muncie, IN Mayor and Detective Told Kids Guns are Scary and 'Really Bad.' {Also, cnn-is-finally covering-the-leland-yee-scandal, as a CNN REPORTER MOCKED NETWORK'S MISSING FLIGHT COVERAGE.}

I wrote this due to Rep. Fitzpatrick’s call for a vote on unemployment benefits:

To the Editor: Unfortunately, Congressman Fitzpatrick wants to extend federal unemployment benefits because he doesn’t want people “punished…for their inability to find employment” during Obama’s historically-prolonged recession (“Fitzpatrick calls for vote on unemployment benefits,” April 8). In the process, he would undermine the traditional role of states and perpetuate dependence on handouts, absent documentation that the recipient is actually seeking a job. Indeed, extending benefits to 99 weeks has increased the national unemployment rate by roughly 0.5%, according to two studies conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank, and a half-dozen reports have shown that extending either the amount or the duration of such benefits increases the length of time that workers remain unemployed. Mike has again promoted a feel-good concept that is contradicted by cogent research; this is why Constitutional Conservative Republicans are burdened by the need to fight a two-front battle…against Dems and RINO’s.



It should also be noted that Mike wrote the following to a constituent: “The cost of H.R. 3885 is offset by prohibiting individuals from collecting disability and unemployment benefits simultaneously.” This is an untrue non-sequitur, for one must qualify for disability benefits based upon defined criteria; he also has not provided a cost-analysis, suggesting that the TOTAL cost would not be offset in this fashion. {Flimsy, eh?}

In a desperate effort to explain away his work as a paid government informant, the Rev. Al Sharpton falsely claimed that he first ran into the FBI’s arms after his life was threatened by gangsters, an incident that prompted him to then record 10 face-to-face encounters with one of those dangerous hoodlums.

“In other news,” Medicare Paid Millionaire Linked to Dem-Senate Scandals More than Any Other Doctor; GOODWIN claimed Hillary pretends to be above partisanship; KIRSTEN POWERS: KICKSTARTER'S GOSNELL CENSORSHIP PART OF LIBERAL 'MOB RULE.'; UCSB Feminist Activist Student claimed Pro-Lifers Are 'Domestic Terrorists'; because GM Has Sold Only 58,000 Chevy Volts in Three Years, it is desperate to amp up sales and, thus, is lowering prices and planning to offer a cheaper model that doesn't go as far on a single charge as the existing model; and the Senate-GOP again Blocked the Dems from passing the Paycheck Fairness Act which is based on bad statistics, would have hurt Women’s job-prospects, would have presaged D.C. Setting Economy-Wide salaries, is a component of dems’ desperate war-on-women-baiting; and is satirized by the fact that the white-house-pay-gap-is twice-as-large-as-pay-gap-in-district-of-columbia.


It is desirable to investigate 2012 Vote Fraud because 35,750 people voted in North Carolina and also voted in at least one other state (of 27 studied, excluding the biggest) in the 2012 election. Also, regarding the GOP’s Civil-War, Joni-Ernst is Leading-in-Iowa-Over-Mark-Jacobs while HALEY BARBOUR JOINED DEMOCRATIC RISING STAR TO BOOST AMNESTY.

The Jewish Community Relations Council [in conjunction with NYC’s UJA-Federation] will allow groups into the Salute to Israel Parade that promote the BDS movement, which seeks Israel’s destruction; how seeking genocide against the people of Israel is saluting Israel is unclear, but in the progressive sycophantic mind it must somehow make sense. Also, professional BDS activists are behind anti-Israel campaigns on college campuses.

BHO’s Foreign policy is being attacked by Brit Hume [Undergoing 'Across-the-Board Systems Failure,' 'in Danger of Collapse' and MARCO RUBIO [AMERICA IS LESS SAFE TODAY BECAUSE OF OBAMA'S FAILED FOREIGN POLICY]; for example, Kerry now claims US Air Strikes on Syria Would not be 'Devastating' and US Said Iran's Pick for UN Envoy is simply 'Not Viable' (recalling Tuesday’s Senate vote supporting Cruz). {Also, Israel has little choice but to sit tight and await the next move by both Kerry and Abbas.}

Ukraine's Security Service Claimed Pro-Russians Have 60 Hostages in Luhansk, but the Luhansk Committee of Voters Claimed the Hostage Situation Was Hoax; regardless, without America’s support, KIEV WILL USE FORCE AGAINST PRO-RUSSIANS IN LUHANSK. In any case, as Russia and the U.S. Exchanged Accusations as East Ukraine Unrest Escalated, Putin demonstrated he is in-control. {Also, NKorea can deliver EMP attack.}


Regarding Islamism, ANTI-ISRAEL ADS ARE BEING RUN ON DC BUSES by American Muslims for Palestine, as people note American Muslims for Palestine's Telling Choice of Heroes. In America, the Man Arrested for Bomb Plot Was in US on Expired Visa and boston-marathon-bombing-suspect-sought to legally-change-his-name-to that of a famed-russian-militant; in England, the GROUP MONITORING ISLAMOPHOBIC ATTACKS 'EXAGGERATED SCALE OF PROBLEM.' Somalis working at Minneapolis City Hall declared February 28 ‘Hijab Day,’ and convinced female city hall employees to wear hijabs to the job.

I wrote this due to a series of letters published in the Jewish Exponent:

To the Editor: Audience revulsion against Alan Dershowitz’s ardently pro-Obama stance (at Penn’s University Museum) was triggered by my having asked that he repudiate any of Obama’s anti-Israel, pro-Iran statements or actions; instead, Dershowitz reiterated support for social liberalism and claimed he was closer politically to J Street than to Republicans who fear America is abandoning Eretz Yisrael. Indeed, his posture mirrors his attack on J Street, as captured by Truth Revolt; just substitute his name for “J Street” in this précis: “In reference to Iran, J Street is weakening both the United States' and Israel's position. J Street cannot call itself a pro-Israel group when it takes positions that do not reflect the view of Israeli leaders. J Street speaks out of both sides of its mouth. I analogize J Street to Jews-for-Jesus because Jews-for-Jesus fools students into thinking it is a Jewish organization, and J Street fools students into thinking it is a pro-Israel organization.” There is no shortage of grist available to prompt him to distance himself from Obama; for example, Kerry is blaming Israel for the breakdown of the so-called “peace process,” despite the fact that Abbas [and the Arab League] disavowed ever recognizing Israel as a Jewish State; far from portraying this as a concern to be addressed “eventually,” this must be viewed—as per Oslo—as a prerequisite for good-faith negotiations.


When analyzing the balanced letter-writing of the past few weeks, this one observation rectifies conflicts that emerge; Dershowitz’s presentation was reminiscent of his politicized faux-interview two years ago—at Penn’s Zellerbach Auditorium—during which he endorsed Obama’s re-election. J Street (noting devastating quotes from the documentary) is overtly anti-Israel; Dershowitz (noting his opposition to Jews living in Judea/Samaria) is covertly anti-Zionist.

After she had been shamefully dropped from speaking @ Commencement, AYAAN HIRSI ALI BLASTED BRANDEIS 'MOMENT OF SHAMING' in a scathing Response that was amplified by a BRANDEIS STUDENT [BLASTING UNIVERSITY 'HYPOCRISY']; this exemplifies how CAIR uses Lawfare and Intimidation.