action-items lxxviii [israel, islamism]

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  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items LXXVIII [Israel, Islamism]


    Inasmuch as domestic-concerns [and hot-button foreign-policy events, such as the Malaysian-Aircraft,

    hijacked perhaps by Al-Qaeda Linked Terrorists emulating the infamous '9/11 Style' Plane Hijacking]

    often obscure review of BHOs Foreign Policy Mishaps, it is desirable to initiate this blast by lamenting

    what BHO/Kerry have been doing to Israel, both with regard to the Palestinian Arabs and to Iran.

    Overall, Obama Doesnt Have Israels Back [By: Moshe Phillips and Benyamin Korn, president and

    chairman of the Philadelphia chapter of theReligious Zionists of America].

    I bought [and am thrilled with] SodaStream, initially due to the reaction to its having

    been endorsed byScarlett Johansson, about which she has No Regrets['I stand behind

    that decision,' she says, hinting she was unaware of the intensity of anti-Israel British

    public opinion]; scarlett-johansson-slammed-oxfam-for its political-agenda [video] and

    even ignored concerns of ICCR Shareholders. {Note this revelatory debate between

    Oxfam's Ben Phillips and SodaStream CEO,which captures Oxfams attitude toward Israel.}

    It matters not-a-whit that Israel is a quality world-citizen [Israel Develops Groundbreaking Technology

    To Help Cure Cancerandjoint-israeli-dutch-company-building-solar-plant-in-rwanda], nor does anyonecare that Israelis celebrate religious holidays with aplomb [the-name-purim is explored and others

    provide a purim-guide-for-the-perplexed , while a Israeli-Canadian Singers New Single Seeks to Give

    Purim Miracle Everyday Relevance and madonna-celebrates-purim-as-game-of-thrones-character- a messianic-blood-moon-is rising-on-passover-seder-night]. Similarly, historical

    references are dismissed as they relate to the Israeli/Arabland struggle,even when The Grand Mufti of

    Jerusalem admitted in Testimony [many decades ago] that The Jews did not Steal Arab Land in Israel.

    The underlying force, unfortunately, is that Religion Trumps Economics in the Middle East. {Finally,

    golden jewels dating to the time of Solomonwere unearthed ~50 yards south of the Kotel in Jerusalem,

    asGush Katif Residents Took Another Step Towards Normalcy by relocating their school.}

    Islam [which has yet to experience a Reformation]animated and animates the culture,explaining why womens rights have diminished since 1960 in the-islamic-world;some

    Exploited the Quran to Target the Jews,while at least onemuslim-scholar lamented the

    fact that Hitler hadnt finished-off Jewry. In reaction, a former-navy-seal-destroyed-

    islam-and-obama,and aWOMAN BURNED THE QURAN[risking life/limb of self/family].

  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items LXXVIII [Israel, Islamism]


    Anti-Semitismhas deep roots,bothoverseasand domestic; the latter may be seen in a larger context

    [Education for Death: The Making of the Nazi (1943) - WW2 Animated Propaganda Film by Walt Disney]

    and may also be perceived more ominously [recalling that FDR didn t bomb the RR-trax to the camps]:

    Why FDR didnt Help European Jews is explained by his decision to Intern Japanese

    Americans. His view of Japanese dovetail with his privately-expressed opinions of Jews.

    He complained about Jews overcrowding certain professions in Germany, North

    Africa, and even in Oregon. He was one of the initiators of a quota on the admission of

    Jews to Harvard. He boasted to one frienda U.S. senatorthat we have no Jewish

    blood in our veins. He claimed anti-Semitism in Poland was a reaction to Jews

    dominating the local economy. He embraced an advisers proposal to spread the Jews

    thin around the world, lest they dominate their host countries.

    It has beenmainstreamed, particularly in Europe, also in America; in the latter instance, it arises both

    subtly [facebook-fails-to-enforce-community-standards-for-vile-anti-semitic-page]and overtly [ISLAMIC


    FOR MISSING SON]. And, American religions have promoted it, manifest most overtly, most recently,

    through thePresbyterian Church (USA)'s new "study guide," which describes Judaism's core beliefs as'rooted' in 'intolerable human rights abuses.' This provoked composition of an open-letter-to-the-

    presbyterian-church-from-an-iraqi-jewand aPresbyterian Megachurch to Leave the Denomination,but

    the policy-statement has not been rescinded. [Also noted is a false-charge of anti-Semitism, which

    emerged as a Media Smear of General Boykin by inter alia the daily beast, which conjured a charge

    against a rightwing-ex-general by rejecting his claim that he was joking when he said [to an Israeli

    news service]: jews-are-the-problem.]Such is the atmosphere constantly created by the Libs.

    American Jewish Commitment to Israel & Judaism should be solid, but a NY Times

    column on anti-Zionism served as a reminder of its own publishers past;also, at the

    WaPo, only_israel-bashing_will_do. Exemplifying these tensions was a recent event,

    whenStudents at a prominent NY Jewish high school [Ramaz in Manhattan] expressedoutrage over banning the appearance of a Palestinian academic [Middle East scholar

    Rashid Khalidi] before a student-run political society at;others expressed the view that

    anti-zionists-must-not-be-allowed-to-hijack-the-jewish-community, as angry-nyc-ultra-

    liberal-jews-were told-to-stuff-it. More subtle manifestations of these attitudes arises

    from people such as Jeffrey Goldberg and Jackson Diehl, who were invoked to reveal

    Obamas Targeting of Israel;illustrating the overall dynamic were Two Letters sent to

    Bibi, one from Congress Welcoming him and the other from Jews Warning him.

    {Mutually exclusive, perhaps, was outrage over how the new-york-post covered the

    tragic-death-of-a kidnapped-chasidic-jew,an issue whichI probed in some depth.

    Meanwhile,EU's Foreign Affairs Chief Initially 'Refused' to Rule Out EU Israel Boycott, perhaps

    wishing to cite the eu-report-that demonized-israel-as-threatening-regional-security; ignored,

    however, was the fact that the EU said PA 'squandered' 1.95 billion euros in aid. Countries

    within the EU also grappled with policies that carried anti-Semitic overtones, including Denmark

    [which bans halal and kosher slaughter because 'Animal rights come before religion']

    scandinavians [where a circumcision controversy allegedly proved-europe-remains-the-dark-

    continent], and France, where the Forward wrote [noting the inherently-negative

    characterization] that a holocaust-denier [from the far-right National Front party] was running

    for-paris-city-council.In England,Islamic Rules were to be Enshrined into English and Welsh Law
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items LXXVIII [Israel, Islamism]


    [despite the fact that integrating Islamic law into family law in European and North American

    societies poses a serious threat to womens' rights], anIslamic Charity Described by Cameron as

    a 'Front' for Extremism received annual state-funding of 70,000, and avowed anti-Semite

    Galloway allegedly lied when he denied having refused to share a stage with an Israeli . {Also,

    the Muslim population of theFrench city of Marseille has been estimatedto be30-40%,and this

    entity has been rankedas the most dangerous cityinEurope.}


    Noting the [predictable] inaction with regard to the Nuke-talks, Israel has not been idle.

    Chorus of Israeli voices renews calls for strike

    Iran Nuclear Negotiations Drift from Dismantlement to Haggling over Future ReactorsNo Progress, but Iran says Nuclear Talks 'Very Successful' in Clarifying Issues

    Moscow Warns it May Change Stance on Iranian Nuke Talks

    Does Iran's Anti-Nuclear Fatwa Really Exist, as Claimed?


    Iran Says Russia Will Build 2 More Nuclear Plants in Bushehr

    Iran says it foiled sabotage attempt on nuke reactor

    'Israel, Prepare For Armageddon And Forget US Help' - EMPact America founder warns

    of Iran nuclear threat, says under Obama US has turned into an 'enemy of Israel.'


    Does Ukrainian Crisis Give Iran Breathing Room?

    World View: Does Iran's Anti-Nuclear Fatwa Really Exist, as Claimed?

    Iran-Backed Terror Group Launches 60 Rockets at Israel

    Lefties issue dire warnings [neocon-lies-could-trigger-nuclear-war]and proliferation appears to be global

    [Bolivian President Boasts Country 'Not Far' from Nuclear Program], but the necessary focus is Israeli:

    Netanyahu Allocated Almost $3 Billion for Iran Attack [per Newsmax];_ylt=AwrBJR4yJSdTCCkAUoDQtDMD;_ylt=AwrBJR4yJSdTCCkAUoDQtDMD;_ylt=AwrBJR4yJSdTCCkAUoDQtDMD
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items LXXVIII [Israel, Islamism]


    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon have

    reportedly ordered the military to continue preparing for a possible strike on Iran's

    nuclear facilities.

    Three Knesset members who were present at Knesset joint committee hearings on

    Israel Defense Forces plans said that at least 10 billion shekels ($2.89 billion) of the

    defense budget would be allocated this year for preparations for the strike on Iran, the

    Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported.

    After an interim accord between Iran and six world powers was reached, Netanyahu

    stressed that Israel will not consider itself bound by it. Netanyahu in fact is again making

    implied threats about a possible unilateral Israeli strike.

    "My friends, I believe that letting Iran enrich uranium would open up the floodgates,"

    Netanyahu said at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference in

    Washington earlier this month. "That must not happen. And we will make sure it does

    not happen."

    Ya'alon said in a recent speech at Tel Aviv University that he is now likely to back a

    unilateral strike on Iran in light of his assessment that the Obama administration will not

    do so, according to Haaretz.

    "We think the United States should be the one leading the campaign against Iran," he

    said. "But the U.S. has entered talks with them and unfortunately, in the haggling in the

    Persian bazaar, the Iranians were better.

    "Therefore on this matter we have to behave as though we have nobody to look out for

    us but ourselves."

    The second round of nuclear talks opened in Vienna on Tuesday with Iranian Foreign

    Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in attendance along with senior diplomats from the six

    powers the United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia, China, and Germany.

    Zarif wrote in an opinion piece for Britain's Financial Times that the six powers have

    agreed to seek a "mutually acceptable agreement" after realizing that "coercion,

    pressure and sanctions only result in more centrifuges, more resentment and deeper


  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items LXXVIII [Israel, Islamism]


    Peace Negotiations

    AsObama Whitewashed Abbasduring hisLow Expectationsvisitdespite his having absolutely rejected

    recognizing Israel as a Jewish State in any finalized Peace TreatyObama claimed Abbas Has

    Consistently Renounced Violence. Although some fear BHO may have set a Recognition Trap, most

    simply view the imminent collapse ofU.S. Middle East Policyas having prompted the players to prep the

    blame-game [and BHO/Kerry will probably conclude (primarily) Israel wouldnt cooperate].

    A Mass Prayer Rally was held At Kotel Against 'Kerry's Decrees,' as thousands joined

    prayers asking G-d to strengthen leaders and cancel Kerry plans to establish Arab capital

    in Jerusalem. Worriment was based upon BBs allegedly "clever plan" [offered with

    serious intent] to abandon 600,000 Jews to their fate under Palestinian Authority rule;

    the goal was to disabuseBB of the notion that an European Utopia could exist in Israel.

    America will blameIsrael?

    Between-barack-and a hard-place- Barack Obama and John Kerry are leading the charge

    to force Israel to relinquish land that would lead them to certain annihilation and hes

    once again considering inviting the EU on the bullying campaign by using economic

    sanctions. Israel is in a distinctly difficult position because if it gives up these strategic

    territories their most vulnerable populated areas become prime targets for terrorist

    attacks as well as the airport etc. with obvious dire consequences.

    Israel and the Terrorist Rug Merchant[Kerry, consistently incorrect]

    Washington Fears Collapse of Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks


    PEACE PLANThe-bitter-fruits-of-Bibis-Bar-Ilan-blunder

    Obama Abandoned Israel

    U.S. Wants Peace by End of 2014, Indyk Tells Jewish Leaders - Kerry's "framework" will include a

    Palestinian state and will leave 80% of "settlers" in their homes, say Jewish leaders who met


    OBAMAS BIG BREAKTHROUGH COMING BY END OF YEAR. Leaked: Official declaration of

    Palestinian state
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items LXXVIII [Israel, Islamism]




    The Palestinian Arabs will blame BOTH satans!

    abbas-suggests-obama-promised-67-lines with e-jerusalem as capital

    obama-pressed-abbas-on-mideast-peace-at-white-house-meeting [but there was no

    implied threat leveled at Abbas, as there had been at Netanyahu, a few weeks ago.]

    Whose Recognition Does Israel Really Need?


    Negotiation-failure is presaged by PA Incitement, which includes portraying Jews as

    'Subhuman';the annual incitement index during peace talks has increased.

    Israeli will articulate a range of reactions, although a consensus view is that Kerry erred.

    Obama Can't Handle Ya'alon's Truth

    Israel's defense chief says U.S. projecting 'weakness'

    Israels plain-speaking defence minister Moshe Yaalon said Monday that Tehran has the

    upper hand in nuclear negotiations, and dismissed the idea of Israeli dependence on the

    United States to lead an action against Irans nuclear program, saying that Israel canonly rely on itself.

    Kerry: Not an equal opportunity threatener


    Israeli Opposition [across the political spectrum] Slammed Kerry over 'Jewish State'

    Refusal, namely, that it would be a "mistake" to pursue Palestinian recognition of

    Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state. Israel's right-wing parties claimed the remark

    broke BHOs promises; Israel's left-wing said Palestinian Arabs would have to recognize

    Israel as a Jewish state in a final deal [per Labor Party leader Isaac Herzog, who is also

    the leader of the opposition. {This prompted rocker-david-draiman to curse-john-kerry.}

    Was Israel's Defence Minister Right to Rip Obama?- Just weeks ago, Israel intercepted a

    ship, the Klos C, with a cargo of sophisticated Iranian weapons destined for Iranian

    proxy armies terrorizing Israel. Just days ago, those same Iranian proxies fired dozens of

    rockets at Israel. Was there even a word of serious American protest to the Iranians?

    Did it even slightly alter the American negotiating posture? {Despite this imbalance,

    Israeli Defense Minister Again Apologized for Hurting John Kerry's Feelings.}


    Former United States CIA Director James Woolsey saidanti-Semitism could be part of

    the reason the U.S. has refused to release spy-for-Israel Jonathan Pollard, noting that

    Americans who spied for other countries were freed after much shorter sentences.

    Obama administration officials have not ruled out Netanyahus proposal that Pollard be

    released in exchange for Israels agreement to free Israeli Arabs convicted of terrorist

    acts. Daniel Pipes [prescient] opposed pardoning Pollardbecause it would only be done

    if a high-price were rendered regarding Palestinian-Arab and/or Iranian-Nuke policy.
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items LXXVIII [Israel, Islamism]


    Meanwhile, All Else is Static Terrorism

    Again illustrating the fact that the Sunni/Shiite divide is bridged whenever the opportunity arises to

    attack Israel and/or America, themuslim-brotherhood-signed-pact-with-al-qaeda;nevertheless,obama

    rejected the muslim-brotherhoods-terrorist-designation,despite its many Islamist activities.

    Toobama, islamic-terrorists Against Israel are driven by western-injustice.

    The Murdoch Doctrineprojects 50 years of Peace and Victorious Counter-Terrorism

    Terrorist Leader of Eilat Attack Dies in 'Work Accident'


    Arab Motorist Wounds Soldiers in Suspected Terror Attack


    Significant Threat to Millions of Israelis Averted

    wanted-16-years, top-hamas-operative-arrested in hebron[to whichJews return]


    IDF Prevented Terror Attack by arresting four terrorists with knives in Gush Etzion

    before they could enter the community of Migdal Oz.

    Gaza Militants Fired the Largest Rocket Barrage Into Israel Since 2012,

    perceived possibly as a probe, a test for Iran to gauge ISRAELs reactive

    MISSILE DEFENSE CAPABILITIES. At least 60 rockets fired concurrently

    from the Gaza Strip at Israeli southern cities early Wednesday evening,

    in the heaviest barrage of rockets since Israel's 2012 Hamas War.

    Apparently, this was a page from Iranian IRGC Mosaic military doctrine

    [Asymmetrical Rocket Warfare], designed to ensure secondary strikes

    reach their objectives unimpeded. [1]Fire a simultaneously volley of

    lesser-quality rockets to overwhelm Israels air defense net, and [2]

    Measure IDFs responsetime and counter air & ground tactics (types of

    counter battery fire). Gathering such intelligence would allow Irans

    military planners to open a pathway for a subsequent far-more-deadly

    heavy rocket & cruise missile assault. {As a direct result, reportedly, the

    US Provided $429 Million in Immediate Funding for Iron Dome.}
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items LXXVIII [Israel, Islamism]



    Palestinian Terrorists Complain: Jews Love Jerusalem More than We Do

    Hamas Chairman: We Live for Death and Destruction of Israel


    UNRWA Curriculum Content that does not exist

    PA schools named after terrorists raise generation of terror-admiring youth




    al-Qaeda Group APOLOGISES for Suicide Bombing

  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items LXXVIII [Israel, Islamism]


    FBI fired the only FBI Agent (before 9/11) tracking Bin Laden

    Anti-Christian Islamists murder in Nigeria and Elsewhere

    Muslim Fulani Herdsmen Murder at Least 100 Nigerian Christians in Nighttime Raid

    Islamist Terrorism Expert: State Dept Funding Madrasas in Nigeria

    Over 100 Killed in Nigeria Attacks Targeting Christians

    African Muslim mob slits throat of Christian walking by

    Iran: Evangelical Christians Are a 'Threat to National Security'

    Muslim Extremists Forced Christian Girls to Watch as their Mother was Beheaded

    Muslims Force Christian To Convert To Islam, Then Brutally Behead Him

    Christians Slaughtered by Muslims in Human Sacrifice Rituals
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items LXXVIII [Israel, Islamism]



    The BDS Movement persists.

    adl-upbraided kerry-for-making-it-more-likely-that-boycotts-will-ensue-if-peace-talks-fail



    Somecolleges-finally-are getting-tired-of-anti-israel-campus-antics

    Domestic Terrorism constitutes a ticking-timebomb.


    congressmen talk-to-al-qaeda-terrorists



    al-Qaeda Magazine Calls For Car Bombings In NYC, DC, LA, Chicago


    Dearborn Man Arrested Trying to Join Hizballah Fighters in SyriaCalifornia Convert Arrested Trying to Join Syrian Terrorists


    Virginia State Legislature Commends Mosque with Terror Links

    National Guard Reservist Charged with Attempting to Blow Up L.A. Subway

    Cabdriver Gets Six Years in Conspiracy to Aid Al-Shabaab

    Its called spying on muslims but its just sop for the rest of us

    CAIR tried to shut down briefing on American jihadi networks

    DOJ: Holy Land Foundation Bid to Vacate Trial Outcome 'Strains Credulity'


    california-prof paints-usama-bin-laden-as-freedom-fighter

    Federal Emergency Alert System easily taken over by hackersTexas police double as Mahmoudbergs militia

    Attack on California electric grid near San Jose is wake-up call

    jihadist-training-camps are in-texas


    Senators seek security review

    TSA Interrogated Jewish Author For Reading Conservative Newspaper

    2013 Attack on California Power Station Was Likely Terrorist Rehearsal
