act four scene 1

ACT FOUR scene 1

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Post on 30-Dec-2015




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ACT FOUR scene 1. I’m better off being hated openly than behind my back. I’ve hit rock bottom, things can only get better. for now, I’ll just pose as a beggar, I could stay close to my father this way. The change. Poor tom, near dover theres a cliff, take me there and I will re ward you. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: ACT FOUR scene 1

ACT FOURscene 1

Page 2: ACT FOUR scene 1

I’m better off being hated openly than behind my

back. I’ve hit rock bottom, things can only get better. for now, I’ll just pose as a beggar, I could stay close

to my father this way

The change

Page 3: ACT FOUR scene 1

Leave me be old man, its dangerous being around me.

But you’re blind

I don’t need to see. My experience has

humbled me . I wish I could see my son

Oh gods, I’m worse off now more than ever

Its poor crazy tom

I’ll have him take me to dover catch up with us

later old man


Poor tom, near dover theres a cliff, take me

there and I will re ward you.


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Scene 2Welcome Edmund,

I’m surprised my husband isn’t here

Oswald. Where is

your master?

He’s inside. Something is wrong

with him. Good news makes him

sad and bad news makes him happy.

Don’t come with me then edmund. Go see my brother in law and gather the troops. It is time for me to take control of my household. If you help me

with this then I’ll be your girlfriend. Oswald will relay

messages between us. Goodbye and good luck.

I’m with you till the

end I wish edmund was my man. My husband sucks

Albany’s coming!

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There you are. You haven’t been showin me no love

Love?? You’re not even worth the dust that the wind blows

in your face. I cant bring myself to trust a woman who would harm her own father. You’re like a broken branch from a tree, you will wither

and die!!!

JERK!!! Your such a coward. France has invaded our country

and all you can do is sit around and whine.

Your not even a man!

My lord, the duke of cornwall is dead. He was killed by his

servant while trying to gouge glocesters eye.

Oh no, cornwall is dead and his

widowed regan is traveling with my coveted edmund. She might take my man . Anyway, its

good to have cornwall out of the


Where was edmund when this happened? Does he


Yes, he denounced

his own father and left the house and

allowed his fathers attack.

Gloucester, I’ll avenge you. Tell me more


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Scene 3Do you know why the king of France

had to go back home?

He had urgent business to tend

to. He left the marshal of France in charge for the

time being.

Did the letters you delivered have any

effect on queen cordeilia?

Yes, she read them in front of me and could

not hold back her tears. She cried out “father” and “wicked sisters” in

sorrow, and then fled to grieve alone.

It must be fate that makes us who we are. Otherwise, there is no way someone as kind as cordelia would

be cursed with such terrible circumstances. Lear is still tortured by guilt and cannot bring himself to

see his daughter. Albany and Cornwall’s troops are on the move. I need to remain disguised a little longer, but when I reveal myself, you’ll be happy you helped me.

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Scene 4The king is

missing! I need 100 soldiers to

find him and bring him to me.

AY, fair queen.

My father has gone mad. I’d give

anything to whoever could help him

become sane again.

He needs some herb.

The british

are coming

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Scene 5We shouldve killed

gloucester when we had the chance. Now it just

makes us look bad since we gouged his eyes out and everthing. Oswald, you should spend the


Can’t, I have to take goneril’s

letter to edmund

It’s a love letter isn’t it? That’s not fair, I know she hates her husband but I’m

a widow now and edmund should be my man. Tell my sister to

back off. If you see gloucester, let me know.


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Scene 6



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We’re here, this cliff is sooooo


Really? Lead me to the edge so I

can commit suicide off it.

Gods forgive my sins cool

I cant let my father jump. I’ll

just let him think he’s commiting


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Goodbye cruel world

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A little while later

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You ok? That fall should have

killed you

Leave me alone, I want to be dead.

Look look, a mouse throw him a pice of


I feel like fighting a giant….whats the


What the hell????

Is that the

king? He



Page 14: ACT FOUR scene 1

Yes it is the king. My daughters got me going crazy. Both of them took advantage of me. One

criminal punishes another. Im going to kill

my sons in laws.

Theres the king, get him


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i found you gloucester,

now I can kill you and get


I was born

ready to die

Chill out fellas

Don’t protect that

traitor. Move or I’ll

kill you Wasup then?


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After the fight

You’ve killed me. Take my money so that I have a classy funeral. And give

this letter to edmund.

Lets read it

“ edmund don’t forget our deal. You need to kill albany so that me and you can shack up. I really don’t want to share beds with that man anymore” -goneril

She’s a witch! Lets bury

oswald here.

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Scene 7

Oh kent I wish I could be like you. Y don’t you take off that disguise


Thanks, but I cant. Promise me you wont

reveal my identity until the

time is right

Cross my heart. How is the king?

He’s asleep

Carry him in

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You poor old man. My sisters were so mean to you, they even left

you outside during the terrible storm. How

could they be so heartless. I wouldn’t do that to a vicious

dog, even if it bit me.

Awww, what a


He’s waking up


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………where am i? is this france? Cordelia forgive

me. Your sisters were cruel to me for no

reason and you weren’t even though you had

every reason to be. Im such a crazy eighty something year old


Its all good. Lets go take

a walk everyone.

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Is it true that

cornwall is dead?

Yeah, gloucesters bastard son is leading his men now. The British are

coming. They’re about to set it off, this could decide

my fate