act 9 ingles i

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INGLES I Perfil SalirUsted est aqu Campus16-2013 II / 90008A / Cuestionarios / Act. 9 Content Quiz # 2 Reading (Units 8 - 15) / Intento 1Act. 9 Content Quiz # 2 Reading (Units 8 - 15)Principio del formularioQuestion 1 Puntos: 1 Choose the best option according to the Reading "Home Sweet Home".

The passage tells us about:Seleccione una respuesta. a. Differences between Latin American and American families.

b. Children's habits after of school.

c. Food and family in American homes

d. Eating habits of American people.

Question 2 Puntos: 1 According to the reading "Iguazu Falls", choose the correct answer:

The word It refers to:Seleccione una respuesta. a. Brazil River

b. Paran River

c. The Itaipu Dam

d. Iguazu River

Question 3 Puntos: 1 According to the reading "Celebrities", choose the correct answer:

Who is an actor, producer, director and writer?Seleccione una respuesta. a. Jack Nicholson

b. Jennifer Lopez's father

c. Jack Nicholson's wife

d. Jennifer Lopez

Question 4 Puntos: 1 According to the Reading "Julian's work", choose the best option to answer the question:

What does Julian hope to turn his story into? Seleccione una respuesta. a. a book

b. a play

c. a tv show

d. a movie

Question 5 Puntos: 1 According to the reading "Celebrities", choose the correct answer:

Who is thirty-four years old?Seleccione una respuesta. a. Jack Nicholson

b. Jennifer Lopez

c. Jennifer Lopez's mother

d. Jack Nicholson's son

Question 6 Puntos: 1 According to the reading "Iguazu Falls", choose the correct answer:

The word dam refers to:Seleccione una respuesta. a. a big river

b. a swimming pool

c. a big fall

d. Reservoir water

Question 7 Puntos: 1 According to the reading "Celebrities", choose the correct answer:

Who likes dancing?Seleccione una respuesta. a. The children

b. Jack Nicholson

c. Jennifer Lopez

d. The family

Question 8 Puntos: 1 According to the Reading "Home Sweet Home", choose the best option that completes the sentence:

Some North American families...Seleccione una respuesta. a. Have typical food for dinner

b. Eat in dormitories

c. Have TV dinners

d. Talk to each other all the time

Question 9 Puntos: 1 According to the reading "Celebrities", choose the correct answer:

Who is from New Jersey?Seleccione una respuesta. a. Jack Nicholson's children.

b. Jack Nicholson

c. Jennifer Lopez's parents

d. Jennifer Lopez

Question 10 Puntos: 1 According to the reading "The Iguazu Falls", choose the best option:

What is Foz do Iguazu?Seleccione una respuesta. a. It is a big river

b. It is a big town

c. It is a big country

d. It is a big city

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Usted se ha autentificado como FRANCISCO JAVIER ROJAS (Salir)90008A