acn-08f-lec01-intro networking

Advanced Computer Networks EE/CS 6713 Dr. Amir Qayyum

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Advanced Computer NetworksEE/CS 6713

Dr. Amir Qayyum

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Instructor’s Profile

• Ph.D. Mobile Wireless Net., Univ. of Paris-Sud, France– Elect. Engg.,U.E.T. Lahore– M.S. Comp. Engg., E.S.I.M., France– D.E.A. Parallel Comp. Arch., Univ. of Paris-Sud, France

• MANET: Participant of working group of IETF since 1997– Co-author of an RFC on routing protocol for MANETs

• INRIA, France: Worked as research fellow– On Praxitele, PRIMA and IPANEMA projects

• Enabling Technologies: Network protocol stack develop.– Implementation of RTP/TCP/IP stack for RISC based packet processor

• CARE Pvt Ltd: Design/dev. of long-range, secure MANETs• CASE: Chairman Computer Engineering Dept.• M A Jinnah University, Islamabad

– Faculty member and Project Director of two ICT R&D Fund projects

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• Slides are based in part on materials by L. Peterson, S. Lumeta and others

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Course Significance and Rationale

• Networks and telecommunication is getting more and more importance

• Future telecommunication will be more oriented toward “networks” rather than “communication”

• Widespread Internet, diffused in our daily life is a ground reality; its beneficial to understand it

• Its fun to play with protocols (software) and able to design exciting new type of networks

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Foundation Course in Network Stream

• This course is a foundation course for “Networks” as the area of specialization

• It is a pre-requisite course for advanced level courses in networking– Network Security

– Mobile and Wireless Networks

– Multimedia Services over IP Networks

– Performance Analysis of Communication Networks

– Network and System Programming

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• Required:– An undergrad course on computer networks– Good knowledge of C language

• Recommended:– C Programming experience on Linux– Understanding of computer architecture– Basic operating system concepts

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Course Staff• Instructor:

– Dr. Amir Qayyum• Tel: 051 111 878787

• Email: [email protected]

• Teaching assistant:– Mr Ehsan Elahi

• Tel: 0333 6702101

• Email: [email protected]

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General Information

• Discussion / mailing list– [email protected] (students only)

– Discussions, queries, announcements, …, everything!

• Web page to join the group:–– Click on “Join this group”

– You must provide name & roll no in your request

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Course Schedule• Lectures

– Tuesday & Thursday: 7:15–8:45 p.m.

• Assignments– 3 assigns today! Then 1 assign every 2 weeks

• Quizzes / Project– 1st quiz before midterm, 2nd before final exam

• Midterm exam– Tentative: 20th – 26th October, 2008

• Final exam

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Assessment and Grading

• Assignments 32%– 8 (or more) assignments will be given

• Research paper, portfolio and product idea are also counted as individual assignment

• Quizzes / Project 13%– If not given, marks will be adjusted elsewhere

• Midterm exam 25%• Final exam 30%

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Grading Policy

• Relative marking: grades are given according to the class standing of a student

• Grading will follow the bell shaped curve, as much as possible– Average marks of the class will be approx centered

around grade B

– Approx 10% of the top students will get grade A

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• Its your responsibility to regularly check the course yahoogroup for important notifications

• Assignments will usually contain three parts:– Questions on course topics– Questions on research papers– Programming

• Submission date given with each assign– Late assignment is not accepted

• Plagiarism will not be tolerated

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Sessions on Linux Programming

• A tutorial session with be conducted by the TA– For those students who are not experienced with

programming on Linux

– The session should be attended by all

• How to program, compile, debug and run your code on Linux will be explained

• Fedora Core 7 or 8 will be used for demonstration– You can use any Linux distribution at your own

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Academic Honesty

• Your work in this class must be your own• For the first infraction, all involved students will

receive 0 marks– If they are found to have collaborated excessively or to

have cheated

– e.g. by copying or sharing answers during an assignment, project or examination

• Further infractions will result in failure in the course

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Course Material

• Reference books– Many textbooks on networking may be consulted

• Lot of research papers!– Many will be recommended and given in assign

• RFCs and Internet drafts– Related to TCP/IP suite and other protocols

• Web resources– Tutorials, white papers, reports, etc.

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Text Book

• Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davies, Computer Networks: A Systems Approach– Fourth Edition [2007], Morgan Kaufmann

Publishers, California, USA

• W. Richard Stevens, UNIX Network Programming, Volume 1, (Networking APIs: Sockets and XTI)– Second Edition, Prentice Hall

– Recommended ONLY for programming part

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Objectives: Principles and Concepts

• At the end of this course, you should be able to:– identify the problems that arise in networked


– explain advantages/disadvantages of existing solutions to these problems in different networking scenarios

– evaluate novel approaches to these problems

– understand the components of Internet protocol suite

– understand the implications of a given solution for performance in various networking environments

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Objectives: Programming

• At the end of this course, you should be able to:– identify and describe the purpose of each component

of the TCP/IP protocol suite

– develop client-server applications using TCP/IP

– understand the impact of trends in network hardware on network software issues

– understand over 1000 useful (or useless) VUAs

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Course Contents• Overview• Introduction to network programming• Direct link networks• Packet switching• Internetworking• End-to-end protocols• Congestion control and resource allocation• End-to-end data• Network Security• Applications• Performance analysis and queuing theory (?)

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What do you want (or expect) to learn from

this course ?

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• This course IS about …– Network principles and concepts

– General purpose computer networks

– Internet perspective• Major components of the Internet protocol suite

– Network software

– Designing and building a system

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• This course IS NOT about …– Survey of existing protocol standards

– Specialized networks (e.g. CATV, telephone)

– OSI perspective

– Network hardware• Data transmission on physical layer

– Queuing theory (we do survey, if time permits)

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We will learn


networks are like they are

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Any Question ?