acid stains manual

I ntro ductio n to D esigni n g a nd Manufacturing Acid Stains Rushing things will only create costly mistakes. Safety is always the most  im por tant factor when manu f act uring a produ ct. Th is is an addition to the  manua l; When maki ng acid s t ains, it is not necessary to ad d the acid until  lat er an d even aft er y ou have placed the prod uct in a bot tle so lon g as y ou  l eav e ro om for the acid. O n e thing y ou will notice is “T he acid stain wit hin  the bot tle will cha nge a f t er addi ng the acid. O n ce you get the h ang of it, you  can mix in larger quantities for faster production. I do it all the time. e use seve ral M etallic Salt s to make our sta ins. As y o u know a cid st ainin g i s rap idly  gaining popu larity in co m mercial and reside nti al locations.. Th e s tains th at we design  w il l no t ch ip , pe e l o r f a de . W hen pr o pe rly se a led a n d po l is h ed , o u r s t ains w il l pr o v id e lasting beauty for a long time with little maintenance needed.).  W Concrete Make-up is essential in results from an ac id stain. An ave rag e mix design wo uld be 40% rock or gravel, 10-12 % P ortland cem ent, 20-26% Sand , 12-16% Wa ter, 3-8% air en trai nme nt. W ha t to m ix f irst? Mixing Hydrochloric Acid with water and metal salts can be tricky. Always make sure you have a well ventilated work area. Make sure there are that there no item s ar ound th at would not be comp atible wit h y our new project . T her e is a point of mixing where it doesn’t matter how much salt you place in the mix. You can however put too little. The stronger you would like a mix, the heavier you make it based on dilution plans Safety  A lw a y s m ake s ur e yo u sta r t w it h c lea n p a ck a gi n g a nd m ix in g t oo l s. H a v e p le nt y o f w at er ne a r by ..  T he f ir st i tem in is a lw a y s “W A T ER ”. It’s time to mix.

Upload: maxbyz

Post on 04-Jun-2018




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