acid + alkaline foods + facts

Your health depends on the balance of an alkaline environment by eating foods rich in alkaline. There should be an 80/20% balance between alkaline and acid intake. The effects of doing so and regulating the bodys acid/alkaline chemistry can result in Weight loss (More efficient metabolism) Increased stamina and strength Stronger immune system And greater sense of well being Without this balance we can become really unhealthy If our intake of acid forming foods becomes greater it is possible this can lead to things like: Cancer cardiovascular disease diabetes Examples of acid forming foods: sugars tansfats (Hydrogenation of liquid oils into solid fats) Linked to heart attacks an strokes fast food white bread refined foods ^^^^^ One of the worst being refined foods: you lose vital vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants Processed food experiences/side effects: Hypoglycaemia: high in sugar. The sugar gets into your bloodstream. rise in your blood sugar level causes your pancreas to produce too much insulin. Too much insulin causes your blood sugar level to go down Feel weak and tired Destroyed Enzymes Your body needs enzymes to break down food. High heat temperatures destroy enzymes when being processed Constipation Refined and processed foods often do not contain enough fiber.

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Page 1: Acid + Alkaline Foods + Facts

Your health depends on the balance of an alkaline environment by eating foods rich in alkaline.

There should be an 80/20% balance between alkaline and acid intake.

The effects of doing so and regulating the bodys acid/alkaline chemistry can result in Weight loss (More efficient metabolism) Increased stamina and strength Stronger immune system And greater sense of well being

Without this balance we can become really unhealthyIf our intake of acid forming foods becomes greater it is possible this can lead to things like:

Cancer cardiovascular disease diabetes

Examples of acid forming foods: sugars tansfats (Hydrogenation of liquid oils into solid fats) Linked to heart attacks an strokes fast food white bread refined foods

^^^^^One of the worst being refined foods:you lose vitalvitamins, minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants

Processed food experiences/side effects:

Hypoglycaemia: high in sugar. The sugar gets into your bloodstream. rise in your blood sugar level causes your pancreas to produce too much insulin.Too much insulin causes your blood sugar level to go downFeel weak and tired

Destroyed EnzymesYour body needs enzymes to break down food. High heat temperatures destroy enzymes when being processed

ConstipationRefined and processed foods often do not contain enough fiber.

No fibre = Inefficient waste disposalFiber stabilizes blood sugar levels, and control weight. It helps to prevent gastrointestinal problems such as gallstones, hemorrhoids, and constipation.

Acidity and alkalinity are measured in pH (potential of hydrogen). The pH scale goes from 0 to 14, with 0 the most acidic, and 14 the most alkaline. The pH of stomach acid is 1…water is 7 (neutral), Venous blood (return) is 7.35, arterial blood is 7.4, sea water is 8.5, and baking soda is 12. Ideally, our pH should stay on the alkaline side: between 7.35 and 7.45.

Page 2: Acid + Alkaline Foods + Facts

An acid is a molecule / ion that can contribute a hydrogen ion to a solution (solution being a bodily fluid)

An alkalizing substance contains a molecule or ion that combines with hydrogen ions to remove them from a solution……………………. it neutralizes acids

THEREFORE:An acid-forming food contributes hydrogen ions to the body, making it more acidic + vice versa


This is all based on the effect foods have on the body after digestion, not on their own acidity or alkalinity

Generally acidic tasting foods don’t always have an acid forming effect Very often, an acidic-tasting food is alkalizing. E.g Lemons taste acidic, yet they are alkalizing due to the minerals left after digestion help

remove hydrogen ions.


Your body can break down bones: to steal alkalizing minerals from them to prevent the blood pH dropping into acid range

You can feel fatigued: due to the cells in your metabolism suffering

Heartburn Acid-tasting burps), Bloating, Belching, Feeling full after eating small amounts of food. Insomnia, Water retention, Migraines, Constipation with diarrhea, Burning sensation on the tongue and in the mouth Halitosis (person produces an odor from their oral or nasal regions)

WHAT TO DO? Eat a diet that helps your body maintain the correct acidity-alkalinity balance. A ratio of four parts alkaline to one part acid. (Exercise creates acid) Less active people can handle a diet with two parts alkaline to one part acid.

Page 3: Acid + Alkaline Foods + Facts

Time release??

EFFECTS OF TRAININGWhen we exercise, the increased use of muscle glycogen for energy produces lactic acid, pyruvic acid, and CO2, which decreases muscle pH

The harder you exercise the quicker your muscles become acidic which leads to fatigue. Accumulation of acid also limits the production of ATP, the energy molecule, and disrupts enzyme activity that produces energy.

For example, the enzyme phosphofructokinase is the rate-limiting step in muscle use of glycogen. When muscle pH falls below 6.5 it stops working altogether. Acidity also reduces muscle power directly by inhibiting the contractile action of muscle fibers.

“Endurance and elite sports athletes should be concerned about maintaining a healthy pH balance,” says Robert Burns, PhD. He notes that lactic acid build-up or hydrogen ion excess is of most concern. As the body metabolizes food, acid waste is created which must be removed or neutralized through the lungs, kidneys (urine) and skin. “pH balance and acid buffering are crucial to human health and slowing the aging process,” he explains. Athletes, coaches and practitioners of holistic and traditional medicine are paying more attention to this area. “We may be able to buffer or slow the negative effects that acidosis has on athletes as well as the many disparate maladies that share acidosis as a common thread,” he concludes.

The use of alkaline water is proving to increase competitiveness and overall performance in world class athletes. A diet that supports alkalinity is also recommended by sports nutritionists. Consuming alkaline water will reduce the accumulation of acidity in exercising muscles, improving workout intensity and recovery time. Former Denver Bronco, Bill Romanowski, was introduced to the power of ‘ionized’ water late in his career doing anything legal to maintain his competitive edge.

Competitive bodybuilder, Wade McNutt, credits the use of alkaline water for motivating him to come out of retirement. He says he has increased his training volume by 2.5 times with decreased recovery time and no muscle soreness. In his opinion, all sports teams should be drinking alkaline water because it will reduce injuries and allow for more efficient training.

In her book, The Chemistry of Success: Secrets of Peak Performance, Susan Lark, MD, talks about the role of acid/alkaline balance in peak performance and health. The following is her assessment of alkaline water:

“The benefits of the alkaline water created through electrolysis far exceed just its ability to gently raise the pH of the cells and tissues of the body and to neutralize acids. Because the alkaline water has gained a significant number of free electrons through the electrolysis process, it is able to donate these electrons to active oxygen free radicals in the body, thereby becoming a super antioxidant. By donating its excess free electrons, alkaline water is able to block the oxidation of normal tissue by free oxygen radicals.”

Page 4: Acid + Alkaline Foods + Facts

She continues by noting that another significant benefit of the electrolysis process is that the cluster size of the alkaline water is reduced by about 50% from the cluster size of tap water. “This allows ionized alkaline water to be much more readily absorbed by the body, thereby increasing the water’s hydrating ability and its ability to carry its negative ions and alkalizing effect to all the cells and tissues of the body.”

“If you are overly acidic an alkaline water device can provide a safe, gentle and effective way of restoring the pH balance of all the cells in your body as well as providing excess free electrons to act as super antioxidants,” Lark recommends.

Most people, including most athletes, do not consume enough alkaline rich foods, such as nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Instead their diets contain high amounts of acid forming foods, such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy. Because of this dietary imbalance, they may be at risk for increased acidosis that affects overall health and sports performance. Since proper hydration is also a key factor in preventing exercise fatigue, consuming alkaline water before, during and after exercise can help.

Men and women???What would happen if someone eats too much acid food?how long to balance??