aces 2011 members recruitment

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  • 8/8/2019 ACES 2011 Members Recruitment


    The 7th

    Annual Conference for Engineering Students

    Members Recruitment


    Table of contents:

    A. OD committee

    a. Research and development. 2

    b. Human Resources.. 3

    B. OC committee

    a. Public Relations . 4

    b. Reception . 5

    c. Logistics .. 6

    d. Fund Raising . 7e. Publications . 8

    If you are interested in applying, Please follow this link and fill the application
  • 8/8/2019 ACES 2011 Members Recruitment


    The 7th

    Annual Conference for Engineering Students

    Members Recruitment


    Research And Development OD commitee

    Would you like to be irreplaceable & unique when you graduate? Do you wish to

    learn more about planning, creativity & research? How about changing to a more

    organized life that will make you achieve your dreams? Do you seek a better output

    for everything you do? Do you want to contribute to ACES quality? Youll know

    why the multinational companies continue to be at the top so we can do the same

    for ACES. Youll participate in ACES future progress; youll be the change maker & the

    problem solver, youll handle the documentation & keep record of ACES entities. Its

    your chance to work with a committee or a workshop throughout the year & learn

    two experiences at the same time. Dont miss this great opportunity!. First time

    members & Ex-ACESians are encouraged to join.

    Committees Job Description

    For more information, contact Hesham Usama ([email protected]) Mob. 0104557815

    Coordinate in workshops and committees

    Search for new ideas to develop ACES this year and coming years

    Putting KPIs for any project and conducting it to project manger

    Make an operations manual for committees

    Documenting events, actions, decisions and resources

    Do market researches to help ACES take right strategic decision

    Set communication channels with other heads and HB

    Define committees role and tasks

    Set coordination system in committees and workshops (if needed)

    Putting members selection criteria

    Set objectives for committee

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  • 8/8/2019 ACES 2011 Members Recruitment


    The 7th

    Annual Conference for Engineering Students

    Members Recruitment


    Human Resources OD commitee

    HR is the fuel of the organization to a high spirit and performance andthough to more success.... HR is the power generator, it's the Eye thatwatches and the hand that cares about every single one in ACES :)

    We all know that Organization = Humans :) without them nothing can be done andthat's SIMPLY HR role :)

    Committees Job Description:

    HR.... Get ready to Communicate.... Learn... and Have Fun :) **waiting for you:)

    For more information, contact May El-Dardiry ([email protected])

    Creating a database for the members and participants with coordination ofthe IT committee.:)

    Performance management and co-coordinating with the heads and the RnDcommittee.

    Applying a feedback system inside the organization.

    Co-ordination in meetings of workshops and OC committees which will include:

    Documenting the meetings.Assessment of members

    inside the meeting.Motivating the team through

    some pre-prepared stuff.

    Motivating the members and brainstorming for new ideas to motivate them.

    Responsible of training and developing ACES members to reach the top

    performance in their work.

    Maintaining the balance between spreading the one family concept and notcrossing limits nor losing our values.

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  • 8/8/2019 ACES 2011 Members Recruitment


    The 7th

    Annual Conference for Engineering Students

    Members Recruitment


    Public Relations OC commitee

    Always remember that PR committee is the image of ACES and the tongue of the conference

    PR committee provides you with all mentioned above in a marvelously excellent process full of fun and great

    moments.PR is simply what everyone needs in his/her daily life

    Throughout being a part of Public Relations committee, you will get involved in the following: Interacting with Ain Shams academic staff and student affairs.

    Establishing contact with famous keynote speakers, guests and VIPs.

    Ushering VIP guests, keynote speakers, media and students.

    Providing media coverage for ACES throughout the year.

    Managing media sponsorship opportunities for ACES.

    Prepare the conference media benefit-pack concerning sponsorship opportunities(English/Arabic).

    Events planning, organizing & marketing inside/outside the faculty.

    Providing creative marketing ideas & promotional material in coordination with

    Fund-Raising committee. Writing & posting ACES newsletter through (Facebook/ACES Website/Twitter) in

    coordination with IT committee.

    Writing press releases (Newspaper/Websites/Magazines - Arabic/English) andarticles for ACES magazine.

    Writing the workshops description in coordination with academic committeemoderators.

    Preparing a valid database of ACES11 contacts in coordination with IT committee.

    For more information, contact Ahmed El Guindy ([email protected] )

    Mohamed Mira ([email protected] )

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  • 8/8/2019 ACES 2011 Members Recruitment


    The 7th

    Annual Conference for Engineering Students

    Members Recruitment


    Reception OC commitee

    Welcome to ACES, please enjoy and Smile!

    Reception Committee:

    Reception committee welcomes everyone related to the conference; through

    designing and building booths, planning and decorating events, decoratingsessions and workshops, preparing and serving coffee breaksetc.

    Creating a creative working atmosphere is this committees goal

    For more information, contact NesmaAbd El-Hady ([email protected])


    Booth designand


    Creating agood


    Serving Decorations




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  • 8/8/2019 ACES 2011 Members Recruitment


    The 7th

    Annual Conference for Engineering Students

    Members Recruitment


    Logistics OC commitee"Behind every great organization there was even greater logistician."

    If you are a hard worker, full of energy, looking forward to supply your organization with the needed materials, learning

    how to keep up the budget, how to purchase the suitable product with the minimum price, and how to initiate dealsconcerning catering sponsorship opportunities. In logistics and coordination you will get to negotiate with wide variety

    of different types of people.

    Then dont hesitate & think again, join ACES11 logistics team to experience all mentioned above and even more.

    Throughout being a part of Logistics committee, you will get involved in the following:

    Sorting and labeling items purchased inside store room

    Supplying different events organized through ACES with the required goods

    Dealing with catering sponsorship opportunities

    Building the booth for ACES events

    Handle coordination plan concerning ACES workshops

    Handle print house deals concerning banners, business cards, brochures, flyers ... etc.

    For more information, contact Amr Hammam ([email protected])


    Estimating thebudget

    Supplying the conference

    Handle coordination

  • 8/8/2019 ACES 2011 Members Recruitment


    The 7th

    Annual Conference for Engineering Students

    Members Recruitment


    Fund-Raising OC commitee

    Have you ever wondered how those guys in professional corporations find opportunities, hunt

    them, start deals, manage and finish them? Have you ever wished to be among them, learn and

    interact from them in such a professional atmosphere?

    Well, ACES fund raising committee is the place where negotiation skills are highly enhanced

    through managing deals, to supply ACES with fund.

    Throughout being a part of Fund Raising committee, you will get involved in the following :

    Brainstorming for attractive Benefit Pack.

    Getting and managing the deals with the sponsors.

    Seeking in-kind sponsors. Following up with deals to make sure that sponsors get all their agreed upon benefits, and

    vise verse.

    Establishing and maintaining good relations with sponsors.

    Writing the marketing plan in coordination with marketing department and logistics


    For more information, contact Amr Gomaa ([email protected])






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  • 8/8/2019 ACES 2011 Members Recruitment
