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ACDC Quick Guide 2017-18 reporting period

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ACDC Quick Guide 2017-18 reporting period

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ACDC Quick Guide

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Table of contents

Introduction .................................................................................................. 2

Tasks related to ACDC data submission ................................................... 2

Step 1 – Staff access role confirmation ........................................................................... 2

Step 2 – Service user demographics ............................................................................... 3

Step 3 – Service user service records ............................................................................. 7

Step 4 – Plans data input (NOT REQUIRED for 2017-18) .............................................. 10

Step 5 – Data validation ................................................................................................... 11

Step 6 – Data submission ............................................................................................... 13

Appendix A – ACDC staff access roles .................................................... 15

Appendix B – ACDC staff access: adding and removing ....................... 16

Adding staff access ......................................................................................................... 16

Removing staff access .................................................................................................... 18

The Disability Services Commission is the statutory authority responsible for disability services in Western

Australia. On 1 July 2017, the Disability Services Commission became part of the newly formed Department

of Communities. For the purpose of this document, the Disability Services Commission is referred to as the

Department of Communities, Disability Services.

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Introduction For an introduction to the data on people and services to report in ACDC, please refer to

the Department of Communities, Disability Services website for the ACDC 2017-18

Reporting Requirements Information Sheet.

Tasks related to ACDC data submission

Step 1 – Staff access role confirmation

When you login to ACDC for the first time for the 2017-18 collection period, ACDC will

display a message advising you that a staff member with the ACDC role of Agency

Authorising Officer (AAO) is required to login to complete a staff access verification step

for your organisation. This screen can be dismissed by you if you are not an AAO, or if you

are an AAO but do not wish to acknowledge the message, however it will reappear upon

each subsequent login until the acknowledgement is performed. An example of this

message is provided below.

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Descriptions of access roles available for your staff in ACDC are included at Appendix A.

The steps required to review, and add or remove ACDC access for your staff are detailed

at Appendix B.

Step 2 – Service user demographics

Update and validate demographic data for your organisation’s service users, as required1.

a. You can access service users’ records through the service type outlets. From the

Home page click on the name of the service type outlet, which is listed under the

Service Name column title under the Outlets tab, as shown in the screenshot


b. It’s important to note that you only need to update and validate the demographics

for service users where your organisation is designated the Responsible Service

Provider for that individual. A red dot against a service user’s name under the

Demographics column indicates that the service user’s demographics need to be

validated. In the example below Adam Ant and Sallytest Smithtest have red dots

against their names, indicating that their demographics need to be updated.

1 The term “service user” refers to people your organisation provided services to that were funded by the Disability Services Commission or Department of Communities - Disability Services.

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c. Click on the service user’s name to open their record.

d. The screenshot below shows you an example of the service user screen (for

Sallytest Smithtest). The screen opens by default under the Summary tab, which

shows the demographics. To edit demographics, click the Edit General Details

button (shown at bottom, right of the image).

e. When you’ve completed editing the General Details screen, click the Save & Next

Page button at the bottom of the General Details screen (as shown in the

screenshot below) to go on and edit the Other Details screen which will

automatically open.

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f. When you’ve completed editing the Other Details screen click the Save button at

the bottom of the Other Details screen, as shown in the screenshot below.

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g. Return to the Summary tab. Scroll down the screen to the Data Validation section

(as shown below) and click on the Validate Demographics button.

h. Once the service user’s demographics have been validated the screen below will

appear with notification that the validation was successful.

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i. Return to the Service Outlet page. Select the next service user and repeat the

process as many times as required.

Step 3 – Service user service records

Complete the service record information for every user who receives services from your


A service user may receive services from several service type outlets in your organisation.

You can use the existing service records in ACDC and your organisation’s records of

service provision to service users to establish whether any new service records need to be


To edit or add service records, follow these steps:

a. Go to the Home page for your organisation and click on a service type outlet from

the list under the Service Name column, as shown below:

b. It will open with a list of service users receiving a service from that service type

outlet as in the below example. If you need to add users to a service type outlet

there are two button options, as shown below.

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Add Multiple Service Users – You can add existing service users, who are

receiving services at other outlets, to this outlet by selecting their name from the list.

Add Service Users – You can add service users who are new to your organisation

into ACDC using this function. For example, if a new service user to your

organisation has a Disability Services Local Coordinator, they will already have a

record in ACDC. Enter user details (name, DOB and sex) to search for a pre-

existing record which may exist for that service user within ACDC.

Note: if an existing record does not exist in ACDC a new record will be generated.

c. You will then need to populate all service record information for the service user,

the details of which are shown and explained below.

Date Commenced: The date the client initially received the service from your

organisation. This may be a date before the current collection period, potentially

many years in the past.

Last Received Date: The date the person last received the service in the current

collection period – it must be a date in this collection period (ie. between 1 July

2017 and 30 June 2018). Note that ACDC will close on 22 June 2018. Where it is

expected services will be delivered after 22 June, please estimate the ‘Last

Received’ date (up to 30 June 2018).

Service Exit Date: If the client will no longer receive services from the service type

outlet, enter the date that you are advised of this. If the client unexpectedly exits the

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service type outlet after ACDC closes but before 1 July 2018, please send an email

to the ACDC Helpdesk to advise this. When referring to individuals in emails –

please do so using their SLK (rather than first name and surname), which can be

found in ACDC under the service user’s record. Always enter an accompanying

Reason Leaving if a Service Exit Date is being entered.

Reason Leaving: Select a Reason Leaving from the options available. Only

provide a Reason Leaving if a Service Exit Date is also provided.

Service Funding Type: Indicate the source of funding used by the person to

access the service at this service type outlet. Options are Individually Funded, Block

Funded and Both.

d. There are three ways to edit service users’ service records in ACDC (see the

screen shot below). The best option for your organisation will depend on your

internal work processes.

i. Edit service – to edit a single service user’s record for the nominated

service outlet only.

ii. Service user’s name – to edit ALL services for a single service user.

iii. Service Wizard – to edit all service users’ records in the nominated

service outlet only.

i. Edit service – Click on the Edit Service button next to the nominated

service user (see example below).

a. Enter the Service Dates and Service Details for the service user

and Save the record.

b. Select the next service user and repeat the process

ii. Service user’s name – Click on the service user’s name to see ALL

services that the service user receives. Edit each service outlet


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iii. Service Wizard - Click on the Service Wizard button and enter the

Service Dates and Service Details for each service user. Save the record

and progress to the next service user’s record.

If you clicked the Service Wizard, you will see a screen that looks like the

example below. Enter the service information and click the Save and

Next User button to progress through the list of service user records that

require data entry and validation. If you get to a service user’s record and

the information is not available, click on the Next User button. You can

come back to the incomplete or missed records at a later stage.

Step 4 – Plans data input (NOT REQUIRED for 2017-18)

You are not required to enter any data related to plans into ACDC for the 2017-18

reporting period.




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Step 5 – Data validation

Prerequisites for submitting data to Disability Services:

1. All service records for all users at all service type outlets must be entered in full and

completely. This can be checked by opening each service type outlet from the

Home page – every status light for every user under the Service Data column

should be green (if they are not, edit the service records as required until the status

light is green). You can use the Service Wizard, as described in Step 3d to edit the

service record. The screenshot below provides an example of the status lights at a

service type outlet named Therapy Support for Individuals, where both service

users have complete service records and are therefore showing green status lights.









2. Service user demographics must be completed for all users where your

organisation has responsibility for doing so (ie. where your organisation is the

Responsible Service Provider). Using the screenshot below as an example, the

status light for every user under the Demographics column should be either green

(for users where your organisation is responsible) or blank (for users where your

organisation is not responsible). In the example below both users have red status

lights so the demographics for both need to be entered and validated (as shown in

Step 2).

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3. A Complete Review for every service type outlet must be performed. The

Complete Review process can only be performed by staff whose ACDC access role

is one of the following:

• STO Manager

• Agency Management

• Agency Authorising Officer

A prerequisite for the Complete Review process is that items under the Service

Delivery tab are complete. From your organisation’s Homepage click on the

Service Delivery tab (highlighted in the screenshot below) to review and/or edit the

service delivery details for the service type outlet.

The details that need to be completed are circled above:

a. “Have you operated for the full financial year?” – this question relates

to the service type outlet – Click Yes or No as appropriate.

b. “Usual number of hours per day” – either enter a number between 1

and 24 OR select the box to the right of “No regular daily pattern”.

c. “Usual number of days per week” – either enter a number between 1

and 7 OR select the box to the right of “No regular weekly pattern”.

d. “Number of weeks this collection period” - Either enter a number

between 1 and 52 OR select the box to the right of “No regular

collection period pattern”.

e. “How many service users received this service type from this service

type outlet during the period 01-July-2017 to 30-June-2018?” – this

should only be entered for service type outlets with MDS code of 6.01

through to 6.05 – for all others it will already have a number and will

not require or allow data entry.

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Once the above details have been entered and verified you can click Save & Next

Page (circled in the screenshot above) to move to the Complete Review tab for the

service type outlet, which is shown in the screenshot below.

Click the Review Complete button to complete the review for that service type outlet- you

will either receive a message confirming the review was successful, or a screen detailing

any errors needing to be addressed before you try again. Repeat the data

entry/verification of the details under the Service Delivery tab and the Complete Review

process for every service type outlet. You can verify that all service type outlets have been

successfully completed by going to your organisation’s Home page – the status light in the

Status column should be green for every service type outlet.

Step 6 – Data submission

Once all the prerequisites described in Step 5 have been satisfied, a staff member from

your organisation, with an ACDC role of Agency Authorising Officer, can complete the final

data submission:

a. From your organisation’s Home page click the Details tab. The screen looks like the

example below:

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b. Click the Verify Data button.

• If there are errors, a popup window will provide a list of incomplete service type

outlets and incomplete service users. Note the details - these records will need

to be addressed before data submission can be finalised. Cancel the data

submission and address the errors, then repeat the submission process.

• If there are no errors, a popup window will display with a Submit Data button.

Click this button as shown below to complete the data submission.

c. You can verify that the data submission is complete by going to your organisation’s

Home page and clicking the Details tab. A screen like the example below will

indicate ‘Yes’ against the line ‘Data Collection Submitted?’.

Once you see the above screen, which confirms successful data submission, your

organisation has completed all ACDC reporting requirements for the collection period.

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Appendix A – ACDC staff access roles

ACDC Access Role Actions

Web Bulk Upload

(Used only by organisations

that upload)

• Facilitates the bulk upload of data from the

organisation to ACDC

• Manages bulk uploaded data in ACDC

Read Only • View data only

• View the complete set of system reports

• Restricted on a DSO and STO level as required

Agency Data Entry • Search existing clients

• Add existing clients to service records

• Create user record for new clients

• Enter demographics for all clients

• Validate demographics for all clients

• Run a number of selected reports

STO Manager

(Service Type Outlet


• All permissions of the Agency Data Entry role

• Request and revoke access for users in Agency

Data Entry role at their STO

• Edit existing STO data

Agency Management • All permissions of the STO Manager role

• View the complete set of system reports

• Request and revoke access for users in the STO

Manager, Agency Data Entry and Read Only


Agency Authorising Officer • All permissions of Agency Management

• Request and revoke access for users in the

Agency Management, STO Manager, Agency

Data Entry and Read Only roles

• Submission of final data

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Appendix B – ACDC staff access: adding and removing

Adding staff access

1. Log into ACDC.

2. Select Menu.

3. Select Administration and then Request System Access (see screenshot below).

4. In the window that opens, enter the staff member’s email address (double check for accuracy) and then click Next.

5. In the next window that opens, select the role to be allocated to the user from the drop-down menu against Role (see screenshot example below). If the chosen role is Agency Management, click on the Add button and skip to step 7.

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6. If the user role to be allocated is any other than Agency Management, select one outlet at a time to be allocated to the user from the outlet list (or click <ALL> if all outlets should be added for the user). Click on the Add button for each required outlet – the new user will be assigned that role and the selected outlet(s), and these will be listed under New Access.

The screenshot below shows an example of the roles and outlets that appear under New Access after an Agency Data Entry role has been added.

7. Once you are happy with the new access that will be added (as displayed in the New Access section), click the Next button.

8. Complete all requested user details on the Enter/Confirm User’s Details screen (see screenshot below) and then click the Request Access button.

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9. A window will appear confirming that you have successfully provided the required user access (see screenshot below). Click the Finished button to finalise the process.

10. The request will need to be processed by Disability Services (this should be done

within 24 hours) before the access becomes active. Once access is approved by Disability Services, an automated email from the ACDC mailbox will be sent to the user, with their user name and an activation code. Users will require both the password that was set by the manager who requested the access and the activation code to activate their account. The initial password will need to be changed by the user when they first log into ACDC.

Removing staff access

Staff access to your organisation’s data in ACDC can be removed by staff holding Agency

Authorising Officer (AAO) or Agency Management (AM) roles in ACDC. Note that the

following applies:

• Staff in the role of AAO can remove access for staff in any role, except for

those who have the AAO role themselves.

• Staff in the role of AM can remove access for staff in any role except for

those in the AAO or AM role.

• Removal of access for staff in the role of AAO requires an email to be sent

to the ACDC Helpdesk ([email protected]). The sender of this

email needs to be an AAO.

• The removal of staff access can either be granular, so that access is

removed to one or a select number of service type outlets, or complete, so

that the staff no longer have any access to your organisation’s data in


1. To begin the process of removing staff access, click the Details tab from your

organisation’s Home page in ACDC. As shown in the screenshot below, the staff

details are in the Service Provider Staff section of the Details tab.

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2. The Service Provider Staff section lists all the staff that have access in ACDC. A

staff member will appear on a row of the listing for every role that they have been

assigned, so a single staff member can appear on multiple rows if they have

multiple roles in ACDC.

3. To completely remove a staff member’s access in a role, identify the row which lists

the staff name and their ACDC role and click the Revoke Access button (circled in

the screenshot above) on that row. Clicking on the Revoke Access button as

shown will cause the row to disappear from the listing. In the example above, staff

member Johntest Smithtest would no longer have the Agency STO Manager role

but would retain his other roles in ACDC. To remove Johntest Smithtest from other

roles you would need to click Revoke Access on each of the corresponding rows

for which you would like his access removed.

4. To partially remove access for a staff member, by removing access to some (but

not all) service type outlets for the staff member in a particular role, click on the

Permissions button (circled in the screenshot above). Clicking on the Permissions

button will open a window which lists all the service type outlets the staff member

has access to in the particular role. The screenshot below shows the window that

opens when Permissions is clicked on the row for Johntest Smithtest in the role of

Agency Data entry:

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The screen above shows that Johntest Smithtest, in his role of Agency Data Entry, has

access to three service type outlets. If you click on the Revoke Access button against the

Service Outlet Attendant care/personal care (as circled in the above screenshot) then

that outlet will be removed from Johntest Smithtest’s access. The screenshot below shows

the resulting confirmation message and the outlets the staff member still has access to:

You can continue clicking the Revoke Access button against as many service type outlets

as you require to be removed. When you have finished removing outlets, click the Close

button and you will be taken back to the Service Provider Staff section under the Details
