accu 2011 introduction to scala: an object functional programming language


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Peter Pilgrim Oracle Java Champion Wednesday 13 April 2011 in Cherwell Room 11am gave a 90 minute presentation on the subject Introduction into Scala : The Object-Functional Programming Language This is a presentation that out lined the technical feel of Scala 2.8 programming language. “More and more programmers are going to need to understand functional programming at a productive level. Especially over the next 5 to 10 years” - IBM, Jason Stidd, Functional Programming Blog, 2010 The presentation covers: Classes and Companion Objects Function Objects Case classes and Pattern matching Traits, Mix-ins and Compositions Scala Collections Library Frameworks “Scala enjoys a singular advantage: performance. The language is compiled to optimised byte codes and runs as fast as native Java” Infoworld, 2010 Learn More: [email protected] twitter:peter_pilgrim


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Peter PilgrimOracle Java Champion

4/14/2011 (c) 2011

Presentation Notes
Introduction into Scala �The Object-Functional Programming Language By Peter Pilgrim�
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Blog: Member since 1993Education: London South Bank UniversityLanguages: Scala, Groovy, JavaFX, JavaConferences: JavaOne, ACCU, QCon,Devoxx

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“If I were a pick a language to use today other than Java, it would be Scala”

James Gosling


Presentation Notes
James Gosling has joined Google on 5th April 2010
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Headline News

“More and more programmers are going to need to understand functional programming at a productive level. Especially over the next 5 to 10 years” ‐ IBM, Jason Stidd, Functional Programming Blog, 2010

“Scala enjoys a singular advantage: performance. The language is compiled to optimised byte codes and runs as fast as native Java” Infoworld, 2010

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Presentation Notes
Lift Web Chat Server Demonstration
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Today’s Agenda

Classes and Companion ObjectsFunction ObjectsCase classes and Pattern matchingTraits, Mix‐ins and CompositionsScala CollectionsLibrary Frameworks

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The Basics

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Scalable Language

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Very Bright Future

Purely Object OrientedStatically Typed


JVM Language

Presentation Notes
Scala is safe and performant also. It is a multi-paradigm programming language for the JVM
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Martin Odersky ‐ Language Designer

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Presentation Notes
Stock photo of Martin Odersky. EPFL Photos from the June 2010 Workshop at Skills Matter, London
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A Brief History of Scala

Make Java Better 1996 – 2000: Pizza, GJ and javac

Make a Better Java2003 : The Scala 1.0 Experiment2005 : Scala 2.0, written in Scala2006‐2011:  Industrial strength 

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A Java Classpublic class Person {

public final String firstName, lastName;

public final float height;

public final int age;

public Person( String firstName,

String lastName,

float height, int age ) {

this.firstName; this.lastName = lastName;

this.height = height; this.age = age;



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Presentation Notes
Based on Martin’s own example
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Equivalent Scala class

class Person (

val firstName: String

val lastName: String,

val height: Float,

val age: Int ) { }

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Presentation Notes
How do you like the Scala version?
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Filtering Data with Javaimport java.util.ArrayList;

Person[] people = getPeople();

Person[] tallFolk;

Person[] shortFolk;


ArrayList<Person> tallList = new ArrayList<Person>();

ArrayList<Person> shortList = new ArrayList<Person>();

for ( int j=0; j<people.length; ++j) {

(people[j].height < 5.0 ? shortList : tallList )

.add( people[j] );


shortFolk = smallList.toArray( people );

tallFolk = tallList.toArray( people );


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Presentation Notes
Filter the data with Java. Convert the web service return data primitive array into dynamic collection arraylist. Do the work with a loop. Then build the primitive arrays.
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And in Scalaval people: Array[Person] = getPeople()

// Type inference

val ( smallFolk, bigFolk ) =

people partition ( _.height < 5.0 )

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Presentation Notes
We can use other data members too. For example val (minor, adults) = people partition ( _.age < 18 )
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Semicolon is optional

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Valsand Vars

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VariablesTwo Types of variables:val a immutable variablevar a re‐assignable variable

val s1 = “Purple Haze” // Type inference String

var s2 = “Barcelo”

s1 = “Hotel” // Won’t compile

s2 = “Electricona” // Ok!

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Variables Type Inferencesval s3: String = “Purple Haze”

val f1: Double = 3.141596527

val fruit = List(“orange”,”apple”)

// scala.collection.immutable.List[String]

val capitals = Map(“USA”-> “Washington”,

”Wales” -> “Cardiff”, “Germany” -> “Berlin” )

// scala.collection.immutable.Map[String, String]

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Scopeval s1 = “Purple Haze”


val s1 = “Day Tripper”

println( s1 ) // "Day Tripper"


println( s1 ) // "Purple Haze"

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Scala Identifiers

Four forms of Scala identifiersAlphanumeric: A letter followed by a sequence of letters or digits

_ count as a letter (but single _ is reserved)$ is reserved for system use

Operator: One of more symbolic characters such + , *, /, ‐ , %, #, !Mixed: gamma_!Quoted: any character sequence in back‐quotes: `yield`

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Basic Scala Literals

Integer: 1, 882, ‐1Boolean: true, falseDouble:  1.0, 1d, 1e3, 1.234e‐6Long:  42LFloat:  19.73fCharacters:  ‘6’, ‘@’, ‘?’, `K’String:  “Hello world” 

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Presentation Notes
This fellow looks like the lead singer of REM some people have said
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Expressions == Resultsval msg = “Macro Economics”

val hasA =

if ( msg contains ‘a’)




println(hasA) // “yes”

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Expressions On Everythingval z1 =

try {

“play havoc”


finally {



// z1 is “yes”

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Expressions Initialise Valsval powerSeries = {

var x = 2.0;

var sum = 1.0

for ( c <- 1 to 7 ) yield {

sum += x; x = x * x; sum



// scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Double] = Vector(3.0, 7.0, 23.0, 279.0, 65815.0, 4.295033111E9, 1.8446744078004584E19)

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How To Declare Functions

def volumePrice( price: Float, vol: Int ): Float = {

if ( vol >= 1000 )

price * 0.90

else if ( vol >= 100 )

price * 0.95




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Functions Written Concisely

def max( x: Double, y: Double ): Double

= if ( x > y) x else y

def min( x: Double, y: Double ): Double

= if ( x < y) y else x

// type inference on the return type: Double

def cube( x: Double ) = x * x * x

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Procedures and The Unit Type

def sideEffect(): Unit = println(“Say hi!”)

// sayHi: ()Unit

sideEffect() // prints “Say hi!”

• Unit has a value, written as ()

• Unit roughly corresponds to void in Java

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How To Declare Classes

class Foo

val f1 = new Foo()

val f2 = new Foo

class Bar ( val name: String )

val b1 = new Bar(“Twix”)

val b2 = new Bar(“Curly-Wurly”)

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The Primary Constructor

class Person (

val firstName: String

val lastName: String,

val height: Float,

val age: Int ) {

if ( age < 0 )

throw new Exception("age?")

if ( height <= 0.5 )

throw new Exception("height?")


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Presentation Notes
Primary constructor is the whole series of statement inbetween the braces
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Class ‐ Better Style

class Person (

val firstName: String, val lastName: String,

val height: Float, val age: Int ) {

require( age > 0, "age > 0" )

require( height >= 0.5, "height >= 0.5" )

override def toString = "%s %s %3d %5.2f (ft)".

format( firstName, lastName,

age, height )


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Presentation Notes
Require is a predefined method on class scala.Predef
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Class ‐ Auxiliary Constructors

class Complex( real: Float, imag: Float {

def this() = this(0)

def this( r: Float ) = this ( r, 0 )

def this( r: String ) =

this ( java.lang.Float.parseFloat(r), 0 );

def this( r: String, i: String ) =

this ( java.lang.Float.parseFloat(r),

java.lang.Float.parseFloat(i) )

// ...


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Built‐In Control Structures #1

var x1 = 3.0

var r1 = if ( x1 >= 0 )

"positive" else "negative"

x1 = -9.25

println( if ( x1 < 0 )

"negative" else "positive" )

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Built‐In Control Structures #2

While ... Do Do ... While

var c1 = 0

var y1 = ""

while ( c1 < 4 ) {

y1 = y1 + "#" + c1

c1 += 1



var c2 = 0

var y2 = ""

do {

y2 = y2 + "#" + c2

c2 += 1


while ( c2 < 4 )


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Presentation Notes
The result of a while-do or do-while expression is Unit:()
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Scala Fixes Java Mishaps

Scala Removes Scala Innovates

Break and Continue

Static members

Primitive types

Special treatment of interfaces

Operator overloading

Function objects

Companion Objects

Case classes

User control abstractions


Pattern matching

Implicit conversions

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Infix Operators in Classes

class Complex( val re:Float, val im: Float ) {

def +( x:Complex ): Complex = {

new Complex( +, + )


def -( x:Complex ): Complex = {

new Complex( -, - )


// ...

override def toString = re +

(if (im < 0 ) "-" +(-im) else "+" +im )+"i"


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Using Operator Overloading

val z1 = new Complex(3,4)

val z2 = new Complex(1,2)

val z3 = z1 + z2 // = z1.+(z2)

val z4 = z1 * z2 // = z1.*(z2)

val z5 = z1 - z2 // = z1.-(z2)

val z6 = z1 / z2 // = z1./(z2)

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Infix Operator Associativity

Normally expressions associate from LEFT to RIGHT

val x = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4

val x = ((1 + 2) + 3 ) + 4

Except for those operators that end with a colon(:) 

They associate from RIGHT to LEFT

val list = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: Nil

val list = 1 :: ( 2 :: ( 3 :: (4 :: Nil )))

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Presentation Notes
Nil is a subtrait of the trait scala.List The class “::” is also a sub-class (case object extension) of the scala.List. Actuall scala.List is a package defined class in Scala version 2.8
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Companion Objects• Represents a single instance of a class• Serves the analogous role of “static” in Java• Frequently defines two methods apply() and 

unapply() for factories and extraction

object Complex {

val i = new Complex( 0, 1 )

def apply( re: Float, im: Float ) =

new Complex( re, im )


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For‐Loop Expressions

for ( j <- 1 to 4 )

println( "Iteration "+j )

// Iteration 1 .. 4

for ( j <- 1 until 4 )

println( "Iteration "+j )

// Iteration 1 .. 3

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Looping Over Collections

val fruits = List("apple", "orange","pear",

"kiwi", "plum" )

for ( fruit <- fruits )

println( fruit )

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For‐Filter Comprehensions

for ( trade <- trades

if trade.tradeType == "FX" &&

trade.amount >= 75000 &&




processLayerDown( trade )

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For‐Nested‐Filter Comprehension

for ( trade <- trades

if trade.tradeType == "MM" ;

if trade.origin == "Summit";

settlement <- trade.settlements

settlement.exists( == Standard )


settleStandard( settlement )

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Function Objects

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Function Object ‐ Long Hand

val isEven = new Function1 [ Int, Boolean ] {

def apply( k: Int ) = k % 2 == 0


Syntactic definition for function type that:

• Accepts an Integer parameter

• Returns a Boolean value

• Defines a method called apply to invoke the function definition.

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Presentation Notes
All functions in Scala extends the class “=>”. Scala has specialisation of “=>” class for single parameter functions (Function1). Function2 for two parameters, Function3 for 3 parameters. In Scala a function can be defined a specialisation of class Function[ +T, -S ]. Where T is covariant and S is contra-variant. That is written: trait Function1[ +T, -S ] extends => trait Function2[ +T1, +T2, -S ] extends => trait Function3[ +T1, +T2, +T3, -S ] extends => Therefore Function1[Int, Boolean] is a specialisation of Function1, which is function object that is accepts a covariant parameter type Int (upper bound), and returns a contra-variant type Boolean (lower bound).
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First‐Class Functions

val isEven: (Int => Boolean) = (k: Int) => k % 2 == 0

// The verbose short‐hand notion

Functions are values, values are objectErgo, functions are objects in Scala

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First‐Class Functions

val isEven = (k: Int ) => k % 2 == 0

// The short‐hand notion // Scala infers the function type for the LHS

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Calling Function Objects

isEven.apply(24) // true

isEven(11) // false

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Filter Out Even Numbers

val numbers = List(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

// List[Int] = List(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

numbers.filter( isEven )

// List[Int] = List(0,2,4,6)

Apply the function object isEven to all members of the sequence

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Filter Out Even Numbers

val numbers = List(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

numbers.filter( (k: Int) => k % 2 == 0 )

// in-lined function value:

// List[Int] = List(0,2,4,6)

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Filter Out Even Numbers

val numbers = List(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

numbers.filter( k => k % 2 == 0 )

// 0,2,4,6

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Filter Out Even Numbers

val numbers = List(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

numbers.filter( _ % 2 == 0 )

// 0,2,4,6

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Function Object Summary

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( x: Float ) => sin(pi * x) / (pi * x )

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( x: Float ) => extra + sin(pi * x) / (pi * x )

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Real World Closuresvar extra = computeFudgeFactor()

reactions += {

case e:MouseClicked =>

plotXY( -1.0, 1.0, -2.0, 2.0,

( x: Float ) =>

extra + sin(pi * x) / (pi * x ) )


The variable extra defined in the enclosing scope is bounded to the lexical scope of the function object.

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Closure Lexical Scope

var extra = 4

val addExtra = (x: Int) => x + extra

addExtra(2) // 6

extra = 7

addExtra(2) // 9

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Curried Functions

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( x: Float )( y: Float ) => y * cos ( sin (pi * x ) )

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Functions Can Return Functions

def foo1( x: Float)(y: Float ) = x*y-2*x

def foo1( x: Float) = { (y: Float ) => x*y-2*x }

val a1 = foo1( 3 ) ( 4 ) // a1 is 6.0

val a2 = foo1( 3 )

// a2 is (Float) => Float = <function1>

val a3 = a2(4) // a3 = 6.0

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Parameterised Types

class Holder [T] ( val value: T )

val chipBox = new Holder( 555 )

val z1 = chipBox.value // 555

val fruitBox = new Holder( "apple" )

val z2 = fruitBox.value // “apple”

fruitBox.value = "orange" // re-assign error

chipBox.value = 73 // re-assign error

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Call‐By‐Value versus Call‐By‐Name

Call By Value Call By Name

Expression are evaluated  before being passed as a parameter to a function

def debug( s: String ):Unit

Expressions are evaluated inside the function

Computational niceUseful for library writers to  create custom control abstractions 

def debug( s:  => String ):Unit

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Custom Control Abstractionsdef using[ T <: { def close() }, A ]

( closable: T ) ( body: T => A ) = {

try {

body( closable )

} finally {

if ( closable != null ) {

try { closable.close() } catch {

case e: Exception => // Log this error





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Presentation Notes
A custom control abstraction is a generic function value that takes 2 parameterised types. T is a lower bounded structure type. T is any type that has a “def close(): Unit” method. A is a type returned by the function body and is call-by-name.
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Closures As Control Abstraction


val file = new File( "poem.txt" )


new BufferedReader(

new FileReader( file )) ) {

r => println( r.readLine() )


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Pattern Matching

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Case Classes

Convenience data types for pattern matchingScala compiler creates :

Class with hashCode(), equalsTo(), copy() methodsNice toString() methodDefaults to immutable data membersCompanion object Defines apply() and unapply() (extractor) methods

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Case Classes

case class Stock( name: String, size: Int )

val st1 = Stock( "EDH", 15000 )

val st2 = Stock( “XNF", 40000 )

val nameAndValue = + “ “ +st1.value

// “EDH 15000”

val st3 = st2.copy()

val st4 = st3.copy( name = "AXA")

assert( st2 == st3 ) // true

assert( st2 != st4 ) // true

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Pattern Matching on Types

val list = List( 1967, "Legacy", '£', 51.50F )

for ( e <- list ) {

e match {

case f: Float => println("A decimal "+f )

case s: String => println("A string "+s )

case c: Char => println("A character "+c )

case _ => println("I do not know “+e )



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Pattern Matching on Sequences

val list = List( 1967, "Legacy", '£', 51.50F )

list match {

case 1967 :: _ :: ‘£’ :: _ => println("got it")

case _ => println("not found" )


list match {

case List( 1967, "Legacy", _* ) => println("got two" )

case _ => println("not found")


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Pattern Matching Algorithms

def fib( n: Int ): Long = {

n match {

case 0 => 0

case 1 => 1

case n => fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)



val z1 = fib(3) // 2

val series = (0 to 25).map( fib _ ).mkString("\n")

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Case Classes Abstract Data Types

abstract class BinTree[T]

case object Empty extends BinTree

case class Node (

elem: T, left: BinTree[T], right: BinTree[T]

) extends BinTree

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Pattern Matching Algorithm

// Traverse tree in-order by algorithmic cases

def inOrder[T]( n: BinTree[T] ) : List[T] = {

n match {

case Empty => List()

case BinTree(e,l,r) =>

inOrder(l) ::: List(e) ::: inOrder(r)



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Presentation Notes
The result of A ::: B is pre-pended the list of A on to B and return a new List Because “:::” is operator on List that ends with a colon (: ) character it is right-to-left associative All operators that start with : are right associative Therefore A ::: B ::: C == A::: ( B ::: ( C::: D))
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Pattern Matching Algorithm

// Recursively find the depth of the binary tree

def depth[T]( n: BinTree[T] ): Int = {

n match {

case Empty => 0

case Node( _, Empty, r ) => 1 + depth(r)

case Node( _, l, Empty ) => 1 + depth(l)

case Node( _, l, r ) =>

Math.max( depth(l), depth(r)) + 1



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Traits and Mix‐ins

Trait is provides composition of behaviour type in ScalaTraits can define abstract methodsTraits can define implementation methodsTraits can define data membersLinearisation of behaviour is prioritised from left to rightTraits can inherit from other traits

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Mix‐Ins and Traits

trait Vehicle

trait Car extends Vehicle

trait Bicycle extends Vehicle

trait Motorcycle extends Vehicle

trait Powered

trait HasWheels

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Mix‐In Composition

class Ford extends Car with Powered with HasWheels

class Chopper extends Bicycle with HasWheels

val myCar = new Ford

val myBike = new Chopper

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Mix‐Ins Refactored

trait Powered {

def kickdown() = "Vrroom!!"


trait HasWheels {

def turn() = "Wheels are turning"


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Mix‐ins Refactored #2

trait Vehicle

trait Car extends Vehicle with HasWheels

with Powered

trait Bicycle extends Vehicle with HasWheels

trait Motorcycle extends Vehicle with HasWheels

with Powered

trait Bus extends Car

trait Truck extends Car

trait SUV extends Car

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Motorway Responsibility

def motorway( x: Vehicle with Powered ) =

println( "on the motorway: " +x.kickdown )

val aCar = new Ford

val aBike = new Chopper

motorway( aCar ) // Ok

motorway( aBike ) // Won’t compile!

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Immutable Listsscala.collection.immutable.List

• Insertion at front  O(1)• Insertion at end  O(n)

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Creating List Collections

import scala.collection.immutable.List

val xs0 = List(1,2,3,4)

val xs1 = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: Nil

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Creating Nested Lists

val xs2 = ( 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil) ::

( 4 :: 5 :: Nil ) ::

( 6 :: Nil ) ::


// xs2: List[List[Int]] =

List(List(1, 2, 3), List(4, 5), List(6))

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List Functions

val list = List(1,2,3,4,5)

val z0 = list.head // 1

val z1 = list.tail // List(2,3,4)

val z2 = list.isEmpty // false

val z3 = list.size // 4

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Higher Order Operations

val list = List(1,2,3,4,5)

val z0 = list.last // Int 5

val z1 = _ + 3 ) // List( 4,5,6,7,8 )

val z2 = list.take( 2 ) // List(1,2)

val z3 = list.drop( 2 ) // List(3,4,5)

val z4 = list.slice( 2,4 ) // List(3,4)

val z5 = list.reverse // List(5,4,3,2,1)

val z7 = list.contains(3) // true

val z8 = list.filter( _ < 3 ) // List( 1,2 )

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Sorting List Collections

val xs = List( 11, 7, 2, 15, 9, 1 )

val x0 = xs.sort( _ < _ )

// List[Int](1, 2, 7, 9, 11, 15)

val x1 = xs.sort( _ > _ )

// List[Int](15, 11, 9, 7, 2, 1)

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More Higher Operations

val xs = List( "apple", “plum", "orange" )

val z0 = xs.zipWithIndex

// List((apple,0), (plum,1), (orange,2))

val ys = List( "usa", "uk", "france" )

val z1 = xs zip ys

// List((apple,usa), (plum,uk), (orange,france))

val zs = List( List(1,2,3), List(4,5), List(6))

val z2 = zs flatten

// List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

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Map Collections Types

var capitals = Map( "England" -> "London",

"Scotland" -> "Edinburgh", "Wales" -> "Cardiff", "Northern Ireland" -> "Belfast" )

capitals += ( "Brasil" -> "Brasilia" )

val z0 = capitals( "Brasil“ ) // “Brasilia”

val z1 = capitals.isEmpty // false

val z2 = capitals.size // 4

for ( (k,v) <- capitals )

println("Capital of "+k+" is "+v )

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Set Collections Types

import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet

var xs = SortedSet( 3,2,1 )

println(xs) // TreeSet(1,2,3 )

xs += 4

xs += 3

println(xs) // TreeSet(1,2,3,4 )

xs -= 2

println(xs) // TreeSet(1,3,4 )

xs ++= List( 5,6)

println(xs) // TreeSet(1,2,4,5,6 )

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Implicit Conversions

“Can you make an ADT from a library and make it look just like it is part of the language?”,Guy Steele, Benchmark of Languages

Implicit informs the compiler about a custom default conversion methodPower enabler for writing embedded DSL in Scala

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Declare Implicit Conversions

object Complex {

implicit def doubleToComplex( x: Double ) =

new Complex( x, 0 )

val i = new Complex( 0, 1 )

def apply( re: Float, im: Float ) =

new Complex( re, im )


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Using Implicit Conversion

import xenonique.numerics.Complex

val z1 = new Complex( 4.7, -2.3 )

val z4 = 2 + c1

val z2 = 2.50 * c1

val z3 = (2.50).*(c1)

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Scala – Launcher / REPLScalac ‐CompilerScaladoc – Documentation GeneratorSBT ‐ Simple Build Tool Maven Scala Plug‐inApache Ant Plug‐InGradle

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Tools ‐ IDEs

Intellij IDEA v10.2Eclipse Helios v3.6Net Beans v7.0EmacsJEdit, NotePad++, TextPad, TextMate

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Tools ‐ Frameworks

Testing Domain Specific

Scala Test SpecsScala Check

Lift AkkaPlay!Camel DSLWicket

Squeryl, Pinky, Sweet

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Presentation Notes
Scala Test, Lift and Akka are 2011’s current post children that demonstrated the abilities of Scala the programming language in my opinion
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End Game4/14/ (c) 2011 98

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Breaking The Mono‐Culture

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“Do not throw the baby out with the bath water by clinging to a Java‐only monoculture approach: it matters not that what current systems are written in, when running on the JVM, only what happens in the future”

Dr. Russel Winder, Consultant “Your Experience of Alternative JVM Languages in Organisations, Divisions and Teams”

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Beyond Java Today

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Beyond Java Future 2016?

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Scalable Language

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Deep LanguageResponsible


Expressive Concise

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Learn more

4/14/ (c) 2011 103[email protected]://scala‐

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Professional Services

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[email protected] Adoption in EnterprisesContractingTraining with ConsultancyTechnical Leadership

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Introduction to ScalaThe Object‐Functional Programming Language

Peter PilgrimJava Champion ‐Java EE specialist w/

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Recommended References

Programming in Scala by Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, Bill Venners ; Artima; 2nd Edition 2010

Programming Scala by Wampler, Payne; O’Reilly; 2010; http://programming‐

Beginning Scala by David Pollak; Apress; 2009;

Steps in Scala by Loverdos , Syropoulos; Cambridge Univ Press; 2010; 

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Popular Scala Frameworks

Scala Test

Scala Check



Play! Scala module

Camel DSL‐dsl.html



Sweet [Scala]

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All images are Creative Commons (CC) License  from– “You must attribute the source and you cannot change the content”

Tim Ellis

Lego Basics


Variable Plastic Bag



Lisa Sinclair



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All images are Creative Commons (CC) License  from

– “You must attribute the source and you cannot change the content”


Arbitrary Function Generator

Loop Oh Rupert Grazer

Pattern at the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt am Main / Germany.

Lili Vieira de Carvalho, Vancouver, Canada

Composition of Bowls

Mykl Roventine

19/365 Game Over

superciliousness / Bentley Smith

200510 carpenter's tools ‐ inside the workman's shed ‐ all his old tools

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