accounting report based on sales variance analysis

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  • 7/31/2019 Accounting report based on Sales Variance Analysis


    Sales Variance Analysis

  • 7/31/2019 Accounting report based on Sales Variance Analysis


    Topic : Sales Variance Analysis

    Source : Assignment store
  • 7/31/2019 Accounting report based on Sales Variance Analysis



    Table of contentsExecutive Summary of the Project Sales Variance


    ReportSales Variance

    General Motors Company

    Revenue Analysis - General Motors Company

    Recommendations & Conclusion


    Executive Summary

    In todays era, budgeting has become the most important parameter of measuring success &

    growth factor for the corporate. These budgets are prepared by the Steering committees. These

  • 7/31/2019 Accounting report based on Sales Variance Analysis


    budgets are proposed by the committee which are discussed by the Board members & are

    accepted & supported.

    Thus, over here, Variance analysis comes into the picture & looks over the facts which cause a

    difference between the standards & the actual. The management analyses the variances & takescorrective measure where ever required to forecast future factors for growth.


    There are many procedures of doing variance analysis. These methods range from simple and

    straightforward to the very sophisticated and complex methods.

    Variances are divided & sub divided into various categories by the techniques of cost

    accounting methods. However, a single variance can be also analysed as a group of various othervariances with the help of the cost & quality factors associated with them.

    These variances can be both favorable & unfavorable. The variances are favorable when it

    results in an extra profit when compared with the budget & the variances are unfavorable when it

    leads to loss when compared with the budget.

    The most sophisticated systems usually separate the unit and price parameters on the basis of

    material, labour, mix of products, quality, quantity & various other factors of production which

    are used in the manufacture of goods.

    Variance analysis aids the company in targeting and positioning of the various products on

    account of profitability & thus, helps in analyzing the score of customer satisfaction.

    It helps to improve the sales with the help of successful marketing & helps in evaluating &

    solving the various specific problems related to the marketing sector & functions so that the

    profitability ratios can be increased.


    Sales variance can be defined as the difference between the actual sales made by an organisation

    and the budgeted sales expected by them.

  • 7/31/2019 Accounting report based on Sales Variance Analysis


    It is an effective measure to analyse the performance of the sales function which further helps to

    analyse the performance of an entity in the present market conditions & helps in forecasting

    future growth & profitability.

    There are various reasons for the sales variance but the most important technical reasons are:

    The actual volume sold is more or less than the budgeted volume

    Sales are made at a price which is higher or lower than the price mentioned in the budget

    Thus, the sales price variance helps in explaining the difference in the total revenue which is

    caused by selling at a price different from the price planned at the beginning or by selling a

    different output.

    This variance can be both favorable & unfavorable.

    Sales Price variance happens because of sales volume variance which can be because of the

    following two reasons:

    1. Sales Mix Variance

    2. Sales Quantity Variance

    Thus, if we budget for sales of say $5,000 & the actual sales at the end of the period is $ 6,000

    then there is a variance & the analysis reveals a difference of $1,000. This variance is a favorable

    because sales have increased.

    There are various methods of analyzing the sales variance. They are:

    1. Purchase price variance.

    2. Labor rate variance

    3. Material yield variance

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    4. Variable overhead spending variance

    5. Fixed overhead spending variance

    6. Selling price variance

    They can be further explained as mentioned below:

    1. Purchase price variance.This arises when more cost is incurred in procuring the raw material which is further used

    in the production. Thus, this is the actual cost incurred less the standard cost to be

    incurred for such materials multiplied by the total number of units.

    2. Labor rate varianceThis can increase or decrease the total revenue of less / more cost is incurred in procuring

    the labour required for production. Thus, this is the actual price paid to the labor less the

    planned standard cost which is further multiplied by the total number of units used for the

    production of goods.

    3. Material yield varianceThis is the variance in respect of the material to be used for the production of goods. This

    is difference of actual cost & the standard cost.

    4. Variable overhead spending varianceThis is the variance in respect of the overhead cost of variable nature incurred in the

    production of goods. This is difference of actual cost & the standard cost.

    5. Fixed overhead spending varianceThis is the variance in respect of the overhead cost of fixed nature incurred in the

    production of goods. This is difference of actual cost & the standard cost.

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    6. Selling price variance

    This is actual variance which arises due to difference in the actual price & the standard

    price at which the goods are actually sold multiplied by the total number of goods sold.

    Thus, as we can see variance analysis is an effective tool for measuring the actual performanceof an entity with respect to the standards set by the management of the organisation. This is also

    important for benchmarking the growth factors in the concerned industry. There are many

    advantages of doing such variance analysis. They are mentioned below:

    Variance analysis helps in determining the objective & evaluating such objectives bydoing a comparison between the actual & budgeted figures.

    Achieving the standards & achieving the targets boost the employee morale & motivatesthem for further growth.

    Variance analysis is an important tool for effective decision making as variance analysishelps in identifying the areas of inefficiency.

    Variance analysis helps in formulating the price of goods sold because if there is afavorable variance then, there is a scope of further increase in the price which can be

    planned strategically by the company.

    In case of unfavorable variances, it is essential to identify the factors which are increasingthe cost. This helps in identifying the areas of inefficiencies.

    The principle of Management by Exception can be evaluated. Variance analysis effectively helps to identify the factors responsible for undesirable

    performance. This further extends the scope for taking the corrective actions to reduce

    such variances in future.

    There is free flow of communication within the organisation between the managementand the supervisors as everyone in the organisation is fully aware of the standards which

    are set by the management & are required to be accomplished.

    Variance analysis helps in procedures related to planning by making a summary offorecasting needs

    It helps in establishing the bid prices on the contracts to be entered in future so thatexpected & desired profit targets can be determined & in turn achieved effectively.

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    It further helps in simplifying the procedure of bookkeeping by maintaining the records at

    the cost which is specifically mentioned as the standard cost.

    Thus, as we have seen that the standard operation procedures of costing and variance analysis are

    immensely important tools but they have certain drawbacks too.

    The various drawbacks of variance analysis & the reasons due to which it cant be followed

    effectively are as follows:

    Delay in timingThe variances are compiled by the accounting staff generally at the end of the month

    before finalizing & issuing the results to the management. This increases the timing

    errors & as a result no step could have been taken in respect of that particular period.

    Thus, variances should be reported on a daily basis to optimize the results in the most

    effective manner.

    Information sourceAt times it is very difficult to analyse the reasons for the variance.

    Setting of standards - Variance analysis is basically because of the difference between theactual & standards. Thus, standards should be set on the basis of logical factors & it

    should be possible to achieve such standards.

    General Motors Company

    General Motors is a world known brand manufacturing diverse brands. The total sales turnover is

    almost 8 million vehicles in around countries as in 120 countries of the world. General Motors

    Company is an American multinational, one of the largest automotive corporation, which is

    headquartered in Detroit, Michigan. It is the worlds second-largest automaker in 2010.


    They manufacture cars & trucks in almost in 31 countries. The most renowned brands are:

    Buick Cadillac Chevrolet

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    GMC Opel Vauxhall Holden

    Revenue Variance Analysis of General Motors Company

    We shall perform the sales variance analysis in respect of the three cars manufactured by them.

    Chevrolet Buick GMC

    The total sales reported by General Motors for the quarter ended were reported as 400,000 units,

    however, the actual 4th

    quarter sales were 500,000 units.

    The Budgeted Operating Data can be presented as:

    Car Selling


    Variable cost /


    Cost / unit Sales volume


    Chevrolet $379 $182 $197 12,500

    Buick 269 98 171 37,500

  • 7/31/2019 Accounting report based on Sales Variance Analysis


    GMC 149 65 84 50,000

    Total 100,000

    However, the Actual Operating Data can be presented as:

    Car Selling PricePer Unit


    COST / unit Sales volume(units)

    Chevrolet $349 $178 $171 11,000

    Buick 285 92 193 44,000

    GMC 102 73 29 55,000

    Total 110,000

    Now we shall do the variance analysis in respect of sales mix of the cars sold by the company.

    They are:

    The Budgeted Operating Data can be presented as:

    Car COST /unit


    Total COST COST% Sales Mix

    Chevrolet $197 12,500 2,462,500 18.8% 12.5%

    Buick 171 37,500 6,412,500 49.0% 37.5%

    GMC 84 50,000 4,200,000 32.1% 50.0%

    Total 100,000 13,075,000 100% 100%

    However, the Actual Operating Data can be presented as:

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    Car COST /unit


    Total COST COST% Sales Mix

    Chevrolet $171 11,000 1,881,000 15.7% 10.0%

    Buick 193 44,000 8,492,000 80.0% 40.0%

    GMC 29 55,000 1,595,000 13.3% 50.0%

    Total 110,000 11,968,000 100% 100%

    Budgeted average UCOST = $13,075,000 / 100,000 units = $130.75 / unit

    Actual average UCOST = $11,968,000 / 110,000 units = $108.80 / unit

    Static-Budget Variance = $11,968,000 - $13,075,000 = $1,107,000.

    The formula for Flexible budget = Actual total units sold * actual sales mix * budget UCOST

    Flexible budget = (110,000 * 0.10 * $197) + (110,000 * 0.40 * $171) + (110,000 * 0.50 * 84) =


    Therefore, the Sales-volume variance = $14,311,00013,075,000 = $1,236,000 F

    Flex-budget variance = $11,968,000 - $14,311,000 = $2,343,000 U

    No-name budget Sales-mix and Sales-quantity variances:

    = Actual total units sold * budget sales mix * budget UCOST

    = 110,000 * $130.75 = $14,382,500.

    Flexible budget No-name Static

    $14,311,000 $14,382,500 $13,075,000


  • 7/31/2019 Accounting report based on Sales Variance Analysis


    Standard Mix Variance = $71,500 U Standard Quantity Variance = $1,307,500F

    No-name budget to get the market-share and market-size variances:

    = Actual mkt. Size * budget mkt. Share * budget average UCOST

    = 500,000 * 0.25 * $130.75 = $16,343,750.

    No- name No- name Static

    $14,382,500 $16,343,750 $13,075,000


    Marketshare Variance = $1,961,250 U Market Size Variance = $3,268,750 F

    *The actual market share is taken as = 22%

    The budgeted market share is taken as = 25%

    The analysis can be further explained by the following points. These points will help to gain the

    crux of the formula analysis done above in respect of variance analysis & will help in the

    reporting to be made to the management.

    1. The total COST was $1,107,000, which was less than the figures expected.

    2. Buick COST exceeded budget by over $2M but the COST of other two games werelower than expected and offset. Lower unit sales of Chevrolet and lower COST of GMC.

    3. In case of the Sales mix, GMC sold less of the highest COST product.

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    4. Buick gained both from an increase in sales mix and increase in number of units sold.

    5. There was a large drop in GMCs UCOST, which lead to the overall drop in the averageUCOST.

    6. GMC, selling price dropped severely but there was an increase in the Variable Cost

    7. The market share was actually lower by 3% this is an unfavorable variance.

    8. The total market size increased this is a favorable market size variance

    9. There has been a significant decrease in the average UCOST which is explained by theFlexible -budget variance which is the cumulative effect of the combination of the lower

    sales price and the higher cost incurred by the Company.

    Recommendations & Conclusion

    Thus, budgeting & performing the sales variance analysis is an effective mechanism for

    evaluating the results of the operations of a company. It helps the management to analyses the

    basic reasons for the deviations as the management is inevitably concerned with the factors

    which cause the deviations between the planned budget and the actual results achieved.

    Sales are the key component for every business. The most important operating expenses, that is

    the highest expenses incurred are analyzed separately but the rest of the expenses are aggregated

    for the whole period until & unless the variance is unacceptably huge.

    Therefore, such key variances should be computed by every company on a periodical basis of

    every month. This will eventually help the management to identify the major reasons of such

    variances & to initiate corrective actions in respect of such variances.

  • 7/31/2019 Accounting report based on Sales Variance Analysis


    Variance analysis will lead to the achievement of the following objectives:

    To provide information for economic decisions To motivate managers and other employees To justify costs or compute reimbursement To measure income and assets for reporting to external parties

    This will advocate in the allocation of the costs in proportion to the cost objects ability to bear


    The variance analysis can be also made in respect of the following costs:

    Enterprise-related activities

    Market-related activities Channel-related activities Customer-related active Order-related activities Parts-related activities Direct materials

    It is also very essential to develop the materiality thresholds for the different types of analyses to

    be performed by the management. Context is the most important factor which establishes the

    collateral relationship between the variance to the type of measurement.

    Thus, recognizing the materiality threshold & the context of your analysis helps in recognizing

    the important variance levels and to examine & find the real cause and trends of such variances

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    so that proper initiatives can be taken.. This important knowledge can be used to improve the

    future financial plans of the company.

    Thus the best practices for doing the variance analysis are:

    Analysis the information for the preparation by determining how to examine &compare the results so as to create the appropriate model..

    Then, applying the materiality thresholds to determine the level at which varianceis worth giving importance

    Lastly, the cause analysis needs to be done so as to investigate the reason for theoccurrence of such variances so as to use this information for planning and


    Thus, variance analysis framework helps in explaining such deviations. This helps in exercising

    proper managerial control on the company at large, making effective decision making & creating

    a brand value at large at the face of the world.

  • 7/31/2019 Accounting report based on Sales Variance Analysis








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