accepting diversity-appearance based discrimination- the greek subtopic for comenius project...

Accepting Diversity Combatting Discrimination of Appearance 6o Geniko Lykeio of Aigaleo Greece, 22-26 September 2014

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“Discrimination Based on Appearance” Accepting “Diversity”=Accepting “the Other” = =Accepting “the Different” “How do I look? We are all different, we are all beautiful.” Discrimination is ever-present in any society. It is based on unexamined stereotypes and results in the prejudicial treatment of people who happen to be members of a particular group. Being different in appearance in a group of people is often converted in forms of discrimination and this is acted on every level of social life. Society makes assumptions which are unquestionably adopted by the majority of people. As a consequence ‘the Different” is automatically rejected. Through the Greek subtopic, “Combatting Discrimination of Appearance-Accepting Diversity”, and our YoUtopia project in a wider context, we are investigating forms of discrimination upon ‘the Different’ and are pointing out the effects that such a behavior has upon people. Heading to the opposite direction, by working under the principles of Equality and Tolerance, developing a spirit of Volunteering as a top significance procedure in social affairs, we equip ourselves with those qualities that can develop a collective conscience on combatting discrimination of appearance or of any other kind. Accepting diversity seems to be the only means of maintaining cohesion of society, coexistence and collaboration of individuals in a multicultural society of today. We hope that this project, through getting sensitized on Appearance Based Discrimination issues and promoting Diversity principles, will challenge the participative members and the wider social circle that is being involved in activities one way or another to exhibit the benefits of being a multicultural society with respect for the “Different”. As an impact of this endeavor we hope that students, teachers and parents are going to get more emotionally mature, develop empathy towards the subtle issues of Diversity and Human rights and confront their own bias and prejudices. Our common goal is to make apparent that Acceptance of “the Other”, “the Different”, enhances our quality of life and transforms us to thinking spiritual individuals that stand for the Right and for Justice. Kapetanidou Theodossia (Coordinator Teacher for the Greek Subtopic-Mathematics Teacher)


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Accepti ng Diversity Combatti ng

Discriminati on of Appearance

6o Geniko Lykeio of AigaleoGreece, 22-26 September 2014

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4th meeting of YoUtopia

How do I look?

We are all Different. We are all Beautiful

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How many nationalities indeed?

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Accepting Diversity

Combatting DiscriminationStereotypes and Prejudice

Discrimination of looks

YoUtopia: Towards Participative Citizenship

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How many different countries and cultures?

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The research aim of the Greek subtopic is to prove that

All people are equal no matter what his origin, color, height, weight, style, ……

and to adopt the idea that by

Accepting Diversity and combatting Discrimination of looks and of any other kind we can achieve in establishing a fair city to live in.

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YoUtopia: towards participative citizenship

How many different languages, customs and habits?

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The main objective of our work is to promote active citizenship by:

• comparing topical dimensions of society on appearance based discrimination

• analyzing the effects of discrimination of appearance on individuals,

• challenging people to develop a more tolerable conscience towards this issue

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Altogether totally synchronized!!!

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And here too in international groups

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We hope that members of YoUtopia will be encouraged to:

broaden their minds and thought on appearance based discrimination issue

take initiative and act within a group in a fair and non discriminative way

develop collective spirit that gives the same opportunities to members of the group to enhance personal skills, abilities and respect.

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They seem to understand each other!!

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We also hope that..

this work on Appearance Based Discrimination and Acceptance of Diversity, is going to contribute to the establishment of a constant relation between students, parents and local society, aiming to the exchange of the ideas of equality, tolerance, volunteering and diversity and

the adoption of practices that promote multiculturalism and respect of the Different.

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They can communicate despite the different languages!!

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They are able to plan and agree and… Again how many countries?

Not one, not two but eight

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Moreover pupils and teachers,

of different European countries and of different cultural background, have a unique opportunity to get involved in common cooperational activities, contributing to developing a new consciousness of belonging to a common wider educational, vocational, cultural and economical societywhere all people deserve to be equal addressed, estimated and respected.

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They can explore and exchange opininons and wonder….

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They can learn different countries’ history!!

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And travel back to Ancestry

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Summing up the mission of schools taking part in the inquiry of Discrimination of Looks and Diversity

is to inspire students to become active EU citizens through research and collaboration of different

genders, generations, nationalities, people with different physical abilities and looks

and through learning to become tolerant personalities to

what promotes human dignity.

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Learning about other civilizations reinforces multiculturalism and diversity

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As referred in our application form

Life style is shaped in childhood and teenage period not only by educating students, but also by providing them opportunities of real life experience. Special importance is given to the fact that our work addresses every participant-member by putting through questions like:

• - who, if not you?• - when, if not now? • - where, if not here?

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Working and exploring together…

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Presenting their inquires

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Working on international teams on Questionnaire results

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And here too on Twinspace disccussions summaries

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YoUtopia: towards participative citizenship

In conclusion

as a result of all intended activities, the Greek subtopic aims to

prove that only real change in the way of thinking and realizing concepts like Diversity and Human Rights by every citizen, including youngsters, may lead to the establishment of an ideal society, and

shape an alternative model of an ideal society locally, nationally and on European level too.

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On our presentations Day

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YoUtopia family working and

attending activities

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YoUtopia during works

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Participating in activities too

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This is Diversity. People from 8 different countries working harmonically together for a common goal. THAT

of interrogating the effects of Discrimination of appearance and on applying the principles of Equality

and Respect of everyone by accepting DIVERSITY

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Visiting places together!!

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Showing interest for other civilizations you appereciate more your own one!!

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What is this cylindrical sculpture?YoUtopia members now know.

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This is diversity-multiculturalism

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Greeks, Italians, Polish, Czechs, Turkish, Latvians, French, Romanians seem to get on well together despite their multiculturalism

and multi-nationalism

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And here the same simple relationships despite the differences

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And going around together!!!

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We can do it. We can create a new fair World. It’s one way road.

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Thank you for visiting Aigaleo. See you!

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Appearance Based Discrimination

Accepting DiversityCombatting DiscriminationRespect for the Difference
