accelerating operational excellence in 2015: create a paperless plant with real-time data

Accelerating Operational Excellence in 2015: Create a Paperless Plant with Real-Time Data

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Post on 30-Jul-2015



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Accelerating Operational Excellence in 2015: Create a Paperless Plant with Real-Time Data

Addressing operations challenges with technology Catavolt launched a survey titled “How Leading Manufacturers are Accelerating Operational Excellence” in September 2014, to gain insight on how manufacturing organizations are working to continuously improve their operations, workflows and business processes.

We collected 111 responses from manufacturing professionals in various disciplines on trends and technology that are driving operational excellence. Increased competition in the market, meeting customer expectations, rapidly changing plant floor conditions, and the need to increase revenue, is pushing manufacturing organizations across all industries towards more efficient operational processes.

Manufacturing organizations are increasing operational excellence investments in 2015

•  Manufacturing organizations are challenged with producing high quality products and goods, and keeping internal costs low to contend in a global market.

•  By relying on paper-based processes that are prone to human error, manufacturing teams must deal with cumbersome processes that lead to wasteful spending.

•  By going paperless with real-time data, manufacturing organizations are seeing a reduction in IT expenses, and an increase in staff productivity.

15% of a manufacturing organization’s revenue is spent

creating, managing, and distributing paper


(High Jump, 2011).

Accessing real-time data at the right time

Real-time control of information empowers manufacturing teams to streamline production and ensure products, tools, and goods are produced in accordance with strict regulatory guidelines and customer demands.



What does accessing real-time data with paperless processes mean for your team?

• Reduce data entry time and human errors

that are common with paper form usage

• Receive alerts for material and component

replenishment and easily synchronize

production lines

• Collaborate between departments to

avoid data re-entry and receive faster

response times

• Create a common data source for consis-

tent decision making and support across

the organization

• Completely eliminate paper work document management and interruptions


• Provide transparency on the progress of

improvement initiatives through out the


Does your manufacturing organization have a data issue?

Is your manufacturing team relying on paper-based processes to access infor-mation needed to get the job done?

Something for your team to consider is how much money your organization spends on printing, ink, and paper. Consider how much time your teams spend writing and re-writing LQIRUPDWLRQ��VFDQQLQJ�GRFXPHQWV��DQG�ĆOLQJ�forms in data rooms.


Does your manufacturing organization have a data issue?



Does your manufacturing organization have a data issue?

Is your manufacturing organization having issues with data integrity, reliability and relevance?

If data is already outdated by the time your man-ufacturing teams access it to get their jobs done, your organization may need to review how data LV�EHLQJ�HQWHUHG�DQG�ĆOHG��,I�\RXU�WHDP�LV�VSHQG-ing hours looking for the data they need instead RI�ZRUNLQJ�RQ�WKH�SURGXFWLRQ�OLQH��\RXU�RUJDQL-]DWLRQ�PD\�ZDQW�WR�UHYLHZ�FXUUHQW�SURFHVVHV��


Does your manufacturing organization have a data issue?



Comparing inspection reporting processes with and without paper

Using paper-based processes:







Using real-time data processes:

Inspector immediately pulls up previous report on

digital device

Inspector completes assessment on digital device

New inspection report is saved on device and can be

viewed by other teams

Manufacturing teams can open report at any time for

viewing and editing on digital device

Is your manufacturing team taking the right steps to access real-time data?


By eliminating paper processes with access to real-time data on devices, your manufac-turing operations team can easily access sales number and KPI dashboards needed to make important decisions on placing orders, raw ma-terial inventory, hiring, shipping, and managing costs.

Is your manufacturing team taking the right steps to access real-time data?

Access to real-time data means fewer human errors, and less time and money spent on paper-based processes. When your manufacturing teams can access real-time data on a mobile phone, tablet, or laptop, they can easily make decisions based on the latest information that is critical to operations. These teams now spend less time searching for data, writing, and printing, which FDQ�OHDG�WR�LQćDWHG�FRVWV��OHDG�WLPHV��DQG inventory levels.

Is your manufacturing team taking the right steps to access real-time data?

Access to real-time data drives organizational collaboration and communication.

Real-time data that does not rely on pa-per-based processes, gives manufacturing teams the ability to collaborate with each other in multiple locations, increases productivity, and streamlines processes to guarantee high quality production and better decision making.

Is your manufacturing team taking the right steps to access real-time data?

Access to real-time data means your team spends less time searching for the information they need, and more time getting the job done. Real-time data on devices encourage a culture of integrity and continuous improvement. Real-time data gives your teams the power QHHGHG�WR�HIĆFLHQWO\�SURGXFH�DQG�VHOO�TXDOLW\�products and goods, and contend on a global market.

How can real-time data on devices help manufacturing teams on the plant floor?

Eliminating paper-based processes and accessing important data on devices improves workforce automation by giving your team access to:

• Team work schedules



• Sales and KPI dashboards








Examples of pre-built manufacturing apps that delivers real-time data

Monitor operations at mul-tiple facilities in real-time

0DQDJH�SODQW�ćRRU�operations and inventory

Monitor production volume and get disruption alerts

Go paperless with real-time data for manufacturing facilities

Real-time data delivery technology for manufacturing helps organizations streamline operations and improve workforce optimization

Manufacturing organizations that have relied on paper-based processes and have data that has been siloed in multiple LQIRUPDWLRQ�V\VWHPV��KDYH�GLIĆFXOW\�FRPPXQLFDWLQJ�DQG�JHWWLQJ�WKH�MRE�GRQH�HIĆFLHQWO\��:LWK�WKH�ULJKW�WHFKQRORJ\��such as mobile apps, manufacturers can decrease the amount RI�WLPH�VSHQW�VHDUFKLQJ�PXOWLSOH�(53�V\VWHPV�RU�ĆOHV�URRPV�IRU�FUXFLDO�GDWD�QHHGHG�WR�JHW�WKH�MRE�GRQH�HIĆFLHQWO\��

Visit our Resource Center & learn more about how real-time data drives operational excellence

Cllck here to visit Catavolt’s Manufacturing Resource Center for videos and additional resources on applying real-time data

to drive operational excellence

• Addressing the challenge of relying on paper processes RQ�WKH�PDQXIDFWXULQJ�SODQW�ćRRU���DQG�KRZ�UHDO�WLPH�GDWD�delivered using devices can help

• +RZ�PDQXIDFWXULQJ�RUJDQL]DWLRQV�DUH�XVLQJ�WHFKQRORJ\�like mobility to accelerate their operational excellence initiatives