accelabar brochure-yoko 1-07.pdf

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  • 7/27/2019 accelabar brochure-yoko 1-07.pdf


  • 7/27/2019 accelabar brochure-yoko 1-07.pdf


    No Straight Run RequiredThe Acce la ba r c a n be us ed in extreme ly limited s traight

    run piping co nfigura tions. The s traight run is integral to

    the me ter. The s ta biliza tion a nd linea riza tion o f the veloc ity

    profile within the throat of

    the nozzle eliminates the

    need for any upstream run.

    EngineeringSpecifications Low velocity flow rates

    High acc urac y:

    to 0.50%

    Repeata bility: 0.050%

    Verified flow co efficients

    No ca libration req uired

    Extended turndown

    No s traight run


    Low permanent

    pres sure los s

    Mas s o r volumetric flow

    Actual Application (see d ata on page 4)Application: 3 S ch 40 Natural Ga s

    Operating Pressure/Temperature: 50 P S IG /70 F

    Max/Min Flow Rate: 60,000 S C FH/1,000 S CFH

    Flow Turndown: 60:1

    Straight Run: 0

    How the Accelabar WorksThe Acc elaba r cons ists of a uniq ue toroida l nozzle des ign

    and a Verab ar ave ra ging pitot. The nozzle has a pa tented

    straight run settling distance that accelerates, linearizes

    a nd s tab ilizes the velocity profile s ense d by the Verab ar.

    The Verab ar loca ted within the noz zle ac curately mea sures

    a nd significa ntly increas es the d ifferentia l pres sure output

    to increa se the ope rating ra nge (turndow n). The Acc elaba r

    has a constant flow coefficient and produces an accuracy

    of up to 0.50%.

    Other manufac turers claim high accurac y, but over

    a l imited turndow n.

    The Unique Accelabar Flow Meter

    The Accelabar is a new and unique flow meter that com bines two d ifferential pressure

    techno logies to prod uce op erating ranges never before attainable in a single flow m eter.

    It is capab le of generating high d ifferential pressures for

    measuring gas, liquids and steam at turnd owns previously

    unattainablewith no straight run requirements.

    Stabilizing &linearization section

    Toro ida linlet



    Verab ar



    US Pa tent No. 6,868,741B2 a nd various foreign pa tents pending.

  • 7/27/2019 accelabar brochure-yoko 1-07.pdf


    Verabar Provides the Accuracy

    The proven tec hnolog y of the Verab a r ma kes

    the Accelabar work. It accurately measures the

    flow ra te w ithin the noz zle. Its uniq ue b ullet s hape ,

    constant flow coefficient, solid one-piece construction,

    non-clog design and signal stability make it the

    only design capable of producing the overall


    Verified Accuracy andFlow Coefficients

    Empirical test data from independentlab oratories verified a n a nalytica l mode

    and flow coefficients as constant and

    independent of Reynolds Number

    and within 0.75% of the predicted

    value over a flow turndow n of 65:1

    (se e a ctua l tes t). This eliminat es

    the need f or cal ibrat ion.












    Published Flow Coefficient: 0.4568Reynolds Number Range: 6,517 to 438,160Flow Turndown: 65 to 1DP Turndown: 2,293 to 1 (0.111 H2O to 255.51 H2O)




    Flow TestAccelabar Flow Meter

    Flow Coefficient vs. Reynolds NumberDate 8-21-02

    Accuracy0.75%Flow Turndown 65:1

    0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

    Reynolds Number 1,000

  • 7/27/2019 accelabar brochure-yoko 1-07.pdf


    Comparative Analysis vs. Other Flow MetersThe Acce la ba r fills the ne ed not pres ently be ing filled

    by other flow meters for applications that:

    Do not have sufficient velocity to produce a read ab le

    signa l or sufficient turndo wn Req uire the highes t ac curac y over an extended range

    Have little or no s traight run piping b efore the meter

    The Acc elaba r performa nce

    cha rac teristics far exceed

    those of other DP meters,

    vortex meters and many

    other flow meters.

    These c harts show the actual

    performance characteristics

    of the Accelabar versus other

    flow meters b as ed on the

    follow ing flow co nditions :

    Accelabar Increased VelocityFluid Velocity Pipe Line vs. Accelabar Throat

    Flow TurndownAccelabar vs. Vortex

    Flow TurndownMaximum & Minimum

    Minimum Straight Run Requirements

    Permanent Pressure Loss

    DP at Maximum FlowInches H2O 3 Natural Gas 60,000 SCFH

    Fluid Natural Gas

    P ipe S ize 3 S ch 40

    Ma x Flow 60,000 S CFH

    S G 0.6

    P res sure 50 ps ig

    Tempera ture 70 F

    P ip e Line Ve lo c ity 74 ft/s ec

    Flow Conditions

  • 7/27/2019 accelabar brochure-yoko 1-07.pdf


  • 7/27/2019 accelabar brochure-yoko 1-07.pdf


    Accelabar Model Selection1. Furnish your flowing co nditions. A flowca lculation is req uired to d etermine the

    DP a nd ve rifica tion o f the op erating limits.

    Each meter size has a s tandard beta rat io

    sized for the optimal operating range.

    The ma ximum ope rating limits a re de ter-

    mined by the Accelabar flow calculation.

    2. If your flow ing c onditions e xcee d the operating limits, a larger or sm aller mod el (meter size) must be s elected.

    Ready to InstallThe Acc elaba r is a co mplete flow meter

    rea dy to insta ll. It comes co mplete with

    single or dual transmitters depending on the

    turndow n req uirements .

    An op tiona l RTD is s upplied in a Thermo w ell

    for dynamic c ompens a tion (req uired for use

    w ith multiva ria ble trans mitter).


    Chart A

    Meter SizeVerabar Face to Face L*Sensor 150# 300# 600#

    3 (75mm) -05 1/2 13.78 14.53 15.28

    4 (100mm) -05 1/2 15.15 15.90 17.65

    6 (150mm) -10 1 19.15 19.90 21.90

    8 (200mm) -10 1 21.40 22.15 24.40

    10 (250mm) -10 1 23.15 24.40 27.65

    12 (300mm) -10 1 26.17 27.78 29.67

    AF FlangedModel

    Single Transmitter

    Dual Transmitter

    Flowing Conditions

    *Density is not required for steam applications.

    General Data Fluid Parameters Ma ximum Norma l Minimum Units

    Ta g number Flow Ra te

    P ipe s ize &sc hedule or Pressure

    exa ct ID &wa ll thicknessTem pe rature

    Fluid na me: Dens ity*

    Accuracy Repeatability Sensor, Body & Flange

    to 0.50% 0.050% 316S S

    Acce lab ar flow nozz le


    Pa cking follower

    Weld ne ckRF flange

    Verab ar

    Trans mitter





    * Face to fac e dimensions nominal. Custo m lengths a vailable.

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  • 7/27/2019 accelabar brochure-yoko 1-07.pdf


    Installation Orientation

    Direct Mount Remote Mount

    Trans mitter

    Trans mitter

    Verab ar


    Mount totop of pipe

    Steam& Liquid


    bottomof pipe


    Mount to top of pipe

    Steam & Liquid

    Mount to bottom of pipe

    Instrument tubing&fittings not included

    Instrument tubing&fittings not included

    Trans mitter

    Trans mitter

    Verab ar



    Fill tee(steam only)


    Verab ar


    Verab ar


    6315 Monarch Park PlaceNiwot, CO 80503 USA Phone: 303-652-8550Fax: 303-652-8552 VB-7100F (6/08)

    E-Mail: cont [email protected] Website: www.veris-inc.c om Printed in USA

    True Perform ance in Flow M easurement

    ISO 9001 Cert ified

    160 Steam

    160 Steam

    Gas 160

    Gas 160

    Dual Transmitter

    Transmitter Selection

    Accelabar accuracy is percentof rate. The Acc elab a r maintains

    a constant flow coefficient over

    a w ide range o f flow rates and

    differential press ures .

    DP transmitter accuracy is

    percent of scale. While mos t

    Acc elaba r insta lla tions a re eq uipped

    with one DP tra nsmitter, s ome ap plica tions req uiring superior ac curac y

    over an extreme DP turndown may require a dual DP transmitter


    Single Transmitter