academic writing skills and referencing workshop

Academic Writing Skills Gemma Holtam.

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Academic Writing Skills

Gemma Holtam.

Are these statements true or false?

What is expected in a piece of academic writing

What makes a good assignment

Structuring a paragraph

Signposting words


What We’ll Cover Today






What makes a good


On individual post it notes list all of the things that you think makes a good assignment. For example:• an introduction• answers the assignment


Academic writing

• Introduction and conclusion

• Split into paragraphs with a new paragraph for each new point

• The different paragraphs constantly refer back to the assignment title

• Includes signposting words to guide the reader to the different point

• Uses Harvard referencing system consistently

• Proofread – checking spelling, punctuation, grammar and layout

Academic Writing

What is a paragraph?

What words come to mind? Write them on a post-it note.

What is a paragraph?

A paragraph is:

• a distinct section in a piece if writing

• explains one idea or topic

• contains a number of related sentences

The perfect paragraph

The perfect paragraph





How to structure a paragraph

Each paragraph should contain:

-The topic sentence stating what point

you are making

-Evidence/an explanation to support

your topic or sentence

-An example to illustrate the point you

are making

-Summing up sentence: what do you do

with the evidence, ask yourself so what

W = The existence of Teaching Assistants (TAs) in the classroom does not in itself ensure that pupils benefit.

E = Consideration is needed as to how the TAs are deployed.

E = The DfEE (2004) argues that, it is essential that teachers and TAs work together.

D = The best way to ensure this collaboration is to be clear about roles when planning pupils’ lessons

An example WEED

The perfect paragraph

All sentences in the paragraph should focus

on the main idea or topic

All sentences in the paragraph are clearly

related to each other

Make sure your main idea is supported by

sufficient details to give your writing authority

What is signposting?

Signposting words

Signposting means using phrases and words to guide the

reader through the content of your assignment.

There are two main types of signposting:

Major signposts: introductions, conclusions and outlining

main arguments/ the direction of the argument in

paragraphs/opening phrases.

Linking words and short phrases: connecting words help

guide the reader through the argument by linking ideas,

sentences and paragraphs.

Signposting words

Task – match the words with the heading

Introducing a new idea

Firstly , secondly, finally,

In addition to this

Introducing a contrasting view


Another angle on this debate suggests


On the other handIn conclusion

From the above

It is clear that

The evidence presented has shown that


Signposting words

More study skills words can be found on

the HE Study Skills Moodle Page.

Identifying and listing all of the sources you have referred to in your assignment. There are two parts to this:

1. In text citation

Jones (2015), (Jones, 2015), Jones (2015, p. 15)

2.Reference list at the end of your assignment

Jone, G. (2015) A Guide to Referencing Basingstock: Palgrave Macmillian

What is referencing?

“Taking and using another person’s thoughts, writing or inventions as your own without acknowledging or citing the source of the ideas or expression”

(Pears and Shields, 2013, p.113)

What is Plagiarism?

• Godwin (2009, p.15) believes that “As teachers we recognise the complex nature of plagiarism”

• Goodwin (2009) concluded that due to the complexity….

• Teachers recognise that plagiarism is a complex issue (Godwin, 2009).

Quoting and Paraphrasing




Look at the following piece of writing. Which references are in the right format and which ones are incorrect?

Referencing skills

“Most human behaviour is leaned observationally through reflecting on ones actions: by evaluating what happened, analysing the situation, coming to a conclusion about how things could have been done better, then creating an action plan for what you could do in the future” (Gibbs, 2014; learning, 2014). This quote shows that Gibbs believed that human behaviour is effected by how someone reflects on the situation.

• Quotation marks suggest it’s a direct quote but two sources are cited – unlikely that the information is written exactly the same in two sources

• The title of the website or the author of the page should be cited

• Web address should only be included in the reference list

What is expected in a piece of academic writing

What makes a good assignment

Structuring a paragraph

Signposting words


We have covered






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Gemma Holtam

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01709 513300

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