academic conduct. all students entering windsor university school of medicine are expected to...


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Post on 18-Jan-2018




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Who is guilty of misconduct ? A student who, without reasonable cause ◦breaches any statute or University rule; ◦fails to comply with a lawful direction, order or request of a University employee; and/or obstructs or attempts to interfere with an employee's lawful performance of their duty; ◦ does an act or omission which may endanger the safety or health of any person; ◦ unlawfully assaults, attempts to assault, or threatens to assault any person or causes any person to hold reasonable fear for his or her safety or physical or psychological well-being; ◦ impairs the ability of any person to participate in any legitimate University activity; ◦ does any act or omission which disrupts or tends to disrupt the peace or good order of the University or to bring the University into disrepute; ◦ discloses confidential information concerning any matter relating to the University; ◦damages or wrongfully deals with, or interferes with, or causes damage or loss to any property in or on a University site or property belonging to a third party where the damage, wrongful dealing or interference occurs during a course of study by the student;


Page 1: ACADEMIC CONDUCT. All students entering Windsor University School of Medicine are expected to maintain high standards of academic honesty and integrity


Page 2: ACADEMIC CONDUCT. All students entering Windsor University School of Medicine are expected to maintain high standards of academic honesty and integrity

All students entering Windsor University School of Medicine are expected to maintain high standards of academic honesty and integrity.

It is the responsibility of every undergraduate student to be aware of the rules and regulations of the university and to abide by its provisions.

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Who is guilty of misconduct ?

A student who, without reasonable cause ◦ breaches any statute or University rule; ◦ fails to comply with a lawful direction, order or request of a University employee; and/or obstructs or attempts

to interfere with an employee's lawful performance of their duty; ◦ does an act or omission which may endanger the safety or health of any person; ◦ unlawfully assaults, attempts to assault, or threatens to assault any person or causes any person to hold

reasonable fear for his or her safety or physical or psychological well-being; ◦ impairs the ability of any person to participate in any legitimate University activity; ◦ does any act or omission which disrupts or tends to disrupt the peace or good order of the University or to

bring the University into disrepute; ◦ discloses confidential information concerning any matter relating to the University; ◦ damages or wrongfully deals with, or interferes with, or causes damage or loss to any property in or on a

University site or property belonging to a third party where the damage, wrongful dealing or interference occurs during a course of study by the student;

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•misuses the information technology facilities (including software) or communication facilities of the University;

•fails to comply with any decision or order made under this policy;

•makes a false representation regarding a matter affecting him or her as a student of the University;

•harasses, bullies, intimidates or threatens any University employee or student at the University;

•falsifies an academic transcript or other document provided by the University, or purported to be provided by the University, concerning a student or a University employee;

•breaches any University policy including, but not limited to, those concerning harassment and discrimination, privacy, intellectual property, occupational health and safety, use of the library, computers, computer facilities, information technology and information technology facilities and use of or access to University sites; or

•breaches any Act of the Commonwealth or of the country of St.Kitts and Nevis to which the University is subject, while in or on a University site or using University services or facilities; is guilty of misconduct.

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Main areas for discussion!!

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Cheating Cheating is defined as fraud, deceit, or dishonesty in an academic assignment, or using or attempting to use materials, or assisting others in using materials that are prohibited or inappropriate in the context of the academic assignment in question, such as:

Copying or attempting to copy from others during an exam or on an assignment.

Communicating answers with another person during an exam.

Preprogramming a calculator to contain answers or other unauthorized information for exams.

Using unauthorized materials, prepared answers, written notes, or concealed information during an exam.

Allowing others to do an assignment or portion of an assignment for you, including the use of a commercial term-paper service.

Submission of the same assignment for more than one course without prior approval of all the instructors involved.

Collaborating on an exam or assignment with any other person without prior approval from the instructor.

Taking an exam for another person or having someone take an exam for you.

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Remember :- Exam center is monitored by electronic surveillance equipment and supervised by faculty invigilators.

It is mandatory to come to exam center 10 mins before examination schedule.

It is mandatory to bring your identity card to examination center.

Electronic items (with the exception of ordinary calculators , when allowed ) are not allowed in examination hall.


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Plagiarism is defined as use of intellectual material produced by another person without acknowledging its source, for example:

Wholesale copying of passages from works of others into your homework, essay, term paper, or dissertation without acknowledgment.

Use of the views, opinions, or insights of another without acknowledgment.

Paraphrasing of another person’s characteristic or original phraseology, metaphor, or other literary device without acknowledgment.


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Course Materials Removing, defacing, or deliberately keeping from other students library materials that are on reserve for specific courses.

Contaminating laboratory samples or altering indicators during a practical exam, such as moving a pin in a dissection specimen for an anatomy course.

Selling, distributing, website posting, or publishing course lecture notes, handouts, readers, recordings, or other information provided by an instructor, or using them for any commercial purpose without the express permission of the instructor.


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False Information and Representation, Fabrication or Alteration of Information

Furnishing false information in the context of an academic assignment.

Failing to identify yourself honestly in the context of an academic obligation.

Fabricating or altering information or data and presenting it as legitimate.

Providing false or misleading information to an instructor or any other University official.


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Theft or Damage of Intellectual Property

Sabotaging or stealing another person’s assignment, book, paper, notes, experiment, project, electronic hardware or software.

Improper access to, or electronically interfering with, the property of another person or the University via computer or other means.

Obtaining a copy of an exam or assignment prior to its approved release by the instructor.


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Alteration of University Documents

Forgery of an instructor’s signature on a letter of recommendation or any other document.

Submitting an altered transcript of grades to or from another institution or employer.

Putting your name on another person’s exam or assignment.

Altering a previously graded exam or assignment for purposes of a grade appeal or of gaining points in a re-grading process.


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Disturbances in the Classroom

Disturbances in the classroom can also serve to create an unfair academic advantage for oneself or disadvantage for another member of the academic community. Below are some examples of events that may violate the Code of Student Conduct:

Interference with the course of instruction to the detriment of other students.

Disruption of classes or other academic activities in an attempt to stifle academic freedom of speech.

Failure to comply with the instructions or directives of the course instructor including coming late to classes .

Use of mobile phones expect in emergency situations.

Unnecessarily activating fire alarms , phoning threats of any kind etc..

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Inappropriate Behavior Participating in academic activities, including patient care, having used non-prescribed psychotropic substances (including alcohol abuse) or having inappropriately used prescribed substances.

Engaging in romantic, sexual, or other nonprofessional relationships with a patient or a patient’s family member, even upon the apparent request of a patient or patient’s family member .

Misrepresenting him or herself as a licensed or certified health care provider

Bullying other students or any member of the institute


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CIVIL AND CRIMINAL OFFENCES Academic sanctions may be imposed on individuals who are: a. being charged with an offense in the civil justice system.

◦ The school will generally not pursue an investigation until the outcome of the civil court proceeding is known, unless the alleged offense is such that allowing the

◦ student to continue his or her studies could be detrimental to the safety of patients or other members of the school, as determined by the Grievances committee and Associate Dean of Student affairs.

b. being charged with a criminal offense. The student is obligated to report this to the Associate Dean of Student affairs immediately. If a student has been charged with a criminal offense between the time he/she wrote an application and the time

he/she arrives at school, he/she should inform the Associate Dean of student affairs before arrival. If the school later discovers that a student has withheld disclosure of a criminal charge,

he/she may be subject to immediate dismissal by the School.

In all situations, the student may not be allowed to continue the course of study until cleared of a criminal charge as determined by the School committees.

This does not reflect a guilty until proven innocent standard, but rather, the obligation of the school to ensure the safety of patients ʺ ʺ and other members of the school.

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Absence in exams Students absent in any exam can appeal to the Promotion’s Committee if the student has a genuine reason for being absent.( Refer to Sec 3.1.1. of Promotion’s policy)

Things that may be considered are:-

Incapacitating illness: Sudden sickness, illness, accidents etc.(The Dean of student affairs has to be immediately notified and a medical certificate has to be provided by a qualified physician )

Disasters of Nature: Hurricanes, Flood, fire etc.(documented )


Illness of a very close relative(documented)

Serious personal issues (e.g. divorce, house fire etc.)

Factors for which the University is responsible(e.g. cancellation of

Sessions etc.)

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Things NOT considered are:- 1. Any unsanctioned leave of any kind.

2. Incidents such as (and not limited to) the following:-

Computer crashes, Computer/printer access, difficulties –KEEP BACKUP !!

Coursework due in from different modules at the same time

Work from other courses or retake exams

Unavailability of source materials (including library books/journals)



Normal Pregnancy

Religious festivals or similar commitments

House move (prearranged)

Normal work pressures etc.

Make up exams subsequently given to such students will have different questions with similar equivalence.

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Attendance policy – mandatory 80% !!

Attendance - Attendance at classes held on/off campus and all small group sessions are mandatory.

Students are encouraged to attend all of their classes. Attendance records are kept by the School and are released to licensing authorities or government bodies if requested. It is mandatory that an attendance level of at least 80% is maintained as some states may request this information prior to offering a licence.

If the student’s attendance falls below 80% they will not be allowed to sit for the final examination and will have to appeal to the Dean of Student Affairs and Promotions committee.

Attendance is expected for the whole period of class. Students must make sure they are present at the commencement of class and remain until the class is concluded.

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The department

The Promotion's committee

Academic Dean

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Promotions Committee This committee follows the Policies of the WUSM without any exceptions!!

Policy document

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Very Important Students failing courses

The maximum number of failed subjects to be carried over to the next semester as retakes is 1.(ONE )

The maximum number of retakes allowed for students in each subject is 2. (i.e. total of 3 attempts for a particular course).After failing a course three times the student is dismissed from the institute and there is no further discussion on such a student in Promotion’s committee. The student may however appeal for reevaluation of exams at any time.

Retake exams are scheduled at the beginning of every semester and clinical rotations.

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• A.Student PASSES all courses in one semester : Student moves to next semester.• B.Student FAILS a course• The PROMOTIONS COMMITTEE MEETS the student and EXPLAINS the POLICY--> A



• A.Student PASSES the retake exam : Student moves to next semester.• B. Student FAILS the retake exam • The PROMOTIONS COMMITTEE MEETS the student and EXPLAINS the POLICY-->


3• A.Student PASSES after repeating the course : Student moves to next semester • B. Student FAILS after repeating the course : Student is DISMISSED from INSTITUTE (No

more meetings with the student expect for special cases (refer to 3.1.1)

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All the Best !!

Good luck and success !!