abstracts apirs 2011

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ABSTRACTS Abstracts- Plenary Opening Plenary - July 14th 18:45 19:45 Grass Amid the Cobblestones: Adventures in Literature TeachingSandra Sirangelo Maggio, Ph.D. Sandra Maggio is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, where she teaches British Literature and Culture at the undergraduate and graduate programmes of the Language Institute. This presentation addresses the decisions any teacher in charge of working with Literature must make when selecting the course of action for the preparation of a given set of classes. Some of the aspects considered involve selecting the primary sources, analysing the profile of the group to be addressed, defining the aims to be reached, assessing current theories and methods, and considering the moral and ethical issues involving the effects of the process which is being undertaken.

Plenary - July 15th 17:50-18:50 Ten ways to get your students to DO somethingKen Wilson Ken Wilson is a teacher trainer and author of ELT materials, with more than 30 titles to his name, including a dozen series of course books. The second edition of his OUP American English course Smart Choice was published earlier this year. In addition to course material, he writes songs, sketches, short plays and other supplementary ELT material, including more than 100 radio and TV programmes for BBC English. His most recent book of supplementary material is Drama and Improvisation (OUP). Until 2002, he was also artistic director of the English Teaching Theatre (ETT). The ETT toured the world performing stage-shows specially written for learners of English. During more than 25 years of touring, the company made more about 250 tours to 55 countries, including several visits to Brazil.

Even with all the spectacular and sophisticated materials that are available to teachers, its still hard to get students to do what you want them to do. To get the best out of your students, you have to find strategies for engaging them. In this talk, I will try to suggest ten ways that you can engage their interest and also exploit their talents, and how you can show them talents they never knew they had. This could be drawing, singing, miming, being a class organiser or even revealing specialist knowledge about insects. Its all there, waiting to be exploited. Plenary - July 16th 08:30 - 09:30 Formao de Professores na Rede Municipal de Ensino de Porto AlegreMrcia Viegas Mrcia da Silva Viegas professora e assessora de lnguas adicionais do Grupo de Apoio Poltico-pedaggico da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Porto Alegre. Licenciada em Letras-Espanhol (LP) pela PUCRS e ps-graduada em Ensino e Aprendizagem de Lnguas Estrangeiras pela UFRGS, foi professora e orientadora de estgio do Departamento de

Letras e Artes da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG).

Formao de Professores na Rede Municipal de Ensino de Porto Alegre: Que rede essa? Onde esto essas escolas? Como a formao continuada em servio dos professores da RME e que possibilidades so vislumbradas na perspectiva de uma educao que promova a cidadania oportunizando a problematizao poltica, social e educativa? Plenary - July 16th 16:10-17:10 Tech teaching: some cool links and tips to enhance your classesJulio Menochelli. Julio Menochelli, RSA, LCCI has been an English language teacher and teacher trainer for over 15 years. He worked at major institutions such as the Cultura Inglesa and CEL LEP. He was the coordinator of the Language Programme at Electrolux do Brasil. He worked as a consultant and field editor for several publishing companies. He is the founder and coordinator of the Macmillan School for Teachers, an educational project for school teachers in Brazil. He is now a Marketing and Sales advisor at Macmillan.

Blended learning the appropriate use of technology in the classroom supported by pedagogical principles is the present and the future of education in all its forms. However, we teachers feel that our students, most of who digital natives, know more about computers and the internet than we do. This is not necessarily true. They know it differently. This session aims at equipping the teacher with technological tools that will make our lessons more attractive and more productive, and are certain to surprise our students. Abstracts - Fora Forum - July 15th Young Learners: 14:00 16:15 Teaching English to Young Learners: the Role of L1 in L2 ClassroomMarisa Cleff Formada em portugus, ingls e espanhol pela UCPEL - (Universidade Catlica de Pelotas) e especialista em psicopedagogia ( em andamento) Universidade Baro de Mau. Marisa ministra aulas de ingls h mais de 12 anos para todos nveis, mas seu foco de trabalho est no ensino de lngua estrangeira para crianas. Katia Maria Pires Y' Gubu Formada em Comunicao Social, Publicidade e Propaganda pela PUCRS e Ps Graduada em Ensino de Lngua Inglesa. Experincia de 11 anos lecionando Ingls para todas as idades e nveis. Claudia Gabellini Specialized in teaching English to children from pre-school to primary school. She has been working with very young children and EFL since 1988. Presently, she is in charge of the English department in two of Porto Alegre's well-known pre-schools. Simone Santa Catharina Licenciada e bacharel em Letras UFRGS Lngua Portuguesa e Lngua Italiana, aluna do Curso de PsGraduao Metodologia do Ensino de Portugus e Lngua Estrangeira FACINTER/UNINTER, Bacharelanda em Letras UFRGS Lngua Portuguesa e Lngua Inglesa.

Atualmente trabalha como professora e tradutora de Italiano e Professora Particular de Ingls. Tatiana Canto de Carvalho Tatiana Carvalho has been teaching English to children for 20 years. She has a post-graduation degree on TEFL and has taken TEYL courses in some universities overseas. Her experience includes presenting workshops at international EFL seminars and conferences. She also coordinates APIRS Young learners SIG and is a member of APIRS board of directors. Ktia Maria Pimentel dos Santos- Yzigi Ktia Pimentel has been teaching English for over 5 years. She has also taken and delivered presentations in courses and seminars for EFL teachers. She has lived abroad for a year and a half, as a student. She is currently a YL SIG group member.

Using L1 in L2 classrooms usually involves guilty teachers who feel they are not doing their best or providing enough input to their learners. There is much literature about the topic but few teachers feel confident about the amount of L1 and L2 that must be used in the young learners classroom. For that, the Young Learners Forum 2011 aims at sharing, debating and reflecting on some important points around the discussion of the role of L1 in L2 classroom for young learners. The forum is thought as room for discussion and debate, so attendees will participate actively. The first part consists of a lesson delivered only in L2. In the second part some study cases will be brought into discussion. In the third part, there will be the sharing of what was discussed in small groups. And to wrap-up, a theoretical account will be posted relating theory to the classroom. Join us. Forum - Public Schools: July 15th 14:00 16:15 Primeiros momentos do PNLD de lngua estrangeiraSimone Sarmento [email protected] Simone Sarmento is a full-time professor for UFRGS. Has a PhD in Language Studies from UFRGS, a Masters in Language Studies from Lancaster University and a Masters in Applied Linguistics from UFRGS. Is APIRS Vice-President. Larissa Goulart da Silva [email protected] Larissa Goulart da Silva Is an undergraduate student from Letras/UFRGS. Has a scholarship in a research about the PNLD. She is also a member of the Grupo de Pesquisa de Lingustica de Corpus do SUL (GELCORP-SUL).

Nesta sesso relataremos resultados preliminares sobre uma pesquisa que est sendo realizada sobre os primeiros momentos do Programa Nacional do Livro Didtico (PNLD) nas aulas de ingls das escolas pblicas de Porto Alegre.

Lies do Rio Grande in ActionMaria Valsia Silva da Silva [email protected] Trabalha na escola pblica desde 1989. graduada em Letras-Ingls/Portugus (PUC-UCS), Psgraduada em Metodologia de Ensino de 1 e 2 Graus-Lngua Inglesa (UCS) e Mestre em Aquisio da Linguagem (UFRGS). Atualmente atua na Chefia Pedaggica da 4 CRE Caxias do Sul.

This talk shows a well succeeded experience of development of Referenciais Curriculares Lies do Rio Grande. It will start telling a brief story of the school, its community and the influence of English teaching advice program in the whole process (digital inclusion project). After that it will discuss how the project was set up, how it was developed, and the lessons learned during the process. The participants are going to be invited to talk about the experience and other possible experiences they could share. Abstracts - Papers Papers- July 15th 9:45 10:35 Fidelity, loyalty, faithfulness, and invisibility in translation studiesAmanda Vinhola do Nascimento [email protected] Amanda has a degree in languages English and Portuguese from Unilasalle and a graduate course in Linguistic Revision from UniRitter. She also works at UniRitteras the coordinator of the Academic Registry Office. She has experience in revising and translating academic and scientific papers and websites Valria Brisolara [email protected] Valria has a BA in Translation from UFRGS and works as a sworn translator. She also has an MA and a Ph.D. in Literatures in English from UFRGS and teaches English and Translation at UniRitter. She also coordinates the graduate program in English Teaching and Learning and teaches in the Masters Program in Languages.

This paper aims to present and discuss the concepts of fidelity, loyalty, faithfulness, and invisibility in translation studies, showing their relationship with the translator and/or translation and the difficulties involved in the translation process. Trabalhando com o texto literrio em sala de aula: prticas possveisBruna Sommer Farias [email protected] Undegraduate student at UFRGS in Letras licenciatura Port/Ingls (UFRGS) - concluding the course in 2011, July. With experience in English teaching, she researched about Autonomy in English classes. Nowadays, she also participates in the Seminar of Portuguese for Foreigners, coordinated by Margarete Schlatter. Laura Amaral Kmmel Frydrych [email protected]

Has an undergraduate degree in Letras licenciatura Port/Ingls (UFRGS), and is now a graduate student at Programa de Ps Graduao em Letras (UFRGS), with emphasis on textual and discursive theories. With experience in Sign Language interpretation.

Ao apresentar diferentes tarefas criadas a partir de um conto de Paul Auster, pretendemos discutir maneiras de instigar o gosto e o interesse dos alunos pela leitura em lngua adicional. Para isso, problematizaremos as diferentes formas de se trabalhar com o texto literrio em sala de aula de lngua inglesa. Benefits and Challenges of Teaching English in Regular SchoolsCarina Silva Fragozo [email protected] She holds a degree in Languages from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (2007) and a Masters Degree in Linguistics from the same university (2010). Nowadays, she teaches English in High School and English for Specific Purposes in a Technical Course. She is interested in the following topics: FL teaching, acquisition of English as a FL, Sociolinguistics, cognitive approaches related to FL acquisition, English phonetics and phonology and acoustic phonetics.

Firstly, I will comment on the benefits of teaching in regular schools, based on my own experience as a High School teacher. Then, I will discuss some challenges to be faced by teachers in this context. Finally, I will present suggestions of activities that may work in this kind of class. Teaching numbers to preschool children: Is it an easy task?Charlene Oliveira Trindade [email protected] Orientadora educacional da empresa de educao a distncia GSI Online. licenciada em Letras Ingls e Literaturas da Lngua Inglesa pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) e Especialista em Tecnologias da Informao e da Comunicao aplicadas Educao tambm pela UFSM.

The presentation will relate a case study realized during the year 2007, where was approached the process of numbers acquisition by a preschool group. Against (almost) all odds: English Teaching Development ProgramDbora Iz Balsemo Oss [email protected] Doutoranda em Lingustica Aplicada pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Mestre em Aquisio de Linguagem pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Graduada em Letras Lngua Portuguesa e em Lngua Inglesa pela Universidade de Caxias do Sul. Professora da rea de Letras da Universidade de Caxias do Sul. Coordenadora adjunta do Curso de Ingls Prolic/REGESD na Universidade de Caxias do Sul. Interesses: formao de professores, aprendizagem e ensino de lngua inglesa.

The goals of this talk, which advocates better conditions for ELT professionals, are to share

experiences with participants and to develop ways of improving professionalism amongst English educators, basically by reporting the experience of developing an undergraduate program based on students collaboration in terms of curriculum adjustments and informed practice. The Pragmatics of Billboards: The effectiveness comes from a catching languageKatia Maria Pires Y Gubu [email protected] Graduated in Social Communication, qualification in Advertisement at PUC-RS. PostGraduation in Teaching English at Uniritter Centro Universitrio Ritter dos Reis University.

This presentation will be about Pragmatics in billboards. It shows an analysis of the language used to communicate in an effective way without using too much text and how image, culture and background can interfere in the process of understanding the message. A Systemic Functional Discussion on the Teaching of GrammarGiana Targanski Steffen [email protected] Giana Targanski Steffen doutoranda em lngua Inglesa pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, onde desenvolve pesquisas na rea de Anlise Crtica do Discurso e Lingustica Sistmico Funcional, Mestre em Letras-Ingls com nfase em ensino de lnguas estrangeiras pela UFSC e licenciada em Letras - Ingls pela PUCRS. Com mais de dez anos de experincia em sala de aula como professora de Ingls, desenvolve pesquisas sobre aquisio plurilnge, educao lingstica e anlise do discurso. Andreana Marchi [email protected] Andreana Marchi licenciada em Letras Portugus/Ingls e respectivas literaturas pela Universidade para o Desenvolvimento do Alto Vale do Itaja (Santa Catarina). Atuou em escolas regulares (Ensino Fundamental) e tambm no Ensino de Jovens e Adultos. Atualmente aluna do programa de mestrado em Lingstica Aplicada Lngua Inglesa pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, na rea de Anlise Crtica do Discurso e tambm tutora do curso de Letras Ingls do Ensino Distncia pela mesma universidade. O foco de sua pesquisa faz relao entre discurso poltico, poltica domstica e relaes internacionais, Gramtica Sistmico-Funcional (Systemic Functional Grammar) e Anlise Crtica do Discurso (Critical Discourse Analysis). Tem interesse na relao entre lngua e sociedade.

This presentation aims at extending the discussion on the teaching of grammar in the English as a Foreign Language classroom, by presenting the relationship between text and context in the perspective of Systemic Functional Grammar. The importance of oral corrective feedback on English classes for childrenSimone Santa Catharina

[email protected] The author is graduated in Languages and Translation at UFRGS (Italian). She is concluding Languages and Translation (English) in the same university. Her final paper for Specialization is the present article, that received grade A.

Giving oral corrective feedback to the students becomes imperative for them to perceive their own learning. Therefore, the aim of this research is to discover how a Brazilian teacher of English handles oral corrective feedback in the classroom; how the students receive this correction; and what is the result obtained in terms of learning in the classroom. To answer these questions, the research will be based on observations, interviews and studies on Corrective Feedback. Subsequently, this paper intends to show that this issue becomes increasingly important as it helps teachers to understand students learning and to help them achieve an even better and more effective result. O perfil e as Competncias Desejveis aos Professores de Ingls para CrianasVivian Bacchin Magalhes [email protected] Vivian Magalhes has taught English for 30 years. She holds a BA degree in journalism, an Associate degree in Arts (USA), a specialization degree in English Teaching and a Masters degree in Education. She is the author of Teacher Tools and co-author of Cem Aulas Sem Tdio, as well as the webmaster of the website www.linguaestrangeira.com.br.

Algumas falsas concepes esto relacionadas ao ensino de Lngua Estrangeira para crianas. Uma das mais difundidas, e talvez a mais nociva, seja a de que para ensinar crianas o professor no precisa ser muito proficiente, pois elas no iro aprender estruturas gramaticais ou lxicas mais complexas. Outra crena bastante comum a de que, pelo mesmo motivo, mais fcil ensinar crianas do que alunos de outras faixas etrias. O objetivo deste trabalho demonstrar que lecionar LE no ensino infantil ou fundamental exige no apenas conhecimentos especficos sobre caractersticas das crianas, mas tambm que o professor tenha um perfil apropriado para trabalhar com elas. Papers - July 15th 14:00 14:50 Teachers Choices concerning Form-Focused-Instruction: Technical and/or Practical Knowledge?Jos Carlos Patta Alves [email protected]

English teacher at ZK Idiomas - Rio Grande. He holds a degree in Letras from UCPel, a Masters Degree in Applied Linguistics from UCPel and has been working as an EFL instructor for 25 years in Private English Courses, Cursos Pr-vestibulares and, currently, from 6th grade to High School at Bom JesusJoana dArc Rio Grande. Ubirat Kickhfel Alves [email protected] Full-time professor at UFRGS. He holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics from PUC-RSl, and has worked as an EFL instructor for more than 12 years in Brazil. He has advised graduate students on the fields of phonological theory, L2 phonological acquisition and L2 teaching.

This presentation aims to show the results of an investigation of two teachers beliefs regarding Form-Focused Instruction (FFI). Based on class recordings and questionnaires/interviews, we aim to discuss if the decisions made by teachers concerning FFI are based on their technical knowledge, practical knowledge or both. Silence in Additional Language Classrooms: Multiple PerspectivesJulia Oliveira Osorio Marques [email protected] Graduate Student at UNIRITTER

It is noticeable that considerable attention has been primarily given to the additional language (AL) and/or students oral discourse, as opposed to silence, which lacks further studies. Therefore, this paper aims to raise and problematize the meaning, influence and potential consequences of silence in AL learning contexts. A better understanding of silence in relation to communicative competence, hybrid identities and gender may help the dealing with the students difficulties in terms of learning a new language. This being so, a bibliographical review was made and analysed with the purpose of reaching the objective above mentioned. Thus, it is important to be aware that even though silence may be characterized as the absence of oral discourse, it must not be regarded as a meaningless entity. Crenas, Percepes e Prticas de Professores de Cursos LivresLilian Klagenberg Dickel [email protected] Started teaching in 2005 after coming back from an exchange program. Going to graduate on the 19th of August 2011 at UNISINOS in Letters English. Nowadays has her own English school in Carlos Barbosa.

Atravs de uma pesquisa realizada na serra gacha com professores de cursos de idiomas, confronto as crenas desses professores acerca do que ser um bom professor e a importncia da formao na vida profissional. Tambm exploro o significado do termo crena e algumas de

suas possveis implicaes para o fazer dos professores de lngua inglesa. Poetry in the EFL Classroom: An Experience with Children from Ensino FundamentalLetcia Pires DAndrea [email protected] Professora de lngua inglesa da rede municipal de ensino de Porto Alegre e professora tutora da Unisinos. Possui graduao em Licenciatura em Letras: Ingls pela Unisinos (2004) e mestrado em Letras: Ensino de Lngua Inglesa e Estudos Lingusticos Aplicados pela London Metropolitan University (2007).

The presentation will have four moments: - Discussion of the concept of poetry; Explanation of Kenneth Koch`s methodology; - Discussion of the theory of writing in the EFL; Narrative of the experience and video presentation. Revising the Concept of Authenticity in Language ClassroomsLuciana Teixeira [email protected] English Teacher and Student at the Letras Course at UNISINOS

The objective of this study is to problematize the notion of authenticity in language classrooms. To analyze it, the format of essay was elected. The main authors addressed were David Crystal, Douglas H. Brown, Luis Antonio Marcuschi, David Taylor and David Nunan. It is presented in four chapters. First I revisit the concept of authenticity and its historical background. In the second chapter I problematize the notion of authenticity regarding new ways of teaching languages. In the third chapter I recall the use of textual genre as the authentic text for the additional language classroom providing examples. Then I present my final considerations regarding my studies and my experience. The central topic is that the contemporary notion of authenticity for the language classroom is associated to the function that the texts used in the classroom, as well as their genres, have in students lives thus, the use of authentic texts in the additional language classroom is related with the choice of the several textual genres present in the world which tell us how our reality is built and how we built it ourselves. Testing critical notions of genre in the foreign language classroomNathalia Catto [email protected] Graduated in Language with a major in English, at UFSM. Currently, she is a graduate student of the PPG em Letras in the same institution, focusing on critical multimodal genre analysis of comic strips. She has already acted as a monitor at Yzigi Santa Maria and at Cultural Norte Americano. She has had a twoyear experience abroad in Vancouver, Canada, in order to take a course on English as a Second Language. Her research interests include discourse genres, multimodality, comic strips, multiliteracies

and foreign language teaching. Daiane Kummer [email protected] Graduated in Language with a major in English, at UFSM. During the course Daiane participated in a teaching language project, linked to the university, called CELS (Curso de Extenso em Lnguas Estrangeiras. She also worked for a semester at Yzigi, as a monitor. She spent 2 months in Vancouver, Canada, to study English. She works at CNA, a language course. Nowadays, she is doing a postgraduation course at Unifra, Centro Universitrio Franciscano.

The present work aims at presenting a proposal for teaching English considering a critical genre-based approach. Two examples will be offered by using comic strips and one magazine feature article, both media genres. Motivating the teaching of reading/writing in class through environmental issuesVoninio Brito de Castro [email protected] Graduated in LETRAS at UNITINS, Specialization in the English language teaching/learning Methodologies by the British Council and Master in Cincia do Ambiente at UFAM, Carl Venzke [email protected] Bachelor of Science degree Geology at Michigan State University. Master of Science in Environmental Sciences at University of Wisconsin. MBA at University of Tulsa. TESOL Certificate at Oxford University. This presentation consists of showing the project Learning English and Learning to save the environment, accomplished in regular school curriculum, which exposed elementary and high school students to situations in which they were encouraged to write illustrated stories on their own about the environment and social topics.

Creating online multimedia glossaries for learners: reporting experiences from ESPM (International Relations) and from PUCRS (Aeronautical Sciences)


Ana Eliza Pereira Bocorny/ PUCRS-ESPM [email protected] /[email protected] Holds a Doctors Degree in Languages (2008) from UFRGS, an MA in Education (1998) from PUCRS. She also studied ESP at Lancaster University (1992). She is currently an assistant professor of the Faculties of Languages and Aeronautical Sciences, at PUC-RS and of the Faculty of International Relations, at ESPM. She leads a Research Group on Knowledge Management, Specialized Language Processing and Technology and is responsible for the Language and Aviation Research Line from the Aeronautical Sciences Research Group. She is currently editor in chief of AVIATION IN FOCUS and a Board Member of the International Civil Aviation English Association (ICAEA). Cristiane Krause Kilian/UFRGS- Instituto Goethe [email protected] Thomas Pereira Rossatto/ ESPM

[email protected]/ [email protected] Studies International Relations at ESPM. He is a research assistant with the Research Group on Knowledge Management, Specialized Language Processing and Technology. He is currently working in a project supported by ESPM which aims at constructing an online multimedia glossary for students of International Relations, lead by Professor Ana Bocorny. Paula Ramos Pacheco/ ESPM [email protected] Undergraduate student of International Relations at ESPM. She is also a research assistant with the Research Group on Knowledge Management, Specialized Language Processing and Technology. She is currently working in a project supported by ESPM which aims at constructing an online multimedia glossary for students of International Relations, lead by Professor Ana Bocorny. Paola Chitolina / ESPM [email protected] / [email protected] Undergraduate student of International Relations at ESPM. She is also a research assistant with the Research Group on Knowledge Management, Specialized Language Processing and Technology. She is currently working in a project supported by ESPM which aims at constructing an online multimedia glossary for students of International Relations, lead by Professor Ana Bocorny. Nasser Mohamad/PUCRS [email protected] Undergraduate student of Aeronautical Sciences at PUCRS. He is also a research assistant with the Research Group on Aeronautical Sciences. He is currently working in a project that aims at constructing an online multimedia glossary for students of Aeronautical Sciences, lead by Professor Ana

Bocorny.Paulo Vitor B//PUCRS [email protected] Undergraduate student of Aeronautical Sciences at PUCRS. He is also a research assistant with the Research Group on Aeronautical Sciences. He is currently working in a project that aims at constructing an online multimedia glossary for students of Aeronautical Sciences, lead by Professor Ana Bocorny.

The knowledge of terminology is fundamental in understanding quality content once terms represent the nodes of a conceptual area of expertise, conducting specialized knowledge. From the context described, this paper aims to present two project that address the construction of specializes multimedia online glossaries for learners of two distinct areas of specialization: International Relations and Aeronautical Sciences. Papers- July 15th 16:45-17:35 Estudos sobre anlise crtica do gnero notcia de popularizao cientficaDsire Motta-Roth [email protected] Dsire Motta-Roth Professora Associado 3 da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Doutora em

Letras (Ingls) pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (1995), com estgios de PsDoutorado no English Language Institute da Universidade de Michigan (Set/2002 a Fev/2003) e na Pontifcia Universidade Catlica de So Paulo (Mar a Set/2009). Desenvolve pesquisa, ensino e extenso na rea de Lingstica Aplicada sobre prticas discursivas em contextos especficos, teoria e anlise crtica de gneros discursivos, redao, leitura e multiletramento, ensino e aprendizagem de lnguas (ingls e portugus), formao de professores. Ariane de Ftima Escobar Rossi [email protected] Ariane de Ftima Escobar Rossi Mestranda em Letras (rea de concentrao em Estudos Lingusticos) no Programa de Ps-graduao em Letras da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria com bolsa da CAPES. licenciada em Letras Ingls e Literaturas da Lngua Inglesa tambm pela UFSM (2008) e Especialista em Metodologias de Ensino de Lngua Inglesa pelo Centro Universitrio Franciscano, UNIFRA, (2010).

A apresentao consiste em um levantamento bibliogrfico sobre alguns estudos realizados na rea de Anlise Crtica do Gnero notcia de popularizao cientfica, onde sero apresentados os resultados das pesquisas e seus pontos em comum de modo a entender melhor e caracterizar o gnero notcia de popularizao cientfica. L1 use in the EFL classroom: perspectives from teachersNatalie Leal Kobielski [email protected] Natalie Leal Kobielski is a language instructor supervisor and a teacher at Berlitz School Porto Alegre. She holds a degree in Letras from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), and has been working as an EFL instructor for 6 years and teaching Portuguese for foreigners for 5 years in Brazil. Ubirat Kickhfel Alves [email protected] Ubirat Kickhfel Alves is a full-time professor at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). He holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics from Pontifcia Universidade Catlica do Rio Grande do Sul, and has worked as an EFL instructor for more than 12 years in Brazil. He has advised graduate students on the fields of phonological theory, L2 phonological acquisition and L2 teaching. This presentation aims to discuss the use of the first language in EFL classrooms. Advantages and disadvantages of L1 use are going to be discussed, based on the answers provided by English teachers working at a school that advocates the exclusive use of the target language in class.

The Co-Construction of Identities in a Language ClassroomPaula Cortezi Schefer Cardozo [email protected] English Teacher and Undergrade Student at the Letras Course at UNISINOS

This paper lies upon the theme of the speakers identity in a language classroom as English as a

foreign language. The objective is to demonstrate whether the concept of the ideal native speaker of English is socially built in a language classroom and, if so, how participants demonstrate it to each other. Adultos e a aprendizagem do Ingls como Lngua EstrangeiraSamanta K. Menoncin Pierozan [email protected] Has been teaching English as a private teacher for 6 years. She holds a specialization degree in Ensino e Aprendizagem da Lngua Estrangeira Ingls at UCS. Luciana Sanyos Pinheiro [email protected] Has been teaching English for more than 15 years. She holds a Master Degree in Letras e Cultura Regional/UCS, and she is doing her Doctoral in Applied Linguistics at UFRGS, shes a professor at UCS and at PLE/UCS.

O presente trabalho objetiva: identificar as motivaes que incentivam o adulto a buscar o aprendizado da lngua estrangeira; verificar o que so e como as crenas influenciam no processo do aprendiz; verificar a ligao entre crenas e aspectos afetivos que apresentam interveno sobre o aprendizado de alunos em relao lngua estrangeira; e delinear estratgias de aprendizagem como forma auxiliar no processo do aprendiz como estudante da segunda lngua. Technology in the Classroom: the future of projectsSue Ruggeri Cons [email protected] Has been teaching since 2001. Currently attending the specialization course Ensino e Aprendizagem da Lngua Inglesa provided by UCS, she has a degree in Business and Systems Analysis, and also carries the TKT (all modules) and CAE certificates provided by the University of Cambridge. Amanda Fiza [email protected] Has been studying English for 8 years. She has a degree in Pedagogy and has dedicated her entire professional life to teaching. She teaches the second grade at a private school. She used to work at a program for children in situations of social vulnerability, where she developed projects involving English and other subjects related to the children context and reality. Slvia Maria Zanella [email protected] Has been studying English for 10 years. She has a degree in History Teaching and has dedicated her entire professional life to teaching. She teaches English and History to elementary, high school grades at private schools and language institutes. Juliana Zobaran [email protected]

Has been a teacher for 8 years. She graduated from Daytona College in Human Behavior. She is currently attending a specialization course in English language at the local University in Caxias do Sul - RS. She has been a Cultura teacher since 2008 and became a branch mentor this year.

In the technology era, educators have to be more than creative, we have to be innovative in order to contemplate the need students have towards projects. This presentation aims at providing a few extra ideas for teachers to use in their own classes. Popularizao da cincia e letramento cientfico: uma experincia de docncia orientadaTnia Maria Moreira [email protected] Professora licenciada do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e doutoranda em Letras, pelo PPGL da UFSM. Possui mestrado em Letras pela UFSM (2003), especializao em Informtica Educativa, pela UFRGS (1999) e graduao em Letras, pela FAFISB (1985). Participa do projeto "Anlise Crtica de Gneros com Foco em Artigos de Popularizao da Cincia" coordenado pela Profa. Dsire Motta-Roth. Anelise Scotti Scherer [email protected] Mestranda em Estudos Lingusticos, pelo pelo PPGL da UFSM. Possui graduao em Letras Ingls (2011) pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria e graduao em Desenho e Plstica Licenciatura (2006) e Bacharelado (2007), pela mesma instituio. Participa do projeto "Anlise Crtica de Gneros com Foco em Artigos de Popularizao da Cincia" coordenado pela Profa. Dsire MottaRoth.

Neste trabalho, reportamos uma experincia de docncia orientada em uma disciplina complementar de graduao com base em A Roda (COPE; KALANTZIS, 1993) e na Anlise Crtica de Gnero (MEURER, 2002, por exemplo). A apresentao envolve: 1) conceitos-chave que subsidiam a prtica pedaggica; 2) procedimentos e resultados da experincia pedaggica; e 3) concluso do trabalho. Working as an EFL monitor: what is(are) our role(s)?Vincius Oliveira de Oliveira/UNIFRA [email protected] Language Undergraduate Student at the Franciscan University (UNIFRA). Gabriela Quatrin Marzari/UNIFRA [email protected] Language Professor at the Franciscan University (UNIFRA). Masters Degree in Applied Linguistics.

In this paper, we intend to discuss the role(s) of English monitors in the learning of EFL students based on Vygotskys theory. In addition, we will present some activities that we have developed to teach students contents they are unable to learn in class only. Thus, we hope we can provide EFL (future) teachers with new ideas to teach the target language.

A co-consutruo da accountability: tornando uma gafe aceitvel aos olhos de todosCatilcia Prass Lange [email protected] Mestre em Lingstica Aplicada (UFRGS), professora de Ingls do estado e tutora distncia da REGESD. Ana Maria Kniphoff [email protected]

Abordamos neste paper a (co) construo situada de uma comunidade de prtica de aprendizagem (Lave e Wenger, 1991 e Wenger, 1998), construo realizada nos micro momentos da fala-em-interao de uma sala de aula de Ingls como lngua adicional. The Collaborative Tasks and the Teaching and Learning of EnglishMirian Fhr [email protected] Graduated in Languages Portuguese/English, from. She has been teaching English in language schools for about 4 years and she has also been teaching in regular schools for a year and a half. She has presented some papers related to Education and to the teaching and learning of English in a variety of events, participated in several courses in Brazil and some abroad and she has got a few articles published as well.

This presentation aims to share a research focused on the teaching and learning of foreign languages through interaction. The work, based on the sociocultural theory, shows information about a collaborative task carried out with students. Some concepts, examples of the analysis and conclusions are going to be exposed and discussed. Abstracts - Workshop July 15th 11:05-12:25 A View of Modeling: From Drilling to ParticipationAna Luiza Pires de Freitas [email protected] Bacharel em Comunicao Social (1986) e habilitada em ensino pelo Instituto de Letras (1994) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; mestre em Linguagem no Contexto Social pela mesma universidade (2006). Atua como professora de lngua inglesa, em projetos de formao continuada de professores, como presidente da Associao dos Professores de Ingls do Rio Grande do Sul, leciona no Curso de Letras da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS) e integra o grupo de Pesquisa Interao Social e Etnografia (ISE) junto ao Instituto de Letras da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Atua principalmente nos temas ensino e aprendizagem, desenvolvimento de professores e de programas de ensino e aprendizagem aplicados. Cristina Schmitz Gibk [email protected]

Bacharel em Letras (1993) pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; mestre em Linguistica Aplicada na area de Aquisio de Segunda Lngua pela mesma Universidade (2002). no curso de Letras da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, atuando especialmente nas areas de ensino e aprendizagem e formao de professores. Faz parte do conselho diretivo da APIRS.

This workshop aims at exploring the potential of modeling in empowering language learners towards more central participation (Lave and Wenger, 1996) in the different social contexts in which they use language. Learning Technologies for the ClassroomAndreza Lago [email protected] Andreza Lago has a B.A and an M.A. in English teaching. Shes a teacher, a teacher-trainer and a materials writer.

Technology has been increasingly used in the classroom. But, has it been fully exploited and integrated into the lessons? In this workshop, participants will see how to integrate learning technologies into the lessons in order to meet their students needs and expectations. Non-standard English: Teaching the Language through memorable movies and songsAllan Fontoura Figueiredo [email protected] Languages Undergraduate Student at the Franciscan University (UNIFRA). Gabriela Quatrin Marzari [email protected] Languages Professor at the Franciscan University (UNIFRA). Masters Degree in Applied Linguistics.

In this workshop, we intend to present some activities we have developed to teach English as a Foreign Language. Our focus will be on the non-standard English language, since the study of linguistic variations is central to the understanding of language use. Thus, we will work on specific movies and songs in order to emphasize the importance of teaching our students both formal and informal varieties of English. Maximising learning outcomes: the role of language awarenessCristiane Ruzicki Corsetti [email protected] Cristiane has been teaching EFL for over 20 years. She works for Cultura Inglesa RS as a teacher, teacher trainer and academic consultant. She holds a Masters Degree in Applied Linguistics. She is currently undertaking her doctoral studies at PUCRS.

The main aim of this session is to highlight the different ways in which teachers language awareness may facilitate learning outcomes. I will be defining the scope of language awareness

and addressing teaching procedures and techniques such as error analysis, concept checking, timelines and board work English Literature: more present than we can imagine.Camila Noggi Luly [email protected] Senior undergraduate student in the Course of Letters at Unisinos/RS. She also participated in the APIRS Summer Course (2011/01) with the presentation of an excerpt of her final paper on Agatha Christies detective stories. She takes part in a book writing project with other classmates from Unisinos which is being coordinated by Professor Claudio Zanini as well. She taught in English courses for two years and a half.

This presentation aims to provide a different approach to literature through other media. The main goal of this workshop is to prove that we have more contact with English literature than we can imagine and it may be a powerful tool to be used in class. Activities using dictionaries: tools for learning EnglishCalhandra Pinter [email protected] Calhandra Pinter is graduated from Letras-Ingls at PUCRS (2005), holds a specialization degree in English Language (Unilasalle 2008), and MA degree in Applied Linguistics at PUCRS (2010). She is an English teacher at Colgio Joo XXIII in Porto Alegre. She also has been teaching English for nine years, having experience in English courses, private schools, and as a substitute teacher at IFET Pelotas. Cibele Bairros [email protected] Cibele Bairros is graduated from Letras-Ingls at PUCRS (2005), has taken courses abroad and holds a specialization degree in English Language (Unilasalle 2008). She is currently an English teacher at Colgio Provncia de So Pedro in Porto Alegre and holds a business (Opportunity English School). She has been teaching English for more than ten years, having experience in English courses, private schools, private classes and translations.

This presentation will consist in exposing the objectives of using dictionaries in classrooms, as well as presenting exercises possible to be done with both virtual and printed dictionaries. Preparing Activities for Young Learners Using Authentic MaterialEduarda De Carli [email protected] Eduarda De Carli is an undergrad student in Letras Licenciatura (English). Currently she is in the 3rd semester. She has some experience in English teaching at a free course. Anamaria Welp [email protected] Anamaria Welp is a professor at UFRGS with a doctorate in Linguistics from PUCRS, acting in the areas of English and Portuguese as additional languages.

The workshop aims at providing ideas for preparing activities to teenage students which are consistent with their interests and their reality and through which they have the opportunity to learn the language by using it in context. Academic writing in English: dos and dontsElisa Marchioro Stumpf [email protected] Elisa Marchioro Stumpf has an undergraduate degree in Modern Languages Portuguese/English from Universidade de Caxias do Sul and a masters degree in Language Studies from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. She has taught English as a foreign language for the past 6 years and currently teaches at UFRGS. Natlia Borges Polesso [email protected] Natlia Borges Polesso has an undergraduate degree in Modern Languages Portuguese/English from Universidade de Caxias do Sul and is finishing a masters degree in Letras, Cultura e Regionalidade at UCS. She has been an English teacher for the past 12 years, working mainly with incompany courses.

We intend to present, discuss and offer useful advice on topics related to academic writing in English. The workshop will present both theoretical information and exercises. Key issues to be considered are: purpose of academic writing, vocabulary choices, syntactic patterns and textual structures. Motivation moves! Spice up your classes.Lilia Muller Moyer [email protected] Graduate from UFRGS Letras Tradutor Interprete 1991. Teacher (1990 to 2001) and coordinator (1999 to 2001) Yzigi Internexus. MA in TESOL Wright State University (2005 to 2007). University of Dayton, ESL Instructor Dayton, Ohio (January, 2008 to July, 2010). Wright State University, ESL Instructor Dayton, Ohio (August, 2010 to present)

What can you, teacher, do to motivate your students? Theory is great, but only when it is practiced. After providing a brief theoretical background on motivation, I will present some motivational activities that can easily be adapted to inspire students in any educational environment. Why girls aren't boys: behavioral and language differencesCarlos Ricardo Rossa [email protected] Carlos Ricardo Rossa has been teaching English since 1984. He holds a B.A. in languages (PUCRS, 1990), an M.A. in applied linguistics in logics and natural languages (PUCRS, 1999) and a PhD in psycholinguistics (PUCRS, 2005). He worked at Unisinos (1995-97) and has been a professor at PUCRS

since 1990 where he teaches both in the undergraduate and graduate departments. His academic interests are: computer simulation, brain and language and bilingualism.

I will present facts on the differences between men and women as to brain wiring and functioning, as well as scientific studies that corroborate the idea that behaviorism alone can not account for the very different actions men and women take when confronted with similar situations. I will also try to demonstrate that a much stronger reason (hormones) is necessary for explaining these differences. Workshops- July 15th 14:55-16:15 Readers: culture and literature for English learnersCalhandra Pinter [email protected] Calhandra Pinter is graduated from Letras-Ingls at PUCRS (2005), holds a specialization degree in English Language (Unilasalle 2008), and MA degree in Applied Linguistics at PUCRS (2010). She is an English teacher at Colgio Joo XXIII in Porto Alegre. She also has been teaching English for nine years, having experience in English courses, private schools, and as a substitute teacher at IFET Pelotas. Cibele Bairros [email protected] Cibele Bairros is graduated from Letras-Ingls at PUCRS (2005), has taken courses abroad and holds a specialization degree in English Language (Unilasalle 2008). She is currently an English teacher at Colgio Provncia de So Pedro in Porto Alegre and holds a business (Opportunity English School). She has been teaching English for more than ten years, having experience in English courses, private schools, private classes and translations.

This presentation will highlight the goals and advantages of using readers with students, and also present ideas of activities and reading exercises. Filling the Gap connecting Pronunciation Teaching to ESL classes.Fernanda da Rosa Sanchez Schmitt [email protected] Has been a teacher at Yzigi Esteio since March 2010. She is a student at the Letras course at Unisinos University.

This workshop aims to discuss concepts related to contextual teaching of pronunciation and its importance to English language classes as well as to propose useful pronunciation. Through visual aids, participants have the opportunity to actually experience some of these activities so that they are later able to use them with their students in a contextualized way. Song: Music and Lyrics in EFL teachingJos Peixoto Coelho de Souza [email protected] Has been teaching EFL in language schools and as a tutor since 1999 and has also been teaching

Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PFL) in the PFL program at UFRGS since 2008. He is currently taking his Masters in Applied Linguistics at same university, researching about the use of Brazilian songs in PFL and has experience in designing tasks.

First, I will introduce some musical concepts. Then, I will relate these concepts to some song lyrics. After that, I will present some reasons for using songs. Finally, I will discuss some objectives for using song in EFL teaching. Song Activities in ELTMarcelo Elias Dillenburg [email protected] Graduated as a Civil Engineer from UFRGS (2003); masters degree in Engineering: Hydraulics and Sanitation from USP (2006); Certificate of Proficiency in the English language issued by the Richard Hugh Fisk Foundation (1997); English teacher at Quatrum English Schools since March, 2010.

An extended approach on how to use song activities to complement the teaching of English, as means of teaching language, creating cultural bridges and keeping students interested/motivated. Customizing ESP activities for large mixed groupsPatrcia Rdel Gavioli [email protected] English teacher since 1997. Undergraduate professor at FTEC Faculdades since 2007. Experience abroad includes Masters Degree in Business and Leadership at Hamline University, in the State of Minnesota, USA. Graduated in History from Pontifcia Universidade Catlica, Rio Grande do Sul. Presently attending the English Program at Universidade Ritter dos Reis. Regina Pretto [email protected] Holds a B.A. and Specilization Degree in English. Her interests are in the areas of Foreign Language Education, Bilingualism and ESP. Currently, she works as an English teacher and coordinator at Americano School and FTEC and is on the board of APIRS.

This presentation aims at showing how ESP activities can be easily designed with the help of authentic materials found on the web. When facing a large group of ESP students with complete different backgrounds and levels of English, teachers have the challenge of involving all of them in the use of the same materials. Despite their differences it is imperative that they learn and use the key vocabulary and grammar structures. That is when customizing ESP activities plays an important role. Teaching the Y generationRuth Rapaport [email protected] Ruth Rapaport holds a BA in English from PUC/SP, an specialization in Organizational Pedagogy and an

MBA in People Management. Shes been a teacher, teacher trainer and independent consultant for about 25 years at language schools and companies in So Paulo, SP, and Curitiba, PR. She has also taught graduate courses in Mass Media and Trilingual Executive Secretarial and she is the South Region ELT Academic Consultant for Pearson Education do Brasil. She is the author of Comunicao e Tecnologia no Ensino de Lnguas, Editora IBPEX.

The workshop aims at highlighting key features of the Y Generation in comparison/contrast to the other Generations; how they affect the current and future teaching-learning processes, and how teachers can benefit from such change. Recipes for two: games that can be played in one-to-one classesVivian Bacchin Magalhes [email protected] Vivian Magalhes has taught English for 30 years. She holds a BA degree in journalism, an Associate degree in Arts (USA), a specialization degree in English Teaching and a Masters degree in Education. She is the author of Teacher Tools and co-author of Cem Aulas Sem Tdio, as well as the webmaster of the website www.linguaestrangeira.com.br.

The aim of this workshop is to share ideas of games that can be played in one-toone classes, despite the fact that the teacher is more proficient than the student, and the idea of teams doesnt apply. Games can promote learning by means of creating a relaxed atmosphere and a need for using the language communicatively.