abstract arxiv:1604.01850v3 [cs.cv] 6 apr 2017we thus exploit a circular queue to store their...

Joint Detection and Identification Feature Learning for Person Search Tong Xiao 1* Shuang Li 1* Bochao Wang 2 Liang Lin 2,3 Xiaogang Wang 1 1 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2 Sun Yat-Sen University 3 SenseTime Group Limited {xiaotong,sli,xgwang}@ee.cuhk.edu.hk, [email protected], [email protected] Abstract Existing person re-identification benchmarks and meth- ods mainly focus on matching cropped pedestrian images between queries and candidates. However, it is different from real-world scenarios where the annotations of pedes- trian bounding boxes are unavailable and the target per- son needs to be searched from a gallery of whole scene im- ages. To close the gap, we propose a new deep learning framework for person search. Instead of breaking it down into two separate tasks—pedestrian detection and person re-identification, we jointly handle both aspects in a single convolutional neural network. An Online Instance Match- ing (OIM) loss function is proposed to train the network ef- fectively, which is scalable to datasets with numerous iden- tities. To validate our approach, we collect and annotate a large-scale benchmark dataset for person search. It con- tains 18, 184 images, 8, 432 identities, and 96, 143 pedes- trian bounding boxes. Experiments show that our frame- work outperforms other separate approaches, and the pro- posed OIM loss function converges much faster and better than the conventional Softmax loss. 1. Introduction Person re-identification (re-id) [8, 39] aims at match- ing a target person with a gallery of pedestrian images. It has many video surveillance applications, such as find- ing criminals [33], cross-camera person tracking [38], and person activity analysis [23]. The problem is challeng- ing because of complex variations of human poses, cam- era viewpoints, lighting, occlusion, resolution, background clutter, etc., and thus draws much research attention in re- cent years [4, 19, 21, 24, 35, 43]. Although numerous person re-id datasets and methods have been proposed, there is still a big gap between the problem setting itself and real-world applications. In most benchmarks [10, 14, 18, 19, 45], the gallery only contains manually cropped pedestrian images (Figure 1a), while in * Tong Xiao and Shuang Li are co-first authors with equal contributions. (a) Person re-id: matching with manually cropped pedestrians (b) Person search: finding from whole scene images Figure 1. Comparison between person re-identification and person search. The person search problem setting is closer to real-world applications and more challenging, as detect- ing pedestrians would inevitably produce false alarms, mis- detections, and misalignments. real applications, the goal is to find a target person in a gallery of whole scene images, as shown in Figure 1b. Fol- lowing the protocols of these benchmarks, most of the exist- ing person re-id methods assume perfect pedestrian detec- tions. However, these manually cropped bounding boxes are unavailable in practical applications. Off-the-shelf pedestrian detectors would inevitably produce false alarms, misdetections, and misalignments, which could harm the fi- nal searching performance significantly. In 2014, Xu et al.[36] made the first step towards clos- ing this gap. They introduced the person search problem to the community, and proposed a sliding window search- ing strategy based on a combination of pedestrian detection and person matching scores. However, the performance is limited by the handcrafted features, and the sliding window framework is not scalable. arXiv:1604.01850v3 [cs.CV] 6 Apr 2017

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Page 1: Abstract arXiv:1604.01850v3 [cs.CV] 6 Apr 2017We thus exploit a circular queue to store their features also for comparison. This is another ad-vantage brought by the person search

Joint Detection and Identification Feature Learning for Person Search

Tong Xiao1∗ Shuang Li1∗ Bochao Wang2 Liang Lin2,3 Xiaogang Wang1

1The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2Sun Yat-Sen University 3SenseTime Group Limited

{xiaotong,sli,xgwang}@ee.cuhk.edu.hk, [email protected], [email protected]


Existing person re-identification benchmarks and meth-ods mainly focus on matching cropped pedestrian imagesbetween queries and candidates. However, it is differentfrom real-world scenarios where the annotations of pedes-trian bounding boxes are unavailable and the target per-son needs to be searched from a gallery of whole scene im-ages. To close the gap, we propose a new deep learningframework for person search. Instead of breaking it downinto two separate tasks—pedestrian detection and personre-identification, we jointly handle both aspects in a singleconvolutional neural network. An Online Instance Match-ing (OIM) loss function is proposed to train the network ef-fectively, which is scalable to datasets with numerous iden-tities. To validate our approach, we collect and annotatea large-scale benchmark dataset for person search. It con-tains 18, 184 images, 8, 432 identities, and 96, 143 pedes-trian bounding boxes. Experiments show that our frame-work outperforms other separate approaches, and the pro-posed OIM loss function converges much faster and betterthan the conventional Softmax loss.

1. Introduction

Person re-identification (re-id) [8, 39] aims at match-ing a target person with a gallery of pedestrian images.It has many video surveillance applications, such as find-ing criminals [33], cross-camera person tracking [38], andperson activity analysis [23]. The problem is challeng-ing because of complex variations of human poses, cam-era viewpoints, lighting, occlusion, resolution, backgroundclutter, etc., and thus draws much research attention in re-cent years [4, 19, 21, 24, 35, 43].

Although numerous person re-id datasets and methodshave been proposed, there is still a big gap between theproblem setting itself and real-world applications. In mostbenchmarks [10, 14, 18, 19, 45], the gallery only containsmanually cropped pedestrian images (Figure 1a), while in

∗Tong Xiao and Shuang Li are co-first authors with equal contributions.

(a) Person re-id: matching with manually cropped pedestrians

(b) Person search: finding from whole scene images

Figure 1. Comparison between person re-identification andperson search. The person search problem setting is closerto real-world applications and more challenging, as detect-ing pedestrians would inevitably produce false alarms, mis-detections, and misalignments.

real applications, the goal is to find a target person in agallery of whole scene images, as shown in Figure 1b. Fol-lowing the protocols of these benchmarks, most of the exist-ing person re-id methods assume perfect pedestrian detec-tions. However, these manually cropped bounding boxesare unavailable in practical applications. Off-the-shelfpedestrian detectors would inevitably produce false alarms,misdetections, and misalignments, which could harm the fi-nal searching performance significantly.

In 2014, Xu et al. [36] made the first step towards clos-ing this gap. They introduced the person search problemto the community, and proposed a sliding window search-ing strategy based on a combination of pedestrian detectionand person matching scores. However, the performance islimited by the handcrafted features, and the sliding windowframework is not scalable.








] 6




Page 2: Abstract arXiv:1604.01850v3 [cs.CV] 6 Apr 2017We thus exploit a circular queue to store their features also for comparison. This is another ad-vantage brought by the person search

In this paper, we propose a new deep learning frame-work for person search. Different from conventional ap-proaches that break down the problem into two separatetasks—pedestrian detection and person re-identification, wejointly handle both aspects in a single Convolutional NeuralNetwork (CNN). Our CNN consists of two parts, given awhole input gallery image, a pedestrian proposal net is usedto produce bounding boxes of candidate people, which arefed into an identification net to extract features for compar-ing with the target person. The pedestrian proposal net andthe identification net adapt with each other during the jointoptimization. For example, the proposal net can focus moreon the recall rather than the precision, as false alarms couldbe eliminated through the latter features matching process.Meanwhile, misalignments of proposals are also acceptable,as they can be further adjusted by the identification net. Toimprove the scalability of the whole system, inspired by re-cent advances in object detection [27], we encourage bothparts to share underlying convolutional feature maps, whichsignificantly accelerates the inference procedure.

Traditional re-id feature learning mainly employs pair-wise or triplet distance loss functions [1, 3, 5, 19]. How-ever, they are not efficient as only several data samples arecompared at each time, and there are O(N2) potential inputcombinations, where N is the number of images. Differentsampling strategies could significantly impact the conver-gence rate and quality, but finding efficient sampling strate-gies becomes much more difficult as N increases. Anotherapproach is learning to classify identities with the Softmaxloss function [35], which effectively compares all the sam-ples at the same time. But as the number of classes in-creases, training the big Softmax classifier matrix becomesmuch slower or even cannot converge. In this paper, wepropose a novel Online Instance Matching (OIM) loss func-tion to cope with the problems. We maintain a lookup tableof features from all the labeled identities, and compare dis-tances between mini-batch samples and all the registeredentries. On the other hand, many unlabeled identities couldappear in scene images, which can be served as negativesfor labeled identities. We thus exploit a circular queue tostore their features also for comparison. This is another ad-vantage brought by the person search problem setting. Theproposed parameter-free OIM loss converges much fasterand better than the Softmax loss in our experiments.

The contribution of our work is three-fold. First, we pro-pose a new deep learning framework to search a target per-son from a gallery of whole scene images. Instead of simplycombining the pedestrian detectors and person re-id meth-ods, we jointly optimize both objectives in a single CNNand they better adapt with each other. Second, we proposean Online Instance Matching loss function to learn identifi-cation features more effectively, which enables our frame-work to be scalable to large datasets with numerous identi-

ties. Together with the fast inference speed, our frameworkis much closer to the real-world application requirements.At last, we collect and annotate a large-scale benchmarkdataset for person search, covering hundreds of scenes fromstreet and movie snapshots. The dataset contains 18, 184images, 8, 432 identities, and 96, 143 pedestrian boundingboxes. We validate the effectiveness of our approach com-paring against other baselines on this dataset. The datasetand code are made public to facilitate further research1.

2. Related Work

Person re-identification. Early person re-identificationmethods addressed the problem by manually designing dis-criminative features [12,34,42], learning feature transformsacross camera views [25,26,30], and learning distance met-rics [11,22,24,26,46]. Recent years, many researchers haveproposed various deep learning based methods that jointlyhandle all these aspects. Li et al. [19] and Ahmed et al. [1]designed specific CNN models for person re-id. Both thenetworks utilize as input a pair of cropped pedestrian im-ages and employ a binary verification loss function to trainthe parameters. Ding et al. [5] and Cheng et al. [3] ex-ploited triplet samples for training CNNs to minimize thefeature distance between the same person and maximize thedistance between different people. Apart from using pair-wise or triplet loss functions, Xiao et al. [35] proposed tolearn features by classifying identities. Multiple datasetsare combined together and a domain guided dropout tech-nique is proposed to improve the feature learning. Severalrecent works addressed on solving person re-id on abnormalimages, such as low-resolution images [20], or partially oc-cluded images [47].

Concurrent with our prior arXiv submission, Zheng etal. [44] also contributed a benchmark dataset for personsearch. They exploited separate detection and re-id meth-ods with scores re-weighting to solve the problem, while inthis work we propose a deep learning framework that jointlyhandles both aspects.

Pedestrian detection. DPM [7], ACF [6], and Checker-boards [41] are the most commonly used off-the-shelfpedestrian detectors. They rely on hand-crafted features andlinear classifiers to detect pedestrians. Recent years, CNN-based pedestrian detectors have also been developed [37,40]. Various factors, including CNN model structures,training data, and different training strategies are studiedempirically in [15]. Tian et al. [31] exploited pedestrian andscene attribute labels to train CNN pedestrian detectors in amulti-task manner. Cai et al. [2] proposed a complexity-aware boosting algorithm for learning CNN detector cas-cades.


Page 3: Abstract arXiv:1604.01850v3 [cs.CV] 6 Apr 2017We thus exploit a circular queue to store their features also for comparison. This is another ad-vantage brought by the person search

Conv Feature Maps

Stem CNN

Pedestrian Proposal Net

Identification NetRoI Pooling

Anchor Cls.Anchor Reg.

Proposal Cls.Proposal Reg.

Online Instance Matching



Figure 2. Our proposed framework. Pedestrian proposal net generates bounding boxes of candidate people, which are fedinto an identification net for feature extraction. We project the features to a L2-normalized 256-d subspace, and train it witha proposed Online Instance Matching loss. Both the pedestrian proposal net and the identification net share the underlyingconvolutional feature maps.

3. Method

We propose a new deep learning framework that jointlyhandles the pedestrian detection and person re-identificationin a single convolutional neural network (CNN), as shownin Figure 2. Given as input a whole scene image, we firstuse a stem CNN to transform from raw pixels to convolu-tional feature maps. A pedestrian proposal net is built uponthese feature maps to predict bounding boxes of candidatepeople, which are then fed into an identification net withRoI-Pooling [9] to extract L2-normalized 256-d features foreach of them. At inference stage, we rank the gallery peo-ple according to their feature distances to the target person.At training stage, we propose an Online Instance Matching(OIM) loss function on top of the feature vectors to super-vise the identification net, together with several other lossfunctions for training the proposal net in a multi-task man-ner. Below we will first detail the CNN model structure,and then elaborate on the OIM loss function.

3.1. Model Structure

We adopt the ResNet-50 [13] as our base CNN model.It has a 7 × 7 convolution layer in front (named conv1),followed by four blocks (named conv2 x to conv5 x) eachcontaining 3, 4, 6, 3 residual units, respectively. We exploitconv1 to conv4 3 as the stem part. Given an input im-age, the stem will produce 1024 channels of features maps,which have 1/16 resolutions of the original image.

On top of these feature maps, we build a pedestrian pro-posal network to detect person candidates. A 512 × 3 × 3convolutional layer is first added to transform the featuresspecifically for pedestrians. Then we follow [27] to asso-ciate 9 anchors at each feature map location, and use a Soft-max classifier to predict whether each anchor is a pedestrianor not, as well as a linear regression to adjust their loca-tions. We will keep the top 128 adjusted bounding boxes

after non-maximum suppression as our final proposals.To find the target person among all these proposals, we

build an identification net to extract the features of each pro-posal, and compare against the target ones. We first exploitan RoI-Pooling layer [9] to pool a 1024 × 14 × 14 regionfrom the stem feature maps for each proposal. Then they arepassed through the rest conv4 4 to conv5 3 of the ResNet-50, followed by a global average pooling layer to summa-rize into a 2048 dimensional feature vector. On one hand,as the pedestrian proposals would inevitably contain somefalse alarms and misalignments, we use again a Softmaxclassifier and a linear regression to reject non-persons andrefine the locations. On the other hand, we project the fea-tures into a L2-normalized 256 dimensional subspace (id-feat), and use them to compute cosine similarities with thetarget person when doing inference. During the trainingstage, we supervise the id-feat with the proposed OIM lossfunction. Together with other loss functions for detection,the whole net is jointly trained in a multi-task learning man-ner, rather than using the alternative optimizations in [27].

3.2. Online Instance Matching Loss

There are three different types of proposals, labeled iden-tities, unlabeled identities, and background clutter. Supposethere are L different target people in the training set, whena proposal matches a target person, we call it an instanceof the labeled identity, and assign a class-id (from 1 to L)to it accordingly. There are also lots of proposals predictingpedestrians correctly, but do not belong to anyone of our tar-get people. We call them unlabeled identities in such cases.We demonstrate some examples of labeled and unlabeledidentities in Figure 3 with blue and orange bounding boxes,respectively. Other proposals are just false alarms on otherobjects or background regions. In the proposed loss func-tion, we only consider the labeled and unlabeled identities,while leave the other proposals untouched.

Page 4: Abstract arXiv:1604.01850v3 [cs.CV] 6 Apr 2017We thus exploit a circular queue to store their features also for comparison. This is another ad-vantage brought by the person search

Labeled identities

Unlabeled identities

id=1 id=2 id=3 id Features

1 v1T

2 v2T

3 v3T

Lookup Table




Circular Queue

Figure 3. Online Instance Matching. The left part shows the labeled (blue) and unlabeled (orange) identity proposals inan image. We maintain a lookup table (LUT) and a circular queue (CQ) to store the features. When forward, each labeledidentity is matched with all the stored features. When backward, we update LUT according to the id, pushing new featuresto CQ, and pop out-of-date ones. Note that both data structures are external buffer, rather than the parameters of the CNN.

As our goal is to distinguish different people, a naturalobjective is to minimize the features discrepancy among theinstances of the same person, while maximize the discrep-ancy among different people. To fulfill this goal, we need tomemorize the features of all the people. This could be doneoffline by doing network forward on all the training images,but it is not practical when using stochastic gradient descent(SGD) for optimization. Thus in our approach, we choosean online approximation instead. Denote the features of alabeled identity inside a mini-batch by x ∈ RD, where Dis the feature dimension, we maintain a lookup table (LUT)V ∈ RD×L to store the features of all the labeled identities,as demonstrated in Figure 3. During the forward propaga-tion, we compute cosine similarities between the mini-batchsample and all the labeled identities by V Tx. During back-ward, if the target class-id is t, then we will update the t-th column of the LUT by vt ← γvt + (1 − γ)x, whereγ ∈ [0, 1], and then scale vt to have unit L2-norm.

Apart from labeled identities, many unlabeled identi-ties are also valuable for learning feature representations.They can be safely used as negative classes for all thelabeled identities. We use a circular queue to store thefeatures of these unlabeled identities that appear in recentmini-batches. Denote the features in this circular queue byU ∈ RD×Q, where Q is the queue size, we can also com-pute their cosine similarities with the mini-batch sample byUTx. After each iteration, we push the new feature vectorsinto the queue, while pop the out-of-date ones to keep thequeue size unchanged.

Based on these two data structures, we define the prob-ability of x being recognized as the identity with class-id i

by a Softmax function

pi =exp(vTi x/τ)∑L

j=1 exp(vTj x/τ) +

∑Qk=1 exp(u

Tk x/τ)

, (1)

where higher temperature τ leads to softer probability dis-tribution. Similarly, the probability of being recognized asthe i-th unlabeled identity in the circular queue is

qi =exp(uTi x/τ)∑L

j=1 exp(vTj x/τ) +

∑Qk=1 exp(u

Tk x/τ)

. (2)

OIM objective is to maximize the expected log-likelihood

L = Ex [log pt] , (3)

and its gradient with respect to x can be derived as




(1− pt)vt − L∑j=1j 6=t

pjvj −Q∑



. (4)

It can be seen that our OIM loss effectively comparesthe mini-batch sample with all the labeled and unlabeledidentities, driving the underlying feature vector to be similarwith the target one, while pushing it away from the others.

Why not Softmax loss? A natural question here is thatwhy not learning a classifier matrix with a conventionalSoftmax loss to predict the class-id. There are mainly twodrawbacks. First, large-scale person search datasets wouldhave a large number of identities (more than 5, 000 in ourtraining set), while each identity only has several instances

Page 5: Abstract arXiv:1604.01850v3 [cs.CV] 6 Apr 2017We thus exploit a circular queue to store their features also for comparison. This is another ad-vantage brought by the person search

and each image only contains a few identities. We needto learn more than 5, 000 discriminant functions simultane-ously, but during each SGD iteration we only have positivesamples from tens of classes. The classifier matrix suffersfrom large variance of gradients and thus cannot be learnedeffectively, even with proper pre-training and high momen-tum. Second, we cannot exploit the unlabeled identitieswith Softmax loss, as they have no specific class-ids.

Although our OIM loss formulation is similar to the Soft-max one, the major difference is that the OIM loss is non-parametric. The LUT and circular queue are considered asexternal buffer, rather than the network parameters. Thegradients directly operate on the features without the trans-formation by a classifier matrix. The potential drawback ofthis non-parametric loss is that it could overfit more easily.We find that projecting the features into a L2-normalizedlow-dimensional subspace helps reduce overfitting.

Scalability. Computing the partition function in Eq (1)and Eq (2) could be time consuming when the numberof identities increases. To overcome this problem, wecan approximate the denominators by sub-sampling the la-beled and unlabeled identities, which results in optimizinga lower-bound of Eq (3).

4. DatasetWe collect and annotate a large-scale person search

dataset to evaluate of our proposed method. We exploit twodata sources to diversify the scenes. On one hand, we usehand-held cameras to shoot street snaps around an urbancity. On the other hand, we collect from movie snapshotsthat contain pedestrians, as they could enrich the variationsof viewpoints, lighting, and background conditions. In thissection, we will show the basic statistics of our dataset, aswell as define the evaluation protocols and metrics.

4.1. Statistics

After collecting all the 18, 184 images, we first denselyannotate all the 96, 143 pedestrians bounding boxes in thesescenes, and then associate the person that appears acrossdifferent images, resulting in 8, 432 labeled identities. Thestatistics of two data sources are listed in Table 1. We didnot annotate those people who appear with half bodies orabnormal poses such as sitting or squatting. Moreover, peo-ple who change clothes and decorations in different videoframes are not associated in our dataset, since person searchproblem requires to recognize identities mainly accordingto their clothes and body shapes rather than faces. We en-sure that the background pedestrians do not contain labeledidentities, and thus they can be safely served as negativesamples for identification. Note that we also ignore thebackground pedestrians whose heights are smaller than 50pixels, as they would be hard to recognize even for humanlabelers. The height distributions of labeled and unlabeled

Source / Split # Images # Pedestrians # Identities

StreetSnap 12,490 75,845 6,057Movie&TV 5,694 20,298 2,375

Training 11,206 55,272 5,532Test 6,978 40,871 2,900

Overall 18,184 96,143 8,432

Table 1. Statistics of the dataset with respect to data sourcesand training / test splits.

100 200 300 400 500 600 700Height (px)









0.008Labeled identitiesUnlabeled identities

Figure 4. The height distributions of labeled and unlabeledidentities in our dataset.

identities are demonstrated in Figure 4. It can be seen thatour dataset has rich variations of pedestrian scales.

4.2. Evaluation Protocols and Metrics

We split the dataset into a training and a test subset, en-suring no overlapped images or labeled identities betweenthem. Table 1 shows the statistics of these two subsets. Wedivide the test identity instances into queries and galleries.For each of the 2, 900 test identities, we randomly chooseone of his/her instances as the query, while the correspond-ing gallery set consists of two parts—all the images contain-ing the other instances and some randomly sampled imagesnot containing this person. Different queries have differentgalleries, and jointly they cover all the 6, 978 test images.

To better understand how gallery size would affect theperson search performance, we define a set of protocolswith gallery size ranging from 50 to 4000. Taking gallerysize of 100 as an example, as each image approximatelycontains 6 pedestrians, then our task is to find the targetperson among about 600 people. This setting is compa-rable with existing person re-id datasets (e.g., CUHK-03,VIPeR) in terms of the number of gallery pedestrians, and iseven more challenging as there could be thousands of back-ground clutter bounding boxes distracting our attentions.

We employ two kinds of evaluation metrics—cumulativematching characteristics (CMC top-K) and mean averagedprecision (mAP). The first one is inherited from the personre-id problem, where a matching is counted if there is at

Page 6: Abstract arXiv:1604.01850v3 [cs.CV] 6 Apr 2017We thus exploit a circular queue to store their features also for comparison. This is another ad-vantage brought by the person search

least one of the top-K predicted bounding boxes overlapswith the ground truths with intersection-over-union (IoU)greater or equal to 0.5. The second one is inspired fromthe object detection tasks. We follow the ILSVRC objectdetection criterion [29] to judge the correctness of predictedbounding boxes. An averaged precision (AP) is calculatedfor each query based on the precision-recall curve, and thenwe average the APs across all the queries to get the finalresult.

5. ExperimentsTo evaluate the effectiveness of our approach and study

the impact of various factors on person search performance,we conduct several groups of experiments on the newdataset. In this section, we first detail the baseline meth-ods and experiment settings in Section 5.1. Then we com-pare our joint framework with the baselines of using sepa-rate pedestrian detection and person re-identification in Sec-tion 5.2. Section 5.3 shows the effectiveness of our pro-posed Online Instance Matching (OIM) loss. At last, wepresent the influence of various factors, including detectionrecall and gallery size.

5.1. Experiment Settings

We implement our framework based on Caffe [16, 32]and py-faster-rcnn [9, 27]. ImageNet-pretrained ResNet-50 [13] are exploited for parameters initialization. We fixthe first 7×7 convolution layer and the batch normalization(BN) layers as constant affine transformations in the stempart, while keep the other BN layers as normal in the identi-fication part. The temperature scalar τ in Eq. (1) and Eq. (2)is set to 0.1, the size of the circular queue is set to 5, 000.All the losses have the same loss weight. Each mini-batchconsists of two scene images. The learning rate is initializedto 0.001, dropped to 0.0001 after 40K iterations, and keptunchanged until the model converges at 50K iterations.

We compare our framework with conventional meth-ods that break down the problem into two separate tasks—pedestrian detection and person re-identification. Threepedestrian detection and five person re-id methods are usedin our experiments, resulting in 15 baseline combinations.For pedestrian detection, we directly use the off-the-shelfdeep learning CCF [37] detector, as well as two other de-tectors specifically fine-tuned on our dataset. One is theACF [6], and the other is Faster-RCNN (CNN) [27] withResNet-50, which is equivalent to our framework but with-out the identification task. The recall-precision curve ofeach detector on our dataset are plotted in Figure 5. We alsouse the ground truth (GT) bounding boxes as the results ofa perfect detector.

For person re-identification, we use several popular re-id feature representations, including DenseSIFT-ColorHist(DSIFT) [42], Bag of Words (BoW) [43], and Local Max-

79.275.7 84.2Recall (%)









n (%


(59.9%) CCF(62.9%) ACF(78.0%) CNN

Figure 5. Recall-Precision curves of different detectors.APs are listed in the legend.

imal Occurrence (LOMO) [21]. Each feature representa-tion is used in conjunction with a specific distance metric,including Euclidean, Cosine similarity, KISSME [17], andXQDA [21], where KISSME and XQDA are trained on ourdataset. Moreover, by discarding the pedestrian proposalnetwork in our framework and training the remaining net toclassify identities with Softmax loss from cropped pedes-trian images, we get another baseline re-id method (IDNet).This training scheme has been exploited in [35] to learndiscriminative re-id feature representations. In our exper-iments, when training IDNet with detector boxes, we foundthat adding background clutter as a unique class improvesthe result, while adding unlabeled identities does not.

The following results are reported using the protocolwith gallery size equal to 100 if not specified.

5.2. Comparison with Detection and Re-ID

We first compare our proposed person search framework(with or without using unlabeled identities) with other 15baseline combinations that break down the problem intoseparate detection and re-identification tasks. The resultsare summarized in Table 2. Our method outperforms theothers by large margin. Comparing with CNN+IDNet, thegain comes from the joint optimization of the detection andidentification parts, as well as the effective use of unlabeledidentities in the OIM loss.

From Table 2 we can also see that different detectors af-fect the person search performance significantly for eachre-id method. Directly using an off-the-shelf detector maynot be a good choice when applying existing re-id meth-ods in the real-world person search applications. Otherwisethe detector could become a bottleneck that diminishes thereturns of better re-id methods.

On the other hand, the relative performance of differ-ent re-id methods are consistent across all the detectors. Itimplies that existing person re-id datasets could still guideus to design better feature representations, but it may losesome valuable data, such as unlabeled identities and back-ground clutter, which come with the person search datasets.

Page 7: Abstract arXiv:1604.01850v3 [cs.CV] 6 Apr 2017We thus exploit a circular queue to store their features also for comparison. This is another ad-vantage brought by the person search

CMC top-1 (%) CCF ACF CNN GT

DSIFT+Euclidean 11.7 25.9 39.4 45.9DSIFT+KISSME 13.9 38.1 53.6 61.9BoW+Cosine 29.3 48.4 62.3 67.2LOMO+XQDA 46.4 63.1 74.1 76.7IDNet 57.1 63.0 74.8 78.3

Ours (w/o unlabeled) — — 76.1 78.5Ours — — 78.7 80.5


DSIFT+Euclidean 11.3 21.7 34.5 41.1DSIFT+KISSME 13.4 32.3 47.8 56.2BoW+Cosine 26.9 42.4 56.9 62.5LOMO+XQDA 41.2 55.5 68.9 72.4IDNet 50.9 56.5 68.6 73.1

Ours (w/o unlabeled) — — 72.7 75.5Ours — — 75.5 77.9

Table 2. Comparisons between our framework and separatepedestrian detection + person re-id methods.

Another interesting phenomenon is that although IDNetand LOMO+XQDA have similar performance when usingGT or fine-tuned ACF and CNN detectors, IDNet is signif-icantly better when using off-the-shelf CCF detector. Weobserve that the CCF detection results contain many mis-alignments. Hand-crafted features in such cases are not asrobust as the IDNet counterpart.

5.3. Effectiveness of Online Instance Matching

We validate the effectiveness of the proposed Online In-stance Matching (OIM) loss by comparing it against Soft-max baselines with or without pretraining the classifier ma-trix. The training identification accuracy and test personsearch mAP curves are demonstrated in Figure 6. First, wecan see that using Softmax loss without pretraining classi-fier remains at low accuracy during the whole process. Thisphenomenon verifies our analysis in Section 3.2 that learn-ing a large classifier matrix is difficult. Even with properpretraining, the training accuracy still improves slowly, andthe test mAP keeps at around 60%.

On the contrary, the proposed OIM loss starts with a lowtraining accuracy but converges much faster and also con-sistently improves the test performance. The parameter-freeOIM loss learns features directly without needing to learna big classifier matrix. Moreover, the mismatch betweentraining and test criterion no longer exists, as both are com-puted based on the inner product of L2-normalized featurevectors, which represents the cosine similarity.

We further evaluate the impact of OIM loss on the stan-dard person re-identification task. We train two differ-ent base CNNs, Inception [35] (from scratch) and ResNet-













(11.1%) Softmax(85.2%) Softmax+Pretrain(81.4%) OIM

1 2 3 4 5Iterations (x 10,000)









P (%


(08.7%) Softmax(58.8%) Softmax+Pretrain(75.5%) OIM

Figure 6. Comparisons between using the proposed OnlineInstance Matching (OIM) and Softmax loss (with and with-out pretraining the Softmax classifier) in our framework.The final accuracies and mAPs are shown in the legends.

Network Loss CUHK03 Market1501 Duke

Inception Softmax 73.2 75.8 54.4Inception OIM 77.7 77.9 61.7ResNet-50 Softmax 70.8 81.4 62.5ResNet-50 OIM 77.5 82.1 68.1

Table 3. CMC top-1 accuracy (%) of using Softmax or OIMloss for standard person re-id task.

50 [13] (ImageNet pretrained), with either Softmax lossor OIM loss, on three large-scale person re-id datasets,CUHK03 [19], Market1501 [43], and Duke [28, 48]. Fol-lowing their own protocols, we evaluate the CMC top-1accuracy of using different loss functions, as listed in Ta-ble 3. OIM loss consistently outperforms Softmax loss, re-gardless of which base CNN is used. We refer readers toOpen-ReID2 benchmarks for more details.

Sub-sampling the identities. As the number of identi-ties increases, the computation time of the OIM loss couldbecome the bottleneck of the whole system. Thus we pro-posed in Section 3.2 to approximate Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) bysub-sampling both the labeled and unlabeled identities inthe denominators. We validate this approach here by train-ing the framework with sub-sampling size of 10, 100, and1000. The test mAP curves are demonstrated in Figure 7a.


Page 8: Abstract arXiv:1604.01850v3 [cs.CV] 6 Apr 2017We thus exploit a circular queue to store their features also for comparison. This is another ad-vantage brought by the person search

1 2 3 4 5Iterations (x 10,000)







P (%


(72.2%) sub-sampling 10(73.0%) sub-sampling 100(73.7%) sub-sampling 1000

(a) Sub-sampling size for the OIM loss

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90Detection recall (%)









P (%



(b) Detection (LOMO+XQDA) recall

50 100 200 500 1000 2000 4000 6978Gallery size (in log scale)








P (%


(44.0%) LOMO+XQDA(45.3%) IDNet(47.6%) Ours

(c) Test gallery size

Figure 7. Test mAP curves of different factors. The final mAPs are shown in the legend if applicable.

Dimension N/A 128 256 512 1024

top-1 (%) 59.3 65.9 78.7 78.2 78.5mAP (%) 54.2 62.1 75.5 75.3 75.7

Table 4. Comparisons among different dimensions of L2-normalized feature subspace. N/A means that we directlyuse the L2-normalized 2048-d global pooled feature vector.

In general, sub-sampling a small number of identities re-laxes the training objective, which leads to slightly inferiorperformance but much faster convergence rate. This indi-cates that our framework is scalable to larger datasets witheven more identities by using proper sub-sampling rate.

Low-dimensional subspace. We further investigate howthe dimension of the L2-normalized feature vector affectsthe person search performance. The results are summarizedin Table 4. We observe that using the 2048-d global pooledfeature vector directly with L2-normalization leads to lowertraining error, but its test performance is 20% worse. Thissuggests that projecting the features into a proper low-ranksubspace is very important to regularize the network train-ing. In our experiments, 256 to 1024 dimensions have simi-lar test performance, and we choose 256-d to accelerate thecomputation of feature distances.

5.4. Factors for Person Search

Detection Recall. We investigate how detection re-calls would affect the person search performance by usingLOMO+XQDA as the re-id method and setting differentthresholds on detection scores. A lower threshold reducesmisdetections (increases the recall) but results in more falsealarms. We choose the recall rates ranging from 30% to themaximum value of each detector. The final person searchmAP under each setting is demonstrated in Figure 7b. Aninteresting observation is that higher recall does not nec-essarily lead to higher person search performance, whichmeans re-id method could still get confused on some false

alarms. This again indicates that we should not focus solelyon training re-id methods with manually cropped pedestri-ans, but should consider the detections jointly under the per-son search problem setting.

Gallery size. Person search could be more challengingas the gallery size increases. We evaluate several methodsunder different test gallery sizes from 50 to full set of 6, 978images, following the protocols defined in Section 4.2. Thetest mAPs are demonstrated in Figure 7c. Note that foreach test query, the corresponding gallery images are ran-domly sampled from the whole set. All test images are cov-ered even with small gallery sizes. The performance gapsamong different methods are reduced as the gallery size in-creases, indicating all the methods may suffer from somecommon hard samples, and we could further improve theperformance with hard example minings.

6. ConclusionIn this paper, we propose a new deep learning frame-

work for person search. It jointly handles detectionand identification in a single CNN. An Online InstanceMatching loss function is proposed to train the networkeffectively. Its non-parametric nature enables faster yetbetter convergence, which is validated through series ofexperiments.

Acknowledgements. This work is supported in part bySenseTime Group Limited, in part by the General ResearchFund through the Research Grants Council of HongKong under Grants CUHK14213616, CUHK14206114,CUHK14205615, CUHK14207814, CUHK14203015,CUHK14239816, and CUHK419412, in part by the HongKong Innovation and Technology Support ProgrammeGrant ITS/121/15FX, in part by the State Key DevelopmentProgram under Grant 2016YFB1001004, in part by theGuangdong Natural Science Foundation under Grant No.2014A030313201, and in part by National Natural ScienceFoundation of China under Grant 61371192.

Page 9: Abstract arXiv:1604.01850v3 [cs.CV] 6 Apr 2017We thus exploit a circular queue to store their features also for comparison. This is another ad-vantage brought by the person search

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