absenteeism networth

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  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth





  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth



      Absenteeism can be a major personnel problem for organizations. As pressure

    increases on the budgets and competitiveness of companies, more attention is being given

    to reduce workplace absenteeism and its cost. It is the failure of a worker to report for 

    work when he is scheduled to work. Trained and skilled human resources are considered

    as an asset to the organization whose absence could cause considerable loss in revenue of 

    the organization.

      The main aim of this survey is to find the causes for absenteeism among the

    workers in the Networth. with the aim of making recommendations on ways to reducing


      The survey result revealed that the main factors behind employee absenteeism are

    inadeuate leave and welfare facilities, unmet e!pectations and "ob dissatisfaction.

      The result indicated that about half of the employees have abided the leave policies.

    Absenteeism was highest among lower level e!ecutives.

      The conclusion is that the management may take an action to improve the health and

    welfare measures in the organization and provide fle!ibility in work schedule.

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    List ! ta"#es

    List ! !i$%re


    Re)ie* ! #iterat%re

    Resear(h Meth'#$+

    #.$ %bjectives of study

    #.& Need for study

    #.# 'cope of the study

    #.( )esearch *esign

    • 'ources of data

    • Analysis and Interpretation

    • 'ample size

    #.+ imitations of the study

    C,pa&+ pr!i#e

    -ata a&a#+sis a&' i&terpretati&

    .i&'i&$s/ (&(#%si&s a&' s%$$esti&s



    • -uestionnaire







  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth






    PAGE N


























    eaves availed by various age groups

    eaves availed by employees of various designations

    eaves availed

    )easons for absence

    *esignation and )easons for absence

    Age and )easons for absence

    Action taken for unauthorized leave

     *ouble shifts 3Night shifts influences absenteeism

     4le!ible time schedules reduces absenteeism

    )ewarded for regularity

    Impact on your overall performance

    %pinions on main reasons for absenteeism

     'uggestions to reduce absenteeism

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth

































    eaves availed by various age groups

    eaves availed by employees of various designations

    eaves availed

    )easons for absence

    *esignation and )easons for absence

    Age and )easons for absence

    Action taken for unauthorized leave

     *ouble shifts 3Night shifts influences absenteeism

     4le!ible time schedules reduces absenteeism

    )ewarded for regularity

    Impact on your overall performance

    %pinions on main reasons for absenteeism

     'uggestions to reduce absenteeism

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    CAPTER 1


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    Absenteeism does not appear to be recent phenomenon arising out of and peculiar 

    to modern industrial life, but most have been prevalent from the time man involved

    himself in some sort of collective activity.

    Though e!cusable to some e!tent as a normal incident of working life, what

    transforms absenteeism into a serious problem, is the height to which it rises and the

    erratic behavior it displays thus adversely effecting the smooth working of modern

    industry. According to modern managers, absenteeism is a major problem in any

    enterprise. It is said that this peculiar incidence of today5s industrial life has simulated the

    form of a chronic disease is so rampant that it has tended to plague every industry, big

    and small organized. It is also said that absenteeism is not a problem e!ceptional to

    Indian industry it is universally omnipresent.

    At the macro level absenteeism has often been attributed to lack off 

    6commitment6 on the part of the workforce and a relationship of direct variance has been

    hypothesized the two variables. As 7err says 6the workers in process of the early stages

    of industrialization is more prone to absenteeism, prolonged sporadic withdrawal from

    industrial work naked violence and destruction of machines and property6. ogically, 5

    therefore all these factors that influence workers commitment should also be related to


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    A popular of absenteeism analysis according to the social norms of the company

    group, which e!ercise a coercive influence upon a worker5s behavior. 'uch norms may

    reuire him to be either regular or irregular in attendance at work. The work milieu is

    very important since a large position of a worker5s daily life is spent there, the

    atmosphere obtaining in the plant effects his attitude towards his work, and either 

     persuades him to attend regularly or keeps him away.

    Irritating uncertainty, irregularly and confusion in the factory are likely to be

    imports causes of condition to any of these negative factors, it can also be influenced by

    a lament policy, which grants leave, condones or regularizes unauthorized leave.


    The term absenteeism was defined in the report of abor Investigation

    8ommittee 9$1(: as ;Total man shifts lost because of absences as a percentage

    of the total number of man shifts scheduled to works *ictionary ;Absenteeism is the practice or habit of being

    an ?absence> and an absentee is one who habitually stays away

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    )esearch studies under taken by different authors reveal the following features of 


    It is comparatively lowest on the payday and later on absenteeism will arise

     because of the desire of fulfilling social, family obligations.

    The incidents of absenteeism are higher in the night shifts than in the day shifts,

    obviously because the employees in the night perceives greater discomfort and


    The rate of absenteeism varies from department to department within an

    organization. enerally, it is high production department.

    The e!tent of absenteeism is greater among the older employees and among

    young employees. The young men are generally found to be absent for a variety

    of reasons, including restlessness and a sense of irresponsibility while the older 

    employees are not able to withstand the strenuous nature of work.

    Absenteeism in India is seasonal in character. It is the highest during @archB

    AprilB@ay, when the land has to be prepares for monsoon sowing, and also in the

    harvest season 9'eptember C %ctober :, when the rate goes as high as (2 percent.

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    1 J" 'issatis!a(ti& The idea that attitudes towards the job might affect attendance

     perhaps constitutes the older scientific model of absence causation, and it is still

    dominant among industrial organization ."ob satisfaction is considered to be influenced

     by situational factors such as compensation, job design and human relations practices

    ,unfavorable attitudes towards the job and especially towards the content of the work are

     predictive of absenteeism. Dowever, there is growing evidence that issues of work, such

    as fairness and support may be especially critical determinants of attendance patterns.

    Eeyond job satisfaction there is growing evidence that moods at work, inde!ed by

    affectivity, are associated with absenteeism. 'tudies report that lower absence among

    those react positively in the workplace.

    2 S(ia# a&' Re#i$i%s Cere,&ies 'ocial and )eligious functions divert the worker5s

    attention from the work. In a large number of cases, the proportion of absenteeism is due

    to sickness, accident or maternity .In all the plants, absenteeism in high during local

    festivals, irrespective of whether the workers are from areas or not.

    3 U&satis!a(tr+ h%si&$ C&'iti&s Fnsatisfactory housing conditions at the work 

     place leading to conseuent ill health due to unsanitary and unhealthy surroundings make

    freuent visits to their villages homes.

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    4 I&'%stria# !ati$%e ow wages compel a worker to seek some part time job earn some

    side income. Eut there is often results in constant fatigue, which compels them to remain

    absent for the ne!t day.

    5 U&hea#th+ *r7i&$ (&'iti&s The poor and intolerable working conditions in the

    factories irritate the workers. G!cess heat, noise either too much or too low lighting, poor 

    ventilation, dust, smoke, etc. cause poor health of the workers. These factors cause the

    workers to be absent.

    6 Pr *e#!are !a(i#ities Through a number of legislation5s concerning welfare

    facilities are enacted, many organizations fail to provide welfare facilities. This is either 

    due to poor financial position of the companies of due to the e!ploitative attitude of the,

    employer. The poor welfare facilities include poor sanitation, washing, bathing, first aid

    appliances, ambulances, rest rooms, drinking water, canteen, shelter creches etc. the

    dissatisfied workers with these facilities prefer to be away from the place.

    8 A#(h#is,H The habit of alcoholism among workers is a significant cause of 

    absenteeism, which is higher in the first week of each month, when the workers receive

    their wages. They rush to liuor shops and drink to forget their immediate worries. %nce

    indulged to drink, the habit continues. Dangover the ne!t day leads to absenteeism.

    9 I&'e"te'&ess The low level wages and unplanned e!penditure of the workers force

    them to borrow heavily. The research studies indicate that workers borrow more than $2

    time of their net pay. 8onseuently, the workers fail to repay the money. Then they try to

    escape from the order to avoid the money lenders. This leads to absenteeism.

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    : Ma#a';%st,e&t *ith ;" 'e,a&' The fast changing technology demand higher level

    skills from the workers. 'ome workers fail to meet these demands due to their lower 

    levels of education and absence of training.


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    Absenteeism can be categorized into three typesH

    1 Ph+si(a# a"se&(e  hysical absence is when employee is not present at work when

    they are scheduled to be there. This is divided into voluntary or involuntary absenteeism.

    Joluntary absence is employee>s deliberate choice and is under the control of 


    Involuntary absence is viewed to be beyond the employee>s immediate control

    like accident or sudden sickness.

    2 A%thri?e' a"se&teeis, It is when an employee is absent himself from work by

    taking permission from his superior and applying for leave. Gmployees should be

    encouraged to seek permission before hand if the situation allows for it

    3 U&a%thri?e' a"se&teeis, If an employee is absent himself from work without

    informing or taking permission and without applying for leave such absenteeism is called

    unauthorized absenteeism. This is considered as unacceptable and should not be tolerated

     by the company management. *isciplinary procedures are usually used to handle this


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    %rganizations use different ways of resolving absenteeism in the workplace.

    %rganizations, however should at least implement an absenteeism monitoring system

    where appropriate. It allows the employer to effectively monitor and record attendance

    and late arrivals. They should adopt a consistent approach when dealing with individual

    employees in keeping with company policy, alternatively organization may reward

    employees for attendance. olicies implemented must be effectively communicated to all

    employees and should be consistent. The health and safety e!ecutives 9D'G: have issued

    a guide for employers and managers for dealing with sickness and absenteeism ,long term

    sickness absenteeism defined as four weeks or more is a burden to employers as the

    absence san lead to mounting sick pay, high recruitment costs and high work load for 

    colleagues .The D'G guide e!plains how employers and employees can work to hasten a

    successful return to work. The guide suggests that more could be done to minimize the

    effect of illness caused, or made worse by, work activities but that absence management

    is a critically important issue for many business .The following measures are useful in

    controlling or minimizing absenteeism.

    'electing the employee by testing them thoroughly regarding their aspiration,

    value system, responsibility and sensitiveness.

    Adopting humanistic approach in dealing with the personal problems of 


    4ollowing a proactive approach in identifying and redressing employee


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    roviding hygienic working conditions.

    roviding welfare measures and fringe benefits balancing the need for the

    employee and the ability of the organization.

    roviding high wages and allowances based on the organizational financial


    Improving the communication network, particularly the upward communication.

    roviding leave facility based on the needs of the employee and organization


    roviding safety and healthy measures.

    roviding cordial human relation and industrial relations.

    Gducating the workers.

    8ounseling the worker about their careers, income and e!penditure, habits and


    4ree flow of information, e!changing of ideas, problems etc. between subordinate

    and superior.

    ranting leave in case of sickness of employee and his family members.

    %ffering attendance bonus and inducements.

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    roviding e!tensive training, encouraged, special allowances in case of 

    technological advancements

    Adoption of Gmployee state Insurance 9G.'.I: schemeB Fnder provision of the G'I

    scheme, besides various other benefits, workers are entitled to + days leave in a

    year on half pay.


    Dow freuently employees are absent from their work Cthe absenteeism rate Cis also

    directly related to human resource planning and recruitment. =hen employees miss

    work, the organization incurs direct costs of lost wages and decreased productivity .It is

    not uncommon for organizations to hire e!tra workers just to make up for the number of 

    absence totaled across all employees. In addition to these direct costs, indirect cost may

    underlie e!cessive absenteeism. A certain amount of absenteeism is, of course



    To calculate the rate of absenteeism, we reuire the number of persons schedule

    to work and the members actually present. =hen the employee has no reason to e!pect,

    well in advance that the employee will to be available for work at specified time.

    A"se&teeis, rate

    N%,"er ! *r7er'a+s #st thr%$h ;" a"se&(e '%ri&$ peri' 1

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    A"se&teeis, rate K N%,"er ! ,a&'a+s #st 1

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    I&(rease i& A',i&istrati)e (stH oss of productive time spent by the managers

    to secure replacement employees and 3or reassigning employees. Additional

    management is reuired to maintain administrative systems dealing with any

    control measures for absenteeism.

    CAPTER 2


  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth



      A#"ert eiss conducted a study on FA"se&teeis, which was carried out

    in $11( at Easter& Cape Ma&%!a(t%ri&$ se(tr  According to the author, a

    committee was formed consisting a combination of management and employees

    representative who generally meet formally on a monthly basis to review absence

    statistics and then informally to counsel those with poor attendance records when

    necessary. These committee members were responsible for highlighting, investigating

    and counseling any employees who were potential abusers of sick leave. De

    concluded that organizations that used disciplinary action as a method to control

    absenteeism failed because organizations ended up dismissing the employees.

    Incentives were used to motivate and reward employees, as unused sick leave

    allowance days were paid out to employees in the form of attendance rewards. The

    result was that absenteeism dropped by (2L.

      Jh& M I)a&(e)i(h  9Fniversity of Douston: has published an article

    FPre'i(ti&$ a"se&teeis, !r, Prir A"se&(e a&' r7 Attit%'es According

    to the author, absenteeism is a costly and disruptive withdrawal behavior that is

    difficult to control 9Fitzgibbons and Moch,1980 : Mirvis and Lawler,1977   :

     Mirvis and Macy,1976 :. %ne conservative estimate indicates that the total annual

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    cost of absenteeism in the Fnited states is between M0.+ to M& billion 9  Steers

    a&' Rh'es 1:89 . iven such a staggering cost, it is not surprising that

    researchers and practicing managers continue to search for clues to help them

     better understand and predict employee>s absenteeism.

    -r )ersta'/ H;#sta' and Nei# Tr$eir conducted research on FA"se&teeis,

    '%e t i##&ess The study was conducted in the year $11$. The companies

    selected had largest computers and insurance business in Norway.The data was

    obtained through focus group. Ten focus groups were randomly organized from

    different work areas of two companies with similar work assignments.The

    discussions in the groups produced the following informationH

    a: A feeling of well being was one of the most important factors in absenteeism.

     b: ood organization produced greater productivity and better attendance, and poor 

    organization yielded higher absenteeism.

    c: The size of the department or work group and employee recognition was also

    important contributors.

      -rR"ert L Bertera conducted a survey on the FBeha)ira# ris7 !a(trs

    ass(iate' *ith A"se&teeis,  The study was carried out between $10( C $100.

    According to the author,the behavioral risk factors related to absenteeism are heavy

    alcohol consumption, smoking, high blood pressure, obesity, high blood cholesterol.

    Gmployees with these behaviors missed more work days than employees did not have

    any of these risk factors. The total annual company cost of absenteeism related to these

    risk factors was estimated to be M /2.0 million. It is concluded that company related

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    health promotion activities should address these risk factor in an attempt to reduce health

    care cost.

    Ia& .ir&s/ A&th&+ Tra)a$#i&e a&' Gra&t ONei##/ 2

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    CAPTER 3



  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth



    The main aim of research at NGT=%)TD is to study absenteeism.

    To study the rate of absenteeism and the factors influencing absenteeism.

    To study the economic benefit of the employees in organization.

    To study the various causes of absenteeism in NGT=%)TD.

    To suggest feasible measures to reduce the rate of absenteeism

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    NEE- .OR TE STU->

      Duman )esources play a crucial role in the development process of modern

    economies. It is in fact, said that all development comes from human mind. Absenteeism

    is a common factor prevailing in the Indian industries. The main objective of absenteeism

    is to ma!imize the profit by employing minimum number of men, material and money.

    The study aims at causes of absenteeism of employees in NGT=%)TD rivate limited.

    At present organizations in India take real interest in controlling absenteeism. @easures

    to prevent strikes and lock outs have received far and greater attention. %ne reason for 

    this situation may be that strikes and lockouts are more noisy and visible while

    absenteeism is silent and unnoticeable.

    4or an organization to give better services, its employees should be dedicated and

     punctual. This can be achieved only if absenteeism is checked and controlled on a

    regular basis.

    This study aims to find the causes for absenteeism and suggest possible measures

    to control absenteeism.

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    The study has been carried out taking into consideration the employees of the


    The study includes the assessment of absenteeism in employees and steps

    taken by management to control absenteeism in their organization.

    The study also provides the necessary actions and alternatives to be

    considered in the form of suggestions.

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    )esearch design is the specification of methods and procedures for acuiring the

    information needed to the structure or solve problems techniue.

    a S%r(es ! 'ata

    The information regarding the survey was obtained through primary and secondary


    Pri,ar+ 'ata The main source of primary data is collected through structured

    uestionnaires followed by personnel interview from employee at various levels.

    Se(&'ar+ 'ata The sources of secondary data pertaining to the study are

    attendance register of NGT=%)TD, synopsis from various sections of personnel

    department, annual3monthly reports of NGT=%)TD, "ournals, books, Internet


    " A&a#+sis a&' I&terpretati&

    -uestionnaire consists of && uestions which include open ended and multiple choice

    uestions. %verall +2 employees responded to these uestions. 'imple percentage method

    is followed for analyzing the data pertaining to different dimensions of employees. The

    collected data is tabulated and systematically presented in tables and graphs.

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    ( Sa,p#e si?e A population of $22 employees is taken for administering random

    uestionnaire. %ut of it +2 employees responded. 'o the sample size taken is +2



    The study is limited by the fact that it could not cover the entire organization and

    only samples of employees are taken for purpose study.

    The accuracy of the information is not guaranteed although care has been taken

    to cross check information though separate uestions.

    'ome employees were not able to share their opinions and feelings freely while

    interviewing them. 'o it was the disadvantage to gather correct information.

    The time period of the project work is one and half month and is not sufficient to

    clearly analyze the e!act reasons of absenteeism.

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  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    istr+ ! St(7 Br7i&$

    The history of stock brokers can be traced back to the origins of the first stock e!change

    in $2& at Amsterdam. Gven before that brokers are said to have e!isted in 4rance dealing

    with government securities. The Amsterdam 'tock G!change was involved in buying and

    selling of shares for the *utch Gast India 8ompany. Dowever, the first real stock 

    e!change came up in hiladelphia in the Fnited 'tates during the late $0th century. ater 

    it was the New ork stock e!change which saw a rise in its popularity. =all 'treet, as it

    was called, became the hub of brokerage activities. Garlier stock brokers were largely

    unorganized, but later most of them joined hands to form institutes and organizations.

    Till the $1025s stock broking services were used only by the wealthy class who could

    afford them. ater with the advent of the Internet, stock broking became very easy. Thus,

    the price tag on stock brokers lowered considerably and their services became available

    even to the common man. The stock broking duties are now mostly taken up by major 

    organizations with the smaller companies being absorbed by them. In India, too with

    increasing globalization the major corporations are penetrating deeper into the society.

    Distory of 'tock G!changes in IndiaH

    'tock markets refer to a market place where investors can buy and sell stocks. The price

    at which each buying and selling transaction takes is determined by the market forces 9i.e.

    demand and supply for a particular stock:. et us take an e!ample for a better 

    understanding of how market forces determine stock prices. AE8 8o. td. enjoys high

    investor confidence and there is an anticipation of an upward movement in its stock price.

    @ore and more people would want to buy this stock 9i.e. high demand: and very few

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     people will want to sell this stock at current market price 9i.e. less supply:. Therefore,

     buyers will have to bid a higher price for this stock to match the ask price from the seller 

    which will increase the stock price of AE8 8o. td. %n the contrary, if there are more

    sellers than buyers 9i.e. high supply and low demand: for the stock of AE8 8o. td. in

    the market, its price will fall down. In earlier times, buyers and sellers used to assemble

    at stock e!changes to make a transaction but now with the dawn of IT, most of the

    operations are done electronically and the stock markets have become almost paperless.

     Now investors don?t have to gather at the

    G!changes, and can trade freely from their home or office over the phone or through


    'tock Eroking 'ervicesH

    Terminals providing retail stock broking facilities.

    %ur services have increasingly offered customer oriented convenience, which we provide

    to a spectrum of investors, highBNetworthor otherwise, with eual dedication and It is

    an undisputed fact that the stock market is unpredictable and yet enjoys a high

    success rate as a wealth management and wealth accumulation option. The difference

     between unpredictability and a safety anchor in the market is provided by inBdepth

    knowledge of market functioning and changing trends, planning with foresight and

    choosinoneOrsuoPs options with care. This is what we provide in our 'tock Eroking

    services. =e offer services that are beyond just a medium for buying and selling stocks

    and shares. Instead we provide services which are multi dimensional and multiBfocused in

    their scope. There are several advantages in utilizing our 'tock Eroking services, which

    are the reasons why it is one of the best in the country. =e offer trading on a vast

     platform P National 'tock G!change and Eombay 'tock G!change. @ore

    importantly, we make trading safe to the ma!imum possible e!tent, by accounting

    for several risk factors and planning accordingly. =e are assisted in this task by our inB

    depth research, constant feedback and sound advisory facilities. %ur highly skilled

    research team, comprising of technical analysts as well as fundamental specialists, secure

    resultBoriented information on market trends, market analysis and market predictions.

    This crucial information is given as a constant feedback to our customers, through daily

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    reports delivered thrice daily P The reBsession )eport, where market scenario for the

    day is predicted, The @idBsession )eport, timed to arrive during lunch break , where the

    market forecast for the rest of the day is given and The ostBsession )eport, the final

    report for the day, where the market and the report itself is reviewed. To add to this

    repository of information, we publish a monthly magazine OlduoP7arvy P The

    4inapolisOrduoP, which analyzes the latest stock market trends and takes a close look 

    at the various investment options, and products available in the market, while a

    weekly report, called OlduoP 7arvy Eazaar EaateinOrduoP, keeps you more informed

    on the immediate trends in the stock market. In addition, our specific industry

    reports give comprehensive information on various industries. Eesides this, we also

    offer special portfolio analysis packages that provide daily technical advice on

    scrips for successful portfolio management and provide customized advisory

    services to help you make the right financial moves that are specifically suited to your 


    %ur 'tock Eroking services are widely networked across India, with the number of out

    trading competence.Eut true to our spirit, this success is not our final destination, but just

    a platform to launch further enhanced uality services to provide you the latest in

    convenient, customerBfriendly stock management.%ver the years we have ensured that

    the trust of our customers is our biggest returns. 4actors such as our success in the

    Glectronic custody business has helped build on our tradition of trust even more.

    8onseuentially our retail client base e!panded very fast.To empower the investor further 

    we have made serious efforts to ensure that our research calls are disseminated

    systematically to all our stock broking clients through various delivery channels like

    email, chat, '@', phone calls etc. %ur foray into commodities broking has been path

     breaking and we are in the process of converting e!isting traders in commodities into

    the more organized mainstream of trading in commodity futures, both as a trading

    and risk hedging mechanism. In the future, our focus will be on the emerging

     businesses and to meet this objective, we have enhanced out manpower and revitalized

    our knowledge base with enhances focus on 4utures and %ptions as well as the

    commodities business.

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    istr+ ! the I&'ia& St(7 Mar7et  

    %ne of the oldest stock markets in Asia, the Indian 'tock @arkets has a &22 years

    old history.

    ear $022 H Gast India 8ompany was the dominant institution and by end of the

    century, business in its loan securities gained full momentum. ear $0#2 H Eusiness on

    corporate stocks and shares in Eank and 8otton presses started in Eombay. Trading list

     by the end of $0#1 got broader ear $0(2 H )ecognition from banks and merchants to

    about half a dozen brokers ear $0+2 H )apid development of commercial enterprise

    saw brokerage business attracting more people into the business ear $02 H The

    number of brokers increased to 2 ear $02B$ H The American 8ivil =ar broke out

    which caused a stoppage of cotton supply from Fnited 'tates of AmericaP marking the

     beginning of the 6'hare @ania6 in India ear $0&B# H The number of brokers

    increased to about &22 to &+2 ear $0+ H A disastrous slump began at the end of the

    American 8ivil =ar 9as an e!ample, Eank of Eombay 'hare which had touched )s. &0+2

    could only be sold at )s. 0/:

    reBIndependence 'cenario B Gstablishment of *ifferent 'tock G!changes

    ear $0/( H =ith the rapidly developing share trading business, brokers used to gather at

    astreet 9now well known as 6*alal 'treet6: for the purpose of transacting business. ear 

    $0/+ H 6The Native 'hare and 'tock Erokers5 Association6 9also known as 6The

    Eombay 'tock G!change6: was established in Eombay ear $002 H *evelopment of 

    cotton mills industry and set up of many others ear $01( H Gstablishment of 6The

    Ahmedabad 'hare and 'tock Erokers5 Association6

    . ooling of group resourcesH 7arvy group consists of eight subsidiaries, so it can easily

     pool up its resources for accomplishment of its goals, whenever needed. The groups

    can help each other whenever there are peaks and lows, and even in the case when they

    have huge targets just as we saw few years back, Tata group pooling its resources to

    acuire 8orus.

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth



    'hare in the market offer a high capital appreciation but the movement of the share price

    is always like a wave and tide motion of the sea. Jolatility in the stock return is an

    integral part of stock market with the alternating bull and bear phases. In the bullish

    market, the share prices soar high and in the bearish market share prices fall down and

    these ups and downs determine the return and volatility of the stock market. Jolatility is a

    symptom of a highly liuid stock market. ricing of securities depends on volatility of 

    each asset. It has an impact on business investment spending and economic growth

    through a number of channels. 8hanges in local or global economic and political

    environment influence the share price movements and show the state of stock market to

    the general public. The issues of return and volatility have become increasingly important

    in recent times to the Indian investors, regulators, brokers, policy makers, dealers and

    researchers with the increase in the 4IIs investment. Dence an analysis has been made to

    know the volatility trend in the Indian stock market and the reasons for the bear and bull

    trend in the market. Nifty and 'ense! are taken as representative of Indian markets.

    This project gave me opportunity to have an idea about volatility in stock market. This

    gave me idea about and fundamental analysis in stock market and how trading is being

    done in stock market.

    The objectives of the project can be mentioned as belowH

    To study volatility in Indian stock market while taking 'GN'GQ of Eombay stock 

    e!change as a source of secondary data which broadly represent Indian stock 

    market along with NI4T of National 'tock G!change. Euild understanding of central ideas of stock market.

    *evelop familiarity with the analysis of stock market.

    4urnish institutional material relevant for understanding the environment in which

    trading decisions are taken. Fnderstanding of Eull @arket and Eear @arket.

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    This project will be helpful to know volatility in Indian 'tock @arket and reasons for 

    such high volatility and would be able to take decisions for investment in volatile stock 


    Re(e&t tre&'s i& .i&a&(ia# Mar7et i& I&'ia

    India has a diversified financial sector, which is undergoing rapid e!pansion. The sector 

    comprises commercial banks, insurance companies, nonBbanking financial companies,

    coBoperatives, pension funds, mutual funds and other smaller financial entities. The

    financial sector in India is predominantly a banking sector with commercial banks

    accounting for more than 2 per cent of the total assets held by the financial system.

    India5s services sector has always served the country>s economy well, accounting for 

    about +/ per cent of the gross domestic product 9*:. In this regard, the financial

    services sector has been an important contributor.

    The overnment of India has introduced reforms to liberalise, regulate and enhance this

    industry. At present, India is undoubtedly one of the world5s most vibrant capital markets.

    8hallenges remain, but the future of the sector looks good. The advent of technology has

    also aided the growth of the industry. About /+ per cent of the insurance policies sold by&2&2 would, in one way or another, be influenced by digital channels during the preB

     purchase, purchase or renewal stages, as per a report by Eoston 8onsulting roup 9E8:

    and oogle India.

    Mar7et Si?e

    The size of banking assets in India reached F'M $.0 trillion in 4$# and is e!pected to

    touch F'M &0.+ trillion by 4&+. Information technology 9IT: services, the largest

    spending segment of India5s insurance industry at )s (,222 crore 9F'M (1.#$ million: in

    &2$(, is projected to continue strong growth at $ per cent.

    The total market size of the insurance sector in India was F'M .( billion in 4$# and is

    e!pected to breach the F'M #+2C(22 billion mark by &2&2.

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    Investment corpus in India5s pension sector could cross F'M $ trillion by &2&+, following

    the passage of the ension 4und )egulatory and *evelopment Authority 94)*A: Act

    &2$#, according to a joint report by 8IICG on ensions Eusiness in India.

    India>s foreign e!change 94ore!: reserves touched F'M #&2.+ billion on "uly &+, &2$(,

    which was just F'M million less than the allBtime high of F'M #&2./1 billion achieved

    on 'eptember &, &2$$.


    8orporate law firms in India are benefiting from an increase in the value of mergers and

    acuisitions 9@OAs: and share acuisitions during the course of the year. The enterprise

    value of deals on which law firms have advised has shot up to F'M #+./ billion this year 

    till *ecember, a && per cent increase over the F'M &1.# billion in deals seen in the whole

    of &2$#, according to Thomson )euters data.

    • 4inancial services provider )eliance 8apital td, a part of Anil Ambani>s )eliance

    roup, has formed a longBterm strategic alliance with "apan>s 'umitomo @itsui

    Trust Eank td, offering the "apanese lender a small euity stake in the company.

    As part of the agreement, 'umitomo @itsui Trust Eank will pick up an initial &.//

     per cent stake in )eliance 8apital for )s #/$ crore 9F'M 2.&& million: through a

     preferential allotment of shares.

    I8, 'ingapore5s sovereign wealth fund, is buying about /2 per cent stake inE'GBlisted Nirlon for )s $,#1&. crore 9F'M &&.2/ million:. Nirlon owns an

    information technology park in the western suburbs of @umbai. I8 said it had

    signed agreements to buy #1.& per cent in Nirlon from its promoters, including the

    'agar family, for )s /0(.# crore 9F'M $&/.#& million:. It will make an open offer 

    for &0.( per cent stake from public shareholders at the same price.

    • 8anada pension plan investment board, which manages assets worth 8A* (.(

     billion 9F'M $1#.1& billion:, has through a subsidiary invested )s $,222 crore

    9F'M $&.#( million: in OT Infrastructure *evelopment rojects td, a unit of 

    arsen and Toubro td, India>s largest engineering and construction company.

    The investment is made by way of subscribing compulsory convertible preference

    shares, OT said in a statement. In "une, OT and 8anada ension lan had

    signed a definitive investment agreement.

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    •  Nearly three years after the E'G launched a separate platform for small and

    medium enterprises 9'@Gs:, the market capitalisation of the segment crossed )s

    $2,222 crore 9F'M $.& billion: recently. The market capitalization of the 0& listed

    '@Gs was )s $2,$$0.12 crore 9F'M $.( billion:.

    • The overnment of India signed an agreement with Asian *evelopment Eank 

    9A*E: for a F'M /+ million loan and a F'M $.0 million grant that will help

    improve water resource management in three 9#: towns of 7arnataka in the Fpper 

    Tungabhadra subBbasin. This loan from the A*E>s %rdinary 8apital )esources

    has a &+Byear term including a grace period of five years.

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    G)er&,e&t I&itiati)es

    'everal measures have been outlined in the Fnion Eudget &2$(B$+ that aim at reviving

    and accelerating investment which, inter alia, include fiscal consolidation with emphasis

    on e!penditure reforms and continuation of fiscal reforms with rationalization of ta!

    structureP fillip to industry and infrastructure, fiscal incentives and concrete measures for 

    transport, power, and other urban and rural infrastructureP measures for promotion of 

    4oreign *irect Investment 94*I: in selected sectors, including defence manufacturing

    and insuranceP and, steps to augment low cost longBterm foreign borrowings by Indian

    companies. 4iscal reforms have been bolstered further by the recent deregulation of 

    diesel prices. The launch of ?@ake in India> global initiative is intended to invite both

    domestic and foreign investors to invest in India. The aim of the programme is to projectIndia as an investment destination and develop, promote and market India as a leading

    manufacturing destination and as a hub for design and information. The programme

    further aims to radically improve the Gase of *oing Eusiness, open 4*I regime, improve

    the uality of infrastructure and make India a globally competitive manufacturing


    The )eserve Eank of India 9)EI: has eased norms for mortgage guarantee companies

    9@8: enabling these firms to use contingency reserves to cover for the losses suffered

     by the mortgage guarantee holders, without having to take approval of the ape! bank.

    Dowever, such a measure can only be initiated if there is no single option left to recoup

    the losses.

    4inancial inclusion is among the topmost priorities of the Indian government. G!clusion

    of a large number of people from access to financial services affects the growth of the

    country. rime @inister @r Narendra @odi launched the radhan @antri "an *hanojana

    in August &2$(. De said that that the objective to cover /+,222,222 households with at

    least one account under the ojana will be achieved by "anuary &, &2$+.

    )etirement fund manager G4% will launch its project to provide portable universal 4

    account numbers 9FAN: to its subscribers on %ctober $, &2$(. Also, the government

    will launch unified web portal IN 9abour Identification Number: to simplify business


  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    regulations and bring in transparency and accountability in labour inspections by

    agencies and bodies under the control of the labour ministry.

    The )EI has simplified the rules for credit to e!porters. Now, e!porters can get longBterm

    advance credit from banks for up to $2 years to service their contracts. The reuirement is

    that they have a satisfactory record of three years in order to get payments from the

     banks, which can adjust the payments against future e!ports.

    Ra' Ahea'

    India is today one of the most vibrant global economies, on the back of robust banking

    and insurance sectors. The country is projected to become the fifth largest banking sector 

    globally by &2&2, as per a joint report by 7@B8II. The report also e!pects bank credit

    to grow at a compound annual growth rate 98A): of $/ per cent in the medium term

    leading to better credit penetration. ife Insurance 8ouncil, the industry body of life

    insurers in the country also projects a 8A) of $&C$+ per cent over the ne!t few years

    for the financial services segment.

    G!change )ate FsedH IN) $ K F'M 2.2$& as on "anuary &$, &2$+

    Re!ere&(es Media Reports, Press Releases, RBI Document, KPMG-CII Report 

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth



  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


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  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth



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  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth



    #e oer .epositor !aciities to !aciitate a seamess transactionpat!orm as a part o! our vaue*added services !or our cients" Networthis a depositor participant with the entra .epositor Services (ndia)

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    t is our aim to empower cients ' heping them to diversi! theirinvestments" 8o this end, Networthhas added a range o! products suchas -utua /unds, nsurance and onine !aciities to its oerings"

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  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    PRODUCTSE/UITIES %+ur e&perienced trading consutants and advanced trading toos wiprovide the support ou need to achieve our ong*term goas via thestock markets" #e trade on the BSE, NSE and N and our we'site has

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  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    • -arket -using• ompan

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth



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    9, Shiv Shakti ndustria Estate,round /oor, Sitaram -ii ompound, F < Boricha -arg, Lower Dare,-um'ai * 2 11" 8e No"6 G31HIH1,/a& No"6 GGHGH2IE*-ai6 'usicompJvsn"com 

    '#st#n$ !+ E4"#ty Sares !n St!ck E5can$e at%

    Bom'a Stock E&change Limited,-um'ai (BSE) Dhiro4e Fee;ee'ho 8owers,.aa Street, -um'ai 7 2 1



  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    W! #s #t +!r6 

    +ur oering is idea !or high net*worth customers *

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  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth



    R > corporate o@ce and 3 divisiona o@ces in B. o! -um'aiwhich houses state*o!*the*art deaing room, research wing 0management and 'ack o@ces"

    R > o! 1I 'ranches and !ranchisees are !u wired andconnected to hu' at orporate o@ce at -um'ai" >dd on'ranches aso wi 'e wired and connected to centra hu'

    R #e' ena'ed connectivit and so!tware in pace !or net trading"R H operative .s !or deaing roomR State o! the >rt accounting and 'iing sstem, on ine risk

    management sstem in pace with 1Q redundanc 'ack up"n house technoog 'ack up team to ensure un*interruptedconnectivit


  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    CAPTER 5



  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth



    A 'tructured -uestionnaire consisting of && uestions of openBended and multiple choice

    nature on the topic FA"se&teeis, were administered to 2 employees belonging to

    different departments out of which only +2 of them responded. The uestions were based

    on the reasons for absence, its impact on employee performance and suggestions from

    respondents. The collected data is tabulated and systematically presented in tables and

    graphs. Analysis is done by taking simple percentage method.

     1 A$e  

    An analysis is carried out between the age of the respondents. The following responses

    were made which are tabulated below.

    Ta"#e N 51 Lea)es a)ai#e' "+ )ari%s a$e $r%ps

    Opti&s N ! resp&'e&ts Per(e&ta$e

    &2B&+  $& &+

    &B#2 $+ #(

    #$B(+ $# &0

    (B2 $2 $#

    Total +2 $22

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


      .i$%re 51 Lea)e a)ai#e' "+ )ari%s a$e $r%ps


    #(L of the respondents participated in the survey are of age group between &B#2.

    &0L of the respondents participated in the survey are of age group between #$B(+.

    &+L of the respondents participated in the survey are of group between &2B &+.

    $# L of the respondents participated in the survey are of age group between (B2


    4rom the above table, we can conclude that respondents who are under age group &B#2

    have participated more, when compared to others,

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    2 -esi$&ati&

      An analysis is carried out between the designations of the respondents. The following

    responses were made which are tabulated below.

    Ta"#e N 52 Lea)es a)ai#e' "+ e,p#+ees ! )ari%s 'esi$&ati&s

    -esi$&ati& N ! resp&'e&ts Per(e&ta$e

    Top level e!ecutive $0 #2

     @iddle level e!ecutive $& &2

    ower level e!ecutive &2 (2

    Total +2 $22

      .i$%re 52 Lea)es a)ai#e' "+ e,p#+ees ! )ari%s 'esi$&ati&s


    (2 L of the respondents being lower level e!ecutives were found to be absent.

    #2L of the respondents being top level e!ecutives were found to be absent.

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    &2L of the respondents being middle level e!ecutives were found to be absent.


    4rom the above table, we can conclude that majority of the lower level e!ecutives tend

    to remain absent when compared to top and middle level e!ecutives.

    3 Lea)es a)ai#e'

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    The respondents were asked about how many leaves they have availed during the last

    year. The data was collected and tabulated in the following table.

    Ta"#e N 53 Lea)es a)ai#e'

    Lea)es a)ai#e' N ! resp&'e&ts Per(e&ta$e

    $2 days & (

    $+ days $$ &&

    &2 days &+ +2

    &+ days $& &(

    Total +2 $22

      .i$%re 53 Lea)es a)ai#e'


    +2L of the respondents availed &2 days leave per year 

    (L of the respondents availed $2 days leave per year 

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    && L of the respondents availed $+ days leave per year 

    &( L of the respondents availed &+ days leave per year 


    4rom the above figure, we can conclude that majority of the employees i.e +2L availed

    &2 days leave within a year.

    4 Reas&s !r a"se&(e

    The respondents were asked about the reasons for being absent. %ptions like health

    grounds, boredom 3 repetitive work , problems with superior, festivals3rituals,

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    tour3marriage3death were given. The data was collected and tabulated in the following


     Ta"#e N 54 Reas&s !r a"se&(e

     Reas&s !r a"se&(e N ! resp&ses Per(e&ta$e

     Dealth grounds &0 +L

    Eoredom 3 )epetitive work ( 0L

    roblems with superior $ &L

    4estivals3 rituals $& &(L

    Tour3@arriage 3*eath + $2 L

    Total +2 $22


    .i$%re 54 Reas&s !r a"se&(e


     +L of the respondents reasons for being absent is due to Dealth reasons

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    0L of the respondents reasons for being absent is due to Eoredom3 repetitive


    &L of the respondents reasons for being absent is due to roblems with superior.

    &( L of the respondents reasons for being absent is due to festivals3)ituals.

    $2L of the respondent>s reasons for being absent is due to Tour 3 @arriage 3



    4rom the above figure, it is found that most respondents reasons for absence are

    Dealth issues, 4estivals3 )ituals .

    5 -esi$&ati& a&' Reas&s !r a"se&(e

      An analysis is carried out between the designations of the respondents and the

    reasons for their absence, the following responses were made which are tabulated below.

    Ta"#e N 55-esi$&ati& a&' Reas&s !r a"se&(e

      Reas&s !r a"se&(e

    -esi$&ati& ea#th








    .esti)a#s K






    Tp #e)e# e0e(%ti)e $# $ $ $+

    Mi''#e #e)e# e0e(%ti)e $# & B $+

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    L*er #e)e# e0e(%ti)e & + B $& $ &2

    Tta# +2



    %ut of #2 top level and middle level e!ecutives,& of them responded to health

    grounds as the reasons for their absence

    About $& lower level e!ecutives pointed to festivals3rituals as the reasons for 



    @ost of the top level and middle level e!ecutives were being absent due to health

     problems while ower level e!ecutives were absent due to festivals and rituals.

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    6. A$e a&' Reas&s !r a"se&(e

     An analysis is carried out between the age of the respondents and the reasons for 

    their absence, the following responses were made which are tabulated below.

    Ta"#e N 56A$e a&' Reas&s !r a"se&(e

      Reas&s !r a"se&(e

    A$e ea#th








    .esti)a#s K







  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth



  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    Total +2 $22

    .i$%re 58A(ti& ta7e& !r %&a%thri?e' #ea)e


    (&L of the respondents said that they were asked to work e!tra for unauthorized


      #0 L of respondents said that the management issued a memo for taking

    unauthorized leave .

    &2L of the respondents said that management implemented fine when they took

    unauthorized leave .


    4rom the above figure, it has been found that the management either issued a memo or

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    asked the employees to work e!tra hours. No employees responded to termination .

    9 -%"#e shi!ts KNi$ht shi!ts i&!#%e&(es a"se&teeis,

    =hen the respondents were asked about their opinions regarding whether the double

    shifts3nigh shifts influences absenteeism. %ptions like to a great e!tent, to a moderate

    e!tent, not all were given and the following responses were made which are tabulated in

    the following data .

    Ta"#e N 59 -%"#eK Ni$ht shi!ts i&!#%e&(es a"se&teeis,

    -%"#e shi!tsK&i$ht shi!ts

    i&!#%e&(es a"se&teeis,

    N ! resp&ses Per(e&ta$e

    To a great e!tent $# &

    To some e!tent & +&

     Not at all $$ &&

    Total +2 $22

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    .i$%re 59-%"#eK Ni$ht shi!ts i&!#%e&(es a"se&teeis,


    +&L of the respondents said that to some e!tent double shifts 3night shifts

    influences absenteeism.

    &L of the respondents said that the double shifts3 night shifts influences

    absenteeism to a great e!tent.

    &&L of the respondents said that double shifts and night shifts will not affect



    4rom the above figures, most of the respondents said that to some e!tent double

    shifts3night shifts affected absenteeism.

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    : .#e0i"#e ti,e s(he'%#es re'%(es a"se&teeis,

      =hen the respondents were asked regarding whether the fle!ible time schedules

    reduces absenteeism, the following responses were made.

      Ta"#e N 5: .#e0i"#e s(he'%#e re'%(es a"se&teeis,

    .#e0i"#e ti,e s(he'%#es

    re'%(es a"se&teeis,

    N ! resp&ses Per(e&ta$e

    es #1 /0

     No $$ &&Total +2 $22

      .i$%re 5: .#e0i"#e ti,e s(he'%#es re'%(es a"se&teeis,


  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    /0L of the respondents said that fle!ible time schedules can decrease absenteeism

    &&L of the respondents said that fle!ible time schedules cannot decrease



    4rom the above figure, most of the respondents said that fle!ible time schedules can

    reduce absenteeism.

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth



  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    +&L of the respondents said that they were rewarded for maintaining perfect


    (0L of the respondents said that they were not awarded for regularity.


    Dalf of the respondents said that they were rewarded for regularity whereas other half

    said that they were not rewarded for regularity.

    11 I,pa(t & +%r )era## per!r,a&(e

     The respondents were asked whether they have any impact on their overall performance,

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    %ptions like to a great e!tent , not at all were mentioned. The following responses were


    Ta"#e N 511I,pa(t & )era## per!r,a&(e

    I,pa(t & +%r )era##


    N ! resp&ses Per(e&ta$e

    To a great e!tent + $2

    To some e!tent (2 02

     Not at all + $2

    Total +2 $22


    .i$%re 511I,pa(t & )era## per!r,a&(e


    02L of the respondents felt that to some e!tent absenteeism affect their overall

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth



     $2L of the respondents felt that absenteeism had a great impact on their overall


    $2 L of the respondents felt that absenteeism do not affect their overall



     4rom the above figure, it is clear that most of the respondents feel that their overall

     performance gets affected due to absenteeism.

    12 Opi&i&s & ,ai& reas&s !r a"se&teeis,

      =hen the respondents were asked about their opinion regarding the reasons for 

    absenteeism in their organizations, the following responses were made.

    Ta"#e N 512 Opi&i&s & ,ai& reas&s !r a"se&teeis, i& their r$a&i?ati&

    Opi&i&s & ,ai& reas&s

    !r a"se&(e

    N ! resp&ses Per(e&ta$e

    Dealth problems &+ +2

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    =ork load $# &

    ow salary $& &(

    Total +2 $22

      .i$%re 512 Opi&i&s & ,ai& reas&s !r a"se&(e i& their r$a&i?ati&


    +2L of the respondents gave opinion that the absenteeism is due to health


    &L of the respondents gave opinion that the absenteeism is due to heavy work 


    &(L of the respondents gave opinion that the absenteeism is due to low salary.

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth



    Dalf of the respondents opined that the main reason for absenteeism in their organization

    is health issues. 'ome of them pointed to heavy work load while other mentioned low

    salary as the main reasons for absenteeism in their organization .

    13 S%$$esti&s t re'%(e a"se&teeis,

     The respondents were asked to give suggestions on how to reduce absenteeism in their 

    organizations, the following responses were made.

    Ta"#e N 513 S%$$esti& t re'%(e a"se&teeis, i& their r$a&i?ati&

    S%$$esti&s t re'%(e N ! resp&ses Per(e&ta$e

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth



    Attractive attendance Eonus && ((

    Adeuate leave facilities $+ #2

    'trict leave rules #

    )educed work load $2 &2

     Total +2 $22

    .i$%re 513 S%$$esti&s t re'%(e a"se&teeis, i& their r$a&i?ati&

     I&terpretati& H

     ((L of the respondents suggested that attractive attendance bonus can reduce

    absenteeism in their organization.

    #2L of the respondents suggestion that adeuate leave facilities can reduce

    absenteeism in their organization.

    L of the respondents suggested that by implementing strict rules absenteeism

    can be reduced.

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    $2L of the respondents suggested that by reducing work load absenteeism can be



    Almost half of the respondents suggested that attractive attendance bonus can reduce

    absenteeism in their organization. 'ome of them suggested for adeuate leave facilities.

    =hile others suggested reduced work load to reduce absenteeism in their organization.

    CAPTER 6

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth






    @ajority of the respondents i.e #(L who are under age group &B#2 have

     participated more, when compared to others.

    @ajority of the lower level e!ecutives i.e (2L tend to remain absent when

    compared to top and middle level e!ecutives.

    @ajority of the employees i.e +2L availed &2 days leave within a year.

    @ost of the respondents i.e +L reasons for absence are Dealth issues, 4estivals3

    )ituals .

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    @ajority of the respondents i.e ( L said that they were asked to work e!tra for 

    unauthorized leave .No employees responded to termination

    @ost of the respondents i.e +& L said that to some e!tent double shifts3night

    shifts affected absenteeism.

    @ost of the respondents i.e /0L said that fle!ible time schedules can reduce

    absenteeism and the remaining &&L of the respondents said that fle!ible time

    schedules cannot decrease absenteeism.

    @ajority of respondents i.e +& L said that they were rewarded for regularity

    whereas other remaining (0L said that they were not rewarded for regularity.

     @ost of the respondents i.e +&L of the respondents said that they were rewarded

    for maintaining perfect attendance and the remaining (0L of the respondents said

    that they were not awarded for regularity.

    @ost of the respondents i.e 02L feel that their overall performance gets affected

    due to absenteeism.

    Dalf of the respondents i.e +2L gave opinion that the absenteeism is due to health


    @ost of the respondents i.e ((L suggested that attractive attendance bonus can

    reduce absenteeism in their organization.

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth



    A survey is conducted on the topic FA"se&teeis, i& NETORT P)t #t' during +th 

    *ec &2$$ C $2th "an &2$&. Eased on the analysis and interpretation, the following

    conclusions are made which are as followsH

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    @ajority of the employees agreed that their performance is getting affected by


    The employees at NGT=%)TD IT vt ltd are well aware of the rules and try to

    abide them.

    *uring the period of the survey, /L of the employees have abided to the leave

    rules and the remaining &(L did not. This may affect the overall performance of

    the employees.

    @ost of the employees cited health problems, festivals and rituals and the reasons

    for their absence.

    In NGT=%)TD IT vt ltd, the management is trying to control absenteeism by

    issuing memo.

    Gmployees feel that double shifts and night shifts also affect their work to some


    The management is trying to motivate the employees by rewarding them for



    The following ideas have been suggested to reduce the problems of absenteeism in

     NGT=%)TD vt ltd.

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    @ost of the employees are being absent due to health problems, the management

    may take an action to improve the health measures in the organization and

    conduct health camps freuently.

    Absenteeism is relatively high among low level e!ecutives as compared other 

    employees. Its remedy can be that the management makes sure that the work load

    is divided eually among the employees of same category so that they feel less

    stressed out in double and night shifts.

    The management may adopt fle!ible time work schedules which may reduce

    absenteeism rate to some e!tent.

    The management may take an effort to be fair while rewarding the employees,

    irrespective of their designation.

    The management may provide adeuate leave facilities so that employees can

    fulfill their obligation during festivals and rituals.

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth




    Te0t "7s

    *esler ary , &22, ; Human Resource Management”, 10t Gdition, earson3

      rentice Dall of India, pp, 0B00.

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    *r 'ubba )ao , &22, ;Gssentials of Duman )esource @anagement< and

    Industrial )elations, &nd Gdition reprint ,Dimalaya ublishing Douse, @umbai,

     pp ##1B#(#.

     Noe A )aymond, "ohn Dollenbeck, Earry erhart and atrick =right, &220

    ;Duman )esource @anagement

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth






    $. NameH

    &. AgeH

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    9a:$+B&+ years 9b: &B#2 years 9c: #$B(+ 9d: (B2

    #. ender H

    9a: @ale 9b: 4emale

    (. *esignationH

    +. *epartment H

    . Gducation -ualification H

    9a: ''8 9b: Fnder raduation 9c: raduation 9d: ost raduation

    /. 'alary 9per month :H

    9a: ess than +,222 9b: +22$ to $2,222 9c: $2,22$ to $+222 9d: $+22$ to &2,222

    0. Dave you availed any leaves in the last year 9es3 No:. If es, then how many leaves

    have you availed last year S

    9a: $2 days 9b: $+ days 9c: &2 days 9d: &+ days and above

    1. ive reasons for applying leave on some of the following categoriesS

      No of leaves taken 9days:

     $B # #B+ +B/ /B1 Above

    9a: Dealth grounds

    9b: Eoredom 3 )epetitive work 

    9c: roblems with superior 

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    9d: 4estivals 3 )ituals

    9e: Tour 3 @arriage 3 *eath

    9f: If any other, lease specify  

    $2. *o you inform your superior before you take leaveS

    9a: Always 9b: 'ometimes 9c: Never 

    $$. If an employee takes unauthorized leave then what is the action management takesS

    9a: Issuing memo 9b: Termination 9c: G!tra working hours 9d: 4ine 3 'alary cut

    $&. Dave you ever felt work load has been increased because of your absence S

    9a: To a great e!tent 9b: To some e!tent 9c: Not at all

    $#. In your absence, does anyone in the department takes changes in completing yourwork S

    9a: es 9b: No

    $(. If es , then work is taken byS

    9a: ourself 9b: Eoss 9c: 4riendship 3 relationship

    $+. *o you think that the job dissatisfaction influencing absenteeism S

    9a: To a great e!tent 9b: To some e!tent 9c: Not at all

     $. *o you think that double shift or Night shift influencing absenteeismS

    9a: To a great e!tent 9b: To some e!tent 9c: Not at all

    $/. *o you feel fle!ible time schedules can reduce absenteeismS

    9a: es 9b: No

    $0. Are the employees rewarded for the regularity or $22L attendance in yourorganizationS

  • 8/18/2019 Absenteeism Networth


    9a: es 9b: No

    $1. *oes the absenteeism have an impact on your overall performanceS

    9a: To a great e!tent 9b: To some e!tent 9c: Not at all

     &2. According to your opinion, what are the main reasons for absenteeism in your

    organization S

    &$. lease give your suggestions to reduce absenteeism in your organizationS