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Page 1: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified
Page 2: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

About me…• Husband, Daddy• B.SC. - Iowa State University• DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic• CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor• CCWP (2010) - Certified Chiropractic Wellness

Provider• Created Perfect Storm Lecture Series and


• Co-created Epic Pediatrics – an online pediatrics training program for chiropractors

Page 3: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

My why…

Page 4: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

The Moonwalking Bear

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Page 5: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Two rules…Don’t Do Drugs





Don’t Call Kids NamesAutismADHD


Asperger’sOppositional Defiance



Page 6: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Swine Flu Pandemic??? • ASTHMA

– 1 in 10 kids– $50 billion in costs ($3300 per person with

it)• ADHD– 1 in 9 kids (1 in 12 boys)–Most common drug prescribed in same

class as cocaine• MENTAL ILLNESS– 1 in 5 kids

Page 7: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

What is The Perfect Storm?

Page 8: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Physical Stress (Trauma)• In-utero constraint

• Birth trauma– Forceps– Vacuum– Cord-wrapped– C-section (esp. emergency)

• Childhood falls• Back to Sleep Program• Car seats, Baby Bjorn, Bouncy Seats..

Page 9: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

“Funniest” Home Videos

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Page 10: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Chemical Stress (Toxins)

• Preservatives, Pesticides Processed Foods

• Sugar, Grains, Dairy based diets• Environmental chemicals

EVERYWHERE– Household cleaners, detergents, etc.

• Vaccine ingredients, adjuvants, fillers–Mercury, aluminum, sorbitol, and much


Page 11: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Food Matters Clip

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Page 12: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Mental/Emotional Stress (Thoughts)

• Stressful, fear-based pregnancies • Stressful, forced, emergency

deliveries• NICU stays• Fast-paced, high stress life• Getting labeled (“diagnosed”) • Bullying

Page 13: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

The New Normal… The Perfect Storm



Asperger’sOppositional Defiance











Page 14: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Understanding Chiropractic

• It’s not about sore backs…

“The function of the nervous system is to perceive the

environment and coordinate the behavior of all other cells.”

- Dr. Bruce Liption, PhD Biologist

Page 15: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

How it works…

Page 16: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Subluxation: Cause and Effect

(Nerd Time!)

THE CAUSE:1.Physical Stress2.Chemical Stress3.Emotional Stress

THE EFFECT:1.Dys-kinesia2.Dys-afferentation3.Dys-autonomia4.Dys-ponesis5.Dys-connected

Page 17: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Dys-kinesia Subluxation occurs when a joint

becomes MISALIGNED and FIXATED losing its ability to go through proper range

of motion.

Page 18: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

The “Main Breaker”

Page 19: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Where does it start?

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Page 20: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

The Real Pandemic…• In his research , Gottfried Guttman MD, found

that spinal injury was present in 80% of the infants he examined shortly after birth, causing interference to neurologic and immune function.

• Concludes that “observations of motor development and manual control of the occipito-atlanto-axial joint complex should be obligatory after every difficult birth.”

• Furthermore, this occipito-atlanto-axial joint complex “should be examined and, if required, specifically adjusted… (as) the success of adjustment overshadows every other type of treatment.

Page 21: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Dys-kinesia Dys-afferentation


•There are actually 7 senses!–Movement• Proprioception (good)• Nociception (bad)

– Balance and Coordination• Vestibular

Page 22: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

A great illustration…

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Page 23: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Road Block? Communication is “jammed”

Page 24: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Proprioception- The Role Of The Spine…

• Neurological stimulation from MOVEMENT “charges the brain’s batteries”

• Over half of the neurons in the spinal cord are there for this specific function

• 60% of proprioceptive input comes from spine– 1/3rd of it just from the upper neck /


Page 25: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Subluxation Alters Input




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This leads to the next “D”

Page 27: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Dys-autonomia“A state of imbalance or dysfunction of

the Autonomic Nervous System”•Controls organs, glands, and blood vessels•Controls all other major systems:– Immune System– Digestive System– Endocrine System

Page 28: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Gas Vs. Brake Pedal

Page 29: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Neurology of Stress…1.Stimulus detected by Nervous System– Sympathetic system engages– Directly influences visceral function– Adrenals produces stress hormones

2.Nociception reaches CNS– Amygdala - stress and anxiety center– Hippocampus - learning center– Frontal Cortex - cognitive behavior, personality

expression, decision making, and moderating social behavior

3.Continues onto the HPA Axis– Hypothalamus Pituitary Adrenals

Page 30: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Neurology of Stress…

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Page 31: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Role in Pediatric Neuro-Development

“You can’t be in growth and protection at the same time.”

Dr. Bruce Lipton

Page 32: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Dys-ponesisDefined as a reversible physiological state

consisting of unnoticed, misdirected neurophysical reactions to various agents (environmental events, bodily sensations, emotions, and thoughts) and the

repercussions of these reactions throughout the organism.


Page 33: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

The Final Result: Dys-Connected

Page 34: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Autism: “Locked in” (Evan’s Story)

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Page 35: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Autism: Where It Starts…

Page 36: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

• Mostly non-verbal• 3-5 words

• Unable to follow directions• No eye contact, perception,

etc.• Very emotional, disruptive• Horrible sleeper• No interaction with parents

and siblings• Dx'd with "autism" by LGH

in July• Started care that day

Autism- The 5 D’s

Page 37: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Autism Unlocked… (Evan After Just 2 months)

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Page 38: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Autism Unlocked… 2nd and 3rd Scans

All right

sided –

brain is




All clear




e is


Page 39: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Evan’s Results:• fell asleep in parking lot, 4PM-

7AM• began talking more within days• imitating speech for the first

time• playing with his brother and

sister and imitating their play• doing funny things purposely to

engage us• pooping a ton - detoxing!• developed a fever – HEALING!

After 2 Weeks:• speaking in full sentences• exploding with development

and speech• sleeping better• behaving better• potty-trained• never sick• nearly back on track!!!

After 2 Months

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After 10 Months…

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Page 41: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Chiropractic: There is Hope!

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Page 42: About me… Husband, Daddy B.SC. - Iowa State University DC - Palmer College Of Chiropractic CACCP - Pediatric Certified Chiropractor CCWP (2010) - Certified

Epic Opportunity Close…