about jon sutz - liberty

About Jon Sutz A creative asset in the defense of liberty Jon Sutz is a multi-talented creative professional who has helped solve complex communica- tions problems for business and liberty advocacy for more than 20 years. Originally trained as a graphic designer, Jon has developed competence in strategic consulting, 3D animation storyboarding and direction , interface design , brand development & logo design , video script writing & direction , publication design , copywriting , deep research , investigative journalism-blogging* and more (*details upon request). Since 1989, Jon has designed, written and/or directed the production of a wide variety of advertising, educational, skills-training and corporate communications projects for organizations throughout the U.S. and Southeast Asia, including Sharp Electronics , Intel , The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company , Entergy and many others. His varied creative skills and business plan writing ability even helped one of his clients, a small luxury homebuilder in Central Virginia, to win the most prestigious national award in its industry. Jon’s highest skill is his ability to transform complex/controversial data and concepts into analytical graphics and visualizations that the average person can grasp and retain. In 2000, he began applying this skill primarily in the legal industry, consulting on and designing visualization-based courtroom presentations and juror notebook elements. Jon’s legal clients claim that his work has been vital in helping them to effectively frame and present their arguments – regarding conflicts ranging from a long-term public dispute over a $100 million property development proposal, to several multi-million dollar cases involving U.S. automakers (1 , 2 ), and many more. See Jon's litigation media portfolio here . Throughout his career, Jon has also worked to help solve the most vexing problems facing the advocacy of liberty. In addition to his independent research and development in this area (details upon request), Jon has earned a track record of distinction for helping advocates of liberty to brand themselves, and craft and deliver messages in innovative, sometimes funny ways. See Jon’s liberty media portfolio here . Page 2 of this document contains summaries of some key projects, and client testimonials. Now, Jon is determined to devote himself to the advocacy and defense of liberty on a part-time* basis (*details upon request), with organizations that are engaged in principled efforts regarding: Advancing crystal-clear knowledge among the general public of America’s Found- ers, history and Constitution, and the basic principles of economics (See a detailed research report that Jon produced on the desperate need for this work, “The Obstacles To Advancing Liberty Today,” here ; more here .) School choice & academic accountability Constitutional litigation – particularly regarding First Amendment and property rights National security and counter-terrorism Pro-Israel activism Exposing and combating anti-freedom, anti-America and anti-Israel bias in the media Some of the specific ways in which Jon’s creative skills can be applied to liberty-oriented organizations and projects include: Consulting on and developing overall communications strategies Crafting innovative project brands, logos, promotional & fundraising materials Developing visual depictions of complex/controversial data and concepts Consulting on and designing litigation support media: technical visualizations, charts, forensic data and relationship diagrams, timelines, etc. To see samples of Jon’s work and client testimonials, please visit www.jonsutz.com . To learn how Jon’s creativity, skills and innovation might be profitably applied to your organization’s mission-critical projects, please call (434) 825-8428 or email [email protected] .

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Page 1: About Jon Sutz - Liberty


Jon SutzA creative asset in the defense of liberty

Jon Sutz is a multi-talented creative professional who has helped solve complex communica-tions problems for business and liberty advocacy for more than 20 years. Originally trained as a graphic designer, Jon has developed competence in strategic consulting, 3D animation storyboarding and direction, interface design, brand development & logo design, video script writing & direction, publication design, copywriting, deep research, investigative journalism-blogging* and more (*details upon request).

Since 1989, Jon has designed, written and/or directed the production of a wide variety of advertising, educational, skills-training and corporate communications projects for organizations throughout the U.S. and Southeast Asia, including Sharp Electronics, Intel, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, Entergy and many others. His varied creative skills and business plan writing ability even helped one of his clients, a small luxury homebuilder in Central Virginia, to win the most prestigious national award in its industry.

Jon’s highest skill is his ability to transform complex/controversial data and concepts into analytical graphics and visualizations that the average person can grasp and retain. In 2000, he began applying this skill primarily in the legal industry, consulting on and designing visualization-based courtroom presentations and juror notebook elements. Jon’s legal clients claim that his work has been vital in helping them to effectively frame and present their arguments – regarding conflicts ranging from a long-term public dispute over a $100 million property development proposal, to several multi-million dollar cases involving U.S. automakers (1, 2), and many more. See Jon's litigation media portfolio here.

Throughout his career, Jon has also worked to help solve the most vexing problems facing the advocacy of liberty. In addition to his independent research and development in this area (details upon request), Jon has earned a track record of distinction for helping advocates of liberty to brand themselves, and craft and deliver messages in innovative, sometimes funny ways. See Jon’s liberty media portfolio here. Page 2 of this document contains summaries of some key projects, and client testimonials.

Now, Jon is determined to devote himself to the advocacy and defense of liberty on a part-time* basis (*details upon request), with organizations that are engaged in principled efforts regarding:

• Advancing crystal-clear knowledge among the general public of America’s Found-ers, history and Constitution, and the basic principles of economics

(See a detailed research report that Jon produced on the desperate need for this work, “The Obstacles To Advancing Liberty Today,” here; more here.)

• School choice & academic accountability

• Constitutional litigation – particularly regarding First Amendment and property rights

• National security and counter-terrorism

• Pro-Israel activism

• Exposing and combating anti-freedom, anti-America and anti-Israel bias in the media

Some of the specific ways in which Jon’s creative skills can be applied to liberty-oriented organizations and projects include:

• Consulting on and developing overall communications strategies

• Crafting innovative project brands, logos, promotional & fundraising materials

• Developing visual depictions of complex/controversial data and concepts

• Consulting on and designing litigation support media: technical visualizations, charts, forensic data and relationship diagrams, timelines, etc.

To see samples of Jon’s work and client testimonials, please visit www.jonsutz.com.

To learn how Jon’s creativity, skills and innovation might be profitably applied to your organization’s mission-critical projects, please call (434) 825-8428 or email [email protected].

Page 2: About Jon Sutz - Liberty

Jon Sutz: Liberty-Oriented Advocacy Media Credits & Testimonials

FREESTAR MEDIA: “THE LOST LIBERTY HOTEL” See complete project profile here. This widely-publi-cized project (1.3+ million citations on Google) was initiated by Freestar Media’s founder & CEO, Logan Clements. The purpose of the project was to test the U.S. Supreme Court’s “new interpretation” of eminent domain, in Kelo v. City of New London, which empowered local governments to transfer private property from one party to another, if the latter’s use might generate more tax revenue or jobs. Specifically, Clements wanted to see if this ruling also applies to the property owned by the Justices who voted to affirm it, by attempting to seize Justice David Souter’s 8-acre ranch home in Weare, New NH, and turn it into a hotel and restaurant (The “Just Desserts Café”). In addi-tion to helping inspire the project, Jon provided key creative and research services since its inception:

"The pro-liberty movement is fortunate to have Jon Sutz among its ranks. (He) has helped Freestar Media and our 'Lost Liberty Hotel' project in a number of key areas: (1) he edited our first press release – which led to national media exposure, thousands in donations and a lasting political impact – and also a vital follow-up press release, and our first newsletter; (2) he worked tirelessly on research and coalition-building at a critical stage in the project; and (3) he designed and produced a beautiful logo for the ‘Lost Liberty Hotel,’ which drives our core message home to millions of Americans. Jon’s creativity, passion and strong work ethic were vital assets to us, and any serious liberty-oriented organization would benefit by enlisting him in its efforts.” – Logan Clements

“I LOVE this… this is how you fight this stuff… you turn it around on them… the ‘Lost Liberty Hotel’… you just have to love this…” – Rush Limbaugh (1 day after first press release was issued)

THE AMERICAN ISLAMIC FORUM FOR DEMOCRACY (AIFD) From 2007-2012, Jon has been a creative consultant to AIFD founder and president Zuhdi Jasser, M.D. The AIFD is America’s fastest-growing pro-freedom, anti-terrorism, anti-Islamist Muslim think tank. For background on Dr. Jasser and the monumental challenges he faces, see his bio, a 30-minute excerpt of the documentary “The Third Jihad,” and his recent book, “A Battle For The Soul Of Islam.” Due to his confidentiality agreement, Jon is not at liberty to publicly describe the specifics of the work he performs for the AIFD. Some of his early work is profiled here. Dr. Jasser's credit to Jon in the Ack-nowledgments of his book is here; his 2008 description of the value that Jon has brought to the AIFD is below:

“Jon’s combination of marketing, graphic design, writing, editing and research abilities and knowledge, along with his deep understanding of the ideas of liberty and security…and his input have been essential to the success of the AIFD, and our efforts to take it to 'the next level.' (He) has an uncanny grasp of the challenges facing those wishing to advocate liberty in the public square, which are even more significant and complex, given the AIFD’s mission to do so in an environment that encompasses religion, law, philoso-phy and national security. (He is) an individual who loves the ideas of liberty." – M. Zuhdi Jasser, M.D.

VIRGINIANS OVER-TAXED ON RESIDENCES (VOTORS) See complete project profile here. VOTORS was founded by airline pilot Al Aitken to build grassroots support for an amendment to the VA constitution that would limit the ability of local municipalities to raise property assessments, or excessively raise property taxes, to help prevent the poor and those on fixed incomes from being taxed out of their homes. Jon’s challenge was to re-create all of VOTORS’ outreach materials (which it acknowledged were ineffective), to ensure its proposal, and the data upon which it's justified, can be quickly grasped by low-income homeowners, and hurried journalists.

“So impressed was I with our new logo that I asked Jon to use his abilities to help us to improve our VOTORS brochure. Jon was able to take the message from our old version, add his own research on our grassroots cause, and turn our rather ordinary old brochure into one very logically laid out new one, with eye-catching graphics, that not only attract a reader to our brochure, but also visually lead him/her to support VOTORS and our initiative. (J)on has become a welcome and essential element in our grassroots effort. I could not be more pleased with his work and our new relationship." – Al Aitken

JEFFERSON AREA LIBERTARIANS See complete project profile here. After redesigning the JAL’s logo, Jon provided a variety of creative, graphic design and writing services to the JAL and affiliated organizations, including public & media relations, policy proposal crafting, and strategic communications consulting.

“Jon’s considerable talents have helped to raise the profile and effectiveness of our communications and outreach efforts. (W)henever I am approached by liberty-oriented organizations and candidates in need of help with media materials, Jon is the first person I recommend. He is a tremendous resource for the liberty movement.” – Jim Lark, Ph.D., Secretary (past Chairman, Libertarian Party of America; more)