abnormal sleep pattern in a patient with bipolar disease

Abnormal sleep pattern in a patient with bipolar disease. Mohan Dutt MD

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Page 1: Abnormal sleep pattern in a patient with bipolar disease

Abnormal sleep pattern in

a patient with bipolar

disease. Mohan Dutt MD

Page 2: Abnormal sleep pattern in a patient with bipolar disease

Type of Potential Conflict Details of Potential Conflict

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Page 3: Abnormal sleep pattern in a patient with bipolar disease

Accreditation Statement

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of The American Academy of Sleep Medicine and The Michigan Academy of Sleep Medicine. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Page 4: Abnormal sleep pattern in a patient with bipolar disease


• Case review

• Review of normal sleep

• Pathogenesis of N24SWD

• Treatment

• Effects of Bipolar disease on sleep cycle

• Case wrap up

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Case Presentation - Initial Visit

(2012) • HPI: 51 yo M with complaints of circadian rhythm disturbance for

multiple years.

• Delayed for most of his life

• “Allergic to light”

• Joined army and had to keep set schedule, was miserable

• Has been allowing himself to free run since leaving the army

• Previously tried melatonin to help with sleep, currently taking


• Lives in basement

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Initial Visit

• ESS: 1/24

• Sleep symptoms: Denies snoring, witnessed apneas or

gasping for air. Sleeps for around 6 to 8 hours per night.

Wakes up feeling refreshed.

• PMHx: Depression

• FamHx: Non-Contributory

• Social: No alcohol or tobacco

• Meds: Doxepin, Wellbutrin

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Initial Visit- A/P

• Restart melatonin at night

• Light exposure in the morning

• Embletta

• Sleep Logs

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Sleep Study Results

• AHI: 9.1 events/hr

• Sleep Latency: 82 minutes

• REM Sleep Latency: 124 minutes

• Sleep Efficiency: 55%

• No PLMs

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Follow-up Visit

• Did not believe that he had

sleep apnea

• Sleep log shows free running

• Was using light + melatonin +


• Circadian Cycle: 24.85 h

• Daily advance: 50 minutes

• Average sleep duration: 9h15m

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Sleep Log Data






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e (




Cycle length

0h 0m

120000h 0m

240000h 0m

360000h 0m

480000h 0m

600000h 0m

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24




Shift in Midpoint sleep

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Follow-up: A/P

• Continue with with light therapy and melatonin

• Discuss with psychiatrist about starting mood

stabilizers due to evidence of manic episodes on


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Non 24 Sleep Wake Disorder

• “There is a history of insomnia, excessive daytime

sleepiness, or both, which alternate with

asymptomatic episodes, due to misalignment

between the 24-hour light-dark cycle and the non-

entrained endogenous circadian rhythm of sleep-

wake propensity” (ICSD 3)

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• Unknown prevalence in sighted individuals

• First case described in 1971 (Elliot et al)

• Over 50% of blind individuals

• Hayakawa et al - Case report of 57 sighted males with N24SWD

• 72% men

• 98% disturbed social function

• 28% with psychiatric disorder

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Clinical Features

• Symptoms depend on when individual tries to

sleep based on circadian rhythm

• Sleep onset insomnia

• Daytime sleepiness

• Alternating periods of normalcy

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• Sleep logs or actigraphy- typically 14 days

• Free running pattern

• Tau (τ)

• Phase Angle (ψ)

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The Circadian System

• Responsible for temporal organization of majority

of bodies physiologic function

• Controls sleep wake cycle, in coordination with

environmental input.

• In the absence of external cues the endogenous

cycle length (τ) is around 24.15 hours.

• Requires zeitgebers

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Biologic Clock • Suprachiasmatic

nucleus=Master clock

• Peripheral tissues have

autonomous clocks

• Clock works through negative


• Mutations in individual genes

can lead to phase shifts.

• Endogenous cycle length

around 24 hours

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Synchronization • Retinohypothalamic Tract

• Photic

• Geniculohypothalamic Tract

• Photic/Non-photic

• Raphe Nucleus

• Non-photic

• Light stimulates PER expression

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• Pineal Gland

• Melatonin Production

• Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Axis

• Cortisol

• Body Temperature

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Pathogenesis of N24SWD

• Phase angle differences

• Decreased response to light

• Long endogenous period

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Phase Angle Differences

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Decreased Response

• Blunted response to light induced melatonin


• Decreased sensitivity of phase response curve

• Photoreceptor abnormalities

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Long Endogenous Circadian


• Tau of 24.48 vs 24.17 in controls (Kitamura et al)

• Genetic mutations on core machinery

• Single nucleotide polymorphism in PER3-

rs228697 (Hida et al)

• PER3- rs908078 (Kripke et al)

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• Light Therapy

• Melatonin

• Melatonin Agonist

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Light Therapy

• Self selected light

exposure abnormalities

• Cognitive Behavioral


• Light exposure should

be shortly after body

temp minimum to

induce phase advance

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• Opposite PRC compared to light

• Phase advance in the evening

• Phase delay in the morning

• Soporific

• Should administered around time of DLMO

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Bipolar disorder and circadian


• Melatonin


• Body temperature

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• Advanced peak during mania

• Decreased peak during euthymia and depression

• Overall decrease in melatonin levels

• Increased sensitivity to light melatonin suppression

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Bipolar Disease and Core Clock


• Clock

• Per3


• CRY2

• GSK-3B

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Mood Stabilizers and Sleep

• Lithium

• Increases phase delay

• increases tau

• inhibits GSK-3B

• Reduces melatonin light sensitivity

• Valproic Acid

• May advance phase

• Increases expression of melatonin receptors

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Back to the Case

• Patient was seen by

psychiatrist and trialed on VPA,

Lamictal, and Tegratol.

• Never able to entrain his sleep


• Lost to follow up for 4 years

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4 years later

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Sleep Log Data









Cycle Length

0h 0m

120000h 0m

240000h 0m

360000h 0m

480000h 0m

Sat,Jul 22,2017

Tue,Jul 25,2017

Fri, Jul28,


Mon,Jul 31,2017

Thu,Aug 3,2017

Sun,Aug 6,2017

Wed,Aug 9,2017











Phase Delay

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Sleep Statistics

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Effects of Aripiprazole

• Two previous case reports

• Mechanism of action remains unknown

• Agonist of 5HT1

• Non Photic regulation of cycle

• Increases histamine production

• Wakefullness

• Inhibits GSK 3B

• Activates BMAL

• Reduces Circadian periodicity

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