abc weather book by mrs. clarke's grade

A is for avalanche, a large mass of snow or ice that suddenly moves down the side of a mountain.

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Page 1: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

A is for avalanche, a large mass of snow or ice that suddenly moves down the side of a mountain.

Page 2: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

B is for blizzard. A blizzard is a storm that’s a big rain and snow happening. It is really bad and dangerous. It is very slippery and you could fall.

Page 3: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

C is for cyclone. Cyclones spin in the air like fast wind.

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Page 4: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

D is for Drought A drought is a long period of dry weather.

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E is for evaporation. When a lake gets too hot the water floats up and makes a cloud. When the cloud gets too heavy little drops of water fall.

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Page 6: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

F is for floods and they can happen at your house and outside and it happens during a hurricane.

Page 7: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

G is for going up like water vapor does in the water cycle.

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H is for hail. It can be big like a golf ball. It feels like frozen ice.

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Page 9: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

I is for Icicles. Icicles are ice and they can hang from your house.

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J is for January. Snow can be fun because you can play in the snow outside and you can play and make snow angles. You can also fall and it won’t hurt at all. Snowflakes fall from the sky. I play outside with my friends. It is fun outside!

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K is for Kites. They fly high in the sky because when you let the kite go in the sky it will get pushed by the wind.

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Page 12: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

L is for landslide. A landslide is when dirt and rock slide down a mountain or cliff.

Page 13: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

M is for measuring with a rain gauge. Somerain gauges use a funnel to catch raindrops. A scale shows how much rain has fallen in inches and centimeters.

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Page 14: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

N is for natural disaster. It is very dangerous to be in one. It is very scary to be in a flood !!!!

Page 15: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

O is for outside. When we are outside we see clouds in different shapes.

Page 16: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

P is for precipitation falling from the sky. It could be rain, snow or sleet.

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Q is for quake. Earthquakes are dangerous because a lot of people die.

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Page 18: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

R is for rain. Rain falls from the sky. Rain fall for the clouds.

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Page 19: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

S is for chunks of ice cold sleet. Sleet is frozen water or rain.

Page 20: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

T is for tsunami. Tsunami is a big wave and it is dangerous.

Page 21: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

U is for up in the sky. There are all types of clouds in the sky. There are puffy clouds and flat clouds. Sometimes the clouds look like an animals.

Page 22: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

V is for vapor, which is part of the water cycle. The part when the water evaporates and forms clouds.

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W is for wind in the air and it’s moving air.

Page 24: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

X is for extremely windy. When it is extremely windy your toys outside could blow away.

Page 25: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

Y is for you who would stay outside with cirrus and cumulus clouds out.

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Z is for zig and zag. Lightning zigs and lightning zags. Lightning is a giant spark.

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Page 27: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

A is for air Wind is air that moves.You breathe air in and out.If we did not have air we would be dead.

This is where we will copy the picture you make

Page 28: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

B is for blizzard a blizzard is a severe winter storm

This is where we will copy the picture you make

Page 29: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

C is for climate. Climate is weather over a period of time. A example is a season. Climate can be sunny, snowy, rainy.

Page 30: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

D is for dangerous weather. Dangerous weather can blow roofs off of houses. It can also hurt people.

Page 31: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

E is for Evaporation. Evaporation is part of water cycle. When the water is ready to go up to the clouds it goes up as evaporation.

Page 32: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

F is for fog. Fog is a thick low cloud. It is hard to see through.

Page 33: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

G is for gale. A gale is a very strong wind and it can blow between 32 and 54 miles per hour. A very strong galecan blow over big trees. Hurricane winds are stronger then gales. Gales can damage buildings too.

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H is for hurricane. A hurricane is a deadly storm. In fact a hurricane is the most deadly storm on the planet. You wouldn’t want to be caught in a hurricane.

Page 35: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

I is for icicle. Icicles look like swords or sticks. Some are very sharp. Some are long. Some look like magic wands.

Page 36: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

J is for July. In July we have hot weather.Hot is high temperature and sun.

Page 37: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

K is for Kite. You can go outside and playWith a kite. The way you play with a kite take it outside and run and the windblows it.

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L is for lightning. Lightning is dangerous so stay inside. People can survive lightning or die from it’s effect.

Page 39: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

M is for MeteorologistMeteorologist. A Meteorologist is a person who predicts the weather. Also when we get a lot of rain or snow they measure how much we get.

Page 40: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

N is for northeaster. A northeaster happens in the United States on the east coast. It is a blizzard.

Page 41: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

O is for outside. Outside is where weather happens. If there were no outside there

would be no weather.

Page 42: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

P is for precipitation. It happens when the clouds can’t hold the rain sleet hail or snow. So out it comes.

Page 43: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

Q is for quake. Earthquakes don’t happen in Waltham. An earthquake happened in Haiti last year.

Page 44: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

R is for rainbow. After a sun shower a rainbow appears. Rainbows are colorful. They have the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, violet. Rainbows make me feel good.

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S is for stratus. A stratus cloud is gray and brings rain. Sometimes they just stay outside and do not bring a single drop of rain

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T is for Thunder. Thunder is a loud, rumbling sound that comes after a flash of lighting. Thunder is caused by the expansion of the air that has been heated by lighting.

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U is for umbrella you use them when it is rainingOutside. Umbrellas can go flying into a tornado if

you were outside.

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V is for volcano. A volcano is like a big hill with a hole in the top. It can shoot out lava. Also they can be under water too.

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W is for weather. Weather can be dangerous because sometimes if it is strong enough weather can throw a car.

Page 50: Abc Weather Book by Mrs. Clarke's Grade

X is for extreme weather. Blizzards are gnoramus snow flurries. Tornados are spinning gusts of wind. Hurricanes can bend trees. These are some kind of extreme weather.

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Y is for yellow sun. The sun generates heat for us. Without it, we would not be able to live.

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Z is for zap. A zap of lightning can easily kill you. Lightning can also make the power go out.