abbasiyah (english)

ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION DURING DAULA ABBASID Compiled by : - Fakhrana Filza - Fatih Amalia Nasution - Putroe Wulandari ENGLISH DEPARTMENT

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Page 1: Abbasiyah (English)



Compiled by :

- Fakhrana Filza- Fatih Amalia Nasution- Putroe Wulandari



Page 2: Abbasiyah (English)

Islam On the Abbasid Period

132-656 H

750 - 1258 M

Family Abbasid

Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim bin Abdi Manaf left some of his son. Among Abdullah (father of the Prophet Muhammad), Abbas and Abu Talib. But what many offspring mempunyak just Abbas and Abu Talib. They both lowered big family, spread throughout the Islamic Daulat, from the tip of the North-West Africa to the countries of Central Asia.

Abbas was born three years before tanuh elephant. Means three years older than the Prophet. His mother named Nutailah bint Janab. Hashim Abbas, a prominent scholar and a tribe of Quraysh. He was a close friend of Abu Sufyan ibn Harb. Dikala religion of Islam began to broadcast the Prophet, he became a helper of the Prophet who Mukhlis. He is venerated and beloved Prophet s.a.w. and the Caliph, the Caliph thereafter. He died in the reign of Uthman ibn Affan.

Abdullah ibn Abbas was the second son of Abbas. He was born two years before the Hijrah. When the Prophet died only thirteen years old. He is lover and beloved Prophet. At the time of Umar bin Khattab he became a member of the advisory board Caliph special. Even when it was still a very young age, but often times Umar asked the laws and the various problems to him. From this was born descendants of Abdullah Abbasid family, and other relatives who do not have offspring.

Ali bin Abdullah is one of the son of Abdullah. He was born at night murder of Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib. To commemorate the death of the then Abdullah gave his son the Caliph's name.

Muhammad bin Ali is the eldest of 20 sons of men and 11 sons Muhammad female. He is father of Ibrahim al-Imam, Abul Abbas and Abu Jafar Assafah al-Mansur. And three sons Muhammad is the primary backbone Daulat Abbasid.

Daulat Abbasid Golden Age

Five Century Abbasid family ever occupied the throne of the Caliph of Islam, beginning of 132 H. (749 AD), which was in election Assafah Abul Abbas, until the fall of Baghdad by the Mongol-Tartar invasion under the leadership Hulako in the year 656 AD (1258 AD).

Daulat The Abbasid period from inception until the time of Caliph al-Watsiq Billah in 232 AH (879 AD) was the heyday Daulat Bani Abbas, the height and greatness, then it is a golden age of Islam that is very bright.

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(132-136 AH = 749-754 AD)

On 13 Rabi 'al-Awwal 132 H. (30 October 749 AD), Abul Abbas Assafah dibai'at became the first Caliph of the Abbasid family in the town of Kufa. When that Marwan ibn Muhammad was still alive. New on August 5, 750. (27 Dhu al-Hijjah 132 AH (the last Umayyad Caliph had met his end in battle with the Abbasid army in Alfayaum (Egypt). Not long after moving to Abul Abbas Assafah Hirah, then to Anbar and the city is then used as the capital Khilafahnya, with names Hasyimiyyatul Anbar, which also serve as a warning for Grandpa Bani Abbas, namely Hashim.

Abbasid family was originally going to take Damascus became the capital his goverment, but because there are still many followers of the Umayyad family, let alone far from the Persian, the center of their power, and with the limit of the Eastern Roman Empire which might endanger daulatnya very young, then he makes the new city as its capital.

Abul Abbas Assafah Strategy

During his reign, Assafah trying defent his goverment joints. The trick that can be known from his first speech in Kufa, as he dibai'at. In his speech he declared the primacy family Umayyad Muhammad and ugliness, because they rob the rank of Deputy deeds. He denounced the Syrian army, praised for their honesty Kufa residents helped the family of Bani Abbas enforce Daulatnya. The speech concludes by saying: "I am not afraid Assafah who shed blood if necessary" means saying this is going to assert to the enemy-mushnya, especially the Umayyad family, that anyone who dared oppose him and hinder Daulatnya, will be faced with the tip of the sword Assafah " . Thus the adhesive once it bears the title 'Assafah' the blood on their hands.

Assafah blood on their hands

Abul Abbas Assafah employs some of his administration to fight the Arab commanders loyal to the Umayyads, even whole families destroyed Umayyads, the Umayyad family members wherever large and small, chased and killed. They are not satisfied with insulting the family's descendants are still alive and seize property.Abdullah bin Ali uncle Assafah and governors in Syria held a public slaughter spend the Umayyad Amir, most of them were summoned to attend a banquet and the ground were killed.He also shed the blood of people who become helpers founding of the Abbasid Daulat. He killed Abu Salma Al-Khilaly a man who became his right hand in setting up daulatnya. Abu Salma is a very big helper services, that he was given the title by the family of Bani Abbas 'family Wazir Muhammad'. Abu Salma was murdered on suspicion of the family will move khilafat Alawiyyin (descendants of Ali bin Abi Talib). He also intends to kill Abu Muslim Al-Khurrasani, because he feared it would jeopardize lakau daulatnya commander, because of its influence are

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increasingly large. But the desire was not accomplished because he was picked up by his death. Then the assassination of Abu Muslim Alkhurrasani done by the next Caliph.Abul Abbas Assafah died on the 17th of Dhu al-Hijjah the year 136 AD (9 June 754 AD) after he ruled diving 4 years 9 months.

2 - Abu Ja'far Al-Mansur

(136-158 AH = 754-775 AD)

Preliminary Daulat Bani Abbas Glory

Abu Ja'far Al-Mansur became caliph Assafah since his brother died. He is also seen as essential for pendidi Daulat al-Abbasid, because it was he who create and realize Daulatnya state structure.

In his day the glory and developing science developments pesar, so it means the next time Daulat Bani Abbas reached its heyday. At that time the Persian influence is also growing, so the Caliph, the Caliph of Bani Abbas to transfer some of the Persian culture, such as customs and regulations of the palace used by the Kisra Persian. In Istanapun Perialah influential people, the Arabs more and more marginalized.

At the beginning of his reign Caliph Al-Mansur face numerous difficulties that can be overcome with fortitude and firmness of his heart. These properties establish a Caliphate in all his victories. Among the difficulties faced by Al-Mansur was the sedition which his uncle Abdullah bin Ali, the disavowal of Abu Muslim al-Khurrasani and Alawiyyin insurgency.

Sedition Abdullah bin Ali

Abdullah said that Assafah has promised that one day sepeniggalnya is to replace it, if he can destroy all the power of Marwan bin Muhammad and his followers. This recognition is acknowledged by most people, then they membaiatnya. Therefore, do not want membai'at Abdullah al-Mansur. To conquer this rebellion of Al-Mansur ordered the commander Abu Muslim Al-Khurrasani to Sham.

Among the army of Abdullah bin Ali in Syria there are 17,000 soldiers of Abu Muslim al-Khurrasani. Therefore he was afraid that if they will join the ranks of Abu Muslim, so he destroyed them with deceptive muslihatnya. Thus Abdullah has weakened its own power with his own hands. Thus do not be too difficult for Abu Moslem to be able to repress opposition. He was caught and then jailing until he died in custody.

Disavowal of Abu Muslim al-Khurrasani

Caliph al-Mansour was hated danmarah to Abu Muslim when he has prided himself, does not obey the order of the Caliph again and too much blood shed with no real sebag. Especially again he has stated keingkarannya to Caliph al-Mansur. Or personal greatness may also be said of Abu

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Muslim, felt endanger the position of Al-Mansur. Al-Mansur was always looking for good opportunities to destroy it. Finally, at the time he called Abu Muslim and the circumvention muslihanya he could kill him. After the death of Abu Muslim, Al-Mansur felt no more kekuagan who threaten its sovereignty.

Rebellion Alawiyyin

Family Abbasid Caliphate was lucky to win seats. They enforce over the grave ruins daulatnya Daulat Umayyads. It is not pleasing to the Alawiyyin, because they believe they have more right to occupy the throne of the Caliphate than others. Therefore they declared enmity against the family of Bani Abbas. Especially when they wanted to destroy the power of the Umayyads they prefer the name instead of the Bani Hashim Abbas, but after work they left behind.

In the year 145 H. appeared in the Hijaz Muhammad bin Abdillah al-Alawy. There he was confirmed as the Caliphate. He sent his brother Ibrahim to Basra to broadcast Dakwanya so that city residents also membai'at him.

Muammad bin Abdullah dituntukkan and killed by Al-Mansur in the year 145 H. After the death of Mohammed bin Abdullah, Ibrahim got up and made himself Caliph in Iraq and Persia. But the same fate with saaudaranya Muhammad. He was put to death in the year 146 H.

Strategy for Foreign Affairs Al-Mansur

1. Against the Byzantine Empire

The people of Byzantium always lurking weaknesses Umayyads. To melanarkan their attack to a Muslim country that borders their land. Byzantium attacked the Syrian army to deploy in time of Caliph al-Mansur in the year 138 H. This attack can ditangkis by the Abbasid army. The battle ended with a truce agreement for 7 years.

After the Caliph al-Mansur Alawiyyin quell the rebellion, the attack on the Byzantine begins. Then forced the Byzantine Emperor asked for peace and promise to pay annual tribute to the Abbasid Caliph.

2. Against the country Andalus

State Andalus had to break away from Abbasid Daulat, Daulat standing there after the Umayyads in 138 H. (757 AD) to the business of Amir Abdurrahman Ad-Dakhil bin Hisham bin Mu'awiyah. Amir was running away katika conducted mop-top family of Umayyads. Al-Mansur could not conquer the land by the distance from the Caliphate of Bani Abbas. Especially when he was suppressing a riot and rebellion in the country. So Al-Mansur friends with Pepyn king Frank and exchange ambassadors and gifts. And the king was dihasutnya to combat Abdurrahman.

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3. Against Africa

Barbarian in the North African nation is not happy Arabs led by the prevailing mayhem on them. They are treated by the guardian-the guardian is not as sasama brother, but as occupiers with colonized, even though they had converted to Islam. When Daulat they weakened the Umayyads rebelled and established several independent regions. But not long the Amir Barbarian quarrel between them. These opportunities are used by al-Mansur to conquer that area again, in the year 144 H. Kairawan city ruled by successive Arab and Berber armies and vice versa, from 155 H. it is perfect town ruled by the Abbasid army.

Development undertaken by Al-Mansur

Founded the city of Baghdad and other cities

Caliph Al-Mansur founded the city of Kufa Hasyimiyatul for his country's capital. Then built the city of Baghdad is also a very strategic place, not too far from the sea, and situated between the rivers Tigris and Euptrat. Also built the city of Ar-Rushafah East edge of the river Tigris. Maketh the city of Baghdad as the headquarters of his army.

Age authored and translation

Al-Mansur invigorate the poets to write and translate books from Persian, Greek and life-style into Arabic. He himself would uproar medical science, astronomy and riyadhiyat. So the city of Baghdad into life and became the center of science and civilization. In his day some people born poet, author, translator, among Ibn Muqaffa 'Kalilah and Daminah book translator.

Save careful in any job

Caliph Al-Mansur very frugal and careful in maintaining the rules. He is famous for diligent and cautious in his palace setting. Always remember and alert in all his work. This is proven by the words: "The door palace should always be passed by four people, they are the pillar of the empire. When they lack only one, then the empire will not be straight, like a chair that is not straight but with four legs. They are: 1 - a fair judge, 2. Head football lunge which oversees intelligence officials, 3. Head of fair taxation again no mayhem, 4. Post Office, which always carry the correct news to me about the deeds dignitaries Khilafah.

Al-Mansur to use the Postal department-head with the best. Those who become the eyes of his head watching everything about the caliphate. Thus, al-Mansur to know all the legal acts of the governors as decided by the judge, how much money goes into the Baitul Mal and so forth.

The heads of the postal service is always reported market prices of all kinds of goods, food and other goods. Therefore, the relationship with the Governors are very close. If the prices of goods rose far beyond the usual price, ordered for the price was lowered to normal. Bia seen an employee applies negligent or careless, dicelanya and dismissed from office.

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Caliph Al-Mansur famous shopping and delivery-saving issue, so that he died when his state treasury to overflowing and then spent ten years old. However it has disadvantages, including the shedding of blood, and cheating on some of the guaranteed security of his soul.

Al-Mansur died on 7 Dhu al-Hijjah 158 AH (8 October 775 AD). He was succeeded by his son al-Mahdi.


(158-169 AH = 775-785 AD)

Renewal and Transition Period

Caliph Al-Mahdi ruled for 10 years. His reign was viewed as a transitional period between the era of violence that characterize the Caliph, the Caliph of Bani Abbas, who earlier told a simple and gentle era that becomes jewelry-time and Caliph Caliph later.

Al-Mahdi started his reign with a variety of repair and construction, thanks to the heritage that is very much since the time of Abu Ja'far Al-Mansur.

Among his efforts is memdirikan the buildings where the water along the road to Mecca to drink caravan that passed, and expand the Grand Mosque. He membeikan shopping remains the weak people who could no longer work so as not to beg.

Among Makkah, Madinah and Yemen berunta postal service is built and rode the rule enhanced. Al-Mahdi also known as gracious and generous, so that its primary is almost close to nature wasteful.

His attitude toward people heretic (Atheist)

Al-Mahdi belemah not always smooth, he also often apply hard and rough on people who are rebellious, especially to those heretic (atheist), who was born in his reign. These people justify the illegitimate and destructive to the decency and manners. Al-Mahdi tried to repress this class, so to that he founded a special department headed by a rank called 'Shahibuz Zanadiqah'. His job is to root out and scrape the people and teaching. Terhadan erosion was followed by the next Caliph Musa Al-Hadi.

Foreign Affairs Strategy

In an age of al-Mahdi began to venerate the other kingdoms and scare the good fortune of Islam because of the greatness, majesty and power.

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Disputes are not inexhaustible between Abbas and the family of Bani Umayyads in Andalus, spread way for the Emperor Karel De Grote to become friendly with the Abbasid Caliph-caliph. This benefits the Abbasid Caliph in his attempt to face Daulat Byzantium.

The battle between Daulat Abbasid and Byzantine Empire not stop at the time of Caliph al-Mahdi. Warriors of Islam loot into the Roman area so they get to the Angora (greedy) in Asia Minor. To reply to this event, the Byzantine Emperor mobilized his army to attack a Muslim country on the borders of Syria, until the army of Islam can be beaten back. Then came the turn of Al-Mahdi replied to the attack.

In the year 163 H. formed a large army under the leadership of his own son Aaron Arrasyid, assisted by the commander Khalid Al-Barmaky. These soldiers can subvert all that prevented, so that he can conquer Smala fort, a castle which belonged to Byzantium strongest. In the year 165 H. Al-Mahdi holding the attack once again, with the army which also led Aaron Arrasyid. This time Aaron advanced to the edge of the Bosporus strait, so that he can force the Empress Irene (acting representative son of Emperor young Constantyn th.780 VI - 797 AD) to pay tribute each year to the Islamic Daulat, the number of 90,000 dinars. Even this war ended with the laying of arms agreements between the two parties in a period of three years.

In an age of al-Mahdi Islamic ummah is also expanding in countries preaching the east. They entered the land of Hindustan. They face some great battles. They burned the temples and statues of Buddha. Kan but this looting eventually lead to major disasters over the Abbasid army. They are many who die berkubur on the seabed, because their ships were destroyed storm wiped out in the Persian Gulf.

Death of Al-Mahdi

On 22 Muharram 169 H. (August 4 785 AD) Caliph Muhammad al-Mahdi died. He intestate demoted to the second Caliph of his son, who first told Musa al-Hadi and second to Aaron Arrasyid. According to Al-Mahdi will it fall into the hands of the rank of Caliph al-Hadi and then only to Aaron Arrasyid.


(169-170 AH = 785-786 AD)

Before Al-Hadi was crowned as the Caliph, he uses a lot of time in the country Masyrik. At times she was crowned she was there to face war. Events that have been experienced in Masyrik it, have a big impact on the travel tactics, character and budinya.

Facing Group Alawiyyin

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Family descendants of Ali bin Abi Talib the Alawy, everywhere, always trying to want to reach the rank of Caliph, because according to their beliefs, it is the rank of special rights for them. At the time of Caliph Musa Al-Hadi they held a revolt in the Hijaz, they are headed by the grandson of Hussein ibn Ali Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib. In Madina Hussein got the victory. Palace Mayor of the town was occupied, the prison was dissolved, the inhabitants prisoners released. So he was crowned as Caliph by the people of Madinah.

Hussein went to Makkah to bring up his army, where he met with the Abbasid army sent by the Caliph Musa Al-Hadi under the leadership of the commander Muhammad bin Sulaiman. At a place called Wadi-Fuch, located between Makkah and Madinah, then there was a great battle between two armies, the Hussein bin Ali, along with some relatives and his army killed.

The battle in Wadi-Fuch's no less intense with the battle of Karbala. His influence is very big on history Daulat Bani Abbas. Two of the descendants of Ali bin Abi Talib, who will be a big rival for the Abbasid family later in life, to escape from war, they are its Yahya bin Abdullah who was inaugurated as the country's Emir Dailamy, while his brother Idris bin Abdullah Bani Idris in establishing Daulat Maghribil Aqsa (Morocco).

Death of Al-Hadi

On 14 Rabi 'al-Awwal 170 H. (13 September 786 AD) Caliph al-Hadi died at the age of 26 years after the reign of three months a year. He was succeeded by his brother Aaron Arrasyid.

Al-Hadi originally intended to cancel the rights of his brother as Crown Prince and his son own membai'at henadak (Ja'far). That was approved by the dignitaries of his court. Only one of those who do not approve of Yahya bin Khalid Al-Barmaky, who dared to advise, for the attack because he was a child Ja'far. What else is he obliged to glorify the promise that he takes when he was inducted into the Crown-Prince by his father. But the advice was never an diindahkannya, and even John himself put in jail and be killed. But fortunately it did not take place because the point he met his end.

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5 - HARUN Arrasyid

(170-193 AH = 786-809 AD)

Famous Caliph

Caliph Harun Arrasyid crowned as the day of the death of Caliph al-Hadi. He is most famous Caliph of the Abbasid Caliph. In his day the city of Baghdad to the top glory, glory had never met before.

Aaron Arrasyid control daulatnya best, so that the government be the benchmark by nations throughout the ages. Lots of history and stories to those who prove the triumph of his administration. Among them is a fairy tale night '1001 'is famous for. He always gracefully, he was very polite and love to the scholars, Intellectuals and poets who came to Baghdad from all over the world.

The period was established factories, buildings where research astrology (Meteorolisch Observatory), schools and others. So the city of Baghdad when it became the center of science, culture and commerce of this earth.

No kaisarpun who seramai palace palace the Caliph Harun Arrasyid filled by the scholars, jurists, poets, authors, singers, artists and others from various groups. They all also entered into cooperation with the Caliph Harun Arrasyid. He also an expert penyir and history. He was a dear, noble, respected, revered, loved and feared by his subjects, from the highest levels to the lowest.

Among the Abbasid Caliph, Caliph Harun Arrasyidlah only ever walk along the road and their retinue in order to perform the pilgrimage in the holy land. This event is regarded by historians as an act which is the main in sejaran leadership. In the holy land he spend his / her wealth to enforce the various charitable kindness and common needs, being empress Queen Zubaidah not spend money to dig a little spring that flowed into the city of Mecca. Until now the spring is still there, named: 'The spring Zubaidah'.

Aaron Arrasyid and the Alawiyyin

Caliph Harun Arrasyid huge desire to improve and close relationships with family Alawiyyin Abbasid family. He was too gentle to them. Among those who are imprisoned in Baghdad released. However, the Alawiyyin was never willing to change his mind, that only their families alone is entitled to become the Caliph. Moreover, it has become their political doctrine. Therefore it can not get bored-bored they tried to achieve that rank.

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Facing Yahya bin Abdullah

In Dailam, which is a country south of the Caspian Sea, the Alawiyyin arise movement led by Yahya bin Abdullah's great-grandson of Hasan bin Ali bin Abi Talib. Almost the entire population of Dailam support the movement that John was and almost dangerous Daulat Abbasids.

Aaron Arrasyid trying to suppress the movement. To carry out the point that he ordered the commander Fadhal bin Yahya al-Barmaky bring 50,000 troops to the country. Fadhal emulate Aaron Arrasyid attitude, that is with gentle persuasion. Yahya bin Abdullah dibujuknya for peace with Aaron Arrasyid.

Yahya willing to accept the request from the Caliph Harun Arrasyid want to write a letter of guarantee security of his soul with Rashid's own hand, and witnessed by the jurists and qadhi Baghdad and the authorities of Bani Hashim.

The will was granted by Harun Yahya Arrasyid, and letters of guarantee were sent to him along with gifts of various kinds of valuables.

Then John came to Baghdad along with Fadhal, was welcomed by Aaron with all honor and glory. But not long afterwards with some consideration also by Rashid Yahya locked in her own home, while providing guarantees kamanan against him revoked.

Facing Idris bin Abdullah

Political Aaron Arrasyid such was done also to Idris bin Abdullah. Alawiyyin leaders this country a lot of followers in the Maghrib from the Barbarian, so that he can enforce the kingdom of Morocco in the year 172 H. (788 AD) was known as the Kingdom of Daulat Bani Idris, who ruled until the year 311 H. (923 AD)

Aaron Arrasyid also send a magnifying the famous slippery in politics to Africa, his name is Solomon ibn Jarir. He was ordered to subjugate themselves to Idris and pretend to hate the Abbasid family and his administration.

With cleverness messenger Arrasyid Aaron, who pretended sincere and submit to Idris, he was appointed a special magnifying. Later in the strictest confidence once he put poison in food Idris that he met his end because it is treason. But with the demise of Bani Idris Daulat danger has not disappeared, because the followers of his youngest son Idris inaugurate also named Idris became his successor.

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Aaron had just finished facing the Alawiyyin Arrasyid, riot and rebellion also arise everywhere, as in Mosul, Syria, Armenia and Khurrasan. Although the riots can be overcome but this is a very real headache Arrasyid Aaron.

The establishment of the Children Daulat Aghlab in Africa

According to Aaron Arrasyid view, North Africa, the land of the barbarians who are always anxious to be given self-government under the protection of Daulat Bani Abbas. Aaron Arrasyid this tactic will break away from the difficulties facing the people and to impede progress Barbarian Daulat Bani Idris for possessions areas Daulat Bani Abbas.

In the year 184 H. Ibrahim bin Amir Aghlab sworn in as head of government there, with the agreement that Ibrahim and Amir, amir then have to admit-Caliph Abbasid caliphs became a dipertuannya. Thus stood Daulat Bani Aghlab in Africa in the year 184 H. (800 AD) With Kairawan city as its capital. Daulat was in power in Africa until the year 296 H. (908 AH).

Relations with the Emperor of China-rough

Aaron Arrasyid intend to perpetuate security throughout the Islamic empire. To that end he made peace with the kingdom tactics bordering China daulatnya eastward. He always bertukara gifts with Chinese emperors.

Facing Byzantium

To maintain the safety area in the west of the disruption of Byzantium, he made the city of Tarsus as komanto Islamic warriors. To a commander of the Turks who were ordered to attack the Byzantines in Asia Minor, because they always disrupt the boundaries of Daulat Abbasid. Sometimes Aaron Arrasyid who led his troops into the area.

In the year 181 H. Aaron Arrasyid depart carrying armed forces attacked the Byzantine. In some battles he obtained a victory, so he arrived in Angora (greedy). Meanwhile, the Islamic fleet in the Mediterranean Sea to occupy the island of Crete (Kandia) and Cyprus. Therefore Empress Irene was forced to binding agreements with Aaron Arrasyid laying down arms on condition that he must pay an annual tribute to the Abbasid Daulat. However, after the death of the Queen, his successor emperor violated the terms of repeatedly returning it and perangpun between Daulat Abbasid with the Byzantine Empire. Aaron Arrasyid forward again mobilized his army. He may occupy the city of Heraclius and force people to pay Tribute Byzantium. But they always use the spare time to attack a Muslim country. Therefore the fire of war between them is never extinguished.

Aaron Arrasyid and Karel de Grote

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Thanks to Aaron Arrasyid policy strategy, he can establish a close relationship with the French Emperor Karel de Grote (Charlemagne). Friendship that gave birth to the agreement, that Karel will face the Umayyads and the Rasheed can concentrate to oppose the looting of Byzantium.

Caliph Harun Arrasyid and Maharaja Karel exchanged gifts and gift. Diatara Rashid to Charlemagne prize is 'water clock' a very magical and fine European-made so that people thought it was a magical thing. Rashid gave also to Karel 'children of the church key highway' at Baitul Maqdis. This is because the French people behind the day claiming that they were entitled to protect the holy places in Palestine and to protect the Christians who go perform the pilgrimage to the country, because he who holds the key.

Barmak’s Family

Barmak family is from the Persian nobility. A member of the family, namely Khalid bin Barmak taken into 'vizier' by Assafah and Al-Mansur. Caliph Harun Arrasyid take his son also, that is to be his vizier Yahya bin Khalid. John is assisted by four sons, namely Ja'far, Fadhal, Muhammad and Moses. Aaron Arrasyid trust them all and hand over all the affairs of the kingdom to them.

Among the four sons of John, the eldest son Fadal as the right hand of his father who helped him in matters large and complicated.

Fadhal is breastfed by the mother of Rashid, as Rashid Fadhal is breastfed by the mother. So these two great men are brothers sesusuan. And when the son is named Mohammed Amin Rasheed was born, Rashid handed over to the Fadhal education.

In the year 176, Ja'far is also one son John is believed to secure the riots in Syria in the year 186 H. Later he was appointed guardian in Khurrasan and after that he became Great Commander the whole army. In short, Ja'far has received immense place in Aaron Arrasyid. He was loved and respected by the caliph.

Barmak family coat of arms Altitude and Glory

Not surprisingly, Barmak family was loved and respected people. The poet change a beautiful sloka praising the family's fine and the singers sang a melodious song of glory and delicious express their generosity, so that they have become like in all its height and glory.

However, it has become customary the world, that everything is not eternal. So that happened to that noble family. Congenital period and the influence that family circumstances have been dropped from the top of luck is as high cliff into a deep misfortune.

Caliph Harun Arrasyid have felt that the influence and power Barmak family had arrived at too high a level, and have equal influence and authority of Aaron Arrasyid, exceeding even impressed. One time Aaron Arrasyid asking for money that is not how the numbers to them, but not diindahkannya. Imagine, all parties have been facing them, so there is no longer living at the

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Rashid, except from his Caliph. Ja'far Fadhal pomp and excessive raises envy in some people, coupled with the enemies of incitement to Rashid Barmak family and their accusations that the family had accepted her spending money at will state, which adds flame wrath Rashid.

Then came another incident Yahya bin Abdullah al-Alawy. After a letter of recognition secure for himself the grandson Ali was lifted again by Rashid, Yahya dikurungnya in the palace of Ja'far al-Barmaky. However, because the affection and respect to the Alawiyyin Ja'far, Yahya bin Abdullah removed. When it is known by Aaron Arrasyid then murkalah he told Ja'far. In the meantime Rashid Barmak received news that the family had helped Abdul Malik bin Salih Al-Abbasi who want to seize power of the Caliph Harun Arrasyid.

The fall family Barmak

All these events make a decision Caliph Harun Arrasyid to destroy the family. He ordered the murder of Ja'far bin Yahya, then his father and all his family and his friends, as well as with Abdul Malik bin devout and their families, they were arrested and imprisoned all of them.

Death of Aaron Arrasyid

On 3 Jumada-tsaniah 193 H. (March 24, 809 AD) Caliph Harun Arrasyid died in army headquarters in Tarsus, in the age of 47, having reigned 23 years 2 bulah 18 days. Before his death he has raised three sons became Amir in the kingdom. To Muhammad Al-Amin diserahinya daulatnya West. To Abdulalh al-Ma'mun diserahinya ruled Persia. To Kasim diserahinya govern the territory of Armenia and Aljazirah. Putera Al-Amin was appointed Crown Prince First, while Abdullah Al-Ma'mun although older Crown Prince made two that will be after Al-Amin Khalifah.

6 - AL-AMIN AND AL-Ma'mun

(193-218 AH = 809-833 AD)

After the death of Aaron Arrasyid, Mohammed Al-Amin was appointed as his successor.

Al-Amin gave all to his vizier daulatnya affairs Fadhal bin Rabi '. He is known for clever slander and aggravate others. He was formerly a Arrasyid Aaron inciting to overthrow the Barmak family and she also decides the relationship between brother and sister, Al-Amin and al-Ma'mun.

The act that originally caused the dispute dilakukanya separately between the two brothers, all property is handed peniggalan at army headquarters in Tarsus Rashid, told Al-Amin, according to Rashid treasure will be handed over to al-Ma'mun everything. He also incited the Al-Amin Al-Ma'mun baiat cancel a second crown prince and appointed Isaac Al-Amin's son as his successor. This is the base of the dispute.

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Because sedition Fadhal bin Rabi ', al-Amin who has dared to violate the agreement he takes on Aaron's lifetime Arrasyid. Al-Amin's actions are such that, lead to anger people and residents Khurrasan other large cities, because al-Ma'mun and their loved ones because kesalihan budinya.

Between Al-Amin and al-Ma'mun

Because there was incitement major disaster in the country. The fire of war between the two occurs. The battle ended with the victory of the army of Al-Ma'mun, led by Commander Thaber bin Hussein. Al-Amin died in battle, and the Caliphate moved to al-Ma'mun.

Al-Ma'mun victory over Al-Amin is essentially the Persian victory over the Arabs, or Arab defeat by perngaruh Persian influence. Fadhal bin Rabi 'vizier Al-Amin was an Arab, while Fadhal vizier ibn Sahl al-Ma'mun is Persian. Because the vizier is the power of the Caliph.

In the body of the Caliph al-Ma'mun blood flow and spirit of Persia, because his mother was descended from Persian. So no surprise if he preferred the people of the Arab nation. Moreover, he could seize khilafat thanks to the help of the Persians. Therefore, the influence of the Persians are very large in the reign of al-Ma'mun.

Facing the Alawiyyin

Samangat and feelings are very deep impression ummah Persian soul bag Al-Ma'mun. This is because the influence of his vizier Fadhal bin Sahl. Therefore, at the beginning of his reign he loves Alawiyyin family, so until he takes a blue color, syi'ar Alawiyyin become a symbol of the sovereignty, instead of black, a symbol of the Abbasid family. Ali Radhi Al-Alawy Alawiyyin leaders of the community was appointed Crown Prince. He did it to attract the hearts of the Persians who believes that only the right to occupy the seat Alawiyyin Khilafah.

The appointment was made when he was in Khurrasan. When the residents of Baghdad to find out, they are angry and allegiance uncle Ibrahim bin Mahdi became caliph.

Hearing the incident of Al-Ma'mun immediately leave town Marwa (Mevr), the nation's capital Khurrasan and immediately went to Baghdad.

Arriving in Baghdad wearing a black back, which is syi'ar Abbasid family. Thus he can restore the confidence of Iraqis in general and the family in particular. Then Ibrahim Al-Mahdi fled leaving after becoming the Caliph of Baghdad two years. However, Al-Ma'mun mema'afkan soon and please him.

Daulat Thahiriyyah

In an age of al-Ma'mun Khurrasan influence of very large, the area of governance was handed over entirely to Thahir bin Hussein, commander when conquered Baghdad to defeat Al-Amin.

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Thus the family of stand-alone Thahir gaining independence (autonomy) ruled Khurrasan (198 AH = 820 AD)

Caution Al-Ma'mun of Sciences

Caliph Al-Ma'mun was a wise Caliph of Islam, the depths of the ocean common mind, prioritize freedom of thinking and research. In his opinion, dissension within some religious issues causing the Islamic ummah fragmented, divided to several classes. To avoid this disaster he formed Munadharat Majlis, which is the place to discuss the thorny question of religion, was convened before the Majlis al-Ma'mun himself and attended by prominent clerics. The result of this discussion was broadcast to the people that they perform according to the same laws, based on opinions that are united, so that no dispute arises.

Efforts and activities of al-Ma'mun was not solely confined within the science of religion alone, even to the general knowledge and cultural environment. He tried hard so that people tarjamah expert in those days meant it to translate foreign books into Arabic, especially the Greek and Persian.

Vast range of books dialin knowledge and composed of people when it, like a book of philosophy, medicine, astronomy, science, geometry, music and more. He also sent delegation to Constantinople scholars to translate the books of knowledge that is there, into Arabic.

Not one that historians say that Islam ummah end of the rope that bound civilization and knowledge in ancient times to the end of the rope of Western civilization and knowledge at this time.

Death of al-Ma'mun

Al-Ma'mun died on 19 Rajab 218 H. (10 August 833 AD) in Tarsus, when his army was fighting against the Byzantine army. He died at the age of 48 years and his reign of 20 years 5 months 24 days. Before his death he made a will saying that who will replace him is his brother Abu Ishaq Mohammed bin Rashid al-Mu'tashim.


(218-232 AH = 833-847 AD)

Government Atmosphere

At the time of Caliph Muhammad al-Mu'tashim been many schools of religious strife. The difference between the scholars of Islam often happens everywhere. But this seemed to be favored by the Al-Mu'tashim.

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Origin of the Turkish Army

He always reproduce sahaya purchase from the Turks until their numbers 70,000 people. They used special forces to guard the palace. They get the privilege rather than the Arabs and Persians. This raises the heart hatred of other Islamic commanders to him, the more the Arab nation. They agreed to lower the Al-Khilafah Mu'tashim from the throne and replace him with Amir Abbas ibn al-Ma'mun, the son of his brother. But the deal was known by Al-Mu'tashim and all the captains who conspire including Amir Abbas was murdered.

The shift commander

Failure to plan some commanders that al-Mu'tashim bertikdak menyebagkan hard top commanders of the Arab and Persian. By gradually reducing the number of Al-Mu'tashim them and eliminate his name from the list of soldiers. Finally Al-Mu'tashim only submit business to the commanders of the Turks.

Warriors of Turkey that even though my family came from slaves and prisoners, but they know if they are that they are loved and exceeded by Al-Mu'tashim than others. So they often apply sekehandak their hearts. To avoid a greater disaster for the actions of the Turkish soldiers, Al-Mu'tashim founded the city of Samarra in the east of the Tigris river. The capital of kerajaanpun transferred to the new city.

Because of Al-Mu'tashim mainly used to suppress the uprising that occurred everywhere, then the security and peace of Daulat Abbasid some areas began to waver.

Because Al-Mu'tashim busy with domestic affairs of the then Emperor of the Byzantine plunder opportunity Islamic countries in the region of Syria, even commit murder and arson and vandalism.

Weapons contacts with Byzantium

In the year 223 H. Al-Mu'tashim 200,000 warriors prepare to avenge the attack on the Byzantines. The strength was centered in the city of Tarsus his hosts. After doing some great battles and fierce, he can grab some of the Byzantine castle and conquer the city of Amuria, a major city in Asia Minor, located in the region of Galatia. The city was destroyed and many inhabitants were killed, while his army for four days given the freedom to loot, kill and burn the city. The nobility and wealthy redeem their souls with their wealth. Thus Al-Mu'tashim to release the area from the Byzantine Emperor who had been rob and loot as he pleased in the regions of Islam.

Death of Al-Mu'tashim and the coronation of Al-Watsiq

(227 AH = 842 AD)

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Al-Mu'tashim passed away on 18 Rabi al-Awwal 227 H. (4 February 842 AD) after he has planted seeds in the earth's destruction Daulat Abbasids, by giving power to the nation of Turkey that will lead to various disasters in the future upon Daulat Bani Abbas.

He was succeeded by his son Harun al-Watsiq Billah. Caliph is the imitation of his father who gave primacy over the Turks. In his day the Kharijites in the Hijaz and the Kurds in Mosul declared out of Abbasid power. Chaos is also a lot happening in Arab lands, then comes the lawsuit in Baghdad for Al-Watsiq abdication.

Although he can not secure the area Daulat Islam, but he was praised because of his passion and his activities to advance science. In his day some people born scientist and a famous poet. Diistananya own diadaka a special council to discuss and mendiskusika several issues of religion and state.

Death of Al-Watsiq and end of the golden age of Bani Abbas

On 24 Dhu al-Hijjah 232 AH (August 11, 847 AD) Caliph Harun al-Watsiq Billah died at the age of 36 years, having reigned for 5 years 8 months 6 days. Along with his death also ended a glorious golden age, the era of greatness, the glory days of Daulat Bani Abbas and began to enter a period of weakness and collapse of Daulat that, because of the influence of purchasing slaves of the Turks. Though still there are 26 Caliph again after that but kebesrannya is receding.


1. Giving priority to foreign nations of the Arab nation.

Abbasid family rank and position the country to provide the essentials and high, both civilian and military, to the Persians. They are mostly appointed vizier, the commander of the army, the guardian (governor), judges and others. Therefore the Arabs hate the Caliph, the Caliph and distance themselves from it.

2. Revenge for his family and the hostility of the Umayyads Alawyyin.

Abbasid family grudge oppress and persecute the Umayyad family and their actions against the Alawiyyin increase anger in their hearts.

Abbasid family do the trick so, to the detriment of themselves. They forget that the founding of their Daulat also for their help and sacrifices of the Alawiyyin in overthrowing the Umayyads.

As a result of hostilities the two great families, the Abbasids and Alawiyyin, incidence of riots and rebellions in almost every Islamic country.

3. Influenced by religious disagreements.

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Some people like the Abbasid Caliph al-Ma'mun, Al-Mu'tashim and Al-Watsiq, strongly influenced by the heresy-heretic, disputes schools and schools of philosophy. This raises the seed splits into several parties and classes. This distancing of the Ulama of them.

4. Fragility of state system

Among the Caliph of Bani Abbas still exist that impose a very bad state systems, such as raising two Crown-Prince, which was also conducted by the Umayyad caliphs. This is causing many conflicts and disasters are endless within the kingdom.

5. Nations Disaster Turkey

Among them was too trusting of the Turks who always want to aspire to power the Caliph, so Daulat Abbasid into the field of chess and betrayal and slander. This was originally done by Al-Mu'tashim Billah.

Very great danger that the Turks fennel Daulat Abbasids. Some oang Caliph fall victim to them. Old pole and all joints Daulat Abbasid ruined by it. Chaos arises everywhere, being from the Khalifah Himself into the game tangang-hand Turkish commanders. Disputes between soldiers and common folk. Hostilities that occurred between commanders Turkipun Khlilafah also add bad mood.

The weakness of the central government in Baghdad had become an easy opportunity for the leaders to decide the territory of the Caliphate in the center, they set up their own kingdom, so at that time stand up small kingdoms (imarat) Daulat within itself.

OTHER-Daulat Daulat Daulat STANDING IN THE AGE Abbasid

Hail-hail the influence of small stand-alone:

Since the heyday Daulat Bani Abbas and the decline of many standing Daulat-hail that broke away from Daulat Bani Abbas.

The establishment of some small fortune, though seems to be the address weaknesses Daulat Bani Abbas, but also a big influence for the advancement of the Islamic world. Because thus born are also several large cities that became centers of science, that rival Abbasid cities such as Cordoba (Cordova), al-Qahirah (Cairo), and Bukhara. If the former stately city of Baghdad itself as a center of civilization and knowledge, then the cities itself also becomes mecca of the scholars and poets.

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A. In its heyday

When Daulat Bani Abbas is still strong and some good fortune stood victorious, namely:

1. Daulat Umayyads in Andalus.

Established by Amir Abdurrahman Ad-Dakhil bin Hisham bin Mu'awiyah in the year 138 H. (575 AD), when the Abbasid Daulat was young, he escaped to Andalus to save his soul from the threat of Bani Abbas. Arriving at the Andalus he crowned Amir (king).

2. Daulat Bani Idris in Morocco (172-311 AH = 788-923 AD).

Founded by Idris bin Abdullah, a descendant of Ali ibn Abi Talib, in the days of Caliph Harun Arrasyid.

3. Daulat Bani Aghlab in Tunis (184-296 AH = 800-908 AD).

Founded by Ibrahim bin Aghlab as a gift from Aaron Arrasyid to the family of Bani Aghlab.

4. Daulat Tahiriyah in Khurrasan (205-259 AH = 820-872 AD).

Established at the time of Caliph al-Ma'mun by the commander of the mighty Thahir bin Hussein, as a gift from the Caliph of service

B. In The Weak

When Daulat Abbasid entering a period of decline, namely the days of Caliphs no effect again, at a time when the power held by Amir-amir of the Turks, the more areas that want to break away from Abbasid Daulat.

In Egypt:

1. Daulat Children of Toulon in the year (254-292 AH = 868-905 AD).

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2. Daulat Bani Ikhsyid in the year (323-358 AH = 935-969 AD).

3. Daulat Fathimiyyah in the year 358 H. = 969 M.

In Persia and Turkistan:

1. Daulat Bani Safar (254-290 AH = 868-903 AD).

Daulat was founded by Al-Layth ibn Ya'kub Safary as a rival in Khurrasan Thahir Daulat Bani, in the era of Al-Mu'taz bin al-Mutawakkil the Abbasid Caliph thirteenth. At first there was no interest for Ya'kub to break away from Abbasid Daulat. For him it is enough if he made only by the Caliph Amir Khurrasan, so that he can conquer the lands dominated by Bani Thahir. But after he was made Amir only by the Caliph in Khurrasan, so that he can conquer Persia, even until about to conquer the regions Caliph himself.

The purpose was tercapanya in Persia, but the caliph could not subdued, even his own up his army was destroyed by Caliph Al-Mu'tamid army, the Abbasid Caliph fifteenth, and he himself was forced to retreat up to the Persians. Daulat was only 36 years old.

2. Daulat Bani Saman (261-389 AH = 874-999 AD).

Daulat was founded by Isma'il ibn Saman, came from the nobility who glorified in Persia. He took effect in Daulat at the time of the Abbasid Caliph al-Ma'mun, so he was appointed as guardian Turkistan. When Daulat Abbasid entering a period of decline, during the Caliphate of Al-Mu'tamid, Nasru Saman bin Akhmad grandchildren escape the power of Baghdad and set up an independent kingdom. Daulat Samaniyah can conquer the areas previously controlled by Daulat Safariyah.

Services of the Bani Amir Saman very big in the world of science and culture, especially Persian culture. At times they were born a few scholars who authored several books of knowledge such as medicine, astronomy and philosophy. Ibn Sina was a Muslim Intellectuals recognizes that the library in Bukhara the capital of Bani Samaniyah, filled with books of knowledge that is priceless. He saw himself when he made a pilgrimage to the country.

3. Daulat Bani Buaihi (334-447 AH = 945-1055 AD).

Daulat was founded by three sons Buaihi, namely Ali, Hasan and Akhmad, all three led the country Dailam. They began to emerge in politics in the fourth century Hijrah. They serve a

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Dailam commander who has great influence on the coastal countries of the Caspian Sea and in the land of Persia. All three loved by penglima it so that they gain power in the lands ruled south east of Persia and Iraq.

When riots occur in Bahdad, Abbasid Caliph Al-Mustakfi XXII requested assistance to the three sons Buaihi it. Khalifah had granted their request and they soon came to Baghdad, greeted by the caliph with all the honor, then handed control of government. To Ali was given the title 'Imaduddaulah', to Hasan 'Ruknud Daula' and to Akhmad 'Mu'izzud Daula'. The name of their title included in the stamp currency. And thus they are very big power in Baghdad. In their hands lies all the commandments and prohibitions, while the caliph was only just a name. This is done also untu maintain the honor and dignity of the Caliphate and the position of the princes so that they do not fall, although it does not in power anymore.

Son Buaihi initially obtain power is 'Mu'izaud Daula' Akhmad bin Buaihi, youngest son. His day hostilities arise between the army and paramilitary troops Dailam Turkey, and the dispute between the Ahl al-Sunnah and Shia, so the city of Baghdad and several cities in the land of Persia has been a field melee and hostility.

Weaknesses Daulat Bani Abbas is used by people of Byzantium to reclaim those areas that have been lost in Asia Minor (western part of Mesopotamia) and in Al-Jazirah, even those to cross the river and threaten Euphrat Baghdad.

Over a century old Buaihi family held power in Iraq Al-peninsula, Persia and the Caspian sea coast.

4. Daulat Ghaznawiyah (351-582 AH = 962-1186 AD).

5. Daulat Hamdaniyah (317-394 AH = 929-1003 AD).

6. Daulat Bani Seljuq (447-965 AH = 1055-1258 AD).