abb research center germany annual report 2012

ABB Research Center Germany Annual Report 2012

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ABB Research Center GermanyAnnual Report 2012

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 3


Preface 4

Our Profile 6

Facts and Figures 10

Events and Highlights 14

Cooperations and Partnerships 16

Memberships 20

Technical Results 25

Scientific Publications 96

4 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

Christoph Winterhalter Head of the ABB Research Center in Ladenburg

Dear friends and colleagues,

2012 was an exciting year for all employees in ABB’s technology organization.

Initiated by our new Chief Technology Officer we started to implement some directional changes throughout the whole Corporate Research organization with the aim to encourage more disruptive research and to support more ambitious and larger collaborative research projects.

Enabling interdisciplinary teams to work cross labs, and cross research program will help us to deliver breakthrough technologies, which have a significant impact for ABB’s business, e.g. a significant cost reduction or performance increase, or even a totally new functionality/product, which leads to a new business for ABB.

A first result of our interdisciplinary effort could be presented at the Hanover Fair by showcasing our Smart Energy demonstrator visualizing life data from our energy monitoring system installed in our ABB sites Ladenburg, Mannheim and Heidelberg. This helped us to be perceived as a truly integrated part of ABB’s exhibition area providing a common technology vision combining product offering from various ABB business units.

Strengthening our academic network by partnering with the best graduate students and professors from around the world will support a truly collaborative innovation ecosystem.

In Germany we have strategically focused our university collaborations in close co-operation with the country management in order to get access to the latest inventions of our university partners and to attract top talents for ABB. A first framework agreement with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) has been officially signed and similar agreements with other strategic partner universities are currently under preparation.

In 2012 we managed to successfully transfer a record number of 13 scientists to various ABB business units and replace them with new graduate students from top universities.

During our annual press day in October we focused on human machine collaboration by presenting various projects results from our European research centers spanning from process automation to factory automation and building automation.

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 5

The large number of participating journalists could get a good impression of how we in ABB envision effective operation of process plants by using state of the art technology or collaborative assembly of small parts with a new generation of harmless robots working hand in hand with human workers.

Especially in the automation segment significant innovation potential can be found at the boundaries between disciplines or by transferring ideas from one industry to another. The only way to tackle these opportunities is by working in an interdisciplinary fashion involving several research programs or established business units. The ability to co-operate across organizational borders and disciplines is a key success factor especially for research organizations.

A good example for this has been our participation in the working group “Industrie 4.0” coordi-nated by acatech, the German academy of technical sciences. In a joint effort between key industrial and academic researchers a vision for future automation solutions based on Cyber Physical Production Systems has been initiated. This common vision will be the base for a series of research activities in the coming years strongly supported by the German government.

This annual report will give you an overview of our core activities in more detail. I am convinced that it will raise your interest and that you will enjoy reading it. Finally, I would like to thank all our partners at the universities, the different ABB business units and our colleagues from the other Corporate Research Centers in ABB for the very constructive, productive and successful cooperation throughout the year, and last but not least I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all our employees for their great contributions and dedication in 2012.

Christoph Winterhalter

6 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

ABB Corporate Research CenterLadenburg

The German Corporate Research Center in Ladenburg (DECRC) is one of seven local Research Labs in the global ABB Corporate Research community. Functionally, it belongs to the Global Lab “Automation”, which means that the research activities are focused on automation technology for industrial automation, utility automation and building automation. With respect to local organization, the German research center is part of the ABB AG in Mannheim.

Our BusinessOur core business is the execution of Research & Development projects. Our deliverables are project results, such as new technologies or technology platforms, hardware or software prototypes, industry-specific solutions or new processes. Our customers are the business units in ABB, which transform the results of the R&D projects into commercial products and solutions.

The R&D projects in ABB Corporate Research are organized in ten technology programs and managed by globally respon-sible program managers. The programs provide the funding for most of the projects. Additional funding sources are public funds and direct funds by corresponding ABB business units.

Our Vision and Mission“Leadership through Innovation” – this is our vision. Recognized as an excellent industrial Research Center we create sustainable value for ABB business. We are striving for innovations, which means project results creating significant value for ABB’s business units.

Our mission is to deliver results – quickly, reliably, effectively and efficiently. Results in this context are technological inno-vations with measurable, documented and confirmed value. In order to achieve these results, we are continuously improving the effectiveness and efficiency of our innovation process, while striving for a high level of operational excellence and stakeholder satisfaction.

Our Innovation NetworkWe drive the innovation process in a network involving all our employees, partners and customers in a way that emphasizes their strengths and competences in their respective roles. The innovation network is built on three cornerstones: customer focus, inventive culture and project management.

The three main players in this innovation network are our focus areas, our senior principle scientists and our research groups.

Figure 1: Our Innovation Network

Customer orientation – Understanding business impact – Understanding our customer‘s present,

future and latent needs

Project management – Gate model application to

permanently control cost, delivery, quality and value

Inventive talent – Creativity / risk taking – Attract top talents at universities – Intellectual property management

Enable BUs to utilize project results – Technology training – Product development support

– Product management support

– Supplier qualification – BU transfers / job rotations

Verify technicalfeasibility for ABB – Pre-studies – Technology evaluations – Market requirement specification – NPV calculation

Active involvementin business strategy – Technology consulting – Roadmap development – Evaluation of business model and organizational setup

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 7

Our Focus AreasIn a focus area, we bundle our technical competence across research groups around the needs of our key customers. Each focus area addresses a well defined customer group with specific deliverables. The focus area manager works closely with the customer in order to understand his business and his current and future needs. Together with other colleagues, such as senior principal scientists, he is deeply involved in the development of business strategies and technology roadmaps and the resulting portfolio of research projects. At the end of the innovation process, he takes care that the project results are implemented in successful products, thus ensuring that inventions from research are really turned into valuable innovations.

In the German Corporate Research Center we have established five focus areas addressing our key customers. The focus areas are:

Plant AutomationThe scope of this area comprises next generation architectures and engineering methods for process automation systems from field to plant level.

Key deliverables are architectures for flexible, safe and scalable control systems and workflows and tools for efficient engineering.

Key customers are the ABB businesses in process automation, power plant automation and network management.

Factory AutomationThe scope of this area comprises new technologies and engi-neering methods for efficient integration of key components in discrete automation applications.

Key deliverables are automation platforms, engineering tools and methods, as well as discrete automation applications.

Key customers are the ABB businesses in low voltage drives, PLCs and robotics.

Building AutomationThe scope of this area comprises home & building automation enabling energy efficiency, ambient assisted living, E-mobility and grid interaction.

Key deliverables are sensing and monitoring solutions, integra-tion solutions of electrical and energy building infrastructure, low-power device concepts, and energy management solu-tions.

Key customers are the ABB business in building automation and installation.

Service SolutionsThe scope of this area comprises maintenance and upgrade strategies, optimization of processes and operations, service-ability of products, service delivery and productization of services.

The key deliverables are sensors for online condition monitoring, service products and field service support, IT service infrastruc-ture, service processes, mobile field services, solutions for reliability engineering, algorithms for planning and scheduling, plant-wide asset management and solutions for operator effectiveness.

Key customers are ABB’s products, systems and service units in process automation and discrete manufacturing.

Power Device MechatronicsThe scope of this area comprises new actuator and sensor solutions on device level for efficient and reliable transmission and distribution of electricity.

The key deliverables are reliable and scalable actuation plat-forms for switchgear and breakers, sensing and monitoring solutions, robust design & optimization of power devices, and methodologies for faster product and application development.

Key customers are the ABB businesses in high voltage and medium voltage power products.

Dr. Christian ZeidlerFocus area manager Plant Automation

Dr. Thomas ReisingerFocus area manager Factory Automation

Dr. Dirk JohnFocus area manager Building Automation

Dr. Guido SandFocus area manager Service Solutions

Dr. Gregor StengelFocus area manager Power Device Mechatronics

8 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

Our Senior Principal ScientistsA senior principal scientist is the highest technical authority in his field of expertise. As a renowned member of the academic community, he opens the door to research partners and top talents at universities. He is involved in the development of technology strategies and roadmaps, and he drives creation of new ideas and inventions as well as the protection of strategic intellectual property. With prestudies and technology evaluations, he proves the technical feasibility of new ideas and their value for ABB.

It is our goal to have Senior Principal Scientists in all technology fields which are important for our focus areas. Currently we have six Senior Principal Scientists in the German Corporate Research Center in the following technology fields:

Robotic AutomationDr. Björn Matthias

Vision-based intelligent Industrial RobotsDr. Fan Dai

Control System EngineeringDr. Rainer Drath

Production modeling, scheduling, and optimizationDr. Iiro Harjunkoski

Modeling & Simulation Dr. Jörg Gebhardt

Magnetics and Current SensorsDr. Rolf Disselnkötter

Our Research GroupsResearch groups are responsible for the effective and efficient execution of Research & Development projects. In order to fulfil this task, they establish and maintain an adequate quantity and highest quality of resources, both personnel and infrastruc-ture. This includes in particular world class scientists and highly qualified project managers, as well as state-of-the art lab equipment and computing environments. It is the main goal of our research groups to maintain a high level of operational excellence.

Our resources and competences for efficient and effective project execution are organized in eight research groups:

Industrial Software TechnologiesSoftware technologies play an important role in industrial products and systems, and are increasingly contributing to functionality and creation of added value. Seamless integration of powerful, high-quality software has therefore become a decisive competitive advantage.

Automation EngineeringWorldwide demand for the modernization or reconstruction of power and process plants as well as factory automation remains strong. A large proportion of projects in ABB‘s core areas of automation and electrical is design and engineering.

Process and Production OptimizationProduction optimization covers diverse disciplines such as detailed production planning, quality optimization, control technology, diagnostics and decision support, which also influence each other. Therefore, the development of modern optimization solutions demands profound knowledge of the individual disciplines, as well as good knowledge of the areas of integration and software engineering.

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Senior Principal Scientists: 1 Robotic Automation, Dr. Björn Matthias | 2 Vision-based intelligent Industrial Robots, Dr. Fan Dai 3 Control System Engineering, Dr. Rainer Drath | 4 Production modeling, scheduling, and optimization, Dr. Iiro Harjunkoski5 Modeling & Simulation, Dr. Jörg Gebhardt | 6 Magnetics and Current Sensors, Dr. Rolf Disselnkötter

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 9

Life Cycle ScienceABB offers comprehensive support services for its products, ranging from classic repair and spare-parts service to perfor-mance service for entire plants. Our research group supports these services with innovative solutions for the entire product lifecycle. ABB’s particular goals in this area are increasing customer satisfaction, reducing costs and prolonging the life-cycle of products and plants.

Mechatronics and ActuatorsMechatronic systems are characterized by integrated aspects of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and information technology. Mechatronics represents an inherently interdisci-plinary field, and applies these three subject areas to extend the functionality of conventional components. This interaction of disciplines gives rise to a vast assortment of opportunities for the improvement of existing products and the development of innovative new technologies.

Robotics and ManufacturingAutomation solutions based on flexible programmable robots or machines for discrete manufacturing can be found in almost every assembly line today. However, the requirements for these solutions are changing continuously. For use in today’s broad

range of applications, modern automation solutions must be ever more flexible and more fully integrated into the different production environments.

Industrial Sensor TechnologySensors and field devices are key elements of automation and power systems. They supply the relevant information on pro-cesses and material properties in the form of measurement values, thus helping our industry customers to increase their productivity. The application areas of sensors range from pro-cess control and optimization, quality control and device monitoring right through to plant asset management.

Intelligent DevicesAutomation devices, which form the heart of all automation solutions, are expected to meet increasingly tough demands in terms of functionality, user-friendliness, communicative ability and integration into control systems. The required device intelligence is increasingly implemented in the form of software components that run as embedded systems in the devices, which inevitably entails increased energy consumption. As the energy available is often limited, measures for reducing energy consumption are set to be a key requirement for successfully designing intelligent automation devices.

Head of research groups: 1 Industrial Software Technologies, Bastian Schlich | 2 Automation Engineering, Georg Gutermuth3 Process and Production Optimization, Dr. Guido Sand | 4 Life Cycle Science, Dr. Marco Ulrich | 5 Mechatronics and Actuators, Dr. Gregor Stengel | 6 Robotics and Manufacturing, Dr. Thomas Reisinger | 7 Industrial Sensor Technology, Dr. Armin Gasch | 8 Intelligent Devices, Dr. Dirk John

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10 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

Facts and Figures

Key Figures

Revenues 15,1 M€

Employees 101

Temporary employees, Students 72

Inventions 56

Patent Filings 38

Publications 129

Project PortfolioIn 2012, the total project revenues in the German Corporate Research Center amounted to approximately 15,1 million Euro. This reflects the installed project execution capacity. On group level, ABB is continuously increasing the R&D investments in general.

The research projects are mainly funded centrally by corporate funds. In 2012 the funding split was as follows:

– Corporate Funds 83,1 % – Business Unit Funding 14,0 % – Third Party Funding 2,9 %

The funding split is more or less the same as in 2011, with a small increase of business unit funding. This is again an indicator that we work closely with our customers in the business units and a result of the meanwhile well-established concept of customer-oriented focus areas.

Regarding project type a clear focus remains on technology development projects, which stand for 71% of our project volume. This was complemented by more product develop-ment support projects, which we started to use in 2012 in order to actively support productization of project results in the business units. 15 % of the total project volume were again dedicated to prestudies and technology scouting projects, which is the same as in 2011. The percentage of consultancy projects was slightly increased to 11 %, reflecting the good cooperation with our customers in ABB business units on all levels. In general, the project portfolio reflects our strategy to support the whole innovation process from Idea creation to productization.

Figure 2: Funding split of research projects

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 11

Roughly 87 % of our project volume has been associated with one of the global research programs in 2012. This ensures that the projects are in line with the strategic technology plans of the programs and with the technology, product, and business strategies of ABB business units. The 11 % consultancy projects were directly supporting the business units, while 2 % of the total project volume was discretionary fund, which we used in group-specific creativity pools to develop new project ideas. With the directional changes implemented in 2013 in corporate research, the project portfolio is expected to change in a way that discretionary research will be increased to 6 %, and up to 10 % of the total volume will be dedicated to large, interdisci-plinary cross-program projects addressing new business opportunities.

All technology or product development projects have to follow the ABB Gate Model. The Gate Model is a business decision model that helps to steer a project from the project customer’s point of view. We continue to monitor the quality and efficiency of project execution based on the Gate Model as one of our key performance indicators. In 2012 we could successfully improve the quality of project result transfer. In 2013 we will put special focus of efficient project creation and dynamic project planning.

Project Results Project results are new or improved technologies, demonstrators or prototypes, which create value for ABB once they are implemented in new products, solutions or processes by ABB business units. Each technology development project is valuated qualitatively and quantitatively. Quantitative analysis results in the expected net present value (NPV) of a project, based on estimated business figures. Qualitative analysis describes the business case and some additional, intangible value contri-butions. Additional project results are inventions and related patents, as well as scientific or technical publications.

In 2012 we could again deliver 13 recognized significant project achievements with high expected value for ABB business. They spearhead a long list of further project achievements, which together represent an impressive result of our research work.

The top achievements are:

– Prototypes for workforce scheduling with street level routing, day-ahead scheduling and intra-day-re-scheduling

– Developed concepts for automating and simplifying communication configuration steps to achieve improved DCS engineering efficiency and better customer interaction.

– Demonstrator and underlying architecture of a CoDeSys-based engineering framework for Discrete Manufacturing

– Collaboration Manager Phase 3 research phase is finished and technology transfer is done

– Enhanced engineering for decreased effort and time for IEC 61850 integration in end customer projects

– A generic long-term concept for easier migrations of controller applications between different product generations considering heterogeneous hardware architectures and development

– A software architecture for integrating an FDI-based device management system into the next generation 800xA control system

– Conceptualized and implemented software redundancy solution for the future Automation System Architecture project

– High-accuracy Medium Voltage current and voltage sensor – Non-contact temperature monitoring solution for Generator

Circuit Breakers – Prototype for mechanical power transfer to high voltage

potential ready – Concept and technical demonstrator of an ABB wind turbine

pitch control system including in-depth investigations on environmental conditions

– Evaluated set of self-tuning controllers suitable for usage in ABB motion control applications. Kinematic and dynamic model of motion structures.

In addition we contributed to two further significant project achievements, which were created under the lead of our colleagues in other research centers. These are:

– Verified cpmPlus history static and dynamic capacity limits on a large server for Smart Grid applications, confirming linear scalability of computer resources

– Proved industrial relevance of a dual-arm flexible assembly robot concept.

Many of these project achievements are described in more detail in the Technical Results section of this report.

Figure 3: Project revenues by project type

12 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

In addition to the primary project results, valuable protected intellectual property like patents, utility models or trade secrets is created in our projects. The 56 inventions resulting from our projects in 2012 are very close to our quantity goal. The quality of our inventions, measured by the percentage of resulting filings taken over by a business unit to protect a product or to block a competitor, could again be increased to the record value of 97 %. This is a clear indicator for the high quality and strategic relevance of the inventions. The number of first filings is roughly the same as in the following year, based on the backlog of decided inventions to be filed. The filing rate (per-centage of inventions which have been decided to be filed as a patent) was increased significantly (from 65 % in 2011 to 76 % in 2012). The majority of the remaining 24 % was filed as a utility model, kept as a trade secret or published as state-of-the-art in order to keep competitors from filing it. Only one single invention was abandoned.

It is our goal to increase the impact of patent filings by systemati-cally creating protective shields for important new technologies and products in the frame of our R&D projects. In order to achieve this goal, we have closely integrated all project related IP activities with the gate model we use in our projects.

Publications in renowned journals and active contributions to conferences are important to demonstrate the high scientific and technological level of our research work. Both the total number of publications and the number of publications in renowned journals by researchers from the German research center could be increased again, reaching a record number of totally 129 publications in 2012. This reflects our strategy to give our researchers the opportunity to be highly visible in the academic community, and to contribute actively to future technology trends. In 2013 we will put even more focus on journal publications.

Human Resources Our employees are the main assets of our research center. In average 2012 we had 104 permanent employees. In 2013 we will continue to recruit good people in all research groups in order to stabilize the capacity despite the high transfer rate of researchers to the business units. In addition to our permanent employees, we employed a record number of 72 temporary employees like students or guest scientists, which is 15 % more than 2011. This is a very appropriate measure to increase the visibility and attractiveness of the ABB Research Center as a future employer towards students. As a general strategy, we are always prepared to hire world class people.

The world class competence level of our employees, including technical, social and management skills is a prerequisite for excellent research results. This starts at the educational level of the persons we hire. In 2012, 91 % of the employees held aca-demic degrees. The majority of these (52 % in total) hold a PhD.

It is part of our mission to recruit talented young engineers and scientists, give them the opportunity to work for some years in corporate research in order to get familiar with many ABB businesses and products, and later offer them new career opportunities in operational ABB units. In 2012 we hired 11 new, highly qualified new scientists. In the same period we transferred a record number of 13 people to other ABB units, which was again 60% more than in 2011. In the future we plan to keep the internal fluctuation and related recruitment on an adequate level in order to meet the budget in year average. Despite the fight for best talents on the market, but due to the attractiveness of the jobs we offer and the attractiveness of the region where we are located we managed well to fill our open positions with excellent people. This is due to the attractiveness of the jobs and excellent development possibilities we can offer to our employees.

Figure 4: Inventions and First Filings Figure 5: Publications

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 13

The unique academic environment in Germany, with five excellent universities in the immediate vicinity, is still an impor-tant source of our new employees. 50 % of the university recruitments came from German universities in the closer region, the other 50% from renowned international universities. In 2012 we managed for the first time to transfer two people from ABB business units to our research center, and two more people from other research centers. In 2013 we plan to further increase the number of internal transfers from ABB business units, thus strengthening our network within the ABB community.

In the German research center we maintain an interdisciplinary, multi-national team with a high educational and cultural diversity. The whole Human Resource portfolio currently consists of 16 nationalities. Regarding education the focus is on electrical and mechanical engineering, computer science and physics. This education portfolio shows a slight shift towards engineering disciplines and computer science compared to the previous years.

We attach great importance to the continuous development and education of our scientists, both by attending seminars and by training-on-the-job or job rotations. Therefore we apply the meanwhile well-established concept of the DECRC Academy, defining a curriculum of training courses different education lines like project management, leadership, or busi-ness administration. Individual training measures are defined by each employee together with his line manager in the context of the yearly performance and development assessment meeting. We keep track of all training and education activities in order to maintain a clear picture of our further education portfolio and its effectiveness. In average, we keep spending about 5 % of the revenues for personnel training and develop-ment.

Figure 7: Educational level of employees | Figure 8: Branches of study of DECRC employees

Figure 6: Personnel structure development



Researcher diversity















Spain South Africa

14 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

Events and Highlights

January··········February·········March··········· April································ May································· June·····································

1 Smart Energy demonstrator shown at Hannover Fair

2 Strategic Cooperation with KIT officially announced

3 New CTO Prith Banerjee visits DECRC

and frame agreement signed

4 DECRC/SECRC management workshop on cooperation in user-centric design

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ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 15

July····························August····························September···················· October··························November······December······

5 DECRC Grillfest 6 DECRC successfully re-certified according to standards ISO9001, ISO14001 and BSOHS 18001

7 New Lab infrastructure: Industrial motion testbed and virtual wind lab

8 DECRC press day: Smart Energy demonstrator shown to journalists

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16 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

Cooperations with Universitiesand Public Research Institutes

Successful innovation requires the combination of a range of competencies ranging from basic research to technology development and productization. In industrial research, our focus is on the development of new technologies and technology platforms for future products. In order to ensure the basic research and special skills we need for this development, we maintain a comprehensive network that includes leading universities and research institutes both in Germany and in other parts of the globe.

Bilateral Cooperations

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Forschungszentrum Informatik Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Becker Automation Devices

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Forschungszentrum Informatik Institute for Program Structures and Data Organization Prof. Dr. Ralf H. Reussner Evolution of Heterogeneous Software Systems

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) TeCo Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Beigl Internt of things and industrial applications

Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH) Informatik 11 – Embedded Software Laboratory Professor Dr.-Ing. Stefan Kowalewski Verification of PLC Software

Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH) Lehrstuhl für Prozessleittechnik (ACPLT) Prof. Epple Automation of Engineering

Technische Universität Kaiserslautern Automatisierungstechnik Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Lothar Litz Foundation Fieldbus Function Block emulation

Technische Universität Kaiserslautern Fachgebiet Mathematik Prof. Dr. Sven O. Krumke Production Optimization in the Metals Industry

Helmut Schmidt Universität Hamburg Institut für Automatisierungstechnik Prof. Alexander Fay Engineering of Automation Systems

Universität Kassel Fachgebiet Mess-und Regelungstechnik Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Kroll Advanced Process Control

Universität Kassel Fachbereich Maschinenbau Fachgebiet Mehrkörpersysteme Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schweizer Co-Simulation

Technische Universität Braunschweig Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Fertigungstechnik (IWF) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Dröder, Dr.-Ing Annika Raatz Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Robotics and Mechanism Technology

TU Dortmund Process Dynamics and Operations Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Engell Collaborative Production Optimization

TU Dortmund Industrielle Robotik und Produktionsautomatisierung Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Kuhlenkötter Robotics & Manufacturing, Human-Robot-Collaboration, Virtual Commissioning

TU München itm -Informationstechnik im Maschinenbau Prof. Vogel-Heuser Integration Technologies

Universität Tübingen Technische Informatik Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel Investigation of possibilities for formal verification of embedded software

Technische Universität Berlin Institut für Prozess-und Verfahrenstechnik Prof. Wozny Support for training and education

TU Ilmenau Fakultät Maschinenbau Fachgebiet Entwurf mechatronischer Antriebe Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tom Ströhla Actuation Technology

TU Ilmenau Fakultät für Informatik und Automatisierung Institute of Computer Engineering Prof. Dr.-Ing. Detlef Streitferdt (JP) Model-Driven Design

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 17

TU Darmstadt Institut für Automatisierungstechnik und Mechatronik – Fachgebiet Regelungstechnik und Mechatronik Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Konigorski Performance and Robustness of Industrial Motion Control

TU Dresden Institute for Applied Computer Science – Industrial Communications Prof. Martin Wollschlaeger Integration Technologies, Automation Systems Design

TU Dresden Institut für Automatisierungstechnik PD Dr.-Ing. Annerose Braune Integration Technologies, Automation Systems Design, XML in Automation

TU Dresden Institut für Feinwerktechnik und Elektronik-Design Dr. Ing. Holger Neubert Simulation of Inductive Components

Universität Mannheim Lehrstuhl Wirtschaftsinformatik II, Prof. Dr. Martin Schader Software Failure Cost

Hochschule Mannheim Institut für Automatisierungssysteme Prof. Seitz PLC virtualization for education and training

Hochschule Mannheim Fakultät für Informatik Prof. Sven Klaus Multi-touch Application for Collaborative Enrichment of Engineering Drawings with Intelligent Data

Hochschule Mannheim Fakultät für Elektrotechnik Prof. Martin Junker Automated test case generation for ABB System800xA

Hochschule Darmstadt Automatisierungstechnik Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Simons Knowledge Mapping & Prototype for Target Group specific Visualisation of an Automation Engineering process using Pixel Sense Technology. Easy integration of signals from heterogeneous systems

Hochschule Ruhr-West Wirtschaftsinstitut Lehrgebiet Wartungs- und Instandhaltungs-management Prof. Dr. Katja Gutsche Life Cycle Management

Duale Hochschule Mannheim Fachbereich Mechatronik Prof. R. Lemmen Automation System Engineering

Fachhochschule Südwestphalen Soest Fakultät für Elektrotechnik Prof. Florian Dörrenberg Knowledge Mapping & Prototype for Target Group specific Visualisation of an Automation Engineering process using Pixel Sense Technology

Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin FB 7 Elektrotechnik – Mechatronik – Optometrie Prof. Peter Gober iSurface Solution for Process Data Communication

Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe Labor für Informationstechnologie Prof. Thomas Korte Development and implementation of a software-based Engineering Workflow Generator

ifak – Institut für Automation und Kommunikation e.V., Magdeburg Prof. Ch. Diedrich Integration Technologies

18 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

Carnegie Mellon Universtity Center for Advanced Process Decision-making (CAPD) Prof. Grossmann, Prof. Hooker Planning and scheduling methods

Carnegie Mellon Universtity Center for Advanced Process Decision-making (CAPD) Prof. Biegler Optimization of polymerization processes

Imperial College London Centre for Process Systems Engineering (CPSE) Prof. Nina Thornhill Plant wide disturbance analysis

Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia IP, LNEG, Lisbon, Portugal Department: Unidade de Modelação e Optimização de Siste-mas Energéticos Dr. Pedro Castro Planning and Scheduling, Modeling and Optimization

University of Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia Prof. Vjekoslav Damic Simulation of sensor systems

INGAR -Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño (CONICET). Santa Fe, Argentina Dr. Analía Rodriguez LV Motors Stock Pooling – Supply Chain Design Optimization

University of Groningen, Netherlands Prof. Dr. Paris Avgeriou Software Architecture Methodology

University of Cambridge Prof. Andy Neely Service business development, Business model innovation

Kent Business School Dr Shaomin Wu Senior Lecturer in Business-Applied Statistics

University cooperations within larger joint projects

Project PAPYRUSPlant-wide asset management for large-scale systems

Aalto University: Prof. Sirkka-Liisa Jämsä-Jounela Universität Duisburg-Essen: Prof. Steven Ding University of Lorrainee: Prof. Dominique Sauter, Prof. Christophe Aubrun

Project PINCETTE University of Oxford, Prof. Daniel Kroening Università della Svizzera Italiana, Prof. Natasha Sharygina University of Milano-Bicocca, Prof. Mauro Pezzè VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Dr. Boris Krasni

Project ROSETTA Fraunhofer IPA (Germany) K.U. Leuven (Belgium) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (Germany) Lunds Universitet (Sweden) Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

Project ADIWA (Alliance Digital Product Flow) Industrial Partners: SAP AG ABB DB Schenker B2M Software AG Globus DFKI GmbH Software AG SOPERA ubigrate Universities and Research Institutes: Fraunhofer IESE Fraunhofer ITWM Fraunhofer SIT Fraunhofer IML TU Darmstadt TU Dresden

Project SiEGeNSilizium basierte Hochtemperatur-Thermogeneratoren auf 8“-Wafer-Level

Micropelt GmbH ABB AG Forschungszentrum Deutschland Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel EADS Deutschland GmbH E.G.O. Elektro-Gerätebau GmbH Fraunhofer-Institut für Siliziumtechnologie Fraunhofer-Institut Physikalische Messtechnik MEMS Foundry Itzehoe GmbH

Project Energy SmartOpsEnergy savings from smart operation of electrical, process and mechanical equipment

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine London (UK), Prof. Nina Thornhill Cranfield University (UK) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (Switzerland) Technical University of Krakow (Poland) Carnegie Mellon University (USA)

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 19

Academic Services

Lectures by employees from Corporate Research CenterLadenburg at Universities

Dr. Martin Hollender TU Darmstadt Institut für Automatisierungstechnik und Mechatronik, Fachgebiet Regelungstheorie und Robotik, Prof. Adamy “Prozessleittechnik”

Dr. Berthold Schaub Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Institut für Elektroenergiesysteme und Hochspannungstechnik (IEH) “Numerische Feldberechnung in der Rechnergestützen Produktentwicklung”

Manfred Rode SRH Hochschule Heidelberg Fachbereich Elektrotechnik, Prof. Gottscheber “Regelungstechnik”

Manfred Rode DHBW, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim Fachbereich Ingenieurwesen Studiengang: Mechatronik, Prof. Lemmen „Regelungstechnik-2 / Fuzzy-Control“

Manfred Rode Hochschule Darmstadt Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, M.Sc. Fernstudium, Prof. Hoppe “Prozessautomatisierung”

Werner Schmidt DHBW, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim Fakultät Technik Studiengang: Mechatronik, Prof. Korthals “Informatik / Programmieren”

Dr. Jörg Gebhardt DHBW, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim “Thermodynamik” “Elektrodynamik”

Dr. Rainer Drath HFH Hamburger Fernhochschule Studienzentrum Stuttgart “Automatisierungs-und Regelungstechnik”

Dr. Mike Barth Hochschule Pforzheim Masterstudiengang: Produktentwicklung, Prof. Engeln “Digitaler Entwurf” Bachelorstudiengang: Mechatronik, Prof. Blankenbach “Produktentwicklung”

Peter Weber DHBW, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim “Datenbank Design und Entwicklung” “Realtime Programming and Concurrency”

Dr. Thomas Weickert Karlsruhe Institue of Technology (KIT) Institut für Industrielle Informationstechnik „Verteilte ereignisdiskrete Systeme“

Dr. Dirk John, Dr. Ulf Ahrend, Dr. Thomas Goldschmidt Hochschule Karlsruhe “Seminar Automatisierungstechnik”

Dr. Markus Aleksy Hochschule Mannheim Lehrbeauftragter an der Hochschule Mannheim, Master-Studiengang Informatik

Dr. Ralf Gitzel FH Ludwigshafen “Anwendungsentwicklung in JEE”


Dr. Markus Aleksy International Doctorate School, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy Member of the Technical Scientific Committee

Dr. Iiro Harjunkoski Ministry of Education, Greece Research grant proposal evaluator at Thalis and Archimedes programs

Dr. Heiko Koziolek Dagstuhl GI-Seminar on Multicore Software Performance Enigneering Organizer

Dr. Bastian Schlich Member Phd Committee Severine Sentilles Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden

Dr. Zied M. Ouertani Academic Visitor to University of Cambridge Engineering Department

20 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

Memberships in Industrial and Scientific Panels

A crucial factor for us is active participation in industry asso-ciations and standardization organizations, which enables us to help shape the political, economic and technical foundations for research.

Memberships and active collaboration in industrial / academic associations and standardization bodies

Christoph Winterhalter

VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft für Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA) Member of executive board

Forschungszentrum Informatik Karlsruhe (FZI) Member of board of trustees

Fraunhofer Institut für Optronik, Systemtechnik und Bildaus-wertung (IOSB), Karlsruhe Member of board of trustees

Deutsche Kommission Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informations-technik im DIN und VDE (DKE) Beraterkreis Technologie

Zentralverband Elektrotechnik-und Elektronikindustrie e.V. (ZVEI) ZVEI-Vorstandsarbeitskreis „Forschung und Entwicklung“

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Förderkreis International Department

Dr. Berthold Schaub Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft e.V. Arbeitskreis „Forschungs-und Entwicklungsmanagement“

Dr. Christian Zeidler Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften (acatech) Themennetzwerk „Informations-und Kommunikationstechnol-ogie (IKT)“

Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) Head of Fachgruppe 2.1.9, „Objekt-Orientierte Programmierung“

Zentralverband Elektrotechnik-und Elektronikindustrie e.V. (ZVEI) Working group „Systemaspekte“

Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V. (BDI) Initiative „IT für die Energiemärkte der Zukunft“

Dr. Sven Soetebier

VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft für Mess-und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA) Fachausschuss 4.15 „Mechatronik“

VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft für Mess-und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA) Fachausschuss 4.16 „Unkonventionelle Aktorik“

Dr. Björn Matthias

VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft für Mess-und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA) Active collaboration in Fachausschuss 4.13 „Steuerung und Regelung von Robotern“

DIN Normenausschuss Machinenenbau (DIN NA 060-30-02AA „Roboter und Robotikgeräte“)

ISO Technical Committee standardization work (ISO/TC184 SC2 Robotics Working Group WG3 Industrial Safety)

Dr. Thomas Reisinger

VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft für Mess-und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA) Fachausschuss 4.13 „Steuerung und Regelung von Robotern“

Dr. Oliver Becker

VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft für Mess-und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA) Fachausschuss 4.17 „Energie-Effizienz in der Antriebstechnik“

Dr. Armin Gasch

Informationstechnische Gesellschaft im VDE (ITG) Fachausschuss 9.4 – Funktionswerkstoffe, Sensoren, Aktoren Programmausschuss 16. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2012

Dr. Jörg Gebhardt

Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG), Arbeitskreis Industrie und Wirtschaft

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 21

Dr. Kai König

ISA Working group 100.18 “Power sources and standardization for energy harvesting systems”

Member of industrial board of project “Optimierung von elek-trochemisch abgeschiedenen thermoelektrischen Filmen (EchemTE)” Coordination: Institut für Angewandte Physik der Universität Hamburg

Dr. Andreas Decker

Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen Member of industrial board of project „Leistungsoptimierter Energy Harvester mit erweiterter Frequenz-Bandbreite (eBand)“ Coordination: Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft

Dr. Ulf Ahrend

ISA Working group 100.18 “Power sources and standardization for energy harvesting systems”

Dr. Dirk John

PROFIBUS & PROFINET International (PI) TC4/WG9 Field Device Integration (FDI)

Florian Kantz

Jugend Forscht – Region Nordbaden Jury Fachgebiet Technik

Alexander Kaiser Field Device Integration (FDI) WG “Specification” (Lead editor Specification Part 1 – Overview, editor Part 4 -Device Packages), FDT Delegate Lead of WG ”Tools & Components”

Roland Braun PROFIBUS & PROFINET International (PI) TC4/WG9 “Field Device Integration (FDI)”

Field Device Integration (FDI) WG “Specification”

Dr. Daniel Großmann

Field Device Integration (FDI) Leader of WG “Tools & Components Architecture Team”

PROFIBUS & PROFINET International (PI) TC4/WG1 Electronic Device Description Language (EDDL)

Zentralverband Elektrotechnik-und Elektronikindustrie e.V. (ZVEI) Forschungsgemeinschaft Automation

22 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

Dr. Dirk Schulz

VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft für Mess-und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA) Fachausschuss 5.23 „XML in der Automation“

PROFIBUS & PROFINET International (PI) TC2/WG9 “Fieldbus Integration”

Dr. Philipp Nenninger

IFAC Technical Commitee 3.3 “Telematics: Control via Communication Networks”

IFAC Vice-Chairman Technical Commitee 4.1 “Components and Technologies for Control”

Dr. Bastian Schlich VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft für Mess-und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA) Fachausschuss FA 1.50 „Methoden der Steuerungstechnik”

Dr. Thomas Goldschmidt

VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft für Mess-und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA) Fachausschuss 5.16 „Middleware in der Automatisier-ungstechnik“

Georg Gutermuth VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft für Mess-und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA) Fachausschuss 6.12 „Durchgängiges Engineering von Leitsys-temen“

Dr. Rainer Drath

Deutsche Kommission Elektrotechnik Elektronik Information-stechnik im DIN und VDE (DKE) Fachausschuss K941 „Fließbilder“ Fachausschuss K941.0.2 Automation ML

Automation Markup Language (AutomationML) Konsortium Chairman of subgroup “Architecture”

VDI/VDE Gesellschaft für Mess-und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA) FA 1.50 “Safety” Stellv. Fachausschussleiter

Armin Wallnöfer

Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) Fachgruppe “Requirements Engineering” (GI-FG 2.1.6 (RE)) - Arbeitskreis “Soft Skills Required”

Dr. Ralf Behnke

IEC TC65 VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft für Mess-und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA) Fachausschuss 5.13: „Sicherheit von Software in Automa-tisierungssystemen“

Dr. Iiro Harjunkoski

Zentralverband Elektrotechnik-und Elektronikindustrie e.V. (ZVEI) Arbeitsgruppe “Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)”

Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in Finland FOCAPO 2012 Member of Technical Advisory Committee

Dr. Martin Hollender

IEC TC65A WG15 Management of Alarm Systems for the Process Industries

Manfred Rode

VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft für Mess-und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA) Fachausschuss 6.11 “Computer Aided Control Engineering” Fachausschuss 6.22 “Advanced Automation”

Dr. Jan Schlake

VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft für Mess-und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA) Fachausschuss 6.23 “Plant Asset Management”

Dr. Guido Sand VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informations-technik e.V. Task Force Demand Side Management

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 23

Dr. Markus Aleksy

IFIP Technical Committee 8: WG 8.4 E-Business Information Systems: Multi-disciplinary research and practice

Dr. Ralf Gitzel Zentralverband Elektrotechnik-und Elektronikindustrie e.V. (ZVEI) Arbeitskreis Energieeffizienz

Dr. Nicolaie Fantana

International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE) Secretary of Working Group B3-12 “Obtaining value from con-dition monitoring” Working Group B3-06 “Substation management” Working Group A2-23 “Lifetime Data Management”

Dr. Zied M. Ouertani

The Institute of Asset Management IFIP Technical Committee 5: WG 5.1: Global Product Develop-ment for the whole life-cycle IET member – The Institution of Engineering and Technology

24 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 25

Technical Results

The following technical papers describe the technical results and status of our research activities in more detail. As examples of major projects and research topics, they provide a good overview of the work in our research groups during the year 2012 to the technically interested reader. In particular, the topics are:

Self-tuning algorithms for industrial motion control applications

Planar 6-axis Force-Torque Sensor for Robots

Collaboration Manager – innovations in engineering data exchange

A comparision of individual pitch control methods for wind turbine load reduction

Corporate Software Reuse

Software-based Redundancy – Transparently Increasing the Reliability of Control Systems

Enhanced IEC61850 engineering – Better engineering quality in less time

Model-based development for an energy-autonomous temperature sensor

Multi-Domain Virtual Prototypes – System level modeling and simulation of Industrial Devices

AdiWa - Installed Base Dynamics

Coping with Long-Term Migration Challenges of Controller Applications

Coupled simulations in circuit breaker design: On the way to more detailed, less time-consuming and modular multiphysics models with high reusability

Laser-Doppler vibrometer: High precision measurements in circuit breaker design and service

EU Project Papyrus – A performance-oriented approach for Plant Asset Management for large-scale systems

Life Cycle Solutions for WirelessHART in Process Automation

Scheduling of Service Technicians in the Utility and Telecommunication Industry

















26 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

Self-tuning algorithms for industrial motion control applicationsDr. Thomas Weickert, Dr. Oliver Becker

While the structure of industrial motion controllers are established since a long time, parameterization of these controllers as well as tuning of respective filters still have to be done by an experienced engineer or technician, as those parameters are depending on the load properties seen by the motor. For example, inertia, mechanical compliance and friction affect the load properties significantly. Optimal tuning of the parameters can be very cumbersome, espe-cially when all of the mentioned parameters are present.

The following article a few methods for automatic tuning of typical industrial controllers, namely PI-controllers in order to enable the customer fast, reliable and efficient controller tuning. All presented approaches have dedicated properties, making them useful for different applications. Taken from scientific papers, the selected approaches had to be modified in order to meet industrial requirements like robustness and low computational effort.

IntroductionElectrical motors and drives are common and established components in factory automation applications. They power many different motion applications like winding, pick & place and lift applications. The control structure established in industry is typically a three-stage cascade control with torque / current control as the innermost loop, followed by the speed control loop, and the position control as outermost loop. Figure 1

shows the speed control loop with the torque-controlled drive and motor. Here w denotes the actual motor speed, wd the desired motor speed, MMd the desired motor torque and ML the actual motor load.

The torque control loop is typically realized within the drive firmware. Dedicated algorithms perform an identification of the motor parameters and tune the current controller while considering specific hardware properties of the drives. Its dynamics is described using a first order differential equation with sufficient accuracy.

The speed controller is typically realized as PI controller. First-order low-pass filters are possible in the forward and feedback path in order to reduce noise. A notch filter in the forward path optionally suppresses mechanical resonances. The speed controller can further be enhanced by feedforward compensation of friction forces acting as additional input of the torque controller.

A simple P-controller for controlling the position combined with speed feedforward control delivers good results, if the speed control loop is tuned well and therefore rejects disturbances and vibrations of the plant. Tuning of such a P-controller is straightforward. Thus, development of self-tuning methods of the speed control loop is essential for offering a motion control package which is easy to commission.

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 27

Self-tuning controller approachesDepending on the application, self-tuning methods have to fulfill different requirements. Some applications require a single tuning procedure during commissioning, others regular updates of the control parameters due to a changing environment. Within this article three different self-tuning approaches are presented, each of them exhibiting properties which makes it beneficial for dedicated applications. We found all presented approaches to be suitable for tuning PI-controllers also in an industrial environment, i.e. in presence of measurement noise and effects that cannot be modeled in detail, e.g. friction.

In contrast to so called adaptive control methods, self-tuning controllers do not adapt the control parameters continuously over time. Instead, the controllers excite the system and estimate system parameters like inertia and friction from the system response. In a subsequent step, control parameters are calculated from these estimated system parameters. Alternatively, a direct frequency response analysis is applied after excitation of the system. A good introduction of those classical methods is given in [1]. Basic schemes encountered in academia papers are self-tuning regulators based on parameter estimation, model-reference adaption, and rule based optimization.

In order to meet industrial requirements, the following require-ments must hold for the investigated self-tuning controllers: – The methods must be able to tune PI-controllers, since this

controller type is well established for speed control loops. In combination with disturbance compensation methods, the controller is powerful and still intuitive, which leads to great acceptance within industrial applications

– The methods must be implementable on the drives or on a PLC for online tuning, alternatively on a PC tool for offline tuning

Figure 1: Typical speed control loop | Figure 2: Speed response of torque steps

1 2

– The methods must be robust against parameter variations (inertia, friction…)

– At least one method must regard compliant mechanics explicitly. Tuning of e.g. notch filters for reduction of mechanical resonance shall be possible

All selected methods were evaluated not only for their tuning performance but also for the criteria mentioned above. This made modifications to all selected methods necessary.

ASURIA-MethodThe first evaluated approach is a representative of the self-tuning regulator concept and is based on the thesis [2]. It is called ASURIA (Advanced StrUture Recognition, Identification and Autotuning) method in this article, which has the following properties: – Identification of the system structure. This allows automatic

selection and parameterization of controllers as well as filters like notch filters.

– Estimation of Coulomb and viscous friction as well as constant process loads like gravity. This allows e.g. feed-forward compensation and condition monitoring. Optional also estimation of backlash is possible

– An explicit identification run is necessary for controller tuning. Thus this method cannot be used online during the production process

– The approach assumes a certain system structure, e.g. stiff system, or two-mass oscillator

The approach consists of several steps:

Step 1a: System excitation and data recording. The procedure starts with a series of torque steps (relay control) and measure-ment of the speed response, s. Figure 2.

28 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

Figure 3: Identification of system structure and natural frequencies | Figure 4: Step response of oscillatory two-mass system

3 4

Step 2: Approximation by one-mass system with friction and constant load. The parameters of a one-mass model are esti-mated from the measurements of motor speed and motor torque. Those parameters include total inertia, Coulomb friction, viscous friction and a constant load. After the identification, the system response of the one-mass model can be simulated. The difference signal between the one-mass model output and the actual motor speed is used for structure recognition. This signal quantifies how much the system differs from a one-mass system.

Step 3: Structure recognition. The power density spectrum (PDS) of the above described difference signal is calculated. If there is a significant maximum, it is recognized as dominant frequency (resonance frequency). If a dominant frequency is detected, the system is classified as elastic otherwise as stiff.

Step 1b: System excitation and data recording. In case of elastic systems, the additional parameters are estimated from the frequency response of the system. For this purpose, a PRBS (Pseudo Random Binary Signal, pseudo noise) excites the system while operating at a supportive motor speed.

Step 4: Parameter identification of specific system. For stiff systems without backlash, all necessary parameters (one-mass system) are already identified. For elastic systems without and with small backlash, the model parameters of a two-mass system have to be identified. These can be the ratio of motor inertia to load inertia, the natural frequency, and the damping factor which can be estimated from the frequency response, s. Figure 3.

Several extensions were necessary in order to adapt the original concept to industrial demands. Amongst others the relay

control was modified by a time-triggered relay to account for high friction that prevents reaching the desired speed setpoint. Further on, the reliable detection of a resonance peak in the power spectrum which is independent from the excitation torque required deeper investigations. Finally, some simplifications regarding the model structure were not valid for industrial applications. The resulting generalized model caused diverse algorithm modifications for detection of anti-resonance and damping.

The developed algorithm is now able to detect stiff as well as elastic systems with correct eigenfrequencies. Inertia, friction and constant load are estimated very precisely. The controller is designed using the “symmetric optimum”, which leads to dynamic behavior in combination with good disturbance suppression, s. Figure 4.

SMRA-MethodA representative of the Model-Reference Adaptation (MRA) method is called SMRA or simplified MRA in this article, which is based on the work of Costabeber et al. [3]. The method is characterized by the following properties: – No explicit system model necessary (stiff system assumed) – Only desired bandwidth and phase margin have to be

specified (classical control engineering values) – Only a disturbance injection with small amplitude is neces-

sary, which enables tuning during normal operation (online) – Simple method with low computation time – Only linear systems are regarded: no friction or backlash

identified – Only one-mass, i.e. stiff, systems regarded: two- or three-

mass systems could have multiple crossover frequencies

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 29

The idea of the approach is to tune the controller at a given frequency. For this purpose the user has to enter desired bandwidth and phase margin. Starting with an initial value for gain KP0 and deactivated integral part of the PI control, a sinu-soidal disturbance d with the given frequency is injected into the control loop, s. Figure 5. After measurement of the current amplitude gain and phase shift, the control parameters of a PI-controller can be calculated that shifts amplitude and phase at the specified frequency to the desired values.

The method had to be adapted to industrial needs by improving the phase measurement, since the algorithm is very sensitive to changes of the detected phase. Further on, the method was enhanced by considering a disturbance injection also in presence of an integral part of the controller in order to enable online-identification during regular operation.

The SMRA method proved to be robust in terms of model structure. Although a stiff mechanics is assumed in the controller design, the performance was not only good using a stiff system, but also when testing a flexible system, s. Figure 6. The detailed test setup is described at the end of this article.

Rule based controller tuningThe third category of methods frequently encountered in academic papers is called “Rule-Based Optimization”. The motivation is to imitate the behavior of an experienced control operator, who can adjust the parameters of a PID controller

without detailed knowledge of the plant and its parameters, only with some “rules of thumbs”. Starting from initial control parameters a test signal is applied, e.g. a step function, and the control performance is evaluated. In our case the perfor-mance is measured according to the selected method [4] by evaluation of overshoot, undershoot and the change of the “damping time”, s. Figure 7.

The method exhibits the following properties: – No plant model necessary – The tuning strategy is very intuitive, since the quality features

are used as linguistic input variables of a Fuzzy rule set. The algorithm was developed for several plants including ones with time delays

– Fuzzy rules provide a certain degree of robustness – Depending on the starting parameters many experiments

may be necessary to reach optimal parameters – The method can be used together with identification-based

methods for improving the results of those methods

The method comprises the following steps: – Record a step response in closed-loop operation for some

initial control parameters – Extract the quality criteria maximum, minimum and

“damping time”. – Evaluate a rule base which gives the change of the control

parameters for the determined quality criteria – Change control parameters and iterate.

Figure 5: Disturbance injection and measurement | Figure 6: Step responses of a) stiff and b) compliant system | Figure 7: Measurement of controller performance



30 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany


Simulations showed a good convergence of the control parameters gain (KR) and integral time constant (TN). However, during experiments it turned out that nonlinear effects of real plants prevent straightforward detection of the performance measures, s. Figure 8. Thus the original algorithm had to be modified in order to achieve reliable performance measures. After this modification the rule based controller delivered good results with both mechanics, the stiff and the compliant one.

Test environmentBesides the simulations, all evaluated approaches were tested on the DECRC motion testbed, s. Figure 9. The testbed consist of a servo-motor which acts via a torque sensor on a generator. The generator can simulate different applications like winding applications or a robot axis in order to test the motion control performance of the servo-motor. In order to evaluate stick-slip behavior around zero speed, an additional pneumatic actuated disc brake is installed between servo-motor and generator. The brake disc also acts as inertia. Further on, a second inertia can be coupled in via a stiff belt and a subsequent shaft as torsional spring. The eigenfrequency of this poorly damped oscillator can be varied by changing the position of the inertia on the shaft. This setup allows applying a mechanics with eigenfrequencies varying between 25 Hz and 100 Hz also without usage of the generator.

Summary and outlookThis article presented three different self-tuning control methods which are suitable for industrial motion control applications. The dedicated properties and the resulting preferred applica-tions of each method are summarized in Table 1. From the table it becomes obvious that a broad variety of industrial applications is covered by the algorithms.

Although the approaches performed well in simulations and experiments, more practical experiences have to be gained in order to guarantee ease of use and stability in real life applica-tions. Further investigations will also cover the usability of the identified parameters for condition monitoring purposes.

Internal CustomerDivision discrete Automation and Motion

ContactDr. Oliver Becker Phone: +49 (0) 6203 71 6025 Email: [email protected]

Figure 8: Step responses with undefined overshoot / undershoot

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 31


References[1] Åström, Wittenmark: Adaptive Control, Dover Publications, 2008[2] F. Schütte: Automatic Commissioning of Controllers for Electric Drives with

Compliant Mechanics (original title: Automatisierte Reglerinbetriebnahme für elektrische Antriebe mit schwingungsfähiger Mechanik), PhD thesis, 2002

[3] Costababer et al.: A speed loop autotuning method based on signal injection for electrical drives, International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives, 2010

[4] Herbert M. Schaedel, Rainer Bartz, Christoph Ctistis, Dirk Nikolai: Fuzzy-Adaption von PI-Reglern im geschlossenen Regelkreis ohne Prozesskenntnis (Fuzzy adaptation of PI controllers in closed loop operation without process knowledge), Berichtsband 9, Workshop “Fuzzy Control”, pp. 270-283, 1999

Figure 9: DECRC Motion Testbed

ASURIA SMRA Rule based

Model based Yes. Stiff or 2-mass oscillator assumed

No explicit model necessary. Optimized for stiff plants


Explicit parameter estimation

Yes. Identification of Coulomb + viscous friction, constant torque, inertia

No No

Online tuning NO Yes No

Computational effort High Low Medium

Tuning duration Fast Fast Slow

Robustness High Medium Medium

Ease of use Medium Medium High

Applications Stiff or compliant systems where explicit identification routine is accepted and feed forward control is beneficial. Preventive maintenance

Online tuning of stiff systems (e.g. fans & pumps)

Plants with unknown dynamic behavior.Improving of pre-parameterized controllers

Table 1: Properties of evaluated self-tuning controllers

32 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

Planar 6-axis Force-Torque Sensor for RobotsPaul Szász, Dr. Ulf Ahrend

Force control is a powerful application which enhances ABB robots’ performance in mechanical finishing and assembly applications. However, due to the high cost and low avail-ability of suitable commercial 6-axis force-torque sensors the application is limited to a relatively small market volume. The accordingly small installed base limits the collection of experience, which could lead to further development and improvement of the force control applications.

DECRC has worked out a concept for a 6 axis force-torque sensor, which can be produced in automated processes in large series at significantly lower cost than commercial ones. The concept has been proven on demonstrators and is ready for implementation by an appropriate force sensor company.

1. Background6-axis force-torque sensors are used to measure and differen-tiate complex distributions of forces and torques. Commercial sensors of this kind (Figure 1) are highly precise, complex and accordingly expensive devices. They are typically based on a precisely machined 3-dimensional transducer, to which a large

number of strain gauges is applied in tedious handwork. Both aspects contribute to the high cost of such sensors, leading to a strong limitation of their use to mainly R&D applications (e.g. aerospace, automotive), where the high prices are affordable.

Technically, 6-axis force sensors are expected to enable significant innovations e.g. in medical applications. Also in the field of machining and assembly (e.g. Figure 2) such sensors could support automation and lead to an unequalled repro-ducibility and quality. With the current commercially available sensors such developments will always be strongly limited or even inhibited by the high cost and low production volume of the sensors.

2. Cost effective transducer manufacturingFrom the described situation the question arose, whether it is technically possible to develop a 6-axis force sensor, which can be manufactured in large series at low cost in an automated process in order to support the expansion of force-controlled applications in automation, robotic assembly and manufacturing or medical applications. As starting point two demands aiming at the elimination of the biggest cost drivers of current systems

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 33

(intricate machining, high tolerance and surface quality require-ments, much handwork in sensor assembly) were formulated:

1. The transducer body must be manufactured at low cost.

2. The sensing elements (strain gauges) must be mounted on the transducer in an automated process (i.e. at low cost, with high accuracy and reproducibility).

Cost effective manufacturing is only possible, if the final shape can be machined from a simple semi-finished product in an automated process with a simple, quick operation. This demand is fulfilled, if the transducer is machined from a metal sheet of constant thickness by e.g. water jet or laser cutting. The achiev-able dimensional tolerances of these processes are sufficient, and the required surface quality for the strain gauge mounting can already be offered by the semi-finished product (the metal sheet).

Such a transducer offers a flat surface, onto which strain gauges can be applied in an automated process (e.g. screen printing, pick-and-place), as all positions are equally well accessible. Even the wiring of the strain gauges and parts of the electronics can be included in the automated application process. The position accuracy of each strain gauge (which is of great relevance for the sensor performance) can surpass in such processes the accuracy achieved in conventional hand-mounting processes.

3. The Design ChallengeSo far the manufacturing concept corresponds to commercial simple single-axis force- or pressure sensors. However, for the function of a 6-axis sensor it is essential that from the strain signals the information about the complete distribution of forces and torques can be derived. This is conventionally solved by the known complex 3-dimensional structures, with strain gauges tediously mounted on surfaces with partly poor accessibility. It

Figure 1: Conventional 6-axis force-torque sensor design examples (from D. Grinevsky, A. Formalsky, A.Schneider: Force Control of Robotics Systems, CRC Press LLC, 1997) | Figure 2: Applications for multi-axial force sensors – ABB force controlled assembly



34 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

used to be a paradigm that it is not possible to get the complete information from one single surface. The project team challenged this view and investigated the theoretical background of the problem supported by NM Numerical Modeling GmbH (Thalwil, Switzerland).

Force transducers are assumed to be always loaded only within the linear-elastic range, so that the strain always depends linearly from the applied forces and torques. The relation between the six loads and the accordingly needed minimum six strain measurements is then described by a linear system of equations, where the two physical quantities are correlated by a matrix.

The measurement task is solved, if this linear system of equations can be solved for each single load component, i.e. any strain distribution is unambiguously correlated to one load distribution. This is mathematically possible, if the matrix linking the strains and the loads fulfills certain conditions. The inversion of the matrix must be possible. This is formally the case if the matrix has a determinant ≠ 0. However, this condition is numerically not trivial. If single strains are very small compared to others (e.g. small local deformation of the transducer), the errors due to the low value of the strain will lead to very large numerical errors in the calculation of the equation system, corresponding to an “almost singular” matrix. As result some loads cannot be resolved by the sensor for such structures. But it is impos-sible to model all possible load cases for a given design to find out whether there are such signal combinations.

So the task was to find criteria, which can describe mathemati-cally any transducer (and strain gauge arrangement), allowing to decide whether it is suited to resolve any six loads based

on the strain gauge information. This criterion was found by using the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) method. It could be shown that the singular values of the matrix correspond to the resolution of the system for the single loads. This means that if one singular value is significantly smaller than the others, the corresponding load will not be resolved by the system properly in all cases. I.e. all six singular values must have the same order of magnitude, if the system should measure unambiguously all forces and torques.

4. Basic transducer designUsing the criterion of the singular values the suitability of concrete planar transducer structures for 6-axis measurement was investigated. The structure in Figure 3a is a spoke-wheel arrangement typical for commercial 6-axis sensors. For auto-mated assembly it can theoretically be equipped with 6 strain gauges all placed on the top surface of the spokes. This arrangement will be able to resolve forces in all directions (x, y and z) and also torques around x and y, but the torque around the z axis will not be measurable. This can be easily understood considering that positive and negative torques around z will lead to identical, non-distinguishable strain gauge signals. Singular value analysis confirms this. Mathematical proof showed further that this behavior cannot be changed by dimensional variations or position changes of the strain gauges as long as they stay on the same surface and the structure retains the same symmetry (3-fold rotational symmetry and 3 mirror planes).

In conclusion (and breaking with a major paradigm in multi-axial force transducer design) a structure with reduced symmetry was considered (see Figure 3b), having still 3-fold symmetry,

3a 3b

Figure 3: Sensor concepts with different symmetry properties, a: Rotational and mirror symmetry, b: only rotational symmetry

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but without mirror planes. This is achieved e.g. by an eccen-tric shift of the spokes. For this structure the resolution for all forces and for the torques around x and y is similar to the first one. However, now also torques around the z-axis can be measured unambiguously, as they will lead to measurable linear strains clearly differing in positive and negative direction. This consideration is mathematically confirmed by the SVD.

So starting from basic mathematical understanding of the problem a design solution for a planar six-axis force sensor was found, which fulfills the requirements of low-cost production and unambiguous resolution of all loads. This result shows that design paradigms can be overcome by sufficiently deep analysis and rethinking of the problem.

5. Design OptimizationThe so defined design principle needs optimization to quantify the effects of different geometry parameters on the sensor properties. For this purpose different structures have been implemented in a finite element simulation model (FEM), and the results were analyzed using the SVD method to quantify the achieved quality. The chosen optimization targets were:

1. possibly uniform resolution in all directions (SVD scatter < factor 10)

2. possibly high resolution of the measurement signal

There is no absolute optimum for this optimization task; it will always be a compromise according to the considered application requirements. In the final design additional boundary conditions like strain gauge dimension, load introduction, etc. will also have to be considered. But this will not change the basic principles described here.

Figure 4 shows an example of such an optimization process. By varying the transducer dimensions and the strain gauge position the ratio and absolute value of the sensitivities, i.e. of the singular values was tailored. The ratio of singular values could be reduced from 38 to 11.4 (reduction by factor 3.3), with an acceptable tradeoff of sensitivity (poorest resolution in Fx and Fy only reduced by a factor of 1.6).

Beyond this example a wide range of structures has been investigated, and several structures with acceptable resolution and resolution scatters between different loads by a factor of 8 – 10 have been found. As conventional 6-axis sensors also have a sensitivity scatter of about a factor 3 between the different loads, this result shows that the planar concept can well offer sensors with acceptable properties for moderate requirements, even if the sensors may be slightly inferior to the commercial high-end products.


Figure 4: Planar transducer optimization example

Dout = 50 mm, WSpoke = 3 mm, WRim = 4 mm, SG = 2 x 4 mm

DHub = 15 mm, t = 2 mm DHub = 25 mm, t = 3 mm

SVD = [Mx My Fz Mz Fx Fy ] 72 72 17 10 1,9 1,9SVD = [Mx My Mz Fz Fx Fy ] 14 14 4,3 3,2 1,2 1,2

S1/S6 = 38 S1/S6 = 11,5

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6. Implementation and verificationLab demonstrators were fabricated to validate the so developed concept. Besides a verification of the mathematical model (i.e. resolution of all six axes) also different strain gauge concepts and their manufacturability were investigated on these demon-strators to prove the low cost potential of the concept.

The design of the transducer was chosen to be comparable regarding dimensions and load range (50 mm diameter, 60 N and 1 Nm nominal load) to a Mini40 sensor by ATI (the major supplier of sensors for ABB’s force controlled robots, a refer-ence regarding quality and accuracy). An example of an actual demonstrator transducer (with and without housing) is shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6. The housing was here just a technical solution concept; for a real application it will have to be adapted to the specific interfaces and will additionally need an overload protection not realized in the demonstrators.

The demonstrators were tested in the lab with a commercial ATI Mini40 sensor as reference. As only raw data were evaluated using lab electronics, the results are not directly comparable with the ATI sensor (e.g. regarding temperature compensation), and have no quantitative validity with regard to a future planar sensor product. The results still allow a good comparison of the technologies and an estimation of the achievable potential in a future sensor product.

For the strain measurement three different strain gauge tech-nologies have been evaluated with regard to measurement performance, quality of mounting and total cost level. All three technologies were found to be suited, though with different performance and applicability preferences.

Conventional foil strain gauges are only cost-effective if produced as integral gauge, i.e. all 6 gauges are placed on the same carrier foil for easy assembly and accurate positioning, including all wired connections. This limits their economic application to rather small sensor sizes. The integral foil gauges used in the demonstrators (custom-made by Vishay) can be applied very accurately and reproducibly using an elaborate mounting process. Their resolution is rather low, but the high temperature stability and low cost make them still an attractive solution for a low cost sensor.

Semiconductor strain gauges offer very high resolution and sensitivity, though at relatively high cost. They need more effort for thermal compensation, which will increase the cost of electronics. Automatic placement processes are applicable, but were not yet available for the demonstrators and will need development. The poor quality of the hand-mounted demon-strators highlighted the high risk of non-automated processes, leading to very poor reproducibility in the positioning.

Ceramic thick film strain gauges (produced at the Institute of Microtechnology at the EPFL in Lausanne) show a very balanced behavior and offer a high potential for automated low cost serial production. The performance regarding sensitivity, stability and thermal sensitivity is between foil and semiconductor strain gauges, offering so a good compromise. Though the position accuracy is excellent, they show a high resistivity scatter caused by the specific manufacturing process. Their linearity and drift behavior was excellent and their thermal sensitivity was comparably low to foil strain gauges. Due to their low signal noise they allowed similar resolutions to semicon-ductor gauges (10 mN, factor 10 better than foil gauges), and their drift almost equaled the commercial ATI) sensor (50 mN/hr). These findings indicated that a planar sensor product using the thick film strain gauge concept may well equal current commercial products in many respects, especially if the performance is further optimized using dedicated electronics.

Finally the unambiguous resolution of all load components was proven by successfully calibrating the sensor. This procedure implied the application of a number of random loads on the sensor, with subsequent mathematical correlation of the measurement data to the signals of the reference sensor. So a calibration matrix was derived, which allowed the subsequent calculation of any load distribution with an accuracy of about 1 % of the measurement range.

Figure 5: Demonstrator transducer and sensor without housing

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OutlookThe concept of the planar multi-axial force/torque sensor was developed theoretically and subsequently validated on success-fully calibrated demonstrators. The concept was shown to work with different strain gauge solutions, and by developing automated application process concepts the potential for low cost production was confirmed.

So the concept (patent pending) is ready for implementation, preferably in a joint project with an experienced force sensor company. Suitable electronics and packaging (housing, over-load protection, sealing) have to be developed yet as function of the actual application using established technologies.

Preferably the development will first focus on one concrete application with moderate technical requirements but sufficiently large volumes to make automated production economic. In such an application experience in design and manufacturing can be collected before scaling the concept to a full portfolio of force sensors.

Figure 6: Demonstrator transducer and sensor with housing

CustomerR&D Program: Sensors and Signal Processing Program (A. Andenna) DM RO: Robotics

Contact:Paul Szász Phone: +49 (0) 6203 71 6311 Email: [email protected]

38 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

Most engineering tools in the world are not designed to interact with one another. For them, a seamless data exchange remains unsolved which leads to expensive self-made, time consuming and error prone data exchange solutions. Hence, seamless data exchange between engineering tools is recognized as a key for workflow efficiency. Today, there is no guided data exchange solution available on the market providing support for iterative engineering data exchange in a systematic way. The Collabo-ration Manager addresses this topic and introduces a variety of innovations to overcome this issue. This paper gives an overview about major properties of the Collabo-ration Manager and highlights developed innovations.

Problem descriptionThe background and motivation of this project is derived from the automation engineering workflow which usually comprises the design, implementation, test and commissioning of automation systems. To be competitive on a market with rather low margins, companies strive for efficient engineering processes. An obvious reason for inefficiency is the individual engineering task which needs to be improved towards higher efficiency. This is addressed by refining the engineering tools, but this does not solve a systematic immaturity of the engineering tool chain, the lack of seamless engineering data exchange between tools. The engineering of industrial automation systems and its tasks are accomplished by different technical disciplines.

This requires the co-operation of different people, engineering disciplines, different departments, and different companies, preferring each to use their favorite engineering tool. Never-theless, many engineering tasks base on the results of other engineering tasks. Consequently, with every data exchange the project progress faces a first delay since engineers need time to acquire, analyze, and understand the results of pre-ceding engineering tasks and to transfer data from previous engineering tasks into the own engineering tools. In many cases, data is lost during this procedure: this leads to a second delay with even regress. Projects are delayed, even though the individual tasks are carried out with high efficiency. As more tasks or iterations come in place, as more delay the project may face. Inconsistencies across tools arise continuously and need to be resolved manually. Since most engineering tools are not designed to interact with one another, the today’s state of the art is the exchange of printed lists, diagrams or proprietary Excel sheets or XML files. This looks sufficient for a simple data exchange, but in practice it provides no support for repeated data exchange across a network of engineering tools.

The idea of the Collaboration Manager The Collaboration Manager (CM) concept has been developed to support engineers with a guided data exchange. In addition to exchanging files, the CM provides functionality that a file cannot: change calculation/visualization, history tracking and

Collaboration Manager – innovations in engineering data exchangeDr. Rainer Drath

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versioning. Hence, the CM acts as intermediate software on top of the data exchange file (see Figure 1). The CM is explicitly designed for iterative data exchange between an arbitrary number of engineering tool pairs. An important property of the CM is its simplicity: the data exchange bases on files which are stored on shared folders: either on a common network, or via cloud based solutions as Dropbox, TeamSpace, GDrive or other similar solutions.

CM Workflow Figure 2 illustrates a typical CM workflow: Emily is the owner of PLC engineering data and sends a subset of data to Lisa, a robot engineer, who acts as a data receiver. The CM knows which data has been consumed by Lisa, and it can check and visualize at any time whether both data sets are in sync or not. The power of the CM comes into place in the second iteration: Emily again performs changes and sends a new version of the

Figure 1: CM base concept | Figure 2: CM workflow



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data to Lisa. The CM is able to calculate the differences and to visualize differences and inconsistencies via color codes to both Emily and Lisa.

Innovations behind the Collaboration Manager The heart of the CM is a re-usable software delivering the change management related functionality. It provides a plugin architecture that allows adding importers and exporters for supported engineering tools. By this, the required functionality of exporters/importers has been reduced to a minimum targeting a simplified plugin development. In order to maximize the C’s simplicity, a variety of innovations have been introduced and implemented.

– Innovation 1: simplicity by AutomationML file exchange: The CM bases on simple file exchange. No need of advanced technologies. No complex software architecture. No database. It just requires a shared folder. The file format AutomationML is the basis for all change management, independent from the data provider.

– Innovation 2: management of multiple semantics – the Maturity Level concept: It is common sense in academia and industry, that data exchange only works, if the syntax and semantic of the data is well known to both the exporter and importer software. AutomationML/CAEX as a neutral data format provides a neutral syntax, but no neutral semantic. Hence, a global standardization community works on a semantic world model covering all aspects of engineering. But we have learned that it is not feasible to reach a common engineering data model in one step. The major innovation is that the CM has left this established path. Instead, the CM actively admits and supports the data exchange of proprietary data models together with standard data models within the same AutomationML file. This concept allows pursuing an evolutionary path to reach a semantic standard. We defined 4 maturity levels of this evolution. Maturity level 1 starts with 100% proprietary data. By design, the CM is able to manage non-standardized data models. The major functionality of the CM is independent from any data model: change management, delta calculation, versioning, history tracking. Level 1 allows to immediately starting development of importers and exporters without waiting for any common standard, and at the same time it forms the basis for a step-wise standardization process. Therefore, this concept is immediately introducible in industry for developing exporter and importer software. The imple-mentation in AutomationML is simple and unique – there is no other neutral data format known to the author that provides this functionality. Maturity level 2 introduces first mini-standard-data-models together with proprietary data models. Those standard data models may be local standards and they may comprise very small engineering entities, e.g.

a “digital input signal”. Maturity level 3 is reached once no proprietary data models are left. Maturity level 4 comprises the development of a superior standard across local orga-nizations. CM supports all 4 levels. Out of this project, the maturity level concept has be introduced in AutomationML and is under standardization in IEC 62714 part 1. The concept is published in [1] and [2].

– Innovation 3: the Collaboration Object concept and corresponding SDK: Collaboration Objects are mini-standard-data-models for small engineering entities (e.g. a signal). They form the basis for maturity level 2 and above. Assuming exporters and importers use the same mini-data-models, they immediately can exchange data. The CM project has developed a set of mini data models in AutomationML for a variety of engineering entities and has developed a C# class model representing these models. This C# class model has been developed towards a software development kit (SDK) that significantly simplifies the development of importer and exporter software. Once importer and exporter base on the same SDK, they can immediately exchange data. The concept is published in [3].

– Innovation 4: SDK maker: On top of this, the CM project team developed software that automatically generates the SDK out of the mentioned AutomationML library. Based on an object model provided in AutomationML (e.g. with the AutomationML Editor) the C# class model and SDK is generated. This again simplifies the software development.

– Innovation 5: AutomationML Engine for simple AutomationML access: The CM project significantly contributed to the development of the AutomationML engine - a profound piece of software providing functionality which significantly simplifies developing AutomationML enabled applications. It supports latest AutomationML functionality and is developed by the AutomationML society hand in hand with and according to the AutomationML standard. With the AutomationML Engine, the bottleneck of AutomationML usage is shifted mostly to the engineering tool. The CM project e.g. contributed the automatic proof of AutomationML document against rules defined in the AutomationML standard. The concept is published in [4].

– Innovation 6: the messaging concept: The CM introduced a new way of communication between engineers. We have learned the value of social networks. Instead of sending emails across the team members with questions and hints, messages are directed to data objects. The CM automatically informs the belonging owner. All messages and answers are stored in place, are visible to the team, are re-usable and are not lost in a somebodies private mail box.

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– Innovation 7: the Openness Metric: The CM concept only works if participating engineering tools provide access to their internal engineering data. Most engineering tools advertise openness, but this property is hard to measure due to a lack of methodology. This was the starting point for an university cooperation with the Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, Prof. Fay, professorship for automation technology. The goal of this cooperation was the identifi-cation of openness criteria, a rule set to assess those criteria and the proof of concept by means of a collection of engineering tools. The result of this research cooperation is an Openness Metric, implemented in a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet. The developed metric is unique in the scientific community. It has been discussed with various vendors of engineering tools. Basing on the feedback the metric has constantly been optimized. One major benefit of the metric is to relentlessly reveal existing potentials regarding the openness of engineering tools which was – according to the feedback – very valuable for the tool vendors. The concept is published in [5].

Results & BenefitThe CM provides benefits for different groups: – For the engineer, the CM delivers a transparent way to

exchange data with other engineers offering continuous information about the state of inconsistency between his engineering tool and his receivers. The data exchange is initiated by the engineers themselves – this emphasis the responsibility of the engineers, allows spontaneous data exchange between arbitrary pairs of engineering tools and consequently utilizes the self-organization capabilities of an engineering organization.

– For the project manager, the CM conceptually provides all information about the current state of inconsistency across the overall project, highlighting focal points of inconsistencies.

– For the software developer and hosting organization, the CM delivers means to minimize his effort in importer/exporter development.

Technically, the CM is characterized by a simple software architecture without databases, client-servers or SOA. It is a simple file based approach and just requires access to a common file server, SharePoint or cloud based storage system. Sending AutomationML files is done by a simple file transfer into a known folder. Even offline data exchange is supported via eMail or per USB-Stick. The CM automatically archives all exchanged files and provides compare functionality to observe and visualize the changes. It supports data exchange with change and version management between independent tools that don’t need to know each other and systematically avoids data ownership conflicts and systematically achieves data consistency across engineering tools.

Internal CustomerDivision DM

ContactDr. Rainer Drath Phone: +49 (0) 6203 71 6471 Email: [email protected]

References[1] R. Drath, M. Barth: Beherrschung von Semantikvielfalt mit AutomationML.

In atp 12/2012. Oldenbourg Verlag, 2012.[2] R. Drath, M. Barth: Concept for managing multiple semantics with

AutomationML. In: accepted paper for the proceedings of the ETFA 2012, Krakow.

[3] R. Drath, M. Barth: Concept for interoperability between independent engineering tools of heterogeneous disciplines. In: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Toulouse, September 2011.

[4] R. Drath: Let’s talk AutomationML What is the effort of AutomationML programming? In Proceedings of the “IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), September 2012.

[5] M. Barth, R. Drath, A. Fay, F. Zimmer, K. Eckert: Evaluation of the openness of automation tools for interoperability in engineering tool chains. In Proceedings of the “IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), September 2012.

42 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

A comparision of individual pitch control methods for wind turbine load reduction

Dr. Thomas Weickert, Dr. Thomas Reisinger

Due to the increased sizes of wind turbines, the aerodynamic loads acting on the turbine have become more significant during past years. In particular, the wind speed distribution over the rotor disk is less uniform for larger rotors. These changing aerodynamic loads can excite oscillations of the blades and the tower which decreases the lifetime of the turbine and make wind energy more expensive. It is there-fore very desirable to reduce the non-uniform loads in order to increase the lifetime of the turbine. This is can be done by Individual Pitch Control (IPC), which means that the pitch angle of each blade is controlled individually. This work focuses on the wind shear effect which is one of the main causes for non-uniform loads. A number of different methods for load mitigation are presented and evaluated.

MotivationSignificance of wind energy in power production has increased rapidly during the latest years. Increasing concern about the environment, safety issues related to nuclear power and limited amount of fossil fuels have made the conventional energy sources less attractive. However, more efficient, high production scale wind turbines are also larger, which makes their compo-nents to be bulky and costly in order to be sustainable enough. Therefore, load reduction through intelligent control systems becomes more important. In addition, the energy capture can

be maximized and the range of wind speeds for safe operation can be extended through a modern control of the wind turbines. Most often, the control of conventionally used wind turbines relies on the two control systems: a generator-torque controller and a rotor collective blade-pitch controller. The purpose of the generator-torque control is to maximize power conversion at the low wind speeds, i.e., below rated wind speed, and the collective blade-pitch controller regulates the generator speed at wind speeds above rated by affecting on the aerodynamic torque produced by the blades.

In addition to the general control of the wind turbine operation, pitch control can be used to reduce the cyclic loads on blades and tower. These loads are mainly caused by the wind shear effect. Wind shear is caused by the ground which slows down the wind. This leads to a vertical wind speed profile which is typically faster in greater heights, see Figure 1. The blades run through this non-uniform wind field and are therefore exposed to a cyclic load torque. The cyclic load on the blades does in turn also cause a cyclic load on the nacelle and tower (Figure 1 right hand side). This can significantly reduce the lifetime of the wind turbine components. However, reduction is possible if all blades are pitched individually. The analysis of different methods for Individual Pitch Control (IPC) is the focus of this article.

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Basic Wind Turbine ControlA purpose of the operation of a wind turbine is to produce as much power from the wind energy as possible with the minimum costs. In addition, safe operation of the turbine has to be ensured and the demands of the power quality and acoustic emission standards have to be met. Minimization of the energy costs can be gained by finding a balanced compromise between partial control objectives, which are maximization of energy capture, minimization of mechanical loads and as good power quality as possible.

For achieving these objectives, the wind turbine is controlled in three different regions, refer to Figure 2. In region 1, the wind speed and generator speed is too low to allow an efficient operation of the wind turbine. Therefore the wind turbine is not active and no generator torque is applied. In region 2, the wind speed is between the so called cut-in wind speed and rated wind speed. The objective in this region is to maximize the generated power. This is achieved by keeping the pitch angle constant and controlling the generator torque on a quadratic curve [1]. In region 3, rated power is reached at rated wind speed. The objective is to limit the power to rated power. This is done by keeping the generator torque and generator speed constant at rated values. The generator (or rotor) speed has to be controlled by the blade pitch angle, which will influence

the aerodynamic torque from the wind. This is called Collective Pitch Control because all blades are controlled by the same reference pitch angle.

Load reduction by Individual Pitch ControlDue to the increased sizes of the wind turbines, the loads affecting on them have become more significant and the reduction of them is thus an important control objective in today’s large-scale wind turbines. As mentioned in the first section, a well-known method for load reduction in wind turbines is Individual Pitch Control (IPC), in which the angle of each of the three blades is controlled individually in such a way, that the aerodynamic force is kept constant during a rotation of the rotor. Therefore, the net axial force can be shifted to the center of the hub and the disturbing tilt and yaw moments can be reduced.

The most common approach uses the d-q transformation borrowed from the three-phase electrical machine theory. This leads to a representation of the blade loads in a nacelle-fixed coordinate system. The loads Md and Mq correspond to the tower tilt and yaw torque and can be assumed as independent from each other. Thus, they can be controlled by two indepen-dent gain-scheduled PI controllers. The resulting virtual pitch angles in the d-q coordinates are transformed back to the

Figure 1: Non-uniform wind field and loads | Figure 2: Generator Torque Setpoint

1 2

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original rotor coordinate system. Finally, the individual pitch angle offsets are added to the collective pitch angle, refer to Figure 3.

A simulation result with 13 m/s constant wind speed at hub height for the NREL 5 MW reference turbine [2] is shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5. The cyclic load of the blade bending moments can be significantly reduced by the baseline IPC (blue) compared to CPC (black). This is achieved by a cyclic pitch angle (blue), Figure 4 right-hand side. The using the baseline IPC method can compensate the first harmonic oscillation of the blade loads with respect to the rotor frequency. Thus, the blade loads using baseline IPC comprise the remaining higher harmonics, most prominently the second harmonic (2P). That’s why the baseline IPC blade load is oscillating with twice the frequency of the CPC blade load. Removing the first harmonic on the blade loads corresponds to removing the offset of the tilt and yaw moment on the tower, Figure 5. However, the oscillations on the tower loads which arise from the higher harmonics on the blade loads are not significantly changed.

Higher Harmonics CompensationThere are a lot of methods which try to compensate the higher harmonics of the cyclic load, e.g. van Engelen [3], Bossanyi [4], Haarnoja [5]. However, the method that was found most effective was an extension of the baseline IPC which was published by Cheng et al. [6].

The idea of the extension is to do a second d-q transformation in parallel to the baseline IPC with the same structure as the original one in Figure 3. This second d-q transform however uses twice the actual rotor frequency. By doing so, the second order harmonics are transferred to offset values in the new coordinate system. As in the case of baseline IPC described previously, two independent PI controllers can be used in order to drive the second order load torques to zero. After-wards, an inverse d-q transformation is again needed to compute the additional pitch angle which reduces the second order harmonics of the blade loads.

This reduction is shown in Figure 4 (red line). The resulting frequency is three times the rotor frequency (3P) which shows that the second order harmonics where largely reduced. The change in the pitch angle is quite small (Figure 4, right-hand side). The maximum pitch speed necessary is about the same as for baseline IPC. The impact on the tower torques is very significant however. Figure 5 shows that the first harmonic on the tower loads where almost completely removed.

Feedforward wind shear compensationUtilization of the IPC algorithm described above requires procurement and installation of load sensors which can be expensive. For this reason, load reduction methods that do not require any additional components or installation work would be attractive. Trudnowski and LeMieux [7] have introduced a simple feedforward load reduction method that uses the rotational position of the rotor as a measurement signal. This measurement signal is typically available in the control system of the turbine, so no additional sensors are needed and hence, no additional component costs are caused. Furthermore, this method could be added to the control system by only modify-ing the software remotely and no installation work required. These aspects make this load reduction method attractive and therefore, a controller based on this algorithm was implemented in Simulink and its performance was evaluated by simulations.

The basic approach of the method is to assume that the cyclic loads, i.e. the non-uniform winds, are mainly due to wind shear and gravity effects. The method applies a sinusoidal pitch superposition where the amplitude depends on the wind shear gradient and gravitational forces. The results of this method compared to CPC and baseline IPC is shown in Figure 6 (green lines). The results are of a very similar quality compared to the baseline IPC which uses the actual blade load information. Of course, using the actual blade loads gives a slightly better result. In addition, information about the wind shear profile, e.g. from a met mast, is necessary. If the wind profile hitting the turbine and the measurement from the met tower differ a lot, the compensation will of course be less good. On the

Figure 3: Setup of baseline IPC


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Figure 4: Blade moments and pitch angles for 13 m/s wind speed | Figure 5: Tilt and yaw torque for 13 m/s wind speed | Figure 6: Feedforward wind shear compensation




46 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

other hand, met masts are common in wind farms and so feedforward methods are attractive for upgrading existing turbines because just a software update is necessary without the installation of blade load sensors.

The performance of the feedforward IPC is reduced as the wind speed increases. The amplitude of the oscillations in the blade bending moment is still decreased at the wind speed of 23.7 m/s but significantly less than in the case of IPC based on load sensors. Furthermore, the static component of the tilt moment is decreased but the zero level is not reached with this simple feedforward IPC. The performance of the feed-forward IPC at the high wind speeds can be improved by adapting the gain and the phase of the feedforward control algorithm as the wind speed changes.

Comparison and ResultsDifferent control algorithms for load reduction have been intro-duced and will be compared considering not only the load reduction results but also power consumption. In order to get more a comprehensive view of the performances of the different controllers, relative values of the disturbing moments at the wind speed of 18 m/s are compared in Table 1. Relative amplitudes of the blade and tilt and yaw moments are compared as well as the mean values of the tilt and yaw moments. All IPCs can decrease the amplitude of the blade moment as well as the mean value of the tilt moment significantly. However, performance of the simple feedforward IPC is limited in the case of the yaw moment because the absolute value of the moment is increased significantly. Poor performance of the simple feedforward con-troller at the higher wind speeds is probably due to the fact that the yaw moment at higher wind speed is already negative and the feedforward wind shear compensation algorithm changes the yaw moment into the wrong direction. Hence, the absolute value of the static component of the yaw moment increases.

Furthermore, it is important to note that all IPCs, except the extended IPC (2P reduction), are actually increasing the amplitude of the tilt and yaw moments. However, the increase is rather small compared to the load reduction in the mean values attained by IPC blade loads and gain scheduled feedforward IPC. Despite the poor performance of the other controllers regarding amplitudes of tilt and yaw moments, the extended IPC is able to nearly eliminate the 2P loading from them. Furthermore, the overall performance of this controller seems to be very good.

In addition to the capabilities of the controllers in load reduction, there are also other issues that should be considered before overall conclusions can be drawn. As discussed earlier, pitching of the blades always increases the mechanical stress of the pitch actuators. Furthermore, power usage of the pitch motors is increased which leads to the higher costs of the energy produced by the wind turbines. A rough estimation of the power consumption can be made by assuming that the pitch motor is working only against the moment of inertia of the blade and not considering the forces caused by the rotational motion and the interaction with the wind. The pitching power is then proportional to the product of pitching speed and pitching acceleration [5]. Now, the power consumption of the different methods can be compared, refer to Table 2. It is important to mention that the power consumption of CPC is zero in our experiments due to completely constant wind speed. Hence the methods were compared to the baseline IPC based on blade load sensors. Of course the wind speed affecting on the real wind turbine would never be totally constant due to turbulence and other stochastic variations in the wind. However, because the effects of wind shear on the turbine loading and methods to compensate are in the focus of this study, it is meaningful to use this kind of wind profile.

CPC IPC Blade Loads Simple Feedforward IPC

Gain ScheduledFeedforward IPC

Extended IPC (2P)

Blade Moment Amplitude 100 % 15 % 35 % 19 % 4 %

Tilt Moment Mean Value 100 % 0.2 % 16 % 0.6 % 0.06 %

Tilt Moment Amplitude 100 % 107 % 104 % 105 % 6 %

Yaw Moment Mean Value 100 % 0.2 % 187 % 22 % 0.2 %

Yaw Moment Amplitude 100 % 104 % 104 % 104 % 5 %

Table 1: Performance comparison of Individual Pitch Control methods

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This table together suggests that the relative power consump-tions of the feedforward methods are slightly smaller but it is worth of noting that the load reduction, especially in the case of simple feedforward IPC, is also milder. Furthermore, it seems that when the baseline ICP is extended to include also the 2P blade load reduction algorithm, the power consumption is increased approximately by 44 %. Nevertheless, it can be derived from the table 8.1, that the blade load alleviation is increased 71 % and the tilt and yaw moment are decreased more than 90 % compared to the baseline IPC. Hence, comprehensive considerations are necessary in order to find the optimum compromise between load reduction and the increased power consumption of the pitch motors.

Internal CustomerDiscrete Automation and Motion Power Systems

ContactDr. Thomas Weickert Phone: +49 (0) 6203 71 6017 Email: [email protected]

References[1] Bianchi, F.D., De Battista, H. & Mantz, R.J. “Wind Turbine Control Systems”.

La Plata 2007, Springer[2] Jonkman, J., S. Butterfield, W. Musial, and G. Scott “Definition of a 5-MW

Reference Wind Turbine for Offshore System Development”, NREL Technical Report, 2009

[3] Van Engelen, T.G. “Design Model and Load Reduction Assessment for Multi-rotational Mode Individual Pitch Control (Higher Harmonics Control)”, European Wind Energy Conference 2006, Athens

[4] Bossanyi, E.A. “Further Load Reductions with Individual Pitch Control”. Wind Energy 8 (2005) 4. pp. 481-485

[5] Haarnoja, T. “Smart Control of Wind Power Plant”. Espoo 2011, VTT report, p. 27

[6] Cheng, M., Chen, Z., Zhang, J. & Zhang, Y. “Mitigation of Fatigue Loads Using Individual Pitch Control of Wind Turbines Based on FAST”. 46th International Universities’ Power Engineering Conference, 2011

[7] LeMieux, D. & Trudnowski, D. “Independent Pitch Control using Rotor Position Feedback for Wind Shear and Gravity Fatigue Reduction in a Wind Turbine”. American Control Conference, Anchorage, AK, 2002, pp. 4335-4340

Controller Relative Power Consumption

IPC Blade Loads 1.0

Feedforward IPC 0.81

Gain Scheduled Feedforward IPC 0.97

Extended IPC (2P) 1.44

Table 2: Relative power consumption

48 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

Abstract: There is potential to increase the sharing of software components created within ABB across multiple BUs. This can avoid redundant development efforts and reduce software maintenance costs. Other companies have reported major productivity breakthroughs through systematic software reuse and the creation of software product lines. To work towards systematic reuse inside ABB, the project “Corporate SW Reuse” develops organi-zational guidelines for software sharing, supports concrete reuse cases with technical analyses, and conducts domain analyses to assess software reuse potential.

Problem Description ABB develops several industrial systems that contain software and provides different software tools for engineering, commis-sioning, monitoring, and controlling these systems. In these software tools and systems, functional overlaps are hidden that provide a great potential for reducing software development and maintenance costs inside ABB. In addition, reused software components are usually better tested since they are used in different contexts leading to a higher coverage with test cases and a higher quality. There are more than a dozen control systems, dozens of embedded solutions, and a large number of robotics tools, which exhibit potential to factor out functionally

similar parts. However, the challenge is to identify the functional overlaps that provide the potential for software sharing and reuse across a large corporate organization such as ABB. For single software developers or teams, which have to focus on their daily businesses and customer needs, it is hard or even impossible to know about all other software particularly in other business units that might have functional overlaps. Even when such similar software is known, it remains hard to decide whether it is worth sharing or reusing this software between products.

Other companies have published major success stories for soft-ware reuse across organizational units. For example, Siemens established a software product line for medical imaging across ten business units with more than 400 contributing software developers. Nokia created a software product line for cellphone software, which allowed them to rapidly create many variants of customized products. Hewlett-Packard reduced the soft-ware development costs for their printer drivers by more than 70 percent when they set up their development with systematic software reuse in mind. The experiences of these companies shaped the discipline of software product line engineering, which could help ABB to reduce software development costs.

Corporate Software ReuseDr. Dominik Domis, Dr. Thomas Goldschmidt, Thijmen de Gooijer, Dr. Heiko Koziolek, Dr. Stephan Sehestedt

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Also at ABB several examples of successful software reuse already exist inside and between businesses units, which found their own decision, collaboration, maintenance, and funding models. However, we as Corporate Research believe that the reuse of software can be further increased and systemized by sharing these experiences and successful models inside ABB: A common framework and guidelines are needed for identify-ing functional overlaps, for predicting the return on investment of reusing a software component, and for sharing software between different business units including different licensing and maintenance agreements. This will help to boost systematic reuse and to further reduce the software development and maintenance costs at ABB.

Solution ApproachThe ISS project “Corporate Software Reuse” started as a long-term initiative towards systematic software reuse inside ABB in 2012. The challenge of sharing software development across BUs to save development and maintenance efforts is approached from multiple angles:

– Creation of organizational guidelines: there are no template agreements for software sharing inside ABB. Thus, one direction of the project is to analyze successful reuse cases inside ABB and work out template sharing agreements that can be integrated into the SDIP program.

– Support for short-term reuse cases: there are lots of soft-ware components already available inside ABB, which could be reused by different BUs. Additionally, there are certain units that are currently analyzing the technical feasibility of turning their product-specific components into reusable assets. Thus, the project supports the BUs in these initiatives.

– Systematic reuse through software product line engineer-ing: a systematic approach to shared software development is necessary. The business domain of a particular market segment needs to be analyzed and the potential for reusable, product-independent components needs to be assessed. Thus, the third direction of the project is to conduct domain analyses in selected ABB business areas.

In summary, the challenge of software reuse inside ABB can only be tackled if it is approached from technical and organi-zational perspectives.

Technical AccomplishmentThe project Corporate Software Reuse has created software reuse guidelines and conducted two domain analyses in the area of SCADA/DCS systems and commissioning and monitoring tools. These two accomplishments are described in detail in the following.

Software Reuse GuidelinesThe project team collected a number of existing software sharing agreements inside ABB. These include for example, the IEC61850 libraries, the Common Security Architecture, and the Process Graphics 2 component from 800xA. Based on these reuse cases and state-of-the-art, we have identified five important elements of reuse agreements: license grant, payment, support and maintenance, ownership, and liability.

License grant stipulates the rights the software producer grants to the consumer. Different levels of access can be granted to various artifacts such as binaries, source code, test cases, and documentation. Payment is the second topic and concerns the remuneration the consumer pays to the producer in return for the granted reuse. While businesses take payments for goods or services delivered, it may be surprising to exchange money for software reuse within one corporation. However, within ABB and other corporate companies, all business units have their own budget. Thus, building reusable software does not deliver credit or value unless it is paid for by the consuming units. One possible model is to collect royalties on each sale of the consumer’s product containing the producer’s software and to have a fixed price for basic maintenance of the software and to receive updates.

For maintenance and support, the parties have to agree what level of support and maintenance is provided by the producer and what responsibilities the consumer has. Legal ownership is always with the business unit’s corporation, but there is the need to regulate the roadmap for the software’s development by clearly articulating who can influence strategic decisions. Processes for administration of agreements are stipulated, but how the agreement is enforced may be varied upon to some extent.

Figure 1: 800xA’s Process Graphic 2 (PG2) is a reusable asset

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Finally, the software licensor has legally binding obligations, especially in the context of claims for intellectual property violations, damages, and injury. One example option is to put all liability claims about malfunctioning end-customer products with the software reuse customer that sold the product con-taining the producer’s software.

The resulting report is distributable inside ABB but not legal-proof. It rather provides a guideline for setting up software reuse agreements. As a proof-of-concept, we have created a new software sharing agreement and organizational setup for a particular shared software component inside ABB.

Domain Analysis SCADA/DCS systemsBesides the software reuse guidelines, the project team also investigated the potential for software reuse in the domain of ABB SCADA/DCS systems. The project team followed a methodology provided by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) and created a generic list of features in SCADA/DCS systems. The goal was then to technically analyze existing SCADA/DCS products for their support of these features and potential for future software sharing. This included a software architecture perspective of the products to assess the technical feasibility of the reuse cases.

In 2012, the project team interviewed the software architects of different SCADA/DCS products for one day each. The interviews clarified the feature support for generic SCADA/DCS features in the products with technical details. It included reconstructing the high-level architectures of the products together with the architects in a common notation based on the ‘Fundamental Modeling Concepts’ methodology for example used by SAP. This allowed assessing the compatibility and technologies of different components that implement similar functionality.

The interviews also allowed evaluating the organizational readiness for software development with systematic reuse in mind. Many units apply opportunistic or ad-hoc reuse, i.e., they are looking for components that are available in ABB and they reuse them if the component fulfills their functional and non-functional requirements. However, this kind of reuse is often difficult or not possible because the components are not devel-oped for being reuse in other systems or contexts. “Developing for reuse”, i.e., considering variability explicitly, requires more effort in the development of the single component, but usually saves more effort if the component is reused more than two times. So, systematic reuse can further decrease development and maintenance costs.

Overall, the domain analysis confirmed a potential for higher code sharing in ABB’s SCADA/DCS products. Nevertheless, the architectures of the products and the used technologies greatly vary from BU to BU. It is not economical and not desirable to abandon existing products, but for new develop-ments and overlaps in the roadmaps of the different BUs, a joint collaboration with shared software components is desirable. The domain analysis conducted in this project is a first step towards this direction.

Domain Analysis Commissioning and Monitoring ToolsThe domain analysis methodology used for analyzing the SCADA/DCS system was also used for evaluating the reuse potential of a set of commissioning and monitoring tools. The analysis considered two families, each consisting of around 10 tools, and four individual tools. The tools have been devel-oped over time by different groups of people including external developers and have been owned by different organizational units. Today, they are owned by the same BU, which has recognized the large functional overlap between the tools and

Figure 2: Reconstructed SCADA/DCS architecture for the domain analysis in FMC

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is looking for ways to reduce the maintenance cost of the tools by merging and sharing functions.

For assessing the reuse potential, we interviewed four developers and project managers. We investigated the purpose of the tools as well as functionality, architecture, technology, documentation, relevant standards, reuse potential, future trends, and develop-ment process. For assessing the functional overlap, we build up a feature map, which shows for each tool or family which of the more than 300 identified features it supports. We have also used the ‘Fundamental Modeling Concepts’ for describing and comparing the architecture of the tools.

As result of the interviews, we have identified three concrete reuse scenarios and pointed out a set of domains (groups of features) that could be shared between the tools. The reuse scenarios have been agreed with the BU and describe a reus-able component as well as how it can be shared between the tools. For each reuse scenario, we have provided a business case calculation that shows the return on investment that can be achieved by implementing the scenario. The results of the domain analysis are used by the BU for planning the future development of the tools.

ABB BenefitSystematic software reuse avoids redundant software devel-opment and maintenance costs. Generic software only needs to be developed once. BU- or customer-specific extensions shall be plugged in on demand. Shared software also lowers maintenance costs as there is no need to supply bug fixes for similar functionality multiple times. Reused software is poten-tially of higher quality since it is tested in more contexts and thus made more robust. If a software platform with generic functionality is available, developers can focus on the devel-opment of specialized functionality that creates the biggest customer-value. The time-to-market can be shortened if a development effort does not start from scratch but can reuse generic parts. This can be a significant competitive advantage.

Internal CustomersProcess Automation Division, BU Control Technologies Power Systems Division, BU Power Generation Power Systems Division, BU Substations

ContactDr. Heiko Koziolek Phone: +49 (0) 6203 71 2138 Email: [email protected]

Figure 3: Example Feature Map – Shows the features aggregated into subdomains and domains as well as the products that support a feature. The feature map is used to identify domains with high reuse potential, i.e., large functional overlap, which could be shared between the products.

52 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

Software-based Redundancy – Transparently Increasing the Reliability of Control Systems

Dr. Thomas Gamer, Dr. Stephan Sehestedt, Dr. Carlos Bilich

Automation control systems often must be highly available and reliable. Thus, control systems have to provide redun-dancy for their critical parts in order to be fault tolerant. In the following, we focus mainly on the controller, i.e., the entity of a control system that executes the actual control applications. In this context, fault tolerance means to pro-vide redundancy for the critical applications or programs respectively. Thus, critical control applications are executed on at least two different controllers since the typical error model assumes that a failure results in the entire controller being unavailable. This makes communication and synchronization between the controllers a requirement.

Problem Description Due to high plant downtime costs and decreasing hardware costs, especially the advent of affordable multicore CPUs in embedded systems, redundancy today is expected to be a commodity of a control system. Moreover, redundancy should be inexpensive, highly flexible, transparent, and easy to use for the application developer. These requirements are often not fulfilled by available high-performance, proprietary redun-dancy solutions, which are typically built on special-purpose hardware. Instead, software-based redundancy could achieve long-term sustainability by offering high flexibility without the need for expensive, special-purpose hardware. It is important

to notice that software based redundancy still requires redundant execution units, i.e. hardware, even though the redundancy management is completely done in software. This is due to the error model assuming the failure of an entire controller. Still, it is important to keep transparency and performance in mind when designing a software-based redundancy solution. The main goal of the described research work therefore was showing the feasibility to efficiently and transparently integrate software-based redundancy into an automation controller.

Technical ApproachAs a part of the research project, various software-based redundancy patterns, e.g., N-modular redundancy or standby redundancy have been identified, and the design space was modeled. Then, a suitable pattern was selected for further investigation. For this pattern, a detailed design was modeled, and finally a prototype showing the feasibility of software-based redundancy was implemented.

Various redundancy patterns are described in the literature. N-modular redundancy, for instance, uses multiple replicas that are executed in parallel. In addition, a voter is required. All replicas feed their outputs into the voter that takes the final decision which output to write. Such a pattern offers zero failover time as well as implicit error detection. It requires at

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least three controllers in order to tolerate a single failure. Another pattern is standby redundancy which needs at least two controllers to provide fault tolerance for a single failure. One replica takes the role of the active that actually writes the outputs. It also is responsible for synchronizing the standby replicas. In summary, the identified redundancy patterns differ in many aspects, e.g., the time required for a failover, the complexity of the pattern, the need for time or data synchroni-zation, or whether the pattern offers implicit error detection.

As there are different domains and scenarios where different redundancy patterns might be suited best, we modeled the design space for software-based redundancy patterns in general in a first step. The elements of design that make up the design space can be used as guiding principles to actually design a redundancy pattern for a specific context. The top level of the design space model is shown in Figure 1a. Important aspects to be considered during redundancy design are, e.g., state synchronization, the switchover process, supervision, or performance metrics.

Based on the modeled design space, we analyzed the identified redundancy patterns regarding their suitability for control systems. For the purpose of this research, we identified standby redundancy to be suitable and thus used it for our investigations. This redundancy pattern comes in three flavors: cold, warm, and hot standby redundancy. These flavors mainly differ in their failover time and complexity to be synchronized. For the research project, we decided to have a detailed investigation

of warm standby redundancy as it offers a good trade-off between failover time and synchronization complexity. This redundancy pattern utilizes an active and a standby replica. The active replica actually reads the inputs, executes the control application, and writes the outputs. The standby replica is not executed. Instead, it periodically receives the entire application state from the active replica and stores it as a checkpoint. In case of a failure, the checkpoint is written and the standby replica takes over the application execution from the last checkpoint.

Having decided to investigate warm standby, we created a more detailed design showing how to integrate the redundancy pattern into an automation controller. Therefore, we analyzed the characteristics of an existing automation controller, the AC 800M controller, and subsequently added warm standby redundancy to the UML design model. The benefits of using UML for the modeling is two-fold: first, we can directly extend the already existing model of the controller; second, having the software-based redundancy modeled in UML enables us to use standardized tools. In addition, it possibly simplifies code generation and thus, actual implementation in a later phase.

Figure 1b shows the resulting model for warm standby redun-dancy integration. As can be seen in the figure, we assumed that future processing modules in the controller might provide multi-core capabilities. Thus, we modeled our redundancy pattern to use two cores for achieving an efficient state

Figure 1: a) Elements of design for software-based redundancy on the top level of the design space. b) Activity diagram showing the application execution in the active replica.

1a 1b

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synchronization that has minimal impact on the execution of an application. Thereby, one core runs the actual application execution component and the other provides the redundancy management. The left part of activity diagram shows the sequential steps that are executed by core 1 as part of the application execution: after the component has been called, the inputs are read (copy-in). Then, the first state synchronization is performed by copying the input data into a memory region shared by both cores, i.e., a checkpoint is created. The actual transmission of this checkpoint then is triggered, e.g., by an interrupt. While the first core continues with execution of the application and writing of the outputs (copy-out), the second core takes the interrupt and processes, encodes, and sends the checkpoint to the standby replica in parallel. After copy-out of the application execution, another checkpoint is created now containing the internal state and the output data. In summary, state synchronization is split into two parts and the actual redundancy management is transferred to another core, which

can do the work in parallel to the application execution. The usage of shared memory and elastic queues allows the redundancy manager to perform replication at its own pace independent of the application. Hence, redundancy is trans-parent and clearly decoupled from application execution.

The design model shown in Figure 1b is only one possibility how to implement and deploy warm standby redundancy in an automation controller. Of course, during controller development there is not a single one-shot modeling that immediately shows the final solution. Typically, multiple alternative designs have to be modeled and iteratively refined. Finally, a decision has to be made about which design matches the requirements best and should be implemented. As a result we defined a new process for modeling alternative designs, documenting the differences and decision-relevant characteristics, and importantly docu-menting the decisions inside a UML tool1. This supports the developers in the decision making process.

2a 2b

Figure 2: a) The active replica (top window) executes a program. The standby replica (bottom window) receives checkpoints to update its state. b) The active replica fails and the standby replica takes over and continues execution of the program.

1 For this, results of other research projects such as FDI or RAISE could be reused as a good starting point.

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Furthermore, a prototype of warm standby redundancy with two replicas has been implemented. This prototype implements a design alternative that is based on a single core controller only. This however does not pose a limitation since the main goal of the prototype is to show the feasibility of software-based redundancy and to take the last step of the design process. The prototype is implemented within the AC800M’s code base. It can be executed using the SoftController, which is an effective test environment running on a standard desktop computer.

During normal program execution, a redundancy manager takes care of copying the current state of the program on the active replica and sending it to the standby replica. On the standby replica, the redundancy manager receives the state data and processes it accordingly. That is, it queues the checkpoint data and writes the data to the program’s memory when ready. Moreover, it observes the health of the active replica by a heartbeat mechanism and takes over if the active replica fails.

Using the standard engineering tool Control Builder, a program can be created and downloaded to both SoftControllers. This program is then executed redundantly with one of the SoftControllers being the active replica actually executing the program.

Figure 2a illustrates a simple test application in which a counter is incremented in every cycle of the program. During normal operation, the standby replica (bottom) is updated with the current checkpoint of the active replica (top). In Figure 2b, the active replica (top) fails and the standby replica (bottom) becomes active. Hence, the standby replica changes its role to being the active replica.

Customer and ABB BenefitWith software-based redundancy management, redundancy patterns can be more easily exchanged to adapt to future requirements. Only the software is affected by such a change, and therefore, no exchange of controllers is required. This does not only increase the flexibility for customers, e.g., to apply application-specific redundancy, but also the reuse potential of the solution across ABB. Moreover, software-based redundancy enables cost savings by getting rid of special purpose hardware. Such an easier-to-implement solution would find more widespread use and thus help ABB to match increasing competition. Finally, implementing redundancy management in software might render a very flexible licensing model possible. This increases customer freedom of choice and enables ABB to deliver customer-centric solutions using the same controller hardware. Thus, by using software-based redundancy, both the customer and ABB cannot only achieve the benefits of redundancy itself – increased reliability and availability – but also increased flexibility and sustainability of the solution.

Customer / Internal CustomerDivision: Process Automation BU: Control Technologies

ContactDr. Thomas Gamer Phone: +49 (0) 6203 71 6024 Email: [email protected]

56 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

Enhanced IEC61850 engineering – Better engineering quality in less time

Pablo Rodríguez Carrión, Dr. Lars Libuda, Georg Gutermuth

With the IEC 61850 standard being embraced by the IEC and ANSI communities, the Substation Automation sector is finally united in order to give a technical solution world-wide providing common Substation semantics, object model and communication protocols (MMS, GOOSE). This enables interoperability between products of any manufacturer and allows our customers to freely combine products without compromising price or performance. The integration of a heterogeneous substation comprised of IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Devices) in the 61850 network into a supervising control system requires that existing engineering tools adapt their interfaces and methods to support this integration efficiently. The task of the “Enhanced IEC 61850 Engineering” project was to identify aspects with high improvement potential and to propose solutions to boost the engineering efficiency in Substation configu-ration and integration into control systems 800xA and Symphony+.

Problem descriptionIn order to exchange engineering data between engineering tools, IED manufacturers, and system integrators and to provide interoperability of distributed substation automation systems, IEC 61850 has defined an XML based substation configuration language (SCL) containing: IED Capability

Description (ICD), System Specification Description (SSD), System Configuration Description (SCD) and Configured IED Description (CID). SCL might contain among others (not all data is mandatory) the Single Line Diagram (SLD), including a substation’s primary equipment, Communication Structure (Servers, Clients, switches, networks, IEDs, etc.), Functional Structure of IEDs (Logical nodes, Logical Devices and the data flow between them) and the allocation of Logical Nodes of IEDs to primary equipment in the SLD. This results in a consistent definition of a complete substation.

The IEC 61850 standard solved many issues but it only gives a weak idea how the engineering tools must support the engineering process and opened many challenging dilemmas. In Process Automation it is not required to create a definition of the functional structure in order to be able to communicate with other devices, typically the engineering tools provide mechanisms for signal resolution (signal name, source, sinks) and finally the configuration is deployed in the automation devices (e.g. Controllers, FF devices). In opposite (see Figure 1), to configure an IEC 61850 network correctly, it is necessary to preconfigure the IEDs with the corresponding Logical Nodes according to the Hardware and protection functions and map them to the primary equipment. Once an IED is included in the SCD, it is possible to carry out the communication engineering

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by publishing or subscribing IEDs to Datasets. Afterwards the SCD is updated and must be imported in the IED engineering tool to finally download the communication and protection functions to the respective IEDs. When all the above configu-ration steps have been carried out, it is possible to upload the substation configuration in 800xA/Symphony+, configure the IEC 61850 OPC server and generate the process graphics.

The standard IEC 61850 engineering is complex, time consuming and requires expert knowledge in device and system configu-ration in order to configure correctly a substation. The CRC project contributed to in a cross-divisional environment in order to improve the overall IEC 61850 engineering performance.

ApproachThe approach of the project consisted of the following steps:

1. Analysis and visualization of the engineering tools and workflows used by different international BUs with todays tools for IEC 61850 engineering and integration into control systems.

2. Identification of aspects with high improvement potential in engineering tools and workflows with respect to engineering efficiency

3. Development of an improved engineering and integration approach and workflow including derivation of corresponding requirements for the engineering tools

4. Development of a detailed engineering guideline for training purposes

5. Realization of an IEC 61850 demonstrator to compare the current workflow with the new developed workflow for the purpose of creating a performance metric

6. Specification of a Process & Power Integration Verification Center to ensure sustainability of the results

Figure 1: Simplified ICE 61850 Engineering workflow

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The results of all the above steps were thoroughly discussed, refined and agreed within two international workshops on Engineering Enhancements and Knowledge Exchange with ABB IEC 61850 experts (Figure 2).

Especially the proposed new engineering approach was con-sidered good by engineering specialists from involved industry BUs PAMI, PAOG, PAPP and PSPG. The derived tool require-ments where doublechecked and handed over to the relevant product BUs PACT, PSNM and PPMV for implementation. As the implementation is currently ongoing, the new workflow is not yet completely realizable.

Another important output of the workshops was the decision to document the process of IEC 61850 engineering and integration in an engineering guideline using ABB’s engineering tools. This guideline contains the workflow for IEC 61850 engineering and integration along with best practices and possible pitfalls for ABB and 3rd party protection relays. This is intended to serve engineers new to this topic to shorten their learning process.

To get more hands on experience for the above mentioned engineering guidelines and to develop a metric to compare the efficiency of engineering workflows for IEC 61850 engineering and integration, a demonstrator was set up in cooperation with ATG in Mannheim. During engineering of this demonstrator, the engineering guidelines were documented in parallel. The

metric’s purpose is to quantify the current engineering effort and show the real benefit of the new engineering approach and workflow. First results estimate an effort saving of up to 50% compared to the currently used engineering workflow as shown in Figure 3.

A nice side effect of the demonstrator development is a new exhibit in the ABB Automation Forum in Ladenburg showing Electrical Integration based on IEC 61850 comprising of ABB’s latest control and protection relays, System 800xA, and even a (hidden) 3rd party control and protection relay. This exhibit features live interactive scenarios which can be easily operated and reset. So it is also useful for sales and marketing purposes

As technology, tools, and methods change over time an entity is required which keeps the proposed engineering approach and workflow along with the engineering guidelines up to date. For this purpose a specification for a so called Process & Power Integration Verification Center was written. The task of this center is to test integration of different IEDs into System 800xA and document this engineering process in the guidelines, thus keeping them up to date. So this center relieves project engineers from integration experiments in delivery projects as they frequently occur today, collects the knowledge centrally and deploys it to all engineers requiring this knowledge. Over time, a whole catalogue of “Factory Tested” solutions will arise, from which all industry BUs can benefit.

Figure 2: IEC 61850 Engineering Workshop participants from ABB engineering, products, sales and research.

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Figure 3: Measurements showed that good guidelines, as well as improved workflows each bear a potential of 50% time savings for a part of the overall engineering.

Results & Benefit – Analysis of the Engineering tools and workflows that helped

to identify white spots that activated fruitful discussions between Engineering teams and Product Management and triggered changes in product features.

– New engineering approach developed, verified and secured in four patents by ABB.

– Engineering guidelines and adaptable metrics for the real effort to engineer an IEC61850 application and positive results of 50% reduction compared to current workflows when the new approach is in place.

– Collection of requirements and specification for a Process & Power Integration Verification center with focus on integration of IEC 61850 into 800xA.

– A new IEC 61850 Demonstrator for Electrical Integration is displayed in Automation Forum, Ladenburg (Figure 4).


ContactPablo Rodríguez Carrión Phone: +49 (0) 6203 71 6022 Email: [email protected]

Figure 4: IEC61850 Demonstrator in Automation Forum, Ladenburg

60 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

Model-based development for an energy-autonomous temperature sensor

Dr. Jörg Gebhardt, Dr. Kai König

Guidelines for a modern model-based risk management in complex product developments are identified. On this basis, a typical multi-parameter model validation is presented, for the example of an energy-autonomous temperature sensor. As a result, the accuracy of the thermal model of the sensor allows reliable predictions of design-dependent device performance.

1. Introduction Model-based development is defined in this article as a devel-opment method, where, as far as possible and feasible, models and abstractions of a current product designs are used, rather than physical demonstrators. It should be noted that the term used here is not identical with the “model-based development” in software engineering.

The concept is quite obvious and has generally accepted advantages [1]. In particular, regarding the tools for implemen-tation (simulation and optimization software, experimental testing methods), there is a continuous and significant progress in terms of efficiency and user friendliness. Examples include recent developments in multi-domain simulation software.

In this situation, it is worth to note some principles or guidelines to procedures and cooperation. They are important to finally

realize measurable increases in concepts efficiency in product development with model-based development.

In this article, at first a number of such guidelines, as well as a basic excellence model, are proposed. After that, a typical model-validation work package is presented. It is taken from model-based product development of an energy-autonomous sensor, where the close connection between simulation and experiment can be illustrated.

2. Guidelines for model-based developmentMain objectives of model-based development are the efficiency of the development process and a structured, comprehensive risk management in complex projects.

For model-based development project management, it is useful to formulate guiding principles [2] and to discuss them intensively in the project teams. They can, for example, be chronologically arranged along the project’s time line.

At project start, models should be as simple as possible in their structure and have only moderate computation times. This is not in contradiction but complementary to the well-known principle that major risks should be considered and modeled as early as possible in the project.

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It should also be discussed early, what methods for modeling should be used. Experience has shown that the corresponding discussions also contribute much to the clarification of the technical challenges of the project. The close temporal relation-ship between performance criteria definition and modeling concept is illustrated in Figure 1.

With increasing sophistication, the models can be used more and more as the knowledge base for the project, as well as a starting point for product data and product lifecycle manage-ment. In this context, good model-based development is characterized by definite (often written) agreements on team rules and change management. Virtual prototypes can be used primarily to detect and to avoid so-called “known unknowns”, i.e. known risks to be excluded in the course of the project. The goal should be to capture as many of these risks in abstract models. Often, it is worth to work intensively on the accuracy of the model. It opens up the possibility to equip the product model with quantitative predictive power. If the latter is achieved, there is a chance for a strong acceleration of the development process.

At this point, in general, an experimental model validation must be carried out, e.g. to identify and fix not exactly known parameters of the model, or to exclude “unknown unknowns”, i.e. risks of product usage, which are not known a priori. Consequently, the model should be as close as possible to the product to be developed. A major challenge is often the treatment of risks which occur only at the system level. It must be discussed from case to case which effort is justified to include partial models, e.g. from structure-mechanics, electromagnetics or control theory into an overall model.

Usually one will opt for a flexible approach, coupling only such models across domain boundaries, which are expected to induce special effects through the corresponding interaction.

The use of optimization tools is possible on the component or individual domain´s as well as on the system level. Desirable, and to some extent important for risk minimization, is the definition of target functions that have a tight, at least well-understood connection to the ultimate customer benefit of the device. This is the main reason why the model ideally should have strong predictive power, up to predicting the overall performance of the device under consideration. In this sense, one can identify levels of excellence for model-based developing, as shown in Figure 2.

The first stage of this excellence model can be considered as reached if a good understanding of the system components is given, documented in part models, which are flexibly created with methods tailored to the respective branch. One may speak of a significant further progress when the product models are used extensively for communication and documentation, e.g by introduction of a common design data base and coupled models. A further qualitative leap in project efficiency is achieved when optimizations are performed using models at system level.

3. Energy-autonomous temperature transmitterAs an application example we consider a self-powered wireless temperature sensor for applications in process industries ([5], [6]). Requirements for sensors in the process industry include a long lifetime of sometimes more than 10 years with minimal maintenance and availability over wide temperature ranges.


Figure 1: The V-Modell as known from software engineering, applied to model-based development in mechatronics and sensor technology Figure 2: Steps of excellence for model-based development

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An obstacle to the widespread use of wireless devices in this area is the additional maintenance and reduced robustness, which would be a consequence of the finite lifetime of batteries.

Local production of energy needed to operate a wireless unit, using light, vibrations or temperature gradients (“Energy harvesting”), offers an essentially inexhaustible alternative. In

many processes, a temperature difference between hot medium and environment is necessary or inevitable and thus reliably available (as opposed, e.g., to mostly unwanted vibrations or day time light). Therefore, energy from temperature gradients used with the help of thermoelectric generators is especially attractive.

3 4


Figure 3: The autonomous temperature instrument and the setup of the thermal finite element model. The latter consists of a variety of components, whose thermal interaction is not known in detail. | Figure 4: Schematic view of the thermal model. Input and measured temperatures are highlighted blue, the system parameters to be identified are given in red. | Figure 5: Optimization workflow, built with the optimization software modeFRONTIER

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3.1 ChallengesHowever, the thermoelectric power generation is particularly demanding regarding the mechanical design of the instrument: For maximum energy yield, and thus the greatest possible range of use, the product of heat flow and temperature gradi-ent on the heat generators needs to be maximized. This means maximizing the heat resistors parallel to the heat gen-erators and reduction of thermal resistances which couple the heat generators to the hot and cold reservoirs (process and environment). At the same time, mechanical stress, which may arise through different thermal expansion coefficients of dif-ferent materials in construction, must be limited over the entire temperature ranges of process media and environment. Other-wise, heat generators can be destroyed by excessive pressure, or the double-sided thermal contact to them can be torn off.

These requirements make the autonomous temperature instru-ment a challenging example of model-based development. Among other things, it should be determined as precisely as possible what thermal situation is caused in the device for given outer boundary conditions. A combined approach of experiments and simulations is chosen to do this. With respect to the scheme in Figure 1 we consider a model validation on the level of a large subsystem of the device.

3.2 System and ModelingThe entire device as shown in Figure 2 is considered, where, in this study, the external casing pipe has been removed for technical reasons (to allow placement of temperature sensors) in experiment as well as in the calculations.

The basic structure of such a thermal model is state of the art. However, calculation results depend on relevant system parameters which are often not known sufficiently precisely. Contact resistances at joints and conductivity of materials are important examples. A schematic view of the thermal interactions in the device is given in Figure 3.

The thermal strain measurements have been carried out in a climate chamber. The latter created a reproducible environment temperature of about 23°C, while by a controlled heating process input temperatures of 40°C, 60°C and 80°C were coupled in and also gradually released. At six points of the structure, as indicated in Figure 4, the temperatures T1 to T6 were recorded as functions of time (fig. 7). In parallel, a finite element model was created, with estimated values for the parameters in Figure 4 or with those taken from the literature.

In this raw form, however, the model is not yet usable. It produces temperature deviations of approximately 10°C as compared to the experiment. This is about an order of magnitude too much. For the estimation of energy extraction, namely, local differences in temperature must be determined, with a completely wrong result when there are such errors in absolute temperature.

Manual model tuning to experimental data is no reasonable method to analyze the multi-dimensional parameter space and to fit the experimental data. Therefore, the thermal finite element model has been coupled with an optimization tool to investigate the parameter space systematically and automatically, to correlate the results with input data, to visualize them and to enable an efficient parameter identification.

An optimization workflow was created, with the help of the software package modeFRONTIER, as shown in Figure 5.

The seven parameters are inserted into the ABAQUS simulation routine by a scriptfile. Their values are defined first by a standard-design-of-experiment method (uniform latin hypercube) and subsequently by the downhill simplex algorithm ([3], [4]). The finite element calculation in this workflow is a thermal steady-state procedure, in our case for the process temperature 60°C. Results are given in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Scatter plot of the input parameters and of the weight function to be minimized; shown are (top half matrix) for each two parameters the projection of the calculated designs onto the corresponding coordinate plane as well as (lower half matrix) the corresponding Pearson correlation [3], which detects if linear correlations exist bewtween the variables.

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3.3 ResultsScatter plots are used to determine value accumulation points, parameter convergence and correlations during the model optimization. Optimizations of this kind usually first are carried out semi-automatically. In the beginning, the scanning of the parameter and solution spaces helps to understand the problem and to answer questions of existence and uniqueness. Successively a suitable set of parameters is determined, using prior knowledge, mathematical and physical considerations of the problem structure as well as experimental details and known error limits.

After the parameter identification, the calculated temperatures (fine lines in Figure 7) match with the experimentally measured temperatures (wide lines) up to 1-2 K, in the case of transient thermal loading as well as for other static thermal loads. From the accuracy of this model follows: The power supply of the device can now reliably be predicted from design data. As a positive side effect, critical system parameters have been found out and consequences for production engineering could be drawn.

4. Summary and conclusion To develop a model in addition to the real device, leads to a deepened understanding of the internal behavior. Based on the results above, e.g., a maximization of energy production through the heat generators, as a function of design changes, can be carried out to a great extent and with high reliability using the virtual demonstrator. So, the corresponding project and design results can be accomplished with much less physical demonstrators.

The model-based development also provides, through sensi-tivity analyses which are easy to set up or which are produced naturally in the design process, important data for manufac-turing tolerances, robustness and cost efficiency of the design and reliability of the product. So, it increases the customer benefit in many ways.

Internal customersDivision: Process Automation Business Unit: Measurement Products

ContactDr. Jörg Gebhardt Phone: +49 (0) 6203 71 6473 Email: [email protected]

References [1] Boucher, M.; Houlihan, D.: System Design: New Product Development for

Mechatronics. Aberdeen Group Report. (2008) [2] Soetebier, S. et al.: Development Methodology: Framework, Examples,

Actions. ABB-Internal Report. (2011) [3] modeFRONTIER 4 - User Manual, Esteco s.r.l. (2011) [4] Nelder, J. A.; Mead, R.: A simplex method for function minimization.

Computer Journal 7: 308–313. (1965)[5] Ulrich, M., Nenninger, P., Nurnus, J.: Energieautarker drahtloser Temperatur-

transmitter. Automatisierungstechnische Praxis (atp Edition) 16. (2011)[6] Ulrich, M., König, K., Kaul, H., Nenninger, P.: Autonomous wireless sensors

for process instrumentation. GMA / ITG – Fachtagung: Sensoren und Messsysteme 2012. (2012)

Figure 7: Measured temperature curves for the test in the climatic chamber (wide lines), as well as simulation results (fine lines)

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 65

Multi-Domain Virtual Prototypes – System level modeling and simulation of Industrial Devices

Francisco Mendoza, Dr. Joris Pascal (CHCRC Baden Dättwil), Dr. Philipp Nenninger

Simulation based techniques are widely used for the design, verification and tests of embedded systems for industrial devices. Various domain-specific modeling languages and simulation tools are available for this purpose. However, these tools focus on specific aspects of a design, such as hardware, software or physical plant models, thereby making it very difficult to predict the behavior of full systems. This paper presents a co-simulation framework that brings some of these tools and their models together for the generation of multi-domain virtual prototypes. Multi-domain virtual prototypes can be used for the identification and resolution of design problems before hardware prototypes and experimental setups are available. This article also demonstrates the capabilities of multi-domain virtual proto-typing in an industrial case study for the verification of a novel Rogowski Current Coil Transducer (RCCT) electronic front end architecture and its online auto-calibration software algorithm.

1. IntroductionVirtual prototyping stands for the development of hardware and software components of embedded systems without the use of real hardware prototypes. It relies on system level simulation

models of embedded system that can execute production-level software code. Multi-domain virtual prototypes are an extension to the virtual prototyping technologies described above. They are capable of simulating the behavior of embedded systems together with physical models from different domains, e.g. electrical, mechanical, optical, thermal, etc. This is especially useful for the design of industrial devices since embedded systems are used to interact with physical processes. This paper investigates how such simulation technologies can be applied to improve the way in which we approach the design of embedded systems for industrial devices.

Multi-domain virtual prototypes provide a virtual environment in which embedded system developers can test the behavior of full system and evaluate the impact that different design decisions may have on it. Such insights can afterwards guide the construction of hardware prototypes and experimental setups. This has a twofold benefit: it helps accelerate the embedded software development process since software development can start as soon as the first virtual prototype is available, and it helps reduce the number of hardware redesign cycles since design flaws can be identified and corrected before any prototypes are constructed.

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2. Simulation frameworkFrom a model-based perspective, multi-domain virtual proto-types are hybrid systems [1] whose behavior is described by continuous and discrete dynamics. Simulating their behavior requires continuous-time (CT) simulators for continuous dynamics and discrete-event (DE) simulators for discrete dynamics.

Figure 1 shows the structure of our simulation framework. It makes it possible to simulate virtual prototypes of embedded systems made up of various hardware and software components together with physical models. Its simulation engine is shown

in Figure 2 and relies in the coupled execution of various DE and CT simulators. This coupling is done using efficient DE/CT co-simulation schemes implemented in a SystemC backplane. The DE simulation tools supported are OVP and SystemC. OVP is an emulation tool for various microcontroller architectures of IP vendors such as ARM, Renesas, Xilinx, etc. SystemC is a popular system level discrete-event simulator used in the elec-tronic design automation area. The CT simulators supported are MATLAB Simulink and the VHDL-AMS simulator SMASH. Further simulation tools can be supported as long as they communicate with the SystemC backplane.

Figure 1: Simulation Framework | Figure 2: Simulation Engine | Figure 3: Modeling abstraction layers and their application according to the V-Model

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3. Design and verification methodologyThe key aspect of any model-based design approach is finding the right modeling language and abstraction in order to solve particular design challenges. Figure 3 shows the main abstraction layers for constructing multi-domain virtual prototypes and the design stages, according to the V-Model, in which they can be used. The digital domain contains models of embedded system components such as microcontrollers, buses, memories, AD and DA converters, interrupt controllers and other common peripherals. They are constructed using SystemC and OVP models. The physical domain contains models of analog front-ends (AFE) from embedded systems, such as passive and active electronic components, and physical plant models coming from different domains. They are constructed using MATLAB Simulink and VHLD-AMS models. All these models and their native simulators can be seamlessly coupled by our simulation framework in order to obtain the behavior of full systems.

Layers A, B and C from Figure 3 correspond to incremental refinements on the structure and behavior of a multi-domain virtual prototype. The verification goals for each layer are different and depend on the development stage. This is shown in the V-Model, which relates the abstraction layers A, B and

C of a virtual prototype to the design stage where they are more useful. The design must not necessary follow a top-down approach. Therefore, embedded system developers are also free to implement any of these layers independently and scale them according to particular design challenges or verification goals.

4. Case Study: Rogowski Current Coil TransducerRogowski Coil Current Transducers (RCCT) are current sensors used in medium voltage and power distribution systems. ABB recently developed a new concept for an electronic front end architecture for RCCT sensors that enables online self-calibra-tion [2]. It is a novel design that allows higher accuracy than conventional solutions and at a lower cost.

A multi-domain virtual prototype was used to verify the function-ality of the new RCCT electronics and its control algorithm. Most of the models used were available from earlier project stages since they were used to verify particular aspects of the design. Our simulation framework was able to bring them together in order to perform early system integration tests. Figure 4 shows an overview of the simulation tools and the models involved in this process.

Figure 4: Virtual prototype of the RCCT electronics and its embedded controller

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Figure 5: Simulation traces for measured and corrected RCCT signals

Virtual prototyping made it possible for us to optimize parameters from physical models and to improve the embedded software control algorithm. Design problems were also identified and corrected during this process. These problems were mainly found inside the embedded software. They were caused by misinterpretations from different team members regarding the implementation of the original design specifications. Figure 5 shows the results from one of the simulation runs. The upper graph shows the data received from the RCCT electronic front end. The embedded software algorithm executing inside the microcontroller emulator synchronously demodulates the signal received from the RCCT electronic front end, detects any drifts that it may have and corrects it on run-time. The corrected signal is displayed in the lower graph of Figure 5 and corre-sponds to a calibrated and error-free measurement signal from an RCCT current sensor.

An FPGA based platform was developed in parallel to the work presented in this article. Both platforms, virtual and real, used the same embedded software, with the exception of some hardware-dependent drivers. The results were encouraging since both platforms were functionally equivalent. This validates the correctness of our simulation models and the importance of performing multi-domain simulations for verification purposes.

5. ConclusionsVirtual prototyping can help avoid typical design problems by providing a common simulation framework where all team members can share and test their models together. This can help detect and correct errors before they propagate into further design stages, where the cost of solving them increases. Virtual prototyping will eventually help improve the communication between embedded software developers, hardware developers and physicist, thereby improving the quality of our designs, accelerating times-to-market and decreasing development costs.

Internal CustomerAll the listed contributions where sponsored by the “Sensors and Signal Processing” R&D Program of ABB.

ContactFrancisco Mendoza Phone: +49 (0) 6203 71 6215 Email: [email protected]

References[1] M. Branicky, “Introduction to Hybrid Systems,” in Handbook of Networked

and Embedded Control Systems, D. Hristu-Varsakelis and W. Levine, Eds. Birkhäuser Boston, 2005, pp. 91–116.

[2] J. Pascal, R. Bloch, S. Isler, and L. Georges, “Electronic Front End for Rogowski Coil Current Transducers with Online Accuracy Self Monitoring,” in IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2012.

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 69

ADiWa – Installed Base DynamicsDr. Zied M. Ouertani, Dr. Marco Ulrich

To satisfy the needs of our service businesses as well as our customers, we have developed an application that allows dynamic management of service operations, taking full advantage of the Internet of Things. This application has been developed as part of the publicly-funded project ADiWa – a consortium composed of 16 academic and industrial partners with the aim to develop a set of tools to dynamically plan, manage and perform complex business processes.

The developed application – hereafter referred to as ADiWa – integrates several ABB’s information systems. The main output of ADiWa is to improve the service delivery through dynamically managing the service operations based on the installed base information and real-time data collected from the specific equipment installed at customer site. The aim is to provide new ways of offering valued-added services to customers that are increasingly looking for more than a simple corrective or predictive maintenance.

Problem descriptionToday’s customers are operating in a very dynamic and uncertain environment keeping up with new law and regulation compliance and economic downturn. Moreover, customers’ sites and facilities are changing over time due to the ageing equipment, appearance of new failure modes, different operation modes, and/or overhaul and replacement of the installed base. None-theless, those customers want their facilities to operate at a peak performance, and are looking for innovative service offerings moving beyond basic corrective maintenance. They recognize that the future lies on leveraging the potential of the vast amount of data collected from their installed base. The Internet of Things (IoT) revolution is indeed already under way, where any real-world ‘things’ will have more and more infor-

mation associated with them, and are beginning to sense, communicate, and produce new information, becoming an integral part of the Internet and thus globally discovered and queried. The potential added value of services that enabled by the IoT is therefore growing exponentially. This potential is however held back by the poor availability of data from ‘things’, fragmentation and poorly understood business models.

The ADiWa application is an instrument to provide our customers with IoT-enabled service, shifting from corrective to proactive service offerings. Consider for example the scenario where a service technician who happens to be at the customer site for a routine inspection could also make informed decisions about: (i) predicting future failures of all installed equipment, (ii) explaining the possible consequences of undelivered main-tenance, (iii) replacing a device that happens to fail during that visit, or (iv) delivering of maintenance or repairs on devices which was not originally planned for the specific service action because he was asked to do this by the customer on site. Currently, it is reported for example in the Marine Service Centre Hamburg, that during approximately 30% of on-ship service jobs, the customer asks for additional work on board.

Solution ApproachADiWa supports ABB service business improving the perfor-mance of their service delivery by dynamically managing the service operations. ADiWa provides ABB service workforce with better handling of service operations, by communicating the right information, in the right time to the right person. The ADiWa application proposes a new software infrastructure that integrates several heterogeneous IT-systems and -functions, as well as real-time data collected from the equipment installed at customer sites or facilities.

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For this purpose, the DECRC team developed, in collaboration with our pilot partner ABB Marine Service Hamburg, an Inte-grated Modular Information Monitor (IM²) that acts as a platform to support the marine service delivery. This drag and drop platform consists of different easy-to-use widgets to auto-matically provide modular business information. A simplified view of IM² is illustrated in Figure 1.

At a technical level, the IM² platform integrates the different ABB information systems and data sources. The ABB Marine Service Center in Hamburg is the first contact point whenever a customer has a request or an issue with an ABB product installed on board. ABB provides a variety of products to the marine industry, ranging from Alarm Monitoring, Diesel Engine Control, Control System, Speed and Torque Measurement to Drives, Switchgears, Power Management System and Protection. One of the most advanced products is the Azipod propulsion drive, which is becoming a popular in marine industry. An Azipod is a pod housing the propulsion motor and fed by a generator/converter unit on board of the vessel. This type of hybrid thruster needs many electrical components such as generators, transformers, drives motor, and switchgears. All of these components are subject to maintenance throughout their individual life cycles.

At a business level, the platform provides business information and insights to support decision makers. The service business is divided in on-call-, regular- , spares, and commissioning. In Hamburg, there are several field engineers responsible for directly serving the customers, and their activities are managed by two “on call coordinators”.

In order to do so, the DECRC team has defined the process of service delivery at ABB Marine Service, which is mainly

composed of 4 phases (cf. Figure 2), namely as: (1) Triggering event, (2) Ship identification, (3) Issue identification, and (4) Service orchestration.

Technical AccomplishmentABB’s DriveMonitorTM is an intelligent monitoring and diag-nostics system which allows real-time access to the drive. This device is at the heart of the service agreements with our customers whereby ABB offer a guaranteed peak performance and high availability of installed base, as well as good quality of service. Today’s status-quo is that such agreements are based on reactive processes. That is when a message is sent by the DriveMonitorTM to ABB Marine Service Centre, a person has to retrieve all relevant information related to that message, as well as to plan for what needs to be done in order to over-come the reported problem. Following from that, an action plan is devised and executed to support the customer. Figure 3 provides an overview of the information flow.

In ADiWa, the message sent from the DriveMonitorTM acts as the trigger event. The DriveMonitorTM sends a message about a malfunction, an alarm, or a failure to the ABB Marine Centre mailbox. The message asks for an engineer to take care of the customer’s Installed Base. It contains the following information:

– Name of the ship and Identification number (i.e. IMO) – Owner of the ship – Standardized DriveMonitorTM error message – Location of the ship (in some cases)

The Marine Centre Messaging System is then considered as the first modular widget for ADiWa, where the details of the request are displayed as illustrated in Figure 4.

Figure 1: The IM² platform to enable ADiWa | Figure 2: The service delivery process supported by ADiWa | Figure 3: Information flow governed by DriveMonitorTM

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Based on this set of information, the On-Call-Coordinator proceeds with planning the service request. First, an incident is created. Additional information, such as event lists, alarm lists or system-data, are then collected from the remote service centre platform - NextNine™ - to technically investigate the service request. Figure 5 illustrates the widget “Incidents”. This widget contains the information on the incident ID, when has the incident been created, the ship name and the status of the incident.

In order to effectively plan the service operations, it is important that the On-Call-Coordinator proceeds with the identification of the ship, the owner and the operator in order to comply with regulations and service agreements. This set of information is contained in ServIS. A “ship” widget is therefore used to extract the relevant information from ServIS and display it to the On-Call-Coordinator.

Once the ship owner and operator are identified and the service agreement verified, one of the critical tasks of the On-Call-Coordinator is to make sure that the service is optimally

delivered to the customer. Key questions that should be answered are therefore:

– What other products are installed on board of the ship? – What is the life cycle status of these products? – What maintenance tasks were previously performed on

this ship? – What maintenance tasks are planned for this ship?

As it could be easily seen, answering these questions is not a trivial task. The On-Call-Coordinator has to connect to several information systems to retrieve the relevant information, and then start planning the service delivery. Relying only on the installed base and service history is not sufficient to derive the additional maintenance tasks on board of a ship. One key piece of information is still missing, namely as: the maintenance schedule for each equipment installed on board of the ship. For this purpose, the ADiWa application provides the On-Call-Coordinator with two additional widgets. First, the “Installed products list” widget (cf. Figure 7), where a list of products installed in the investigated ship is automatically identified

4 5

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Figure 4: The “Inbox” widget | Figure 5: The “Incidents” widget | Figure 6: The “Ship” widget | Figure 7: The “Installed products list” widget

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based on the ship information. ABB standardized Product IDs and Product Names are then displayed to the On-Call-Coordi-nator in one drag and drop click. Furthermore, the widget gives the opportunity to the user to look at detailed description of the identified products.

Second, the widget “Tasks” (cf. Figure 8) illustrates the list of tasks that has been executed and are planned to be carried out on the ship. This valuable information provides the On-Call-Coordinator with insights on what might have been done wrong in the past, as well as on how to orchestrate the future service operations. This is critical for the Marine Service Centre as not only are they able to optimize the future service opera-tions, but also help continuous improvement of the service delivery, ensuring an optimal customer relationship.

Customer and ABB Internal BenefitThrough its Integrated Modular Information Monitor, ADiWa proposes a drag and drop platform to improve service delivery. This platform provides a single interface to its users where different ABB and external data sources are integrated. The benefits of ADiWa are fourfold:

– To support optimizing service execution: by bringing the right information to the right person in the right time, the On-Call-Coordinator is able to orchestrate the service delivery.

– To streamline the service delivery process: by providing a unique interface to the On-Call-Coordinator, allowing him to make effective use of his time and focus on the critical issues.

– To grow the service business: by identifying opportunities to the On-Call-Coordinator to expand the service delivered to the customers.

– To strengthen the customer relationship: by enabling Marine Service Centre to offer its customers value-based services.


Figure 8: The “Tasks” widget

CustomersMarine Service Center Hamburg (Martin Schiefer)

ContactDr. Zied M. Ouertani Phone: +49 (0) 6203 71 6041 Email: [email protected]

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 73

Coping with Long-Term Migration Challenges of Controller Applications

Dr. Markus Aleksy, Marcel Dix, Dr. Benjamin Klöpper

The discrepancy between increasingly short life-cycles of third party hardware and software components used in embedded controller products, and the relatively long intended lifetimes of customer applications developed for these platforms, makes the migration of these applications an important issue for platform developers. Due to the heterogeneity of the platform infrastructure and complex dependencies between its hardware and software compo-nents, application migration is a major challenge and often implies the re-development of parts of the customer application. Platform developers therefore seek long-term migration approaches that better protect the customer’s investment into his applications, as well as reduce the developer’s own migration cost.

Problem DescriptionIndustrial customer applications from areas such as industrial automation, process control, power electronics and robotics have a very long life-time up to 30 years or even more. One central component of such products is often an industrial controller, which generally consists of a specific hardware configuration (controller and I/O), and platform software on top of which domain and even customer specific applications are executed. Such controller products are typically built on 3rd party software and hardware components, such as micro-controllers, FPGAs (field-programmable gate array), DSPs (digital signal processors), real-time operating systems (RTOS), application libraries and development tools. And due to the increasingly short innovation cycles of these underlying 3rd party components, it is often not possible to provide the iden-tical hardware and software configuration over the complete life-time of the customer applications.

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This problem is illustrated in Figure 1. Initially, a customer specific control application is developed based on the customer require-ments. With each new generation of the embedded controller a new execution environment with, e.g. a new CPU, new operating system or new dedicated hardware (FPGAs, DSPs) may be introduced. Thus, in situations where an old controller has to be replaced by a next generation (e.g. as spare part or due to a refurbishment) application migrations become neces-sary to port the customer’s application to the new execution environment.

To better protect the customer’s long-term investment into his applications, technical concepts are needed for improving the migration process to newer controller platforms, which is the scope of this study.

Solution ConceptIn this study, a technical analysis has been carried out providing several recommendations to ABB controller product development management how different technical solutions to migration could be considered in their controller products, and thereby how the migratability of their current and future controller product generations could be improved. In our study various types of approaches to the migration challenge were considered. Some of them can be used as alternatives while others may be combined in a supplementary way.

For each migration approach in-depth technical information required to start working on the specific migration approach is provided. The study distinguishes two fundamental types of solution approaches to the long term migration problem:

1. Applications can be developed in such a way, that they can be easier migrated (e.g. making better use of a model-driven development approach); or

2. The controller platform itself can be modified in order to become more migration-friendly (e.g. by using alternative operating systems, or by making use of real-time virtual-ization).

For developing and validating the suggested approaches to migration, two specific ABB controller products from two different ABB divisions have been used as examples, and a third controller product from one additional ABB division was used as reference. The case studies of these three controllers have shown, that similar migration challenges typically exist: For example, all controllers studied made use of special hardware such as an FPGA besides a microcontroller running application parts that are subject to migration. Therefore, the aim of the migration study is to offer solutions which are generic enough to be applicable not only to the three reference controllers but also to other controller products in ABB.

Figure 1: The long-term migration challenge of long-lived controller applications | Figure 2: Example classification of migration approach to switch to an open source RTOS | Figure 3: Example classification of model-driven development (MDD) to enhance application migratability


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Approaches to MigrationFor evaluating the different approaches, several selection criteria are defined:

– Flexibility: Does the migration approach constraint future design decisions? For instance, does the approach enable the change of the CPU architecture (e.g. from PowerPC to ARM), operating system, and tool chain? Does the approach also support changes in the product architecture (e.g. introducing FPGA for execution of controller code)

– Focus: Which parts of the embedded real-time application can be migrated by the approach? Software developed to run on a CPU or realized on a FPGA or DSP?

– Effort: How much effort has to be taken to follow the approach? Can it be purchased like a COTS (commercial of the shelf) component, or are internal or hired development resources required and to what extend?

– Change Type: How does the application of the migration approach influence the current product development process? Is it a big-bang approach, where huge efforts have to be taken within a single product generation, or can the approach be introduced step-wise in an evolutionary fashion?

Each migration approach under study was classified based on these criteria, in order to provide our recommendation for or against a migration approach, as shown in the following example classifications of the two approaches to switch to an open source RTOS (Figure 2), as well as making better use of model-driven development (Figure 3).

It becomes clear that there is no one single solution to all long-term migration challenges; but the solution to be selected depends, e.g. on the strategy of the business unit whether it targets a big-bang or rather evolutionary product change type, or on the required effort that this BU wants to invest. Hence, the study can be used as a reference to look up: what is the right technical recommendation for the given business scenario.

One possible approach is switching from the current RTOS used to an open source RTOS. Free RTOS offer two possible and correlated advantages compared to commercial RTOS: Availability of the source code and in many cases design for portability. In combination, these two advantages give the possibility to manage the porting of the operating systems to new hardware platforms autonomously and without depen-dency to a software vendor.

A different technology that provides a possible solution to migration is Real-Time Java. Java could be easily thought out as probable approach to the problem because of its cross-platform benefits. In comparison with conventional embedded coding languages like C or Assembly, Java gets the platform independency benefits from two special features: Platform-independent byte-code as execution code, and high-level abstraction of programming APIs (application programming interfaces) independent from underlying platforms. Figure 4 illustrates an example how Real-Time Java can be used to easily migrate an application from a PowerPC running Linux to an x86-based board running VxWorks.

Figure 4: Migration scenario with Real-Time Java (here: using JamaicaVM as virtualization technology)


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A third migration approach that can be presented here considers special controller hardware such as FPGAs. One major problem in porting application logic from one FPGA platform to another one lies in the so-called IP-cores. IP-cores provide functionality by hardware layouts which are predefined and provided by the FPGA vendor (or 3rd parties). Consequently, the clue in developing portable logic on FPGA is in avoiding IP cores and providing stable interfaces by using wrappers. A wrapper, simply put, is a piece of code that abstracts the use of another piece of code, or a piece of RTL (register transfer level) code that contains an item to be implemented in the FPGA. Thus, a wrapper can be used to provide a stable and application specific interface to a vendor specific IP core.

These are just three examples of the different solution approaches to migration that have been analyzed in this study and that can be recommended to embedded system developers along with decision criteria for each approach, as shown in figure 2 and 3.

Customer and ABB Internal BenefitThe approaches described above to long-term migration challenges of embedded controller applications offer the fol-lowing advantages:

The benefit for the customer clearly is to better protect his investment into his applications. Customer applications typically require a major investment into engineering and certification that the customer wants to protect as far as possible when migrations become technically necessary.

The rational for ABB is to optimize internal effort for carrying out migrations by reducing the amount of application re-development required in migration projects. Secondly, to assure a smooth migration path especially at disruptive technology changes and thereby assuring the link to the existing installed base.

CustomersABB Power Electronics and MV Drives ABB Grid Systems

ContactMarcel Dix Phone: +49 (0) 6203 71 6247 Email: [email protected]

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Coupled simulations in circuit breaker design: On the way to more detailed, less time-consuming and modular multiphysics models with high reusability

Dr. Christian Simonidis

SummarySimulation coupling also known as co-simulation is a method for coupling of two or more computational physical models at solver runtime, which in particular exposes suitable for creating large multiphysics models.

The situation today in multiphysics modeling can be shortly summarized. If one intends to create a model involving coupled physical effects there is more or less the choice between three different approaches. First approach: derive all differential equations of the system, program and solve it in a language-based tool. Second approach: use a simulation environment based on a lumped modeling discretizing the system to ordinary differential equations (ODE) with predefined physical model elements. Third approach: Use a multiphysics claiming finite element simulation environment with predefined physical model elements solving partial differential equations (PDE). All three approaches go along with dedicated software packages usually historically grown on specific physical domains and problems and many software producers extend their packages to multi-physics capabilities claiming to solve most coupled physical problems in best manner.

Usually a simulation expert brings in-depth knowledge in his physical domain and experience in associated software. Now-

adays requirements of a computational model are to correctly implement the physics with low modeling effort, to solve it in affordable time and to achieve reuse of the code through future experts.

Therefore, co-simulation is of particular interest in multiphysics simulation. It enables experts to separately create their partici-pating physical submodel in dedicated software. Then, these submodels can be modularly coupled together through a mathematically funded method allowing for parallel solving of submodels predicting the behavior of the overall system. Thereby some disadvantages of the above mentioned approaches can be overcome, e.g. limited description of diffusional effects with ODE, vast simulation time with PDE packages, and one naturally obtains a modular system with reusable submodels.

Within DECRC/A1 the mechanically transient 3d electro- magneto-mechanism behavior is currently of interest, which is an example of combined diffusional and large motion effects. Co-simulation routines have been developed to realize coupled electro-magneto-mechanical simulations for the Thomson-coil Ultrafast Disconnector Drive of the newly developed hybrid HVDC breaker as well as for coil-driven medium-voltage reclosers.

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Co-simulationMultiphysics models predict the interaction between cross-domain physical effects. Therefore, co-simulation is a method for coupling of submodels created in different software packages. Each of the subsystems makes use of its own numerical solver. It is the task of the coupling approach to realize the communi-cation between both subsystem-solvers and to synchronize the data exchange in a numerically stable manner.

In general a subsystem-solver includes numerical features such as adaptive step size control, stabilization techniques and pro-jection methods. Most commercial software packages provide access to the state variables of the sub-model through an application programming interface but they do not allow for reinitialization of system states and, thus, a repetition of one numerical step is not possible. Therefore, co-simulation methods are commonly based on explicit approaches.

Synchronization of involved subsystem-solvers is accomplished at discrete macro time instances. The coupling routines are responsible for computation of extrapolated values of the coupling variables between the macro-steps if requested by a subsystem-solver.

The explicit Jacobi-type co-simulation scheme with a fixed macro-step size of H = Tn - Tn-1 = Tn+1 - Tn fits the requirements for electro-magneto-mechanical simulations and allows for running the solving process of the subsystems in parallel. At macro-time step Tn the current states of the coupling variables are submitted from both subsystem-solvers to the coupling routine and the solvers simultaneously start and run the next step. While processing the macro-step Tn to Tn+1 the coupling variables are extrapolated through Lagrange-Polynomials. When reaching of macro-step Tn+1 the coupling variables are communicated again to the co-simulation routine in order to update the extrapolation scheme and the next macro-step will be started. Subsystem-solvers usually do not run at same speeds. The faster solver waits until the next macro-step starts. Hence, the total simulation time is dominated by the slowest sub-simulation therefore, the overall simulation time is usually faster than solving one large model including all physical effects at once. Figure 1 visualizes the Jacobi-scheme with extrapolated values for one macro-step.

The communication of the co-simulation approach is realized through TCP-IP protocol which permits a kind of built in waiting scheme for faster subsystem-solvers and the computation of sub-models on different computers and allows for the computa-tion of sub-systems on different computers. The convergence of a co-simulation can be approved in a numerical way through comparison to a reference solution with a very low macro-step.

Physical modeling of coil-driven circuit breakersDiffusion effects of magnetic fields in time are represented by partial differential equations and they can be implemented and solved through a finite element model. The finite element simulation requires solving of the Maxwell equations for time-varying and static low-frequency magnetic fields and induced eddy currents. If ferromagnetic material is involved, the non-linear behavior requires additional description by their B-H curve. The differential equation system (Ampere’s law) has to be solved also in the air and space of the actuator model region is surrounded by a suited air box area. Maxwell stress tensor method is applied in order to calculate the Lorentz-force acting on the mechanical system. The multibody model incorporates rigid bodies connected with either constraining joints or viscoelastic elements computing the response to the input of Lorentz-force.

Two examples of applicationApplication of co-simulation has been proven successful for the electro-magneto-mechanical simulations of the Thomson-coil Ultrafast Disconnector Drive of the newly developed hybrid HVDC breaker as well as of the coil-driven medium-voltage recloser.

Figure 1: Jacobi-Type co-simulation scheme with fixed macro-step size (H = Tn - Tn-1 = Tn+1 - Tn) and linear extrapolation of coupling variables (p = 1).

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The principle of Thomson-Coil is to discharge a capacitor into an electrical coil inducing eddy-currents into an aluminium plate, which leads to a repelling Lorentz-force between coil and plate actuating the mechanism connected to the plate.

In contrast coil-actuated medium-voltage reclosers operate with a permanent magnet generating the holding force in open and closed position whereas the closing process is initiated by discharge of a capacitor into the coil, which increases the magnetic field strength of the permanent magnet through the stator and the “on” armature. When the actuator is closed, capacitor discharge into the coil with the opposite direction of currents lowers the permanent magnetic field and the opening is supported by the preloaded spring package.

Internal CustomerPower Products, PPHV, PPMV

ContactDr. Christian Simonidis Phone: +49 (0) 6203 71 6105 Email: [email protected]

Figure 2 left: Scheme of an electro-magnetically actuated MV recloser. Right: Scheme of Thomson-Coil

80 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

Laser-Doppler vibrometer: High precision measurements in circuit breaker design and service

Dr. Christian Simonidis, Dr. Markus Schneider, Dr. Gregor Stengel

SummaryThe laser-Doppler vibrometer (LV) is a precision optical trans-ducer used for determining vibration velocity and displacement at a fixed point. Its contactless laser-technology is based on the Doppler-effect enabling recording of high speed movements and oscillations up to MHz-range with high precision phase curve and amplitude. DECRC applies LV measurements within experimental analysis of circuit breakers and other switches to gather information of their motion behavior excited through accelerations and impacts during operation.

Laser-Doppler vibrometer for high velocitiesDECRC recently updated its scanning vibrometer with a position decoder including the latest generation of digital decoders. Initially the device was acquired for the surface analysis of part normal modes and, besides velocity measurements up to

10m/s, it now allows for high precision position measurements within analysis of movement. Further a single point interferometer based on new infrared laser technology was acquired for high speed applications up to 24m/s. Both devices are capable for position and velocity resolutions in nanometer range. The contactless procedure allows for measurements from safe distances, e.g. application in high voltage, strong electromag-netic fields, high temperature and explosion hazard. Many experimental setups related to circuit breakers are difficult to access with measuring procedures other than LV, which even allow for redirection of the laser beam into very small sub-structures with mirrors. The infrared-light based technology has been proven to measure on almost any surface, either polluted or corroded with a very low sensitivity to speckle patterns. Being equipped with the latest generation of digital velocity and position decoders a signal smoothing or filtering

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is not required anymore and the signal is almost delay free capturing impacts in movements by a sharp change in velocity. Built-in video cameras allow for visual control of the target point. Both systems can be setup within a few minutes and extensive calibration is not required. The infrared system is lightweight and easily transportable. The scanning LV allows for the analysis of structural vibrations, measurement of natural modes and operational vibrations on the basis of interactively defined and measured grid points on the surface and, thus, provides access to structural dynamics and vibro-acoustics.

Physical basicsThe advantage of laser light in measurements is based on its specific properties, such as coherence (ability of interference through constant temporal and regional phase relationship), monochrome light (consisting only of one or few limited wave lengths), low divergence of laser beam (parallel light beams with a low angle of beam spread) enabling above mentioned high precision features. The quantities to be measured are position, velocity and acceleration gained from the known frequency of the laser beam, which is modulated through the movement of the object under test, and analyzed by interferom-etry. DECRC’s LVs measure both, velocity and displacement as true signals without inter- or extrapolation and recorded separately. Therefore the Doppler-frequency is transformed into a voltage proportional velocity signal whereas the counts of the bright-dark fringes on the detector determine the voltage proportional position signal.

Comparison to other measurement technologiesThe analysis of motion may be accomplished with different measurement technologies, which have different capabilities in complexity, cost, time to setup, objectives and sometimes even have competitive purpose. Accelerometers are in contact with the object and measure absolute acceleration of the target with respect to earth gravity quite precisely through a seismic mass. Setup and calibration process can be costly and velocity and position requires to be numerically computed with possible drifting effects. Potentiometers belong to the contacting measurement procedures and transform a linear position into a voltage signal utilizing position-depending electrical resistance. Calibration time is high, cost is low and accuracy is medium. The final output signal is relative position between the two parts the potentiometer is mounted and velocity and acceleration need to be extrapolated with all disadvantages involved through computational derivation and filtering. Wear reduces its life-time and accuracy. A laser triangulation sensor uses contactless laser technology. In contrast to LV the reflecting laser-light is usually captured by a CCD-chip with certain dimensions located on a known distance beside the laser source. From

the position change captures by the CCD and the angular displacement, the distance to the target is computed. This procedure works only in a defined distance range, it is advan-tageous for continuous distance measurement in time as it does not drift and measures position only with medium accuracy compared to LV especially at high frequencies. High speed cameras are capable of recording a full image section and therefore capture bunch of measurement points within the 2d surface orthogonal to the camera beam. Today’s systems are capable of recording around 20-100 pictures per ms with meaningful resolution and give great visual insight for the observer. Within image post-processing markers and pixels can be tracked and position trajectories of different target points with respect to camera location can be obtained at once. Setup time is medium, a huge amount of additional light is required, post-processing time is vast and equipment cost is high.

The LV measures displacement and velocity contactless in direction of the laser beam. Setup time is very quick, equipment cost is huge, precision is very high and the signals are recorded with respect to the lab coordinate system, thus, the LV location. Compared to the above mentioned systems no one can really compete with the precision of the position measurements of the LV, which in contrast is not capable for long time measure-ments. The position signal requires reset before measurement as speckles may disturb counting of the bright-dark fringes on the detector causing drift. The authors experience is that the output signals can be directly used to evaluate computational model without additional filtering. Measurements can be per-formed even in drill-holes, which can hardly be accomplished using triangulation due to the offset of the CCD and its limited range.

Summarizing the LV acquires high precision signals with respect to lab reference in a contactless way, position and velocity are direct measurement quantities, application is best for short time measurements, setup time and post-processing is very quick, but it is one of the more expensive technologies in purchase.

Application in analysis of circuit breaker DECRC’s laser-vibrometer was used for the newly developed hybrid HVDC breaker to measure fast moving contact parts at Oerlikon ABB High Voltage and Mechanical Laboratory. The measurements worked satisfactorily in SF6 filled enclosure where the laser was directed through a view port and, there-fore, position and velocity could be obtained rather precisely identifying even structural movements of parts in the kinematic chain.

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Figure 1: Single high speed measurement of position and velocity showing capability to identify small structural vibrations

The figure 1 provides an example of experimental recording of position and velocity through LV. Although no filter was applied the curves are smooth. Especially the velocity curve allows for identification of oscillations in higher frequency range visualizing structural vibrations.

Another application of DECRC’s LV is in design and optimization of MV circuit breakers, where the analysis of high frequency contact bounce is of importance. The calibration of computa-tional physical models to experimental data now becomes much easier through precisely capturing the oscillations of the target driving the adaption of model topology towards higher detail. Future life-time test experiments using climatic chamber and robustness analysis now come to the fore due to the con-tactless and reliably repeatable recording capability with low stray.

Internal CustomerPower Products, PPHV, PPMV

ContactDr. Christian Simonidis Phone: +49 (0) 6203 71 6105 Email: [email protected]

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EU Project Papyrus – A performance-oriented approach for Plant Asset Management for large-scale systems

Dr. Jan Schlake, Dr. Moncef Chioua, Dr. Susanne Schmitt, Werner Schmidt, Matteo Biondi, Dr. Guido Sand

Abstract: Together with ABB Oy, Stora Enso and other EU project partner the Corporate Center team developed methods for data-based root cause isolation for large-scale systems. The approach allows reducing the complexity of the PAM (Plant Asset Management) problem at the plant-wide level. It starts with the detection of the occurrence of an abnormal situation affecting the plant KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) level by analysis of signals from routine process operations. The criticality of this event is evaluated by quantifying its effect with respect to the end product quality predefined warning limits. A two stage root cause analysis using limited information about the process structure and based on signals collected from routine process operations allows tracing back the asset causing the detected KPI degradation. Finally, a diagnosis of the isolated asset is performed. The underlying assumption of the present work is that the high level plant KPIs are either available measurements or can be directly inferred from available measurement without the requirement for a modeling step.

Keywords: EU Project, Papyrus, Plant Asset Performance Management, Control Loop Monitoring, CPMplus historian, Failure Detection and Isolation

IntroductionThe drive across the world towards increased productivity and compliance to new regulations on energy efficiency and reduction of CO2 emissions is a strong incentive for operating existing processes in a novel, smart and coherent manner. One promising approach towards this target is the integration of the control and operation of processes, auxiliaries, rotating machinery and electrical equipment. This in turn, requires new approaches to asset management, and equipment automation, and maintenance able to cope with large sets of assets. A new generation of automation systems for intelligent computer-based control and operation are therefore needed to enable engineers and operators to manage the installed assets under stringent economical and ecological polices.

Recent improvements made on the availability and reliability of online quality analyzers for several continuous and batch industrial processes enabled significant development of areas related to production management including process online monitoring tools and advisory systems for operators. For instance, it is now possible to measure the melt flow index in a polypropylene production process, the freeness of the pulp produced in a thermo-mechanical refiner or the thickness of paper produced in a paper machine online and in real time.

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Such measurements are useful to operators in making decisions about the adjustments required by the end product specifications. In the Papyrus project this information is used for enhancing of the performance of plant-wide process online monitoring tools.

EU Project PapyrusPapyrus (Plug And PlaY monitoring and control aRchitecture for optimization of large scale production processeS) is a small or medium-scale focused research project (STREP). The 2.5-year project is a collaboration between four companies ABB AG (Germany), ABB Oy (Finland), Stora Enso (Finland), Predict (France) and three universities Université de Lorraine (France), University Duisburg-Essen (Germany) and AALTO University (Finland).

In the Papyrus project a generic methodology for Plant Asset Management (PAM) in large-scale systems is developed. The resulting system is able to increase the availability, the reliability and the performance of process industries via an active man-agement of all plant assets. All components, control loops, sub-sections etc. can be interpreted as plant assets contrib-uting to the overall plant performance with an impact on the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). If such a KPI is connected to the revenue of the process, it is also a Plant Performance Indicator (PPI), see Figure 1.

In Papyrus, methods for a PAM system are developed for large-scale systems. Since these systems are too complex for monitoring methods based on first principles modeling, alternative approaches are therefore required to link the PPI to the plant components. How to integrate the structure into the PAM concept and to exploit them for FDD for large-scale

systems is one of the key objectives. Each component failure is affecting the KPI/PPI in a different way. Only if the impact of a given corrective action is known a decision on which actions should be taken in order to counter the KPI/PPI degradation, see Figure 2.

The requirements for the developed PAM system are: – The ability to automate and systematize the current

industrial practice in the area of industrial process asset management

– No first principles modeling required – Limited required process knowledge – Ease of configuration – Scalability – Deployability – Usability, clarity and visualization

Major ResultsWithin the Papyrus project, several methods for data-based root cause isolation, failure detection and isolation, KPI- Prediction and corrective action suggestion were developed by the different project partners. All this methods fit into the developed methodology of a top-down approach for failure detection, root cause isolation, root cause diagnosis and corrective action suggestion depicted in Figure 3.

For testing and implementation at the pilot site, CPMplus technology development set up a CPMplus historian which replicated all process data (>7000 data points every 10 seconds) from the pilot site historian to another historian located in Helsinki. All project partners were granted remote access to this replicated historian, see Figure 4.

Figure 1: Traditional approach to plant-wide PAM: every single asset monitor influence is aggregated and the impact on the plant performance is evaluated. Figure 2: The propossed top-down methodology for large-scale system is used to isolate the root cause for PPI degradations.

1 2

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Data-based top-down approach to isolate and diagnose the faulty asset having a high impact on the plant performance

One way to reduce the size of the analyzed datasets is to rely heavily on expert’s process knowledge and to use this knowledge to restrain the analysis on those tags that are considered “critical” according to the process experts’ knowledge. The drawbacks of such an approach are twofold. First, manually selecting the proper set of measurements to be included in the analysis can be a tedious and time consuming task requiring deep process knowledge. Second, an inherent risk is to exclude from the analysis measurements that are actually impacting the KPI. Therefore, there is a strong need for the development of systematic methods and tools that are able to deal with the large amount of data with minimal amount of process knowledge and to integrate the information generated by single asset monitors. The complexity of the plant-wide asset management problem arises mainly from two factors: the large number of assets to be monitored and the large number of possible asset faults. To cope with the latter the strategy chosen here is to limit the range of asset to be monitored to the ones with an impact on the plant KPIs.

To cope with the former factor, a data-based method to detect PPI degradation and isolate and diagnose to root cause asset in four steps was developed.

The general idea of the four step method is to focus the process monitoring on assets with significant impact on the PPIs. For instance, for the selected use case, these KPIs are the main board quality measurements namely moisture, thickness and dry basis weight of the produced board.

The initial step “step 1” of the proposed approach is a con-tinuous monitoring of the PPIs and an on-line detection of the occurrence of an abnormal deviation from the predefined specification of those KPIs.

Once the system detects a significant degradation of one or several PPIs (it is possible for different PPIs to be simulta-neously affected by the same asset degradation), the next step “step 2” is triggered. Its objective is the isolation of the process section containing the faulty asset that causes this PPI degradation.

This fact motivated a two stage approach to reduce the problem dimension. At the first stage, the plant section containing the faulty asset is isolated. A T2 contribution plot applied to spectral data is used to identify which section contributes the most to a disturbance affecting a PPI. The T2 contribution plot computation relies on a PCA model built using a user defined single measurement type (e.g. flow measurements or pressure measurements). And then, validations could be obtained through calculating the second contribution plot using an alternative PCA model based on another measurement type.

In the third step “step 3” of the proposed methodology, the number of process measurements has been drastically reduced as the plant section containing the root cause asset is isolated. Therefore, it is now possible to use a standard root cause analysis algorithm that includes: – Clustering of the measurements over the process variable

dimension (as opposed to the contribution plot for which the analysis was done over the frequency dimension)

– Determination the process variable that is closest to the root cause asset causing the KPI degradation

Figure 3: Four steps are used to isolate the plant performance degradation root cause. In the fifth step, the best corrective action to overcome the plant performance degradation is suggested to the user (PPI: Plant Performance Indicator; API: Asset Performance Indicator). | Figure 4: Process data from the plant is strored in the CPMplus historian at the plant site and replicated to another ABB CPMplus historian.

3 4

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Even though the developed methods are not restricted to control loops the focus in the case study is on detecting prob-lems in control loops. 43 types of loop asset performance indices are evaluated. Based on these calculated indices, the tool provides a diagnosis of the faulty control loop in the form of one of the following possible findings: – Tuning problem – Loop oscillatory – Set point oscillatory – Significant external disturbance – Significant nonlinearity – Valve stiction – Valve leakage – Valve size incorrect – Excessive valve action – Unreliable data

Case Study: Stora Enso’s Board Machine in Imatra, FinlandThe case study used to validate the proposed methodology is a three layer board machine plant. The process quality PPIs are measured online by the QCS (Quality Control System). They are namely, the moisture, thickness and dry basis weight of the produced sheet. Admissible ranges for the PPIs fluctuations varies with the produced grade and are only valid during steady state periods of the process operation.

The challenge for the developed tool is to detect significant variations in the three quality measurements of the produced board and steer the user’s attention towards the asset fault as the root cause. For the selected datasets, noticeable variations

affecting the end product quality specifications are present. Figure 5 shows a time trend of the moisture measurement (orange curve) and the moisture target (yellow curve). The 2-sigma (“warning limit”) and the 3-sigma (“alarm limit”) are also displayed.

In Figure 5, an oscillation is present in the PPI. This triggers automatically the analysis of the oscillation resulting in the information of start/end time, oscillation period and amplitude; see “step 1” in Figure 6 (upper left part).

With this information, in “step 2” the frequency space contribution plot for all flows is used to isolate the root cause section. If the flow signals from one specific section contribute significantly to the PPI moisture oscillation, the T2 will be high indicating for being the root cause section. The analysis should be repeated with all types of signals available (e.g. pressure, temperature, speed) from all plant sections. The contribution plot analysis for the time identified in step 1is depicted in Figure 6 (upper right part).

The third step of the proposed approach consists in isolating the faulty asset within the isolated plant section. Additional signals originating from the board machine QCS (the board machine PPIs measurements) are included in the analysis.

The time trends for the selected cluster are shown in Figure 6 (lower right part). An existing method is used to isolate the root cause of the identified oscillation within the process mea-surements belonging to this cluster. The root cause analysis indicates the 1.0 MPa feed steam pressure measurement as the closest to the root cause of the moisture oscillation.

Summary/ConclusionA methodology has been developed for plant wide asset man-agement. Two concepts are used for solving this large scale problem. The first concept is the top down approach, a meth-odology that reduce the complexity of the large scale problem by focusing on the diagnosis of the fault assets with an actual impact on the process KPIs. The second concept used by the proposed method is a two stage isolation method namely the isolation of the faulty plant section followed by the isolation of the faulty asset. Both concepts rely purely on data collected from a standard RTDB connected to the plant DCS and QCS. The only process knowledge required is a list of process tag sorted by type and by plant section. This allows considering a relatively easy and systematic deployment of the proposed solution.

Figure 5: PPI trends are visualized in the CPMplus historian using VTRIN.

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AcknowledgmentThis research has been funded by the EU FP7 research project “PAPYRUS”. The research consortium is acknowledged for the support. We wish to thank Stora Enso Oyj and Efora Oy for bringing their process expertise through fruitful discussions and for providing the data. The contributions of Prof. Nina Thornhill from Imperial College London and Su-Liang Chen from ABB Norway are acknowledged for their contributions.

Project Partners – ABB DECRC (EU project coordination), Ladenburg, Germany – ABB CPMplus technology Development, Helsinki, Finland – Stora Enso (Pilot Customer), Imatra, Finland – Aalto University, Espoo, Finland – University Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany – University of Lorraine, Nancy, France – Predict, Nancy, France – ABB INCRC, Bangalore, India

BU Contacts – Thoralf Schulz (BU CT) – Dan Overly (sBU Life Cycle Service) – Johan Harsta (BU Full Service) – Simo Säynevirta (CPMplus technology development)

Contact Dr. Jan Schlake Phone: +49 (0) 6203 71 6264 Email: [email protected]

Figure 6: Illustrative results of the four step method.

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Life Cycle Solutions for WirelessHART in Process Automation Dr. Dirk Schulz, Tuncay Gülfirat, Markus Ruppert

AbstractWith an installed base of over 30 million devices, the HART (Highway Addressable Remote Transducer) protocol is a success story of digital communication in process automation. It enables intelligent device management from within the control system and above all is backward compatible to 4-20mA. The advent of WirelessHART (IEC 62591) promises even higher flexibility and added value, while maintaining HART protocol compatibility and the option to retrofit existing 4-20mA installations. Still, wireless in the field introduces challenges which we do not find with wired bus communication, and which must be resolved along with all basic device management tasks.

In this article, we address the resulting key challenges for introducing wireless in the field: bidding, efficient engineering, network availability during operation, and security.

ScopeFigure 1 illustrates the scope of our research activities; for each life-cycle phase of a plant, we need to address some particularities of wireless technology.

For a seamless integration of WirelessHART sensor networks in process automation, we have provided solution concepts for the bidding, engineering, commissioning, and operation of

such networks. We also propose an integration approach of wireless device management within FDI (Field Device Integration) technology.

Bidding for WirelessThe main challenge in any bidding process is to provide an accurate estimate of costs and effort; overestimation may lose a contract, underestimation puts the revenue at risk. Naturally, the accuracy of a bid varies with the amount of available infor-mation from a customer. Presuming at least a given tag or IO list, the cost of field devices, bus-masters, and wiring can be estimated rather accurately by today’s sales-force. The same holds for WirelessHART devices.

The main challenge with wireless is to also estimate the number of infrastructure components (repeaters and gateways) with similar accuracy. In addition to the needed bandwidth and cycle time from the application, this number strongly depends on distance between devices and radio obstruction in those areas where the IO points are located. For this, experience still needs to be built by sales-force and customers. At the time of bidding, it is not feasible to perform a costly site-survey or engineer a detailed network layout as described in the following section.

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Figure 1: Plant Life-Cycle with Focus on Wireless Aspects

Instead of adding complex rule sets to today’s bid support tools, we propose an iterative approach based on rather simple rules. Essentially, the plant is divided into its most significant areas, and a bid is prepared for them. The total bid is then simply the sum of these partial bids. There are rather few characteristics which need to be considered for such a plant area; these are mostly the contained number of IO and the degree of wireless obstruction and interference. If these characteristics differ significantly from the plant average, this is an indicator to treat such an area separately.

Our approach allows us to provide a very accurate bid for WirelessHART deliveries to our customers, and it integrates well with existing bidding processes.

Planning and Engineering of WirelessHART NetworksPlanning wired fieldbus segments today, we typically consider the total cable length and number of devices per bus segment; walls and ceilings are crossed by cable trays and represent no real obstacle.

For wireless communication, we must consider not only the distance and number of devices within a network, but also obstructions from walls and interference between wireless networks; furthermore, energy supply is limited in devices powered by batteries or energy harvesters.

Regarding these challenges, there are a number of simple yet effective rules given by HCF (HART Communication Foundation) on how to set up a WirelessHART mesh. Our task was to

provide easy to use tool support that considers these planning rules, the actual properties of the site, and energy aspects for large figures of scale all in one.

We find that existing and available information such as floor-plans and tag lists is sufficient to allow an engineer to consider the particularities of wireless communication. As shown in Figure 2, a user places devices and gateways on a two-dimen-sional map according to the IO locations (which are determined by process design). The tool may be queried at any time to provide an assessment report on the quality of the mesh layout. A user can then iteratively add or modify the location of repeaters and gateways until all planning rules have been met. This also allows taking into account additional placement constraints, e.g. distance to cable trays to connect a gateway to the DCS.

Complex radio signal simulation, ray-tracing in 3D CAD models, and the like may seem effective, but they come with much higher engineering effort and simulation results are not neces-sarily meaningful information to guide an engineering process. Particularly for pilot projects with customers who want to assess wireless this is not attractive.

Our approach is based on existing, easy to understand informa-tion, and it offers guidance to the user whenever requested. By furthermore integrating the layout tool into the DCS, we can directly re-use the created engineering data for network management and service scenarios as described in the next section.

Figure 2: Mock-up of a Wireless Mesh Layout Tool (“rule of three neighbors” violated in this layout)

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Reliable Operation and Maintenance of WirelessHART NetworksNext-Generation Field Device Integration (FDI)From a user perspective, the scope of device management includes e.g. parameterization, commissioning, monitoring, and maintenance of field devices. A device management system (DMS) must ensure that device type and instance data are persisted, and it must provide means for online communication with any device across a fieldbus hierarchy; take e.g. a Wire-lessHART device connected to a gateway, which in turn is connected to the DCS via Industrial Ethernet (like HART over TCP/UDP or PROFINET IO).

The question for WirelessHART is whether it can be shown to users in the same way as existing wired fieldbuses. Figure 3 illustrates our approach to showing the different perspectives on field devices in FDI, using a wireless example network with four vibration monitors (WiMon) and a Pepperl+Fuchs gateway. In addition to showing the communication path to the devices through the gateway, we also offer a location view of the same network (in our research laboratory); the location view can be

auto-generated by re-using the engineering data from mesh layout as discussed above. All device-related information is accessible from any of the views in the same manner as for wired devices.

Our approach offers the same look and feel for wireless devices as for wired devices. Re-using engineering data from the network layout phase, our users may now choose if a communication or a location view is more suitable to support them in their current task.

Beyond the management of individual devices, there are aspects of WirelessHART which relate to management of the mesh networks themselves; namely ensuring wireless security and network reliability. The related tasks called join key distribution and mesh monitoring & troubleshooting have no equivalent for existing wired fieldbus protocols. Also for these cases, we illustrate how these particularities of wireless can either be entirely hidden or receive meaningful workflow support.

Figure 3: Representing Communication and Location Views (top right) in FDI | Figure 4: Distributing Security Credentials (Join Key) for Wireless Communication | Figure 5: Quality of Service Aspects and Root Causes in Wireless Communication Problems | Figure 6: Integration of Wireless Mesh Monitoring and Maintenance Management

3 4



ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 91

Wireless Security Aspects with FDIBuilt-in security (authentication and encryption) is a main strength of WirelessHART. However, much like logging into a WiFi network, each and every wireless device requires its own “password” to join a field network (called join key). How can we distribute hundreds of these unique keys to the devices and gateways (see Figure 4) and still manage to keep them secret? Today’s wired devices do not require such a task, and this is why current device management systems (FDT) do not support it.

In our FDI-based solution, we make use of the open information model and services of the FDI host system to fully hide the security aspects of the protocol from the user; this leads not only to better security but also to higher quality and speed in engineering.

Our approach allows us to fully hide security aspects from a user perspective; the device commissioning workflow works exactly like it already does for wired devices.

Monitoring and Troubleshooting Wireless Communication with FDIMeshing and self-healing are strong points in favor of Wire-lessHART, but they also reflect that communication errors may occur. In mesh monitoring, we search for those health problems within the wireless network that have led or will lead to a reduction of communication quality (e.g. intolerable latency). Wireless troubleshooting is about finding the root causes of (existing or predicted) network errors which already have been identified e.g. by mesh monitoring.

HART 7.4 defines extensive Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to assess the condition of the wireless mesh. The device management system can automatically collect and evaluate all of them centrally to detect or predict communication problems. To then repair or prevent these problems, we also need to find the corresponding root cause(s).

Figure 5 illustrates what symptoms we care about (e.g. low throughput/lost data) and what root causes we need to check overall (e.g. a misaligned antenna).

In wired communication, a faulty device or a broken cable are typical root causes of communication problems. In wireless, there are a number of additional root causes related to the shared wireless medium and battery/harvester power sources.

While we can automatically let the system detect problem symptoms, finding root causes may require human interaction, e.g. to check antenna alignment or obstructions in the radio path (which cannot be done in software). However, based on

the KPIs, we propose to have the DMS rate the likelihood of each root cause and guide the user in checking it.

Having an integrated location view as shown in Figure 3 or Figure 2 is a big benefit. Wireless interference is e.g. bound to affect multiple devices in the same location; this is easy to see on a floor-plan and easy to distinguish from independent device failures.

We propose to wrap condition monitoring and the pre-assess-ment of root causes within the DMS. At most, engineers are confronted with a bad health status, which is standardized by, following NAMUR NE107. To run root cause detection for fault conditions, users get a “cook-book” workflow support. As shown in Figure 6, mesh condition or root cause can be directly fed to a CMMS as described in the DECRC annual report 2011 (“Integration of Maintenance and FDI Device Management Systems”).

AchievementsWe have provided and verified concepts for all major tasks along the plant life-cycle, using functional mock-ups and lab demonstrators. Particularly the concepts for monitoring and troubleshooting of mesh networks have been demonstrated using FDI prototype technology. Such network management functionality is not available in today’s device management with FDT technology.

Conclusions – Benefit for Customers and ABBBesides engineering efficiency, customer confidence is a main goal when introducing wireless. We propose means along the plant life-cycle to achieve this either by hiding the particularities of wireless or by offering meaningful workflow support where required.

With both a broad portfolio of energy-autonomous wireless devices and the migration to FDI device management on ABB’s product roadmap, we are in a good position to offer and maintain solutions for WirelessHART in the plant life-cycle.

CustomerDivision Process Automation

ContactDr. Dirk Schulz Phone: +49 (0) 6203 71 6267 Email: [email protected]

92 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

AbstractA common challenge in workforce management is how to allocate skilled technicians to customer requests and route them optimally. The ABB’s corporate research is working with Ventyx, an ABB company, to improve the current scheduling solutions. The goal is to introduce new scheduling algorithms to address the increasingly complex customer requirements in the field. By considering the newest advances in mathematical scheduling optimization, the research team implements methods from integer programming, graph theory or online optimization into ABB Ventyx Service Suite, a workforce management solution for utility and telecommunication customers. The most suitable techniques will be implemented in the next generation optimi-zation solutions for workforce management.

In this research project, ABB Corporate Research developed prototypes for workforce management. These prototypes comprise an optimization solution for scheduling the next day (day-ahead scheduling), an intra-day rescheduling solution to react on disturbances during the day and a solution for single service technicians. For the day-ahead scheduling, a column generation approach together with a labeling algorithm was developed to construct near optimal schedules. While the

column generation approach is used to calculate the schedule for the next day, utilities and telecommunication companies also need to re-adjust the schedule in real time to reflect the changes during a day. Therefore, the presented approach is complemented by efficient algorithms responding to events happening along the day.

MotivationService organizations in the utility and communications industries operate in an ever-changing environment of rising costs, com-plex regulations, mergers and acquisitions, and customers’ high expectations of reliability, responsiveness and quality of service. To meet these challenges, it is critical that utilities optimize service delivery, make efficient use of field technicians and equipment, and improve the reliability of critical assets.

With over 100,000 technicians using the system every day, Service Suite is the enterprise workforce management (EWFM) solution that provides a complete platform to efficiently plan, schedule and execute all types of field work (see Figure 1). Service Suite’s performance-enhancing optimizer assigns the right orders to the right technicians, based on skill and avail-ability, and then routes them optimally between assignments

Scheduling of Service Technicians in the Utility and Telecommunication Industry

Dr. Sleman Saliba, Dr. Iiro Harjunkoski, Lennart Merkert

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 93

to minimize travel time. This enables customers to realize significant increases in field productivity, decreased labor costs, reduced travel time and vehicle expenses, increased technician autonomy and accountability, and improved data quality.

Problem DescriptionThe task of workforce optimization in general solves the problem of assigning a set of customer orders to a set of technicians. This assignment consists of many constraints such as customer order time windows, limited working hours for technicians, required break times and break durations for technicians, technical skills of the technicians, possible pre-assignment of technicians into shifts, and the travel time constraints between any two customer orders. In this research project, the targeted industries are in particular the utility and telecommunications industry. In general, however, the approach is easily general-ized to be applied to all industries, where service technicians need to be assigned to service requests.

Beside the general problem and the constraints at hand, different objectives can be used for workforce optimization. Typical objectives are maximization of overall executed orders per time interval, minimization of violated customer time windows, and minimization of travel time or distance.

The workforce optimization problem needs to be solved at different times of the day. Usually, a more time consuming and rather complex optimization is performed during the night hours such that a good solution for the next day is generated to be used as a baseline for the guidance of the technicians. This solution is called day-ahead or offline solution.

In contrast to the day-ahead solution, the intra-day re-scheduling solution focuses on managing real-life events. Examples of such events are emergency requests, traffic jams, unavailable customers. The re-scheduling task or online solution aims to quickly modify the day-ahead solution such that the quality of the solution is maintained by adjusting only parts of the initial day-ahead solution. The main emphasis of this component is the quick modification such that the operator can communicate changes more or less immediately to customers (e.g. for new orders) and to technicians (e.g. when orders have been can-celled).

Another challenge is to include advanced street-level routing technologies. This goes beyond the usage of simple navigation systems for traveling from one customer request to another. The accuracy of time estimations can be increased by using street-level routing technologies already during the optimization of the driving routes. Therefore, the precision in the different application scenarios all around the world can be increased.

Therefore, the research project was divided into three parts – Day-Ahead Scheduling (offline) – Re-Scheduling (online) – Street Level Routing (online & offline)

Day-Ahead SchedulingThe challenge in the day-ahead scheduling is that we have on the one hand a set of service technicians and on the other hand a set of service requests. The service requests have pre-defined appointment time windows and demand certain types of skills to fulfill the request. The service technicians have a particular skill set with pre-defined preferences on the skills.

The main task is to assign the pending service requests to the available service technicians in such a way that the required skill set at the customer and the offered skill set by the technicians match as well as possible, that the amount of scheduled appointments is maximized and that the service technicians can visit the customer within the defined appointment time window.

However, the real challenge lies in the fact that additionally we want to have as small travel distances and associated costs as possible. Furthermore, the technicians are required to take their mandatory breaks during the day for legal and safety reasons.

Therefore, the objective of the optimization solution is the minimization of the travel cost for service technicians, while fulfilling the requirements for a high standard of service quality.

Figure 1: Ventyx Service Suite. Screenshot of the Dispatch Schedule for Service Technicians.

94 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

The travel cost can either be measured by the travel distance or the travel time or a combination of both.

The method of choice for solving the day-ahead scheduling problem is a column generation approach, where we use a labeling algorithm as dynamic pricing step and a specific rounding technique to create integrality. Column generation with labeling proves to be the most effective method to solving complex routing problems, as explained for example in Desaulniers et al. [1].

By using the labeling algorithm, an extensively large set of feasible routes for each service technician can be constructed. The resulting routes contain as many customer orders as possible with a suitable skill match. The algorithm ensures that time windows for orders are fulfilled. Additionally, each route is required to comply with the legal regulations of mandatory breaks during the day and allowed overtime. For each feasible route, the labeling algorithm calculates the value of an objective function. This value represents the quality of the matching between orders and technicians, as well as the travel times between subsequent orders in the route. Having the sets of feasible routes and their objective function value, column generation is then applied to pick the best set of routes such that each service technician serves exactly one route, each customer order is in at most one route and the objective value of the overall schedule is maximized. This approach maximizes customer satisfaction while lowering the overall cost of service delivery and assurance, and ensures the allocation of appro-priately skilled workers to each order.

In this project, an evaluation tool was created in order to be able to analyze and visualize the results of the prototype. In Figure 2, the final routes for service technicians serving requests in Vancouver, BC, Canada are shown. The routes are obtained from the Workforce Scheduling Prototype developed in this research project.

Re-SchedulingThe column-generation-based approach is computationally intensive, requiring a lot of computing time to optimize a schedule. However, during a working day, utilities and com-munication companies need to readjust the scheduling result in order to reflect real-life changes. That is, a new task might have been added, some technicians might be unavailable due to sickness, etc. Therefore, Service Suite must be able to readjust the solution on demand. The required computation time reflecting the changes is limited such that the operating company can react quickly and accurately to the changes and communicate it to the corresponding technicians in the field.

Several heuristics based on local search techniques are used to select only the most suitable subsets of orders and techni-cians for a new mathematical optimization run by applying the existing column generation approach. The heuristics take into consideration the street-level-based traveling times between all orders. Furthermore, users of the Service Suite can choose between different heuristics to trade-off between the required solution time for the re-adjustment and the quality of the resulting schedule.

Street Level RoutingThe problem in this work package is twofold. On the one hand, a prototype for solving the workforce scheduling problem with one service technician was developed and on the other hand, the impact of using street level data directly in the optimization was investigated.

In order to solve the problem for the street level routing for one service technician, the Labeling Algorithm was developed which was also applied in the pricing step of the column generation approach for the day ahead scheduling.

In order to investigate the impact of using street level data directly in the optimization, we collected the travel times and travel distance from street level data providers and compared the results with currently used speed schemas. Speed schemas estimate the travel time and travel distance based on the air-line distance of two points.

Figure 2: Visualization of the routes for service requests in Vancouver, BC, Canada obtained from the Workforce Scheduling Prototype.

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 95

The result of this investigation was that the street level routing is more realistic and appoints a correct amount of orders to service technicians. This helps to avoid missed appointment time windows, which often incurs high penalty costs.

The approach of using accurate street level data can be extended to include more travel information like adjustable travel time during rush hours, closed roads or construction works or even e-vehicles that can drive at most 100km per day before returning to the recharging station.

Benefits and ConclusionABB Ventyx’ customers in the utility and telecommunications industry will experience a higher service quality in the daily business when using the new optimization algorithms for managing the workforce.

The profit margin is increased through more completed customer requests per week and fewer missed appointment time windows. This is due to the reduced travel time and the faster and more accurate response to emergency calls and disturbances. The service quality is improved by serving customer requests with a higher due date reliability and a better match of the required skill match. Finally, because of the improved performance of the automatic dispatch system, the dispatchers are able to handle more service technicians simultaneously.

By drawing on expertise from Corporate Research, ABB Ventyx ensures the continuation of the leading edge in the newest technologies and upcoming challenges in the service industry.

Internal CustomerPower Systems, Ventyx, Service Suite

ContactDr. Sleman Saliba Phone: +49 (0) 6203 71 6252 Email: [email protected]

References[1] Desaulniers, G., Desrosiers, J., Solomon, M.M. (eds.). Column Generation. Springer, 2005.

96 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

Publications and Conference Contribution

Publications in Journals

Automatische Wertebereichsanalyse Schlich, Bastian; Biallas, Sebastian; Kowalewski, Stefan atp edition vol. 7-8/2012, page 68-74

Aletheia - Semantische Föderation von Produktinformationen Stieger, Bernd; Aleksy, Markus Service Today vol. 01/2012

A New Heuristic for Plant-wide Schedule Coordination Problems: The Intersection Coordination Heuristic Xu, Chaojun; Sand, Guido; Harjunkoski, Iiro; Engell, Sebastian Computers and Chemical Engineering 2012, vol. 42, page 152-167

Geräteintegration mit FDI und OPC UA - mit standardisiertem Informationsmodel Geräte integrieren Grossmann, Daniel; Mahnke, Wolfgang atp vol. 11/2012

Performance and Reliability Prediction for Evolving Service-Oriented Software Systems Koziolek, Heiko; Schlich, Bastian; Becker, Steffen; Hauck, Michael Springer Empirical Software Engineering 2013

Optimal Operation: Scheduling, Advanced Control and their Integration Harjunkoski, Iiro; Engell, Sebastian Computers and Chemical Engineering vol. 47, page 121-133

Production and Scheduling Optimization of a Steel Plant Harjunkoski, Iiro; Saliba, Sleman; Biondi, Matteo; Xu, Chaojun; Termeer, Heiner Minerals & Metals Review vol. 38, page 81-85

Simulationsbasierte Steuerungsfunktionstests Generierung von Simulationsmodellen auf Basis von PLS-Engineering- Systemen Greifeneder, Jürgen; Weber, Peter; Barth, Mike; Fay, Alexander atp edition vol. 54(4), page 34-41

Emulation dezentraler Steuerungslogik - Ein Konzept zur Emulation von Foundation Fieldbus Hoernicke, Mario; Bauer, Philipp atp edition vol. 4, page 42-49

The fieldbus outside the field Hoernicke, Mario; Weemes, Philip; Hanking, Heino ABB Review vol. 1/2012, page 47-52

Virtuelles Emulatoren Framework – Ein Konzept zur domänenübergreifenden Integration heterogener Emulatoren Hoernicke, Mario; Greifeneder, Jürgen; Barth, Mike atp edition vol. 11, page 46-54

Utilizing wearable computing in industrial service applications Aleksy, Markus; Rissanen, Mikko Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, online-Ausgabe Okober 2012

Automatisch der Mensch im Zentrum Hollender, Martin; Winterhalter, Christoph CITplus 10-12/2012, page 18

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 97

Collaborative Prozessleitsysteme Hollender, Martin chemie&more vol. 1/2012, page 30-32

Factory Acceptance Test / automatische Modellgenerierung / Simulation / Modelica / CAEX / Objektorientierung / PLS-Test-Engineering Barth, Mike; Greifeneder, Jürgen; Weber, Peter; Fay, Alexander atp edition vol. 54, page 54-61

NAMUR CAE/PLS-Interface Barth, Mike; Scherwietes, Thomas; Schlagowski, Ulrich; Manske, Hartmut; Schumacher, Frank; Jost, Joachim; Bielke, Klaus; Jost, Harald; Rämisch, Meinrad atp vol. 2, 2012

Hardware in the loop MultiObjective optimization of Electro-magnetic Actuators_v4.pdf Craciun, Octavian; Stengel, Gregor; Reuber, Christian International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources

Planarer 6-Achs-Kraftsensor Szasz, Paul; Ahrend, Ulf; Roos, Markus Technisches Messen, Volume 79, pages 483-488

Beherrschung von Semantikvielfalt mit AutomationML Drath, Rainer; Barth, Mike atp vol 11/2012

Datenkonsistenz mit AutomationML Drath, Rainer; Hoernicke, Mario; Schroeter, Ben atp vol. 5/2012, page 36-42

Journal Offenheitsmetrik für Engineering-Werkzeuge Drath, Rainer; Barth, Mike; Fay, Alexander atp vol. 9/2012, page 46-55

Reliability Feedback System for Generator Circuit Breakers – Generator Circuit Breaker Overhaul Planning Will Help Customers to Reduce Downtime on Safety-Related Mainte-nance Work Gitzel, Ralf; Turrin, Simone; Hochlehnert, Moritz ABB Review vol. 4, 2012, page 28

Stock Pooling Optimization – Reducing Customer Spare Stock Gitzel, Ralf; Harjunkoski, Iiro; Pinto, Cajetan ABB Review vol. 4, 2012, page 30

Innovations in Workforce Management Saliba, Sleman; Michael Hamilton, Carsten Franke ABB Review vol. 4, 2012, page 26

Software Scalability for ABB’s Future IT De-Gooijer, Thijmen; Koziolek, Heiko; Jansen, Anton; Murphy, Steve ABB Review vol. 3, 2012, page 35

Automatisierung mit FASA – Eine Architektur für flexible, verteilte Systeme Gamer, Thomas; Wahler, Michael; Oriol, Manuel; Kumar, Atul; Naedele, Martin atp edition vol 12/2012, page 52-61

Retainment Policies – A Formal Framework for Change Retainment for Trace-Based Model Transformations Goldschmidt, Thomas; Uhl, Axel Information and Software Technology, online-Ausgabe August 2012

OPC UA and ISA 95 – Interoperability for MES by implementing ISA 95 with OPC UA Mahnke, Wolfgang; Brandl, Dennis; Hunkar, Paul; Ono, Toshio atp edition vol. 1-2, 2013

3 Fragen an Guido Sand, Focus Area Manager Service Solutions Sand, Guido kontakt vol. 4, 2012

Conference Contributions Automatische Wertebereichsanalyse von SPS-Programmen Schlich, Bastian; Biallas, Sebastian; Kowalewski, Stefan AUTOMATION 2012, Baden-Baden, 13.-14.06.2012

Entwicklung sicherer Steuerungsapplikationen mit Safety-Automaten Schlich, Bastian; Drath, Rainer; Frey, Georg; Eschbach, Robert AUTOMATION 2012, Baden-Baden, 13.-14.06.2012

Range and Value-Set Analysis for Programmable Logic Controllers Schlich, Bastian; Biallas, Sebastian; Kowalewski, Stefan Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES 2012), Guadalajara, Mexico, 03.-05.10.2012

“Safety Automata” – A new Specification Language for the Development of PLC Safety Applications Schlich, Bastian; Drath, Rainer; Frey, Georg; Eschbach, Robert Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2012), Krakow, Poland, 17.-21.09.2012

98 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

Semantic Web Applications for Improving Knowledge Intensive Service Processe Stieger, Bernd; Aleksy, Markus International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2012), London, UK, 25-28 June 2012

Collision Testing for Human-Robot Collaboration Matthias, Bjoern; Ding, Hao International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 2012-10-12

Das Normengerüst für sichere Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration Matthias, Bjoern Produktion 2020: Sichere Mensch-Maschine und Mensch-Roboter-Kooperation, Technologie Centrum Westbayern (TCW), Nördlingen, 2012-01-17

Safety of Industrial Robots: From Conventional to Collaborative Applications Matthias, Bjoern; Fryman, Jeff Proceedings of ROBOTIK 2012

Safety of Industrial Robots: From Conventional to Collaborative Applications Matthias, Bjoern; Fryman, Jeff Proceedings SIAS 2012

An innovative scheduling coordination method for improved productivity and energy efficiency of a large-scale integrated steel plant Xu, Chaojun IFAC MMM 2012 (IFAC workshop on automation in the mining, mineral and metal industries, Gifu, 10-12.Sep.2012

Koordination von komplexen Scheduling-Lösungen für ver-schiedene Produktionsanlagen Xu, Chaojun; Sand, Guido; Harjunkoski, Iiro; Engell, Sebastian AUTOMATION 2012, Baden-Baden, 13.-14.06.2012

Co-Simulation elektromechanischer Systeme am Beispiel eines wirbelstrominduzierten Linearaktors Simonidis, Christian; Stengel, Gregor; Schmoll, Robert; Schweizer, Bernhard NAFEMS 2012, Berechnung und Simulation – Anwendungen, Entwicklungen, Trends

Electro-mechanical co-simulation of electro-magnetically actu-ated medium-voltage reclosers – NAFEMS Frankfurt 2012 Simonidis, Christian; Craciun, Octavian; Biagini, Veronica; Reuber, Christian; Schmoll, Robert; Schweizer, Bernhard NAFEMS European Conference: Multiphysics Simulation, Frankfurt, Germany, October 16-17, 2012

PLCopen-konforme Programmierung von Industrierobotern in IEC 61131 Sprachen Dai, Fan; Becker, Oliver; Ruedele, Hartmut AUTOMATION 2012, Baden-Baden, 13.-14.06.2012

Optimization of water network operation under uncertainties Sand, Guido; Blank, Frederik; Lenz, Ralf; Weiser, Martin 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP), Berlin, 19-24 August 2012

Human motion behavior while interacting with an industrial robot Ding, Hao 18th World Congress on Ergonomics, Recife, Brazil, Feb. 12-16, 2012

Online Computation of Safety-Relevant Regions for Human Robot Interaction Ding, Hao International Symposium on Robotics (ISR), Taipei, Taiwan, August 29-31, 2012

An Industrial Case Study of Performance and Cost Design Space Exploration with PerOpteryx Koziolek, Heiko; Jansen, Anton; De-Gooijer, Thijmen; Koziolek, Anne 3rd ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE’12), Boston, USA, 22-25.04.2012

Identify Impacts of Evolving Third Party Components on Long-Living Software Systems Koziolek, Heiko; Weiss, Roland; Klatt, Benjamin; Durdik, Zoya; Stammel, Johannes; Krogmann, Klaus Proc. 16th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR2012), Industrial Track, p. 461-464, Szeged, Hungary,

MORPHOSIS: A Lightweight Method Facilitating Sustainable Software Architectures Koziolek, Heiko: Domis, Dominik; Goldschmidt, Thomas; Vorst, Phillipp; Weiss, Roland Joint 10th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Archi-tecture & 6th European Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA/ECSA 2012), Helsinki, Finland, August 20-24th, 2012

Rapid Performance Modeling and Reasoning with UCM2PCM Koziolek, Heiko; Goldschmidt, Thomas; Vogel, Christian; Burger, Erik 8th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, Tools Track, Lyngby, Denmark, 04.-05.07.2012

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 99

Sustainability Guidelines for Long-Living Software Systems Koziolek, Heiko; Weiss, Roland; Klatt, Benjamin; Durdik, Zoya; Stammel, Johannes; Krogmann, Klaus International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2012), Industry Track, Trento, Italy, September 23rd-30th, 2012

Optimal Energy Management and Production Scheduling Harjunkoski, Iiro; Kymalainen, Toni; Bauer, Margret The 22nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE22, London, UK, 17-20 June 2012

OPTIMAL OPERATION: SCHEDULING, ADVANCED CONTROL AND THEIR INTEGRATION Harjunkoski, Iiro; Engell, Sebastian FOCAPO / CPC Conference, Savannah, US, 8.-11.1.2012

Planning and Scheduling as a Part of a Control System – Implementation Aspects Harjunkoski, Iiro 11th international symposium on Process Systems Engineering, Singapore, 15-19.7.2012

Modeling Chemical Reactions Using Bond Graphs Greifeneder, Jürgen; Cellier, François International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation 2012, SCS Summer Simulation Multi-Conference, Genua, Italy, July 2012

Autonome drahtlose Sensorik für die Prozessindustrie Koenig, Kai; Nenninger, Philipp; Kaul, Holger; Ulrich, Marco Sensoren und Messsysteme 2012, Nürnberg, 22.-23.05.2012

Vibrationen als Energiequelle für Feldinstrumente in der Prozessautomatisierung Koenig, Kai; Ulrich, Marco Sensoren und Messsysteme 2012, Nürnberg, 22.-23.05.2011

FASA: a scalable software framework for distributed control systems Oriol, Manuel; Wahler, Michael; Koziolek, Heiko; Stoeter, Sascha; Kumar, Atul; Steiger, Robin; Vardar, Egemen 3rd Int. ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Architecting Critical Systems (ISARCS’12), pp. 51-60, Bertinoro, Italy

Vollständiger Test des Automatisierungssystems – Domänen-übergreifende Integration heterogener Hardware-Emulatoren in einem virtuellen Framework Hoernicke, Mario; Greifeneder, Jürgen; Barth, Mike AUTOMATION 2012, Baden-Baden, 13.-14.06.2012

Coverage of Design for Service Principles in Software Engineering Aleksy, Markus The Sixth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS-2012), Palermo, Italy, 4.-6. July 2012

Design Pattern Usage in Grid Computing Aleksy, Markus; Takizawa, Makoto; Barolli, Leonard Seventh International Conference on Broadband, Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA 2012) / 14th International Symposium on Multimedia Network Sys-tems and Applications (MNSA 2012), Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 12-14 November 2012

Time-Dependent Execution Pattern Aleksy, Markus; Korthaus, Axel 26th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2012), Fukuoka, Japan, 26.-29.3.2012

Anlagenfahrer optimal unterstützen Hollender, Martin; Naef, Martin; Bronmark, Jonas ABB Pressetag, Ladenburg, 23.10.2012

Cloud Computing Hollender, Martin; Doppelhamer, Jens; Locher, Thomas ABB Control Systems Conference, Budapest, 28.9.2012

Dynamic Management of Installed Base Ouertani, Mohamed-Zied ASAP Service Management Forum, Florence, Italy, 25-26.10.2012

Installed Base Dynamics - Leveraging the Internet of Things to Support Service Operations Ouertani, Mohamed-Zied; Petersen, Heiko; Ulrich, Marco EurOMA – Fifth Service Operations Management Forum, Cambridge, UK, 19-20 September 2012

Augmented Service in the Factory of the Future Fantans, Nicolaie; Berning, Riedel; Beigl, Karl INSS 2012, Antwerp, 2012-June-21

Electromagnetic Actuators Modeling, Simulation and Optimization_v2.doc Craciun, Octavian; Biagini, Veronica; Mechler, Guenther; Stengel, Gregor; Reuber, Christian; van der Linden, Adrian Comsol Conference Europe 2012, Milan, 10-12.10.2012

100 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

Medium Voltage Circuit Breakers Multidomain Modeling and Analysis Craciun, Octavian; Stengel, Gregor; Mechler, Guenther; Biagini, Veronica; Derkx, Jeroen; Reuber, Christian 13th International Conference on New Actuators, Bremen, 18-20 June 2012

Zukünftige Lösungen für die Fabrikautomation Oliver Becker Dreizehnter Vortragsabend in der Reihe „Technik und Wirtschaft des VDI, Bingen, 15.11.2012

Design and Implementation of a Master-Slave Communication Protocol for Embedded Systems Using SystemC Nenninger, Philipp; Madonna, Gian-Luigi; Ruschival, Thomas IFAC Conference on Embedded Systems, Intelligence and Telematics in Control

AutomationML Offenheitsmetrik und Engine Drath, Rainer AutomationML user conference, Böblingen, 09.05.2012

Bewertung der Fähigkeit von Engineering-Werkzeugen zur Interoperabilität mit Hilfe einer Offenheitsmetrik Drath, Rainer; Barth, Mike; Fay, Alexander; Zimmer, Forian; Eckert, Karin AUTOMATION 2012, Baden-Baden, 13.-14.06.2012

Concept for managing multiple semantics with AutomationML – maturity levels of engineering data exchange Drath, Rainer; Barth, Mike ETFA 2012, Krakow, 17.-21.09.2012

Entwicklung sicherer Steuerungsapplikationen mit Safety-Automaten Drath, Rainer; Schlich, Bastian; Frey, Georg; Eschbach, Robert AUTOMATION 2012, Baden-Baden, 13.-14.06.2012

Evaluation of the openness of automation tools for interoper-ability in engineering tool chains Drath, Rainer; Barth, Mike ETFA 2012, Krakow, 17.-21.09.2012

Let’s talk AutomationML. What is the effort for AutomationML programming? Drath, Rainer iATPA2012, part of ETFA 2012, Krakow, 21.09.2012

Let’s talk AutomationML Teil 1 – Die letzte Lücke wird geschlossen Drath, Rainer; Winterhalter, Christoph AutomationML user conference, Böblingen, 9.5.2012

Let’s talk AutomationML Teil 2 – So gelingt Interoperabilität Drath, Rainer AutomationML user conference, Böblingen, 09.5.2012

Let’s talk AutomationML Teil 3 – Hands on – Tipps für Programmierer Drath, Rainer AutomationML user conference, Böblingen, 10.05.2012

“Safety Automata” – A new Specification Language for the Development of PLC Safety Applications Drath, Rainer; Schlich, Bastian; Frey, Georg; Eschbach, Robert ETFA 2012, Krakow, 17.-21.09.2012

Instandhaltungsunterstützung durch Zuverlässigkeitsdaten Gitzel, Ralf; Turrin, Simone; Stich, Christian VDI Forum Instandhaltung, Hanau, 13.6.2012

IT-basierte Instandhaltungsunterstützung durch Zuverlässig-keitsdaten Gitzel, Ralf; Turrin, Simone Goslarer Instandhaltungstage, Goslar, 21.11.2012

Perseverance in sustainable software architecting Weiss, Roland; Repetto, Daniele; Koziolek, Heiko Proc. Federated Events on Component-based Software Engineering and Software Architecture (COMPARCH’12), Industry Day, pp. 11-14, Bertinoro, Italy, 26.07.2012

A Hybrid Algorithm for Production Optimization and Scheduling on a Hot Rolling Mill Saliba, Sleman GOR AG: Praxis der Mathemtischen Optimierung, Bad Honnf, 15.-16. November 2012

A labeling algorithm for scheduling deliveries with e-vehicles Saliba, Sleman; Krumke, Sven; Chassein, André EURO XXV, Vilnius, Lithuania, 8.-11. Jul 2012

Prozess und Produktionsoptimierung am ABB Forschungszentrum Saliba, Sleman FRICO 2012, ZIB Berlin, 15.-18. August 2012

PAPYRUS – Plant Asset Performance Management Schmitt, Susanne ABB Control Systems Conference, Budapest, 27.-28.9.2012

An Internal Domain-Specific Language for Constructing OPC UA Queries and Event Filters Goldschmidt, Thomas; Mahnke, Wolfgang 8th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, Lyngby, Denmark, 02.-05.07.2012

ABB Research Center Germany | Annual Report 2012 101

Evaluating Domain-Specific Languages for the Development of OPC UA Based Applications Goldschmidt, Thomas; Mahnke, Wolfgang MATHMOD Vienna – Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Vienna, 15.-17.02.2012

Model-Driven Engineering in Industrial Automation at ABB: Current State and Future Challenges Goldschmidt, Thomas; Koziolek, Heiko Workshop Modellierung in der Automatisierungstechnik (MAT 2012) at Modellierung 2012, Bamberg, Germany, 14.-16.03.2012

Towards a Tool-Oriented Taxonomy of View-Based Modelling Goldschmidt, Thomas; Becker, Steffen; Burger, Erik Modellierung 2012, Bamberg, 14.-16.03.2012

Hybrid Grids: ICT-based Integration of Electric Power and Gas Grids – A Standards Perspective Mahnke, Wolfgang; Uslar, Mathias; Andren, Filip; Rohjans, Sebastian; Stifter, Matthias; Strasser, Thomas The third IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe Conference, Berlin, 14-17.10.2012

OPC UA Security - Why, what and how to use? Mahnke, Wolfgang: Schierholz; Ragnar OPC Day Europe 2012, Basel, Switzerland, 15.-16.05.2012

OPC Unified Architecture: A SOA for Smart Grids Mahnke, Wolfgang; Lehnhoff, Sebatian; Rohjans, Sebastian; Uslar, Mathias ICSE 2012 International Workshop on Software Engineering Challenges for the Smart Grid (SE-SmartGrid), Zürich, 02.-09. June 2012

Other Aletheia – Semantische Föderation umfassender Produkt-informationen Stieger, Bernd Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung – Bibliothek, Bonn

Engineering bei ABB – eine wissenschaftliche Betrachtung Gutermuth, Georg Vortrag als eingeladener Redner am 17.7.2012 / Veranstaltung des GMA-Arbeitskreises “Durchgängiges Engineering” / VDI-Bezirksverein Bayern Nordost e.V.

ADiWa Konsortialmeeting Kaiserslautern 19.-20.03.2012 Petersen, Heiko; Schuh, Lothar Konsortialmeeting

Electricity Demand Side Management in Process Plants Hadera, Hubert Presentation at mid-term review meeting of EU project ITN Energy-SmartOps. Content is pre-set by the project coordinator.

ABB Corporate Research, Ladenburg: Why ITN Energy-SmartOps? Harjunkoski, Iiro; Sand, Guido ITN Energy Smart Ops Workshop “Advanced diagnosis of electro-mechanical systems”, 15-16.11.2012, Krakow, Poland

From idea to product – an industrial R&D project Harjunkoski, Iiro AVT-Kolloquium / RWTH Aachen 12.12.2012

Industrial Research and Implementation – from the First Ideas to a Product Harjunkoski, Iiro Invited seminar at McMasters University, Hamilton, ON, Canada

Industrial Research & Implementation: From Idea to Product Harjunkoski, Iiro Invited seminar at National University of Singapore

Optimale Produktionsfeinplanung für die Fertigungskette Stahlwerk – Stranggußanlage – Warmwalzwerk Harjunkoski, Iiro; Saliba, Sleman

Sitzung des Fachausschusses Elektro- und Automatisier-ungstechnik / 28. Februar 2012 in Düsseldorf, Stahl-Zentrum

Take Complexity Out of your Melt Shop and Hot Rolling Production Scheduling Harjunkoski, Iiro Learn & Connect customer event, Johannesburg, South Africa, March 6th, 2012

APC in der Prozessindustrie Rode, Manfred Beitrag im Rahmen einer DECHEMA Weiterbildungsveran-staltung (Prozessregelungen, von den Grundlagen zu Advanced Control)

Anwendung von ITIL Best Practices in der Entwicklung industrieller Dienstleistungen Dix, Marcel; Gitzel, Ralf; Aleksy, Markus Beitrag zum BMWF-geförderten AK “Dienstleistungs-innovationen”, der als Arbeitsergebnis des AK durch den AK veröffentlicht wird

102 Annual Report 2012 | ABB Research Center Germany

Good-/Best-Practice-Beispiel für Methoden und Werkzeuge zur Verbesserung der Produktivität von Dienstleistungen Dix, Marcel AT DL-Innovationen des Frauenhofer Institutes

Managing Service Innovation in Servitizing Firms Dix, Marcel Presentation and Discussion in the “Forum Management of Technology” (FMoT) in Västeras

Abschlussbericht im Verbundprojekt Allianz digitaler Waren-fluss – AdiWa Ulrich, Marco BMBF Abschlussbericht

Virtuelles Emulatoren-Framework Integration gewerke-übergreifender Hardware-Emulatoren Hoernicke, Mario GMA-Workshop Virtuelle Inbetriebnahme / GMA Fachaus-schuss 6.11 CACE / TU Dresden – Vortrag

Improving Industrial Product Lifecycle Management by Semantic Data Federations Aleksy, Markus; Kunz, Steffen; Fabian, Benjamin; Wauer, Matthias; Schuster, Daniel Book Chapter in: Handbook of Research on Industrial Informatics and Manufacturing Intelligence: Innovations and Solutions

Towards optimal maintenance scheduling in process plants Biondi, Matteo; Sand, Guido Scientific Poster – to be presented during ITN Energy SmartOPS workshop in Krakow

“ServIS – Offline Tool – Erfolgreich das Gate “Marktfreigabe” passiert!” Fantana, Nicolaie; Brandl, Christopher ABB Kontakt

Mehr Energieeffizienz durch Prozessautomation Gitzel, Ralf; Klug, Walter; Niemann, Joerg; Kirchner, Christina; Baumann, Volker; Adolf, Martin; Roos, Eckhard; Volk, Roland; Vogel, Uwe; Spohr, Gerd-Ulrich; Panzke, Rolf; Seibl, Felix ZVEI Brochure Energieeffizienz

Reliability Engineering in the Enterprise Gitzel, Ralf Lecture for KIT and FH Ruhr West

Residual Life Case Study - Generator Circuit Breakers Gitzel, Ralf; Hochlehnert, Moritz University Case Study to be given to Partner Universities

Tasty Transformer Design with SPICE-Coupling and Consideration of Eddy Currents Disselnkoetter, Rolf; Neubert, Holger; Bödrich, Thomas; Hands, Jennifer Condensed reprint of the 2011 COMSOL Conference publication with similar title in the Magazine “COMSOL News”

OPC Unified Architecture (Chinese Translation) Leitner, Stefan; Mahnke, Wolfgang; Damm, Mattias Book

Publishable Summary Schmitt, Susanne; Schlake, Jan-Christoph; Chioua, Moncef; Schmidt, Werner Section of the periodic report for the EU

Sensing, Automation and Control Protocols & Standards Mahnke, Wolfgang Book Chapter in Smart Grid: Applications, Communications, and Security by Lars T. Berger and Kris Iniewske (Editors)

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