abap dump_20090305

DDamdoly’s Dump Collection DDamdoly’s Dump Collection DDamdoly’s Dump Collection Ver 2.8 Ver 2.8 2007년 06년 11년 Won’s Modification Ver. (09.02.20) -년년년- 년 년년년 년년 년년년 - - 년년년 년년년년년 년년년년 년년년년년년년. < -- : True -- : False -- : Think > 년년년년 년년년 년년년년년 년년 년 년년, 년년년년년 년년년년년년년. * 년년년 년년 년년(MS Word 2003 년년) -> ‘년년’년 년년년년 “년년년 년년년” 년년년 년년 년년년년년 년년년년년 년년년년 년년년 년 년년년년. * 년년년년년 년년(MS Word 2003 년년) -> ‘년년’년 ‘년년’년년 “년년년 년년년” 년년년 년년 년년 년년년 년년년년년 년년년년 년년년 년 년년년년. * 년년년 년년년년 년년년 년년 2007년 6년 년년년년 년년년 년년년년년년. - DDamdoly’s Dump Intro – ABAP Certification 년 년년년년년 년년 년년년년년 년년년 년년 년년 년년년 년년 년년년년 년년년년 년년년년 년년년 년년년 년년 년년년년 년년년 년년년년년 년년 년년 년년년 년년년 년년년년년. 년년 년년년년년 년년년 년년년년 년년년 년년년 년년년년년 년년년 년년년 년년년년 년년년년년 년년년 년년년년 년년년년년 년년년년 년 년년 년년 년년년년년년년. 년년: 년년 TAW 년년년 Certification Preview 년년년 년년 년년년 년년년년년년 년년년년 년년년 년년년년 년년 년년년 년년년 년년년, 년년 년년 년 년년년년 년년년 년년 년년 년년 년년년 년년 년년년 년년년년. 년년년 년년년년년 년년년 년년년년 년 1%년 년년년 년년년 년 년년년 년년년 년년년년년 년년년년년 년년년 년년년년년년 년년년년년년 년년년년년. -Modification by Won(09. 2. 23)- 년년 년년년 년년 년년년 년년년 년년년 년년년 년년 년년년년 년년 년년년년 년년 년년 년년년 년년년년년 년 년년년 년년년 년 년년 년년 년년 년년년 년년년 년년년년년 년년년 년년년년 년년 년 년년 년년년년년년년. 년년년 년년 년년년 년년년 년 년년년 년년 년년년 년년 년년년년년 년년 년년년. 년 년년년 년년년 년 년 년년 년년 년년년 90% 년년년 년년년 년년년 년년년 년년년 년년년년년 년년년년. 년 년년년 WAS.640 년년년 년년년년년. 년년년 T,F 년 Single select 년 년년년년 Multiple 년년년 T,F 년년 년년 년년년 년년 년년년년년 년년년년. Edit by Lee gi-bong

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Page 1: abap dump_20090305

DDamdoly’s Dump Collection

DDamdoly’s Dump CollectionDDamdoly’s Dump Collection Ver 2.8 Ver 2.82007년 06월 11일 Won’s Modification Ver. (09.02.20)


각 지문의 답안 표기를 - - 사이에 숨김속성을 이용하여 작성하였습니다.

< -◎- : True -Ⅹ- : False -☎- : Think >

화면에서 답안을 확인하거나 숨길 수 있고, 출력시에도 마찬가지입니다.

* 인쇄를 하는 경우(MS Word 2003 기준)

-> ‘인쇄’의 옵션에서 “숨겨진 텍스트” 체크에 따라 답안표기의 노출여부를 결정하여 인쇄할 수 있습니다.

* 화면에서의 확인(MS Word 2003 기준)

-> ‘도구’의 ‘옵션’에서 “숨겨진 텍스트” 체크에 따라 답안 표기의 노출여부를 결정하여 확인할 수 있습니다.

* 문제의 글자색이 갈색인 것은 2007년 6월 시험에서 출제된 문제들입니다.

- DDamdoly’s Dump Intro –

ABAP Certification 을 준비하면서 여러 선배님들이 작성해 주신 많은 덤프를 보게 되었는데 덤프마다 중복되는 문제와 답안이 다른

부분들이 많아서 개인적으로 보기 위해 정리를 하였던 내용입니다.

여러 선배님들의 덤프를 무단으로 편집한 것이라 원작성자를 밝혀야 함에도 불구하고 파일명이나 속성만 가지고는 원작성자가 누구인지

알 길이 없어 생략하였습니다. ㅡㅡ:

일단 TAW 교재의 Certification Preview 기준에 따라 문제를 분류하였는데 마음대로 정리한 것들이라 해당 영역이 정확치 않으며,

답안 역시 각 덤프마다 달라서 작성 중에 제가 임의로 고친 부분이 많습니다. 때문에 절대적으로 답안의 정확성을 단 1%도 보증치

않으니 본 덤프를 보시는 분들께서는 개인적으로 답안을 수정하시면서 학습하시기를 권장합니다.

-Modification by Won(09. 2. 23)-

시험 공부를 하며 겹치는 문제와 관련된 문제를 서로 연계시켜 공부 하였는데

추후 시험 보시는 분들에게도 제 공부가 유용할 듯 하여 문제 옆에 연관된 번호를 기록하였고

답안이 부정확한 것을 몇 가지 수정하였습니다. 그래도 아직 모자란 부분은 그 영역에 대한 자료를 찾아 공부하시길 권장 합니다. 제

경험에 비추어 볼 때 여기 있는 답안은 90% 이상의 정답률 정도만 가지고 있으니 참고하시길 바랍니다.

이 덤프는 WAS.640 에서만 유용합니다.

시험은 T,F 와 Single select 만 나오므로 Multiple 답안도 T,F 문제 처럼 오답을 전부 숙지하시길 바랍니다.

Edit by Lee gi-bong

Page 2: abap dump_20090305

01. SAP Technology

01. SAP Technology

01-1. For which tasks is the database interface responsible? (T/F)

-- Syntax check of "native" SQL commands.

-- Conversion of Open SQL statement from ABAP statements into the corresponding database statements.

-- Data consistency check with respect to foreign key relationships.

-- Database independence of application programs.

-- Usage of the SAP buffers.

01-2. Which of the following statements about R/3 instances are correct? (M)

-- An R/3 instance is an administrative unit that combines together all the components of an R/3 system that provide

one or more services.

-- A central R/3 system consists of one or more instances.

-- Each instance has its own SAP buffer areas.

-- Each instance contains at least one dialog service.

01-3. The term central instance describes the instance (S)

-- That you are logged on to while working in the system.

-- On which all application processes required for operating an SAP system are configured

-- On which the gateway process is configured.

-- On which the majority of work processes are configured.

-- On which the majority of dialog work processes are configured.

01-4. 다음 중 옳은 것을 모두 골라라. (M)

-- 각각의 instance 는 각각 자신만의 SAP buffer area 를 가진다.

-- 하나의 instance 에 속한 service 는 함께 start 되고 함께 stop 된다.

-- 하나의 instance 가 여러 R/3 system 에 속할 수 있다.

-- R/3 system 은 분산 DB 가 가능하다.

-- Central R/3 system 은 모든 SAP service 를 가지고 있는 하나의 instance 로 구성된다.

01-5. Which component of an application server controls the data traffic between a work process and presentation

server? (S)


-- Message Handler

-- Dispatcher

-- Dynpro process

-- Front-end process

01-6. Which process at the application server level receives the user request? (S)


-- Message Handler


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01. SAP Technology

-- Dispatcher

-- Dynpro process

-- Front-end process

01-7. The following message appears when the processing is interrupted and the user can correct the entries? (S)

-- E : Error

-- W : Warning

-- I : Information

-- X : Exit

01-8. Why would you group corrections together? (S)

-- To enable several corrections to be assigned to the same transport.

-- To transport objects from different development classes.

-- To prevent other development from processing the same objects.

-- To enable several developers to process the same object in parallel.

-- To retain versions of several objects together.

01-9. in an installation with several systems. How can you prevent different versions of the same object from being

created? (S)

-- This is done automatically by the lock function modules.

-- This is prevented by the fact that each object can only be changed in one system(the original system).

-- This is prevented by the lock mechanism of the change and transport system.

-- The system administrator is responsible for preventing this.

-- The developers have to coordinate their work.

01-10. Which SAP GUI types are there? (T/F)

-- SAP GUI for Windows

-- SAP GUI for HTML.

-- SAP GUI for Web AS.

-- SAP GUI for ITS.

-- SAP GUI for Java.

01-11. Which of the following statements about a client in an SAP system are true? (M) (1-12)

-- A client is a unit that is organizationally and technically independent in the SAP system.

-- Each client has its own Customizing area.

-- Each client has its own user data, but several clients can have the same user masters.

01-12. Which of the following statements accurately describe a client in an SAP system? (M) (1-11)


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01. SAP Technology

-- A client represents a completely independent business entity.

-- A client has its own database.

-- A client corresponds to a customer.

-- A client may represent an entire company.

01-13. What data is contained in a client? (S)

-- Cross-specific Customizing, user data, and application data

-- Customizing and Repository objects.

-- Client-specific Customizing, user data, and application data.

-- Only Application data entered in this client.

01-14. Dispatcher 가 task 를 initialization 시 수행하는 작업을 모두 고르시오? (M)

-- reading profile parameters

-- creating and initializing semaphores

-- generating roll areas

-- starting work processes

-- logging on to the message server

01-15. 다음 중 R/3 Application Server 의 구성요소를 모두 골라라. (M)

-- dispatcher as central control instance

-- configurable number of work processes

-- main storage buffer in shared memory

-- database


01-16. SAP R/3 System 의 3 Tier 구성요소는? (M)

-- Presentation server

-- Application server

-- Database server

01-17. 다음 중 application services 의 종류를 모두 골라라 (M)

-- dialog process

-- CPI-C gateway

-- task handler

-- update

-- lock management

-- message

-- spool

-- background processing


Page 5: abap dump_20090305

01. SAP Technology

01-18. Database interface 가 하는 역할은 무엇인가? (M)

-- Open SQL 을 Native SQL 로 변환

-- Database server 의 independency 확립

-- Database buffer 를 사용한다.

01-19. Transport 하기 위해 Object 들을 모아놓은 table 은? (S)

-- TDEVC : Development Classes

-- TADIR : Directory of R/3 Repository Objects

-- TSAPD : Pager server subtype (central address management)

-- T000 : Client

01-20. 다음 중 반드시 하나만 존재해야 하는 것은? (S)




-- PBO

-- PAI


Page 6: abap dump_20090305

02. ABAP Workbench Fundamentals

02. ABAP Workbench Fundamentals

02-1. Which statements are allowed if you are working with an internal table of the type sorted? (M)






02-2. Which commands are allowed if you are working with an internal table of type SORTED? (T/F)






02-3. Which of the following ways of accessing a database table are valid in ABAP? (M)

-- Accessing a single record; SELECT SINGLE.

Only one line is transported from the database to the application server.


The entire database table is transported to the application server. However the loop

is only performed on records that match the condition specified in the where clause.


Data records are only transported from the database table to the application server

if they match the condition specified in the WHERE clause.

-- Array Fetch; Use the SELECT…..INTO TABLE <itab>….ENDSELECT.

Statement to specify that the lines are to be copied into an internal table. The database

interface copies all the records – that match the criteria in the WHERE clause – into the

internal table.

-- Array Fetch; Use the SELECT…..INTO TABLE <itab>.

Statement to specify that the lines are to be copied into an internal table. The database

interface copies all the records – that match the criteria in the WHERE clause – into the

internal table.

02-4. Which of the following statements about the SELECT statement are correct?(T/F)

-- With SELECT SINGLE access, the result is one data record maximum.

-- The SELECT statement supports the return code (SY-SUBRC).

-- With SELECT...ENDSELECT access. the result is one data record maximum.

-- The SELECT statement always reads the data into the SAP memory first.


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02. ABAP Workbench Fundamentals

-- With SELECT...INTO TABLE access, the result is one data record maximum.

02-5. Which of the following statements about the SELECT statement are correct? (T/F)

-- With ARRAY FETCH (SELECT…INTO TABLE), the result is contained in an internal table.

-- The return code of the SELECT statement is maintained in the system field SY-SUBRC.

-- The SELECT statement always reads the data directly from the database, that is, it always bypasses the table


-- All records in the relevant table are read using a SELECT loop without a WHERE clause (SELECT…ENDSELECT).

-- With SELECT SINGEL access, the result is one data record maximum.

02-6. Which of the following statements about data types, data objects, and field symbols are correct? (T/F)

-- If you change the value of a field symbol, the value of the data object to which the field symbol is assigned also


-- A field symbol always reference a data element.

-- You can no longer create data objects at runtime(dynamically) since the ABAP runtime system combines all the

declarative statements in on processing block and executes these first.

-- A field symbols only references a data object after the latter has been assigned to the field symbols using the

ASSIGN statement.

-- You can change the type of the assigned data object using the CASTING-TYPE addition for the ASSIGN statement.

02-7. You want a subroutine U to have a formal parameter P that is used to return a value to the actual parameter.

Which of the following definitions of U would you use to ensure that the value is passed back to the calling program

only if the processing of U ends normally and is not terminated with a MESSAGE statement? (S)





02-8. Which statements on function modules are correct? (M)

-- Function modules are embedded in a function group.

-- You can encapsulate screen sequences using function groups and function modules.

-- Function modules can have an interface which can contain IMPORT and EXPORT parameters. Optional parameters

can be used.

-- The additions to the CALL FUNCTION statements specify at runtime whether actual parameters are to be filled or


-- Function modules are edited in the class builder.

02-9. In program A, function module F is called from function group G for the first time. Which of the following

statements is correct? (S)


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02. ABAP Workbench Fundamentals

-- The code of the entries function group G is loaded into the roll area.

-- The global data from A can be accessed in F.

-- A and F have common work areas for dictionary tables.

-- Function module F is called in a separate internal session.

-- Function module F cannot call any screen (CALL SCREEN).

02-10. In program A, function module F is called from function group G for the first time. Which of the following

statements is correct? (M)

-- The coding of the entire function group G is loaded into the roll area.

-- The global data from A can be accessed in F.

-- A and F have common work areas for Dictionary tables.

-- Function module F is call in a separate internal session.

-- Function module F can get any screen.

02-11. Sorting a sorted table will? (S)

-- Cause a syntax error in the ABAP editor, if the key sequence is changed

-- Destroy the sort sequence of the table

-- Cause erratic results in the application program

-- Improve program performance

02-12. You want to copy certain records from database table DBTAB into an internal structure with the same

structure. INTTAB, and you want to do so as efficiently as possible. Which statement would you use? (S)


-- MOVE-CORRESPONDING dbtab TO inttab.

Append inttab.



-- SELECT * FROM dbtab INTO TABLE inttab.




02-13. Which is the best type for an internal table when the only operation should be key access? (S)




02-14. Which statements about authorization checks in programs are correct? (M)

-- Authorization checks are performed with the SELECT statement.


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02. ABAP Workbench Fundamentals

-- Authorization checks are performed with the authority-check statement.

-- The authorization check determines whether users have the necessary authorizations in their master records.

-- The authorization check is always refers to an authorization profile.

-- The system administrator defines which authorization checks are executed.

02-15. In program P, the SUBMIT statement is used to call report R. How can you pass data from P to R? (T/F)

-- Using the SET/GET parameters.

-- By passing parameters using additions in the SUBMIT statement.

-- Using the ABAP memory.

-- By declaring the data objects with the same name, in both programs, using the DATA statement.

02-16. Which of the following statements are correct? (M)

-- Sorted tables can only contain non-unique keys.

-- Standard tables can only contain non-unique keys.

-- Sorted and hashed tables are index tables.

-- Standard tables are index tables.

-- The standard key is the key of a standard table.

-- The standard key always contains all components of the row type.

02-17. Which of the following statements are correct? (M)

-- Only key access works with hashed tables.

-- Key access means that the search clause may only appear in the key fields of the internal table.

-- Index access allows access using the row number.

-- Single-record key access using READ TABLE can return several data records if you are using standard tables,

because then the key is always non-unique.

-- The SORT statement can sort standard tables.

-- If you use INSERT … INTO TABLE to insert a data record into a sorted table contains no other data record with the

same combination of values for the key components. Otherwise, the SY-SUBRC return value will be set to a number

other than 0.

02-18. Which of the following statements about internal tables is correct? (T/F)

-- Key access to an internal table of the type STANDARD generally has even less runtime consumption than index


-- Index access to an internal table of type SORTED will, in certain cases, violate the sort sequence.

-- Access to nested internal tables using field symbols usually increase performance.

-- Index access to an internal table of the type HASHED has less runtime consumption.

-- You can perform a binary search on internal tables of the type SORTED using the addition BINARY SEARCH only.


Page 10: abap dump_20090305

02. ABAP Workbench Fundamentals

02-19. The SELECT statements automatically? (S)

-- Performs authorization checks.

-- Performs client checks.

-- Displays selection screen.

-- Retrievers a row from the table if a row exists

-- Performs value checks.

02-20. You want to develop a more complex application. For this purpose, you want to use function modules to

modularize the functionality. Which statements about function modules are correct? (M)

-- In function groups, global data can be defined.

-- You can create function modules in function groups only.

-- Data can be transferred to a function module using IMPORTING parameters only.

-- In function groups, subroutines can be defined that can be called within the relevant function group.

-- From a function module, you cannot execute a dialog; in particular, you cannot send a screen.

02-21. Which of the following table types do you choose for your internal table if it is to contain a large number of

entries and to be read only via fully qualified key access? (S)




02-22. Which of the following statements about data types and data objects are correct? (T/F)

-- Data types can be defined only in the ABAP Dictionary.

-- A data object is a variable.

-- A data type is a description of a variable.

-- Data types can be defined in the program.

-- Data types can be defined in the ABAP Dictionary.

02-23. You want to write a subroutine for displaying data that is to be transferred to the subroutine by means of an

internal table. Which transfer type is preferred from a performance perspective? (S)

-- Call by reference

-- Call by value

-- Call by value and result

02-24. Which of the following ABAP statements generate a list in executable programs? (T/F)







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02. ABAP Workbench Fundamentals

02-25. Which value does <F2> have after the following operations? (S)



ASSIGN C1 TO <F1>, ASSIGN C2+2(7) TO <F2>.






02-26. What happens when the above program component is executed? (S)

DATA: itab TYPE tt_spfli.

Parameters: pa_carr TYPE spfli-carrid.




SELECT * FROM spfli INTO TABLE itab WHERE carrid = pa_carr.

-- If the user does not have the relevant authorizations in his or her master record, the system leaves the current

event block directly after the AUTHORITY-CHECK command and jumps to the next event block. In this case, the

SELECT statement is not executed.

-- If the user does not have the relevant authorizations in his or her maser record, the SELECT statement is not

executed, since in this case, the AUTHORITY-CHECK always terminates the program automatically.

-- Regardless of whether or not the user has the relevant authorizations in his or her master record, the SELECT

statement is executed and the data read from the database.

02-27. Which of the following statements on “event block” processing blocks are correct? (M)

-- An event block is introduced in an ABAP program using an event key word. It ends either implicitly when the next

event block begins or another processing block is introduced (FORM or MODULE).

-- An event block is introduced in an ABAP program using an event key word and ends with the ‘END-OF-SELECTION’


-- The sequence in which events are called is determined by the runtime system. The sequence of event block in the

program code is irrelevant.

-- Event block can have an interface and be called by ABAP statement. When they are called, all their interface

parameters must be filled with values.

02-28. Which of the following guarantees that a data access operation will be performed on the current DB contents

of the table <tab>? (S)

-- select * from <tab>. endselect.


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-- select * from <tab> bypassing buffer. endselect.

-- select * from <tab> into table <itab>. endselect.

-- select * from <tab> for all entries in <itab>.

02-29. You Use a DATA statement to define an object in an ABAP program. What is the maximum number of

characters allowed in the name of the object? (S)

-- 10 Characters

-- 15 Characters

-- 20 Characters

-- 30 Characters

-- 35 Characters

02-30. Which data type and length does the field A have, when variable A is defined in an ABAP program with the

statement DATA A? (S)

-- Type C length 1

-- Type P length 8

-- Type I length 4

-- Type F length 8

-- Type N length 1

02-31. Which of the following statements or statement sequences within a LOOP terminates the current pass

through the loop depending on the condition <condition> and causes the processing to continue with the next pass

through the loop? (M)

-- If <condition>. EXIT. ENDIF.

-- CHECK NOT <condition>

-- If<condition>. Return. ENDIF.

-- If<condition>. LEAVE. ENDIF.

-- If<condition>. CONTINUE. ENDIF.

02-32. How many radio button groups are allowed on one screen? (S)

-- 1

-- 2

-- 6

-- 9

-- Any number

02-33. Authorization concept, what is true? (M) (2-34)

-- authorization contain values for the fields an authorization object.


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-- authorization define the fields for a complex authorization check.

-- authorization can be grouped together in profiles.

-- authorization checks in programs always refer to a particular authorization.

-- authorization and profiles are stored in the user master record.

02-34. Authorization Object. What is true? (M) (2-33)

-- authorization object is stored in the master record.

-- authorization object define field for a complex authorization object.

-- authorization objects are grouped together in profiles.

-- authorization object cover up to 10 fields.

-- authorization consists of up to 10 authorization objects .

02-35. 다음 중 Authorization check 가 가능한 객체는 무엇인가? (S)







02-36. In display example, which of string line can be output if you run REPORT AAA? (S)














-- AAA


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-- BBB



02-37. What do you get with the following variable definition if dbtab is a transparent table in the ABAP Dictionary?


DATA myvar TYPE dbtab.

-- An elementary field

-- A structure variable (work area)

-- An internal table

02-38. What do you get when you refer to a client-specific transparent table in the Dictionary if you have a data

definition with TABLES? (S)

-- A structured work area (line).

-- A field.

-- An internal table.

02-39. Which statement does internal table entry deletes? (M)

-- refresh

-- free

-- append

-- delete

-- clear

02-40. Which of system-field contains of the selected line? (S)






02-41. 다음 중 internal table type 이 아닌 것은? (M)

-- standard

-- sorted

-- hashed

-- indexed

02-42. What advantages is Open SQL statement offer? (M)

-- OPEN SQL increase speed.


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-- It can load balancing.

-- It has simple pattern than NATIVE SQL.

-- It is access DBMS directly.

-- Syntax check available.

02-43. 다음 메시지 중 틀리게 짝지어진 것은 무엇인가? (S)





02-44. 다음 중 적절하게 사용한 명령어는 어떤 것인가? (M)

-- LOOK AT itab_flight info FOR wa_flightinfo.


-- MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_sflight TO wa_focc

-- SORT BY itab DESCENDING percentage

-- FORM write_list USING p_it TYPE sbc400

02-45. 다음은 어떤 명령어에 대한 설명인가? (S)

Attach the contents of several lines of an internal table to an another standard table






02-46. 다음 중 SELECT-OPTIONS 의 올바른 사용법은 어느 것인가? (S)


-- SELECT so_carr OPTIONS BY wa_sflight

-- SELECT OPTIONS carrid TYPE s_carr_id

-- SELECT OPTIONS so_carr PARAMETERS s_carr_id

-- SELECT OPTIONS so_carr FOR s_carr_id

02-47. ABAP 프로그램 로직 중에서 다음 중 문법 체크해야 할 시점은? (S)







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02-48. 다음 중 Function 그룹의 컴포넌트들은 어떤 것인가? (M)






02-49. 다음 중 반드시 index 를 사용해서 데이터에 접근해야 하는 테이블 타입은? (S)






02-50. 다음 중 internal table 에 대해 틀리게 설명하고 있는 것은? (M)

-- data object that allow user to retain several data records with the Different structure in memory

-- internal table’s attributes are line-type, key definition, database

-- internal tables can sort data from database table for process

-- internal tables structure and format is for input

-- table’s format data for use by other service

02-51. 다음 중 자기자신을 호출한 프로그램으로 돌아가는 것은? (M)





02-52. AUTHORIZATION OBJECT 는 여러 PROFILE 들에 그룹되어질 수 있다. 맞음? 틀림? (2-33, 2-34)

02-53. AUTHORIZATION OBJECT 는 최대 10 개의 FIELD VALUE 를 갖는다. 맞음? 틀림?

02-54. AUTHORIZATION 는 최대 10 개의 FIELD VALUE 를 갖는다. 맞음? 틀림?

02-55. FUNCTION A 에서 FUCTION B 를 부를 때 새로운 SYSTEM SESSION 이 생김. 맞음? 틀림? --

02-56. SET PARAMETER 는 GLOBAL ABAP/4 MEMORY 를 사용한다 맞음? 틀림? --

02-57. LIST 에서 화면 100 을 CALL SCREEN 하고 다시 LIST 로 돌아가려면?



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02-58. Authorization object 에 대한 개념?

Authorization Object 는 여러 Profile 들에 그룹되어질 수 있다 ?

Authorization 는 여러 Profile 들에 그룹되어질 수 있다 ?

Authorization Object 에는 10개의 Field를 지정할 수 있다 ?

02-59. Call transaction 시 parameter 를 넘기는 방법은?

Set parameter id (id) …

02-60. Submit 할때 parameter 를 넘기는 방법은?

Set param/ export

02-61. DATA AAA. AAA 에 대한 type 및 자리 수?

Character 1자리

02-62. Parameter ID 를 확인할 수 있는 방법은?

F1-> technical info, screen painter의 elementary list를 조회, Tpara Table을 본다.

02-63. Radio button 을 grouping 하는 방법은?

(dialog program에서) Box 이용해서 grouping, field 에 대한 Attribute change 수행.

02-64. Global memory ID)’xx’ to be lost is cause this event? (M)

-- call transaction

-- leave to transaction

-- Exp Mem

-- Imp Mem

-- Submit and return

02-65. internal table 에서 쓸 수 없는 명령은?



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03. Advanced ABAP

03. Advanced ABAP

03-1. You want to develop an application that reads data from the SAP database. Since the

application is runtime critical, you want to read buffered data, as fast as possible. The table is to be

set up in such a way that single records are buffered. Which of the following statements, however,

always bypass the buffer? (T/F)

-- Use of subqueries in the WHERE condition

-- SELECT with aggregate functions

-- Use of a JOIN in the SELECT statement

-- The SELECT SINGLE… statement

-- Use of the IN operator in the WHERE condition

03-2. You want to develop an application that reads data from the SAP database. Since the

application is runtime critical, you want to use table indexes as efficiently as possible to improve the

application runtime. Which statements are correct? (T/F)

-- The more secondary indexes you create, the more probable it is that the database will use a suitable

index to access the database.

-- An index should be composed of only a few fields, since the index must be updated for each change

operation that also contains index fields.

-- For transparent tables, you can create up to two secondary indexes.

-- The client field does not have to be explicitly executed in a secondary index, since it is added

automatically by the database interface.

-- Each table has exactly one primary index.

03-3. You have programmed a SELECT-ENDSELECT loop in table SBOOK (Flight Booking Data),

whereby approximately 1,000 data records are read. How is the data transported from the database

to the application server? (S)

-- The data records are always transferred from the database to the application server record by


-- The data records are transferred to the application server in blocks of varying lengths, depending on

the network load.

-- The data is transferred to the application server in packages of equal size.

03-4. You write an application that stores data in an internal table temporarily. Since the application

is runtime critical, you consider which type of internal table to use. Which statements about internal

tables are correct? (T/F)

-- If not all key fields are qualified when a data record is read from an internal table with table key


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(READ…WITH TABLE KEY…), the statement returns the first suitable data record.

-- There are four types of internal table: standard, sorted hashed, and indexed tables.

-- You can use the INSERT TABLE statement to add data records to all types of internal table.

-- If you want to add and entry to a sorted table, the sort sequence must remain the same.

-- You cannot use an index to access hashed tables.

03-5. In your application, you implement diverse calculations, you use variables of data type f, p, and

i. Which arithmetic does the calculation follow? (S)

-- Calculations are basically carried out in integral arithmetic. The result is converted to the type of

result variables.

-- If the arithmetic expression contains a data object of type f, calculations are basically carried out in

floating point arithmetic.

-- The ABAP runtime always uses packed numbers for business calculations. This means that this

calculation is also carried out with packed numbers and, if necessary, the result is converted.

03-6. Which statements about internal tables are correct? (T/F)

-- If a field symbol is used to access the content of an internal table, the data record is not copied to

the work area.

-- If a field symbol is assigned with the READ…ASSIGNING <fs> statement, the entry in the internal

table can be changed directly using this field symbol.

-- The costs for reading a data record from a hashed table do not depend on the number of entries in

the table.

-- The costs for reading a data record are higher for a large number of entries in a sorted table than for

a large number of entries in a standard table.

** Advanced ABAP : 추가된 부분

추가된 6권의 Shared Object in ABAP 부분에서 출제

- shared Object의 장점, - DB clustering, - ~critical, 이러한 위험을 줄이고 performance를 최대화 하기 위해

어떻게 해야 하는가? (3문제)

- format

이 부분은 새로 출판된 ver.6.40의6권 처음( shared object in abap) 부분에서 많이 출제되었습니다. 이 부분만

본다면 될 것 같습니다.


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04. ABAP Object

04. ABAP Object

04-1. Using the statement CREATE OBJECT you can instantiate objects of a class. What situations can

arise here? (T/F)

-- All objects of the same class contain the same number of attributes and methods after being


-- You can preset different objects of a class with different values immediately who they are being


-- The contents of the attributes of different objects in a class always contain the same content or

value immediately after being created.

-- You define the type and number of attributes of an object through the corresponding class.

04-2. What is allowed within class definitions? (T/F)

-- Typing with LIKE to ABAP Dictionary types.

-- The definition of internal tables with header lines.

-- The TABLES statement.

-- The definition of internal tables without header lines.

-- Typing with TYPE to ABAP Dictionary types.

04-3. ref_cl is a reference to the class cl_document. ref_if is a reference to the interface if_display.

The interface if_display is implemented by the class cl_document. What option do you have to create

an object of the class cl_docment? (T/F)

-- CREATE OBJECT ref_cl.

-- CREATE OBJECT ref_if TYPE cl_document.

-- CREATE OBJECT ref_if.

-- DATA class_name TYPE string.

class_name = "CL_DOCUMENT".

CREATE OBJECT ref_if TYPE (class_name).

04-4. Which of the following statements about functional methods are correct? (T/F) (4-29)

-- Functional methods cannot have any EXPORTING or CHANGING parameters.

-- Functional methods have exactly one RETURNING parameter.

-- You can functional methods directly in a WRITE statement.

-- You can use functional methods directly in an arithmetic expression.

(4-4와 4-29의 답이 다른데 3번째 write 명령어안에 직접적으로 functional methods를 쓸 수 있는다는


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틀린걸로 간주 됨 – 정확하게 알아보고 싶다면 책을 찾아보길 권장함, 09.02.23일 시험에 출제됨)


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04. ABAP Object

04-5. Which of the following statements about inheritance are correct? (T/F) (4-34)

-- Through inheritance, the public attributes of the superclass are inherited to the subclass.

-- Through inheritance, the private attributes of the superclass are inherited to the subclass and they

can be addressed in the subclass directly using "ME->".

-- Through inheritance, the protected attributes of the superclass are inherited to the subclass.

-- Through inheritance, the private attributes of the superclass are inherited to the subclass and they

can be addressed in the subclass directly using "THIS->".

04-6. Typing is not always necessary in ABAP, for example, for interface parameters of a subroutine.

Which of the following statements applies to ABAP objects? (S)

-- Typing is imperative for interface parameters of a method belonging to an ABAP objects class.

-- To simplify writing the software and design it clearly, you can do without typing altogether within the

ABAP object classes.

-- If you have numeric interface parameter in an ABAP Objects class. you can do without typing.

04-7. What is an (instance) constructor? (S) (4-27, 4-31)

-- An instance attribute that is automatically given a unique identification by the system when an

object is created.

-- An instance method for initializing the attributes of an object; it is automatically called by the system


-- An instance method for controlling how much main memory is to be reserved for an object.

04-8. How is a Shared Objects area accessed in ABAP? (S)

-- With the help of a special database table.

-- With the help of a special data type.

-- With the help of a special class.

04-9. If you copy a subclass reference to a reference variable that is typed on the superclass

(narrowing cast), which components can you access with this reference variable? (M)

-- Redefined components of the superclass

-- Newly defined components of the subclass.

-- Inherited components of the superclass

-- Redefined components of the subclass.


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04-10. If a reference variable – typed on a superclass – contains a subclass reference and you copy

this to a reference variable that is typed on the class (widening cast), which of the following

components can you access with this reference variable? (M)

-- Redefined components of the superclass

-- Newly defined components of the subclass.

-- Inherited components of the superclass.

-- Redefined components of the subclass.

04-11. If you copy an instance reference of a class, which implements an interface, to a reference

variable that is typed on the interface (narrowing cast), what components can you access using this

reference variable? (S)

-- The components of the interface.

-- The components of the class that are not defined in the interface.

-- All components of the class.

-- The components of the interface for which alias names have been defined.

04-12. If a reference variable that is typed on an interface contains an instance reference of a class

that implements this interface and you copy this to a reference variable that is typed on the class,

which of the following components can you access with this reference variable? (M)

-- The components of the interface.

-- The components from the class that are not defined in the interface.

-- All components of the class.

-- The components of the interface for which alias names have been defined.

04-13. Which techniques are basic requirements for polymorphism? (T/F)

-- Narrowing Cast.

-- Redefinition of methods (for polymorphism through inheritance).

-- Widening Cast.

-- Implementation of methods of an interface in the respective classes (for polymorphism through


04-14. In the case of classes, we distinguish between two types of components (attributes and

methods): Instance components and static components. Which of the following statements apply in

this context? (T/F)

-- In a static method, instance attributes can also be used, provided they are declared as READ ONLY.

-- Instance methods can use both static as well as instance components in their implementation part.


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-- Both static as well as instance attributes are declared using the DATA statement.

-- Static methods can be called through the class: <class_name>=><method_name>.

-- Static attributes exist only once for each class.

04-15. What advantages do Shared Objects have compared with import/export To Shared

memory/buffer? (T/F)

-- In Shared Objects areas, groups of object references can be stored.

-- Data In shared objects areas is compressed.

-- It is possible to access data in Shared Objects areas, without copying.

-- In Shared objects areas, more data - in principle - can be stored than in the shared memory / buffer.

04-16. What is the advantage of shared objects over import/export to shared memory/buffer? (T/F)

-- More data can always be saved in shared objects areas than in the shared memory/buffer.

-- Data in shared objects areas is compressed.

-- In shared objects areas, networks of object references can be stored.

-- Data in shared objects areas can be accessed directly, without the data having to be copied.

04-17. Which of the following statements about interfaces are correct? (T/F)

-- Interfaces actually stand for an interface (protocol) between a client (interface user) and a server

(implementing class).

-- Interfaces are used to call static components of a class.

-- Using interface references you can reference all the public components of an object that have been

defined in the corresponding interface-implementing class.

-- A client(caller) can use interface reference to access all methods of the interfaces and thus archive

polymorphic behavior.

-- Using interfaces you can simulate multiple inheritance.

04-18. Which access authorizations apply to friend relationships? (T/F)

-- A friend of a class access to the public attributes of the class allowing the friendship.

-- A subclass of a friend class has automatic access to the private attributes of the class allowing the


-- A friend of a class has access to the private attributes of the class allowing the friendship.

-- The allowing of a friendship is not inherited.

04-19. Which statements in connection with methods are correct? (T/F) (4-41)

-- You can call methods in ABAP objects in the same way as function modules.


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-- You can call methods only within ABAP Objects classes.

-- Like form routines or function modules, methods are a means to modularize software.

-- Similar to the case with function modules, you have the option with methods of marking parameters

as "optional".

04-20. If you have a "Singleton Pattern", you must ensure that only one object can be created from a

cl_singleton class. What mechanisms must you avail of here? (M)

-- The singleton class must have a class method implemented in which the CREATE OBJECT call is

programmed for this one object.

-- The singleton class must have the addition CREATE PRIVATE in the definition part.

-- In the singleton class, there must be an even defined that is triggered when the first and only object

is created and also prevents further objects of this class from being created.

-- The singletone class must have an instance method implemented in which the CREATE OBJECT call is

programmed for this one object.

-- The CREATE OBJECT call for this one object can take place in the class constructor of the singleton


04-21. The reference ME is defined by the system and has the following function. (S)

-- You use the reference ME within a class solely to reference the private methods of the class itself.

-- You use the reference ME within a class to call attributes and methods of the class itself.

-- You use the reference Me within a class solely to reference the private attributes of the class itself.

04-22. In a OO transaction, a transaction code is assigned to a method of a global class CL_A.

Afterwards, this method can be called directly using the transaction code. What limitation exists with

regard to the (instance) constructor of this class CL_A? (S)

-- The constructor must not have any importing parameters.

-- There is no limitation.

-- The constructor must be defined in the protected section.

04-23. Which access authorizations apply to friendships? (M) (4-33)

-- A friend of a class has access to the private attributes of the allowing the friendship.

-- A subclass of a friend class has automatic access to the private attribute of the class allowing the


-- The allowing of a friendship is not inherited.

-- A friend of a class has access to the public attributes of the class allowing the friendship.


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04. ABAP Object

04-24. You want to develop an application with dynamic elements. Which of the statements are

correct? (T/F)

-- You can access variables created using CREATE DATA only using field symbols.

-- You can use the CREATE DATA statement to create variables at program runtime.

-- You can use the CREATE TYPE statement to create data types at program runtime.

-- Data type cannot be created or constructed at program runtime.

-- The runtime type services classes enable type information to be determined at program runtime.

04-25. Your program contains two classes, CA and CB, whereby class CB inherits data from class CA. In

class CA, a public instance method MA is defined that does not have any parameters. In class CB, a

public instance method MB is also defined that does not have any parameters. Your program contains

the following coding:




R_CA = R_CB.

Which of the following statements would be syntactically correct after the above program component?


-- R_CB->MB( )

-- R_CB->MA( )

-- R_CA->MB( )

04-26. In global class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID that is delivered by SAP, the DBLCLICK_ROW_COL event is

defined, which triggered when a cell the list is double-clicked. You have written program in which data

displayed in a list using class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID.

What do you have to do in your program to response to the statement? (T/F)

-- Register on the event using the SET HANDLER statement.

-- Capture the event with the CATCH statement.

-- Create your own class.

-- Write a handling method for the event.

04-27. 다음 중 constructor 에 대해 정의한 것은 무엇인가? (S) (4-31, 4-7)

-- special method for creating object with defined initial state.

-- Specific instance of a class

-- Set of object

-- The implementation of an object hidden from other components in the System.


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-- Description of data that can be stored in the objects in a class

04-28. Class cl_document 와 interface if_text, cl_document 를 refer 하는 reference object r_ref, if_text 를

refer 하는 reference variable r_lif 가 있다. 다음 중 가능한 것은? (M)

-- CREATE OBJECT r_lif type cl_document



-- r_ref type cl_document,

classname = ‘CL_DOCUMENT’

CREATE OBJECT r_lif type (classname)

04-29. Functional method 에 대한 설명으로 맞는 것은? (M) (4-4)

-- 한 개의 returning parameter만 가짐

-- write구문에서 directly 사용가능

-- calculation express구문에서 사용가능

-- cannot have exporting, changing parameter.

04-30. Polymorphism 이 가능하기 위해 필요한 것은? (M)

-- Method redefinition.

-- Inheritance

-- Narrow Casting

-- Widening Casting

04-31. Constructor 에 대한 설명 중 맞는 것은? (M) (4-27, 4-7)

-- Object를 생성할 때 initialization하는 역할.

-- 나머지는 생각 안남….평이한 문제임

04-32. Visibility 문제. (M)

-- Instance method는 instance attribute와 static attribute를 모두 사용 가능

-- Public attribute는 class와 subclass모두 사용 가능

-- Private attribute는 class와 subclass 모두 사용 가능.

-- Protected attribute는 class와 subclass 모두 사용 가능.

04-33. Friend 의 개념 (M) (4-23)

-- Friend를 상속받은 Subclass는 friendship을 제공하는 놈의 friend이다.

-- Friendship 속성은 상속되지 않음


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04. ABAP Object

04-34. Inheritance 에 관한 문제. (Superclass 의 private, protected, public section 들에 있는 component

들이 subclass 로 상속되는지 안 되는지에 관한 문제.) (4-5)

-- Subclass가 superclass의 private도 상속가능(직접 사용은 못한다.)

-- Subclass가 superclass의 protected component 상속가능..등등..

04-35. 다음 중 선언을 제대로 선언한 것은 무엇인가? (M)

-- <instance> => <class_attribute>

-- <class> => <class_name>

-- <class_name> => <class_attribute>

-- <instance_name> => <instance_attribute>

-- <instance> => <instance_attribute>

04-36. 다음 중 polymorphism 의 영역에 속성이 다른 하나는? (S)

-- narrow casting

-- widening casting

-- reference

-- redefine method

-- inheritance

04-37. 다음 중 redefine method 에 대해 틀린 것은? (M)

-- Inherited method can be in the different section as the definition of original method.

-- Inherited method can be redefined in subclass.

-- Static method can be redefine.

-- A class shares its non-private static attributes with all its subclass.

-- User can only redefine instance methods.

04-38. 다음 중 상속(inheritance)이 불가능한 것은 어느 것인가? (다음 중 하위 클래스를 생성할 수 없는 것은 어떤

것 인가? (M)






04-39. 다음 중 Encapsulation 에 대한 올바른 정의는 무엇인가? (S)

-- object in different classes react differently to the same message


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-- the implementation of an object is hidden from other components in system

-- function that can be executed on the data of object

-- the implementation relationship between class

-- system routine that automatically deletes object that can no longer

04-40. 다음 중 constructor 에 대해 올바른 설명은? (M) (4-27, 4-31, 4-7)

-- ONLY has IMPORTING and EXPORTING parameters.

-- Is automatically called at runtime within the LOAD_OF_PROGRAM statement

-- Can define and implement in the public section

-- Can define and implement in the protected section

-- Executed only once per instance

04-41. 다음 중 method 에 대해 맞는 설명은? (M) (4-19)

-- Both instance and static events can be triggered in instance method.

-- Static method use instance method and static method.

-- Private method can be called by a public method.

-- Final method can override public method.

-- Static method defines at class level.

04-42. 다음 중 interface 에 대해서 올바른 설명은 무엇인가? (M)

-- A class can implement any number of interface.

-- An interface can be implemented by one class

-- Interfaces can only be implemented publicly

-- Interfaces always in the public section.

-- Interfaces are addressed using method.

04-43. 다음 중 틀린 것은 무엇인가? (M)

-- Abstract method are defined in the class and implemented.

-- Classes with at least one abstract method are themselves abstract

-- Static method constructors must abstract.

-- Final class cannot have subclass and can protect itself in this way against specialization.

-- Friends method can be inherited.

04-44. 다음 중 exception 에 대해 제대로 설명한 것은 무엇인가? (M)

-- Exceptions are represented by objects that are instance of error class.

-- All exception classes inherit the KERNEL_ERRID from CX_ROOT.


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04. ABAP Object

-- Defining exception is same that creating error.

-- Exception are represented by objects that are instances of exception class.

-- User can’t raise exceptions in a program.

04-45. 다음 중 문법이 정확하게 쓰여진 문장은? (M)

-- variable TYPE REF TO <type>

-- variable LIKE <interface>

-- variable TYPE <type> READ-ONLY

-- variable TYPE REF TO <classname>

-- variable TYPE <type> VALUE <value>


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05. ABAP Dictionary

05. ABAP Dictionary

05-1. The search help function know various link options in the ABAP dictionary. Which of the

following statements apply? (T/F)

-- A search help function that is linked to the table field can return values only for the search field i.

(field where the f4 help was triggered).

-- A search help function that is linked to the data element can return values only for the search field

(field where the f4 help was triggered).

-- If the search help function is linked to the data element as well as to the field. the search help for

the field is displayed.

-- If the search help function is linked to a table A. This search help is displayed whenever there are

input field from A on the screen.

-- If the search help function is linked to a table A. This search help displayed whenever there are input

fields on that screen that have A as the check table.

05-2. For what purpose are foreign key(FK) defined in the ABAP Dictionary? (S)

-- For the purpose of data consistency: when you active the table the FKs are created in the database.

-- You thus prevent invalid data from getting into the table.

-- For the purpose data consistency: when you maintain data records using dialog transaction

(screens) the input values are automatically checked in accordance with the FKs.

-- FKs are used solely for documenting table relationships.

05-3. Which of the following statements are correct? (T/F) (5-4)

-- Multiple database tables can be read using a database view or a join.

-- A secondary index can help improve system performance for database accesses.

-- A secondary index can help improve system performance for accesses to internal tables.

-- The open SQL statements are converted into database-specific SQL statements by the database


-- The client field must always be specified in the WHERE condition for SELECT.

05-4. Which of the following statements are correct? (T/F) (5-3)

-- You can select from several database tables using a database view or a join.

-- A secondary index for non-key fields generally works like a primary index for key fields.

-- A key field in a database table uniquely identifies a data record.

-- The client field is a selective field and should therefore always be specified in the WHERE condition



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-- The OPEN SQL statements are converted into database-specific statements by the database


05-5. Where can you have automatic input checks against the check table? (S)

-- For input fields on screens if the input fields have been copied from the Dictionary into the Screen


-- For input fields on ABAP lists.

-- For input fields on selection screens.

05-6. Is it possible to increase the number of key fields in transparent tables that are already active?


-- No, Key changes are not allowed.

-- Yes, irrespective of whether the table already contains data or not.

-- Yes, However, the table must not contain any data yet.

05-7. Which of the following statements apply to a database view? (T/F)

-- A database view supplies the results quantity of an outer join logic.

-- Using a database view, you can read data from several tables.

-- Using a database view, you can insert data into several tables.

-- A database view is a special view of transparent tables.

-- A database view can have one or several base tables.

05-8. 다음 중 view 에 대한 틀리게 설명한 것을 모두 고르시오? (M)

-- can hide information & only display some data

-- can use outer join and inner join

-- maintenance views implements an inner join

-- maintenance view is defined in the ABAP dictionary and automatically created on the database

during activation

-- all the tables used in a maintenance views must be linked with a foreign key.

05-9. Database view 에 대한 설명으로 맞는 것은? (M)

-- Can select from several tables.

-- can change several tables through view.

-- Database view는 transparent table의 special view이다.

-- Outer join이 default로 수행된다.


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05. ABAP Dictionary

05-10. Which statements about parameters for an elementary search help apply? (T/F) (5-13)

-- Parameters can be displayed on the result list.

-- Parameters must be fields from the selection method only.

-- Import parameters control which data can be included in the data selection.

-- Export parameters control which data can be returned to the input template.

-- A parameter is either an import or an export parameter

05-11. Which of the following statements about indexes are correct? (T/F) (5-18)

-- The primary index consists of the key fields of the database table.

-- An Index can be assigned to several database tables.

-- A database table can have more than one index.

-- Using an index speeds up data selection from a table.

05-12. Which letters are allowed to be the first letter in the names of customer defined tables,

structures and pooled tables or cluster tables? (M)

-- Y

-- Z

-- W

-- T

05-13. Which are the features of the new search help concept? (M) (5-10)

-- Link the search help to data elements, foreign key tables, and Dictionary structures

-- Copy and display several fields in the hit list on the screen

-- Use flexible processes with user exits

-- Select data with freely definable tables and views

-- Define default values for input parameters

05-14. Which parameters must be defined for a search help? (S) (5-10)

-- All import parameters

-- All export parameters

-- All change parameters

-- At least one export parameters

05-15. What is check table as defined in the SAP terminology? (M)

-- A value table assigned to a domain

-- Any internal table defined in an ABAP program whose contents can be used to check input values


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-- A table that is assigned to one or more fields of a foreign key table

-- The table for which a foreign key is defined

-- The table to which a foreign key refers

05-16. What is necessary to define a FOREIGNKEY RELATIONSHIP? (M)

-- The check table field must be a primary key field.

-- The check field has the same domain.

05-17. what action take place when the definition of a table changes in the dictionary, and the table

contains no data? (M)

-- The existing table is deleted in the database

-- The existing table is renamed

-- The revised table definition become active

-- The indexes are recreated in the database

05-18. Which of the following assertions about indexes are correct? (M) (5-11)

-- Using an index speeds up data selection from a table

-- When the table is activated all indexes defined for it are automatically created in the database

-- The index comprises the table name and index ID

-- The index ID consists of two character

(2번째 When the table is 문항 X로 변경.)

05-19. Which of the following statements are correct? (M)

-- As far as possible, when you use key access, the runtime system always chooses the fastest possible

variant, depending on the table kind.

-- Hashed tables should not be used if you need to make many changes when you are accessing data.

-- You can save lots of runtime by using field symbols and references, especially with nested internal


-- Binary searching is possible for standard tables.

-- The fastest form of access in loop processing is usually through the row number.

05-20. In which of the following table types is there a one-to-one relationship between the table

defined in the ABAP Dictionary and relevant physical table in the database? (S)

-- Cluster table

-- Pooled table

-- Structure

-- Transparent database table.


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05. ABAP Dictionary

05-21. A table defined in the ABAP data dictionary. Where are length and data type of the fields of that

table stored? (S) (5-34)

-- In the table field

-- In the data element assigned to the table field

-- In the domain assigned to the table field through the data element

-- In the documentation for the data element

-- n an ABAP program which uses the table

05-22. Which is able within in the ABAP Dictionary permit the addition of approved? (M)

-- Transportation

-- Pooled

-- Cluster tables

-- Structure

-- Transparent tables

05-23. Which of the following is true with a LEFT OUTER JOIN of two tables? (S)

-- Rows of the left hand table that do not meet the JOIN condition do not appear in the combined result.

-- Rows of the right hand table that do not meet the JOIN condition do not appear in the combined


-- All Rows of both tables will be in the combined result.

-- Rows of both tables will be in the combined result only if both tables have matching rows.

05-24. You want to change the technical properties that are defined in a domain, How do you

proceed/Which statements are correct? (T/F)

-- If a dependent object is a transparent table that already contains data, the table in the database

may have to be converted

-- Once changes have been made and the domain activated, you have to reactivate each dependent

object individually

-- Before you make any changes, use a where-used list to search for dependent objects, since the

changes can continue to the fields in structures and database tables

-- You make the changes immediately, since, initially, an inactive version is created for all dependent

objects that contain these changes.

05-25. Which of the following statements about the SAP table buffer are correct? (T/F) (5-44)

-- Each application server involved in an SAP system has its own table buffer.


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-- Large tables must be buffered as completely as possible.

-- When table are buffered in the SAP table buffer, inconsistencies can occur between the status in the

SAP table buffer and the status in the database.

-- Database views can be buffered.

05-26. What is a table type in the ABAP Dictionary? (S)

-- Description of a database table

-- Description of an internal table

-- Database table with content

05-27. Changes to active transparent tables: The type for the non-key field is to be changed from

NUMC to CHAR. What follow-up actions are to be expected? (T/F)

Key field가 아닌 field의 type을 N에서 C로 바꿨을 때 알맞은 설명은

-- Data가 없으면 delete해서 새로 생성해서 activate한다

-- Data가 있으면 alter table or conversion

-- Administrator가 special technique를 이용해 처리한다.

05-28. 다음 중 반드시 key 를 사용해서 데이터에 접근해야 하는 테이블 타입은? (S)






05-29. VALUE TABLE 은 DOMAIN 에 ASSIGN될 수 있다. 맞음? 틀림? --

05-30. GENERIC BUFFERING 은 모든 RECORD 를 포함한다. 맞음? 틀림? --

05-31. Customer defined table 의 첫 번째 문자로 올 수 있는 것? Z or Y

Y, Z

05-32. Check table 에 대한 설명? (M)

Foreign Key field 들이 참조(refer) 하는 table. …


05-33. Left outer join 에 대한 설명? (5-23)

05-34. Field 에 대한 data type / Length 관련 정보는 어디서? (5-21)


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05-35. Domain 에서 정의하는 것은?

05-36. Program 에서 object 의 최대 자리 수는?

05-37. Field 에 대한 search help 를 알아 볼 경우 어떤 방법을 취해야 하나? (5-1)

05-38. Generic buffering 은 모든 field 를 buffering 하는 것인가? (5-30)

05-39. ( ) are data objects that allows user to retain several data records with the same structure in

memory. (5-8)

05-40. 다음 중 Search Help 에 대해 알맞은 설명은? (M) (5-10)

-- Search Help can use IMPORT and EXCEPTION parameters.

-- Search Help can’t attach directly to a field of structure or table.

-- Search Help can attach to a data element

-- Search Help can input check and automatically offer value

-- Search Help is used to describe flow of output.

05-41. 다음 중 ABAP 에서 테이블이 아닌 것은? (S)

-- internal table

-- transparent table

-- logical db

-- ABAP dictionary

-- Value table

05-42. 다음 중 view 에 대한 틀리게 설명한 것을 모두 고르시오? (M) (5-39, 5-8)

-- can hide information & only display some data

-- can use outer join and inner join

-- maintenance views implements an inner join

-- maintenance view is defined in the ABAP dictionary and automatically created on the database

during activation

-- all the tables used in a maintenance views must be linked with a foreign key.

05-43. 다음 중 buffering 에 대해 맞게 설명한 것은? (M)

-- generic buffering is left-justified part records of key loaded

-- full buffering less read and frequently write

-- full buffering can use command ‘SELECT SINGLE’

-- single record buffering only accessed record is loaded

-- single record buffering is profitable in small table


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05-44. Table Buffering 에 대한 설명 중 맞는 것을 모두 골라라. (M) (5-25)

-- Technical setting에서 buffering의 종류를 정의할 수 있다.

-- 각 application server별로 buffering을 하므로 어느 순간 server간의 불일치가 있을 수도 있다.

-- GENERIC BUFFERING은 모든 테이블의 데이터를 buffering하는 것을 말한다.

-- 변경이 자주 일어나는 테이블에 buffering을 지정하면 효과적이다.

05-45. 다음의 용어가 정확히 짝지어진 것은? (S)




















05-48. 다음 중 transparent match code 에 대한 설명을 모두 골라라. (M)

-- 중복되는 data의 저장을 막는다.

-- DB의 변동사항이 즉시 반영된다.

-- 수행시간이 빠르다.

-- update가 잦은 match code에 효과적이다.


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05. ABAP Dictionary

05-49. What does the term Domain mean in SAP terminology? (M)

-- Technical attribute ____ set of value.

-- Fixed Value

-- Value Table

05-50. What does the following statement of the search for help concept? (M)

-- F4 지원

-- Fixed value

-- On request 에서도search help를 지원한다


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06. Techniques of List Processing

06. Techniques of List Processing

06-1. You do design a screen with 5 radio buttons. How do you ensure that only one radio button is

selected at a time? (S)

-- Enclose all the radio buttons within a box.

-- Combine all the radio buttons in a graphical group.

-- When initializing, assign the value - to only one radio button.

-- Assign all the radio buttons to the same modification group.

06-2. Which of the following ABAP statements create a list for executable programs? (T/F)






06-3. Which of the following events generate lists? (T/F)






06-4. Which of the following events are suitable for the generation of lists? (T/F)





-- GET events

06-5. How do you ensure there will be the correct number of decimal places for currency amounts on

an ABAP list output? (S) (6-37)

-- By maintaining the corresponding Customizing table and by using the addition CURRENCY in the

WRITE statement.

-- This take place automatically, provided the checkbox 'CURRENCY output' is ticked in the program



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-- By saving the currency amounts with decimal place in the database.

06-6. A logical database has four nodes altogether. First you have the root node node_00.

Underneath the root node you have node_01 and then node_02 arranged in such a way so that they

belong to the same hierarchy level. In addition, node_02 has a hierarchically dependent node,

node_21. You have the following statements in programs: “NODES”?. (S)

-- NODE_00, Node_02 Node_21.

-- NODE_00, Node_02.

-- NODE_00, NODE_01 Node_02.

06-7. LDB 를 사용하려 하는데 root node 는 Node_00 이고 root node 밑에 Node_01과Node_02 가 같은

레벨상에 존재한다. 그리고 Node_021 은 Node_02 의 종속하는 Node 이다. (Node 에 대한 그림은 없고 설명이

주어짐) 이와 같은 LDB 에서 다음과 같은 구문을 실행할 때 Node_02 의 data 를 읽을 때 GET LATE 가 실행되는

곳은 어디인가? (S)

-- GET NODE_00.

-- GET NODE_02.


06-8. Which statement at the time of AT SELECTION-SCREEN causes the selection screen to be

displayed again with fields ready for input and a message in the status line? (S)

-- A MESSAGE E...statement

-- An AUTHORITY-CHECK statement that return code SY-SUBRC NE 0.

-- A MESSAGE I...statement.

06-9. Which statement at the time of AT SELECTION-SCREEN causes the selection screen to be

displayed again with fields ready for input and a message in the status bar? (S)

-- An AUTHORITY-CHECK statement with a return code not equal to 0.

-- A MESSAGE statement of type E.

-- A MESSAGE statement of type I.

06-10. Which of the following statements apply to the SAP grid control? (T/F) (6-11)

-- Can only be implemented in module pools.

-- Can only display single-line lists.

-- Cannot print data.

-- Provides standard functions such as sorting.

-- Can only display structures from the Dictionary.


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06. Techniques of List Processing

06-11. You want to have a list output in the program with the help of the SAP grid control. What steps

must you perform in the program to achieve this? (M) (6-10)

-- Create an object class for the SAP grid control.

-- Create an object reference for the SAP grid control.

-- Make the container control available.

-- Create a screen.

-- Program WRITE statements for the list output.

06-12. Which of the following are the standard functions offered by SAP Grid Control? (M)

-- Sorting by any column.

-- Generate objects.

-- Adding number columns.

-- Link objects

-- Fixed lead columns.

06-13. Sorting and control levels. Which of the following statements is true? (M)

-- The consumption of resources increases if you specify fields after SORT ital BY.

-- When processing control levels, the data records must be in sorted order.

-- The statement sequence between AT NEW <f1> and ENDAT is executed whenever the fields <f1>

contains a new value.

-- The order of the statements AT NEW <f1. and AT NEW <f2> is unimportant.

06-14. The statement WRITE “Address and Bank Link” (001) is listed correctly however a different text

appears in the list at this position. What can be the reasons for this? (M) (6-44)

-- The corresponding list line dynamically set to “inactive”.

-- No text element 001 is defined.

-- The user who started the program has logged on in a language for which for which no transaction

exists for this text element.

-- Text element 001 was defined with a different text.

06-15. How do you store data in the HIDE area during list processing? (S)

-- The HIDE area is filled in the TOP include through the HIDE statement.

-- The HIDE area is filled in the event TOP-OF-PAGE for each list page.

-- First you write a list line using WRITE. Then you can store data for this line in the HIDE area.

06-16. Sorting with intermediate dataset which of the following assertion are true? (M)


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-- the insert: F1, F2 into <field group> statement stores a record in an intermediate data set: X

-- the field group header must contain all the fields by which you want to sort

-- each EXTRACT <field group> statement implicitly fills the field group header with values

-- the processing of an intermediate dataset takes place in a loop LOOP...ENDLOOP

-- the loop LOOP AT fg ENDLOOP processes only the records generated with EXTRACT fg from an

intermediate data set: X

06-17. How can you affect the selection screen of a report (without using logical database)? (M)

-- Using PARAMETERS statements.

-- Using TABLES statements.

-- Using SELECT-OPTIONS statements

-- Using FIELD-SYMBOLS statements

06-18. When a logical database is used in a report, which of the following determines the lowest

hierarchical level read? (S)

-- How the buffering is specified for the database tables.

-- The SELECT OPTIONS specified for the database tables.

-- The PUT statements in the generated database program.

-- The GET statements in the report program.

-- The secondary indexes specified for the database tables.

06-19. What does the ABAP statement GET [fa] mean? (S)

-- This statement reads a record from [fa].

-- This statement requests the logical database to transfer a record from [fa].

-- This statement describes an event that occurs when the logical database retrieves a record from


-- This statement describes an event that occurs when a record in the list is selected from [fa].

06-20. In which table are icons defined? (S) (6-21, 6-27)

-- <SYSTEM>.

-- <ICON>.


06-21. In which table are icons defined? (M) (6-20, 6-27)

-- <SYSTEM>.

-- <ICON>.



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-- <LIST>.

06-22. If the function code ‘PICK’ is assigned to the double-click, which events is triggered by double-

clicking a line in a basic list generated by an ABAP report? (S)



-- AT PF02


06-23. How many radio button groups are allowed on one screen? (S)

-- 1

-- 2

-- Any number

-- 6

-- 9

06-24. Which value does <F2> have after the following operations? (S)



ASSIGN C1 TO <F1>, ASSIGN C2+2(7) TO <F2>.






06-25. How many individual ABAP MOVE statement are contained in the statement MOVE A TO : B, C,

D, E.? (S)

-- 4

-- 1

-- 3

-- 5

06-26. Which ABAP data type would you use for calculations r=that require a high degree of precision?


-- Data type p.


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-- Data type i.

-- Data type d.

-- Data type x.

-- Date type f.

06-27. How do you output icons on an ABAP list? (S) (6-20, 6-21)

-- You must enter the include <icon> in the program and also specify the addition AS ICON in the

WRITE statement.

-- You must enter include <system> in the program.

-- You must specify the addition FORMAT AS ICON is the WRITE statement.

06-28. You want to output the string "Name:" in line 20, column 10 on the first page of a list, and the

string "Address" immediately below it, the page should otherwise remain blank (no header). Which of

the following reports can you use to achieve this? (T/F)


skip to line 20. position 10. write:/ "Name:", /"Address".


skip to line 20. position 10. write:/ "Name:", /"Address:" under "Name".


skip to line 20. position 10. write / "Name:", write /"Address:".


skip to line 20. position 10. write:/ "Name:", /10 "Address:".


skip to line 20. position 10. write:/ "Name:", "Address" under "Name".

06-29. A logical database has four nodes altogether. First you have the root node node_00.

Underneath the root node you have node_01 and then node_02 arranged in such a way so that they

belong to the same hierarchy level. In addition, node_02 has a hierarchically dependent node,

node_21. You have the following statements in programs: NODES.(S) (6-6, 6-7)

-- The event is executed each time all the dependent data records for a node_00 data recorded have

been delivered into the program.

-- The event is executed each time after the event GET node_02.

-- The event is not executed.

-- The event is executed only if no data recorded is found for node_00.

06-30. Which of the following statements about radio buttons is correct? (S)


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-- For each screen, the user can choose only one radio button.

-- Clicking a radio button always triggers a PAI.

-- Only the selected radio buttons have the value 1 for PBO in the field SCREEN-ACTIVE.

-- For each radio button group, the user can choose only on radio button.

06-31. What should you use to fix the current write position as left boundary of the scroll area? (S)





06-32. What methods of data collection can be defined for a functional area in ABAP Query? (M)

-- Logical database.

-- Internal tables.

-- Sequential files

-- Database tables.

-- A separate data collection program.

06-33. Which of the following ways of accessing a database table are valid in ABAP? (M)

-- Accessing a single record; select single.

Only one line is transported from the database to the application server.


The entire database table is transported to the application server. However the loop

is only performed on records that match the condition specified in the where clause.

-- SELECT Loop; select…….endselect .

Data records are only transported from the database table to the application server

if they match the condition specified in the WHWRE clause.

-- Array Fetch; Use the select…..into table <itab>….endselect

Statement to specify that the lines are to be copied into an internal table. The database interface

copies all the records – that match the criteria in the WHERE clause – into the internal table.

-- Array Fetch; Use the select…..into table <itab>

Statement to specify that the lines are to be copied into an internal table. The database interface

copies all the records – that match the criteria in the WHERE clause – into the internal table.

06-34. Look at the following syntactically collect program. (6-48)

Report ZTEST1.


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Tables : sflight.

Select * from sflight

Write : 5 sflight- carrid, sflight-connid.


The output of the reports shows only 1 line. What are possible reasons? (M)

-- No WHERE option exists.

-- No SKIP command.

-- Neither the line-break option of the WRITE command nor the NEW-LINE command has been coded.

-- Only 1 record selected.

-- LINE-COUNT option is missing in the REPORT statement.

06-35. Which of the following fields is supplied with the value of the function code that triggered the

interactive event in the displayed list? (S)






06-36. What are the standard selection screens? (M)

-- All screen criteria of logical database

-- All screen criteria of logical database that nodes exist for the statement.

-- parameters

-- select-option

- LDB Report :


GET Sbook.

Write:/ 5 sbook_carrid sbook_connid.

Get sflight.

0 line displayed. What reason?

-- 조건에 맞는 data가 없었다.

06-37. currency 체크할 때 맞는 것은? (6-5)

-- WRITE : CURRENCY 구문과 Customazing table을 쓴다. (보기 정확치 않음)


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06-38. 39 . HIDE 의 위치.

-- WRITE구문 밑에….

06-39. LIST 에서 화면에 라인의 내용을 가져오려고 할 때 쓰는 명령어는? (S)





06-40. LIST 에서 SCROLL 을 할 때 사용하는 명령어는? (S)





06-41. LIST 에서 라인의 내용과 속성을 바꾸고자 할 때 쓰는 명령어는? (S)





06-42. 리스트를 수평으로 이동시킬 때 사용하는 명령어는?

06-43. Logical database 를 이용 시 장점은? (6-52, 6-71)

06-44. Write ‘TEXT’(001) 문장을 사용했는데 다른 문장이 찍힌 경우 그 이유는? (6-14)

06-45. 출력된 list 의 특정 라인을 읽기 위한 명령은? ( ) (6-39)

06-46. List 에서 Default selection값을 줄 수 있는 event 는? ( )

06-47. At line-selection 에서 hide 된 값을 가져올 때 그 값을 유추하는 간단한 문제?

Data: a Value ‘1’, b value ‘2’.

Write: / a . hide b.

A = 3 . b = 4.

Write: / a, hide b.

B = 5.


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At line-selection .

Write: / b.

위의 예에서 두번째 Line을 더블 클릭했을 때 화면에 나타나는 값은?

06-48. Select … write sflight-number endselect. 에서 write 된 내용이 한 줄 밖에 없다. 이유는? ( ) (6-34)

06-49. 다음 중 TYPE CONVERSION 에 대해 맞는 설명은 어떤 것인가? (M)

-- TWO ELEMENTARY TYPES are compatible if they are identical in type and Structure.

-- DATA objects with compatible types can be assigned without conversion.

-- Compatible types can be converted if a conversion rule has been defined.

-- TWO TABLE TYPES are compatible if their line types are compatible and their key definitions, key

categories, and table types are identical.

-- Two structure types are compatible if they have the same structure and their components are


06-50. 다음 중 이벤트 수행 순서가 올바르게 짝지어 진 것은 무엇인가? (M)








06-51. 다음 설명 중 맞는 것을 고르세요. (M)

-- selection screens allows users to enter selection criteria required by the program for it termination.

-- Creation of selection screen are parameters and select-options.

-- SCREENS are made of more than one screen layout with input and output parameters.

-- SELECT-SINGLE increase volume of data but send a query one time during processing

-- IN SELECTION-SCREEN Variants are client-specific.

06-52. What advantages do logical databases offer? (M)

-- The logical database a modifiable list structure.

-- Logical database can be reused by several programs.

-- You can perform databases updates with the Put statement.

-- You do not program the databases access themselves in the program.

-- Authorization checks are performed at a central location in the logical database.


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06-53. What statements are correct? (M)

-- NODE defines a structure as a table work area.

-- NODE controls the executability of the selection screen.

-- ALL logical database can be used for each program.

-- TABLES statements defines an internal data object that serves as an interface For the serene.

-- SCREEN always refer to ABAP dictionary object.

06-54. IN the DO and WHILE loops, the system stores the number of the current loop pass in the ( )






06-55. 다음 중 설명이 잘못된 것은? (M)

-- STOP ends processing but no execute END-OF-SELECTION

-- EXIT ends processing and execute END-OF-SELECTION

-- EXIT Can’t execute END-OF-SELECTION

-- Any list buffer created after the EXIT keyword is encountered Will be displayed

-- STOP execute statements “END-OF-SELECTION”

06-56. 다음 중 list 에 대해 올바르게 설명한 것은? (M)

-- main purpose of list is to maintain data

-- each list can have a list header and up to three lines of column header

-- list are language-dependent

-- when the event AT LINE-SELECTION is processed, a program’s data objects contain the same values

as after basic list display

-- titles and headers are part of the program’s text element


-- ()

06-58. logical database 를 구성하는 objects 를 적으시오.



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06-59. LDB 를 사용한 ABAP 구문을 제시하고 syntax error 가 생기지 않았는데 0 레코드가 출력되었다. 무엇이

문제인가? 라는 문제가 있었다. (6-36)

06-60. LOGICAL DATABASE 에서 데이터를 접근하는 두 가지 문장은? (M)

-- GET

-- SET

-- PUT


06-61. 다음 Authorization 에 관해서 맞는 것을 모두 선택하십시오. (M) (2-33, 2-34)

-- Authorization이 user master에 저장된다.

-- Authorization object가 user master에 저장된다.

-- Authorization object defines fields for a combined authorization check.

-- Authorization object are grouped together in profiles.

-- Authorization object field수가 10개까지 가능하다.

-- Authorization object는 10개까지 authorization를 구성할 수 있다.

-- Authority check determines whether the user is entered as authority in transaction.

06-62. 가장 최근에 처리된 internal table 의 line index 를 저장하고 있는 system variable 은?

( )

06-63. report 에서 가장 최근에 발생한 function code 를 저장하고 있는 system variable? (6-36)

( )

06-64. Current line of an internal table? ()

06-65. 현재 report 의 list index 를 저장하는 system variable 은? )

06-66. Number of elements in edited dataset with DB operations ? ( )

06-67. RFC 의 destintion 에 관한 정보를 관리하는 table 이름은? ( )

06-68. ICON 이 들어있는 TABLE 이름? ( )

06-69. TRANSACTION CODE 가 들어있는 TABLE? : ( )


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06-70. - LDB 문제 : 가장 efficient statement? (S)

-- ( )

06-71. - LDB 사용하는 이유? (M) -- - Which of system-field contains of List processing, details list index?



06-72. - Inner Join? (S)

-- Redundant 를 줄이기 위해

06-73. - Which system field contains the loop index value in a Do loop?


06-74. You must write a report program that keeps all secondary lists at the same level. Which is the

true? (M)




Modify line SY-LSIND of current page Index 1.












06-75. (문제, 답 이 불확실함) test1 안에서 test2 가 들어있다. test1 실행하고 test2 실행시 F3(F8?)를 눌렀을

때 나타나는 화면은?

예: 초기화면으로 돌아감

test1 실행된 화면으로 돌아감


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06-76. ALV 에서 field catalog 로 할 수 있는 것들!

06-77. On a flight connection list the user can choose between list sorting by departure and

destination locations. The sorted lists are output as control level lists. How can you program the two

different control level list? (M)

-- You need two extract datasets with a different HEADER and different sorting. You need to implement

two different kinds of control level processing.

-- You need two internal tables with different structures and sorting. You need to implement two

different kinds of control level processing.

-- You need an extract dataset that is sorted accordingly. You need to implement two different kinds of

control level processing.

-- You need an internal table that is sorted accordingly. You need to implement two different kinds of

control level processing.


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07. Dialog Programming

07. Dialog Programming

07-1. You have defined a screen with required entries. You want the “Cancel” function to be active

even if all the required entry fields are not filled. How can you do this? (S) (7-2)

-- No special actions are required

-- The “Cancel” function must have the function code “BACK”

-- The “Cancel” function must be type “S” and be handled in a module with the additional parameter


-- The “Cancel” function must be type “E” and be handled in a module with the additional parameter


-- There is no way to do this required entry fields must always be filled first.

07-2. You have defined a screen with required entries. You want the "CANCEL" function to work event

if all the required entry fields are not filled. How can you do this? (S) (7-1)

-- The "Cancel" function must have the function code "BACK".

-- There is no way to do this: required entry fields must always be filled first.

-- No special actions are required.

-- You must temporailly switch off the required entry for the fields concerned within the LOOP AT


-- The "Cancel" function must be type "E" and be handled in a module with the addition AT EXIT-


07-3. Under which circumstances is module with the addition ON CHAIN-INPUT executed? (S)

-- When exactly one field within the CHAIN has a value other than its initial value.

-- When a new entry has been made for at least one field within the CHAIN.

-- When a new entry has been made for all fields in the chain.

-- When the value of at least one field within CHAIN is other than its initial value.

07-4. On input/On chain-input/ On request/On chain-request 에 대해 여러 문제?

Process After Input.

Module a.

Chain :

Field a, b module b.


Module c.

위에서 Module C 에서 Message E100 이 발생했을 때 Screen에 다시 입력할 수 있는 필드는?


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( . )

07-5. Where can you set the status and the title for a modal dialog box (popup)? (S)

-- At the event TOP-OF-PAGE.

-- In a PBO module of the corresponding screen.

-- In a PAI module of the corresponding screen.

-- In the attributes of the corresponding screen.

07-6. How can you set the status and the title for a modal dialog box? (M)

-- In the attributes of the corresponding screen.

-- Before the corresponding screen.

-- In a PBO module of the corresponding screen.

-- In a PAI module of the corresponding screen.

07-7. What effect does the SUPPRESS DIALOG statement have in PBO module M of a screen? (S) (7-8)

-- A call(CALL SCREEN) of this screen is skipped.

-- The screen is displayed, but no entries are possible.

-- The current screen is not displayed.

-- PBO module M and all subsequent PBO module will not be processed.

-- The current program is terminated.

07-8. What effect does the statement SUPPRESS DIALOG have in a PBO module of a screen? (S)(7-7)

-- The screen is displayed. but no input are possible.

-- Processing is continued with the calling screen.

-- The screen in question is not called.

-- Screen display is suppressed.

-- Neither the respective PBO module or any of the subsequence PBO module are processed.

07-9. Which of the following statements about context menus on screens is correct? (S)

-- All the elements of a screen always have the same context menu.

-- You set context menus using the command set pf-status.

-- You set context menus within a subprogram ON_CTMENU_<FORM>.

-- The key combination Shift-F10 on a screen always calls a context menu.

07-10. Which of the following statements about field transport between ABAP and screen are correct?



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-- Name equivalence is imperative for field transport between ABAP and screen.

-- Field transport from ABAP to the screen generally takes place before the first PBO module of the


-- Field transport from the screen to ABAP is delayed if you have a FIELD statement.

-- Dictionary structure on the screen require a tables statement in ABAP.

07-11. Dose a PAI occur when you switch between tab pages whose titles have function type P in a

tabstrip? (S)

-- Yes, if at least one PAI module exists for the subscreen container.

-- Yes, if at least one required entry field exits on on of the tab pages.

-- No.

-- Yes, always.

07-12. Which conditions must be fulfilled in a programmed check so that a screen input field is made

ready for input again? (T/F)

-- The check module must be called using: FIELD field_name MODULE check_module.

-- The check module must be called using: FIELD field_name MODULE check_module MESSAGE Ennn. F

-- The moduel must output an E-type message or W-type message.

-- An I-type message must be output.

07-13. You branch from transaction A to transaction B with the statement LEAVE TO TRANSACTION B.

Which of the following statements is true? (M)

-- An internal system session is opened for transaction B.

-- The LEAVE statement can be used to return from transaction B to A.

-- The data from transaction A can be accessed in B.

-- Transaction A can pass on to using EXPORT… TO MEMORY.

-- Transaction A can pass on to using SET PARAMETER.

07-14. The statement CALL TRANSACTION B is processed in transaction A. Which of the following

statements applies? (S)

-- Transaction B is called in the same system session as A.

-- You cannot return from transaction B to transaction A.

-- The data from transaction A can be accessed in B.

-- Transaction A can pass data on to B using EXPORT… TO MEMORY.

-- The two transactions together – A and B – form one SAP LUW.


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07-15. Which of the following statements about sub-screens are correct? (T/F)

-- You call sub-screens using the screen command CALL SUBSCREEN.

-- You call sub-screens using the ABAP command CALL SUBSCREEN.

-- The statement LEAVE TO SCREEN is not allowed in sub-screen flow logic.

-- Sub-screens have their own OK code field.

07-16. Where can you the SET/GET parameter that has been assigned to a screen field? (M)

-- In table TPARA

-- In the object of the screen field under “technical info”

-- In the F1 help for the screen field in the screen painter.

-- In the window with possible entries

07-17. Where can you find the set/get parameter ids that have been assigned to a screen field? (M)

-- In table TPARA

-- In the object list of the module pool

-- In the F1-help for the screen field under “technical info”

-- In the field list of the screen in screen painter

-- In the window with possible entries.

07-18. Which of the following statements about pushbuttons are correct? (M)

-- ..on a screen always have a corresponding function key.

-- ..in an application toolbar always have a corresponding function key.

-- ..with function code E cause program termination.

-- ..in an application toolbar always have a function code.

07-19. Which of the following statements about screen is correct? (M)

-- A screen is assigned to exactly one module pool.

-- A screen is identified when it is called by the module pool name and the screen number.

-- The screen title is defined in the screen attributes.

-- A screen is defined in the screen painter.

07-20. Which of the following statements about screens is correct? (S)

-- Only full-screens can have a subsequent screen.

-- You can define screens only in programs of type M.

-- On a screen, you can only output fields with Dictionary reference.

-- You assign each screen to exactly one program.


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07-21. Assume the flow logic of a screen appears as displayed in the attached graphic. Field is an

input field on the screen. At which point is the entered value transferred to the field a in the

corresponding module pool? (S)



FIELD: a, b.

MODULE test2.

MODULE test3.


MODULE test4.

-- Before the module TEST1 is called.

-- Before the module TEST2 is called

-- After the module TEST2 is called

-- Before the module INT is called

07-22. You execute an ABAP program with several dialog steps (screens). Which statement is correct?


-- The entire program is always processed in exactly one dialog work process. This dialog work process

also remains reserved for this program while the screen is displayed on the front end.

-- The program components for the individual dialog steps are usually executed in various dialog work

processes that are released once a program component has been processed (while the screens are

displayed on the front end).

-- The ABAP dispatcher takes over the entire execution of the ABAP programs and gets the user

context of the programs from the roll area.

07-23. When you create a screen, select the correct order. (S)

A. Design the screen layout in the layout editor.

B. Set the general screen attributes on the attributes screen.

C. Write the flow logic in the flow logic editor.

D. Set the field attributes in the field list.

-- a, b, c, d

-- c, d, b, a

-- b, a, d, c

-- d, b, a, c


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07-24. PAI module TEST4 is called in the flow logic as displayed. A message “MESSAGE E100” is

displayed in TEST4. which fields will be ready for input after the PAI modules are processed? (S)



FIELD: a,b. MODULE test2. MODULE test3.


MODULE test4.

-- Fields d

-- Fields a

-- Fields b

-- None of the above

07-25. Screen 100 of a module pool contains a checkbox., afk. Either screen 200 or screen 300 is to be

processed next. Depending on the value of the checkbox. How can you achieve this? (S)

-- By using a PBO module of screen 100 with the following contents;


-- By using a PAI module of screen 100 with the following contents;

DATA: scrn(4).

IF akf = ‘X’. scrn = ‘0200’. Else. Scrn = ‘0300’. Endif.


-- By entering the variable scrn in the screen attributes. Depending on akf.

Scrn will be set to 0200 or 0300 in a PAI module.

07-26. To interrupt processing of the current screen and branch to a new screen, or sequence of

screens, you use the following statement. (S)

-- CALL SCREEN <nnnn>

-- SET SCREEN <nnnn>

-- LEAVE SCREEN <nnnn>


07-27. You want to go from dialog processing to list processing using a selection screen. Which

statements would you use? (M)





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07-28. You want to have the system branch to list processing from within a screen. Which of the

following statements apply here? (S) (7-27)

-- The list buffer must first be read (READ LIST).

-- You have to program the command LEAVE TO LIST-PROCESSING.

-- You have to program the two commands CALL SELECTION-SCREEN <screen no> and LEAVE TO LIST-


-- You must place the command LEAVE TO LIST-PROCESSING at the end of the PAI of the respective


07-29. You have changed an include of a particular module pool and want to ensure that the module

pool is syntactically correct before saving. Which of the following functions from the ‘program’ menu

do you have to execute? (S)

-- Check –a current program

-- Check –a main program

-- Check –a extended program check

07-30. What are the standard selection screens? (M) (6-36)

-- All screen criteria of logical database that nodes exist for the statement

-- Parameters

-- Select-options

07-31. Which of the following statements about radio buttons is correct? (S)

-- For each screen, the user can choose only one radio button.

-- Clicking a radio button always triggers a PAI.

-- Only the selected radio buttons have the value 1 for PBO in the field SCREEN-ACTIVE.

-- For each radio button group, the user can choose only one radio button.

07-32. You have created a screen with 5 radio buttons. How do you ensure that only one radio button

is selected at a time? (S)

-- Combine all the radio buttons into a group.

-- Create a common function code for all the radio buttons.

-- Assign all the radio buttons to the same modification group.

-- Enclose all entire radio button in a frame.


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07-33. How can you assign more than one screen to a tabstrip? (S)

-- Only statically

-- Statically and dynamically

-- Only dynamically

07-34. pushbutton 에 대한 설명 중 맞는 것은? (M) (7-18)

-- Application bar의 pushbutton들은 모두 function key를 가지고 있다.

-- Application bar의 pushbutton들은 모두 function code를 가지고 있다.

-- Screen에 있는 pushbutton 들은 모두 function code를 가지고 있다.

07-35. 다음 중 GUI 에 대해 틀리게 설명한 것은? (M)

-- name of title can be up to 30 characters long

-- a menu contain up to 15 entries

-- menu can be up to two level

-- functions can be created only with dynamic texts

-- number of default tabstrip is three

07-36. CONTEXT MENU 에 대한 설명은? (M)(정확한 답 모름) (7-9)

-- Subroutine on_cimenu form을 가진다.

-- Field, menu등이 하나의 context menu를 가진다.

07-37. DIALOG 화면에서 INPUT FILED AA 의 PARAMETER ID 를 알 수 있는 방법들은? (3 가지?)

07-38. DIALOG 화면에서 LIST PROGRAM 에서처럼 LIST 하는 방법은?


07-39. Table control 의 사용 목적? )

07-40. Dialog program 에서 List 화면으로 넘어가고자 하는 경우 사용하는 명령어는?

List-processing via selection screen XXX.

또 하나가 더 있는 데 기억이 않남.

07-41. 100 번 화면 PAI 에서 leave screen 을 할 때(next 화면은 200) 바로 윗 라인에서 선언한 message 는 어느

화면에서 뿌려지는가? --- 예제를 보여주고 답을 고르는 문제.


07-42. 현재 작업중인 module pool 에 대한 문법이 이상 없는지 check 하는 방법은?


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current program

07-43. Flow logic 에서 해당하는 module 에 대한 상세 설명을 볼 수 있는 방법은?

07-44. Internal table ITAB 은 필드 FB 를 갖고 화면에 4 번째에 값을 지정하고자 할 때 맞는 것은? (S) (TABLE






07-45. Menu Painter 의 Function Type 중 맞는 것은? (M)

1. Type ‘E’ – At Exit-Command

2. Type ‘T’ – Call Another Transaction

07-46. System Table ‘Screen’ 의 fields 의 내용과 속성을 바꾸는 것은?

Modify screen.

07-47. Module program 에서 자동으로 제공해 주는 것은? (M)

-- Scroll function

-- Title

-- F4 help


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08. Database Updates

08. Database Updates

08-1. Which of the following steps should be carried out in a transaction that implements an updating

technique? (T/F) (8-28)

-- Call the ABAP command COMMIT WORK.

-- Unlock the data record that is to be updated

-- Lock the data record that is to be update.

-- Read the data record that is to be update.

-- Pass the changes entered by the user to the update process.

(답안 수정하였음. 09.02.23일 출제됨, 답을 찾아보길 권장함)

08-2. What is the main reason for using update techniques? (M)

-- To collect database change requests from several dialog steps in order to process them or delete

them together.

-- To create reusable modules for database changes.

-- To relieve the load on the dialog work process.

-- To achieve a delayed implementation of database changes.

-- To log the database changes.

08-3. You call an update function using CALL FUNCTION ... IN UPDATE TASK. At what time are the

values of the function parameters determined? (S)

-- At the end of the dialog step.

-- at the start of the V1 update.

-- At the time of the call

-- At the start of function execution.


08-4. What can you do to undo database changes executed beforehand in a dialog? (T/F) (8-5)

-- Output a termination message.

-- Analyze the log record.

-- Output an error message.

-- Perform a ROLLBACK WORK.

-- Raise an exception.

(답안 8-5에 맞춰 수정되었음. Output an error message가 정답이 되어 있었음)

08-5. What must you do to undo database changes previously issued in a dialog? (S) (8-4)

-- Output an error message.

-- Perform a ROLLBACK WORK.


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-- Raise an exception.

-- Analyze the log record.


08-6. You are writing a transaction to update a database table. Which of the following elements must

the program contain? (T/F)

-- A logical database.

-- A table buffer refresh on the application server.

-- A call for ENQUEUE/DEQUEUE function modules.

-- An AUTHORITY-CHECK statement.

-- A call for an update function module in the case of time-consuming changes.

08-7. Which of the following are true about a SAP transaction? (M)

-- There can only be one PBO module.

-- It consists of one dialog step.

-- The programmer can cause call updates to take place at one time.

-- The transaction code must exist in table T100.

-- Both V1 and V2 update processes can take place in a single transaction.

08-8. Which events and statements determine the end of an SAP LUW in an online program with

asynchronous update? (S)


-- The start of the next dialog step

-- COMMIT WORK (explicit)



08-9. Why are asynchronous updated used for dialog transaction? (S)

-- Only asynchronous updates can access the SAP system buffers

-- Because an SAP transaction can consist of several database transactions and this approach means

that the requirements for the rollback are met

-- Because only update work processes can access the database data

-- None of the above

08-10. During asynchronous updates, which process records the data to be changed in VB tables? (S)

-- Update work process.


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-- Dispatcher

-- Recording work process

-- Dialog work process

08-11. To place an exclusive lock on an object, you program the displayed function call. What happens

if the object is already locked by another user? (S)




EXCEPTIONS foreign_lock = 1.

-- The system cancels the transaction.

-- The system waits until the lock has been released.

-- The system sends a message.

-- The exception FOREIGN_LOCK is triggered.

-- The accumulation counter is increased by 1.

08-12. An update function VF, is called within subprogram VU. The program contains the call PERFORM

VU ON COMMIT. At which point are the parameters for update function VF evaluated? (S)

-- When the PERFORM statement is executed.

-- At the beginning of the function.


-- At the start of the V1 update.

-- At the end of the dialog step.

08-13. What restrictions are there on update modules? (M)

-- They cannot have any EXPORT parameters.

-- They cannot have any IMPORT parameters

-- They cannot have any EXCEPTIONS.

08-14. Which statements apply to dialog program? (S)

-- If you are using asynchronous update, the database changes are executed directly from the program

-- If you are using asynchronous update, the statement COMMIT WORK is not required because it is

executed implicitly after each screen change.

-- In the PAI of each screen, you must use the statement COMMIT WORK.

-- If an inline change has resulted in an error, the statement ROLLBACK WORK must be listed in the last


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screen in order to rollback the entire SAP LUW.

-- All inline change must be done in the PAI of the last screen in order to ensure the rollback ability of

the SAP LUW.

08-15. What happens if you have a CALL TRANSACTION statement? (T/F)

-- The update process triggered by the called transaction can be executed asynchronously or

synchronously, as required.

-- The called transaction is processed in a separated database LUW.

-- Processing of the calling program will be continued at the end of the transaction.

-- Another internal session is opened for the transaction.

08-16. Why do the update functions have the attributes “Start Now”(V1 update) and “Delayed

Start”(V2 update)? (S)

-- To define whether the update task is to be triggered immediately when the function is called or not

until the COMMIT WORK.

-- To combine synchronous and asynchronous updates.

-- To assign different priorities to the update requests.

-- To take the different speeds of the various servers into account.

-- To enable a reaction to a termination in the V1 update during an online process.

-- V2 Update는 high-priority이다.

-- V2 Update는 V1 Update function module이 성공적으로 완료되어야 진행된다.

-- V2 Update는 always run asynchronously이다.

08-17. What is an SAP LUW(Logical Unit of Work)? (S)

-- A modularization unit in ABAP programs

-- All the updates for one SAP transaction.

-- A logical grouping of DB updates that should all be performed at the same time.

-- The section of program code from setting a lock until its release.

-- All actions between the first and the last DB update in a transaction.

08-18. Which table contains all the objects of a system and therefore forms the foundation for

assigning the objects to corrections and transports? (S)





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08-19. What action creates lock or unlock function module? (S)

-- Creating for module with function builder.

-- Saving a lock object in the ABAP dictionary.

-- Activating a lock object defined in ABAP dictionary.

08-20. What is the relationship between SAP transaction and database transaction? (M)

-- Each SAP transaction corresponds to exactly one database transaction.

-- Update requests of one SAP transaction generally are distributed among several database


-- On database transaction groups the change requests of several SAP transaction together.

-- A database transaction is the internal system representation of an SAP transaction.

08-21. 다음 중 update 에 대해 맞게 설명하고 있는 것은? (M)

-- asynchronous update initiated by the COMMIT WORK

-- when asynchronous update, the dialog program writes the change request to the log table and open

the LUW with a COMMIT WORK

-- when asynchronous update that triggered by COMMIT WORK AND WAIT, the dialog program waits for

the update

-- V2 update modules are used for database without link V1

-- V2 must process when V1 is successful

08-22. Perform 문은 몇 번 수행될까? (S)

Do 5 times.

Perform test on commit.


Form test.

Write: ‘AAA’.


-- 2

-- 3

-- Once

-- 4

-- 5


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-- LOCK OBJECT가 저장될 때


08-24. V1/V2 process 를 두는 이유? (8-16)

Priority 구분을 위해

08-25. SAP LUW 에 대한 내용? (골라내기 좀 어려웠음.) (8-17)

일반적으로 sap luw는 여러 개의 DB luw를 포함한다.

08-26. Lock Object 에 대한 예제를 보여주고 답을 고르는 문제. (8-11)

사용자가 X Type 의 Lock Object 를 걸려고 한다. 그런데 이미 Lock 이 걸려 있을 경우 어떻게 되는가?

--- Foreign Lock 이 Trigger 된다.

08-27. 다음 중 lock 을 해제하는 방법을 모두 고르세요. (M)






08-28. 다음 중 업데이트 절차에 속하지 않는 것은? (S)

-- Read the record that is to be updated.

-- Lock the record that is to be updated.

-- Pass the changed data to the update process.

-- Unlock the record that is to be updated.

-- Call the ABAP command COMMIT WORK

08-29. 다음 중 lock 에 대해 잘못 설명한 것은? (M)

-- E and X lock reject every lock attempt of another user

-- Customer lock objects must begin with Y or Z

-- a logical is set when user call the lock module

-- when s lock mode, all lock mode is possible

-- the lock module that is automatically created by the system


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08-30. Update XXX from AAA 명령을 썼을 때 몇 건이 update 되었는지 알 수 있는 system field?



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09. Enhancements and Modifications

09. Enhancements and Modifications

09-1. Which enhancements planned by SAP are maintained in transaction CMOD (SAP

Enhancements)? (M) (9-2)

-- Table appends.

-- Menu exits.

-- Function module exit.

-- User exits.

-- Screen exits.

09-2. Which subobjects can an SAP enhancement contain? (T/F) (9-1)

-- Menu exits.

-- Screen exits.

-- Append Structures.

-- Function module exits.

-- User exits.

09-3. Given that customer has modified an SAP object, which activities are required at a release

upgrade or when applying a support package? (M)

-- The modified object must be adjusted during the upgrade process if SAP delivers a new version of

the object.

-- No manual operations are necessary. Everything is performed automatically.

-- All correction that have been delivered with the upgrade(or support package) must be released and

confirmed before starting the upgrade.

-- ABAP dictionary tables, data elements, and domains are adjusted during the upgrade.

-- ABAP dictionary objects are not handled separately.

09-4. Assuming a customer has modified SAP objects in the customer system, which activities are

required at release upgrade or when applying a Support Package? (T/F)

-- No manual operations are necessary. Everything is performed automatically.

-- ABAP Dictionary objects are not handled separately.

-- The modified objects must be adjusted to match the standard version whenever SAP delivers new

versions of the objects.

-- After each upgrade, the new SAP objects is available as an active version.

-- Only ABAP Dictionary tables, data elements, and domain are adjusted during the upgrade.


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09. Enhancements and Modifications

09-5. You wish to use a Business Transaction Event(BTE) to enhance an SAP application. Which

statements apply? (T/F)

-- BTEs are called on a cross-client basis.

-- BTEs allow you to call additional components in other systems.

-- BTEs allow you to link up additional components to the SAP standard system.

-- A BTE interface can be used repeatedly.

-- You define --- yourself which ------ event ---- at application program

09-6. You wish to modify an SAP program. What do you need to watch out for? (T/F)

-- If a user has modified an SAP object and SAP delivers a new version of the object in a release

upgrade of Support Package, the modified object must be adjusted during the upgrade.

-- You can perform the modification immediately if you set the global setting for system modifiability to

"Modifiable". RZ11(CONFIGURATION)

-- The R/3 System does not allow modifications by user DDIC or SAP*.

-- You can change application programs delivered by SAP without registration using the Modification


-- Before you can change the program, you must request a key for the object in the SAPNet Web


09-7. You wish to use a Business Add-In(BAdi) in order to enhance an SAP application. Which of the

following statements are correct? (M)

-- A BAdi always has exactly one interface in which the methods of the enhancement are defined.

-- More than one implementation can exist event for BAdis that are not used on multiple basis.

-- BAdis can contain menu enhancements.

-- If a default implementation exists for a BAdi. This will always be run.

-- If you have filter-dependent BAdis, there can always be only one active implementation for a filter


09-8. Which options exist for extending a table without having to modify the table within the ABAP

Dictionary? (M)

-- append fields to the table

-- Use append structures

-- Use a customer include

-- Use CI includes

-- Insert new table fields

09-9. append structure 를 사용할 수 없는 경우는? (M)


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-- when create pooled & cluster tables

-- when append customer field to SAP standard table

-- when use long-field

-- when append without having to modify the table definition

-- when name collision

09-10. In which namespace must the append structure lie? (S)

-- In the SAP namespace

-- In the customer namespace

-- It makes no difference

-- In the partner namespace

-- In the namespace defined by the table TRESN

09-11. Which of the following statements apply to table appends? (T/F)

-- There can be several append structures for one table.

-- If you copy a table to which an append structure has been added, the fields in the append structure

become standard fields in the table.

-- When you active the table, all the active append structure of the table are established and appended

to the table in the database.

-- An append structure can be assigned to several tables.

09-12. Which of the following statements about append structures are true? (M)

-- Append structures allow you to append fields to a table without having to modify the table itself.

-- An append structure can be assigned to several tables.

-- An append structure is the same as a sub-structure.

-- You can use an append structure like any other structure in ABAP programs.

-- After adding an append structure to a table, you must convert the table.

09-13. You want to supply your users with a transaction variant. Using transaction variants you can ..


--...have transaction run in the background.

--...change the flow logic of a screen.

--...reduce the complexity of transactions.

--...suppress individual fields.

--...suppress entire screens.


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09. Enhancements and Modifications

09-14. You wish to adapt the SAP standard software to the needs of the customer. Which of the

following methods should you preferably use? (T/F)

-- Customizing.

-- Modification of SAP objects.

-- Enhancement concept.

-- Customer's own developments.

09-15. What are the best options for customers wanting to create own F1 help texts for SAP object?


-- Create a new Microsoft Word file and generate a link to the SAP object.

-- Change the SAP data element documentation.

-- Create an enhancement to the data element documentation and use the SAP documentation as an


-- Create an enhancement to the data element documentation and use the SAP documentation


-- Create a separate documentation module and delete the SAP documentation module.

09-16. If you going to modify an SAP object, which of the following statements are correct? (M) (9-6)

-- R/3 prevents modifications by user DDIC and SAP*.

-- Objects can be changed without being registered.

-- Registration of object in OSS is required.

-- You can set the system to modifiable and carry out the modification without registration.

-- If a user has modified an SAP object and SAP delivers a new version of the object in a release

upgrade or support package, the modified object must be adjusted, during the upgrade process.

09-17. object 를 modify 한 후 해야 하는 작업은? (M)

-- OSS connection is registered .

-- objects can be changed without being registered.

-- registration of objects in OSS is registered.

-- you can set the system to modification and carry out the modification at once.

-- during a release upgrade, the modification object must be adjusted to the new sap version.(9-6, 1


09-18. Exits can be either global or local in scope. Which of the following statements are true? (M)

-- Field exits are locally effective.

-- Screen program and menu exits are locally effective.


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-- Field exits are globally effective.

-- Screen and program exits are globally effective.

-- Conversion exits are locally effective.

09-19. Which transactions are used by SAP and by customers to manage enhancements? (M)

-- SAP enhancements are managed with the transaction SMOD.

-- SAP enhancements are managed with the transaction CMOD

-- Customers use the transaction CMOD to display exiting SAP enhancements and to define

enhancements and to define enhancement projects.

-- Customers use the transaction SPAU to define enhancement projects.

-- Customers use the transaction SPDD to manage SAP enhancements.

09-20. BTE 의 특징(BTE 에 관한 문제가 생각이 안납니다. 특징들을 주의깊게 보시면서 몽땅 공부하셔야 할듯….)


-- SAP Object에 다른 Component를link한것이다.

-- Other program에서 additional component를call한다.

기타 등등…

09-21. BADI 의 특징.(A,B 는 답인듯 싶지만..나머지는 확인이 필요함….공부하세요!!) (9-7)

-- Menu exit를 포함한다.

-- A BADI always has exactly one interface.

-- Default implement가 있다면, always run된다.

-- Implements가 여러개이고….어쩌구저쩌구…

09-22. BTE 에 대한 다음 설명 중 알맞은 것은? (M)

-- BTE allow user to attach additional components

-- BTE use publish & subscribe interface or process interface

-- In P/S interface, multiple operation related each other

-- Process interface is two side process interface

-- BTE is similar to function module exit

09-23. Hotpackage(system upgrade) 적용 시 사전작업은? On doc 참조

Correction 을 반드시 release 해야한다. 기타등등. 또 있음. 기억안남.

09-24. 다음 중 enhance 방법을 모두 선택하세요. (M) (9-1, 9-2)

-- Function module exit


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-- Menu exit

-- CI include

-- Append structure

-- User exit

09-25. 다음 중 맞는 설명을 모두 선택하세요 (M)

-- when user change copies, user must correct the original

-- user modify original system directly

-- between development and subsequent system, user must modify in subsequent system

-- an object is original in various system

-- changes to an original are called corrections.

09-26. 다음 중 business add-in 에 대해 제대로 설명하고 있는 것은? (M) (9-7)

-- interfaces reference can and point to objects of same classes

-- business add-in enhance reusability of system

-- several implementation is active at a time

-- a default implementation is executed whenever no active implementation of a business add-in

-- when the enhancement method is called, a filter value must be passed to the interface

09-27. 다음 중 테이블 modi 와 관련해서 틀린 것을 모두 골라라. (M)

-- append structures are created for use with a specific table

-- multiple append structures can be used with a single table

-- append structure can be used just like any other structure

-- CI include must inserted only one table

09-28. 다음 중 preplanned enhancement 가 아닌 것은? (S)

-- Program exit

-- Menu exit

-- Field exit

-- screen exit

09-29. 다음 중 반드시 generate 하여야 실행했을 때 반영되는 것을 모두 골라라. (M)

-- report

-- include program

-- screen

-- transaction


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-- menu

09-30. Enhancement 에 대한 설명 중 틀린 것은? (M)

-- Table appends, Text enhancement는 preplaned enhancement가 아니다 .

-- 모든 Enhancement는 customer 임의로 할 수 있다.

-- CI include 는 table 을 modify하지 않고 field를 추가할 수 있다. (9-24, 3문항)

-- Enhancement는 modification을 하지 않고 SAP Repository object를 변경하는 것을 말한다.

09-31. What is 2 preferred method used to customize SAP standard program…when meet the

customer requestion? (M)

-- Modification

-- Enhancement

-- Customer project

-- Customizing

-- Development project

09-32. Which of the following statements on field exit are correct? (S)

-- Field exit goes from a screen with dictionary reference to a function module

-- Field exit is edited by a customer in an enhancement project

-- Field exit can be used by program the possible entries help

-- Field exits are executed globally on all screen that contain the field

-- Alternatively they can be limited to a single screen can display a warning(W-Message)


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10. New Area

10. New Area

10-1. Which of the following statements in relation to Web Services are correct? (T/F)

-- As of Release 6.20, ABAP Web Services can be developed on the SAP Web Application Server.

-- In the ABAP runtime environment, each function module and also each BAPI can be switched on as a

Web service.

-- Web Services are based on open and generally accepted standards.

-- In NetWeaver04, Web services can be developed both in the ABAP as well as the Java runtime


10-2. How does the Web Service Framework support the inclusion of Web services that have been

provided? (T/F)

-- Generation of a WSDL description.

-- UDDi Brower for searching for suitable Web services.

-- Generation of a client proxy on the basis of the WSDL description.

-- Configuration of the SOAP runtime on the client side using logical ports.

10-3. Which components are created by the Web Service Creation Wizard when a Web service is

defined? (T/F)

-- Virtual Interface.

-- Client proxy.

-- XI Message Interface.

-- Web service definition.

-- Logical port.

10-4. What does the transformation between XML and ABAP data structures involve? (S)

-- Generation of ABAP proxy types from XML schemas.

-- Generation of XML schemas from ABAP types.

-- Neither generation of XML schemas from ABAP types nor generation of ABAP proxy types from XML


10-5. In which cases can the ABAP statement CALL TRANSFORMATION be used? (T/F)

-- To transform as iXML document object into as ABAP data structure using XSLT.

-- To transform an XML document contained in a string into another XML document using as XSLT


-- To get canonic XML display of an ABAP data structure.


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10. New Area

-- To transform an XML document contained in an XString into another XLM document using an ST

program(Simple Transformation).

-- To transform ans ABAP data structure into an SML document using ST.