aair 2013 call for abstracts

i n s i g h t s f r o m i n s t i t u t i o n a l r e s e a r c h : CALL FOR ABSTRACTS AND REGISTRATION INFORMATION 2013 AAIR ANNUAL FORUM 13-15 NOVEMBER 2013 PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA WWW.AAIR.ORG.AU

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from institutional research:

Call for abstraCts and registration information



from institutional research:


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Invitation to ParticipateIf you’ve been thinking where best to explore the current issues facing institutional research (IR) staff in Australasia in 2013 then it’s time to consider AAIR’s Annual Forum. This year we head right across to the beautiful west coast of Australia to Scarborough on Perth’s northern beaches. The Rendezvous Grand Hotel Perth Scarborough will be our host from Wednesday 13 to Friday 15 November 2013.

On behalf of the Australasian Association for Institutional Research (AAIR) Forum Organising Committee I’d like to extend a warm invitation to you to participate. This year the Organising Committee has chosen the theme, ‘Insights from Institutional Research: Exploring New Shores’ and for many it may be your first trip to the distant shores of Western Australia. So there’s certainly scope to explore new shores along the western coastline as well as discovering the rich diversity of topics pervading IR.

As usual we expect to attract the leading IR practitioners from across Australasia. There’ll be a range of sub-themes that will further be explored, from the student experience, through planning and budgeting to equity and diversity and research performance to name just a few. Every year seems to bring new challenges to our sector and the need to provide better institutional analysis to support sound decision-making is becoming increasingly important. That’s good from a professional career perspective but it does mean that we need to develop our networks and share our knowledge more than ever to keep ahead of these changes.

Technology of course assists us to do our jobs more cleverly and efficiently. But how do we keep abreast of that quickly changing environment? Our sponsors over the past few years have been assisting IR staff to explore these new prospects and we look forward to seeing them again in Perth. Take the opportunity to speak with these vendors as they’re working closely with many of your colleagues in other universities. We’re very grateful that our valued sponsors’ continued support enables AAIR to offer the best experience to our delegates at a reasonable rate.

We’re also hoping to again have representatives from the government departments with which we closely work. In an Australian election year it is likely that whoever is in government will want to change the policy landscape once again so it will be timely to have their perspective closely on the heels of the election.

If this will be your first time at an AAIR event or your first time presenting, the AAIR Executive will again be hosting a ‘meet-and-greet’ session to make you feel welcome and to pass on what little wisdom we think we have. Watch the Forum website as we release more details in the regular program updates.

As the peak Forum for institutional researchers in Australia and New Zealand, mark this event in your calendar. This Forum continues to be run by practitioners for practitioners so it can’t run without your participation. Come and join me and explore the many new insights that the Perth Forum hopes to offer.

Dave Marr President, AAIR



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Forum organIsIng CommIttee

Robert McCormack, University of Western Australia

Luke Minchin, University of Western Australia

Sandra Ng Wing Lit, University of Western Australia

Ploy Tangtulyangkul, University of Western Australia

Wayne Griffiths, University of Western Australia

Dean Ward, AAIR

Don Johnston, AAIR

Bruce Guthrie, AAIR Committee, Graduate Careers Australia

Forum managers

Leishman Associates113 Harrington Street, Hobart TAS 7000Phone: 03 6234 7844Email: [email protected]: www.leishman-associates.com.au

ImPortant Dates

Call for Abstracts Distribution: NOW

Registration released: NOW

Call for Abstracts Deadline: 8 July 2013

Call for Abstract Review Date: 9 July – 22 July 2013

Acceptance to presenters: 26 July 2013

Early Bird Closes: 30 August 2013

Full Papers Required for Peer review: 16 September 2013

Registration Closes: 4 November 2013


Call for Abstracts 4

Program at a Glance 8

Forum Social Program 9

Location & Venue 10

Accommodation 11

Registration Information 12

Registration Form 13

assoCIatIon membershIP australasIan assoCIatIon For InstItutIonal researCh

The Australasian Association for Institutional Research (AAIR) was established in 1988. The broad aim of AAIR is to benefit, assist and advance research which leads to the improved understanding, planning and operation of tertiary education institutions within Australasia.

Forum participants who join AAIR get a much reduced registration fee. Not only that, they also get many other benefits as described on the AAIR web site.

If you are interested, then join online at: www.aair.org.au

Please note that if you purchased a FULL registration to the 2012 AAIR Forum in Terrigal, NSW, then membership of AAIR for the 2013 period was included in your registration fee.

We invite you to submit an abstract for consideration in the Forum program. Abstracts will be reviewed and presented within the program and published on the AAIR website along with the full papers from the participants who wish to submit under the “full paper” guidelines.

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Call For abstractsPlease note that it is not compulsory to submit a full paper.

The 2013 Forum Organising Committee encourages delegates to submit abstracts for concurrent sessions focused on one or more topics across the full spectrum of “IR” activity, as well as broader reflections on the state of IR practice.

The Organising Committee also invites abstracts that build on their own or others’ presentations at previous AAIR forums to help grow the Association’s body of knowledge, and/or represent joint research between two or more institutions.

To encourage engagement with a broad range of topics, two session formats will be available at the 2013 Forum:

• 40 minute presentation and discussion sessions (comprising 30 minutes presentation and 10 minutes question and answer), and

• 90 minute workshops (comprising facilitated workshop).

Workshop sessions are the preferred format for the exploration of national and international trends, consideration of new government policies or for structured sharing of current practice. Workshops will complement Special Interest Group (SIG) sessions, so should focus on topics unlikely to be discussed in depth in those sessions. SIG sessions will focus on data warehousing / business intelligence, Surveys and Evaluations, DIICCSRTE and TEC reporting/compliance, quality and risk management, and student load management. Example potential workshop topics include internal student surveys, Compacts and MyUniversity website, and the impact of regulators (e.g. TEQSA). Workshop facilitators will need to have some skills in group facilitation, and will be asked to provide a short written report on workshop outcomes following the Forum.




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Call For abstractsthemes

Authors are invited to submit their abstracts for one or other of the above session formats focused on one or more of the following themes:

student experience

• quantitative and qualitative analysis of student experience and engagement

• measuring the impact of the electronic environment on student learning, including MOOCs and social media

• measuring the effectiveness of strategies to manage “at risk” students

• measuring graduate skills and how they meet industry needs

equity & Diversity

• evaluating the impact of recruitment strategies on diversifying the student body

• impact of socioeconomic status on retention and success

• diversifying the staff profile, including gender equity

• internationalisation

• impacts of the increasing globalisation of higher education

• international benchmarking - tools, methods and data sources used, and lessons from overseas institutions

• measuring the international student experience

• evaluating the impacts of student exchange programs

• implications of the “Australia in the Asian Century” white paper

research and research training Performance

• measuring research and research training performance

• analysis of the impact of strategies to improve research and research training performance

• analyses of publications and citations – quantity versus quality/impact

• the impacts of the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) initiative

Institutional rankings

• ranking schemes – the good, the bad and the ugly

• evaluating the impact of factors on institutional rankings

• the impacts of rankings on institutions

Planning & budgeting

• measuring the impact of strategic and operational plans

• student enrolment and load planning: techniques and methodologies

• budget models: alignment with institutional strategies

• staff planning

standards, Quality and risk management

• accreditation processes and challenges

• academic standards: definition and implications

• TEQSA: data collections and processes

• risk management

• internal review processes: impacts and challenges

• accountability and academic audits

• institutional ethics

emerging technologies

• business intelligence and data mining strategies

• employment of data warehouse strategies

• use of cloud computing

• use of geographic information systems

sPeCIal Interest grouPs

Five Special Interest Groups will be run again in 2013 with each session being 90 minutes’ duration. The SIGs will be as follows:

• Quality and Risk Management

• Data Warehouse / Business Intelligence

• Student Load Management

• Surveys and Evaluations

• Government Reporting

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abstract and Paper PreparationaWarDs anD PrIZes

best Paper Prize - $1000

Authors who submit a paper will be automatically eligible for the Best Paper Prize. All papers are blind peer reviewed by a nominated group of relevant referees with the paper receiving the highest score determined to be the award winner. The Best Paper Prize will be announced at the conclusion of the Forum. The prize is designed to assist the winner/s with travel to the US to present their winning paper at the AIR Forum.

best session - $1000

This prize will be awarded to the best presentation or workshop at the Forum and will be judged by the Forum delegates. Data presentations will be available for delegates to download from the AAIR website at the conclusion of the Forum and speakers should ensure that their presentations do not include any information for which permission to publish has not been sought and granted.

best new Presenter award

Participation in this program is open to people working in the area of institutional research who have not previously presented at an AAIR Forum. The award consists of payment of the registration fee for the next AAIR Forum and AAIR membership until the end of the following year. The costs of travel and accommodation must be met by the award recipient (or his/her institution).

To nominate for any of the above awards, please indicate your interest by completing the appropriate section of the online form.

Applicants need not be a member of AAIR at the time of making the application.

All abstract submissions will be subject to review. Authors should ensure that the following criteria are met in their abstract submission:

• The topic is relevant and important to the chosen theme

• Subject matter is original or innovative

• Presentation adds to the knowledge of delegates

• For workshops, anticipated outcomes of the workshop are clear.

All authors of abstracts for presentation sessions accepted for presentation will be invited to complete a full paper for publication on the AAIR website. Please note that it is not compulsory to submit a full paper. All authors will receive full paper templates and guidelines if their abstract is approved. For those who wish to submit a full paper, papers must be restricted to 6 pages in length and will be double blind peer reviewed. Papers must be submitted no later than 16 September 2013. Reviewed papers will be provided to delegates via the AAIR website.

Oral presentations will be allocated 40 minutes, including 10 minutes for questions and answers to be held at the conclusion of each presentation or session in the Forum program. Discussion with delegates is an important element of the AAIR Forum, so presenters should structure their presentations to allow time for questions from the audience.

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abstract submission guidelinesPlease read the following instructions carefully before preparing your abstract. All abstracts must be submitted via the forum website. Go to the Abstracts page and click on the “submit abstract” button or connect from the home page.

ClosIng Date For submIssIon oF abstraCts – monDaY 8 JulY 2013

Go to the forum website www.aairconference2013.org.au

Click on the SPEAKERS’ ZONE link

Follow the instructions to register as a user.

You will be sent an email confirmation with your access key.

Follow instructions on how to submit your abstract; it is a very simple step by step process.

Complete all fields of the submission form as this information will be used in the development of the forum handbook.

Abstract must be no longer than 250 words.

All accepted abstracts will be published in the forum handbook exactly as they are submitted. Abstracts will not be proofread or edited by the Forum Managers or Forum Organising Committee. It is the responsibility of the presenting author to ensure that the abstract is submitted correctly. The Forum Managers will not be held responsible for abstract submissions not received via the online submission process, or for submission errors caused by internet service outages, hardware or software delays, power outages or unforeseen events. Faxed or mailed abstracts on diskettes/CD will not be accepted. If you are unable to submit via the website please contact the Forum Managers via email: [email protected]

You will be required to submit all authors’ biographies when submitting your abstract. Please ensure that biographies are written in the third person.

Authors whose abstracts are accepted for inclusion in the forum program will be advised by Friday 26 July and will at that time receive detailed instructions regarding the requirements for full paper submission, if applicable.

sPeaKer regIstratIon

All lead authors who have their papers accepted for presentation must register for the Forum via the website www.aairconference2013.org.au



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Invitation to Participate Invitation to Participate

Program at a glanCe

tuesDaY 12 november 2013

4.00pm – 6.30pm Registration Open

5:15pm – 6:15pm New AAIRies Welcome and New Presenters Briefing

Free night for delegates

WeDnesDaY 13 november 2013

9.00am – 5.00pm Day 1 – Forum Sessions

6.00pm – 8.00pm Welcome Reception

thursDaY 14 november 2013

9.00am – 4.00pm Day 2 – Forum Sessions

7.00pm – 11.00pm Forum Dinner

FrIDaY 15 november 2013

9.00am – 2.30pm Day 3 – Forum Sessions

2.30pm – 3.00pm Award Presentation & Forum Close

The 2013 AAIR Forum reserves the right to amend or alter any advertised details relating to dates, program and speakers if necessary, without notice, as a result of circumstances beyond their control. All attempts have been made to keep any changes to an absolute minimum.



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Forum social ProgramThe cost of the Welcome Reception and Forum Dinner are included in a full registration. Additional places can be purchased for all social functions for day registrants, partners or accompanying persons.

WelCome reCePtIon

Venue: Ocean Room, Rendezvous Grand Hotel Perth Scarborough

Date: Wednesday 13 November

Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Dress: Smart Dress

Inclusive function Additional tickets: $70 per person

The Welcome Reception is a great opportunity to network with new colleagues and to catch up with friends. The evening will included canapés and beverages in a relaxed environment.

Forum DInner

Venue: University Club, University of Western Australia

Date: Thursday 14 November

Time: 7:00pm – 11:00pm

Dress: Smart Dress

Inclusive Event Additional tickets are available for $125 per person

The University of Western Australia is excited to be celebrating its centenary in 2013 and will host the annual AAIR Forum Dinner at its prestigious University Club. Located on the banks of the Swan River in the unique surrounds of the University, the University Club is the perfect location for a memorable Forum Dinner. Catch up with colleagues and friends and enjoy a three course meal complemented by Western Australian wines followed by local entertainment.

A return bus from the Rendezvous Hotel to the Forum Dinner will be available to all attendees.

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location & venue venue - renDeZvous granD hotel Perth sCarborough

Rendezvous Grand Hotel Perth Scarborough’s iconic beachfront location, overlooking the soft white sands of Scarborough Beach and the sparkling waters of the Indian Ocean, provides an unrivalled setting for any event. Rendezvous has had a recent refurbishment and all rooms have modern finishes and technology; delegates will experience great conference facilities.

loCatIon - Perth, Western australIa

Western Australia offers a fresh perspective on business events with plenty of space for delegates to think, breathe and connect. Perth – the sparkling capital of Western Australia – is a rapidly growing urban centre. Set on the banks of the Swan River, its Mediterranean climate, like its people, is warm and inviting.

Located in the same time zone as 60% of the world’s population, Perth is safe and secure offering all the benefits of a large city. With an excellent range of meeting spaces, shopping, dining and leisure activities, Perth is “the space to connect”. This year’s Forum will be held in Scarborough, a suburb 14km northwest of the city centre. Perth’s average of 3,000 annual hours of sunshine are well and truly soaked up in Scarborough, whether it’s on the beautifully clean and uncrowded beach, surfing, or browsing the outdoor weekend markets. By day, take a visit to nearby parks and reserves such as Abbett Park which offers many sporting opportunities, or make the most of the activities and amenities on offer on the beautiful Scarborough foreshore, including various shops and a range of dining options.




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accommodation renDeZvous granD hotel Perth, sCarborough, Western australIa

The Forum Organisers have secured accommodation at Rendezvous Grand Hotel Perth in Scarborough for AAIR delegates. If you wish to book accommodation please do so early to avoid disappointment. Bookings can be made online during the registration process.

AAIR delegates have the opportunity to book Deluxe Rooms which include private balconies and ocean or coastal views. The hotel’s amenities include a lagoon-style heated outdoor swimming pool, health club and steam room, tennis courts, day spa, complimentary wireless internet, and room service. The hotel offers first rate dining options including the Cascade’s Pool Bar, the Lobby Lounge and the popular Straights Café.

room rates

Deluxe Room - $206.50 per night This room rate includes a full buffet breakfast for one person.


Rendezvous Hotel offers delegates secure parking in their underground premises. If delegates book in advance they are eligible for a discounted rate of $10 per day (limits may apply). Valet parking is available at $20 per day.



from institutional research:



accommodation terms and Conditions

Please book your accommodation when registering your attendance for the Forum; this can be done by using the online form or by sending an email to Leishman Associates. To confirm your booking, your supplied credit card details will be transferred to the hotel you have selected. The hotel may choose to charge your card with part or the whole amount of your room charges or one night as a deposit prior to your arrival. This will depend on the individual hotels. If you arrive 24 hours later than your indicated arrival day you may find that you have forfeited one night’s accommodation as a cancellation fee. Please note that some hotel cancellation policies may require 100% of the total booking amount to be paid for any cancelled rooms. If you would like to find out the terms and conditions of the hotel at which you are staying, please email [email protected]

If you need to cancel your accommodation booking within 30 days of your arrival date, any refund whether cash or credit card, will be subject to the hotel cancellation policy. You must contact the hotel directly for any applicable refund. Therefore no accommodation refund can be guaranteed within 30 business days of the forum. Please note that there are surcharges on credit card transactions at most hotels; please contact your hotel directly if you wish to know their individual rates.

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copy. Electronic tax invoice / confirmation letters will also be issued. All updates regarding the Forum will be posted to the Forum website.

At the Forum you will receive the Forum handbook. Each delegate will also receive a name badge upon arrival. The name badge will be your official pass and must be worn to obtain entry to all sessions and to social functions. Day registrants and partners will be added to guest lists for each additional event booked.

CanCellIng Your Forum regIstratIon

Cancellations must be received in writing - mail, email or fax - to Leishman Associates. Cancellations will not be deemed to be received until you have written confirmation from Leishman Associates. If you have not received acknowledgement within two business days, please contact the Forum Managers - Leishman Associates on (03) 6234 7844.

If you are cancelling any or all aspects of your booking: registration, accommodation and/or a tour, this can be done with one correspondence to [email protected]

Cancellations postmarked on or before, 13 October 2013, will incur a fee of 50% of the registration amount. No refunds will be made for cancellations for the Forum postmarked after 13 October 2013, however substitutions may be accepted.


Registration fees do not include insurance of any kind. It is strongly recommended that participants take out their own general travel insurance. It is suggested that the insurance policy should also cover loss of fees/deposit, airfares, accommodation charges, medical expenses, loss or damage to personal property and repatriation expenses.

The insurance should cover loss arising from the cancellation of the forum by the organisers or a person’s inability to attend due to any reason whatsoever. No responsibility is taken by the Forum Managers for any person not holding insurance.

Web Page

Up to date Forum information is available from the Forum web site located at: www.aairconference2013.org.au. Please check regularly for current program details and updates.

Further InFormatIon

Leishman Associates (Forum Managers) 113 Harrington Street, HOBART TAS 7000 Phone: (03) 6234 7844 Fax: (03) 6234 5958 Email: [email protected]

Forum general InformationregIstratIon

All who wish to attend the AAIR Forum, including all speakers, sponsors and exhibitors, should complete a registration form and return it to the Forum Managers.

Registration forms may be completed on-line or by hard copy in this document; faxed to +61 (3) 6234 5958

Or mailed to: AAIR Forum 2013 c/- Leishman Associates, 113 Harrington Street, Hobart, TAS 7000.

regIstratIon Fees

Payment of fees must accompany all registrations and may be made by personal or company cheque or credit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard, money order and direct deposit. Cheques should be made payable to “Leishman Associates - AAIR”. A tax invoice and confirmation letter will be issued when payment is made. You may also book accommodation and tours on-line when you register.

members rates

Full Registration - Early Bird $980.00Full Registration - Standard $1130.00Day Registration – Early Bird $380.00Day Registration – Standard $480.00

non members rates

Full Registration - Early Bird $1115.00Full Registration - Standard $1265.00Day Registration – Early Bird $435.00Day Registration – Standard $535.00

regIstratIon entItlements

Full Registration for members and non-members includes attendance at all sessions. Full registration also includes: one set of forum proceedings, satchel, name badge, lunch, morning and afternoon refreshments, entry to the Welcome Reception and Forum Dinner, and AAIR membership for 2014.

Day Registration includes attendance at sessions on the nominated day of attendance, one set of forum proceedings, satchel, name badge, and lunch, morning and afternoon refreshments on the day of attendance. Day registration does not include any of the social program functions. Tickets to attend any of the social functions need to be purchased separately. Day registration does not include membership of AAIR.

aCKnoWleDgment oF regIstratIon

Your registration will be acknowledged in writing with confirmation of your requirements, upon receipt of your completed registration form, whether electronically or in hard

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aaIr registration Form

seCtIon a – Delegate DetaIls

Title (please circle): Ms / Miss / Mrs / Mr / Dr / Prof / Other

Given Name Surname

Organisation Position Held / Title

Postal Address Suburb

State Postcode Country (if not Australia)

Business Telephone Mobile

Facsimile Email

Special Requirements (dietary / access)

Attendee names will be added to a list of name and organisation details for general distribution to other delegates. If you do not want your name to appear on this list please indicate below.

I do not wish to have my name and contact details on the delegate list

seCtIon b – regIstratIon

early bird (by 30 august 2013) standard (after 30 august 2013)

members rates

Full Registration - Early Bird $980.00 Full Registration - Standard $1,130.00

Day Registration – Early Bird $380.00 Day Registration – Standard $480.00

non members rates

Full Registration - Early Bird $1,115.00 Full Registration - Standard $1,265.00

Day Registration – Early Bird $435.00 Day Registration – Standard $535.00

Day registrants, please indicate which day/s you are attending:

Wednesday 13 November Thursday 14 November Friday 15 November

registration Fees subtotal = $

all registrants: Please rank the following streams in order of preference (1-favourite & 8-least favourite):

Student Experience Equity & Diversity Internationalisation

Research & Research Training Performance Institutional Rankings Planning & Budgeting

Standards, Quality and Risk Management Emerging Technologies

Please complete and return with payment to: Leishman Associates 113 Harrington Street HOBART TAS 7000 Fax: + 61 (3) 6234 5958

TAX INVOICE ABN: 22 103 078 897

Cheques are to be made to Leishman Associates – AAIR Forum 2013

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aaIr registration FormFull Registration for members and non-members includes attendance at all sessions. Full registration also includes: one set of forum proceedings, satchel, name badge, lunch, morning and afternoon refreshments, entry to the Welcome Reception and Forum Gala Dinner, and AAIR membership for 2014.

Day Registration includes attendance at sessions on the nominated day of attendance, one set of forum proceedings, satchel, name badge, and lunch, morning and afternoon refreshments on the day of attendance. Day registration does not include any of the social program functions. Tickets to attend any of the social functions need to be purchased separately. Day registration does not include membership of AAIR.

additional tickets (for day delegates or accompanying persons/partners)

Purchase______tickets for the Welcome Reception @ $70 each Purchase______tickets for the Forum Dinner @ $ 125 each

Accompanying Person Name:

Special Requirements (dietary/access):

additional tickets subtotal = $

seCtIon C – aCCommoDatIon

In relation to booking your accommodation we MUST receive a credit card number to hold the room. This credit card number will be passed onto the hotel as a guarantee of your stay and will be charged upon check out per regular hotel arrangements. The hotel may choose to charge your card with a deposit prior to your arrival to secure your booking. Please note that most hotels have surcharges on credit card transactions; please contact your hotel directly if you wish to know their individual rates.

Name of Hotel


Arrival Day and Date

Departure Day and Date

Name of person sharing with (if applicable)

Additional Persons

Credit Card Payment Details for Accommodation Booking Only

Credit Card Number _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ /_ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _

Expiry Date _ _ / _ _

Cardholder Name




seCtIon D – PaYment

Method of Payment

Credit Card Cheque Direct Deposit

total Fees PaYable $


Credit Card Payments Visa MasterCard

Credit Card Number _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ /_ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _

Expiry Date _ _ / _ _

Cardholder Name



PrIvaCY statementWhen we collect and hold personal information about you, that is, information that can identify you, such as your name, address, other contact details and other information, it will be relevant to providing you with the services you are seeking.

The personal information that we collect and hold about you depends on your interaction with us. Generally, we will collect and hold your personal information for the purposes of: providing services to you, to respond to queries made by you, to keep ourselves and you informed of the status of a forum or event you have expressed an interest in, or are attending. For a full version of the Leishman Associates Privacy Policy, please visit the Forum website.

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