เอกสารอ้างอิง กรรณิการ์ วิจิตร...

เอกสารอ้างอิง กรรณิการ์ วิจิตรสุคนธ์. (2551). การพยาบาลทารกแรกเกิดที่มีภาวะตัวเหลือง.ใน บัญจางค์ สุขเจริญ, วิไล เลิศธรรมเทวี , ฟองคา ติลกสกุลชัย, และ ศรีสมบูรณ์ มุสิกสุคนธ์ (บรรณาธิการ), ตาราการพยาบาลเด็ก (หน้า 314- 328). กรุงเทพฯ: ห้างหุ้นส่วนจากัด พรี -วัน. กันยา สุวรรณแสง.(2540). จิตวิทยาทั่วไป (พิมพ์ครั ้งที่ 3). กรุงเทพ: อักษรพิทยา เกรียงศักดิ จีระแพทย์ . (ไม่ปรากฏปีที่พิมพ์ ). หลักการดูแลทารกแรกเกิดขั้นพื้นฐาน. สานักส่งเสริม สุขภาพ กรมอนามัย กระทรวงสาธารณสุข. เกรียงศักดิ ์ จิระแพทย . (2542). ความพิการทางสมองจากภาวะตัวเหลือง. ใน เกรียงศักดิ จิระแพทย์ (บรรณาธิการ), 32 ปัญหาในทารกแรกเกิด การป้องกันและการดูแล (หน้า 19-22). กรุงเทพฯ: บริษัทไวเอท- เอเยิร์สท์ (ประเทศไทย) จากัด. เกรียงศักดิ ์ จีระแพทย ์ และวีณา จีระแพทย์ . (2545). การพยาบาลทารกแรกเกิดพื้นฐาน. สานัก ส่งเสริมสุขภาพ กรมอนามัยและคณะแพทยศาสตร์ศิริราชพยาบาล. กรุงเทพมหานคร : โรงพิมพ์องค์การสงเคราะห์ทหารผ่านศึก ขนิษฐา ประสมศักดิ . (2551). ผลของโปรแกรมการให้ความรู ้และการสนับสนุนต่อความวิตกกังวล ในบิดา-มารดาที่บุตรมีภาวะตัวเหลืองและได้รับการส ่องไฟในระยะหลังคลอด. วิทยานิพนธ์ปริญญาพยาบาลศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาการพยาบาลมารดาและทารกแรก เกิด, บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล. จรัสศรี หินศิลป์ . (2549). การมีส่วนร่วมของมารดาในการดูแลทารกแรกเกิดที่มีภาวะเสี่ยงสูง. วิทยานิพนธ์พยาบาลศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาการพยาบาลกุมารเวชศาสตร์, บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่ . จุไร อภัยจิรรัตน์ และ เต็มดวง ช้อยหิรัญ. (2542). การพยาบาลทารกแรกเกิดที่มีภาวะบิลิรูบินสูง. พยาบาลสาร, 26(2), 1-9. ณัฐิกา ปฐมอารีย์. (2551). การมีส่วนร่วมของมารดาในการดูแลทารกแรกเกิดในหออภิบาลทารก แรกเกิด. วิทยานิพนธ์พยาบาลศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาการพยาบาลกุมารเวชศาสตร์, บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่ . ณิชกานต์ ไชยชนะ. (2545). การมีส่วนร่วมของบิดามารดาในการดูแลเด็กที่มีความเจ็บป ่วยเรื้อรัง ขณะเข้ารับการรักษาในโรงพยาบาล. วิทยานิพนธ์พยาบาลศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชา การพยาบาลกุมารเวชศาสตร์ , บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่ .

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กรรณการ วจตรสคนธ (2551) การพยาบาลทารกแรกเกดทมภาวะตวเหลองใน บญจางค สขเจรญ

วไล เลศธรรมเทว ฟองค า ตลกสกลชย และ ศรสมบรณ มสกสคนธ (บรรณาธการ) ต าราการพยาบาลเดก (หนา 314- 328) กรงเทพฯ หางหนสวนจ ากด พร-วน

กนยา สวรรณแสง(2540) จตวทยาทวไป (พมพครงท 3) กรงเทพ อกษรพทยา เกรยงศกด จระแพทย (ไมปรากฏปทพมพ) หลกการดแลทารกแรกเกดขนพนฐาน ส านกสงเสรม

สขภาพ กรมอนามย กระทรวงสาธารณสข เกรยงศกด จระแพทย (2542) ความพการทางสมองจากภาวะตวเหลอง ใน เกรยงศกด จระแพทย

(บรรณาธการ) 32 ปญหาในทารกแรกเกด การปองกนและการดแล (หนา 19-22) กรงเทพฯ บรษทไวเอท- เอเยรสท (ประเทศไทย) จ ากด

เกรยงศกด จระแพทย และวณา จระแพทย (2545) การพยาบาลทารกแรกเกดพนฐาน ส านกสงเสรมสขภาพ กรมอนามยและคณะแพทยศาสตรศรราชพยาบาล กรงเทพมหานคร โรงพมพองคการสงเคราะหทหารผานศก

ขนษฐา ประสมศกด (2551) ผลของโปรแกรมการใหความรและการสนบสนนตอความวตกกงวลในบดา-มารดาทบตรมภาวะตวเหลองและไดรบการสองไฟในระยะหลงคลอดวทยานพนธปรญญาพยาบาลศาสตรมหาบณฑต สาขาการพยาบาลมารดาและทารกแรกเกด บณฑตวทยาลย มหาวทยาลยมหดล

จรสศร หนศลป (2549) การมสวนรวมของมารดาในการดแลทารกแรกเกดทมภาวะเสยงสง วทยานพนธพยาบาลศาสตรมหาบณฑต สาขาวชาการพยาบาลกมารเวชศาสตร

บณฑตวทยาลย มหาวทยาลยเชยงใหม จไร อภยจรรตน และ เตมดวง ชอยหรญ (2542) การพยาบาลทารกแรกเกดทมภาวะบลรบนสง

พยาบาลสาร 26(2) 1-9 ณฐกา ปฐมอารย (2551) การมสวนรวมของมารดาในการดแลทารกแรกเกดในหออภบาลทารก แรกเกด วทยานพนธพยาบาลศาสตรมหาบณฑต สาขาวชาการพยาบาลกมารเวชศาสตร บณฑตวทยาลย มหาวทยาลยเชยงใหม ณชกานต ไชยชนะ (2545) การมสวนรวมของบดามารดาในการดแลเดกทมความเจบปวยเรอรง

ขณะเขารบการรกษาในโรงพยาบาล วทยานพนธพยาบาลศาสตรมหาบณฑต สาขาวชาการพยาบาลกมารเวชศาสตร บณฑตวทยาลย มหาวทยาลยเชยงใหม


เนตรทอง ทะยา วลาวณย พเชยรเสถยร และ รตนชฎาวรรณ อยนาค (2545) ความตองการและการไดรบการตอบสนองของมารดาทารกทเขารบการรกษาในหออภบาลทารกแรกเกด รายงานการวจย เชยงใหม คณะพยาบาลศาสตร มหาวทยาลยเชยงใหม

นภทร สทธาโนมย (2550) ผลของการกนขอบโคมเครองสองไฟรกษาภาวะตวเหลองดวยผาสขาว ผาสฟาและอะลมนมฟอยลตอพลงงานแสง Retrieved 6 August 2007 from wwwthaipediatricsorgabstract50-5115doc

นยนา วงษนยม (2544) ผลของโปรแกรมการฝกฝนมารดาตอความพรอมของมารดาในการเลยงดทารก ภาวะสขภาพและพฤตกรรมของทารกเกดกอนก าหนด วทยานพนธปรญญาพยาบาลศาสตรมหาบณทต สาขาวชาการพยาบาลเดก บณฑตวทยาลย มหาวทยาลยขอนแกน

บษบา บญกระโทก รตนา รองทองกล ศรนารถ ศรกาญจนเพรศ และสนทร น าใจทหาร (2550) ความเครยดและพฤตกรรมการเผชญของมารดาทมบตรตวเหลองซงไดรบการสองไฟรกษาทโรงพยาบาลศรนครนทร ศรนครนทรเวชสาร 22(2) 133-138

ประสน จนทรวทน (2544) เอกสารประกอบประชมวชาการเรอง Management of hyperbilirubinemia in low birth weight infant ชมรมเวชศาสตรทารกแรกเกดแหงประเทศไทย วทยาลยแพทยศาสตรพระมงกฎเกลา 153-64

พมลรตน ไทยธรรมยานนท (2544) การดแลทารกแรกเกด กรงเทพฯ ชยเจรญการพมพ ฟองค า ดลกสกลชยและกรรณการ วจตรสคนธ(2551)การพยาบาลทารกทมภาวะเสยงสง ใน มหาวทยาลยสโขทยธรรมาธราช สาขาวชาพยาบาลศาสตร เอกสารการสอนการ

พยาบาลเดกและวยรน หนวยท 6-10 (ปรบปรงครงท 1) (หนา51- 57) นนทบรส านกพมพมหาวทยาลยสโขทยธรรมาธราช

มณ คประสทธ (2539) ความสมพนธระหวางความสามารถในการดแลเดกของบดามารดากบภาวะสขภาพของเดกวย 5 ขวบปแรก วทยานพนธพยาบาลศาสตรมหาบณฑต สาขาวชาการพยาบาลเดก บณฑตวทยาลย มหาวทยาลยมหดล

รงทพย วระกล (2539) ความสมพนธระหวางการรบรเกยวกบโรค การสนบสนนทางสงคมกบพฤตกรรมของมารดาในการดแลบตรปวยโรคธาลสซเมยวทยานพนธพยาบาลศาสตร-

มหาบณฑต สาขาวชาพยาบาลศาสตร บณฑตวทยาลย มหาวทยาลยมหดล วารชา เจนจนดามย (2542) Care of the growing preterm before discharge ใน ประพทธ ศรปณย

(บรรณาธการ) Neonatal care in the year 2000 The prevention of morbidities (หนา 173-182) กรงเทพฯ ธนาเพรส แอนด กราฟฟค


วจตร ศรสพรรณ (2547) การวจยทางการพยาบาล หลกการและแนวปฎบต (พมพครงท 3) เชยงใหม คณะพยาบาลศาสตร มหาวทยาลยเชยงใหม

หอผปวยทารกแรกเกด สถาบนสขภาพเดกแหงชาตมหาราชน (2551) สถตทารกแรกเกดตวเหลองป พศ 2548-2550 กรงเทพ สถตหอผปวยทารกแรกเกด สถาบนสขภาพเดกแหงชาตมหาราชน

สรายทธ สภาพรรณชาต (2540) Management of hyperbilirubinemia ใน สรายทธ สภาพรรณชาต (บรรณาธการ) Preventive Measures in Neonatal Care (หนา 8- 20) กรงเทพฯ บรษท ธนาเพรส แอนด กราฟฟค จ ากด

สรายทธ สภาพรรณชาต (2546) อาการเหลองในทารกแรกเกด ใน วนด วราวทย ประพทธ ศรปณย และสรางค เจยมจรรยา (บรรณาธการ) ต ารากมารเวชศาสตร (ฉบบเรยบเรยงใหมเลม 2) (หนา 51- 57) กรงเทพฯ บรษทโฮลสตก พบลชชง

สรายทธ สภาพรรณชาต (2548) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia ใน สรายทธ สภาพรรณชาต (บรรณาธการ) Best practice in neonatal care (หนา 130- 136) กรงเทพฯ ธนาเพรส จ ากด

สคนทา คณาพนธ (2545) การปฏบตของมารดาในการดแลบตรเจบปวยเฉยบพลนขณะเขารบ การรกษาในโรงพยาบาล วทยานพนธพยาบาลศาสตรมหาบณฑต สาขาวชาการพยาบาล กมารเวชศาสตร บณฑตวทยาลย มหาวทยาลยเชยงใหม สรนาตยา วงควาล (2551) การมสวนรวมของบดามารดาในการดแลเดกทมการตดเชอทางเดน หายใจสวนลางเฉยบพลนและปจจยทเกยวของ วทยานพนธพยาบาลศาสตรมหาบณฑต โสภาพรรณ เงนฉ า (2550) Practical mannagment of neonatal hyperbilirubinemiaใน ดสต สถาวร ชษณ พนธเจรญ และอษา ทสยากร (บรรณาธการ) Critical advances in

pediatrics (หนา 173-182) กรงเทพฯ บรษท บยอนด เอนเทอรไพรซ จ ากด ศรพรรณ กนธวง วมล ธนสวรรณ ศรมนา นยมคา จฑารตน มสขโข มาล เจรญเมอง

นนทา เลยววรยะกจ และจรสศร เยนบตร (2547) การพฒนารปแบบการดแลเดกปวยโดยยดครอบครวเปนศนยกลาง รายงานการวจย เชยงใหม คณะพยาบาลศาสตร มหาวทยาลยเชยงใหม

อมพร รอดสทธ (2547) การมสวนรวมของบดามารดาในการดแลเดกปวยขณะเขารบการรกษาในโรงพยาบาลชมชน วทยานพนธพยาบาลศาสตรมหาบณฑต สาขาวชาการพยาบาลกมารเวชศาสตร บณฑตวทยาลย มหาวทยาลยเชยงใหม


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Halamek L P amp Stevenson D K (2002) Neonatal jaundice In A A Fanaroff amp R J Martin (Eds) Neonatal- perinatal medicine Diseases of the Fetus and Infant (7th ed pp 1309-1350) PhiladelphiaMosby


Hall E O C (2005) Being in an alien world Danish parentsrsquo lived experiences when a newborn or small child is critically ill Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 19 179-185

Harvath TA Archbold PG Stewart BJ Gadow S Kirschling JM Miller L Hagan J Brody K amp Schook J (1994) Establishing partnerships with familyEstablishing partnerships with family caregivers Local and cosmopolitan knowledge Journal of Gerontological Nursing22(1)19-47

Hayes G (2000) The jaundiced newborn Minimizing the risks Patient Care 34(2) 45-56 Heuer L (1993) Parental stressors in a pediatric intensive care unit Pediatric Nursing 19(2)


Holdich-Davis D amp Miles M S (2000) Mothersrsquo stories about their experiences in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Neonatal Network 19(3) 13-21 Hopia H Tomlinson P Paavilainen E amp Astedt K (2005) Child in hospital family

experiences and expectations of how nurses can promote family health Journal of Clinical Nursing 14 212ndash222

Hutchfield K (1999) Family-centered care A concept analysis Journal of Advanced Nursing 29 1178-1187

Jintrawet U (2005) Parental practices during their childrsquos admission to Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) Chiang Mai University Johnson A amp Lindschau A (1996) Staff attitudes toward parent participation in the care of

children who are hospitalized Pediatric Nursing 22 99-102 Juliann W (2008) Risk of serious jaundice in newborns accurately predicted by simple test

Retrieved October 1 2008 from httpwwwmedicalnewstodaycomarticles 93633php

Kaplan M amp Hammerman C (2004) Understanding and preventing severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is bilirubin neurotoxicity really a concern in the developed world Clinics Perinatology 31(3) 555-75

Kawik L (1996) Nursesrsquo and parentsrsquo perception of participation and partnership in caring for a hospitalized child British Journal of Nursing 5 430-434

Kenner C Lott JW amp Flandermeyer AA (1998) Comprehensive neonatal nursing A physiological perspective (2nded)Philadelphia WB Saunders


Kleiber C Davenport T amp Freyenberger B (2006) Open bedside rounds for families with children in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit American journal of Critical Care 15(5) 492-496

Kristensson-Hallstrom I (1999) Strategies for feeling secure influence parentsrsquo participation in care Journal of Clinical Nursing 8 586-592 Lam L W Chang A M amp Morrissey J (2006) Parents experiences of participation in the

care of hospitalised children A qualitative study International Journal of Nursing Studies 43(5) 535-545

LaMontagne L L amp Pawlak R (1990) Stress and coping of parents of children in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Heart amp Lung 19(4) 416-421

Lawrence R A amp Lawrence R M (1999) Breastfeeding A guide for the medical profession (5th ed pp 277-281) St Louis Mosby New York

Leifer G (1999) Thompsonrsquos introduction to maternity and pediatric nursing (3rded) Philadelphia WB Saunders Lima R A G Rocha S M M Scochi C G S amp Callery P (2001) Involvement and

fragmentation A study of parental care of hospitalized children in Brazil Pediatric Nursing 27 559 -564580

Madam A MacMahon J R amp Stevenson D K (2005) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia In H W Taeusch R A Ballard amp C A Gleason (Eds) Averyrsquos diseases of newborn (8th ed pp 1226- 1229) Philadelphia Elsevier Saunders

Maisels M J (2005) Jaundice In M G MacDonald M K Seshia amp M D Mullett (Eds) Neonatology Pathophysiology and management of the newborn (6th ed pp 768- 846) Philadelphia Lippincott Williams amp Wilkins

Maisels M J (2006) Neonatal jaundice Pediatric 27 443-454 Maisels M J amp McDonagh AF (2008) Phototherapy for neonatal jaundice The new england

journal of medicine 358 920- 928 Mali PH (2004) Nurses responsibilities in phototherapy Nursing Journal of India 95(1)



Martin C R amp Cloherty J P (2004) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia In J P Cloherty E C Eichenwald amp A R Stark (Eds) Manual of Neonatal Care (5th ed pp 185- 221) Philadelphia Lippincott Williams amp Wilkins

Miles M S Funk S G amp Carlson J (1993) Parental stressor scale Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nursing Research 42 148-152

Moerschel SK Cianciaruso LB amp Tracy LR (2008) A practical approach to neonatal jaundice American Family Physician 771255-1262

Moses S (2005) Hyperbilirubinemia Retrieved September 13 2007 from httpwwwfpnotebookcomNIC35htm

Murki S amp Kumar P (2011) Blood exchange transfusion for infants with severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia Semin Perinatol 35(3) 175-84

Neill S J (1996a) Parent participation 1 Literature review and methodology British Journal of Nursing 5 34-40

Neill S J (1996b) Parent paticipation 2 Findings and their implications for practice British Journal of Nursing 5 110-117

Newton M S (2000) Family ndash centered Care Current realities in parent participation Pediatric Nursing 26(2) 164-168

Ostrow J D Pascolo L amp Tiribelli C (2003) Reassessment of the unbound concentrations of unconjugated bilirubin in relation to neurotoxicity in vitro Pediatric Research 54(1) 98-104

Ozmert E Erdem G Topcu M Yurdakok M Tekinalp G Genc D amp Renda Y (1996) Long-term follow-up of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in full-term Turkish infants Acta Pediatric 85(12) 1440-1444

Palmer S J (1993) Care of sick children by parents a meaningful role Journal of Advanced Nursing 18 185-191

Pillitteri A (1999) Maternal amp child health nursing Care of the childbearing amp childearing family (3rd ed) Philadelphia Lippincott

Polit D F amp Hungler B P (1999) Nursing research Principle and methods Philadelphia Lippincott


Pongjaturawit Y (2005) Parental participation in the care of hospitalized young children Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) Chiang Mai University Porter M L amp Dennis B L (2002) Hyperbilirubinemia in the term newborn Journal of the

American Family Physician 65(4) 599-607 Powers PH Goldstein C Plank G Thomas K amp Conkright L (2000) The value of patient and family centered care American Journal of Nursing100 84-88 Reiser D J (2004) Neonatal jaundice Physiologic variation on pathologic process Critical

Care Nursing Clinics of North America 16(2) 257-269 2004 Robbins SP (1993) Orgenization behavior Concept controversies amp application

(6th ed) London Prentice Hall Roden J (2005) The involvement of parents and nurses in the care of acutely-ill children in a

non-specialist paediatric setting Journal of Child Health Care 9 222-240 Rudolph J A amp Balistreri W F (2004) Metabolic diseases of the liver In R E Behemen

R M Kliegman H B Jenson (Eds) Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (17th ed pp 1321- 1322) PhiladelphiaWB Saunders

Schepp K (1992) Correlates of mothers who prefer control over their hospitalized childrenrsquos care Journal of Pediatric Nursg 7 83-89

Schepp K (1995) Psychometric assessment of the preferred participation scale for parent of hospitalized children Unpublished manuscript University of Washington School of Nursing Seattle WA

Seidman D S Paz I Stevenson DK Laor A Danon YL amp Gale R (1991) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and physical and cognitive performance at 17 years of age Pediatrics 88(4) 828-833

Sethi H Saili A amp Dutta A K (1993) Phototherapy induced hypocalcemia Indian Pediatrics 30(12) 1403-1406

Shapiro S M Bhutani V K amp Johnson L (2006) Hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus Clinics Perinatology 33 387ndash410

Shelton TL amp Stepanek JS (1995) Excerpts from family-centered care for children needing specialized health and developmental services Pediatric Nursing 21(4) 362-364


Stoll B J amp Kliegman R M (2004) Jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn In R E Behemen R M Kliegman amp H B Jenson (Eds) Nelson textbook in pediatrics (17th ed pp 592- 599) Philadelphia WB Saunders

Thompson M L (1995) Concepts and activities Pediatric nursing Springhouse Springhouse Corporation

Tourigny J Chapados C amp Pineault R (2005) Determinants of parental behaviour when children undergo day-care surgery Journal of Advanced Nursing 52 490ndash497

Truman P (2006) Jaundice in the preterm infant Paediatric Nursing 18(5) 20-22 Vecchi C Donzelli G P Sbrana G amp Pratesi R (1986) Phototherapy for neonatal jaundice

Clinical equivalence of fluorescent green and lsquospecialrsquo blue lamps Journal of Pediatric 108 452-456

Vohr B R Karp D ODea C Darrow D Coll CG Lester BM Brown L Oh W amp Cashore W (1990) Behavioral changes correlated with brain-stem auditory evoked responses in term infants with mderate hyperbilirubinemia Journal of Pediatric 117 288ndash291

Ward K (2001) Perceived needs of parents of critically ill infants in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Pediatric Nursing 27(3) 281-286

Watchko J F (2005) Hyperbilirubinemia In A R Spitzer (Eds) Intensive care of the fetus amp nenonate (2nd ed pp 1063-1080) Philadelphia Mosby

Wennberg R P Ahlfors C E Bhutani V K Johnson L H amp Shapiro S M (2006) Toward understanding kernicterus A challenge to improve the management of jaundiced newborns Pediatrics 117 474ndash485

Whaley L F amp Wong D L (1991) Nursing care of infants and children (4th ed) St Louis Mosby-Year Book

Wheeler HJ (2005) The importance of parental support when caring for the acutely ill child Nursing in Critical Care 10(2) 56-62

Wilson D amp da Cunha M F (2007) Health problems of the newborn In M J Hockenberry amp D Wilson (Eds) Wongs Nursing Care of Infants and Children (8th ed pp 317-326) St Louis Missouri Mosby Elsevier


Wong R J amp Bhutani V K (2008) Evaluation of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in term and late preterm infants Retrieved October 1 2007 from httpwwwuptodatecom patientscontenttopicdotopicKey=~9YYKHrbdWPrA8QampselectedTitle=1~150ampsource=search_result

Wong R J Desander G H Sibley E amp Stevenson D K (2006) Neonatal jaundice and liver disease In Fanaroff and Martins Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Diseases of the fetus and infant (8th ed pp 1419- 1465) Philadelphia Elsevier Saunders

World Health Organization (2005) Evidence for the ten steps to successful breastfeeding Retrieved October 27 2007 from httpwwwwhointchildadolescentpublications NUTRITION WHO_CHD_989htm

Yegg M B amp Ametz J E(2004) A study of parental involvement in pediatric hospital care implication for clinical practice Journal of Pediatric Nursing 19(3) 217-224

Youngblut J M (1998) Integrative review of assessment models for examining childrenrsquos and familiesrsquo responses to acute illness In M E Broome K Knafl K Pridham amp S Feetham (Eds) Children and Families in health and illness (pp 115- 141) Thousand Oaks CA Sage

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วจตร ศรสพรรณ (2547) การวจยทางการพยาบาล หลกการและแนวปฎบต (พมพครงท 3) เชยงใหม คณะพยาบาลศาสตร มหาวทยาลยเชยงใหม

หอผปวยทารกแรกเกด สถาบนสขภาพเดกแหงชาตมหาราชน (2551) สถตทารกแรกเกดตวเหลองป พศ 2548-2550 กรงเทพ สถตหอผปวยทารกแรกเกด สถาบนสขภาพเดกแหงชาตมหาราชน

สรายทธ สภาพรรณชาต (2540) Management of hyperbilirubinemia ใน สรายทธ สภาพรรณชาต (บรรณาธการ) Preventive Measures in Neonatal Care (หนา 8- 20) กรงเทพฯ บรษท ธนาเพรส แอนด กราฟฟค จ ากด

สรายทธ สภาพรรณชาต (2546) อาการเหลองในทารกแรกเกด ใน วนด วราวทย ประพทธ ศรปณย และสรางค เจยมจรรยา (บรรณาธการ) ต ารากมารเวชศาสตร (ฉบบเรยบเรยงใหมเลม 2) (หนา 51- 57) กรงเทพฯ บรษทโฮลสตก พบลชชง

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pediatrics (หนา 173-182) กรงเทพฯ บรษท บยอนด เอนเทอรไพรซ จ ากด ศรพรรณ กนธวง วมล ธนสวรรณ ศรมนา นยมคา จฑารตน มสขโข มาล เจรญเมอง

นนทา เลยววรยะกจ และจรสศร เยนบตร (2547) การพฒนารปแบบการดแลเดกปวยโดยยดครอบครวเปนศนยกลาง รายงานการวจย เชยงใหม คณะพยาบาลศาสตร มหาวทยาลยเชยงใหม

อมพร รอดสทธ (2547) การมสวนรวมของบดามารดาในการดแลเดกปวยขณะเขารบการรกษาในโรงพยาบาลชมชน วทยานพนธพยาบาลศาสตรมหาบณฑต สาขาวชาการพยาบาลกมารเวชศาสตร บณฑตวทยาลย มหาวทยาลยเชยงใหม


Ahlfors C E (2000) Measurement of plasma unbound unconjugated bilirubin Analytical Biochemistry 279(2) 130-135

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auditory evoked response in newborns with hyperbilirubinemia Indian Pediatric 35 513ndash518

American Academy of Pediatrics (2003) Family-centered care and the pediatricians role Pediatrics 112 691ndash697

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American Red Cross (2001) Helping young children cope with trauma Retrieved June 13 2008 from httpwwwredcrossorgservicesdisasterkeepsafechildtraumahtml

Atkinson L R Escobar G J Takayama J amp Newman T B (2003) Phototherapy use in jaundiced newborns in a large managed care organization Do clinician adhere to the guidelines Pediatrics 111 e555-e561

Bader D Yanir Y Kugelman A Wilhelm-Kafil M amp Riskin A (2005) Induction of early meconium evacuation Is it effective in reducing the level of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia American Journal of Perinatology 22 329ndash333

Ball J amp Bindler R (1995) Pediatric nursing caring for children New York Appleton amp Lange

Balling K amp McCubbin M (2001) Hospitalized children with chronic illness Parental caregiving needs and valuing parental expertise Journal of Pediatric Nursing 16 110-119

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perspective Philadelphia W B Sunders Bhutani VK Johnson L H Jeffrey Maisels M Newman T B Phibbs C Stark A R amp

Yeargin-Allsopp M (2004) Kernicterus Epidemiological Strategies for Its Prevention through systems-based approaches Journal of Perinatalogy 24 650 ndash662


Bowden V R Dickey S B amp Greenberg C S (1998) Children and their families The continuum of care Philadelphia W B Saunders Brown J amp Ritchie J A (1989) Nursesrsquo perception of their relationship with parents

Maternal-Child Nursing Journal 18 79-93 Bruce B amp Ritchie J (1997) Nurses practices and perceptions of family-centered care

Journal of Pediatric Nursing 12(4) 214-222 Bruns D A amp McColumn A T (2002) Partnerships between mothers and professional in the

NICU Caregiving information exchange and relationships Neonatal Network 21(7) 15-23

Burns N amp GroveS K (2005) The Practice of nursing research Conduct critique amp utilization Philadelphia Sanders

Cashore W J (2004) Bilirubin Metabolism and Toxicity in the Newborn In R A Polin W W Fox amp S H Abman (Eds) Fetal and neonatal physiology (3rd ed pp 1199-1205) PhiladelphiaWB Saunders

Chapados C Pineault R Tourigny J amp Vandal S (2002) Perceptions of parentsrsquo participation in the care of their child undergoing day surgery Pilot-study Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing 25 59ndash70

Coyne I T (1995) Parental participation in care A critical review of the literature Journal of Advanced Nursing 21 716-722

Coyne I T (1996) Parental participation A concept analysis Journal of Advanced Nursing 23 733-740

Curley M A Q amp Meyer E C (1996) The impact of the critical care experience on the family In M A Q Curley J B Smith amp P A Moloney-Harman (Eds) Critical care nursing of infant and children (pp 56) Philadelphia W B Saunders Curley M A Q amp Wallace J (1992) Effects of the nursing mutual participation model

of care on parental stress in the pediatric intensive care unit- a replication Journal of Pediatric Nursing 7(6) 377-385

Darbyshire P (1995) Family-centered care within contemporary British paediatric nusing British Journal of Childrenrsquos Nursing 1 31-33


Davidson J E Powers K Hedayat K M Tieszen M Kon A A Shepard E et al (2007) Clinical practice guideline for support of the family in the patient centered intensive care unit American college of Critical Care Medicine Task Ford 2004-2005 Crit Care Med 35(2) 605-622 Daneman S Macaluso J amp Guzzetta C (2003) Healthcare providersrsquo attitudes toward parent

participation in the care of the hospitalized child Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 8 90ndash98

Dennery P A Seidman D S amp Stevenson D K (2001) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia New England Journal of Medicine 344 581-590

DePompei P M amp Whitford K M amp Beam P H (1994) One institutionrsquos effort to implement family-centered care Pediatric Nursing 20 119-121

Dixon DM (1996) Unifying concepts in parents experiences with health care providers Journal of Family Nursing 2 111-132

Eghbalian F amp Monsef A (2002) Phototherapy-induced hypocalcemia in icteric newborns International Journal of Molecular Sciences 27(4) 169-171

Espezel H amp Canam C (2003) Parentndashnurse interactions Care of hospitalized children Journal of Advanced Nursing 44 34ndash41

Farrell M (1989) Parents of critically ill children have their needs too A literature review Intensive Care Nursing 5(3) 123-128

Franck L S amp Spencer C (2003) Parent visiting and participation in infant caregiving activities in a neonatal unit BIRTH 30(1) 31-35

Gloria L (2007) Introduction to maternity amp pediatric nursing (5th ed) St Louis Missouri Mosby Elsevier

Gupta A K amp Mann S B (1998) Is auditory brainstem response a bilirubin toxicity marker American Journal of Otolaryngol 19 232-236

Gupta R Nagdeve NG amp Sarin YK (2005) Neonatal Surgical Jaundice Indian journal of Pediatric 72 (5) 415-423

Halamek L P amp Stevenson D K (2002) Neonatal jaundice In A A Fanaroff amp R J Martin (Eds) Neonatal- perinatal medicine Diseases of the Fetus and Infant (7th ed pp 1309-1350) PhiladelphiaMosby


Hall E O C (2005) Being in an alien world Danish parentsrsquo lived experiences when a newborn or small child is critically ill Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 19 179-185

Harvath TA Archbold PG Stewart BJ Gadow S Kirschling JM Miller L Hagan J Brody K amp Schook J (1994) Establishing partnerships with familyEstablishing partnerships with family caregivers Local and cosmopolitan knowledge Journal of Gerontological Nursing22(1)19-47

Hayes G (2000) The jaundiced newborn Minimizing the risks Patient Care 34(2) 45-56 Heuer L (1993) Parental stressors in a pediatric intensive care unit Pediatric Nursing 19(2)


Holdich-Davis D amp Miles M S (2000) Mothersrsquo stories about their experiences in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Neonatal Network 19(3) 13-21 Hopia H Tomlinson P Paavilainen E amp Astedt K (2005) Child in hospital family

experiences and expectations of how nurses can promote family health Journal of Clinical Nursing 14 212ndash222

Hutchfield K (1999) Family-centered care A concept analysis Journal of Advanced Nursing 29 1178-1187

Jintrawet U (2005) Parental practices during their childrsquos admission to Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) Chiang Mai University Johnson A amp Lindschau A (1996) Staff attitudes toward parent participation in the care of

children who are hospitalized Pediatric Nursing 22 99-102 Juliann W (2008) Risk of serious jaundice in newborns accurately predicted by simple test

Retrieved October 1 2008 from httpwwwmedicalnewstodaycomarticles 93633php

Kaplan M amp Hammerman C (2004) Understanding and preventing severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is bilirubin neurotoxicity really a concern in the developed world Clinics Perinatology 31(3) 555-75

Kawik L (1996) Nursesrsquo and parentsrsquo perception of participation and partnership in caring for a hospitalized child British Journal of Nursing 5 430-434

Kenner C Lott JW amp Flandermeyer AA (1998) Comprehensive neonatal nursing A physiological perspective (2nded)Philadelphia WB Saunders


Kleiber C Davenport T amp Freyenberger B (2006) Open bedside rounds for families with children in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit American journal of Critical Care 15(5) 492-496

Kristensson-Hallstrom I (1999) Strategies for feeling secure influence parentsrsquo participation in care Journal of Clinical Nursing 8 586-592 Lam L W Chang A M amp Morrissey J (2006) Parents experiences of participation in the

care of hospitalised children A qualitative study International Journal of Nursing Studies 43(5) 535-545

LaMontagne L L amp Pawlak R (1990) Stress and coping of parents of children in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Heart amp Lung 19(4) 416-421

Lawrence R A amp Lawrence R M (1999) Breastfeeding A guide for the medical profession (5th ed pp 277-281) St Louis Mosby New York

Leifer G (1999) Thompsonrsquos introduction to maternity and pediatric nursing (3rded) Philadelphia WB Saunders Lima R A G Rocha S M M Scochi C G S amp Callery P (2001) Involvement and

fragmentation A study of parental care of hospitalized children in Brazil Pediatric Nursing 27 559 -564580

Madam A MacMahon J R amp Stevenson D K (2005) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia In H W Taeusch R A Ballard amp C A Gleason (Eds) Averyrsquos diseases of newborn (8th ed pp 1226- 1229) Philadelphia Elsevier Saunders

Maisels M J (2005) Jaundice In M G MacDonald M K Seshia amp M D Mullett (Eds) Neonatology Pathophysiology and management of the newborn (6th ed pp 768- 846) Philadelphia Lippincott Williams amp Wilkins

Maisels M J (2006) Neonatal jaundice Pediatric 27 443-454 Maisels M J amp McDonagh AF (2008) Phototherapy for neonatal jaundice The new england

journal of medicine 358 920- 928 Mali PH (2004) Nurses responsibilities in phototherapy Nursing Journal of India 95(1)



Martin C R amp Cloherty J P (2004) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia In J P Cloherty E C Eichenwald amp A R Stark (Eds) Manual of Neonatal Care (5th ed pp 185- 221) Philadelphia Lippincott Williams amp Wilkins

Miles M S Funk S G amp Carlson J (1993) Parental stressor scale Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nursing Research 42 148-152

Moerschel SK Cianciaruso LB amp Tracy LR (2008) A practical approach to neonatal jaundice American Family Physician 771255-1262

Moses S (2005) Hyperbilirubinemia Retrieved September 13 2007 from httpwwwfpnotebookcomNIC35htm

Murki S amp Kumar P (2011) Blood exchange transfusion for infants with severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia Semin Perinatol 35(3) 175-84

Neill S J (1996a) Parent participation 1 Literature review and methodology British Journal of Nursing 5 34-40

Neill S J (1996b) Parent paticipation 2 Findings and their implications for practice British Journal of Nursing 5 110-117

Newton M S (2000) Family ndash centered Care Current realities in parent participation Pediatric Nursing 26(2) 164-168

Ostrow J D Pascolo L amp Tiribelli C (2003) Reassessment of the unbound concentrations of unconjugated bilirubin in relation to neurotoxicity in vitro Pediatric Research 54(1) 98-104

Ozmert E Erdem G Topcu M Yurdakok M Tekinalp G Genc D amp Renda Y (1996) Long-term follow-up of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in full-term Turkish infants Acta Pediatric 85(12) 1440-1444

Palmer S J (1993) Care of sick children by parents a meaningful role Journal of Advanced Nursing 18 185-191

Pillitteri A (1999) Maternal amp child health nursing Care of the childbearing amp childearing family (3rd ed) Philadelphia Lippincott

Polit D F amp Hungler B P (1999) Nursing research Principle and methods Philadelphia Lippincott


Pongjaturawit Y (2005) Parental participation in the care of hospitalized young children Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) Chiang Mai University Porter M L amp Dennis B L (2002) Hyperbilirubinemia in the term newborn Journal of the

American Family Physician 65(4) 599-607 Powers PH Goldstein C Plank G Thomas K amp Conkright L (2000) The value of patient and family centered care American Journal of Nursing100 84-88 Reiser D J (2004) Neonatal jaundice Physiologic variation on pathologic process Critical

Care Nursing Clinics of North America 16(2) 257-269 2004 Robbins SP (1993) Orgenization behavior Concept controversies amp application

(6th ed) London Prentice Hall Roden J (2005) The involvement of parents and nurses in the care of acutely-ill children in a

non-specialist paediatric setting Journal of Child Health Care 9 222-240 Rudolph J A amp Balistreri W F (2004) Metabolic diseases of the liver In R E Behemen

R M Kliegman H B Jenson (Eds) Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (17th ed pp 1321- 1322) PhiladelphiaWB Saunders

Schepp K (1992) Correlates of mothers who prefer control over their hospitalized childrenrsquos care Journal of Pediatric Nursg 7 83-89

Schepp K (1995) Psychometric assessment of the preferred participation scale for parent of hospitalized children Unpublished manuscript University of Washington School of Nursing Seattle WA

Seidman D S Paz I Stevenson DK Laor A Danon YL amp Gale R (1991) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and physical and cognitive performance at 17 years of age Pediatrics 88(4) 828-833

Sethi H Saili A amp Dutta A K (1993) Phototherapy induced hypocalcemia Indian Pediatrics 30(12) 1403-1406

Shapiro S M Bhutani V K amp Johnson L (2006) Hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus Clinics Perinatology 33 387ndash410

Shelton TL amp Stepanek JS (1995) Excerpts from family-centered care for children needing specialized health and developmental services Pediatric Nursing 21(4) 362-364


Stoll B J amp Kliegman R M (2004) Jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn In R E Behemen R M Kliegman amp H B Jenson (Eds) Nelson textbook in pediatrics (17th ed pp 592- 599) Philadelphia WB Saunders

Thompson M L (1995) Concepts and activities Pediatric nursing Springhouse Springhouse Corporation

Tourigny J Chapados C amp Pineault R (2005) Determinants of parental behaviour when children undergo day-care surgery Journal of Advanced Nursing 52 490ndash497

Truman P (2006) Jaundice in the preterm infant Paediatric Nursing 18(5) 20-22 Vecchi C Donzelli G P Sbrana G amp Pratesi R (1986) Phototherapy for neonatal jaundice

Clinical equivalence of fluorescent green and lsquospecialrsquo blue lamps Journal of Pediatric 108 452-456

Vohr B R Karp D ODea C Darrow D Coll CG Lester BM Brown L Oh W amp Cashore W (1990) Behavioral changes correlated with brain-stem auditory evoked responses in term infants with mderate hyperbilirubinemia Journal of Pediatric 117 288ndash291

Ward K (2001) Perceived needs of parents of critically ill infants in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Pediatric Nursing 27(3) 281-286

Watchko J F (2005) Hyperbilirubinemia In A R Spitzer (Eds) Intensive care of the fetus amp nenonate (2nd ed pp 1063-1080) Philadelphia Mosby

Wennberg R P Ahlfors C E Bhutani V K Johnson L H amp Shapiro S M (2006) Toward understanding kernicterus A challenge to improve the management of jaundiced newborns Pediatrics 117 474ndash485

Whaley L F amp Wong D L (1991) Nursing care of infants and children (4th ed) St Louis Mosby-Year Book

Wheeler HJ (2005) The importance of parental support when caring for the acutely ill child Nursing in Critical Care 10(2) 56-62

Wilson D amp da Cunha M F (2007) Health problems of the newborn In M J Hockenberry amp D Wilson (Eds) Wongs Nursing Care of Infants and Children (8th ed pp 317-326) St Louis Missouri Mosby Elsevier


Wong R J amp Bhutani V K (2008) Evaluation of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in term and late preterm infants Retrieved October 1 2007 from httpwwwuptodatecom patientscontenttopicdotopicKey=~9YYKHrbdWPrA8QampselectedTitle=1~150ampsource=search_result

Wong R J Desander G H Sibley E amp Stevenson D K (2006) Neonatal jaundice and liver disease In Fanaroff and Martins Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Diseases of the fetus and infant (8th ed pp 1419- 1465) Philadelphia Elsevier Saunders

World Health Organization (2005) Evidence for the ten steps to successful breastfeeding Retrieved October 27 2007 from httpwwwwhointchildadolescentpublications NUTRITION WHO_CHD_989htm

Yegg M B amp Ametz J E(2004) A study of parental involvement in pediatric hospital care implication for clinical practice Journal of Pediatric Nursing 19(3) 217-224

Youngblut J M (1998) Integrative review of assessment models for examining childrenrsquos and familiesrsquo responses to acute illness In M E Broome K Knafl K Pridham amp S Feetham (Eds) Children and Families in health and illness (pp 115- 141) Thousand Oaks CA Sage

Page 4: เอกสารอ้างอิง กรรณิการ์ วิจิตร ...archive.lib.cmu.ac.th/full/T/2554/nuped31054js_bib.pdf(บรรณาธ การ), Best


Ahlfors C E (2000) Measurement of plasma unbound unconjugated bilirubin Analytical Biochemistry 279(2) 130-135

Ahman E (1994) Family-Centered Care Shifting orientation Pediatric Nursing 20(2) 113-117 Agrawal V K Shukla R Misra P K Kapoor R K amp Malik G K (1998) Brainstem

auditory evoked response in newborns with hyperbilirubinemia Indian Pediatric 35 513ndash518

American Academy of Pediatrics (2003) Family-centered care and the pediatricians role Pediatrics 112 691ndash697

American Academy of Pediatrics (2004) Management of hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn infant 35 or more weeks of gestation Pediatrics 114 297-316

American Red Cross (2001) Helping young children cope with trauma Retrieved June 13 2008 from httpwwwredcrossorgservicesdisasterkeepsafechildtraumahtml

Atkinson L R Escobar G J Takayama J amp Newman T B (2003) Phototherapy use in jaundiced newborns in a large managed care organization Do clinician adhere to the guidelines Pediatrics 111 e555-e561

Bader D Yanir Y Kugelman A Wilhelm-Kafil M amp Riskin A (2005) Induction of early meconium evacuation Is it effective in reducing the level of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia American Journal of Perinatology 22 329ndash333

Ball J amp Bindler R (1995) Pediatric nursing caring for children New York Appleton amp Lange

Balling K amp McCubbin M (2001) Hospitalized children with chronic illness Parental caregiving needs and valuing parental expertise Journal of Pediatric Nursing 16 110-119

Berkowitz C D (2000) Pediatrics A primary care approach (2nd ed) Philadelphia Saunders Blackburn S amp Loper D L (1992) Maternal fetal and neonatal physiology A clinical

perspective Philadelphia W B Sunders Bhutani VK Johnson L H Jeffrey Maisels M Newman T B Phibbs C Stark A R amp

Yeargin-Allsopp M (2004) Kernicterus Epidemiological Strategies for Its Prevention through systems-based approaches Journal of Perinatalogy 24 650 ndash662


Bowden V R Dickey S B amp Greenberg C S (1998) Children and their families The continuum of care Philadelphia W B Saunders Brown J amp Ritchie J A (1989) Nursesrsquo perception of their relationship with parents

Maternal-Child Nursing Journal 18 79-93 Bruce B amp Ritchie J (1997) Nurses practices and perceptions of family-centered care

Journal of Pediatric Nursing 12(4) 214-222 Bruns D A amp McColumn A T (2002) Partnerships between mothers and professional in the

NICU Caregiving information exchange and relationships Neonatal Network 21(7) 15-23

Burns N amp GroveS K (2005) The Practice of nursing research Conduct critique amp utilization Philadelphia Sanders

Cashore W J (2004) Bilirubin Metabolism and Toxicity in the Newborn In R A Polin W W Fox amp S H Abman (Eds) Fetal and neonatal physiology (3rd ed pp 1199-1205) PhiladelphiaWB Saunders

Chapados C Pineault R Tourigny J amp Vandal S (2002) Perceptions of parentsrsquo participation in the care of their child undergoing day surgery Pilot-study Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing 25 59ndash70

Coyne I T (1995) Parental participation in care A critical review of the literature Journal of Advanced Nursing 21 716-722

Coyne I T (1996) Parental participation A concept analysis Journal of Advanced Nursing 23 733-740

Curley M A Q amp Meyer E C (1996) The impact of the critical care experience on the family In M A Q Curley J B Smith amp P A Moloney-Harman (Eds) Critical care nursing of infant and children (pp 56) Philadelphia W B Saunders Curley M A Q amp Wallace J (1992) Effects of the nursing mutual participation model

of care on parental stress in the pediatric intensive care unit- a replication Journal of Pediatric Nursing 7(6) 377-385

Darbyshire P (1995) Family-centered care within contemporary British paediatric nusing British Journal of Childrenrsquos Nursing 1 31-33


Davidson J E Powers K Hedayat K M Tieszen M Kon A A Shepard E et al (2007) Clinical practice guideline for support of the family in the patient centered intensive care unit American college of Critical Care Medicine Task Ford 2004-2005 Crit Care Med 35(2) 605-622 Daneman S Macaluso J amp Guzzetta C (2003) Healthcare providersrsquo attitudes toward parent

participation in the care of the hospitalized child Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 8 90ndash98

Dennery P A Seidman D S amp Stevenson D K (2001) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia New England Journal of Medicine 344 581-590

DePompei P M amp Whitford K M amp Beam P H (1994) One institutionrsquos effort to implement family-centered care Pediatric Nursing 20 119-121

Dixon DM (1996) Unifying concepts in parents experiences with health care providers Journal of Family Nursing 2 111-132

Eghbalian F amp Monsef A (2002) Phototherapy-induced hypocalcemia in icteric newborns International Journal of Molecular Sciences 27(4) 169-171

Espezel H amp Canam C (2003) Parentndashnurse interactions Care of hospitalized children Journal of Advanced Nursing 44 34ndash41

Farrell M (1989) Parents of critically ill children have their needs too A literature review Intensive Care Nursing 5(3) 123-128

Franck L S amp Spencer C (2003) Parent visiting and participation in infant caregiving activities in a neonatal unit BIRTH 30(1) 31-35

Gloria L (2007) Introduction to maternity amp pediatric nursing (5th ed) St Louis Missouri Mosby Elsevier

Gupta A K amp Mann S B (1998) Is auditory brainstem response a bilirubin toxicity marker American Journal of Otolaryngol 19 232-236

Gupta R Nagdeve NG amp Sarin YK (2005) Neonatal Surgical Jaundice Indian journal of Pediatric 72 (5) 415-423

Halamek L P amp Stevenson D K (2002) Neonatal jaundice In A A Fanaroff amp R J Martin (Eds) Neonatal- perinatal medicine Diseases of the Fetus and Infant (7th ed pp 1309-1350) PhiladelphiaMosby


Hall E O C (2005) Being in an alien world Danish parentsrsquo lived experiences when a newborn or small child is critically ill Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 19 179-185

Harvath TA Archbold PG Stewart BJ Gadow S Kirschling JM Miller L Hagan J Brody K amp Schook J (1994) Establishing partnerships with familyEstablishing partnerships with family caregivers Local and cosmopolitan knowledge Journal of Gerontological Nursing22(1)19-47

Hayes G (2000) The jaundiced newborn Minimizing the risks Patient Care 34(2) 45-56 Heuer L (1993) Parental stressors in a pediatric intensive care unit Pediatric Nursing 19(2)


Holdich-Davis D amp Miles M S (2000) Mothersrsquo stories about their experiences in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Neonatal Network 19(3) 13-21 Hopia H Tomlinson P Paavilainen E amp Astedt K (2005) Child in hospital family

experiences and expectations of how nurses can promote family health Journal of Clinical Nursing 14 212ndash222

Hutchfield K (1999) Family-centered care A concept analysis Journal of Advanced Nursing 29 1178-1187

Jintrawet U (2005) Parental practices during their childrsquos admission to Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) Chiang Mai University Johnson A amp Lindschau A (1996) Staff attitudes toward parent participation in the care of

children who are hospitalized Pediatric Nursing 22 99-102 Juliann W (2008) Risk of serious jaundice in newborns accurately predicted by simple test

Retrieved October 1 2008 from httpwwwmedicalnewstodaycomarticles 93633php

Kaplan M amp Hammerman C (2004) Understanding and preventing severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is bilirubin neurotoxicity really a concern in the developed world Clinics Perinatology 31(3) 555-75

Kawik L (1996) Nursesrsquo and parentsrsquo perception of participation and partnership in caring for a hospitalized child British Journal of Nursing 5 430-434

Kenner C Lott JW amp Flandermeyer AA (1998) Comprehensive neonatal nursing A physiological perspective (2nded)Philadelphia WB Saunders


Kleiber C Davenport T amp Freyenberger B (2006) Open bedside rounds for families with children in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit American journal of Critical Care 15(5) 492-496

Kristensson-Hallstrom I (1999) Strategies for feeling secure influence parentsrsquo participation in care Journal of Clinical Nursing 8 586-592 Lam L W Chang A M amp Morrissey J (2006) Parents experiences of participation in the

care of hospitalised children A qualitative study International Journal of Nursing Studies 43(5) 535-545

LaMontagne L L amp Pawlak R (1990) Stress and coping of parents of children in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Heart amp Lung 19(4) 416-421

Lawrence R A amp Lawrence R M (1999) Breastfeeding A guide for the medical profession (5th ed pp 277-281) St Louis Mosby New York

Leifer G (1999) Thompsonrsquos introduction to maternity and pediatric nursing (3rded) Philadelphia WB Saunders Lima R A G Rocha S M M Scochi C G S amp Callery P (2001) Involvement and

fragmentation A study of parental care of hospitalized children in Brazil Pediatric Nursing 27 559 -564580

Madam A MacMahon J R amp Stevenson D K (2005) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia In H W Taeusch R A Ballard amp C A Gleason (Eds) Averyrsquos diseases of newborn (8th ed pp 1226- 1229) Philadelphia Elsevier Saunders

Maisels M J (2005) Jaundice In M G MacDonald M K Seshia amp M D Mullett (Eds) Neonatology Pathophysiology and management of the newborn (6th ed pp 768- 846) Philadelphia Lippincott Williams amp Wilkins

Maisels M J (2006) Neonatal jaundice Pediatric 27 443-454 Maisels M J amp McDonagh AF (2008) Phototherapy for neonatal jaundice The new england

journal of medicine 358 920- 928 Mali PH (2004) Nurses responsibilities in phototherapy Nursing Journal of India 95(1)



Martin C R amp Cloherty J P (2004) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia In J P Cloherty E C Eichenwald amp A R Stark (Eds) Manual of Neonatal Care (5th ed pp 185- 221) Philadelphia Lippincott Williams amp Wilkins

Miles M S Funk S G amp Carlson J (1993) Parental stressor scale Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nursing Research 42 148-152

Moerschel SK Cianciaruso LB amp Tracy LR (2008) A practical approach to neonatal jaundice American Family Physician 771255-1262

Moses S (2005) Hyperbilirubinemia Retrieved September 13 2007 from httpwwwfpnotebookcomNIC35htm

Murki S amp Kumar P (2011) Blood exchange transfusion for infants with severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia Semin Perinatol 35(3) 175-84

Neill S J (1996a) Parent participation 1 Literature review and methodology British Journal of Nursing 5 34-40

Neill S J (1996b) Parent paticipation 2 Findings and their implications for practice British Journal of Nursing 5 110-117

Newton M S (2000) Family ndash centered Care Current realities in parent participation Pediatric Nursing 26(2) 164-168

Ostrow J D Pascolo L amp Tiribelli C (2003) Reassessment of the unbound concentrations of unconjugated bilirubin in relation to neurotoxicity in vitro Pediatric Research 54(1) 98-104

Ozmert E Erdem G Topcu M Yurdakok M Tekinalp G Genc D amp Renda Y (1996) Long-term follow-up of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in full-term Turkish infants Acta Pediatric 85(12) 1440-1444

Palmer S J (1993) Care of sick children by parents a meaningful role Journal of Advanced Nursing 18 185-191

Pillitteri A (1999) Maternal amp child health nursing Care of the childbearing amp childearing family (3rd ed) Philadelphia Lippincott

Polit D F amp Hungler B P (1999) Nursing research Principle and methods Philadelphia Lippincott


Pongjaturawit Y (2005) Parental participation in the care of hospitalized young children Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) Chiang Mai University Porter M L amp Dennis B L (2002) Hyperbilirubinemia in the term newborn Journal of the

American Family Physician 65(4) 599-607 Powers PH Goldstein C Plank G Thomas K amp Conkright L (2000) The value of patient and family centered care American Journal of Nursing100 84-88 Reiser D J (2004) Neonatal jaundice Physiologic variation on pathologic process Critical

Care Nursing Clinics of North America 16(2) 257-269 2004 Robbins SP (1993) Orgenization behavior Concept controversies amp application

(6th ed) London Prentice Hall Roden J (2005) The involvement of parents and nurses in the care of acutely-ill children in a

non-specialist paediatric setting Journal of Child Health Care 9 222-240 Rudolph J A amp Balistreri W F (2004) Metabolic diseases of the liver In R E Behemen

R M Kliegman H B Jenson (Eds) Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (17th ed pp 1321- 1322) PhiladelphiaWB Saunders

Schepp K (1992) Correlates of mothers who prefer control over their hospitalized childrenrsquos care Journal of Pediatric Nursg 7 83-89

Schepp K (1995) Psychometric assessment of the preferred participation scale for parent of hospitalized children Unpublished manuscript University of Washington School of Nursing Seattle WA

Seidman D S Paz I Stevenson DK Laor A Danon YL amp Gale R (1991) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and physical and cognitive performance at 17 years of age Pediatrics 88(4) 828-833

Sethi H Saili A amp Dutta A K (1993) Phototherapy induced hypocalcemia Indian Pediatrics 30(12) 1403-1406

Shapiro S M Bhutani V K amp Johnson L (2006) Hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus Clinics Perinatology 33 387ndash410

Shelton TL amp Stepanek JS (1995) Excerpts from family-centered care for children needing specialized health and developmental services Pediatric Nursing 21(4) 362-364


Stoll B J amp Kliegman R M (2004) Jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn In R E Behemen R M Kliegman amp H B Jenson (Eds) Nelson textbook in pediatrics (17th ed pp 592- 599) Philadelphia WB Saunders

Thompson M L (1995) Concepts and activities Pediatric nursing Springhouse Springhouse Corporation

Tourigny J Chapados C amp Pineault R (2005) Determinants of parental behaviour when children undergo day-care surgery Journal of Advanced Nursing 52 490ndash497

Truman P (2006) Jaundice in the preterm infant Paediatric Nursing 18(5) 20-22 Vecchi C Donzelli G P Sbrana G amp Pratesi R (1986) Phototherapy for neonatal jaundice

Clinical equivalence of fluorescent green and lsquospecialrsquo blue lamps Journal of Pediatric 108 452-456

Vohr B R Karp D ODea C Darrow D Coll CG Lester BM Brown L Oh W amp Cashore W (1990) Behavioral changes correlated with brain-stem auditory evoked responses in term infants with mderate hyperbilirubinemia Journal of Pediatric 117 288ndash291

Ward K (2001) Perceived needs of parents of critically ill infants in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Pediatric Nursing 27(3) 281-286

Watchko J F (2005) Hyperbilirubinemia In A R Spitzer (Eds) Intensive care of the fetus amp nenonate (2nd ed pp 1063-1080) Philadelphia Mosby

Wennberg R P Ahlfors C E Bhutani V K Johnson L H amp Shapiro S M (2006) Toward understanding kernicterus A challenge to improve the management of jaundiced newborns Pediatrics 117 474ndash485

Whaley L F amp Wong D L (1991) Nursing care of infants and children (4th ed) St Louis Mosby-Year Book

Wheeler HJ (2005) The importance of parental support when caring for the acutely ill child Nursing in Critical Care 10(2) 56-62

Wilson D amp da Cunha M F (2007) Health problems of the newborn In M J Hockenberry amp D Wilson (Eds) Wongs Nursing Care of Infants and Children (8th ed pp 317-326) St Louis Missouri Mosby Elsevier


Wong R J amp Bhutani V K (2008) Evaluation of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in term and late preterm infants Retrieved October 1 2007 from httpwwwuptodatecom patientscontenttopicdotopicKey=~9YYKHrbdWPrA8QampselectedTitle=1~150ampsource=search_result

Wong R J Desander G H Sibley E amp Stevenson D K (2006) Neonatal jaundice and liver disease In Fanaroff and Martins Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Diseases of the fetus and infant (8th ed pp 1419- 1465) Philadelphia Elsevier Saunders

World Health Organization (2005) Evidence for the ten steps to successful breastfeeding Retrieved October 27 2007 from httpwwwwhointchildadolescentpublications NUTRITION WHO_CHD_989htm

Yegg M B amp Ametz J E(2004) A study of parental involvement in pediatric hospital care implication for clinical practice Journal of Pediatric Nursing 19(3) 217-224

Youngblut J M (1998) Integrative review of assessment models for examining childrenrsquos and familiesrsquo responses to acute illness In M E Broome K Knafl K Pridham amp S Feetham (Eds) Children and Families in health and illness (pp 115- 141) Thousand Oaks CA Sage

Page 5: เอกสารอ้างอิง กรรณิการ์ วิจิตร ...archive.lib.cmu.ac.th/full/T/2554/nuped31054js_bib.pdf(บรรณาธ การ), Best


Bowden V R Dickey S B amp Greenberg C S (1998) Children and their families The continuum of care Philadelphia W B Saunders Brown J amp Ritchie J A (1989) Nursesrsquo perception of their relationship with parents

Maternal-Child Nursing Journal 18 79-93 Bruce B amp Ritchie J (1997) Nurses practices and perceptions of family-centered care

Journal of Pediatric Nursing 12(4) 214-222 Bruns D A amp McColumn A T (2002) Partnerships between mothers and professional in the

NICU Caregiving information exchange and relationships Neonatal Network 21(7) 15-23

Burns N amp GroveS K (2005) The Practice of nursing research Conduct critique amp utilization Philadelphia Sanders

Cashore W J (2004) Bilirubin Metabolism and Toxicity in the Newborn In R A Polin W W Fox amp S H Abman (Eds) Fetal and neonatal physiology (3rd ed pp 1199-1205) PhiladelphiaWB Saunders

Chapados C Pineault R Tourigny J amp Vandal S (2002) Perceptions of parentsrsquo participation in the care of their child undergoing day surgery Pilot-study Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing 25 59ndash70

Coyne I T (1995) Parental participation in care A critical review of the literature Journal of Advanced Nursing 21 716-722

Coyne I T (1996) Parental participation A concept analysis Journal of Advanced Nursing 23 733-740

Curley M A Q amp Meyer E C (1996) The impact of the critical care experience on the family In M A Q Curley J B Smith amp P A Moloney-Harman (Eds) Critical care nursing of infant and children (pp 56) Philadelphia W B Saunders Curley M A Q amp Wallace J (1992) Effects of the nursing mutual participation model

of care on parental stress in the pediatric intensive care unit- a replication Journal of Pediatric Nursing 7(6) 377-385

Darbyshire P (1995) Family-centered care within contemporary British paediatric nusing British Journal of Childrenrsquos Nursing 1 31-33


Davidson J E Powers K Hedayat K M Tieszen M Kon A A Shepard E et al (2007) Clinical practice guideline for support of the family in the patient centered intensive care unit American college of Critical Care Medicine Task Ford 2004-2005 Crit Care Med 35(2) 605-622 Daneman S Macaluso J amp Guzzetta C (2003) Healthcare providersrsquo attitudes toward parent

participation in the care of the hospitalized child Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 8 90ndash98

Dennery P A Seidman D S amp Stevenson D K (2001) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia New England Journal of Medicine 344 581-590

DePompei P M amp Whitford K M amp Beam P H (1994) One institutionrsquos effort to implement family-centered care Pediatric Nursing 20 119-121

Dixon DM (1996) Unifying concepts in parents experiences with health care providers Journal of Family Nursing 2 111-132

Eghbalian F amp Monsef A (2002) Phototherapy-induced hypocalcemia in icteric newborns International Journal of Molecular Sciences 27(4) 169-171

Espezel H amp Canam C (2003) Parentndashnurse interactions Care of hospitalized children Journal of Advanced Nursing 44 34ndash41

Farrell M (1989) Parents of critically ill children have their needs too A literature review Intensive Care Nursing 5(3) 123-128

Franck L S amp Spencer C (2003) Parent visiting and participation in infant caregiving activities in a neonatal unit BIRTH 30(1) 31-35

Gloria L (2007) Introduction to maternity amp pediatric nursing (5th ed) St Louis Missouri Mosby Elsevier

Gupta A K amp Mann S B (1998) Is auditory brainstem response a bilirubin toxicity marker American Journal of Otolaryngol 19 232-236

Gupta R Nagdeve NG amp Sarin YK (2005) Neonatal Surgical Jaundice Indian journal of Pediatric 72 (5) 415-423

Halamek L P amp Stevenson D K (2002) Neonatal jaundice In A A Fanaroff amp R J Martin (Eds) Neonatal- perinatal medicine Diseases of the Fetus and Infant (7th ed pp 1309-1350) PhiladelphiaMosby


Hall E O C (2005) Being in an alien world Danish parentsrsquo lived experiences when a newborn or small child is critically ill Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 19 179-185

Harvath TA Archbold PG Stewart BJ Gadow S Kirschling JM Miller L Hagan J Brody K amp Schook J (1994) Establishing partnerships with familyEstablishing partnerships with family caregivers Local and cosmopolitan knowledge Journal of Gerontological Nursing22(1)19-47

Hayes G (2000) The jaundiced newborn Minimizing the risks Patient Care 34(2) 45-56 Heuer L (1993) Parental stressors in a pediatric intensive care unit Pediatric Nursing 19(2)


Holdich-Davis D amp Miles M S (2000) Mothersrsquo stories about their experiences in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Neonatal Network 19(3) 13-21 Hopia H Tomlinson P Paavilainen E amp Astedt K (2005) Child in hospital family

experiences and expectations of how nurses can promote family health Journal of Clinical Nursing 14 212ndash222

Hutchfield K (1999) Family-centered care A concept analysis Journal of Advanced Nursing 29 1178-1187

Jintrawet U (2005) Parental practices during their childrsquos admission to Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) Chiang Mai University Johnson A amp Lindschau A (1996) Staff attitudes toward parent participation in the care of

children who are hospitalized Pediatric Nursing 22 99-102 Juliann W (2008) Risk of serious jaundice in newborns accurately predicted by simple test

Retrieved October 1 2008 from httpwwwmedicalnewstodaycomarticles 93633php

Kaplan M amp Hammerman C (2004) Understanding and preventing severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is bilirubin neurotoxicity really a concern in the developed world Clinics Perinatology 31(3) 555-75

Kawik L (1996) Nursesrsquo and parentsrsquo perception of participation and partnership in caring for a hospitalized child British Journal of Nursing 5 430-434

Kenner C Lott JW amp Flandermeyer AA (1998) Comprehensive neonatal nursing A physiological perspective (2nded)Philadelphia WB Saunders


Kleiber C Davenport T amp Freyenberger B (2006) Open bedside rounds for families with children in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit American journal of Critical Care 15(5) 492-496

Kristensson-Hallstrom I (1999) Strategies for feeling secure influence parentsrsquo participation in care Journal of Clinical Nursing 8 586-592 Lam L W Chang A M amp Morrissey J (2006) Parents experiences of participation in the

care of hospitalised children A qualitative study International Journal of Nursing Studies 43(5) 535-545

LaMontagne L L amp Pawlak R (1990) Stress and coping of parents of children in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Heart amp Lung 19(4) 416-421

Lawrence R A amp Lawrence R M (1999) Breastfeeding A guide for the medical profession (5th ed pp 277-281) St Louis Mosby New York

Leifer G (1999) Thompsonrsquos introduction to maternity and pediatric nursing (3rded) Philadelphia WB Saunders Lima R A G Rocha S M M Scochi C G S amp Callery P (2001) Involvement and

fragmentation A study of parental care of hospitalized children in Brazil Pediatric Nursing 27 559 -564580

Madam A MacMahon J R amp Stevenson D K (2005) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia In H W Taeusch R A Ballard amp C A Gleason (Eds) Averyrsquos diseases of newborn (8th ed pp 1226- 1229) Philadelphia Elsevier Saunders

Maisels M J (2005) Jaundice In M G MacDonald M K Seshia amp M D Mullett (Eds) Neonatology Pathophysiology and management of the newborn (6th ed pp 768- 846) Philadelphia Lippincott Williams amp Wilkins

Maisels M J (2006) Neonatal jaundice Pediatric 27 443-454 Maisels M J amp McDonagh AF (2008) Phototherapy for neonatal jaundice The new england

journal of medicine 358 920- 928 Mali PH (2004) Nurses responsibilities in phototherapy Nursing Journal of India 95(1)



Martin C R amp Cloherty J P (2004) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia In J P Cloherty E C Eichenwald amp A R Stark (Eds) Manual of Neonatal Care (5th ed pp 185- 221) Philadelphia Lippincott Williams amp Wilkins

Miles M S Funk S G amp Carlson J (1993) Parental stressor scale Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nursing Research 42 148-152

Moerschel SK Cianciaruso LB amp Tracy LR (2008) A practical approach to neonatal jaundice American Family Physician 771255-1262

Moses S (2005) Hyperbilirubinemia Retrieved September 13 2007 from httpwwwfpnotebookcomNIC35htm

Murki S amp Kumar P (2011) Blood exchange transfusion for infants with severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia Semin Perinatol 35(3) 175-84

Neill S J (1996a) Parent participation 1 Literature review and methodology British Journal of Nursing 5 34-40

Neill S J (1996b) Parent paticipation 2 Findings and their implications for practice British Journal of Nursing 5 110-117

Newton M S (2000) Family ndash centered Care Current realities in parent participation Pediatric Nursing 26(2) 164-168

Ostrow J D Pascolo L amp Tiribelli C (2003) Reassessment of the unbound concentrations of unconjugated bilirubin in relation to neurotoxicity in vitro Pediatric Research 54(1) 98-104

Ozmert E Erdem G Topcu M Yurdakok M Tekinalp G Genc D amp Renda Y (1996) Long-term follow-up of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in full-term Turkish infants Acta Pediatric 85(12) 1440-1444

Palmer S J (1993) Care of sick children by parents a meaningful role Journal of Advanced Nursing 18 185-191

Pillitteri A (1999) Maternal amp child health nursing Care of the childbearing amp childearing family (3rd ed) Philadelphia Lippincott

Polit D F amp Hungler B P (1999) Nursing research Principle and methods Philadelphia Lippincott


Pongjaturawit Y (2005) Parental participation in the care of hospitalized young children Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) Chiang Mai University Porter M L amp Dennis B L (2002) Hyperbilirubinemia in the term newborn Journal of the

American Family Physician 65(4) 599-607 Powers PH Goldstein C Plank G Thomas K amp Conkright L (2000) The value of patient and family centered care American Journal of Nursing100 84-88 Reiser D J (2004) Neonatal jaundice Physiologic variation on pathologic process Critical

Care Nursing Clinics of North America 16(2) 257-269 2004 Robbins SP (1993) Orgenization behavior Concept controversies amp application

(6th ed) London Prentice Hall Roden J (2005) The involvement of parents and nurses in the care of acutely-ill children in a

non-specialist paediatric setting Journal of Child Health Care 9 222-240 Rudolph J A amp Balistreri W F (2004) Metabolic diseases of the liver In R E Behemen

R M Kliegman H B Jenson (Eds) Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (17th ed pp 1321- 1322) PhiladelphiaWB Saunders

Schepp K (1992) Correlates of mothers who prefer control over their hospitalized childrenrsquos care Journal of Pediatric Nursg 7 83-89

Schepp K (1995) Psychometric assessment of the preferred participation scale for parent of hospitalized children Unpublished manuscript University of Washington School of Nursing Seattle WA

Seidman D S Paz I Stevenson DK Laor A Danon YL amp Gale R (1991) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and physical and cognitive performance at 17 years of age Pediatrics 88(4) 828-833

Sethi H Saili A amp Dutta A K (1993) Phototherapy induced hypocalcemia Indian Pediatrics 30(12) 1403-1406

Shapiro S M Bhutani V K amp Johnson L (2006) Hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus Clinics Perinatology 33 387ndash410

Shelton TL amp Stepanek JS (1995) Excerpts from family-centered care for children needing specialized health and developmental services Pediatric Nursing 21(4) 362-364


Stoll B J amp Kliegman R M (2004) Jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn In R E Behemen R M Kliegman amp H B Jenson (Eds) Nelson textbook in pediatrics (17th ed pp 592- 599) Philadelphia WB Saunders

Thompson M L (1995) Concepts and activities Pediatric nursing Springhouse Springhouse Corporation

Tourigny J Chapados C amp Pineault R (2005) Determinants of parental behaviour when children undergo day-care surgery Journal of Advanced Nursing 52 490ndash497

Truman P (2006) Jaundice in the preterm infant Paediatric Nursing 18(5) 20-22 Vecchi C Donzelli G P Sbrana G amp Pratesi R (1986) Phototherapy for neonatal jaundice

Clinical equivalence of fluorescent green and lsquospecialrsquo blue lamps Journal of Pediatric 108 452-456

Vohr B R Karp D ODea C Darrow D Coll CG Lester BM Brown L Oh W amp Cashore W (1990) Behavioral changes correlated with brain-stem auditory evoked responses in term infants with mderate hyperbilirubinemia Journal of Pediatric 117 288ndash291

Ward K (2001) Perceived needs of parents of critically ill infants in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Pediatric Nursing 27(3) 281-286

Watchko J F (2005) Hyperbilirubinemia In A R Spitzer (Eds) Intensive care of the fetus amp nenonate (2nd ed pp 1063-1080) Philadelphia Mosby

Wennberg R P Ahlfors C E Bhutani V K Johnson L H amp Shapiro S M (2006) Toward understanding kernicterus A challenge to improve the management of jaundiced newborns Pediatrics 117 474ndash485

Whaley L F amp Wong D L (1991) Nursing care of infants and children (4th ed) St Louis Mosby-Year Book

Wheeler HJ (2005) The importance of parental support when caring for the acutely ill child Nursing in Critical Care 10(2) 56-62

Wilson D amp da Cunha M F (2007) Health problems of the newborn In M J Hockenberry amp D Wilson (Eds) Wongs Nursing Care of Infants and Children (8th ed pp 317-326) St Louis Missouri Mosby Elsevier


Wong R J amp Bhutani V K (2008) Evaluation of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in term and late preterm infants Retrieved October 1 2007 from httpwwwuptodatecom patientscontenttopicdotopicKey=~9YYKHrbdWPrA8QampselectedTitle=1~150ampsource=search_result

Wong R J Desander G H Sibley E amp Stevenson D K (2006) Neonatal jaundice and liver disease In Fanaroff and Martins Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Diseases of the fetus and infant (8th ed pp 1419- 1465) Philadelphia Elsevier Saunders

World Health Organization (2005) Evidence for the ten steps to successful breastfeeding Retrieved October 27 2007 from httpwwwwhointchildadolescentpublications NUTRITION WHO_CHD_989htm

Yegg M B amp Ametz J E(2004) A study of parental involvement in pediatric hospital care implication for clinical practice Journal of Pediatric Nursing 19(3) 217-224

Youngblut J M (1998) Integrative review of assessment models for examining childrenrsquos and familiesrsquo responses to acute illness In M E Broome K Knafl K Pridham amp S Feetham (Eds) Children and Families in health and illness (pp 115- 141) Thousand Oaks CA Sage

Page 6: เอกสารอ้างอิง กรรณิการ์ วิจิตร ...archive.lib.cmu.ac.th/full/T/2554/nuped31054js_bib.pdf(บรรณาธ การ), Best


Davidson J E Powers K Hedayat K M Tieszen M Kon A A Shepard E et al (2007) Clinical practice guideline for support of the family in the patient centered intensive care unit American college of Critical Care Medicine Task Ford 2004-2005 Crit Care Med 35(2) 605-622 Daneman S Macaluso J amp Guzzetta C (2003) Healthcare providersrsquo attitudes toward parent

participation in the care of the hospitalized child Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 8 90ndash98

Dennery P A Seidman D S amp Stevenson D K (2001) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia New England Journal of Medicine 344 581-590

DePompei P M amp Whitford K M amp Beam P H (1994) One institutionrsquos effort to implement family-centered care Pediatric Nursing 20 119-121

Dixon DM (1996) Unifying concepts in parents experiences with health care providers Journal of Family Nursing 2 111-132

Eghbalian F amp Monsef A (2002) Phototherapy-induced hypocalcemia in icteric newborns International Journal of Molecular Sciences 27(4) 169-171

Espezel H amp Canam C (2003) Parentndashnurse interactions Care of hospitalized children Journal of Advanced Nursing 44 34ndash41

Farrell M (1989) Parents of critically ill children have their needs too A literature review Intensive Care Nursing 5(3) 123-128

Franck L S amp Spencer C (2003) Parent visiting and participation in infant caregiving activities in a neonatal unit BIRTH 30(1) 31-35

Gloria L (2007) Introduction to maternity amp pediatric nursing (5th ed) St Louis Missouri Mosby Elsevier

Gupta A K amp Mann S B (1998) Is auditory brainstem response a bilirubin toxicity marker American Journal of Otolaryngol 19 232-236

Gupta R Nagdeve NG amp Sarin YK (2005) Neonatal Surgical Jaundice Indian journal of Pediatric 72 (5) 415-423

Halamek L P amp Stevenson D K (2002) Neonatal jaundice In A A Fanaroff amp R J Martin (Eds) Neonatal- perinatal medicine Diseases of the Fetus and Infant (7th ed pp 1309-1350) PhiladelphiaMosby


Hall E O C (2005) Being in an alien world Danish parentsrsquo lived experiences when a newborn or small child is critically ill Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 19 179-185

Harvath TA Archbold PG Stewart BJ Gadow S Kirschling JM Miller L Hagan J Brody K amp Schook J (1994) Establishing partnerships with familyEstablishing partnerships with family caregivers Local and cosmopolitan knowledge Journal of Gerontological Nursing22(1)19-47

Hayes G (2000) The jaundiced newborn Minimizing the risks Patient Care 34(2) 45-56 Heuer L (1993) Parental stressors in a pediatric intensive care unit Pediatric Nursing 19(2)


Holdich-Davis D amp Miles M S (2000) Mothersrsquo stories about their experiences in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Neonatal Network 19(3) 13-21 Hopia H Tomlinson P Paavilainen E amp Astedt K (2005) Child in hospital family

experiences and expectations of how nurses can promote family health Journal of Clinical Nursing 14 212ndash222

Hutchfield K (1999) Family-centered care A concept analysis Journal of Advanced Nursing 29 1178-1187

Jintrawet U (2005) Parental practices during their childrsquos admission to Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) Chiang Mai University Johnson A amp Lindschau A (1996) Staff attitudes toward parent participation in the care of

children who are hospitalized Pediatric Nursing 22 99-102 Juliann W (2008) Risk of serious jaundice in newborns accurately predicted by simple test

Retrieved October 1 2008 from httpwwwmedicalnewstodaycomarticles 93633php

Kaplan M amp Hammerman C (2004) Understanding and preventing severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is bilirubin neurotoxicity really a concern in the developed world Clinics Perinatology 31(3) 555-75

Kawik L (1996) Nursesrsquo and parentsrsquo perception of participation and partnership in caring for a hospitalized child British Journal of Nursing 5 430-434

Kenner C Lott JW amp Flandermeyer AA (1998) Comprehensive neonatal nursing A physiological perspective (2nded)Philadelphia WB Saunders


Kleiber C Davenport T amp Freyenberger B (2006) Open bedside rounds for families with children in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit American journal of Critical Care 15(5) 492-496

Kristensson-Hallstrom I (1999) Strategies for feeling secure influence parentsrsquo participation in care Journal of Clinical Nursing 8 586-592 Lam L W Chang A M amp Morrissey J (2006) Parents experiences of participation in the

care of hospitalised children A qualitative study International Journal of Nursing Studies 43(5) 535-545

LaMontagne L L amp Pawlak R (1990) Stress and coping of parents of children in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Heart amp Lung 19(4) 416-421

Lawrence R A amp Lawrence R M (1999) Breastfeeding A guide for the medical profession (5th ed pp 277-281) St Louis Mosby New York

Leifer G (1999) Thompsonrsquos introduction to maternity and pediatric nursing (3rded) Philadelphia WB Saunders Lima R A G Rocha S M M Scochi C G S amp Callery P (2001) Involvement and

fragmentation A study of parental care of hospitalized children in Brazil Pediatric Nursing 27 559 -564580

Madam A MacMahon J R amp Stevenson D K (2005) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia In H W Taeusch R A Ballard amp C A Gleason (Eds) Averyrsquos diseases of newborn (8th ed pp 1226- 1229) Philadelphia Elsevier Saunders

Maisels M J (2005) Jaundice In M G MacDonald M K Seshia amp M D Mullett (Eds) Neonatology Pathophysiology and management of the newborn (6th ed pp 768- 846) Philadelphia Lippincott Williams amp Wilkins

Maisels M J (2006) Neonatal jaundice Pediatric 27 443-454 Maisels M J amp McDonagh AF (2008) Phototherapy for neonatal jaundice The new england

journal of medicine 358 920- 928 Mali PH (2004) Nurses responsibilities in phototherapy Nursing Journal of India 95(1)



Martin C R amp Cloherty J P (2004) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia In J P Cloherty E C Eichenwald amp A R Stark (Eds) Manual of Neonatal Care (5th ed pp 185- 221) Philadelphia Lippincott Williams amp Wilkins

Miles M S Funk S G amp Carlson J (1993) Parental stressor scale Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nursing Research 42 148-152

Moerschel SK Cianciaruso LB amp Tracy LR (2008) A practical approach to neonatal jaundice American Family Physician 771255-1262

Moses S (2005) Hyperbilirubinemia Retrieved September 13 2007 from httpwwwfpnotebookcomNIC35htm

Murki S amp Kumar P (2011) Blood exchange transfusion for infants with severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia Semin Perinatol 35(3) 175-84

Neill S J (1996a) Parent participation 1 Literature review and methodology British Journal of Nursing 5 34-40

Neill S J (1996b) Parent paticipation 2 Findings and their implications for practice British Journal of Nursing 5 110-117

Newton M S (2000) Family ndash centered Care Current realities in parent participation Pediatric Nursing 26(2) 164-168

Ostrow J D Pascolo L amp Tiribelli C (2003) Reassessment of the unbound concentrations of unconjugated bilirubin in relation to neurotoxicity in vitro Pediatric Research 54(1) 98-104

Ozmert E Erdem G Topcu M Yurdakok M Tekinalp G Genc D amp Renda Y (1996) Long-term follow-up of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in full-term Turkish infants Acta Pediatric 85(12) 1440-1444

Palmer S J (1993) Care of sick children by parents a meaningful role Journal of Advanced Nursing 18 185-191

Pillitteri A (1999) Maternal amp child health nursing Care of the childbearing amp childearing family (3rd ed) Philadelphia Lippincott

Polit D F amp Hungler B P (1999) Nursing research Principle and methods Philadelphia Lippincott


Pongjaturawit Y (2005) Parental participation in the care of hospitalized young children Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) Chiang Mai University Porter M L amp Dennis B L (2002) Hyperbilirubinemia in the term newborn Journal of the

American Family Physician 65(4) 599-607 Powers PH Goldstein C Plank G Thomas K amp Conkright L (2000) The value of patient and family centered care American Journal of Nursing100 84-88 Reiser D J (2004) Neonatal jaundice Physiologic variation on pathologic process Critical

Care Nursing Clinics of North America 16(2) 257-269 2004 Robbins SP (1993) Orgenization behavior Concept controversies amp application

(6th ed) London Prentice Hall Roden J (2005) The involvement of parents and nurses in the care of acutely-ill children in a

non-specialist paediatric setting Journal of Child Health Care 9 222-240 Rudolph J A amp Balistreri W F (2004) Metabolic diseases of the liver In R E Behemen

R M Kliegman H B Jenson (Eds) Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (17th ed pp 1321- 1322) PhiladelphiaWB Saunders

Schepp K (1992) Correlates of mothers who prefer control over their hospitalized childrenrsquos care Journal of Pediatric Nursg 7 83-89

Schepp K (1995) Psychometric assessment of the preferred participation scale for parent of hospitalized children Unpublished manuscript University of Washington School of Nursing Seattle WA

Seidman D S Paz I Stevenson DK Laor A Danon YL amp Gale R (1991) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and physical and cognitive performance at 17 years of age Pediatrics 88(4) 828-833

Sethi H Saili A amp Dutta A K (1993) Phototherapy induced hypocalcemia Indian Pediatrics 30(12) 1403-1406

Shapiro S M Bhutani V K amp Johnson L (2006) Hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus Clinics Perinatology 33 387ndash410

Shelton TL amp Stepanek JS (1995) Excerpts from family-centered care for children needing specialized health and developmental services Pediatric Nursing 21(4) 362-364


Stoll B J amp Kliegman R M (2004) Jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn In R E Behemen R M Kliegman amp H B Jenson (Eds) Nelson textbook in pediatrics (17th ed pp 592- 599) Philadelphia WB Saunders

Thompson M L (1995) Concepts and activities Pediatric nursing Springhouse Springhouse Corporation

Tourigny J Chapados C amp Pineault R (2005) Determinants of parental behaviour when children undergo day-care surgery Journal of Advanced Nursing 52 490ndash497

Truman P (2006) Jaundice in the preterm infant Paediatric Nursing 18(5) 20-22 Vecchi C Donzelli G P Sbrana G amp Pratesi R (1986) Phototherapy for neonatal jaundice

Clinical equivalence of fluorescent green and lsquospecialrsquo blue lamps Journal of Pediatric 108 452-456

Vohr B R Karp D ODea C Darrow D Coll CG Lester BM Brown L Oh W amp Cashore W (1990) Behavioral changes correlated with brain-stem auditory evoked responses in term infants with mderate hyperbilirubinemia Journal of Pediatric 117 288ndash291

Ward K (2001) Perceived needs of parents of critically ill infants in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Pediatric Nursing 27(3) 281-286

Watchko J F (2005) Hyperbilirubinemia In A R Spitzer (Eds) Intensive care of the fetus amp nenonate (2nd ed pp 1063-1080) Philadelphia Mosby

Wennberg R P Ahlfors C E Bhutani V K Johnson L H amp Shapiro S M (2006) Toward understanding kernicterus A challenge to improve the management of jaundiced newborns Pediatrics 117 474ndash485

Whaley L F amp Wong D L (1991) Nursing care of infants and children (4th ed) St Louis Mosby-Year Book

Wheeler HJ (2005) The importance of parental support when caring for the acutely ill child Nursing in Critical Care 10(2) 56-62

Wilson D amp da Cunha M F (2007) Health problems of the newborn In M J Hockenberry amp D Wilson (Eds) Wongs Nursing Care of Infants and Children (8th ed pp 317-326) St Louis Missouri Mosby Elsevier


Wong R J amp Bhutani V K (2008) Evaluation of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in term and late preterm infants Retrieved October 1 2007 from httpwwwuptodatecom patientscontenttopicdotopicKey=~9YYKHrbdWPrA8QampselectedTitle=1~150ampsource=search_result

Wong R J Desander G H Sibley E amp Stevenson D K (2006) Neonatal jaundice and liver disease In Fanaroff and Martins Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Diseases of the fetus and infant (8th ed pp 1419- 1465) Philadelphia Elsevier Saunders

World Health Organization (2005) Evidence for the ten steps to successful breastfeeding Retrieved October 27 2007 from httpwwwwhointchildadolescentpublications NUTRITION WHO_CHD_989htm

Yegg M B amp Ametz J E(2004) A study of parental involvement in pediatric hospital care implication for clinical practice Journal of Pediatric Nursing 19(3) 217-224

Youngblut J M (1998) Integrative review of assessment models for examining childrenrsquos and familiesrsquo responses to acute illness In M E Broome K Knafl K Pridham amp S Feetham (Eds) Children and Families in health and illness (pp 115- 141) Thousand Oaks CA Sage

Page 7: เอกสารอ้างอิง กรรณิการ์ วิจิตร ...archive.lib.cmu.ac.th/full/T/2554/nuped31054js_bib.pdf(บรรณาธ การ), Best


Hall E O C (2005) Being in an alien world Danish parentsrsquo lived experiences when a newborn or small child is critically ill Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 19 179-185

Harvath TA Archbold PG Stewart BJ Gadow S Kirschling JM Miller L Hagan J Brody K amp Schook J (1994) Establishing partnerships with familyEstablishing partnerships with family caregivers Local and cosmopolitan knowledge Journal of Gerontological Nursing22(1)19-47

Hayes G (2000) The jaundiced newborn Minimizing the risks Patient Care 34(2) 45-56 Heuer L (1993) Parental stressors in a pediatric intensive care unit Pediatric Nursing 19(2)


Holdich-Davis D amp Miles M S (2000) Mothersrsquo stories about their experiences in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Neonatal Network 19(3) 13-21 Hopia H Tomlinson P Paavilainen E amp Astedt K (2005) Child in hospital family

experiences and expectations of how nurses can promote family health Journal of Clinical Nursing 14 212ndash222

Hutchfield K (1999) Family-centered care A concept analysis Journal of Advanced Nursing 29 1178-1187

Jintrawet U (2005) Parental practices during their childrsquos admission to Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) Chiang Mai University Johnson A amp Lindschau A (1996) Staff attitudes toward parent participation in the care of

children who are hospitalized Pediatric Nursing 22 99-102 Juliann W (2008) Risk of serious jaundice in newborns accurately predicted by simple test

Retrieved October 1 2008 from httpwwwmedicalnewstodaycomarticles 93633php

Kaplan M amp Hammerman C (2004) Understanding and preventing severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is bilirubin neurotoxicity really a concern in the developed world Clinics Perinatology 31(3) 555-75

Kawik L (1996) Nursesrsquo and parentsrsquo perception of participation and partnership in caring for a hospitalized child British Journal of Nursing 5 430-434

Kenner C Lott JW amp Flandermeyer AA (1998) Comprehensive neonatal nursing A physiological perspective (2nded)Philadelphia WB Saunders


Kleiber C Davenport T amp Freyenberger B (2006) Open bedside rounds for families with children in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit American journal of Critical Care 15(5) 492-496

Kristensson-Hallstrom I (1999) Strategies for feeling secure influence parentsrsquo participation in care Journal of Clinical Nursing 8 586-592 Lam L W Chang A M amp Morrissey J (2006) Parents experiences of participation in the

care of hospitalised children A qualitative study International Journal of Nursing Studies 43(5) 535-545

LaMontagne L L amp Pawlak R (1990) Stress and coping of parents of children in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Heart amp Lung 19(4) 416-421

Lawrence R A amp Lawrence R M (1999) Breastfeeding A guide for the medical profession (5th ed pp 277-281) St Louis Mosby New York

Leifer G (1999) Thompsonrsquos introduction to maternity and pediatric nursing (3rded) Philadelphia WB Saunders Lima R A G Rocha S M M Scochi C G S amp Callery P (2001) Involvement and

fragmentation A study of parental care of hospitalized children in Brazil Pediatric Nursing 27 559 -564580

Madam A MacMahon J R amp Stevenson D K (2005) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia In H W Taeusch R A Ballard amp C A Gleason (Eds) Averyrsquos diseases of newborn (8th ed pp 1226- 1229) Philadelphia Elsevier Saunders

Maisels M J (2005) Jaundice In M G MacDonald M K Seshia amp M D Mullett (Eds) Neonatology Pathophysiology and management of the newborn (6th ed pp 768- 846) Philadelphia Lippincott Williams amp Wilkins

Maisels M J (2006) Neonatal jaundice Pediatric 27 443-454 Maisels M J amp McDonagh AF (2008) Phototherapy for neonatal jaundice The new england

journal of medicine 358 920- 928 Mali PH (2004) Nurses responsibilities in phototherapy Nursing Journal of India 95(1)



Martin C R amp Cloherty J P (2004) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia In J P Cloherty E C Eichenwald amp A R Stark (Eds) Manual of Neonatal Care (5th ed pp 185- 221) Philadelphia Lippincott Williams amp Wilkins

Miles M S Funk S G amp Carlson J (1993) Parental stressor scale Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nursing Research 42 148-152

Moerschel SK Cianciaruso LB amp Tracy LR (2008) A practical approach to neonatal jaundice American Family Physician 771255-1262

Moses S (2005) Hyperbilirubinemia Retrieved September 13 2007 from httpwwwfpnotebookcomNIC35htm

Murki S amp Kumar P (2011) Blood exchange transfusion for infants with severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia Semin Perinatol 35(3) 175-84

Neill S J (1996a) Parent participation 1 Literature review and methodology British Journal of Nursing 5 34-40

Neill S J (1996b) Parent paticipation 2 Findings and their implications for practice British Journal of Nursing 5 110-117

Newton M S (2000) Family ndash centered Care Current realities in parent participation Pediatric Nursing 26(2) 164-168

Ostrow J D Pascolo L amp Tiribelli C (2003) Reassessment of the unbound concentrations of unconjugated bilirubin in relation to neurotoxicity in vitro Pediatric Research 54(1) 98-104

Ozmert E Erdem G Topcu M Yurdakok M Tekinalp G Genc D amp Renda Y (1996) Long-term follow-up of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in full-term Turkish infants Acta Pediatric 85(12) 1440-1444

Palmer S J (1993) Care of sick children by parents a meaningful role Journal of Advanced Nursing 18 185-191

Pillitteri A (1999) Maternal amp child health nursing Care of the childbearing amp childearing family (3rd ed) Philadelphia Lippincott

Polit D F amp Hungler B P (1999) Nursing research Principle and methods Philadelphia Lippincott


Pongjaturawit Y (2005) Parental participation in the care of hospitalized young children Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) Chiang Mai University Porter M L amp Dennis B L (2002) Hyperbilirubinemia in the term newborn Journal of the

American Family Physician 65(4) 599-607 Powers PH Goldstein C Plank G Thomas K amp Conkright L (2000) The value of patient and family centered care American Journal of Nursing100 84-88 Reiser D J (2004) Neonatal jaundice Physiologic variation on pathologic process Critical

Care Nursing Clinics of North America 16(2) 257-269 2004 Robbins SP (1993) Orgenization behavior Concept controversies amp application

(6th ed) London Prentice Hall Roden J (2005) The involvement of parents and nurses in the care of acutely-ill children in a

non-specialist paediatric setting Journal of Child Health Care 9 222-240 Rudolph J A amp Balistreri W F (2004) Metabolic diseases of the liver In R E Behemen

R M Kliegman H B Jenson (Eds) Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (17th ed pp 1321- 1322) PhiladelphiaWB Saunders

Schepp K (1992) Correlates of mothers who prefer control over their hospitalized childrenrsquos care Journal of Pediatric Nursg 7 83-89

Schepp K (1995) Psychometric assessment of the preferred participation scale for parent of hospitalized children Unpublished manuscript University of Washington School of Nursing Seattle WA

Seidman D S Paz I Stevenson DK Laor A Danon YL amp Gale R (1991) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and physical and cognitive performance at 17 years of age Pediatrics 88(4) 828-833

Sethi H Saili A amp Dutta A K (1993) Phototherapy induced hypocalcemia Indian Pediatrics 30(12) 1403-1406

Shapiro S M Bhutani V K amp Johnson L (2006) Hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus Clinics Perinatology 33 387ndash410

Shelton TL amp Stepanek JS (1995) Excerpts from family-centered care for children needing specialized health and developmental services Pediatric Nursing 21(4) 362-364


Stoll B J amp Kliegman R M (2004) Jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn In R E Behemen R M Kliegman amp H B Jenson (Eds) Nelson textbook in pediatrics (17th ed pp 592- 599) Philadelphia WB Saunders

Thompson M L (1995) Concepts and activities Pediatric nursing Springhouse Springhouse Corporation

Tourigny J Chapados C amp Pineault R (2005) Determinants of parental behaviour when children undergo day-care surgery Journal of Advanced Nursing 52 490ndash497

Truman P (2006) Jaundice in the preterm infant Paediatric Nursing 18(5) 20-22 Vecchi C Donzelli G P Sbrana G amp Pratesi R (1986) Phototherapy for neonatal jaundice

Clinical equivalence of fluorescent green and lsquospecialrsquo blue lamps Journal of Pediatric 108 452-456

Vohr B R Karp D ODea C Darrow D Coll CG Lester BM Brown L Oh W amp Cashore W (1990) Behavioral changes correlated with brain-stem auditory evoked responses in term infants with mderate hyperbilirubinemia Journal of Pediatric 117 288ndash291

Ward K (2001) Perceived needs of parents of critically ill infants in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Pediatric Nursing 27(3) 281-286

Watchko J F (2005) Hyperbilirubinemia In A R Spitzer (Eds) Intensive care of the fetus amp nenonate (2nd ed pp 1063-1080) Philadelphia Mosby

Wennberg R P Ahlfors C E Bhutani V K Johnson L H amp Shapiro S M (2006) Toward understanding kernicterus A challenge to improve the management of jaundiced newborns Pediatrics 117 474ndash485

Whaley L F amp Wong D L (1991) Nursing care of infants and children (4th ed) St Louis Mosby-Year Book

Wheeler HJ (2005) The importance of parental support when caring for the acutely ill child Nursing in Critical Care 10(2) 56-62

Wilson D amp da Cunha M F (2007) Health problems of the newborn In M J Hockenberry amp D Wilson (Eds) Wongs Nursing Care of Infants and Children (8th ed pp 317-326) St Louis Missouri Mosby Elsevier


Wong R J amp Bhutani V K (2008) Evaluation of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in term and late preterm infants Retrieved October 1 2007 from httpwwwuptodatecom patientscontenttopicdotopicKey=~9YYKHrbdWPrA8QampselectedTitle=1~150ampsource=search_result

Wong R J Desander G H Sibley E amp Stevenson D K (2006) Neonatal jaundice and liver disease In Fanaroff and Martins Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Diseases of the fetus and infant (8th ed pp 1419- 1465) Philadelphia Elsevier Saunders

World Health Organization (2005) Evidence for the ten steps to successful breastfeeding Retrieved October 27 2007 from httpwwwwhointchildadolescentpublications NUTRITION WHO_CHD_989htm

Yegg M B amp Ametz J E(2004) A study of parental involvement in pediatric hospital care implication for clinical practice Journal of Pediatric Nursing 19(3) 217-224

Youngblut J M (1998) Integrative review of assessment models for examining childrenrsquos and familiesrsquo responses to acute illness In M E Broome K Knafl K Pridham amp S Feetham (Eds) Children and Families in health and illness (pp 115- 141) Thousand Oaks CA Sage

Page 8: เอกสารอ้างอิง กรรณิการ์ วิจิตร ...archive.lib.cmu.ac.th/full/T/2554/nuped31054js_bib.pdf(บรรณาธ การ), Best


Kleiber C Davenport T amp Freyenberger B (2006) Open bedside rounds for families with children in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit American journal of Critical Care 15(5) 492-496

Kristensson-Hallstrom I (1999) Strategies for feeling secure influence parentsrsquo participation in care Journal of Clinical Nursing 8 586-592 Lam L W Chang A M amp Morrissey J (2006) Parents experiences of participation in the

care of hospitalised children A qualitative study International Journal of Nursing Studies 43(5) 535-545

LaMontagne L L amp Pawlak R (1990) Stress and coping of parents of children in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Heart amp Lung 19(4) 416-421

Lawrence R A amp Lawrence R M (1999) Breastfeeding A guide for the medical profession (5th ed pp 277-281) St Louis Mosby New York

Leifer G (1999) Thompsonrsquos introduction to maternity and pediatric nursing (3rded) Philadelphia WB Saunders Lima R A G Rocha S M M Scochi C G S amp Callery P (2001) Involvement and

fragmentation A study of parental care of hospitalized children in Brazil Pediatric Nursing 27 559 -564580

Madam A MacMahon J R amp Stevenson D K (2005) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia In H W Taeusch R A Ballard amp C A Gleason (Eds) Averyrsquos diseases of newborn (8th ed pp 1226- 1229) Philadelphia Elsevier Saunders

Maisels M J (2005) Jaundice In M G MacDonald M K Seshia amp M D Mullett (Eds) Neonatology Pathophysiology and management of the newborn (6th ed pp 768- 846) Philadelphia Lippincott Williams amp Wilkins

Maisels M J (2006) Neonatal jaundice Pediatric 27 443-454 Maisels M J amp McDonagh AF (2008) Phototherapy for neonatal jaundice The new england

journal of medicine 358 920- 928 Mali PH (2004) Nurses responsibilities in phototherapy Nursing Journal of India 95(1)



Martin C R amp Cloherty J P (2004) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia In J P Cloherty E C Eichenwald amp A R Stark (Eds) Manual of Neonatal Care (5th ed pp 185- 221) Philadelphia Lippincott Williams amp Wilkins

Miles M S Funk S G amp Carlson J (1993) Parental stressor scale Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nursing Research 42 148-152

Moerschel SK Cianciaruso LB amp Tracy LR (2008) A practical approach to neonatal jaundice American Family Physician 771255-1262

Moses S (2005) Hyperbilirubinemia Retrieved September 13 2007 from httpwwwfpnotebookcomNIC35htm

Murki S amp Kumar P (2011) Blood exchange transfusion for infants with severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia Semin Perinatol 35(3) 175-84

Neill S J (1996a) Parent participation 1 Literature review and methodology British Journal of Nursing 5 34-40

Neill S J (1996b) Parent paticipation 2 Findings and their implications for practice British Journal of Nursing 5 110-117

Newton M S (2000) Family ndash centered Care Current realities in parent participation Pediatric Nursing 26(2) 164-168

Ostrow J D Pascolo L amp Tiribelli C (2003) Reassessment of the unbound concentrations of unconjugated bilirubin in relation to neurotoxicity in vitro Pediatric Research 54(1) 98-104

Ozmert E Erdem G Topcu M Yurdakok M Tekinalp G Genc D amp Renda Y (1996) Long-term follow-up of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in full-term Turkish infants Acta Pediatric 85(12) 1440-1444

Palmer S J (1993) Care of sick children by parents a meaningful role Journal of Advanced Nursing 18 185-191

Pillitteri A (1999) Maternal amp child health nursing Care of the childbearing amp childearing family (3rd ed) Philadelphia Lippincott

Polit D F amp Hungler B P (1999) Nursing research Principle and methods Philadelphia Lippincott


Pongjaturawit Y (2005) Parental participation in the care of hospitalized young children Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) Chiang Mai University Porter M L amp Dennis B L (2002) Hyperbilirubinemia in the term newborn Journal of the

American Family Physician 65(4) 599-607 Powers PH Goldstein C Plank G Thomas K amp Conkright L (2000) The value of patient and family centered care American Journal of Nursing100 84-88 Reiser D J (2004) Neonatal jaundice Physiologic variation on pathologic process Critical

Care Nursing Clinics of North America 16(2) 257-269 2004 Robbins SP (1993) Orgenization behavior Concept controversies amp application

(6th ed) London Prentice Hall Roden J (2005) The involvement of parents and nurses in the care of acutely-ill children in a

non-specialist paediatric setting Journal of Child Health Care 9 222-240 Rudolph J A amp Balistreri W F (2004) Metabolic diseases of the liver In R E Behemen

R M Kliegman H B Jenson (Eds) Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (17th ed pp 1321- 1322) PhiladelphiaWB Saunders

Schepp K (1992) Correlates of mothers who prefer control over their hospitalized childrenrsquos care Journal of Pediatric Nursg 7 83-89

Schepp K (1995) Psychometric assessment of the preferred participation scale for parent of hospitalized children Unpublished manuscript University of Washington School of Nursing Seattle WA

Seidman D S Paz I Stevenson DK Laor A Danon YL amp Gale R (1991) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and physical and cognitive performance at 17 years of age Pediatrics 88(4) 828-833

Sethi H Saili A amp Dutta A K (1993) Phototherapy induced hypocalcemia Indian Pediatrics 30(12) 1403-1406

Shapiro S M Bhutani V K amp Johnson L (2006) Hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus Clinics Perinatology 33 387ndash410

Shelton TL amp Stepanek JS (1995) Excerpts from family-centered care for children needing specialized health and developmental services Pediatric Nursing 21(4) 362-364


Stoll B J amp Kliegman R M (2004) Jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn In R E Behemen R M Kliegman amp H B Jenson (Eds) Nelson textbook in pediatrics (17th ed pp 592- 599) Philadelphia WB Saunders

Thompson M L (1995) Concepts and activities Pediatric nursing Springhouse Springhouse Corporation

Tourigny J Chapados C amp Pineault R (2005) Determinants of parental behaviour when children undergo day-care surgery Journal of Advanced Nursing 52 490ndash497

Truman P (2006) Jaundice in the preterm infant Paediatric Nursing 18(5) 20-22 Vecchi C Donzelli G P Sbrana G amp Pratesi R (1986) Phototherapy for neonatal jaundice

Clinical equivalence of fluorescent green and lsquospecialrsquo blue lamps Journal of Pediatric 108 452-456

Vohr B R Karp D ODea C Darrow D Coll CG Lester BM Brown L Oh W amp Cashore W (1990) Behavioral changes correlated with brain-stem auditory evoked responses in term infants with mderate hyperbilirubinemia Journal of Pediatric 117 288ndash291

Ward K (2001) Perceived needs of parents of critically ill infants in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Pediatric Nursing 27(3) 281-286

Watchko J F (2005) Hyperbilirubinemia In A R Spitzer (Eds) Intensive care of the fetus amp nenonate (2nd ed pp 1063-1080) Philadelphia Mosby

Wennberg R P Ahlfors C E Bhutani V K Johnson L H amp Shapiro S M (2006) Toward understanding kernicterus A challenge to improve the management of jaundiced newborns Pediatrics 117 474ndash485

Whaley L F amp Wong D L (1991) Nursing care of infants and children (4th ed) St Louis Mosby-Year Book

Wheeler HJ (2005) The importance of parental support when caring for the acutely ill child Nursing in Critical Care 10(2) 56-62

Wilson D amp da Cunha M F (2007) Health problems of the newborn In M J Hockenberry amp D Wilson (Eds) Wongs Nursing Care of Infants and Children (8th ed pp 317-326) St Louis Missouri Mosby Elsevier


Wong R J amp Bhutani V K (2008) Evaluation of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in term and late preterm infants Retrieved October 1 2007 from httpwwwuptodatecom patientscontenttopicdotopicKey=~9YYKHrbdWPrA8QampselectedTitle=1~150ampsource=search_result

Wong R J Desander G H Sibley E amp Stevenson D K (2006) Neonatal jaundice and liver disease In Fanaroff and Martins Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Diseases of the fetus and infant (8th ed pp 1419- 1465) Philadelphia Elsevier Saunders

World Health Organization (2005) Evidence for the ten steps to successful breastfeeding Retrieved October 27 2007 from httpwwwwhointchildadolescentpublications NUTRITION WHO_CHD_989htm

Yegg M B amp Ametz J E(2004) A study of parental involvement in pediatric hospital care implication for clinical practice Journal of Pediatric Nursing 19(3) 217-224

Youngblut J M (1998) Integrative review of assessment models for examining childrenrsquos and familiesrsquo responses to acute illness In M E Broome K Knafl K Pridham amp S Feetham (Eds) Children and Families in health and illness (pp 115- 141) Thousand Oaks CA Sage

Page 9: เอกสารอ้างอิง กรรณิการ์ วิจิตร ...archive.lib.cmu.ac.th/full/T/2554/nuped31054js_bib.pdf(บรรณาธ การ), Best


Martin C R amp Cloherty J P (2004) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia In J P Cloherty E C Eichenwald amp A R Stark (Eds) Manual of Neonatal Care (5th ed pp 185- 221) Philadelphia Lippincott Williams amp Wilkins

Miles M S Funk S G amp Carlson J (1993) Parental stressor scale Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nursing Research 42 148-152

Moerschel SK Cianciaruso LB amp Tracy LR (2008) A practical approach to neonatal jaundice American Family Physician 771255-1262

Moses S (2005) Hyperbilirubinemia Retrieved September 13 2007 from httpwwwfpnotebookcomNIC35htm

Murki S amp Kumar P (2011) Blood exchange transfusion for infants with severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia Semin Perinatol 35(3) 175-84

Neill S J (1996a) Parent participation 1 Literature review and methodology British Journal of Nursing 5 34-40

Neill S J (1996b) Parent paticipation 2 Findings and their implications for practice British Journal of Nursing 5 110-117

Newton M S (2000) Family ndash centered Care Current realities in parent participation Pediatric Nursing 26(2) 164-168

Ostrow J D Pascolo L amp Tiribelli C (2003) Reassessment of the unbound concentrations of unconjugated bilirubin in relation to neurotoxicity in vitro Pediatric Research 54(1) 98-104

Ozmert E Erdem G Topcu M Yurdakok M Tekinalp G Genc D amp Renda Y (1996) Long-term follow-up of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in full-term Turkish infants Acta Pediatric 85(12) 1440-1444

Palmer S J (1993) Care of sick children by parents a meaningful role Journal of Advanced Nursing 18 185-191

Pillitteri A (1999) Maternal amp child health nursing Care of the childbearing amp childearing family (3rd ed) Philadelphia Lippincott

Polit D F amp Hungler B P (1999) Nursing research Principle and methods Philadelphia Lippincott


Pongjaturawit Y (2005) Parental participation in the care of hospitalized young children Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) Chiang Mai University Porter M L amp Dennis B L (2002) Hyperbilirubinemia in the term newborn Journal of the

American Family Physician 65(4) 599-607 Powers PH Goldstein C Plank G Thomas K amp Conkright L (2000) The value of patient and family centered care American Journal of Nursing100 84-88 Reiser D J (2004) Neonatal jaundice Physiologic variation on pathologic process Critical

Care Nursing Clinics of North America 16(2) 257-269 2004 Robbins SP (1993) Orgenization behavior Concept controversies amp application

(6th ed) London Prentice Hall Roden J (2005) The involvement of parents and nurses in the care of acutely-ill children in a

non-specialist paediatric setting Journal of Child Health Care 9 222-240 Rudolph J A amp Balistreri W F (2004) Metabolic diseases of the liver In R E Behemen

R M Kliegman H B Jenson (Eds) Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (17th ed pp 1321- 1322) PhiladelphiaWB Saunders

Schepp K (1992) Correlates of mothers who prefer control over their hospitalized childrenrsquos care Journal of Pediatric Nursg 7 83-89

Schepp K (1995) Psychometric assessment of the preferred participation scale for parent of hospitalized children Unpublished manuscript University of Washington School of Nursing Seattle WA

Seidman D S Paz I Stevenson DK Laor A Danon YL amp Gale R (1991) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and physical and cognitive performance at 17 years of age Pediatrics 88(4) 828-833

Sethi H Saili A amp Dutta A K (1993) Phototherapy induced hypocalcemia Indian Pediatrics 30(12) 1403-1406

Shapiro S M Bhutani V K amp Johnson L (2006) Hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus Clinics Perinatology 33 387ndash410

Shelton TL amp Stepanek JS (1995) Excerpts from family-centered care for children needing specialized health and developmental services Pediatric Nursing 21(4) 362-364


Stoll B J amp Kliegman R M (2004) Jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn In R E Behemen R M Kliegman amp H B Jenson (Eds) Nelson textbook in pediatrics (17th ed pp 592- 599) Philadelphia WB Saunders

Thompson M L (1995) Concepts and activities Pediatric nursing Springhouse Springhouse Corporation

Tourigny J Chapados C amp Pineault R (2005) Determinants of parental behaviour when children undergo day-care surgery Journal of Advanced Nursing 52 490ndash497

Truman P (2006) Jaundice in the preterm infant Paediatric Nursing 18(5) 20-22 Vecchi C Donzelli G P Sbrana G amp Pratesi R (1986) Phototherapy for neonatal jaundice

Clinical equivalence of fluorescent green and lsquospecialrsquo blue lamps Journal of Pediatric 108 452-456

Vohr B R Karp D ODea C Darrow D Coll CG Lester BM Brown L Oh W amp Cashore W (1990) Behavioral changes correlated with brain-stem auditory evoked responses in term infants with mderate hyperbilirubinemia Journal of Pediatric 117 288ndash291

Ward K (2001) Perceived needs of parents of critically ill infants in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Pediatric Nursing 27(3) 281-286

Watchko J F (2005) Hyperbilirubinemia In A R Spitzer (Eds) Intensive care of the fetus amp nenonate (2nd ed pp 1063-1080) Philadelphia Mosby

Wennberg R P Ahlfors C E Bhutani V K Johnson L H amp Shapiro S M (2006) Toward understanding kernicterus A challenge to improve the management of jaundiced newborns Pediatrics 117 474ndash485

Whaley L F amp Wong D L (1991) Nursing care of infants and children (4th ed) St Louis Mosby-Year Book

Wheeler HJ (2005) The importance of parental support when caring for the acutely ill child Nursing in Critical Care 10(2) 56-62

Wilson D amp da Cunha M F (2007) Health problems of the newborn In M J Hockenberry amp D Wilson (Eds) Wongs Nursing Care of Infants and Children (8th ed pp 317-326) St Louis Missouri Mosby Elsevier


Wong R J amp Bhutani V K (2008) Evaluation of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in term and late preterm infants Retrieved October 1 2007 from httpwwwuptodatecom patientscontenttopicdotopicKey=~9YYKHrbdWPrA8QampselectedTitle=1~150ampsource=search_result

Wong R J Desander G H Sibley E amp Stevenson D K (2006) Neonatal jaundice and liver disease In Fanaroff and Martins Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Diseases of the fetus and infant (8th ed pp 1419- 1465) Philadelphia Elsevier Saunders

World Health Organization (2005) Evidence for the ten steps to successful breastfeeding Retrieved October 27 2007 from httpwwwwhointchildadolescentpublications NUTRITION WHO_CHD_989htm

Yegg M B amp Ametz J E(2004) A study of parental involvement in pediatric hospital care implication for clinical practice Journal of Pediatric Nursing 19(3) 217-224

Youngblut J M (1998) Integrative review of assessment models for examining childrenrsquos and familiesrsquo responses to acute illness In M E Broome K Knafl K Pridham amp S Feetham (Eds) Children and Families in health and illness (pp 115- 141) Thousand Oaks CA Sage

Page 10: เอกสารอ้างอิง กรรณิการ์ วิจิตร ...archive.lib.cmu.ac.th/full/T/2554/nuped31054js_bib.pdf(บรรณาธ การ), Best


Pongjaturawit Y (2005) Parental participation in the care of hospitalized young children Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) Chiang Mai University Porter M L amp Dennis B L (2002) Hyperbilirubinemia in the term newborn Journal of the

American Family Physician 65(4) 599-607 Powers PH Goldstein C Plank G Thomas K amp Conkright L (2000) The value of patient and family centered care American Journal of Nursing100 84-88 Reiser D J (2004) Neonatal jaundice Physiologic variation on pathologic process Critical

Care Nursing Clinics of North America 16(2) 257-269 2004 Robbins SP (1993) Orgenization behavior Concept controversies amp application

(6th ed) London Prentice Hall Roden J (2005) The involvement of parents and nurses in the care of acutely-ill children in a

non-specialist paediatric setting Journal of Child Health Care 9 222-240 Rudolph J A amp Balistreri W F (2004) Metabolic diseases of the liver In R E Behemen

R M Kliegman H B Jenson (Eds) Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (17th ed pp 1321- 1322) PhiladelphiaWB Saunders

Schepp K (1992) Correlates of mothers who prefer control over their hospitalized childrenrsquos care Journal of Pediatric Nursg 7 83-89

Schepp K (1995) Psychometric assessment of the preferred participation scale for parent of hospitalized children Unpublished manuscript University of Washington School of Nursing Seattle WA

Seidman D S Paz I Stevenson DK Laor A Danon YL amp Gale R (1991) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and physical and cognitive performance at 17 years of age Pediatrics 88(4) 828-833

Sethi H Saili A amp Dutta A K (1993) Phototherapy induced hypocalcemia Indian Pediatrics 30(12) 1403-1406

Shapiro S M Bhutani V K amp Johnson L (2006) Hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus Clinics Perinatology 33 387ndash410

Shelton TL amp Stepanek JS (1995) Excerpts from family-centered care for children needing specialized health and developmental services Pediatric Nursing 21(4) 362-364


Stoll B J amp Kliegman R M (2004) Jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn In R E Behemen R M Kliegman amp H B Jenson (Eds) Nelson textbook in pediatrics (17th ed pp 592- 599) Philadelphia WB Saunders

Thompson M L (1995) Concepts and activities Pediatric nursing Springhouse Springhouse Corporation

Tourigny J Chapados C amp Pineault R (2005) Determinants of parental behaviour when children undergo day-care surgery Journal of Advanced Nursing 52 490ndash497

Truman P (2006) Jaundice in the preterm infant Paediatric Nursing 18(5) 20-22 Vecchi C Donzelli G P Sbrana G amp Pratesi R (1986) Phototherapy for neonatal jaundice

Clinical equivalence of fluorescent green and lsquospecialrsquo blue lamps Journal of Pediatric 108 452-456

Vohr B R Karp D ODea C Darrow D Coll CG Lester BM Brown L Oh W amp Cashore W (1990) Behavioral changes correlated with brain-stem auditory evoked responses in term infants with mderate hyperbilirubinemia Journal of Pediatric 117 288ndash291

Ward K (2001) Perceived needs of parents of critically ill infants in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Pediatric Nursing 27(3) 281-286

Watchko J F (2005) Hyperbilirubinemia In A R Spitzer (Eds) Intensive care of the fetus amp nenonate (2nd ed pp 1063-1080) Philadelphia Mosby

Wennberg R P Ahlfors C E Bhutani V K Johnson L H amp Shapiro S M (2006) Toward understanding kernicterus A challenge to improve the management of jaundiced newborns Pediatrics 117 474ndash485

Whaley L F amp Wong D L (1991) Nursing care of infants and children (4th ed) St Louis Mosby-Year Book

Wheeler HJ (2005) The importance of parental support when caring for the acutely ill child Nursing in Critical Care 10(2) 56-62

Wilson D amp da Cunha M F (2007) Health problems of the newborn In M J Hockenberry amp D Wilson (Eds) Wongs Nursing Care of Infants and Children (8th ed pp 317-326) St Louis Missouri Mosby Elsevier


Wong R J amp Bhutani V K (2008) Evaluation of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in term and late preterm infants Retrieved October 1 2007 from httpwwwuptodatecom patientscontenttopicdotopicKey=~9YYKHrbdWPrA8QampselectedTitle=1~150ampsource=search_result

Wong R J Desander G H Sibley E amp Stevenson D K (2006) Neonatal jaundice and liver disease In Fanaroff and Martins Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Diseases of the fetus and infant (8th ed pp 1419- 1465) Philadelphia Elsevier Saunders

World Health Organization (2005) Evidence for the ten steps to successful breastfeeding Retrieved October 27 2007 from httpwwwwhointchildadolescentpublications NUTRITION WHO_CHD_989htm

Yegg M B amp Ametz J E(2004) A study of parental involvement in pediatric hospital care implication for clinical practice Journal of Pediatric Nursing 19(3) 217-224

Youngblut J M (1998) Integrative review of assessment models for examining childrenrsquos and familiesrsquo responses to acute illness In M E Broome K Knafl K Pridham amp S Feetham (Eds) Children and Families in health and illness (pp 115- 141) Thousand Oaks CA Sage

Page 11: เอกสารอ้างอิง กรรณิการ์ วิจิตร ...archive.lib.cmu.ac.th/full/T/2554/nuped31054js_bib.pdf(บรรณาธ การ), Best


Stoll B J amp Kliegman R M (2004) Jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn In R E Behemen R M Kliegman amp H B Jenson (Eds) Nelson textbook in pediatrics (17th ed pp 592- 599) Philadelphia WB Saunders

Thompson M L (1995) Concepts and activities Pediatric nursing Springhouse Springhouse Corporation

Tourigny J Chapados C amp Pineault R (2005) Determinants of parental behaviour when children undergo day-care surgery Journal of Advanced Nursing 52 490ndash497

Truman P (2006) Jaundice in the preterm infant Paediatric Nursing 18(5) 20-22 Vecchi C Donzelli G P Sbrana G amp Pratesi R (1986) Phototherapy for neonatal jaundice

Clinical equivalence of fluorescent green and lsquospecialrsquo blue lamps Journal of Pediatric 108 452-456

Vohr B R Karp D ODea C Darrow D Coll CG Lester BM Brown L Oh W amp Cashore W (1990) Behavioral changes correlated with brain-stem auditory evoked responses in term infants with mderate hyperbilirubinemia Journal of Pediatric 117 288ndash291

Ward K (2001) Perceived needs of parents of critically ill infants in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Pediatric Nursing 27(3) 281-286

Watchko J F (2005) Hyperbilirubinemia In A R Spitzer (Eds) Intensive care of the fetus amp nenonate (2nd ed pp 1063-1080) Philadelphia Mosby

Wennberg R P Ahlfors C E Bhutani V K Johnson L H amp Shapiro S M (2006) Toward understanding kernicterus A challenge to improve the management of jaundiced newborns Pediatrics 117 474ndash485

Whaley L F amp Wong D L (1991) Nursing care of infants and children (4th ed) St Louis Mosby-Year Book

Wheeler HJ (2005) The importance of parental support when caring for the acutely ill child Nursing in Critical Care 10(2) 56-62

Wilson D amp da Cunha M F (2007) Health problems of the newborn In M J Hockenberry amp D Wilson (Eds) Wongs Nursing Care of Infants and Children (8th ed pp 317-326) St Louis Missouri Mosby Elsevier


Wong R J amp Bhutani V K (2008) Evaluation of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in term and late preterm infants Retrieved October 1 2007 from httpwwwuptodatecom patientscontenttopicdotopicKey=~9YYKHrbdWPrA8QampselectedTitle=1~150ampsource=search_result

Wong R J Desander G H Sibley E amp Stevenson D K (2006) Neonatal jaundice and liver disease In Fanaroff and Martins Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Diseases of the fetus and infant (8th ed pp 1419- 1465) Philadelphia Elsevier Saunders

World Health Organization (2005) Evidence for the ten steps to successful breastfeeding Retrieved October 27 2007 from httpwwwwhointchildadolescentpublications NUTRITION WHO_CHD_989htm

Yegg M B amp Ametz J E(2004) A study of parental involvement in pediatric hospital care implication for clinical practice Journal of Pediatric Nursing 19(3) 217-224

Youngblut J M (1998) Integrative review of assessment models for examining childrenrsquos and familiesrsquo responses to acute illness In M E Broome K Knafl K Pridham amp S Feetham (Eds) Children and Families in health and illness (pp 115- 141) Thousand Oaks CA Sage

Page 12: เอกสารอ้างอิง กรรณิการ์ วิจิตร ...archive.lib.cmu.ac.th/full/T/2554/nuped31054js_bib.pdf(บรรณาธ การ), Best


Wong R J amp Bhutani V K (2008) Evaluation of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in term and late preterm infants Retrieved October 1 2007 from httpwwwuptodatecom patientscontenttopicdotopicKey=~9YYKHrbdWPrA8QampselectedTitle=1~150ampsource=search_result

Wong R J Desander G H Sibley E amp Stevenson D K (2006) Neonatal jaundice and liver disease In Fanaroff and Martins Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Diseases of the fetus and infant (8th ed pp 1419- 1465) Philadelphia Elsevier Saunders

World Health Organization (2005) Evidence for the ten steps to successful breastfeeding Retrieved October 27 2007 from httpwwwwhointchildadolescentpublications NUTRITION WHO_CHD_989htm

Yegg M B amp Ametz J E(2004) A study of parental involvement in pediatric hospital care implication for clinical practice Journal of Pediatric Nursing 19(3) 217-224

Youngblut J M (1998) Integrative review of assessment models for examining childrenrsquos and familiesrsquo responses to acute illness In M E Broome K Knafl K Pridham amp S Feetham (Eds) Children and Families in health and illness (pp 115- 141) Thousand Oaks CA Sage