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A Comparison of SQL A Comparison of SQL and and NoSQL NoSQL Databases Databases Keith W. Hare Keith W. Hare JCC Consulting, Inc. JCC Consulting, Inc. Convenor, ISO/IEC JTC1 SC32 WG3 Convenor, ISO/IEC JTC1 SC32 WG3 13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 1 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32/WG2 N1537

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A Comparison of SQLA Comparison of SQLandand NoSQLNoSQL DatabasesDatabases

Keith W. HareKeith W. HareJCC Consulting, Inc.JCC Consulting, Inc.

Convenor, ISO/IEC JTC1 SC32 WG3Convenor, ISO/IEC JTC1 SC32 WG3

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 1



NoSQLNoSQL databases (either nodatabases (either no--SQL or Not OnlySQL or Not OnlySQL) are currently a hot topic in some parts ofSQL) are currently a hot topic in some parts ofcomputing. In fact, one website lists over acomputing. In fact, one website lists over ahundred differenthundred different NoSQLNoSQL databases.databases.

This presentation reviews the features common toThis presentation reviews the features common tothethe NoSQLNoSQL databases and compares those featuresdatabases and compares those featuresto the features and capabilities of SQL databases.to the features and capabilities of SQL databases.

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 2

Who Am I?Who Am I?

Muskingum College, 1980, BS in Biology andMuskingum College, 1980, BS in Biology andComputer ScienceComputer Science

Senior Consultant with JCC Consulting, Inc.Senior Consultant with JCC Consulting, Inc.since 1985since 1985 –– high performance database systemshigh performance database systems

Ohio StateOhio State –– Masters in Computer &Masters in Computer &Information Science, 1985Information Science, 1985

SQL Standards committees since 1988SQL Standards committees since 1988

Vice Chair, INCITS H2 since 2003Vice Chair, INCITS H2 since 2003

Convenor, ISO/IEC JTC1 SC32 WG3 sinceConvenor, ISO/IEC JTC1 SC32 WG3 since20052005

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 3


SQLSQL DatabasesDatabases

SQL StandardSQL Standard

SQL CharacteristicsSQL Characteristics

SQL Database ExamplesSQL Database Examples

NoSQLNoSQL DatabasesDatabases

NoSQLNoSQL DefintionDefintion

General CharacteristicsGeneral Characteristics

NoSQLNoSQL Database TypesDatabase Types

NoSQLNoSQL Database ExamplesDatabase Examples

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 4

Standard SQLStandard SQLThe following is a short, incomplete history of the SQLThe following is a short, incomplete history of the SQL

StandardsStandards –– ISO/IEC 9075ISO/IEC 9075

19871987 –– Initial ISO/IEC StandardInitial ISO/IEC Standard

19891989 –– Referential IntegrityReferential Integrity

19921992 –– SQL2SQL2 1995 SQL/CLI (ODBC)1995 SQL/CLI (ODBC)

1996 SQL/PSM1996 SQL/PSM –– Procedural LanguageProcedural Language extensionsextensions

19991999 –– User Defined TypesUser Defined Types

20032003 –– SQL/XMLSQL/XML

20082008 –– Expansions andExpansions and correctionscorrections

2011 (or 2012) System Versioned and Application Time2011 (or 2012) System Versioned and Application TimePeriod TablesPeriod Tables

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 5

SQL CharacteristicsSQL Characteristics

Data stored in columns and tablesData stored in columns and tables

Relationships represented by dataRelationships represented by data

Data Manipulation LanguageData Manipulation Language

Data Definition LanguageData Definition Language


Abstraction from physical layerAbstraction from physical layer

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 6

SQL Physical Layer AbstractionSQL Physical Layer Abstraction

Applications specify what, not howApplications specify what, not how

Query optimization engineQuery optimization engine

Physical layer can change without modifyingPhysical layer can change without modifyingapplicationsapplications

Create indexes to support queriesCreate indexes to support queries

In Memory databasesIn Memory databases

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 7

Data Manipulation Language (DML)Data Manipulation Language (DML)

Data manipulated with Select, Insert, Update, &Data manipulated with Select, Insert, Update, &Delete statementsDelete statements

Select T1.Column1, T2.Column2 …Select T1.Column1, T2.Column2 …From Table1, Table2 …From Table1, Table2 …Where T1.Column1 = T2.Column1 …Where T1.Column1 = T2.Column1 …

Data AggregationData Aggregation

Compound statementsCompound statements

Functions andFunctions and ProceduresProcedures

Explicit transaction controlExplicit transaction control

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 8

Data Definition LanguageData Definition Language SchemaSchema defineddefined at the startat the start CreateCreate Table (Column1 Datatype1, Column2Table (Column1 Datatype1, Column2 DatatypeDatatype

2, …)2, …) Constraints to define and enforce relationshipsConstraints to define and enforce relationships

Primary KeyPrimary Key Foreign KeyForeign Key Etc.Etc.

Triggers to respond to Insert, Update , & DeleteTriggers to respond to Insert, Update , & Delete Stored ModulesStored Modules Alter …Alter … Drop …Drop … Security and Access ControlSecurity and Access Control

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 9

TransactionsTransactions –– ACID PropertiesACID Properties

AAtomictomic –– All of the work in a transaction completesAll of the work in a transaction completes(commit) or none of it completes(commit) or none of it completes

CConsistentonsistent –– A transaction transforms the databaseA transaction transforms the databasefrom one consistent state to another consistentfrom one consistent state to another consistentstate. Consistency is defined in terms of constraints.state. Consistency is defined in terms of constraints.

IIsolatedsolated –– The results of any changes made during aThe results of any changes made during atransaction are not visible until the transaction hastransaction are not visible until the transaction hascommitted.committed.

DDurableurable –– The results of a committed transactionThe results of a committed transactionsurvive failuressurvive failures

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 10

SQL Database ExamplesSQL Database Examples

CommercialCommercial IBM DB2IBM DB2

Oracle RDMSOracle RDMS

Microsoft SQL ServerMicrosoft SQL Server

Sybase SQL AnywhereSybase SQL Anywhere

Open Source (with commercial options)Open Source (with commercial options) MySQLMySQL


Significant portions of theSignificant portions of theworld’s economy use SQL databases!world’s economy use SQL databases!

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 11

NoSQLNoSQL DefinitionDefinition

From www.nosqlFrom www.nosql--database.org:database.org:

NextNext Generation Databases mostly addressing some ofGeneration Databases mostly addressing some ofthe points: beingthe points: being nonnon--relational,relational, distributeddistributed,, openopen--sourcesource andand horizontal scalablehorizontal scalable. The original intention. The original intentionhas beenhas been modern webmodern web--scale databasesscale databases. The. Themovement began early 2009 and is growing rapidly.movement began early 2009 and is growing rapidly.Often more characteristics apply as:Often more characteristics apply as: schemaschema--free,free,easy replication support, simple API, eventuallyeasy replication support, simple API, eventuallyconsistentconsistent // BASEBASE (not ACID), a(not ACID), a huge datahuge dataamountamount, and more., and more.

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 12

NoSQLNoSQL Products/ProjectsProducts/Projects

http://www.nosqlhttp://www.nosql--database.org/database.org/ lists 122lists 122 NoSQLNoSQLDatabasesDatabases



HadoopHadoop && HbaseHbase




13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 13

NoSQLNoSQL Distinguishing CharacteristicsDistinguishing Characteristics

LargeLarge datadata volumesvolumes Google’s “big data”Google’s “big data”

Scalable replication and distributionScalable replication and distribution Potentially thousands of machinesPotentially thousands of machines Potentially distributed around the worldPotentially distributed around the world

QueriesQueries need to return answers quicklyneed to return answers quickly MostlyMostly query, fewquery, few updatesupdates Asynchronous Inserts & UpdatesAsynchronous Inserts & Updates SchemaSchema--lessless ACIDACID transaction properties are nottransaction properties are not neededneeded –– BASEBASE CAP TheoremCAP Theorem Open source developmentOpen source development

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 14

BASE TransactionsBASE Transactions

AcronymAcronym ccontrived to be the opposite of ACIDontrived to be the opposite of ACID BBasicallyasically AAvailablevailable,,

SSoftoft state,state,

EEventually Consistentventually Consistent

CharacteristicsCharacteristics WeakWeak consistencyconsistency –– stale data OKstale data OK

AvailabilityAvailability firstfirst

BestBest efforteffort

ApproximateApproximate answers OKanswers OK

AggressiveAggressive (optimistic)(optimistic)

SimplerSimpler and fasterand faster

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 15

Brewer’s CAP TheoremBrewer’s CAP Theorem

A distributed system can support only two of theA distributed system can support only two of thefollowing characteristics:following characteristics:



Partition tolerancePartition tolerance

The slides from Brewer’s July 2000 talk do notThe slides from Brewer’s July 2000 talk do notdefine these characteristics.define these characteristics.

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 16


all nodes see the same data at the same timeall nodes see the same data at the same time ––WikipediaWikipedia

client perceives that a set of operations hasclient perceives that a set of operations hasoccurred all at onceoccurred all at once –– PritchettPritchett

More like Atomic in ACID transactionMore like Atomic in ACID transactionpropertiesproperties

13 May 2011 17Metadata Open Forum


node failures do not prevent survivors fromnode failures do not prevent survivors fromcontinuing to operatecontinuing to operate –– WikipediaWikipedia

Every operation must terminate inEvery operation must terminate in an intendedan intendedresponseresponse –– PritchettPritchett

13 May 2011 18Metadata Open Forum

Partition TolerancePartition Tolerance

the system continues to operate despite arbitrarythe system continues to operate despite arbitrarymessage lossmessage loss –– WikipediaWikipedia

Operations will complete, even if individualOperations will complete, even if individualcomponents are unavailablecomponents are unavailable –– PritchettPritchett

13 May 2011 19Metadata Open Forum

NoSQLNoSQL Database TypesDatabase Types

DiscussingDiscussing NoSQLNoSQL databases is complicateddatabases is complicatedbecause there are a variety of types:because there are a variety of types:

Column StoreColumn Store –– Each storage block containsEach storage block containsdata from only one columndata from only one column

Document StoreDocument Store –– stores documents made up ofstores documents made up oftagged elementstagged elements

KeyKey--Value StoreValue Store –– Hash table of keysHash table of keys

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 20

Other NonOther Non--SQL DatabasesSQL Databases

XML DatabasesXML Databases

Graph DatabasesGraph Databases

CodasylCodasyl DatabasesDatabases

Object Oriented DatabasesObject Oriented Databases


Will not address these todayWill not address these today

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 21

NoSQLNoSQL Example: Column StoreExample: Column Store

Each storage block contains data from only oneEach storage block contains data from only onecolumncolumn

Example:Example: HadoopHadoop//HbaseHbase


Yahoo, FacebookYahoo, Facebook

Example: IngresExample: Ingres VectorWiseVectorWise

Column Store integrated with an SQL databaseColumn Store integrated with an SQL database


13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 22

Column Store CommentsColumn Store Comments

More efficient than row (or document) store if:More efficient than row (or document) store if:

Multiple row/record/documents are inserted at theMultiple row/record/documents are inserted at thesame time so updates of column blocks can besame time so updates of column blocks can beaggregatedaggregated

Retrievals access only some of the columns in aRetrievals access only some of the columns in arow/record/documentrow/record/document

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 23

NoSQLNoSQL Example: Document StoreExample: Document Store

Example:Example: CouchDBCouchDB



Example:Example: MongoDBMongoDB


Foursquare,Foursquare, ShutterflyShutterfly

JSONJSON –– JavaScript Object NotationJavaScript Object Notation

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 24

CouchDBCouchDB JSON ExampleJSON Example{{

"_id": ""_id": "guidguid goes here",goes here",

"_rev": "314159","_rev": "314159",

"type": "abstract","type": "abstract",

"author": "Keith W. Hare""author": "Keith W. Hare"

"title": "SQL Standard and"title": "SQL Standard and NoSQLNoSQL Databases",Databases",

"body": ""body": "NoSQLNoSQL databases (either nodatabases (either no--SQL or Not Only SQL)SQL or Not Only SQL)

are currently a hot topic in some partsare currently a hot topic in some parts ofof


""creation_timestampcreation_timestamp": "2011/05/10 13:30:00 +0004"": "2011/05/10 13:30:00 +0004"


13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 25

CouchDBCouchDB JSON TagsJSON Tags


GUIDGUID –– Global Unique IdentifierGlobal Unique Identifier

Passed in or generated byPassed in or generated by CouchDBCouchDB


Revision numberRevision number

Versioning mechanismVersioning mechanism

"type", "author","type", "author", ""title", etc.title", etc.

Arbitrary tagsArbitrary tags


Could be validated after the fact by userCould be validated after the fact by user--written routinewritten routine

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 26

NoSQLNoSQL Examples: KeyExamples: Key--Value StoreValue Store

Hash tables of KeysHash tables of Keys

Values stored with KeysValues stored with Keys

Fast access to small data valuesFast access to small data values

ExampleExample –– ProjectProject--VoldemortVoldemort



ExampleExample –– MemCacheDBMemCacheDB


Backend storage is BerkeleyBackend storage is Berkeley--DBDB

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 27

Map ReduceMap Reduce

Technique for indexing andTechnique for indexing and searching large datasearching large datavolumesvolumes

Two Phases, Map and ReduceTwo Phases, Map and Reduce


Extract sets of KeyExtract sets of Key--Value pairs from underlying dataValue pairs from underlying data

Potentially in Parallel on multiple machinesPotentially in Parallel on multiple machines


Merge and sort sets of KeyMerge and sort sets of Key--Value pairsValue pairs

Results may be useful for other searchesResults may be useful for other searches

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 28

Map ReduceMap Reduce

Map Reduce techniques differ across productsMap Reduce techniques differ across products

Implemented by application developers, not byImplemented by application developers, not byunderlying softwareunderlying software

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 29

Map Reduce PatentMap Reduce PatentGoogle granted US Patent 7,650,331, January 2010Google granted US Patent 7,650,331, January 2010

System and method for efficient largeSystem and method for efficient large--scale data processingscale data processing

AA largelarge--scale data processing system and method includes onescale data processing system and method includes oneor more applicationor more application--independent map modules configured toindependent map modules configured toread input data and to apply at least oneread input data and to apply at least one applicationapplication--specificspecificmap operationmap operation to the input data to produce intermediate datato the input data to produce intermediate datavalues, wherein the map operation is automatically parallelizedvalues, wherein the map operation is automatically parallelizedacross multiple processors in the parallel processingacross multiple processors in the parallel processingenvironment. A plurality of intermediate data structures areenvironment. A plurality of intermediate data structures areused to store the intermediate data values. One or moreused to store the intermediate data values. One or moreapplicationapplication--independent reduce modules are configured toindependent reduce modules are configured toretrieve the intermediate data values and to apply at least oneretrieve the intermediate data values and to apply at least oneapplicationapplication--specific reduce operationspecific reduce operation to the intermediateto the intermediatedata values to provide output data.data values to provide output data.

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 30

Storing and Modifying DataStoring and Modifying Data

Syntax variesSyntax varies


Java ScriptJava Script


AsynchronousAsynchronous –– Inserts and updates do not waitInserts and updates do not waitfor confirmationfor confirmation


Optimistic ConcurrencyOptimistic Concurrency

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 31

Retrieving DataRetrieving Data

Syntax VariesSyntax Varies

No setNo set--based query languagebased query language

Procedural program languages such as Java, C, etc.Procedural program languages such as Java, C, etc.

Application specifies retrieval pathApplication specifies retrieval path

No query optimizerNo query optimizer

Quick answer is importantQuick answer is important

May not be a single “right” answerMay not be a single “right” answer

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 32

Open SourceOpen Source

Small upfront software costsSmall upfront software costs

Suitable for large scale distribution onSuitable for large scale distribution oncommodity hardwarecommodity hardware

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 33

NoSQLNoSQL SummarySummary

NoSQLNoSQL databases reject:databases reject:

Overhead of ACID transactionsOverhead of ACID transactions

“Complexity” of SQL“Complexity” of SQL

Burden of upBurden of up--front schema designfront schema design

Declarative query expressionDeclarative query expression

Yesterday’s technologyYesterday’s technology

Programmer responsible forProgrammer responsible for

StepStep--byby--step procedural languagestep procedural language

Navigating access pathNavigating access path

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 34


SQL DatabasesSQL Databases Predefined SchemaPredefined Schema

Standard definition and interface languageStandard definition and interface language

Tight consistencyTight consistency

Well defined semanticsWell defined semantics

NoSQLNoSQL DatabaseDatabase No predefined SchemaNo predefined Schema

PerPer--product definition and interface languageproduct definition and interface language

Getting an answer quickly is more important thanGetting an answer quickly is more important thangetting a correct answergetting a correct answer

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 35

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 36


13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 37

Web ReferencesWeb References ““NoSQLNoSQL ---- YourYour Ultimate Guide toUltimate Guide to the Nonthe Non -- RelationalRelational


““NoSQLNoSQL (RDBMS(RDBMS)”)”httphttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NoSQL://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NoSQL

PODC Keynote, July 19, 2000.PODC Keynote, July 19, 2000. Towards RobustTowards Robust.. Distributed SystemsDistributed Systems..Dr. Eric A.Dr. Eric A. BrewerBrewer. Professor, UC Berkeley. Co. Professor, UC Berkeley. Co--Founder & ChiefFounder & ChiefScientist,Scientist, InktomiInktomi ..www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~brewerbrewer/cs262b/cs262b--2004/PODC2004/PODC--keynote.pdfkeynote.pdf

“Brewer's CAP Theorem” posted by Julian Browne, January 11,“Brewer's CAP Theorem” posted by Julian Browne, January 11,2009.2009. http://www.julianbrowne.com/article/viewer/brewershttp://www.julianbrowne.com/article/viewer/brewers--capcap--theoremtheorem

“How to write a CV” Geek & Poke Cartoon“How to write a CV” Geek & Poke Cartoonhttp://geekandpoke.typepad.com/geekandpoke/2011/01/nosqlhttp://geekandpoke.typepad.com/geekandpoke/2011/01/nosql.html.html

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 38

Web ReferencesWeb References “Exploring“Exploring CouchDBCouchDB: A document: A document--oriented database for Weboriented database for Web

applications”, Joe Lennon, Software developer, Coreapplications”, Joe Lennon, Software developer, CoreInternational.International.http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/oshttp://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/os--couchdb/index.htmlcouchdb/index.html

“Graph Databases, NOSQL and Neo4j” Posted by Peter“Graph Databases, NOSQL and Neo4j” Posted by PeterNeubauerNeubauer on May 12, 2010on May 12, 2010 at:at:http://www.infoq.com/articles/graphhttp://www.infoq.com/articles/graph--nosqlnosql--neo4jneo4j

“Cassandra“Cassandra vsvs MongoDBMongoDB vsvs CouchDBCouchDB vsvs RedisRedis vsvs RiakRiak vsvsHBaseHBase comparison”,comparison”, KristófKristóf KovácsKovács..http://kkovacs.eu/cassandrahttp://kkovacs.eu/cassandra--vsvs--mongodbmongodb--vsvs--couchdbcouchdb--vsvs--redisredis

“Distinguishing Two Major Types of Column“Distinguishing Two Major Types of Column--Stores” Posted byStores” Posted byDanielDaniel AbadiAbadi onMarchonMarch 29, 201029, 2010http://dbmsmusings.blogspot.com/2010/03/distinguishinghttp://dbmsmusings.blogspot.com/2010/03/distinguishing--twotwo--majormajor--typestypes--of_29.htmlof_29.html

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 39

Web ReferencesWeb References

““MapReduceMapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters”,Clusters”,JeffreyJeffrey Dean and SanjayDean and Sanjay GhemawatGhemawat, December 2004., December 2004.http://http://labs.google.com/papers/mapreduce.htmllabs.google.com/papers/mapreduce.html

“Scalable SQL”, ACM Queue, Michael Rys, April 19, 2011“Scalable SQL”, ACM Queue, Michael Rys, April 19, 2011http://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=1971597http://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=1971597

“a practical guide to“a practical guide to noSQLnoSQL”, Posted by Denise Miura on March”, Posted by Denise Miura on March17, 2011 at17, 2011 at http://blogs.marklogic.com/2011/03/17/ahttp://blogs.marklogic.com/2011/03/17/a--practicalpractical--guideguide--toto--nosql/nosql/

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 40


““CouchDBCouchDB The Definitive GuideThe Definitive Guide”, J. Chris Anderson, Jan”, J. Chris Anderson, Jan LehnardtLehnardtand Noah Slater. O’Reilly Media Inc.,and Noah Slater. O’Reilly Media Inc., SebastopoolSebastopool, CA, USA., CA, USA.20102010

““HadoopHadoop The Definitive GuideThe Definitive Guide”, Tom White.”, Tom White. O’Reilly Media Inc.,O’Reilly Media Inc.,SebastopoolSebastopool, CA, USA., CA, USA. 20112011

““MongoDBMongoDB The Definitive GuideThe Definitive Guide”, Kristina”, Kristina ChodorowChodorow andandMichaelMichael DirolfDirolf.. O’Reilly Media Inc.,O’Reilly Media Inc., SebastopoolSebastopool, CA, USA., CA, USA.20102010

13 May 2011 Metadata Open Forum 41