a5350. congressional record - appendix report 1953.pdf · a5350. congressional record - appendix...

A5350. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - APPENDIX Jnc.: ague of Cathollc s tovontan Amer - tca ns : Mission aries of St.Charles for th e !tallan Immigra nts : National AllIancc of Czech Catholics; National Catholic Rura l Life Conference: Nationa l Con- ference of Cat holic cha rltlcs: National Council of Cath ollc Men; National Coun - cil of Catholic Women: New York Dio- cesan Resettl emen t Committee; Polish Jmmlgratlon Comm itte e: Slovak C. th o ollc Fed eratio n of Ameti ca : Uk ra InIan Catholic Committee: UkraInian Con- gress Comm itte e: nlted Friends of Needy and Dlsplaced People of Yu 0- slavla: unuce Lithuania n Relief Fund of America ; Uni ed Ukr ainian American Rellef Committee; White Ruthenian- By el orll S5 lan- Congress Committee: War Relief se n 'lces-Nati onal Cathol1c w crrnre Conference. There being no objection. th e resolu - tion was ordered to be printed in th e R EconD, as follows : T ho ne r nbcrs or th e Nation. I Ca th ollc Rc- nc tt lement Cou n cil a n d th e Am er tcun cor e- ml ttee on SpecIal Mig ra tion ta j ot n t, meet- In g unantmousty p ass ed the t ollo wln g resotu- li on: "Whereas the 63d Congress. ls t sesstcn, h as enacted }I . R. &:8 1 In re ponse to rec om - me nda tions made by President Eis enhower: "Whereas the en actment of thi s le gi s!. t l on ner ves the hi gh e st Inter es t of our beloved America while, at, th e same tim e, It will a- s \1lt SOIl)C of ou r mo t Im port ant a llies In h'lng p roblems created by t ymnn y, war, and It" aftermn th ; "Whereas the en ac tmen t or t h is legisla- tIon w as mad e poss Ible by the lIr m s u ppo rt and de te rm ined le ad e rs h ip of ce rt ain :.l em - b ers 01 Co n g ress : Th erero re. be It "R esolved, Th at the Nati on al en hollc Re- set lement Cou nell a nd tho Amerl cn n m- m ltteo 011 Special MigratIon, r epresen t in g M th ey do mllliona of America ns wn oee hop es nnd p ra ye rs beseec h peace wi th rr ced om lor n il rn nnkt nd, express theIr &TatcfUI app reCia - ti on to all t hos e who ass ist ed In br lngln " bout t he enac tIOOn t Of e mer ge nc y legisla- ti on: be It tUrther " Resolved , Th nt a copy of thi s resolu lOll be t ra nsmIt ted to those Members of Congre Who e ,ervlc es In t h is worthy clIUse were ou tst n ndl ng.., A Report 10 the Senate IDlers/ate Com- merce Committee OD the Need for In- vest igatioD of Cancer Organ- izations EXTENSION OF REM ARKS 0 >" HON . WILLIAM LANGER 0>" NoaTH IMKOTA IN TIl ES -ATE OF TIIE UNI TED STA TES Monday. August 3, 1953 1Ir. LANGER. Mr. President. Ire· q les perm lS5Joll to havc Inser ted In th e CONGRESSION Al, RE CORD under datc of August 3, 1953, the letter f rom Charlcs \V. Tobey, Jr.. son of the lato Senator Charles Tobey, together wi th h is en· closure. There beIng no objection. the le tter nnd enclosur e were ord ered 1.0 lJe Pl' luted in the R ECORD, as follows : CONC ORD, N. R. The Hon rabte W ILLIAM LANGER, Senate Of!l ce B llfld 1719, lVa .sh t ngt on . D. C. DE.'R S ENATOR LANGER: M v f th er had In - tended to put the cnciosed re :t In the CONGRESSIONAL !l Econ D b u t . d ue to hi s un- tImely denth. this w• trn posstblc, It would be &Teatl ;.· np prccta ed It j' OU would h. ve this report In sert ed In the co x- Ga ESSION,\ L RECORD Ap p e n d iX un der the sug- ges td helldln [; or ..... Report to t he se n at e Jnters ta 0 Comm erce Commi tt ee on the Need for of Cancer Reses r ch Organlzattona." Wi th persona l regards, I am. Sincere l, j·ou rs. CH ARLES W. T o o!:\". J r . Prom : BenedIct F. Fit" ernl d , J r .. spcctal cou ns el to the Comm i ttee on Inten tnle and Foreign Commerce. To: Hon. JOHN W. Balcl< >:R and men: bers of the I nter stat e nn d F oreign mrner ce Committ ee of the Uni ted St at es Sen at e. Subject : Pr ogr ess re port on st udy request ed by the la te Sena tor Charles W, To bey , ehal r mn n, Selllite IntNstate a nd Forel [;11 Comm erce Commit tee . l )ROJ ECT Th eu ndersigned, as s pecial counsel to th e Senate tnt erstnte and Foreign Co mmerc e Comm it tee. WI\S dire ct ed to aupe rvlse a st udy of the rollowlng: I. All those Indlvld\·nls. organtzattcns, rouncnuons, hospi tal sa nd eu nice. thr oug h- out the UnitedS ta tes, which n a ve an etrect u po n In terstate commer ce nnd wh ich n ave bee n cond uctlng researches, tn vcstt gatt ons, e xpertmc nts and demons tr ations relatln to t he cau se , prc vcntt on, nnd meth ods of d iag - nosis and r eatment of tho disease cancer, to de t ermine the Interstate ram l fi Ions of their op e ra ti on s, their dnancl al st ructu res, IncludIng tnerr fun d -rai sing m et h ods . and th amoun ts e xpe nded f or cUnl cal re earcn as dis ti nguished from admin istrative exp end - It u r es . a n d to as c ert ain the exrcn of th e therapeutlc value claimed by eacu In the use 01 Its p art. Ic ul n r therapy. 2. The fncts InvO\l'lng the discovery of, the 1m po r ts from a forelsn co untr)' of. the re - search es upo n. and the In to r st a te cx per l. men ts , demon strat Ions ,a nd u se of the . arl- OWl dr ugs. prepnra tl ons . an d remed Ies for th e treatment of the dI sease c ancer, su ch d rugs to In clude the so-called 'I\ 'onder dr ug kreblo- zen, gl oxylld e, m ucorhle ln, and oth ers . 3. The t ac ts th eInt er state co n - aplracy. If an y. engaged In b j' any In dl\ ' ld - uals, organIzati o ns, cor p oratl on s , associa- to ns . and, co m b In es 01 any kin d Wh a tsoever . . to hInder. su ppr ess, or restri ct t·h e tree now or trans m is si on 01 kr eb lo7.en. and mucorhlcJn. and ot her dru ga, prepnr at lons and remed ies. and Informatlon.· reaearches. Investlgatlons, experiments and demonst ra- tions rela ti ng to the ca us e. preven ti on and me th ods of dia gnosis and tr eatment of the disease cancer. 40 .T he facts hwolvlng th e operatl n of voluntary coopera tl ve prep aid medIcal pla ns and the orga n lz tlons sponsorIng said plans which nre en ga ge d In In ters t tlt e comm erce and wh ich Include In the ir {lro rams medical treatment for the d is e as e c. n cer , to d eter - mine the ex ten t of the ir Inters t ate Ins ur- ' nCe o perati ons. the Identl y of the ir orl I- n tors a nd sponsors, and the resist an ce. If an y. th at each Insurer h as experI e nced fr om a ,. y or 17.a tl ons. c orporl'.tl ons . ass oc ia t io ns, of co mb ines, In their aUempl.'l to off er protec I on to th ose who arc nnll cted with the disease can c er . 5. Tho tacts Im 'ol vl ng the Inequa lity of oppor tun ltj', If any. th at exis ts wi th regard to raeo. creed . or col or. In connection with the adml... lon f st ude nt.q. researchers. and patlen ts to Instltutlons throughout the Unl ted Statesc gaged In cancer thern pj. Aetivf!y report Pursuant to th e above. th e undersl commenced a coll ec\l on an d stud j' 01 gne d terrat coverrn g t he opera tlons or I OUndat l ma - hospitals. enn tcs. an d GO' ," ernmeDt - sp on ons , rgan lza tlo na spec u IIzlng In c ne e: I nclUd ing the tollowl ng : rna . Arnertcan Can cer Socle y. Am er l c n :'ledlcnl IIssocl tlon. An n e Jo'uller Fund . l>ew II nven , Co nn. D be Ruth Foundntlon. Black. Stevenson C ricer Foundation. Hat- ti esb urg. Miss . Bonds Fund , New York . Joh nllt han Bowman Fund , MadIson, Wls Crocker Cancer Resear ch Fu nd. New Damon Runyon Cancer Fund . . Ph tllp L, Dros nes and the Drosnes Lnzen . bey ono rc. Plt tsbur gb . Pa, Dr . F, M . Eug en e, Blll&! Clin ic, Long Vulley N. J. . Government o rgn n lzntlo ns : The Dep rt . m en t of He alth , Education, an d Welfare: ( ) lo ' ood and Dru g Administra ti on: (bl Fe d era l Tr ade Commi ssi o n . Dr . Gregory ClinI c. Pasndc na , Caut . Hon ey Cancer Clinic. 40 507 Gllston Avenue, Dallns. Tex. C. P. Hunting ton Fund. New York. t nternut tou : I Cance r Rctenr cl' unda. tl on , Philadelphia. Pn. John sHopki ns Hospital, Baltimore, , Id. Dr. Waldo Jo nes, Mj'rtle Beach. S. C. Dr. William F. Koch and R<:\'. S m S...·aln Clinic. also kn o wn as th e Ch r is ti an Med ical Resear ch League. Detroit, Mich.. . nd Br azil . S ou th America. Lakeland F ound ation. Chlcng . III . LIncoln Foundntl on .Medt o rd, Mass, Memorial Hosplnl. New York, Dr. K. F. Murph y arid Dr. Charle s Lyman ner c n n i c. 25 E as t Washington tr eet, Chi CAgO, III . New York Sk In and Cancer Hos It I, :few 'l:ork. R ad Ium I ns tltute of New Yo:k . Ru t her'I ord Fund . f<: cw Yo rk, Ch r les F. Spang Fountlatlon. P it ts burgh. Pa. nl,'erslty 01 Ch ic ago. ChIcago, III. nl\'crsltj' of IlIlnols' ChampaIg n. Ill. There Her, th e u nd ersigned tr. velcd to I 11I nois to In ve stlga te th e so-called kr eb lozen con n oversj·. and on JUlj ' 2. 1053. wr ot e 8 re- p or t on his findJngs whi ch Is attached hereto a nd m luk ed "Exh ibit A." In cluded In t h is report W !\.S tho ev lu atlo n: " Th e controvers y Is In vo lv ed and requires further rese arch and de velopment , There Is reM on to b ellevo that th e AloiA hns been h llStj' . capricIous. ar bitrary, and outrJght di shon es t. and of co u rs e If the doctr ine of 'respond eat sup eri or ' Is 10 be obse rved, tlle a lle ged mac hi nat ions of Dr. J. J. Moore (lor the 10 ye rs the reMurer of the A. 1,\ I could In\'ol"o , A, M ,\ Bnd o th ers In nn InlCrs t :> .te con spira cy ot al arming propo:- tlon•. "The principal wit ne ss es who tell of Dr . Moore's rlUeall ty nrc Alberto Ba rr el ra , Argen - tinecabi ne t member, nd h is ecrct nr " . An n . D. Sc hmi dt. " Therea fte r. the un d ersigned "lsited oth er areas. In t orr ogBUn g med ical men. a nd on Ju ly JoI. 19 53 . wrot e " fu rt her re port. In- cluded In this was the e\'a luat! o n: " Be i ng \'It nlly Interested nnd h l\\' ln l; tr Ied o li sten and observe closely. It Is my pro - found co nvi cti on that t his su bs t ance kre- blozen Is one of t he most promisIn g mate:lal' Is o lat ed f or the management of cancer. It Is bi ol og ic all y ae t h 'e. I ha\'e go ne cver the records of 530 ca ses ,m ost of them con - ducted at a dlstance fr om Chicago, b j' un ' bl llSed ca ncer a nd ellnlcs. In reach- In g ro v conc lusi ons I have of co ur se dis . c ounte'd mj ' o wn lay observ a tl ot15 a nd relied m os tl y o n th e opinio ns ot qualllled res enreh wor kers nnd rdlJ r; e xper ienced phj 'slcl ans ,

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Jn c.: ague of Cath ollc s tovontan Amer­tca ns : Miss ionaries of St . Ch ar les for the!ta lla n Immigrants : Nation al AllIan cc ofCzech Ca tholics; National Cat holicRu ra l Life Con ference: Nationa l Con ­fer ence of Cath olic cha rltlcs : Nat ion alCouncil of Cathollc Men ; Nationa l Coun­cil of Catholic Women : New York Dio­cesa n Resettlemen t Commit t ee; PolishJm m lgra tlon Comm ittee : Slova k C. th oollc Federation of Ameti ca : UkraInIanCatholic Comm ittee : UkraIn ia n Con­gress Committee : nlted F riends ofNeedy a nd Dlsplaced People of Y u 0 ­

slavla : u nuce Lithua nia n R elief Fundof America ; Uni ed Ukrain ian America nRellef Com mit tee ; Wh ite Ruth eni an ­By elorll S5lan- Congress Com mit tee :Wa r Relief sen 'lces-National Ca thol1cw crrnre Conference.

T here bein g no objectio n . the resolu ­ti on was ordered to be printed in theR EconD, as follows :

T ho ne rnbcrs or th e Na ti on . I Ca tho llc Rc ­nc ttlem e n t Coun cil a n d the Am er tcun c ore­m lttee on Sp ecIal Migrat ion t a j ot n t, m e et ­In g unantmousty p assed the t ollowln g reso tu ­lion :

" Wh ereas t h e 63d Con gress . lst s ess tcn ,h as enac te d }I. R. &:81 In re ponse to recom­m e ndati on s m ad e b y Pres id en t Eisenhower :

"Wh ereas t h e en act m en t o f this le gis!. t lonner ves t h e hi ghest Interes t of ou r b elov edAm er ica wh il e , at, the same time, It will a­s \1lt SOIl)C of our m o t Im portant a llies In

h ' ln g problems c re a ted by t ymnny, war ,a n d It" aftermnth ;

" Wh ereas the enac tment or t h is leg is la ­t Ion was made possIb le by t h e lIr m s u ppor tand de termined le ad ers h ip of ce rta in :.l em ­bers 01 Co n gress : Thererore. be It

"R esolved, That t h e Na ti onal en h oll c Re ­set lem en t Coun e ll a nd tho Amerlcn n m ­m ltteo 011 Speci al Migra t Ion, represen t in g Mthey do mllliona of Am eri cans wn oee h opesn n d p raye rs beseec h pe a ce w ith rrced om lo rn il rn nnktnd, ex pr ess t h e Ir &TatcfUI a p p reCia ­ti on to all t hose wh o assis t ed In brln g ln" bou t t he enac tIOOn t Of emergency leg is la ­ti on : be It tUrther

" Reso lved , Thnt a copy o f this r esol u lOllb e t ransmItted to t h os e Mem be rs of Co n greWh o e ,ervlc es In t h is wor t h y clI Use wer eoutstnndl n g..,

A Report 10 the Senate IDlers/ate Com­merce Committee OD the Need for In­vest igatioD of Cancer R ~sea.eh Organ­izations




M onda y. August 3, 1953

1Ir. LANGER. Mr. Presiden t. Ire·q les permlS5Joll to havc Inser ted In theCONGRESSIONAl, RECORD un der da tc ofAugus t 3, 1953, the let ter from Ch a rlcs\V. To bey, J r.. son of the la to SenatorCh arles Tobey, togeth er with h is en ·closure.

Th ere beIng no objection . th e letternn d enclosure were ord ered 1.0 lJe Pl'lutedin th e R ECORD, as follows :


Senat e Of!l ce B llfld 1719,lVa .sh tngton . D. C .

DE.'R SENATOR LANGER: Mv f ther had In ­t e n d ed to pu t t he cn ciosed re :t In theCONGRESSIONAL !l Econ D b u t . d ue to hi s u n ­t Im ely d ent h . th is w • trn posstb l c,

It wou ld be &Teatl ;.· npprccta ed I t j' OU

w oul d h. ve t h is repor t In serted In t h e cox ­Ga ESSION,\ L RECORD App en d iX und er the su g ­gest d h elld ln [; or ..... R epor t to t he sen ateJn t ers ta 0 Com m erce Co m m ittee on t h eNeed for I n ~es tlga t1on of Can c er Reses r chOrga n lza t tona ."

Wi th personal r egar ds, I a m .S in cerel, j·ou rs.

CH ARLES W. T oo!:\". J r .

Prom : Bened Ict F . F it " ernl d , J r .. spcc ta lcounsel t o t he Committee o n I n t en t nleand F ore ig n Com m er ce .

T o : Hon. J OHN W. Ba lcl<>:R a nd men:bers ofthe I nterstate nn d Fore ign mrnerceCommitte e of t h e Uni ted S t ates Se nate .

Su b ject : Pr ogr ess repor t o n s tudy requestedby the la te Se n a tor C h a r les W , To bey ,ehal rmnn, Selllite In t N s t a te and Fore l[;11Comm erce Com m it tee.


The u nder s ign ed, as speci a l co u n se l to theS en a t e tnter stnte and Fore ig n CommerceCom m it te e. WI\S directed t o aupervlse a stu dyof t h e ro llowln g :

I. All t h ose In d lvld \ · nls . or gan tzat tc ns ,rouncnuons, hospi tals a nd eu nice. through ­o u t t h e United Sta te s , wh ic h n ave a n etr ectu po n In ters t a te commerce nnd wh ich n avebeen conductlng resea rch es , tn vcs tt gattons,expertmcnts an d d em ons tra t ion s rela tl n tot he ca use, prc vcntton, nnd m et h ods of d iag ­n os is and r eatment of t h o di se ase cancer ,to de termine t h e In te rs t a t e ram l fi Ion s oft h eir op eration s, t h e ir d n a n clal str u ct u res,Inclu d Ing t n err fun d -rais in g m eth ods. andt h a m ou n ts expen d ed for cUnlcal r e earcnas d is tin gu is h ed from admin istrative exp end­It u r es . a n d to as certa in the exrcn of thet h er a peu tl c value cla im ed b y eacu In t h e us e01 Its part. Ic ul nr therapy.

2 . The fnc ts In vO\l'l n g t h e d isco very of, t h e1mpo r ts fr om a forel s n co untr)' of. the re ­search es upon . and t h e In to rsta te cx per l .m en ts, de m onstratIons , a nd u se o f t h e . ar l ­OWl dru gs . prep nratl ons. and remedIes for thet re a tm en t of the d Isease canc e r, such d rugsto In clude t h e so -ca ll ed 'I\'on d er drug kr eb lo ­ze n , gloxyllde, m ucorhle ln , and others.

3. The t ac ts In \'ol ~ lng the Inte rstate co n ­ap lr a cy. If an y. en ga ged In b j' any In dl\' ld ­u als , organIzations, corporatlon s , associ a ­to ns. and, co m b In es 0 1 a n y kind Wh a tsoever.

. to hInder. supp ress, or r estrict t·h e tree nowor trans m ission 01 kreblo7.en. glox~· lId e . a n dm u co r h lcJn . a n d o t her druga, pre p nratlon sa n d remed ies. a n d In fo r m a tl on . · reaear ch es.In ves t lga tl ons , experiments a n d dem on s t ra­t ion s relati n g to the ca use . preve n tion a n dmethods of diagnosis a n d trea t m en t of thed isease ca n cer.

40 . T he f acts hw olvln g the operatl n o fvolu n ta r y coop eratl ve prepaid medIc al p la nsa n d t h e organ lz tlon s sponsor In g said p la nswhich nre enga ge d In In ters t tlte com m ercea n d whic h In cl ud e In the ir {lro rams medicalt r eat m en t for t h e d iseas e c. n cer, t o d eter­mine the ex ten t of their Interst ate Insur­' n Ce operations. t h e Id en t l y of the ir orl I­n to rs a nd spo n so rs , a n d t h e res istance. Ifan y. t h at each In s u rer h as experI enced f roma ,. y Indl~lduals , or 17.a tlo ns . corporl'.tl ons.assoc ia t ions, of combines , In t h e ir aUempl.'lto offer pro tec Ion to those who arc nnll ctedwit h t h e di seas e cancer.

5 . T h o t a ct s Im 'ol vlng t h e In equ a lity ofopportunlt j' , If a n y. tha t e xis ts with reg a rdt o raeo. creed. or col or. In con n ecti on withthe ad m l... lon f stude n t.q. r ese a rch ers . a n dp a tl en ts to Ins t lt u tl ons t h rou gh ou t t h eUnl ted States c gaged In ca n cer thernp j .

Ae t ivf!y repor tP u rs u an t to the a bo ve. the u n dersl

co mm en ced a coll ec\lon and stud j' 01 gne dterra t co verrng t he operatlons or I OUn datlma­h os p i t als . enn tcs. and G O',"ernmeDt-sp on ons ,

r gan lza tlona specu IIz ln g In c ne e: probl~redInclUd in g th e to ll owlng : rna.

Arner tcan Cancer Soc le y.Am er lc n :' l ed lcnl IIss oc l t lon .An n e Jo'u ll er Fund. l>e w IInven , Conn.D be R u t h Fou n d nt lon .Bla ck . Stevenson C ricer Fou n da t ion. H at -

ti esb urg . Miss .Bonds Fund, New York .J oh nllthan Bowman Fund , Ma dIs on , WlsCr oc k er Ca n c er R es earch Fun d. New YO~kDa mon R u n yon Ca n cer Fund. .Ph tllp L, Dr os nes and t h e Dros n es Lnzen .

bey ono rc. Plt tsburgb. Pa,Dr . F, M . Eug ene, Bl ll&! Clin ic, Lon g Vull ey

N . J . .G o ver n m en t orgnn lzntlons : Th e Dep rt.

m en t of Health , Ed u ca t ion , and Welf a r e: ( )lo' ood an d Drug Ad m in is t r ation: (bl Fe d era lT rade Commi ssi o n .

Dr . G regory ClinIc. P asnd cna, Caut.Hon ey Cancer Cli n ic. 40507 G llst on Aven u e,

Da ll ns . T ex.C . P . H u n t in gton F u n d . New Yor k .t nternut tou : I Cance r Rct e nrcl' u n d a .

t lon , P h il a delp h ia . P n.Johns Hopkins Hosp it a l , Ba lt im ore, , Id.Dr . Wa ld o J o nes , Mj'r tl e Bea ch . S . C.Dr . W ill i am F . K och and R<:\'. S m S...·a ln

Cli n ic. a lso known as the Chr is tia n Med icalResearc h Lea gu e . Det roi t , Mich .. . nd Br azil .Sou th Am er ica .

La ke la n d Founda ti on . Ch lc ng . III.L Incoln Foundntlon. Medto rd, Mass,M em or ia l Hos p lnl . New Y or k ,Dr. K . F . Murph y ari d Dr. Charles Lym a nner c n n ic. 25 Eas t Was h ing to n tr eet ,

Ch iCAgO, III .New Yor k SkIn and Ca n ce r Hos It I , :f ew

'l:or k.R ad Ium I ns tl t u te of New Yo:k.Henr~' R u t her'Iord Fund. f<: cw York,C h r les F. Sp a n g Fo u n tl a t lon . P ittsb urgh.

Pa .n l, 'e rs lty 01 Chicago. Ch Ic ago, III.n l\'c rs lt j' of I lIl n o ls ' ChampaIgn. I ll .

T h er e H er , the u ndersi gn ed tr. velc d toI 11I n ois to In vestlgate the so-called kreb lozencon n o vers j·. and on J Ulj' 2. 1053. wrote 8 r e­por t on h is fin dJ n gs which Is a t ta ched h eretoand m luk ed "Exhib it A." I n clud ed In th isr ep or t W !\.S tho e v lu atlon :

" The controvers y Is In vo lv ed and req u ir esf ur th e r research and de velopment, T h ere IsreM on to b ellevo t h a t the AloiA hns b eenh llStj' . capricIous . arbitr a r y, a n d outrJghtd ishonest. and o f cou rs e If the doctrin e of'respondeat superior ' Is 10 b e obser ved, tl lea lle ged m ac hinations of Dr. J . J . Moore ( lort h e p~t 10 ye rs t h e reM u rer of t h e A. 1,\ I

c oul d In \'ol" o ~lle ,A, M ,\ Bnd o thers In nnIn lCrs t :>.te conspir acy ot al arming propo : ­t lo n • .

"Th e p ri n ci p a l witne ss es who t ell of Dr .Moore 's rlUeallt y nrc Alber to Barrelra, Argen ­t in e c a b ine t m e m ber , nd h is ecrctnr " . An n .D . Sc hmidt."

Therea fte r. t h e undersign ed " ls it ed othera reas . In t orrogBUn g med ical men. a nd onJuly JoI. 1953 . wrote " f u rt h er r epor t . In ­cl u ded In this was t h e e\'a luat!on:

" Be ing \' It nlly In te r es te d nnd hl\\' ln l; trIedo listen a n d observe close ly. It Is my pro­

fou n d co nviction th a t t his s u bst ance kre ­b lo ze n Is on e of t he most promisIng m a t e: lal '~' e Is o lated for t h e management of cancer.I t Is bi ol og ic all y ae t h 'e. I h a\'e go ne c vert h e re cor ds of 530 cases, m ost of t h em con­ducted at a d lstance fr om Chicago, b j' un 'bl llSed ca ncer eJq>er~ a nd ellnlcs . I n r ea ch ­In g ro v conclusions I h a ve of course dis .counte'd mj' own lay observatlot15 a nd reliedm os tl y o n the op in io ns ot q u a ll ll ed c~ncer

r esenreh workers nn d rdlJ r; exper ien cedphj'sl c lans,


"J h ave co nclu de d th nt In the va lu e ofpr ese nt ca n cer research, th is s ubs tance andt he t h eo ry be h Ind It deserve s t ho most f u ll

Ilin d complete and scientific s t u d y, I ta valueIn tbe m nn ag em cn t,of t he cance r pa ti en t h l\Sbeen dem ons trnte d In n surnclent n um ber

' no d percemage of eas es 10 dem an d f ur t her'work.

"B eh ind and over .,11 thIs Is th e weirdes tcon glom era t io n or corrupt m cttves , Intrigue ,

:soU1sh n ess , jeal ous)t , ob struct io n , and con­' sp lracy that I hnve ever seen .

"D r. An drew C. Ivy, who h as b een con ­d uc ll n res earch u pon t hi s dmg, Is abso ­IUt.ely bon es t In tellect ually, acle n Ul1ca lly ,'nn d In every otber way. Morco ver, he ap ­p ea rs to be a c e a ! t h e m ost competent andu n b ias ed ca nce r exp erts til. t I h ave evercom e In con t act wit h , ha Vin g served on t bo

nrd o r \ h o Arncrt cnn Cnn ccr SocIet y andt ho Am er ican Med ical Associat Ion , nnd Int hat c" pacl t y h avi ng been ca ll ed u pon too"a lu a t o various types o r can cer therap)' .

'Dr, Georg e O. Stoddar d , president or t h o.Unlverslty of Il lin ois , In nss ls tl ng In thecess at ion or Dr . Ivy'. resea rch on can cer a tt ho Un ivers ity or nu nors , an d In recom­m en d tn g .rh e a bo nshment. or t he Intter', pos tB vlcc p residen t of t ha t tnstt t u t ton , n es , Inm y opinion, shown attr ibu tes o r In to lerancefor scien tifi c research In gene ra l."

I t Is a matter or common knowledg th lltt il. entire su b ject m ntter Is hi ghly centro ­\'Crs la l a nd thus rurt h er and add ltlonnl re ­search and develop me nt would entail mor eti m e. A contro vers y a mon g renowned su r ­goons, pa t hologtats , ca n cerolog ts ts , and r adl ­o log ls ta should not de ter or silence t h lB com ­m it te e fr om carrym out the m anda t e con ­t em pla t ed and expressl y dIrected b)' the la t.och a irma n or you r commIttee, Senntor CharlesW. To~y, by virtue of tho resolu ti o n pasaedby the Senate.

:'<ow, pass ing on to an t h er Im tl tu tl on . Ih ave very carefully s tu die d t h e court .recordsor t h ree cas es tried III t he Feder al and Sta t<:lcou r ta or Da llas , Tex. A run ni n g figh t has·been golng o n be twee n onlclals. especlnlly Dr.Mor ris Flshbeln, o r tbe Am er ic an Med.lc IAsso cia t io n t hrou gh t he jou rnal or Ih nt or­ga n iza ti on , nd the Hoxaey Ca ncer Clin ic.Dr. Jo'l shboln con ten ded tha t the m ed icine sem p lo)'ed by t ho Hoxaey Cancer Cli ni c h ndDO therapeutic value; t h t It was run by aq uack and a charlatan. (This clin Ic Ism nn ned hy a stalf or over 30 employees , In­c lud in g n u rses and ph ysician s . ) Rep rin tsand cIrcu la ti on or several million cop Ies o rIIrl1cles f,() p repa red resulte d In li t igatIon .T h e Gove r nment tlleN!aH cr Interv ened anelEOught an In ju n cti o n to p re ven t t h e trans ­m iss ion In In terst a te co m me rce o f ce rtnl nm ed icines. It Is In teresti ng to n ote thnt Int b e t r ia l cou rt, herore J Ud ge At well , whohad an oppor t u n lt ,' to henr t he wltncsses Int wo dIffe ren t t r ial s. It was h eld that th e so ­c, lied Ho xs ey method or treat in g ca n ce r .....MIn orne rc.spe cts su pe r io r to tha t o r X- ray.ra d ium. a n d s u rger y a nd did h a ve t bera­peu t lc \·nlu o. T h e Cir cuit Cou r t o f Ap peals oft h e Fltth CIrc ui t decIded otherwl so. Th isdecis io n was hande d down during tho trl I ofa libel su it In t h e Dis trict Court o r Dall as ,T ex., b)' Hoxsey agaInst Morr is F1Bhbelll, ""hoII.d ml ttod t h a t he had ne,'er p racticed med i­c ine one dar In h lB lire lind h ad n ever hadp rl\'ate pa tien t , v, b lch re sul te d In a verd ictror Hoxsey and against Morr is Fishbein , Thoderense ndm lt te d t h at Boxae,' co uld cure eX­ternnl enncer hu t co n tcn ded t h llt his med i­cines ror In :., rna l cancer ha d n o t he rapeu t Ic,·a lu e. The jur )-. a rt e r 11s ten ln to lend Inpa th ol og is ts , ra d Iol ogis ts , p hysi cians, su r ­geo ns, an d sco res or wI ne sses . a great num­ber o r whom hnd neyer been treated b y an yphyslcl II c r surgeon excep t t h e tn a t men treceh 'ed a t t b e 8 0l<se,' Cancer Cli n ic . con­cl u d ed th t Dr , F1sh~ln 110' s wron g: th at hipUblished statements were ral se , and thntthe n oxaey methOd o r Irent ln g ca ncer di dhave thera pe u ti c "a lue,

In t h Is li ti ga t Ion the o c ver n m ee t of tn eUn it ed St a te s , I\S wellns Dr . 1"Lsbbe ln , b rough tto the cou r t the lend ing m edicat scton t ts ts ,Inc ludi ng pa th ologis ts nd o th ers sk ill ed Inthe treatmen t or cancer. They came fromall pnr or t he cou ntry, It Is s lgn lficnn t 10no te t h nt n gr ea t n u m her of t hese d oc t orsadmi tted tha t X-TIl)' therapy co ul d causacan cer . This view Is supporte d by m edI ca lpublica ti ons, In clUding tho m ngnzlne en­Utled "Cnn eer ," published by t ha Am or lcanCancer Soc iety, May tssue or 1948.

I am h erewi t h tnc tudtng t h e n am es an dad d ress es or so m e or the witnesses wn o testt­ned In th e S tnte and Federal cou r t . It hasbeen det erm in ed by pllthol ogy , In (\ grentmBn y Ins t a nc es by labora tories Wh oll y d is ­co n nec ted rro m t b o Hoxsey Cancer Cli n ic,t ba t tb ey ",ere su ffer ing fro m d lffc ren t ty pesor ca n cer , bo t h m ternal nnd exre rna t, an dfoll OWin g tre a t m en t they tcs ll fl.ed tbey_werecured .

Nam e, add ress, and ! lIP.J. A. J oh nson. Ra ng Jr. Tcx., sq ua mo us cell

No. 2.Mrs. R. J . R lck m nn, 122G Enst Alle n Str eet ,

Fo r t Wor th , rnc tnn oca rctn em n.Ro ber t Tha n e. Avoc a , Tex., m yxol tposnr ­

com a.{I'll. H. H. J oh n son. Den ton , Tex ., adena­

caretnoma.Mrs. Elmer Smith , Well ingto n , Tex.. rnn n g­

nnn t melan rna.Mild red I".ager , 2101 srovan Street . Da ll as,

Tex.. m ela no m a.A. Q . Burgess , 2oll6 Wym an n Stree t . Da ll as ,

-n, x .. blUlal cell cnr clnoma.Ira Pos to n , 6322 Vict or Street , Da tlaa , Tcx..

basa l ce ll carctnomn.W. E. Harmon , Grapevin e, Tex " prick le ce ll

carc inoma .Ml'1l. J . A. Rob b, Weat b erford . Tex., blUml

cell carcin oma .Mrs . Lessl e Hes le r , LUb bOck, Tex.• a deno­

car cIn om a of u t er us .

D.~~~I~kl~· c~;r=~::~i~~ersVllle, T er, R. F.

Mrs . Lor n Barn et t , Penlel, TOX.. adeDocar­clnom n o( utenls.

T . E. Truman, Waco, Te x., epId er m oi d cnr­cln oma .

Fritz Trojan. Waco, Tex., sq uamou s celltype.

Mr. C. W. Malon e, Brown wood , T ex., bas Ice ll type.

Val Seurer. Hi n to n , Okln.. ma llg n an l car ­c inoma.

Jo Parelll, spor to to r lum , Dall , T ex., m n­IIgn ant carclnomn.

Mrs . R . M. HoUm nn, Car e J . B. Bair d Co.,Sh reveport. La .. spi ndle cell carclnomn.

Tom COnt es , Mer kel , Tex. , h nsal cell car -ci noma . -

J . L. ~nrro, Merkel , Tex ., maUgDl.lllt enr ­c lnoma .

Mrs. J. D. DoUgl ,Fort Wor t h, T ex ., du ct ­ce ll ca rc inoma .

Mrs. R . S. 'Turner, squamou s cell c.-lTcl­c om a, gra de 3 .

MI'll. C. E. :.1a ll ory , Equ nm ous cell cnr­clnom :l.

Mrs . Berma n Thom as, 5222 Mer rlm eS treet . D li as, Tex.. mel nnocarcln om a .

Clltton B. smith . 5637 Hira m Stre et . For tWor th , Tex.. ma ll nlln t · cl\rcl nom .

Rey. Hor nee W. Irw in , Wcst WarwIck , R . I. ,m align an t ca rcIn om a . .

I h n\'e h ad nccess to literature by leadingscientIsts In t he field of me dicIne. The a t ­t en ti on or t h e commltt.ee Is InvI ted to t h eh ear in gs h eld during t h e 79th Congress, InJ u l)' 1946; Sena te hlll 1875 being u n der co n ­s lderntl on , wh erein It appe llrs, as ro llows :

"Dr. George Miley WAI born In Ch Icago .1907, gradunted tram Cblcago La t in Schoo l ,1923. gra d u at ed wit h b neh elor o r arts rromYnl" Un l\'ers lt ,· In 1927, rrom Nor t h wes ternMed lenl SChoo"I, 193:l . In tern ed. n t ChicagoMem or lnl Hos pital In 193:l and 1933, Uni ­vers ity or Vien n a P ost grad u a t e MedicalSChoo l, 1933. 1934, t o llowln g wh lcb be vl.6lt ed

the h sp ltBls In In d ia , Ch in a nnd J apa.n .H e Is a rell ow of t h e Am er ica n Assoctauo rrt or t il. Ad vnn eem en t or SCience. He holdsDo natlonn l board certi fica te a n d s ince 194 5h o bas been medic I direc to r or t he G thamJI pu a ), Now York.

" Re po r t of Dr. Miley of a sur v ey m ade b yDr. S tn n ley Relm lln n (In charge or t umor re ­search an d pnlbology , G ot h am H osp ital) be­roro Sena tor P ep per 's committee on Sen a t eb Ui 1875, a bill to nuthorlze ex pen dit u re o r$100 mUl la n In ca ncer research.

"D r. Re lmnn n 's repo rt o n cancer casca InP ennsylvant a ove r a lo ng periOd or tl m oshowed t h a t t hose who rece ived n o t rellt­m ent liv ed a lon ger period th n u t h ose t h n tr eceived surgery , radiu m . or X -r ay, The ex ­cep t ions were thOllo pa ti en ts w ho h d r e ­cetved electrosu rgery. T h o esurvev atso" h awed t h nt followIng the Us o r radIUm an dX -ray much more b nrm t h nn go od wns do n oto t hc av erage cancer p a ti en t .

"Dr. Wl lll nm SeamBn Bnlnbrldge. A. M.,Sc. D.. M. D.. C. M., 1". I . O. S . (h onorary) .W lU tbe rec ip Ien t or s ix h onorar y d egr ee'rr om var tous Ins ti tu t ions, t he m ost recen tbe in g t h e degr ee or d oc tor honor I s cause rr c mt h e University or San Marcos, P eru. He h lU,lb oen su rgeon at t he New York Skin an d Cnn ­c r Hosp it a l , eurgrcnt dI recto r of New YorkCit y Children's Ho pl tal, a nd or ~Innh .. t t nnState Ho. p lt nl, Ward 's lsi n d , a.ad ccneut t .-.In g surgeon nnd In'necologl. t to v erious hos ­p i tals In the New York m etro poli t a n ands u bu rban are lUI .

" \Vhlle there ar e som e wh o s U Il beli eve Int h e emency or r ad iat ion as a cu r ,my skepti ­c ism with re gard to Its va lu e 111 betng In ­creas in gly sUbstnnUate d. Bu t e ven wit h tho

s t tecn m e or todny, Its curat I ve elrect Inrenl cancer Is q uestlonnble . In 1939 t h ogreat British p hy si ologis t. S ir Leon ar d Bill ,WI' Ie : 'La rgo dOs~ (of g mmn a nd b ardX - m ys ) prOduce d C05t ru c t lon oC n ol'lll I tI .. ­su es ouc h as m arrow and lymph oid ti ssue,leu co cyt ... nn d ep lt ho llal lin in gs , and d ent hen su es. • , • The nation " 'ould , I t hink, boIIttlc the worse a ll Ir all the radIUm In th eco un try n ow hurled ror sec u r it y t ra m bOmb­In g In de ep b oles, rem aIns t h ere in :

" A n eoplasm should n O\'er be In cis ed rord iagn osti c p urpo ses, ror one Cl,\n n ot tell atWAnt sp lit momen t t h e ca uce r c e Us m a y bed issem inat ed and the patient d o om.: d. As ­p lratlng the neoplnsm to drnw o u t h e cellab )' l uc tlon . This, 100 . Is a ver,' q uestlonabloprocedu re , for wh at or t be cnn cor ce lls til tm ny be present be low t be punct ure poIn t;an d aroun d t he ne edle whI ch ha "e heen se tfree? I t m ust be reallud thnt w h ile ca ncere lln not b e transpl an ted from man to m n, ItCllD be t r ansplanted III t he slim e host : '

"Ther e I. a repor t fr om !lDoth er so u rcoIn wh ich Dr. F'oln b ll\t t , ror 6 yenrs p at h ologis to r Ih e Mem o r ia l Hosp it a l. New Yo rk , repo r tedt h a t the Memori a l BOllplt al had o riginallyclven X -r n)' and radium trea tment beror ea n d nlter rndlca l ope rations for b reast m n­ll gn nn cy, These patients did n o t long s ur ­vive. so X-m y nnd rad ium were Iven nfte rsu rgery o n ly. These p tlen ts lived a b rle ttime only, and nr te r omitting ,,11 r ndl ntl onpatlenta li ved t be longest of a ll .HOOCI'O \I/AK N EO TO DE W AIt Y IN USE 0 x · r....\ T S


" (Dy Howard W. Blakeslee, A!s oclnted P re""scIence edl o r )

" Nl:w YOIIK, J uly 6. 1948 .- X-rn,·s nnd g m ­m R ra)'s cnn cause bone cancer Is wl\ rnln gIssued In Cnncer, n ne w medical journnls t nrlC d by t he Am er Ica n Can cer Soclet",Th e bone cnncer war n in g, covering m or e than20 pnge s , Is by Drs . Wil liam G . G Rh n , HelenQ . Wood wnrd . Norm an L. Itl ggln bo t h nm , FredW, St ewa rd , nn d Bra d ley I . I y, all oC NewYo rk CIty.

"On o or the most dan gerous t h In gs aboutIh ls k ind o! bono cancer, t h e r eport s tes ,Is the very lon g d ela )' betwee n t h e u sc oCt h o rays and the ap pearan ce o( t h e CRncer ,

A5352 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - APPENDIXTbe deltly time In th e 11 case ra n ged rro m6 to 22 years. .

"Dr, Hermnn J oseph Mulle r . Nobel Prizewm ne r, " world-r enowne d sctcn t ts t , n nastated the medical prof essi on Is I' erm nn en tl ydam agtng the Amer rcan IH e s t re nm throug ht h e unwise use of X -rnys, Tb ere Is a dosageo f X -ray so low ns to be wlt bou t rtsk atp roducin g narmtu t mu t tl ons ."

The a tton t lon of t b e commt teo Is In ­v it ed to t he request m a de by Senator Elm erT h om:u; followIng an In\'es t lg uo n m od e byt h e Senntor of t h e Hoxsey Ca ncer Cli n icu n der d to of Feb ru ary 25, 19,,7, nn d ad ­d resse d to t h e Surg eo n General , bll cH ea lt h Depar tm en t , w astu ngto n , D , C"wh ere in he sougb t to en lis t th e s upport ort h e Federa l Oo vernm cn t. to m ke nn tn ves t l­ga t lon and r eport . No such Invcs t tgat tonwas m ade , In f ct, every error t wns made

a \'old an d ev do the In\'estlgntlo n b>' thoS ur geon Geneml 's office. T he reco rd wlUreveal tb t th ts clinic dId ru rnrsh 62 com ­p le te cnse histor Ies , Inc ludIng p a th ology,n nrn es of h ospitals , ph yslctana, etc .. In 1(145.Agnln , In J u n e 1950, 77 case histor ies, whIchIn clu ded the n ames of t he patients, pa t h o­l og l c.~ l reports In many rn stan ces, and Int h e absence thereof, the nam es of t h e pu tno l-gists, hospttals , and physicIans wh o h ad

trea te d these patients be(o,e beln t rea t eda t th e 1I0x.ey Call cer ClJn lc. The Cou ncllof Na ti ona l C n Ccr Inst ItUte, wi th ou t In,'es tl ­ga t lon, J.n Oc tober 19:;0, r cl uscd t o order nnIn \·C5t lga tl on . The record In th F ed eralcour t d isc los es tba t thIs agency of t he Fed­c, I Governmc n t k sldcs "an d. sough t Inc n 'T)' wni' to h lndcr, suppress, a n d ftstrlctt h ts In stitution In t h e ir t rea t ment a t cancer ,(See testlmon )' ot Dr . O llcln Mendors, p p.1125-1139, transcript ot record , C, se No,13645, U. S, C, A.)

Amon th e n umcrous fou o d ntl on s , ndcli n ic. wh leb rot ess to possess II r em cd)' forthe re ntment of ca n cer Is the LInCOln Fou n ­d ation of Medford, Mnss .. wh Ich hn. beent h e partlcu lar target ot t he .~:'l :\ . I ha\'e n othnd IU1 opportunIty to sufficiently exp lo rethe p. rtlcu.lnr t)'pe ot therapy emp lo )'ed byt h l.! In ti t utlo n. Uowever , I understand ItInvo l\'C!I un ique theo ry of In h nlen t t hera pyn d t h e t ransmIss ion or bnctc r la -ph age, In

p as sIng It Is Im porta n t to note th t t h bt echn iq u e was t b e subject of p r t lcullU'ln te re" t to t h e la t e chalrm~n wh o wns atrustee of the LIn coln Fo un da ti on followlna successf u l t rea t m en t of h Is so n , harl cs,V. Tobey, Jr. Th is remed >' h ns b eon triedb )' h und,eds of I' Uents nnd It I. a lleged tha tthese trentments h n\' e been pro\'en beneficIal .

Ano t h er Ins titu tion wh Ich claims to ha\'em ade .ome progress In t h e t reatment of can­cer Is the DrosDos-LlI"en b e\' Cance r Clin ic , ofl ' lt ts bu rgh , Po.. The rep orts wo u ld In d ica tethnt t h Is Ins ti t u ti on Is IIkew)s e en ti tl ed toa hearing oefore this cummlttee. Tol e !::e:'.":rt oll of life being taken by cancer req Uires nsearching In ves tigation. The method s em ­p loyed , us I unde rstand It , Is a s ubs tanc ek n own IlS Mucorh lcln , wh ich I.! reported to beof thuapeutlc " lue.

Under the fou r th lUlSlgn m ent con cern lnvolu ntaT)' cooperatl \'e prepaid med lenl plansnn d an y r es is ta nce cn cou n te red (r om org an ­Iza ti ons , I\Ssoclllt lons , or combin es , I Is amatte r of publi c record In th e F edernl a l dS tate court t h nt medical assoclatlons hn vep u t u p " road block wh enc \'er or wh ere \'c rt h Is Is attempted.

The CommIttee on abo r and P u bli c Wei­f nr e, t h~ough Its Subcommittee all 1Icr..lth ..ubmltted the reSUlts at n study of h ea lt hIns u r an ce plans In the UnIted S t a tes, In nr ep ort Issued In May 1951, 62d Con gress .Th is was nccompJlshed unde r t he d ir ec ti ono( Dr . Dean H , Cla rk. oow the dI re tor or th e.IIIass ach u se t ts Gen era l Hospital. TIlts ap ­pcars to be tho firs t objcctl \ '0. and Itn pnr tl a lstud)' or the scope, benefits, nnd ellectl\'e ­!Jess of volu n t rj' h eal t h Insu ra n ce pl ans.It shows tha t one-half of the popula tion att ha t time had : ome form o r p r otectloll

a , Ins t tho cost or h osp it al care, but only3 mJlllon h a d "..I t can be c Hcd com pro­n cns tve pr ot ecti on nga tnst, the cos t of h as­p lt nl and rn cd tcnt care. S pe cIfi cally wit hr efer en ce to can cer. Jt wou ld appenr thnt n no p portu n ity wo uld be aff ord ed members att h is sor t at n h eal th pr ogra m to period icch eck ups t o de te rmine wh ether the)' h adca ncer . TIl ls su bject was d iscussed a t len gthbe tw een Ken n et h MeIk lejoh n , s talf d ir ect o ro r t he SUbcommittee on Henlth , nnd Sena torT obe)', 2 yea rs ago. Correspon dcnce be tweenthe two 18 a va tla b le . The repor ,of course,a re nvatlnble to t he m embers of t h is com­m ittee.

From a strictl y Ie al as we ll M et h len l np ­preach, If one Ind ivid u a l h ns t h e r ight tos elec t hI s o wn phystcta n or nospltn l, wbycannot 10,000 Ind h' ld u a ls and thclr rum m esd etermIn e th t t h ey In tend t inves t. di rectly,or Ind lrec tl )', In the construc tion and m ntu­tenancc of a h ospital, '1011'1 0)' a s t 1I of co m ­petent pb yst ciana, surgeons, rech u tcra ns,laboratory expe r ts , nurses , Inte r ns , e t ecto r. ,to look aI te r tb elr hea l t h problems? TIl l"Is not so -call ed eoc tnnzed m edtcinc. It tspur ely \,o lu n t nr >' , Her e, as else wh ere stiltedIn h ls repo rt, the Ju ri sdiction of the corn ­murcc rna >' b llrn ltl'd , a may properlybelong to h e S tcs and theIr legi sla t o rsand cou rts to de termIne thl. probl em. 'How ­ev cr, t h e gen eral welflU'e clause of the Co n­s ti t u tion m a)' bo t he answer , U the com­mlt te ee shmlld de termine t ha t It h Ju r 19­di ction, I n m of t h e opIn ion th nt competen tIOGal e \'ldence cnn be pres en t ed which "'111a id a nd llSSlst t ho com ml t t ee In It s fin a lJUd gm en t.

Wit h re fe renoo to t he fift h nss lgn mcn t , ,' oua re IId\'lsed that time d Id n ot permi t m e toascertaIn t he n umber of studen or theIncre,,"e t h ereof In t h e " nr lous m ed ic a lscbools thr ou h ou t the co u n try. It h ns be ellsuggeste d thM a st Ud ied elIor! h as beenm nd e by cer tll ln grou ps to kecp the n llm bero f s t u de nts en roll ing In m ed lcnl sc h ools a ta low tl ure. r do n o t asser t t h Is to be t hefact nn d I d ou bt If the committ ee · wo u ldha\'e Ju r isd Icti on to go Io t a t h at question,This wou ld properl>' belo11g to the S t tos ,It t h Is Is a fact , t h en Ule various S tste le g l _Intures o( the cou n try should , of co u rse, t s kene cess a ry step., cons is tent Wltll t he pu bli cwelf nre , to see t h at ev er)' opportun lt )' Isgiv en to Im y bo y or gIr l who po""eSses thenecessnr)' quali fica ti ons to be permItted to"en t er medical ac hoo l. , If, on the oth erh and , lh ls m m lt tee ball e\' es Ih a t It h asJu risdi ction unde r the general welfare clauseof th e Consti tution to go (orw rd , then cer-

nly It would be n proper n d t im ely mntterof In quIry. I n any e\' ent, you do b a \'o Jur la­dJct lon and shou ld completo t he In \' os tl gn­t lon In sofar I\S cancer Is concerned by thoseen gnged In the rescnrch field .

• ca re fu l 5 lid ;; of the subject m at te r em ­b raced In tbe d irec ti on of t h e lat ch Irma nw lJl d lael t h e tr em en d ou s .Impor tan ce ofl h e Inv es tlg nt lon u n der t aken nnd t h e c on ­s ideration o( t he res ll its by th e m em ber s Oftb lll commIttee .

We h \', lon g sInce passed the age o f w it chh u n ti n g, We ar e, notwIthstanding, 1l" ln g Ina n er a or hyster ln. In ves Uga t lon seems t o bet h e order of the da y. Crude t h luklng r esultsIn b )'s ter lcal action , Perhaps the co n verseIs true, Tho beginn in g of hysteria Is t h oend of sou nd thinkIng. P roceeding , there ­(ore, to the en d resul t sought b>' II , We r ec ­ogn ize t ho ,' aill e of our goal In str iving forso und , " Igorou a, and bellI t hr ill Na tl on a tJlllnlmum cost... Mon ey, b owe\'er, la\,l sh lyspe nt to stnmp o u t n dreadful scou rg e Isou nd pu bli c econom v.

I ha\'e np proacbed' Ulls problem wit h n nop en m ind. Recog nIZin g th e Im po r t a ne e ofm en skilled In t he sc ien ce o( med lclne , whonre be st Intorm ed , U n ot quallfied , on t heq u estl on of cnncer, Its cnuses and treat men ,I dIrect ed my atten ti o n t o the pr opaga nl1nb)' the Amer ica n Med len l Assoclntlon a ml th eAmerican Cancer SocI ety to til e elIect,

n am ely , "til t rad iu m; :': -ra y theraI'''surge r j- are t he on ly r ccogn lzed t reai' nOdfur cancer." en

Is there an>' di spute among recoe Imedlcat se ton usts In Am er Ica an d elseg~h7-e <lIn the world on t h e use of radIu m nnd ~_:r ,t herapy In t h e t re, t ment of cancer? 1an swer Is d cfinltely "Yes ," There I. ~ ~si a n of opln on on t h e use Of rad IUm <1lvl_X - rny, Bo t h ag enc les are destruc 1\ '0 /In ticcnatruc t.tvo, In the alleged d estructl';' nn~;t b e abnor mnl, ou t taw, or cancer cells b h:l'~ -rny t h erapy and ra di u m destroy nr>r~tti ssue and normal c ns, Recognized medl nIn u thorl t les In Amerl c and elseWhere ~"Iposi ti vely thn t X - ra y therapy can cnuse ~ tecer In and of Its elf , Docu men ted cases an ,a v l1able, arc

The I ncrer sed n umbor of cnncer pa t lenIn Am er rca or nil nges and the nppnren t f II_ure t o presen t ty cope wI t h t his drea d d lseIn d ica tes t h neccssr ty of a s ustal nod c lIortof p r tvn tc and Fed eral a gen cie s to con tlnuer esearch III t he Ileld of c. ncer , Its c nusnn d t ren m ene, es

It rad Iu m , X -rar, o r surgery or elt er Ofthem Is t he complete answer, t hen the g reat_es t boax of ttl e age Is be Ing perpetra ted UPOIlt h e people by t he con t inued appeal for .fu ndstor fur h r esearch , If n e ither X -I . j '

rad ium , or surgery Is Ih e complete anawe;to lhJs drend ed d Isease, nnd I submit th tIt Is not , then wbat Is the p laI n d u t y ofsocie ty ? ShOUld we s tand st lll? ShOU ld wes It Idl >' br and count t he n u m ber of p h)' 1­clnns, surgeons, nn d ea ncerologts t s ""ho are!Jot on ly dl \' lde d but wh o, because o r fe:u­o r fa \,or, nre.. forced to li ne u p wl t b . the so ­cnlled nceepted vIew of U IS Am erica n H e dlca lAsso cln tl o n . or shOUld this commIttee m nk ea l u ll -sc Ie Im'estlg, tl on of t h e orgnntzedell or t t o hi n der, suppr ess, nnd rest r Ic t t hof ree flow of d ru gs whi Ch. a llegcd l>' h a \'e p rovens uccess fUl In cllSe. wb ero . clini ca l r e co rds,CllS O hi s tory, p:.tholog lca.1 r epor ,and X-r nyph o tograp h Ic proof, together with t he n.Jlegedcu red patIen ts, a re \'nlla ble?

Accord Ingly , we ohould deteno loe whet herexia tl n g agencIes, bo t h public and pl'J" a te,nro en gaged nn d h a \' 0 pursued n pOli cy ofh a rass m en t, r Id iCUle, .lander , and II bel6usMt acks on ot h ers s lncerel;' en ga gcd In B mp­Ing ou t t h is curse of 01 nk h ld , H s \'c medI ­ca l associ tl o n.s, tl irough thel t officcrs, a geo ts ,s ervants and em pl o;'ees engaged In th Is prne­l ice ? 1>Ir In \'es t lga tlon to d nt e shou ld con­" In ce t h is committee t h nt a consp iracy doc seXist to stop t he frec fiow nd usc of drugs

. In II te rs ta te commerce which alleged Iy h ..lid t he rapeutic \'a lu e. Publi c a nd prl\' te

funds have be en thrown arou nd li ke can­f ettl at a country f8l r to clos e u p and d estroyell nl Cll, h osplt.'ll•. nnd sci enti fic rcsenrc h lab ­ora to r Ies which d o not confo rnl t o Ih e \' Iew­

"poIn t o f m edIca l assoclnllons .How long will the American peop l e ak e

this? To JIIu::trnte the s '.raoc1t'h"'ld Cf theAmerIcan lIled lcnl AssocI t lo n on legl s la tl onwhich In turn nlI ecta e\ 'er y h ou seh o ld IIIAm er ica , le t US loo k at "mall 25-cen t tubeof penicill In ointment. I s It dangerous toha\'e around t ho h'ouse f r n cut or smallb ru ise o n ;'o u r body ? R t pols on can bebou gh t wi t hou t doctor's prescri pt Ion .Arsen ic ca ll be bo ugh t wit h ou t a d o c to r 'sprescrIp ti on . TIl e sa le o r arsen Ic nnd ratpoIsons Is smllll b ut n ot penicil li n . A cco rd ­In l(l)', we must have a doctor 's prescriptionIn AmerlCfl t o b u >' a 25-ccn t t ube f oint ­m ent. I n Can a da, h owe,'c r, t h e medicalassoclntlon h ns not ,'et dlsco \'ered tho gren td an ger of a Bmnll tu be or pen ic il li n ol ntmcntand, nccordlngl >' , t h e peoplo are ablc to burIt with ou t p, >1ng, doctor for a p res c l·l p t lon .To 63;' t h t It 1 dangerous , Is sill )' . Toassert , rnthcr , thnt It Is bu t another m nn l­fes t atlon of pow er a nd prl\'lIer,e o f n t ew ntthe expense of t he 01 n >' WOUld be more con­sisten t with tru h a nd ,,'h oll}' accurate.

What Is the d ut\' of t h is com mit t e nndt h e members thereof? You r nrst d u ty , o!course , Is t o d o righ t , Proper ly cons Idered ,t hat Is you r only du ty. In d 010R r igh t , hOW-

CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - APPENDIX A5353e ver. you owe a duty to t he AmerIca n people.I n upholding t he I w an d en nct tn g legls ­

'Iatlon for t he people at Amerlcn, we loo kfil1lt to t h o Imtr u men t at our c rea t Ion lUI

n repr esen t m tve form at government. Tho~

p owers not specIfically nterred upon thoF'ed er nl o over n eocne nn d denIed to the Statesare r r ved either to t he States or to thepeople. Thus. the fou ndI n g t a t h ers very"'Isely c reated an area of freedom In wntc n .t reemen shall runcu on. I t Is III t h Is areaset as tde b)' the ta t h ers at ur Repuhll c thatp eo ple have the r Ight to ow n pro per ty . tr ns ­act bustness , build u p a syst em at t ree en ter ­p r ise wi t h out h ind r an ce. b ar assm en t . o rabu,., at ei t h er t he Gover nm en t . St:lte orF'ed cr31. or of o ther clttzeris, however po w ­erful, 00 long as t h e people so engaged d o

. not trespass u po n the rights of others. This15 the baste con ce pt of liberty functlonlngIn Am er len . It m ay be sa td to b. a rese r ­voir at f reed om . In t his are .., ha ve m ln ­~ Ied our m oney and blood wIt h tbe races o fm nklnd . We na ve demons trated ou r nb ll ­lt y to li ve t oge he r peacet u lly and h app ll ly.It ho u gh we repr esen t m os t at t he races,

mos t at t h e color s , a nd most or the creeds.ThlJJ was an In no vntl on a nd a new expert ­men t to the peop les of the Old Wor ld . Ou tat lid t ram th Is area bas sprung t he nobles tdrea ms and sain tliest purposes of m anlctDd­pu r poses so strong and vital that It has bc ­co me t h e envy an d admtrn t ror, o f a waIt in gwor ld. Peop le loo k longingly to the shoresor America and desire make th is t he Irasylum of esc ape nnd h op e tor t h o fu t u r e .I t Is more than a drenm . It Is a reality.While ....e nnve no t sot ved III I t h e problemsor mankind. we n av e at leMt provtdcd a sanc­t u ar y and t he Inst r u men ts a t government ,It properly guarded Ilgnlnst t he abuse ofse HLoh men and organlZlltlons who wouldbe nd It to suit t h eIr pu rposes, whIc h couldII\'e or ce n t u ries to come. tn thIs eonnee­li on tbls committee shaul l! tn ves n gne the8d','ert ls lng ag ency wh lcb controls IlII ndver ­II sln g In th e J ou rn I at the Am er ica n Med l­cn l ocran cn . as well ns the va r Ious StM aJo ur na ls . Wh y Is the stamp at ap prova l.by t he ao -called n u trit ion experts lin d t he Irco u ncil o n t ds, pillced on certain food s t uff s.de n Ied t others, and others condemnedwit h ou t a reas onable Investigation? Is there

ny relatlolUlblp bet ween approvat by t h es eex perts and t h e operation of the advertisingagency In the omces of tbe Am erica n Med icalAss ocIa ti on ?

May I. wl th prop r iety , ca ll your nt tcnttonto UI C t r aged y whi ch has Invad ed the UnitedStat es enate. Four grent Am er icans . sll att h em--5ena to r McM aho n , Senator Wherry ,Se na t or Vnnden berg, nnd Sena tor Bob T n1t.-­wer e ni l stricke n d own wIth t hi s dreadeddlsc lUlc . We ar c u nd er a compelll ng m ora lob liga ti o n eo the m emory at t h ese gre n tpublic 80rvan ts and t o t h e u n told mUllon.ot ca n ce r sullerers th rou gh ou t the worl d tocarr )' on t h is In \·estlgatlon . We cannot doot herwise.

Respectfu lly su bmltl<ld .BEN EDIct' F . FJTzO J:llALD.

Spec ia l 'Cou n: cf.

We Need Improved Railroad RetirementDeoelits




M ond aY. August 3. 1953M~ . HUl\IP HREY, Mr. Prcslden t , In

1951 the Congress passed a number ofa.mendments to the Rail roa d Retiremen tAct wh ich SUbsta n tia lly Increased r all·

road reti rement benefits. I was proudto be a member of the special subcom­mittee of the Senate Lab or a nd Publi cWclt are Committee which was responsi­ble for the formula tion of those benefitsIn the Senate , We Increased .annultlesan d benefits by 15 percen t. We provideda wlfe's benefit til be equal to one-ha lfth e annuitant 's benefit. up to a maxt­mum of $40 a. mon th . We Increased sur­vivor 's benefits b}' 33 perc ent and madeother essen tia l Improv ements withoutIncreasing ta x rates. W also pr ovidedfor th e crea tion of n J oint Comm itteeon Ra ilroad Reti rement til study waysand means of Increasing railroad reti re­ment benefits fu r ther . That joi nt com ­ml ttee has reported Its recomm enda ­tions.

It Is necessary that the Congress actQuickly til Improve the ra ilroad ret ire­ment system. T hc ra ilroad workers ofthe United states have contr ibu ted tothe developm en t of a retl rement sys temwhich Is today not a dequa te ly m ee t in gth eir needs In view of th e increased costof Jlvin g. New rail road reti rement bene­fi ts can be achieved 1! the Congress willenact the necessary legisla t ion nextyear.

With in the las t few weeks the dis tin ­guishe d chairman of the Commit tee onRailro ad Reti rement . Senator PAUL H .DOUGLAS. of Ill in ois, has presented to th ec onsress the resu lt of tha t join t com ­mittee study. T his was t he mostthorough study ever made of the ra il­road retir emen t system and was madeunder the persona l direction of s enatorDOUG LAS. who Is a great friend of thera ilroad workers. The s tudy demon­stra tes tha t substan tlnlly better benefitsare possible b}' m ea ns of more prol1tableInvestm ents of th e railroad retirementreserve. and by other method . withou tIncreasing the tnx ra te . This Is goodnews. T here should. th erefore. be noreason for (lOY delay next yea r.

11011', Presiden t , In ord er til Inform a llrailroad workers and ra ilroad retiremen tbeneficiaries of the Improv emen ts underconsidera tion, I ask unanimous consenttil Inser t In the Append ix of the RECORDa list of such possibiliti es. Congress m aynot be able to' make nil of the changesIncluded in the list. Never theless , afterconsult a tion with the Rail road Reti re­ment Board , sta ndard ra ilroad unionsand oth 'er Interest ed par ties . I feel cer­ta in tha t a sound . effective. and im ­proved program can be worked out ,

The re being no ob jection. the list rc ­f err ed to was ordered printed III th eRECORDas tollows:bU'IlOVJ:.-.r l:t.'TS or TI U R,AILJlOAIl R J:TI IlEM ENT


I. An IIcr oss - the-bo ard Increas e In a llbenefits.

2 . A m In im um m on th ly ann u Ity o r t IOO.3 . rrllmlnaUon at t h e du I benefi ts r es t r ic ­

tion. At tbe pres ent time m \lrood re tl r e ·ment I' yments nrc usuall y r duccd wh ent he annuitant Is also receivIng sacllll securlt)'benefit&. Prop06,.. ls have been m de t o ellm­Ina te t~1s reduction,

4 . CalCUla ti on at benefits o n a m ore la \'or ­ab le basis. Benefits nre presen t1y figur d onthe b :t.l<ls at overall av er age wages. Sugges­ti o ns h ave been m ade for figur ing payments ,Ins tead . from t he em ploye e's av ern ge earn ­In lll d uring h is 5 h igh est )'enrs,

6. Lo wer age r eq u tremen t for re ti rem en ton (u ll an n u l t)' . R et ir ement be10ra age 65

on l) red u c-u annul y Is already passlbl .However , some nave suggested provtston tal'reti rem en t on fu ll annutrtes a t go 60 fte r20 years at se rvic e.

6. Lo wer age requIrement at wHo tor wife'sben efit t ram age 65 to age 60.

7. Lower llge requIrement tor wldow's bene­fits from age 65 to age 60 (complete ellmlns­uon at age req u irement has also been urgedfor Widows),

8 . I ncr eas e II su r vi vor ben efi ts substan ­tially,

Resolulion of Daingerfield (Tex.)Chamber of Commerce




Mondav , August 3. 1953

Mr . KILDAY, Mr. Speaker , u nderJea ve to ex end m;.· rema rks , I ern In­elu d in g the following resolution , adopt­ed by thc Cham bcr of Commerce ofDaingerfield. Tex., and addressed toSenator LYNDONJ OHNSON. of Te xas :

D AJ:NGE:IlrtEUl C HAMDElI or COM " IERCJ:.D al nger fl cld . Te: .• J u lV l B. 19SJ .

S eDa to r LYNDON J OHNSO:-r.se nate OfJlce Butldlnl1.

Wa.,lIrlgIOrl. D. C.Mos t Honorab le Senator-"Be I rc.olt'c d. T h a t the a lngerfield

Cbnmber of Commerce at Texas thank )'oufor your etrorts ' that were put fort ll Inhelping our f riends In th e cattlo Industry01 west Texas survive Ih e most s everodroug h t or this generauon.

" Be I t rcso!t'ed . Tha t t h rou gh you It wlllbe possible f r the ci ties and t h e p eop les o rt be SOuthwest oncc agatn to prepare to buildan empire t h a t will not be outclnssed byan )', Th is will be accomplish ed b;.· the f ctt hat your time Vo'as spent In behnlt at t hoconstttuents of tbls gunt Sta te.

"Fur t h er we would like to stat e tha t th isnrca has been fortunate through the grace orOod to h ave recer ved an ample "'nt cr fa It h n wlll permi t us to be n par t or t h e help­ers t or th e need ....t ;"

Tbls reso lu t ton being dUly adopted an d thornotton m ade by George (BUddy) Bass , sec ­onded by Jack Ponder, on th ls the 16t h da yOf J u ly 1953 .

Sl n ccrely,W . M. WA"lSO,",.

Ma tla !1er. Ch am ber 0/ Commer ce.

Why Our GI', Foug~t So Hard




Mondav. 11ugust 3. ) 953

Mr . HUMPHREY. Mr . Preslden '. IunanImous cons en t that th e te xt of Pobroadcast by Mr. Eric Sevareld. the dis ­tinguished radio commen ta tor t theColumbia Broadcasting System on July27 be pr in ted In the Appendix f hoCONGRESSIONAL RECORD. EvelJ' service­man 's !a mlly should have an opportunityto read t.hls brllllall t and poetic producof Mr. SeYa reld's k 'en Dlind and comp, s­slona te heart.