a2 unit g324 coursework workbook mitchel van coevorden

Candidate Name Candidate Number Centre Name Centre Number Mitchel Van Coevorden 3222 The Leigh Academy 11601

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Mitchel Van Coevorden


The Leigh Academy


‘The Grey’ film poster uses different types of conventions such as film titles, tagline, cast name etc. The film title is developing the typical conventions because it is big and bold, it stands out on the page and it is one of the main forms you can see. The use of character image by having the actor (Liam Neeson) big, is a way of promoting the film and also the actor that plays the main role. You can see that his facial expression is giving the impression of seriousness, which ask the questions of what is doing this for? Is he going to have to make a big decision? ‘Live or die on this day’, a short and sweet tagline that opens more questions to the audiences such as, why? Why is the biggest question because what is the disruption that will open this decision. Cast names has been used just at the top to promote the actors name in the film. The poster does challenge the aspects for not giving away narrative elements like showing a scene as the background, they’ve just left it as the main character. The poster uses the accreditation by have the studios, director, producers etc.

The ‘Sucker Punch’ film poster is one that mostly seems to challenge the conventions of film posters. Firstly the title name is located at the top of the page to develop the typical conventions of titles. It also is much bolder than anything else on the poster, its also having a 3D aspect to make it stand out. The background looks to use the conventions of showing off a scene that could happen in the film. This scene would engage the audience because it is a fight scene with the villains army it seems, against the five girls that are the character images on the front, which challenges due to having five instead of one. Talking about the girls, they also challenge the typical female role in a film by them having guns and swords in there hand, having them as more as the action chick rather than the princess. This poster as a whole is quite simple because there isn’t a lot thrown at you and it simply just highlights the most important aspects of the film by promoting it but not giving a lot of it away. Nor does it give away who the actors of the film are.

‘The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1’ film poster is a good example of a poster that challenges conventions. For starters the main image is not a character from the film, it is an object, the Mockingjay symbol. This film franchise has now brought out three films and the fourth is on its way, this being the third film made, many audience viewers are use to and have come to recognize the Hunger Games symbols through there films. It does still use and develop some conventions through its title positioning. Titles on most conventional film posters are usually positioned at the bottom of the poster, in front of everything so it’s the main thing that stands out to people when seeing it. But for the Hunger Games they have made the words ‘MOCKINGJAY’ the biggest and boldest on the page, this could be because the studios and producers have thought that through there advertising, the only part of the film they have to properly advertise is which Hunger Games film this is. The poster also challenges conventions again by not having the production team, studios etc. credited at the bottom, they have kept the poster simple because of how well branded there films are.

The ‘Empire’ magazine is one of the best and most popular film magazines there is, so the magazine covers we expect it to follow conventions. The main image follows convention by being placed in the centre and being big and bold for all to see and shows what the main article is. For the pricing and issue its usual for ‘Empire’ to have it in between the ‘M’ because that’s their typical convention of where to place it, with the barcode near the bottom of the page out of the way. Centralized, big and bold, ‘CAPTAIN AMERICA’, anchorage text is nicely linking the main article together. Puffs location at the side of the magazine, and being advertised and viewed with yellow text to contrast against the red, white and blue. This is very formulaic magazine cover but also has elements where it can challenge conventions of what you would normally see. Such as the skyline text that is located at the bottom instead of the top.

‘Total Film’ magazines are also one of the best magazines for film other than ‘Empire’, this is another magazine that follows conventions but challenges by not using some forms and conventions. This challenges the typical use of the main image by having 3 different actors aligned, they are also in front of the masthead to emphasis the characters and actors who star. This magazine has a puff on the left hand side with states there is a collectable cover for something, which is the surprise and the gift you get for buying. Typical conventions such as the barcode, price and issue are out the way and in the bottom corner of the cover so that people are still informed but its not in the way of the main article headline. The main cover line is promoting the trilogy and not the actual issue of film it is, which makes it look that the name of the film it self is all the advertising that it needs. At the bottom of the cover it has anchorage text that links to what is going on in the article.

Typical first screening of a trailer is this, this page informs the viewers of the trailer that it is appropriate for all ages.

Most common in film trailers is where they have a shot of who the main studios are so that people can recognise who the production of the film is.

The title to the film is there in every trailer, most frequently near the end of the trailer. Kingsman stand to that convention and have it near the end.

Kingsman trailer goes along with the typical conventions by having a voiceover. Having quotes from scenes in the film over different backgrounds to give people a little insight to the film.

Has a date for when it is out but isn't specific. This is typical of films because they all want there audiences to know when your film is out.

This camera shot is one that is completely different to the typical shots in this film. Gives the film a different view of the CGI that’s in it by having in slow motion as well.

In the film ‘Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows’, an aspect of camerawork used is close ups for the characters. This is often used in thriller genres because focusing on character expressions can create tension. The use of reverse shots is common and can show two different emotions in the same sequence. The frame in the top left corner shows how ‘Holmes’ is knowledgeable and knows what will happen next, and then ‘Madam Simza’ shows a confused looked as she has had the role reversed and she is having her future told to her. This effect is created by the camera angle the director has chosen. Using a low angle shot allows Holmes to appear dominant over the female actress.

The use of visual CGI in the film showing explosions and action scenes is typical of this genre. These technical aspects in thriller genres are usually darker and have less explosions. Sherlock Holmes challenges the typical use of CGI by having more action and explosions for different audience viewers. This creates an element of mystery and suspense before the narrative livens up and turns more to an action film.

The lighting in the scenes are all quite dark. The use of low key lighting to try and add dramatic and mystical elements. The music that goes over the top of the scenes can keep the audio elements flowing the scene is not disturbed. The film follows the typical conventions of a thriller genre film by most aspects that build a thriller film. This goes for the MES elements from lightings to location and then to the slow paced mystical scenes that build up suspense through the characters actions.

The colours and lighting in the scenes are dark yet there are moments for when the scenes lighten up but the colour of those scenes are more grey and dull to keep the whole aspect of thriller genres. The scenes use quite dark colouring in the frames and also in there costumers which is typical for a thriller film because it all links it back to the mystery and suspense that is being built up.

In the trailer the audio is heard over the top, driving the trailer forward and bringing everything together. With the music audio, there is also dialogue from the film there to help move everything along and try and link certain scenes together. In the trailer they used the right amount of scenes from the film that have the viewers asking questions about the film but not giving away to much of the storyline.

Film Magazine Technologies - Physical Technology

Studios•Studios are just rooms with lighting and sometimes green screens in the back to change the image.•The room will mainly be used to photograph the actors in the upcoming that the magazine cover is featuring.

Cameras•Cameras are used to photograph images for the background of the magazine cover. •This can be of the A list actors that star in an up coming film.•The more high resolution camera you have, the better quality image you will have.

Film Magazine Technologies - Digital Technology

Computer Hardware•Hardware such as monitors, keyboards, mice etc. are all the main features of a computer to create a magazine cover and a trailer.•Without all the main components of a computer, creating anything would be virtually impossible.

Memory Cards•Memory cards are also a key component of digital technology due to the fact that they are needed to store images to keep them safe. •The more memory of memory cards you have, the better quality images you can save on to them and keep as back ups.

Film Magazine Technologies - Software

Photoshop (PS)•Ps is used to create the magazine cover itself. •It has the advantage to actually bring the creators ideas to life. •Being the creator or editor of the magazine cover is perfect because anything that they need tom such as change background, bold an image more etc., PS can do easily.•It is a key software needed for magazine covers.

Promotion Software•For this the software would be big electrical billboards that can sell your product.•It is an advantage to film distributors because it can promote the film in a bigger and bolder way.•Also another aspect to sell the product is through Apps.

Film Magazine Technologies - Printing

Printing Processes•In offset lithography, a printing plate, contains an image of the content that needs to be printed. •When the plate is inked, only this image part holds ink. •That inked image is subsequently transferred from the plate to a rubber blanket and then to the printing surface.•Images can be printed on any material.

Printing Hardware•The printer is pretty much just there to be the middle man of the process of film covers.•It is the link between the computer and the final product. •It takes the file awaiting to be printed and then communication takes place between all the software and then the final image is created.

Video Camera’s•Purpose of the video cameras is to physically record the film trailer. Recording the film itself. •There are many different and highly revolutionised cameras, but obviously the the better quality camera, the better quality of film. •After the recorded images, the editors can then take the tapes out the camera and then transfer them to an editing software such as Final Cut X

Film Trailer Technologies – Physical Technology

Microphones•The function of a microphone is simple to pick up the audio needed for the film and film trailer.•They are usually attached to a camera but most film companies all have a boom microphone on a stick, to try and pick up the audio more clearly. •This can help the creation of the film because you can record the audio needed and then edit the audio over the top.

Lighting•Lighting is used to lighten up the set and to try and create an atmosphere for the film. •It is used to try and create a dramatic effect throughout tense and serious scenes in a film.

Film Trailer Technologies – Digital Technology

Computer Hardware•Hardware such as monitors, keyboards, mouse etc. are the mostly used functions of making a film and film trailer. •Without all the main components of a computer, creating anything would be virtually impossible. •Also without it all you can’t connect the video camera files to the computer software and virtually creating the film

InputsInputs•Inputs like a computers graphic tablet are a very useful device when making graphic designs for films. •The graphics tablet allows you to draw free hand and copy your movements onto the computer monitor. •It can make it easy to put whats in your mind onto the screen.

Film Trailer Technologies – Software

Final Cut X•For film trailers, you need a good quality software to put all your clips together to make a trailer. •Final Cut X (FCX) is the perfect software for this because you can control all aspects from the video to the sound and the effects. •Although not being a cheap software it is defiantly the one to use if you want a professional finish on videos.•It works by uploading the video files onto it and then playing around with the cutting tools and choosing the lengths. You can then go onto and focus on the sound and then put it over your video to make, hopefully, a good trailer.

DVD Burning•With the release of CD/DVD burners people have been able to download films for home, then copy them onto DVD’s to keep, or perhaps even sell them. •Nowadays its much easier to do because most computers and laptops come with a CD drive so then everyone has the technology and software to download and copy to DVD’s.

Film Trailer Technologies – Distribution

DCP Packages•DCP is simply a digital equivalent of 35mm film print. It is what is given to commercial theatres so that they can screen the movie.•DCP are nearly the main use of screening films due to the easy compatibility.

Streaming•Online streaming is becoming more and more popular because everyone is starting to follow the ‘trend’. Its mostly used by teens because although they have more of a disposable income, they tend to spend in on other leisure's.•There’s 2 types of streaming, really there's the illegal and legal streaming. The illegal streaming is someone uploading a film to a streaming site like Putlocker without having the permission for the copyrighted film. The legal streams however are sites like Netflix’s where they have the legal permission to show there films on there sites.•A reason for the illegal streaming going up is because its much cheaper and you can get any film you want, whereas sites like Netflix, you can be restricted to what you see.

1. What is your most favourite aspect in a thriller film?The mystery The discovery The not knowing

2. What elements from a thriller film would you include in a magazine cover? E.g. long shots, characters, props etc.

3. Out of these 3 film posters, which style would encourage you to go and see the film, without seeing a trailer?

4. Who would you prefer to be the lead in a thriller film?Male Female

5. What costume would you associate with a male lead role?

6. What colour scheme would you associate ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ for a magazine cover?

7. Would the colour scheme you just said, encourage you to buy the magazine?Yes No

8. On a scale of 1 being the worst and 5 being the best, how would you rate the film poster ‘Shutter Island’ on getting the audiences attention?1 2 3 4 5 Have not seenWhy?

9. How much of the film should be revealed in a film trailer?

10. How would you rate the genre thriller as a whole with 1 being the lowest genre and 5 being your favourite?1 2 3 4 5

My first question simply asked ‘what is your most favourite aspect in a thriller film?’. From this I wanted to try and see what aspect from the mystery, to the discovery or to the not knowing, audiences like to have in a thriller. My most popular was the not knowing aspect. This could be because they like the whole aspect of not knowing whats going to happen, and not knowing what a certain object is. This would help me in my designs because when it comes down to creating the trailer, I know what aspects to involve, I’ll use different enigma codes to create the not knowing feel.

My second question was more focusing on film magazine. My question asked: ‘What elements from a thriller film would you include in a magazine cover?’. I thought that this would help me when designing my magazine cover because I would have some input from what audience members would like to see. The main answer/element that they all wanted was having the character on the front. One person said story line but I broke it down I will use a scene from the film as a background for the character. This could be for reasons that they don’t specifically no many aspects of magazine covers, and all that they know is that they should involve the main character, but this still helps me when designing because now I know that is what the audience want to see.

My third question aimed at the poster. The question was: ‘Out of these 3 film posters (Super 8, Se7en and Star Trek Into Darkness),which style would encourage you to go and see the film, without seeing the trailer? Why?’. I thought that I would find out from the audience themselves what type of style I should go for when designing my own poster. The majority went for the Super 8 poster and then a vote each for the other two. This can be because they like the look of it and some put that it looks more mysterious than the other two. This can help me when designing because I can get inspiration from the poster because I know that the Super 8 poster is a good example.

My fourth question was one of most simplest one. It ask; ‘who would you prefer to be the lead in a thriller film?’. 100% of the votes went for male. Possibly for the aspect that that is what they are use to. So I ask this mainly to see who I should cast.

My fifth question was focusing on the costumes of the character. It stated; ‘what costume would you associate with a male lead role in a thriller?’ I asked this because I was hoping it would help me in the costume choices for the characters and it has. They all seemed to want dark colours for the costumes to try and give it that mystery element.

My sixth question was looking at colour schemes for posters. I asked; ‘what colour scheme would you associate ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ for a magazine cover?’. For this I thought it would help me try to decide what kind of colours I should go for when designing a poster, because my genre is sci-fi and that Star Trek is that genre. The majority all wanted dark colours because it adds to the mystery.

My seventh question linked with the sixth question because it would help to try and see if the colour scheme they named would encourage them to buy the magazine itself. They all answered yes because they said it would stand out from others if the dark colours were mixed with some bolder colours.

My eighth question was about the movie poster ‘Shutter Island’, from this question I wanted to see how well they rated its design in showing that it is a thriller film. ‘On a scale of 1 being the least, and 5 being the most, how would the film poster for ‘Shutter Island’ make you want to see the film and to know that it is a thriller genre?’. 100% of the answers were 4, which tells me that a poster design like Shutter Island is a good approach.

My ninth question states; ‘how much of a film storyline should be revealed in its trailer? Why?’. This helped me decide how much of my films storyline I should reveal in the trailer. All said not to much, probably said this to keep the mystery and not give to much of the film away.

My tenth and final question was simply a rating on thriller films as a genre. ‘How would you rate the genre thriller as a whole with 1 being the worst genre, and 5 being your favourite?’. 3 people rated it as 5 and then 1 rated it 4. This tells me that doing a thriller genre film was good because people like it.


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