a2 advanced portfolio production diary template 2014 to 2015

A2 Media Studies Advanced Portfolio Production Diary By Holly Taylor PROGRESS UPDATE PLAN FOR NEXT MONTH / WEEK (Including Possible Contingency Plans If Problems Anticipated) Mon W/B 02/09/14 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Decided on group and chose a genre for the music video song. Also, looked at different styles of music video such as: conceptual, narrative and performance to gain inspiration. Choose a song for the music video, possibly ideas include: The Smiths, Arc tic Monkeys, Jake Bugg etc. Mon W/B 8/09/14 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Then, decided on a song for the video: The Smiths- Girlfriend in a Coma. Discussed location ideas such as featuring Salford Lads Club as a pastiche to The Smiths. Discuss featuring media features such as possible bricolage, pastiche, parody. Also discuss the possible themes and decide upon whether our music video would be narrative/conceptual/performance. Mon W/B 15/09/14 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Began analysing music videos for inspiration for my own video, such as featuring a possible humorous theme within my video. We decided upon doing a narrative style video, and in order to come up with a good idea of a narrative video, we analysed the lyrics of the song in order to discover the themes and structure of the song. We also discussed the characters and costumes we would feature within the music video. Come up with ideas in regards to features within the music video, choose a definite setting for the music video and start designing our storyboard. Mon W/B 22/09/14 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Discussed pastiche idea of featuring the Salford Lads Club within our video and also watched other music videos of the same genre in order to establish ongoing themes and Next week, we aim to create a narrative for our music video. Also, storyboard these ideas and decide upon a setting for when we come to film.

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Page 1: A2 advanced portfolio production diary template 2014 to 2015

A2 Media StudiesAdvanced PortfolioProduction DiaryBy Holly Taylor

PROGRESS UPDATE PLAN FOR NEXT MONTH / WEEK (Including Possible Contingency Plans If Problems Anticipated)

Mon W/B 02/09/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Decided on group and chose a genre for the music video song.Also, looked at different styles of music video such as: conceptual, narrative and performance to gain inspiration.

Choose a song for the music video, possibly ideas include: The Smiths, Arc tic Monkeys, Jake Bugg etc.

Mon W/B 8/09/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Then, decided on a song for the video: The Smiths- Girlfriend in a Coma. Discussed location ideas such as featuring Salford Lads Club as a pastiche to The Smiths.

Discuss featuring media features such as possible bricolage, pastiche, parody. Also discuss the possible themes and decide upon whether our music video would be narrative/conceptual/performance.

Mon W/B 15/09/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Began analysing music videos for inspiration for my own video, such as featuring a possible humorous theme within my video. We decided upon doing a narrative style video, and in order to come up with a good idea of a narrative video, we analysed the lyrics of the song in order to discover the themes and structure of the song. We also discussed the characters and costumes we would feature within the music video.

Come up with ideas in regards to features within the music video, choose a definite setting for the music video and start designing our storyboard.

Mon W/B 22/09/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Discussed pastiche idea of featuring the Salford Lads Club within our video and also watched other music videos of the same genre in order to establish ongoing themes and narratives for ideas to feature within our music video.

Next week, we aim to create a narrative for our music video. Also, storyboard these ideas and decide upon a setting for when we come to film.

Mon W/B 29/09/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Started coming up with ideas for our storyboard in order to establish a narrative. Also, we chose film locations which would suit the style of our music video.

Become familiar with the editing software and also

Mon W/B 6/10/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Began drawing storyboard images and also used Nikon camera in order to take test shots around the college and then we used the editing software and viewed a tutorial on how to edit clips of our music video.

Begin using camera to practice test shots.

Mon W/B 13/10/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Used the Nikon camera to do test shots and practiced using the tripod in order to gain clearer shots and practiced editing techniques such as slowing down the clips and also trimming the

Aim to finish storyboard and begin filming.

Page 2: A2 advanced portfolio production diary template 2014 to 2015

A2 Media StudiesAdvanced PortfolioProduction DiaryBy Holly Taylor

clips length down.Mon W/B 20/10/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Created mind genius for what we are going to include in my music video. We also discussed a possible change to the music video style, possibly including a performance aspect towards the video in order to emulate the usual style of The Smith’s music videos. We also discussed costume and prop ideas such as including typical iconography like guitars.

Hire a camera so we can do shots over half term.

Mon W/B 27/10/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

As we were unable to hire a camera to record over half term, we instead we started to storyboard our music video and further developed which narrative would be most suitable as a result of lack of actors and their availability.

Film sections of our music video, particularly the beginning as we can film establishing shots.

Mon W/B 3/11/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

We have created a mini report in order to apply Steve Neal’s theory to our music video.

Hire out camera in order to do some establishing location shots.

Mon W/B 10/11/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Did further practice shots, including location shots where I practiced variations of shot types such as an aerial shot and close ups.

Next week I am to brief the cast on their roles within the music video.

Mon W/B 17/11/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week we filmed a few establishing shots of the settings that we intended to use, and imported them onto the editing software to try new effects and trimming the videos down.

Next week I am going to take some images for my CD cover and my Digipak.

Mon W/B 8/11/14(Detailed Week Summary)

This week I finished analysing my chosen three music videos and took note of some of the editing and cinematography techniques the videos featured so that I could apply them to my own music video.

Next week I aim to complete a survey about music videos so that I can establish what people expect to see in music videos.

Mon W/B 15/12/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

I completed a music video questionnaire and sent it out via email to wide range of people to complete so that I’d be able to film my music video so that it is relatable and engaging for a wider demographic.

I aim to analyse my results and collate them on graphs so that they are easier to analyse.

Mon W/B 22/12/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week I finished the analysis of the market research and created graphs in order to collate my results easier and to therefore analyse them simpler.

Next week I intend on filming some more of my music video, in particular scenes where the couple are together in the park setting.

Page 3: A2 advanced portfolio production diary template 2014 to 2015

A2 Media StudiesAdvanced PortfolioProduction DiaryBy Holly Taylor

Mon W/B 29/12/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week I booked out the camera and filmed more establishing shots of the locations I intended to use to feature my characters in for my narrative.

Next week I intend on setting up to film the majority of my video over the Christmas break so that I could get some good shots of the wintery atmosphere.

Mon W/B 5/01/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week I uploaded my product research and my market research analysis report to slideshare so that I could embed the link and upload it to my blog.

Next week I intend on beginning my script and storyboards so that I have a more focused idea in what I want to film for my music video.

Mon W/B 12/01/15(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week I began to write up my script and draft a storyboard for my music video and also booked out the camera to film some shots for the beginning scenes of my music video.

Next week, I intend on completing my script and finish my draft storyboard.

Mon W/B 19/01/15(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week I completed my script and draft of my storyboard and scanned them in to the computer so that I could upload them to my blog.

Film my music video.

Mon W/B 26/01/15(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week I began starting my contact sheets and my font designs so I had a range of them to choose from when I was designing my poster and digipak.

Begin taking test shots and photographs for my digipak and poster design.

Mon W/B 2/02/15(Detailed Weekly Summary)

I took some photographs as test shots for my digipak and poster. To take the actual photographs for my digipak and poster and to begin to create them in photoshop

Mon W/B 09/02/15(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week, I went out with the two characters that star in my music video to take photographs for my digipak and advertisement poster. I also went to Salford Quays to take photographs of the scenery.

Next week, I intend on completing my digipak and poster advertisement with font etc.

Mon W/B 16/02/15(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week, I finished designing my digipaks and advertisement posters, by importing the images I had taken and also writing the text and editing the colour overlay of the images.

Complete my music video filming

Mon W/B 23/02/15(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week, majority of my music video was filmed and ready to upload onto premier, I’ve also booked a camera out for the weekend in order for me to finish filming the rest of my music video.

Next week, I intend to upload all my footage to premier and begin shaping my narrative to my music video.

Mon W/B 2/03/15(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week, we began to learn how to edit on adobe premier through watching youtube video tutorials, and uploaded the audio

Next week, I intend on beginning to edit my music video

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A2 Media StudiesAdvanced PortfolioProduction DiaryBy Holly Taylor

track of my music video to the audio timeline on premier.Mon W/B 09/03/15(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week, I began editing my music video in time to the snare and beat of the drums on the backing track and trimming down footage using different cutting tools on Adobe premier.

Next week, I intend on finishing editing my music video

Mon W/B 16/03/15(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week, I finished editing my first draft music video and finished designing the title tracks for it, I then uploaded the music video to Youtube by exporting the file

Next week, I intend on uploading the youtube video to a facebook focus group to get responses and opinions on my music video

Mon W/B 23/03/15(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week, I uploaded my youtube video to a facebook focus group and gathered responses from participants; I then began creating a focus group analysis essay.

Next week, I will finish my essay and upload it to slideshare and then to my blogger account.

Mon W/B 30/03/15(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Over Easter, I began writing out a rough draft for each evaluation question so that I could transfer my evaluation draft to more media texts like prezi and videos.

Next week, I am going to write my evaluations out into different media texts such as prezi, youtube video and powerpoint.

Mon W/B 6/04/15(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week, I began my first two evaluation questions completed a prezi and word document for questions 1 and two.

I intend on completing a screenshot analysis of the effects I applied on my music video on premier

Mon W/B 13/04/15(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week, I completed my screenshot analysis and uploaded the essay on to blogger. I also applied the relevant changes to my music video based on the focus group’s responses and upload the final draft to youtube

Next week, I am going to finish editing my music video and export and upload the music video on to youtube.

Mon W/B 20/04/15(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week, I edited my music video and exported and uploaded the final draft on to Youtube and embedded the link to Blogger.

Next week, I am going to film my response to question 3 in regards to the focus group

Mon W/B 27/04/15(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week, I created a script and filmed my response to question 3. I then uploaded the footage to premier and edited in screenshots from the music video to show the range of responses. I also uploaded my final drafts for my two ancillaries and uploaded them both to my blog.

PROGRESS UPDATE PLAN FOR NEXT MONTH / WEEK (Including Possible Contingency Plans If Problems Anticipated)

Page 5: A2 advanced portfolio production diary template 2014 to 2015

A2 Media StudiesAdvanced PortfolioProduction DiaryBy Holly Taylor