a whole school approach to earth education

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  • 7/29/2019 A Whole School Approach to Earth Education


    A Whole School Approach to Earth Education

    Discussion Document


    It has been amazing to see the power generated from when a school invests time and effort into developing

    and proclaiming a Whole School Vision, Mission and Values. At the school where this document was born

    the school community has incorporated the main edicts of Creativity, Scholarship, Courage and Community

    as the core values to assist in guiding the enhancement of the learning environment on a very holistic level.

    In particular the value of Community presents the following notion:

    Recognising that actively building respectful andsustainable relationships with other human

    beings and with our planet builds strong social capital which in turn supports our well-being. In

    doing so we acknowledge our shared cultures and histories.

    This value has been used as inspiration for this discussion document to develop the themes of

    sustainability and community on a local and global level through a whole school approach to Earth


    Design Elements

    There are many successful Earth Education programs happening in Australia and around the world that are

    engaging and empowering students, schools and their communities to develop ecological consciousnessand create positive action initiatives on both a small and large scale. Certain components from these

    current programs have been selected to inspire and begin dialogue regarding the options for a Whole

    School Earth Education Program.

    Program Feature Examples include:

    Earth Education Program Vision

    The Pachamama Alliance (http://www.pachamama.org/about) is a global organisation based in the United

    States that have the following mission:

    To empower indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest to preserve their lands and culture and,

    using insights gained from that work, educate and inspire individuals everywhere to bring forth a

    thriving, just and sustainable world.

  • 7/29/2019 A Whole School Approach to Earth Education


    The organisations flagship workshop is the Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium

    (http://vimeo.com/2217073). This workshop also has its own mission statement that could be easily

    adapted to assist designing a schools Earth Education Program. The Awakening the Dreamer Symposium

    inspires and educates participants around the world,

    To bring forth an environmentally sustainable, socially just, and spiritually fulfilling world.

    Education for Sustainability Design Features

    The following specific education for sustainability design considerations are sourced from ARIES

    (Australian Research Institute for Environment and Sustainability) based at Macquarie University, New

    South Wales, Australia. (http://aries.mq.edu.au/)

    1. Envisioning a better future

    Establishes a link between long term goals and immediate actions, and motivates people to action by harnessing their deep


    Identifies relevance and meaning for different people.

    Explores how to achieve change.

    Offers direction and energy to take action.

    Results in ownership of visions, processes and outcomes.

    2. Critical thinking and reflection

    Challenges us to examine and question the underlying assumptions that shape our world, knowledge and opinions by looking

    beneath the symptoms of unsustainable practice.

    Develops the ability to participate in change.

    Provides a new perspective.

    Promotes alternative ways of thinking.

    3. Participation

    Goes beyond consultation, involving people in joint analysis, planning and control of local decisions.

    Puts decision-making and responsibility for outcomes in the hands of the participants.

    Creates a greater sense of ownership and commitment to action.

    Builds capacity for self-reliance and self-organisation.

    Empowers individuals to take action.

    4. Partnerships for change

    Strengthens ownership and commitment to sustainability actions through formal and informal opportunities for learning.

    Builds a shared vision amongst a diverse range of stakeholders.

    Motivates and adds value to initiatives.

    5. Systemic thinking

    Recognises that the whole is more than the sum of its parts, and is a better way to understand and manage complex situations.

    Identifies connections and relationships.

    Shifts thinking fromthings to processes.

    Integrates decision-making and adaptive management techniques.

    The entire document, Education for Sustainability: The Role of Education in Engaging and Equipping

    people for change can be located here: (http://www.aries.mq.edu.au/publications/aries/efs_brochure)

  • 7/29/2019 A Whole School Approach to Earth Education


    Participation Elements


    The following program considerations have been adapted from Common Ground High Schools

    Environmental Honours program.

    Common Ground High School, Connecticut, USA is...

    A college-prep environmental charter high school

    A community environmental education centre

    An urban farm & 20-acre site

    The Schools purpose as stated on their website is:

    ... cultivating habits of healthy living and sustainable environmental practice among a diverse community of

    children, young people, and adults.


    Environmental Honours Program

    The following has been adapted from Common Ground High Schools Student Handbook:

    The Environmental Honours Program recognises students with serious interest in the environment and a

    growing base of leadership skills, experience and understanding. Possible benefits of the program for

    students could include scholarships, academic recognition, authentic independent learning, support in

    finding internship experience, and connections to higher education.

    Students would work with an Environmental Honours Program Coordinator to envision and plan a major

    Environmental Leadership Project. Each project would be different, but all would include a substantial

    amount of research, active engagement with the community environment, written reflection & publication,

    and effective oral presentation. Most of the responsibility for completing an Honours Project would fall on

    the individual student. A strong support network and protocols would need to be put in place to maintain the

    integrity of the program. These could include having all Honours students coached by the Environmental

    Honours Program Coordinator, an Environmental Honours Advisor, additional teachers and staff, and

    community mentors when appropriate.

    Environmental Honours students would be expected to participate in Extracurricular Environmental

    Leadership experiences above and beyond the school day. On-going participation in after-school programs,

    clubs, and service would be monitored by the Environmental Honours Program Coordinator, and

    substantial engagement would be required to complete the program.


  • 7/29/2019 A Whole School Approach to Earth Education


    Environmental Leadership

    The not-for-profit Australian Environmental Education provider OZGreen (http://www.ozgreen.org/)

    conducts youth leadership congresses in Australia and all around the world.

    Ozgreens Youth Lead program invites youth to attend a 3 day intensive congress where they explore local

    and global issues of sustainability, measure and understand their own eco-footprint and work on action

    plans to make changes in their own lives, their schools and their communities.

    A basic outline of the program includes:

    Day 1 focuses on concerns and creating vision statements

    Day 2 focuses on brainstorming and formulating action plans for change

    Day 3 the participants prepare and present these action plans to local businesses, parents,

    teachers, principals, indigenous leaders and other leaders in their communities

    OZGreen utilise the social change tool, Strategic Questioning to create empowerment opportunities for

    positive actions through eco-social entrepreneurship developments. Strategic Questioning was developed

    by Fran Peavey. A strategic Questioning manual provided by the change agency can be located here


    In Summary, Strategic Questioning:

    Is the skill of asking the questions that will make a difference.

    It is a powerful tool for personal and social change. It is a tool for giving service to any issue as it helps people

    discover their own strategies and ideas for change.

    It involves a special type of question and a special type of listening.

    Is a process that usually changes the listener as well as the person being questioned.

    A strategic question opens both of us to another point of view. It invites our ideas to shift and take into account of new

    information and new possibilities. And it invokes that special creativity that can forge fresh strategies for resolving


    Specific detail of the Youth Leadership Training can be accessed here:



    In Addition:

    The Pachamama Alliances Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium offers participants

    to delve into their concerns and then realise and develop strategies and action plans to address these.

    More information regarding the details of the program can be located here:


    The manual used to facilitate a symposium can be accessed here:


    There is an opportunity for staff to be trained in facilitating a symposium that usually runs over one full day.

  • 7/29/2019 A Whole School Approach to Earth Education


    In Conclusion:

    The aforementioned examples of these various design features have the opportunity for providing a

    structure to formalise an approach to Earth Education.

    Many of the initiatives mentioned throughout the document can be initiated by willing staff who have

    expressed interest in seeing such an approach to Earth Education become part of a Whole Schoolapproach to education for sustainability through the development of eco-social entrepreneurship

    opportunities and developing leadership skills amongst the schools cohort of students, staff and wider


    These are challenging times for the planet Earth. Through committed guidance and support, formal

    opportunities for empowerment and leadership can be enhanced for any school through integrating a whole

    School approach to Earth Education.

    Examples and Further Reading:


    The Green School


    The Green Bronx Machine



    Sharing Nature Worldwide


    Institute for Earth Education



    Rudolph Steiner University College Oslo, Norway



    The Call of the Mountain - Arne Naess


  • 7/29/2019 A Whole School Approach to Earth Education


    Prepared By Ragnar Haabjoern February 2013


    Ver. 1.0 20130224
