a thrill at every moment - krishna temple talk


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Page 1: A Thrill at Every Moment - Krishna Temple Talk
Page 2: A Thrill at Every Moment - Krishna Temple Talk
Page 3: A Thrill at Every Moment - Krishna Temple Talk

• Enjoy a Relationship with HimEnjoy a Relationship with Him

• Experience Meaningful Relationships Experience Meaningful Relationships with Otherswith Others

• Develop Maturity of CharacterDevelop Maturity of Character

• Express Ourselves thru AbilitiesExpress Ourselves thru Abilities

• Fulfill our MissionFulfill our Mission

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Animal in the DesertAnimal in the Desert

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• Life meant to be enjoyed, not enduredLife meant to be enjoyed, not endured• Most people don’t know HOWMost people don’t know HOW• Their enjoyment Their enjoyment CONDITIONAL & CONDITIONAL &


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““O Dhananjaya, keep all O Dhananjaya, keep all abominable activities far abominable activities far distant by devotional distant by devotional service, and in that service, and in that consciousness surrender consciousness surrender unto the Lord. Those unto the Lord. Those who want to enjoy the who want to enjoy the fruits of their work are fruits of their work are misers.” Gita 2/29misers.” Gita 2/29

England gives drugs to addicts, but doesn’t mean Queen is a pusher.

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““There are many living entities within There are many living entities within the ocean who enjoy the ocean who enjoy

the activities of eating, sleeping, defending the activities of eating, sleeping, defending and mating. If such and mating. If such

insignificant living entities can enjoy life insignificant living entities can enjoy life within the water, whywithin the water, why

can't the Supreme Lord, who is all-powerful, can't the Supreme Lord, who is all-powerful, sleep on the cool sleep on the cool

body of a serpent and enjoy in the turmoil of body of a serpent and enjoy in the turmoil of violent ocean waves?” violent ocean waves?”

SB 3/9/20SB 3/9/20

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Conditional PleasureConditional PleasureGenerally a materialistic person Generally a materialistic person becomes very happy when there is becomes very happy when there is something for his sense gratification something for his sense gratification and his body, but when he sees that and his body, but when he sees that others have something for their sense others have something for their sense gratification and he hasn't, he is gratification and he hasn't, he is sorry and envious. When he is sorry and envious. When he is expecting some retaliation from an expecting some retaliation from an enemy, he is in a state of fear, and enemy, he is in a state of fear, and when he cannot successfully execute when he cannot successfully execute something he becomes dejected. A something he becomes dejected. A devotee who is always transcendental devotee who is always transcendental to all these disturbances is very dear to all these disturbances is very dear to Kto Krishna.rishna.

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The people in general are naturally inclined to enjoy, and The people in general are naturally inclined to enjoy, and you have encouraged them in that way in the name of you have encouraged them in that way in the name of religion. This is verily condemned and is quite religion. This is verily condemned and is quite unreasonable. Because they are guided under your unreasonable. Because they are guided under your instructions, they will accept such activities in the name instructions, they will accept such activities in the name of religion and will hardly care for prohibitions. SB 1/5/15of religion and will hardly care for prohibitions. SB 1/5/15

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“To attain material heavenly planets and enjoy their facilities, he sometimes performs sacrifices (yajna), but when his merit is

exhausted he returns to earth again in the form of a man. This process is called karma. Gita 8/3

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““The highest perfection of The highest perfection of life is to enjoy life constantly life is to enjoy life constantly in the association of the in the association of the Lord, and one who can Lord, and one who can relish this does not aspire relish this does not aspire after any temporary after any temporary enjoyment of the material enjoyment of the material world via other media.” SB world via other media.” SB 2/20/302/20/30

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Dvarka Dvarka FortFort

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Kidnapped by BanasuraKidnapped by Banasura

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Husband of AllHusband of All“When He so descends He proves how

much greater is His ability to enjoy, and He exhibits His power of enjoyment by

marrying sixteen thousand wives at once. Factually, the Lord is the husband of all

the women in His creation, but a conditioned soul under the control of the

Lord feels proud to be the husband of one or two wives.”

SB 2/4/20

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cintamani-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vrksha-cintamani-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vrksha-lakshavrtesu surabhi abhipalayantamlakshavrtesu surabhi abhipalayantam

lakshmi-sahasra-sata-sambhrama-sevyamanalakshmi-sahasra-sata-sambhrama-sevyamanagovindam ädi-purusam tam aham bhajami (Bs. 5.29)govindam ädi-purusam tam aham bhajami (Bs. 5.29)

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Mac-citta mad-gata-pranabodhayanta parasparamkathayantas ca mam nityamtushyanti ca ramanti ca Gita 10/12

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TheThe Lord can generate unlimited pleasure. His Lord can generate unlimited pleasure. His name, attributes, pastimes, entourage,, etc. are name, attributes, pastimes, entourage,, etc. are unlimited, and those who relish them can do so unlimited, and those who relish them can do so unlimitedly & never feel satiated. unlimitedly & never feel satiated. ramante yogino 'nanteramante yogino 'nanteiti räma-padenäsauiti räma-padenäsauparam brahmabhidhiyate. Padma Puranaparam brahmabhidhiyate. Padma Purana

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Rukmini DvarkadishKrishna forcibly took Rukmini

like lion takes from jackals

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QuickTime™ and a decompressor

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The great heroes of the Yadu The great heroes of the Yadu dynasty, being protected by dynasty, being protected by

the arms of Lord Sri the arms of Lord Sri Krishna, Krishna, always remain always remain fearless in every fearless in every respect. respect. Their feet trample over the Their feet trample over the Sudharma assembly house, which Sudharma assembly house, which

the best demigods deserved but the best demigods deserved but which was taken away from them which was taken away from them..

SB 1/14/38SB 1/14/38

Those who are directly servitors of the Lord are Those who are directly servitors of the Lord are protected by the Lord from all fearfulness, and they also protected by the Lord from all fearfulness, and they also enjoy the best of things, even if they are forcibly enjoy the best of things, even if they are forcibly accumulated. The Lord is equal in behavior to all living accumulated. The Lord is equal in behavior to all living beings, but He is partial to His pure devotees, being very beings, but He is partial to His pure devotees, being very affectionate toward themaffectionate toward them

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“If Krishna wants to save you, then no one can harm you. If Krishna wants to kill you, no one can protect you.”

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The central figure of creation and of enjoyment is the Supreme Lord, and the living entities are cooperators. By cooperation they enjoy. The relation is also like that of the master and the servant. If the master is fully satisfied, then the servant is satisfied. The tendency to become the creator and the tendency to enjoy the material world are there also in the living entities because these tendencies are there in the Supreme Lord. Gita intro

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Because he remains satisfied

in the loving service of the Lord,

he can remain steady, like the

ocean, and therefore enjoy full

peace. Others never attain peace.

The fruitive workers, the salvationists, and the yogis who are after mystic powers are all unhappy because of unfulfilled desires.

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"My dear sons, there is no reason to labor very "My dear sons, there is no reason to labor very hard for sense pleasure while in this human hard for sense pleasure while in this human form of life; such pleasures are available to the form of life; such pleasures are available to the stool-eaters [hogs]. Rather, you should stool-eaters [hogs]. Rather, you should undergo penances by which your existence undergo penances by which your existence will be purified, and as a result you will be able will be purified, and as a result you will be able to enjoy unlimited transcendental bliss.to enjoy unlimited transcendental bliss.""

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By the result of the work in By the result of the work in which one is engaged, the which one is engaged, the Supreme Personality of Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna, Godhead, Sri Krishna,

should should be worshiped. If one be worshiped. If one thinks always in this way, in full thinks always in this way, in full Krishna consciousness, then, by the Krishna consciousness, then, by the grace of the Lord, he becomes fully grace of the Lord, he becomes fully blissful. That is the perfection of life. blissful. That is the perfection of life. The Lord says in Bhagavad-Gita The Lord says in Bhagavad-Gita (12.7), He takes charge of delivering (12.7), He takes charge of delivering such a devotee.such a devotee.

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“Lord Sri Krishna, is the reservoir of innumerable enchanting pastimes, and

thus He is the source of innumerable varieties of pleasure. In fact, He is the ocean of eternal pleasure.”

SB 11/7/4

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na tv evaham jatu nasamna tvam neme janadhipahna caiva na bhavisyamahsarve vayam atah param

“Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be.” Gita 2/12

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““That supreme abode of Mine is not That supreme abode of Mine is not illumined by the sun or moon, nor by illumined by the sun or moon, nor by fire or electricity. Those who reach it fire or electricity. Those who reach it never return to this material world.”never return to this material world.”

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This is the This is the transcendental position transcendental position of spiritual life. In other of spiritual life. In other words, one who hears words, one who hears the Gita from the right the Gita from the right source, directly from source, directly from Krishna, attains full Krishna, attains full Krishna consciousness. Krishna consciousness. The result of Krishna The result of Krishna consciousness is that consciousness is that one becomes one becomes increasingly enlightened, increasingly enlightened, and he enjoys life with a and he enjoys life with a thrill, not only for some thrill, not only for some time, but at every time, but at every momentmoment.

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That is the transcendental lila, or pastime of the Lord. The basic principle for all transcendental exchanges between the Lord and His devotees is exhibited to enjoy a transcendental bliss for which there is no comparison. SB 1/10/32

The Lord plays the part of a subordinate in His transcendental sporting, and thus sometimes He puts Himself in the care of Yasoda.

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““It is a natural psychology in every individual It is a natural psychology in every individual that a person likes to hear and enjoy his that a person likes to hear and enjoy his personal glories enumerated by others. That personal glories enumerated by others. That is a natural instinct, and the Lord, being also is a natural instinct, and the Lord, being also an individual personality like others, is not an an individual personality like others, is not an exception to this psychology because exception to this psychology because psychological characteristics are but psychological characteristics are but reflections of the same psychology in the reflections of the same psychology in the Absolute Lord. The only difference is that the Absolute Lord. The only difference is that the Lord is the greatest personality of all. If, Lord is the greatest personality of all. If, therefore, the Lord is attracted by the pure therefore, the Lord is attracted by the pure devotee's chanting of His glories, there is devotee's chanting of His glories, there is nothing astonishing.” SB 1/6/33nothing astonishing.” SB 1/6/33

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