a taste of social media

A Taste of Social Media for Real Estate Agents “Find Your Voice” Liz DeLoach Social Strategies February 8, 2011

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An introduction to Social Media. This program was for real estate agents to teach them some addtional functions and uses of Facebook, a tutorial on Twitter, and exposure to YouTube and Blogs.


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A Taste of Social Media for

Real Estate Agents

“Find Your Voice”

Liz DeLoachSocial StrategiesFebruary 8, 2011

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Find Your Voice



Key Considerations



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Why Social Media?

It’s social, not self promotional

No pressure involved – just the desire to connect with others

Hundreds of millions are there – a potentially huge audience

Ease of use

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Approaching 600 million worldwide users

Fastest growing demographic is between ages 35-55, with women leading the way

You can have both a personal profile and business page

Lots of great organizational tools

Welcome to

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Tips: Tagging other Facebook users

Adding Links, Notes, etc.

Setting up lists

Personal profile versus page

Facebook marketplace

Facebook Ads

Welcome to

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Status updates have a limit of 420 characters

Ask questions, seek info.

Slice of life, humor, quotes, pearls of wisdom

Use mixed media: Pictures, video embeds, links to website and third party info

More ‘likes’ and comments

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What is…..

A social networking and micro-blogging service enabling users to send and read brief updates

Tweets: Text based posts of up to 140 characters that display on users page and those of followers

Twitter is a great source of information. You can search topics of interest and follow users posting about them.

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Awareness of Twitter has exploded from 5% of Americans 12+ in 2008 to 87% in 2010

190 million visitors per month generating 65 million Tweets a day.

Nearly two-thirds of active Twitter users access social networking sites using a mobile phone.

51% of active Twitter users follow companies, brands or products on social networks

Why should we use

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What to do on

Listen first and foremost!

Follow people, businesses, and organizations and get important info about them.

You can post links, pictures, and send private messages.

It’s brevity is one of its best features, allowing you to cover more ground faster than with other social mediums.

Look for conversations on topics of interest

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Brief: Be friendly, but get to your point quickly.

Conversational: Think “cocktail party” where you communicate with many people.

Humorous: Just be careful…keep it clean!

Informative: Did you just come across an article of interest? Link to it using a url shortener such as www.budurl.com. A basic account is free, and enables you to measure click-through traffic.

Inspirational: People love good quotes and are likely to Retweet them.

Great Tweets are…..

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Twitterese & Twitterquette

RT: Retweet. Passing on information from another user in way that gives them credit as your source. A must of twitter-quette!

Hash tag: # symbol before a word that categorizes info for quick and easy searches.

@replies and @mentions mean you are addressing or replying directly to that user. A must so specific users know when you’re addressing them.

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Who Do I Follow?

How often do they tweet?

Are their tweets of interest and value to you?

Are they conversing and responsive to others?

Do they have a good “mix” of tweets?

Do they Retweet good info? That’ s a sure sign of a generous tweeter.

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Who Do I Avoid Following?

Does the User:

Have a large number of unsolicited identical @mentions such as: “@lizdeloach: check out this great offer (link)!” to a lot of users? A sure sign of a spammer.

Have a skewed follower to followee ratio: If they follow a disproportionately large number of users compared to those following them, they’re likely boring, a spammer, or both.

Have many followers, but follow very few?  If they don’t follow anyone, why should you follow them?

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Search Resources

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Search Resources

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Site management tools

Hootsuite is a great dashboard tool which allows you to view multiple social media feeds at once.

You can schedule tweets and Facebook updates

Other services of this type include Tweetdeck, Postling, and Social Oomph.

These services also have link shorteners and analytical/measurement tools.

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Broadcast yourself on:

A picture is worth 1000 words

In five years, YouTube has reached 2 billion views per day.

In the top three most visited sites with Facebook and Google

Channels are easy to set up

YouTube ready video cameras can be had for less than $200

You can friend other channels and favorite relevant interesting videos and make them available to your site

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Broadcast yourself on:

Some ways you can use YouTube:

Customer testimonials

Scenic areas/attractions of the Lowcountry – “just because.”

Easy and inexpensive home staging ideas

Personal messages to Facebook friends and clients

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Are short entries, usually 200-400 words, on a topic of interest or one about which you are knowledgable

Should be attached to your existing website, or can be created on sites such as eblogger or Wordpress

Allow you to establish yourself as a thought leader

Can boost your site’s search rankings when updated with fresh content routinely – content is king!

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Marketing Integration

Each site can be used to bring more inbound traffic to your Facebook Page, Blog, and Website.

Add graphic links to website to indicate social presences and vice versa.

Be sure to notify everyone on your newsletter ads, and email lists of all your social media presences.

Check into some of the available widgets to create routing of traffic between all your mediums.

Add Social presences to your business cards.

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Finding online conversations




Google Alerts

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Why do this???

Here are some very telling statistics to consider:

93% of Americans believe that a company should have a presence on social media sites and 85 percent believe that these companies should use these services to interact with consumers.

60% of Americans regularly interact with companies on a social media site

43% of consumers say that companies should use social networks to solve the consumers' problems

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Some telling statistics…

41% believe that companies should use social media tools to solicit feedback on products and services

Men are more likely to use social media tools to interact with a company than women (33% vs. 17%)

33% of younger consumers (18-34) and those with household incomes over $75,000 believe that companies should try to market to them through social networks

As more users are embracing social media (and often to the detriment of traditional media), companies have no choice but to follow them.

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Final Thoughts

In social media, the goal is not to sell. The goal is to take your genuine interest in others online, conveying the sum total of who you are and what you can offer the world. It is through this process of meaningful engagement that you’ll develop the types of relationships and trust that will motivate others to seek you out to serve, or be served.

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Resources www.readwriteweb.com Read Write Web www.socialmediatoday.com Social Media Today www.zdnet.com ZDNet www.socialexaminer.com Social Examiner www.mashable.com Mashable www.hubspot.com Hubspot

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Thank you!Liz DeLoach

[email protected]

Twitter: @LizDeLoach @socialstrateg(843)532-9335