a super brief conversation introducing the arduino controller (and others) and idea exchange for...

A super brief Conversation introducing the Arduino controller (and others) and Idea exchange for Cosplay and other projects. ADDING TECH TO YOUR COSPLAY AND OTHER HIJINKS! Chris Hoffman [email protected]

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Page 1: A super brief Conversation introducing the Arduino controller (and others) and Idea exchange for Cosplay and other projects. - Chris Hoffman - Choffman321@gmail.com

A super brief Conversation introducing the Arduino controller (and others) and Idea exchange for Cosplay and other projects.


- Chris Hoffman- [email protected]

Page 2: A super brief Conversation introducing the Arduino controller (and others) and Idea exchange for Cosplay and other projects. - Chris Hoffman - Choffman321@gmail.com

It’s a Microcontroller – a little computer… Open source = free everything (Almost…).

Tutorials, code, plans, etc. Huge worldwide community of sharers Low cost. More than just Lighting

What is an Arduino?

Page 3: A super brief Conversation introducing the Arduino controller (and others) and Idea exchange for Cosplay and other projects. - Chris Hoffman - Choffman321@gmail.com

Whatever you can think up! Home automation Robotics Practical jokes? Airsoft/Nerf turret? 3D printer – Robots Building Robots!?! Add animatronics to your cosplays! That’s why we’re here!

What can you do with an Arduino?

Page 4: A super brief Conversation introducing the Arduino controller (and others) and Idea exchange for Cosplay and other projects. - Chris Hoffman - Choffman321@gmail.com

The boards differ based on features Most frequently seen

Uno Mega Nano Mini Lily Many more.

The Different Boards

Page 5: A super brief Conversation introducing the Arduino controller (and others) and Idea exchange for Cosplay and other projects. - Chris Hoffman - Choffman321@gmail.com

Shields? Shields expand functionality

Network and Wifi Bluetooth Sound Video Sensors Usb Motor Control Etc.

Design and sell your own!

Page 6: A super brief Conversation introducing the Arduino controller (and others) and Idea exchange for Cosplay and other projects. - Chris Hoffman - Choffman321@gmail.com

Jumper wires


Radio Control (RC) Servos

RC Electronic Speed Controls (ESC)

Light Emitting Diodes (LED)

Misc. Resistors

Variable Resistors (Potentiometers or POTs)

Misc. Sensors, Switches, Joysticks

Any Electronic Toys, broken or not!

Other tools Multi Meter Pliers Wire cutters/strippers Soldering iron

Things you’ll want

Page 7: A super brief Conversation introducing the Arduino controller (and others) and Idea exchange for Cosplay and other projects. - Chris Hoffman - Choffman321@gmail.com

The Programing Interface (IDE) (Integrated Development Environment)

Code In the Setup() Function runs one time when you turn it on or hit the reset button.

Code in the Loop Function() will repeatedly run forever or until I get near it.

It’s a little tricky to understand if you have never programed before but fear not there are examples and tutorials!!!

Page 8: A super brief Conversation introducing the Arduino controller (and others) and Idea exchange for Cosplay and other projects. - Chris Hoffman - Choffman321@gmail.com

The Blink Example

Page 9: A super brief Conversation introducing the Arduino controller (and others) and Idea exchange for Cosplay and other projects. - Chris Hoffman - Choffman321@gmail.com

Enough with the slides already!!!

Discussion / Demo / Q&A Time!

This presentation will be posted to www.team4042.com in the near future. Direct link, probably www.team4042.com/node/24

Page 10: A super brief Conversation introducing the Arduino controller (and others) and Idea exchange for Cosplay and other projects. - Chris Hoffman - Choffman321@gmail.com

References and Links. I’d like to thank the entirety of the Internet. Particularly Google.

Arduino info URLArduino Site http://www.arduino.cc/

Arduino Software - IDE (integrated development environment) http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software

Arduino Code Library http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/GeneralCodeLibraryArduino Tutorial Videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT6rF_I5kknPf2qlVFlvH47qHvqvzkkndAdafruit website neat stuff! https://www.adafruit.com/Adafruit tutorials https://learn.adafruit.com/Unofficial Adriono Video Classes https://opensourcehardwaregroup.com/thearduinocourse/Electroinics and Arduino class assignments http://rouvelle.com/rai_fa_12/The Replica Prop Forum http://www.therpf.com/DIY Animatronics forum http://diyanimatronics.freeforums.net/

The World Famous Index of Arduino & Freeduino Knowledge http://www.freeduino.org/

Ten Links to Online Arduino Learning Resources http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/ten-links-to-online-arduino-learning-resources.html

Arduino educational links https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/Links

Arduino projects http://readwrite.com/2014/03/29/10-arduino-projects-microcontroller-electrical-engineering

Page 11: A super brief Conversation introducing the Arduino controller (and others) and Idea exchange for Cosplay and other projects. - Chris Hoffman - Choffman321@gmail.com

References and Links. Costuming with Arduino URL

Arc Reactor http://thenewhobbyist.com/2010/11/arduino-powered-arc-reactor-part-12/

Tron suit https://www.flickr.com/photos/beckystrauss/sets/72157634552903794/

Animatronic Stargate helmet http://www.instructables.com/id/Animatronic-Stargate-helmet/

Hulk buster http://xrobots.co.uk/hulkbuster/

Necomimi Arduino Cat Ears http://www.instructables.com/id/Necomimi-Arduino-Cat-Ears/

Arduino-controlled, Aluminum Archangel Costume Wings http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-controlled-Aluminum-Archangel-Costume

-Win/kamui Cosplay http://kamuicosplay.tumblr.com/

Monado 2 wip2 (Arduino Project) http://flametorchic.deviantart.com/art/Monado-2-wip2-Arduino-Project-450658423

Arduino medusa costume https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brKMyoX1_9U

Cyberpunk Costume http://cosgeek.blogspot.com/2012/11/cyberpunk-costume.html

Page 12: A super brief Conversation introducing the Arduino controller (and others) and Idea exchange for Cosplay and other projects. - Chris Hoffman - Choffman321@gmail.com

References and Links. 3d printing with Arduino URL

3d printer plans 1 http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-Controlled-CNC-3D-Printer/

3d printer plans 2 http://3dprint.com/23080/instructables-build-3d-printer/

3d printer plans 3 http://www.3ders.org/articles/20140616-build-your-own-arduino-controlled-buildersbot-cnc-3d-printer.html

3d printer plans 4 http://www.smashingrobotics.com/build-cheap-3d-printer-arduino/

Mostly free 3d Models http://www.thingiverse.com/explore/newest/toys-and-games/page:35

Other Controler boards URL

Raspberry Pi https://www.raspberrypi.org/

BEAGLEBONE http://www.adafruit.com/category/75?gclid=CjwKEAjw2ImsBRCnjq70n_amv14SJAChXijNEFYdMmu0B7Q9KuHka8EkaCeZFucGKLxjkFMBhx0clBoCzNvw_wcB

Papilio http://papilio.cc/

Udoo http://www.udoo.org/

Gizmo http://www.gizmosphere.org/products/gizmo-2/