a study on impact of advertisement on children behaviour, a case study of sirsa, (haryana)

PROJECT ON Impact of Advertisement on Children’Behaviour : A Study MASTER OF PHILOSPHY IN COMMERCE Submitted to: Submitted by: Dr. Silender singh hooda Deepak Mathil (Lect.in Comm. Deptt.) Roll no.05

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Impact of Advertisement on Children’Behaviour: A Study



Submitted to: Submitted by:

Dr. Silender singh hooda Deepak Mathil

(Lect.in Comm. Deptt.) Roll no.05


Session 2012-13


AbstractChapter-1IntroductionChapter-2Review of Literature

Chapter-3Research Methodology:

Statement of problems





Research Design

Sample designData collectionData analysisLimitationsChapter schemeChapter-4 Data Analysis &InterpretationChapter-5Conclusion And SuggestionsReferencesQuestionnaire

Impact of Advertisement on Children’ Behaviour: A Study


Impact of marketing activities (specially adverting) on children is very important

andsensitive issue for the society and marketers. We explored with sample from 50

parents of Ellenabad to come up with practical insight of advertisinginfluence on

children’s memory and behavior in Indian context. Our results showedinteresting

findings that ads do not impact negatively to children’s memory and behavior.

Itenhances the knowledge of children and the ads targeted to children are not

effective, foreffective positioning of children related products marketers should

target the parents andinclude ethical orientation along with environmental

knowledge to influence the buyingbehavior of parents. Our study provided several

key market insights and suggestions forpractitioners and future researchers of

marketing field.


The consumer in this era is in target of massive media attacks effectively planned, and enlighten

with glamour as per the emotions, needs, wants and demands of the consumers. Marketers and

companies are spending billions of dollars on consumer research and to know the important

factors involved in consumer decision making. While talking about the marketing mix now a

days marketers main focus is on designing persuasive messages/commercials to attract the target

customers. Because the major chunk of the population and among all consumption of household

a considerable portion is of children products. So marketers are focusing and trying to attract and

influence the children by designing ads that are considerably attractive for children and

persuasive enough for their emotional attachment with the product. While common notion is that

the mother is the targeted customer for marketers of baby care industry. This notion is quiet

logical but now media and marketers are succeeded enough to generate emotional attachment of

children with the products so that they can insist on purchasing the specific product for their use.

This concept has created a war of massive attacks on children of this age and forced to conscious

people of society about the negative impacts of these massive advertising attacks on children

memory and behavior.

Especially, the media, advertising and entertainment industries, collectively known as mass

media, are powerful because they penetrate every segment of modern-day society and effectively

influence how consumers view themselves, their neighbors, communities and the world.

Although the mass media denotes outlets beyond newspapers, radio and television, and the scope

of media influence now extends to digital spectrum, cable and satellite technology and the

internet, it remains a fact that the TV is the single major and foremost communicator of our

times. As the world has global village so now through our electronic media, access to all

international channels is also easy. All these factors have contributed in the increasing aggressive

attitude in youth as they see violence on electronic media in one form or another. The media,

now a day, is promoting violent culture, which leave a deep impact on youth. It has caused the

aggression and violence of youth instead of promotion of peace and harmony. According to,

American Academy for Pediatrics Committee on Communications (AAPCC,1995). Media

violence can lead to aggressive behavior in youth. Over 1,000 studies confirm this link. It

also says that Media violence is especially damaging to young children (under age 8) because

they cannot easily tell the difference between real life and fantasy. Violent images on television

and in movies may seem real to young children. Viewing these images can upset them. Media

violence affects children by increasing their fear of becoming victims. Making them less

sensitive to violence and to victims of violence.Increasing their appetite for more violence in

entertainment and in real life. Media violence often fails to show the consequences of violence.

This is especially true of cartoons, toy commercials and music videos. As a result, children learn

that there is few if any repercussion for committing violent acts.


In last 20 years impact of TV advertisements on children memory and behavior is the major topic

of debates in countries open for market competition (Boddewyn, 1984).Till 1988 advertising

expense of TV program raised up to $500 million approximately (Leccese, 1989).While looking

at the children responses to TV advertisement a research experiment revealed that children’s

food choices specially in snacks are based on their exposure to TV commercials (Gorn and

Goldberg, 1982).Atkin (1981) also confirmed these findings in his experimental study and found

that the children with heavy exposure to TV advertisements are more likely to recall those brands

while shopping in the market and with their parents. Those children demand advertised food

products and toys while moving in market with their parents. Children ranging in between 6 to

11 years of age watch TV commercials 3 hours a day and it is estimated that over the period of a

year average child see about 20,000 advertisements (Adler et al, 1980). Most of the research in

consumer behavior and specially on advertisement impact on children has focused two major

points :( 1) impact of TV commercials in shaping behavior and its positive or negative influence

on children life and habits. (2) Role of TV commercials on the development and growth mental

as well as physical of the children’s (Donohue, Meyer and Henke, 1978).

Ward et al (1972) found age as a main factor in perception and learning from the advertisement

and the behavioral change is more likely to occur in older children as compared to younger one.

While focusing on the TV commercials and responses from the consumer in almost 500

commercials responses were recorded by the Leo Burnett Advertising Agency and they found

sevendifferent types of responses to TV advertisement. Those responses include entertainment,

confusion,relevant news, brand reinforcement, empathy, familiarity, and alienation (Schlinger


A sad or happy program or commercial can affect the mood, and cognition of the viewer.

Ahappy program can produce effectiveness and positive cognitive response to commercial as

well asbetter and effective recall (Goldberg and Gorn, 1987). Galst and White (1976) proposed a

cause and effect relationship and found strong correlations between TV advertisement exposure

of children and their purchase preferences as well as amount of purchase while shopping with

their parents.

Results of a two method study on snacks and sugar foods revealed that effectively

designedmessage in TV advertisements can generate action and effectively persuasion in

children for purchase of the product (Goldberg, Gorn and Gibson, 1978).

It was predicted that children’s age is the factor that determines the effectiveness

andpersuasiveness of TV advertisement in children. Younger children are less likely to

differentiate among TV programs and commercials so they pay more attention to TV ads as

compared to older ones (Blatt,Spencer, and Ward 1972; Robertson and Rossiter 1974; Ward,

Levinson, and Wackman 1972; Ward, Reale, and Levinson 1972; Ward, Wackman, and Wartella

1977) Voojis and van der Voort's (1993) stated that there is a marvelous body of literature

representing that watching aggressive television is linked with augmented hostile attitudes and

behaviors. This relationship is particularly distinct in childhood, whose comparatively restricted

knowledge and cognitive capital make them especially susceptible to television. The essential

mania comes out here that children try to copy the advertisement in which they get concerned

and we have been reading lot of occurrence in the media regarding copying issue. Those children

tried to copy the ads or film senses we will be going to test this in our hypothesis.

Television has the prospective to cause both positive and negative special effects andnumerous

studies have appeared at the bang of television on society, principally on children

andadolescents. An individual child’s developmental level is a significant factor in determining

whether the medium will have positive or negative effects. Not all television programs are bad,

but data showing the negative effects of contact to aggression, unsuitable sexuality and

disgusting language are convincing. We will be hypothesizing that ads impact negatively to the

children’s memory as well as their behavior ,and we will also be testing in another hypothesis

that ads enhances the knowledge of children about the environment.

The quantity of aggression on television is on the rise. The normal child sees 12,000 aggressive

act on television annually, as well as numerous interpretation of assassination and rape. Further

more than 1000 studies authenticate that experience to serious doses of television violent

behavior increases violent behavior, for the most part in boys. Other studies link television or

newspaper exposure of suicides to an increased suicide threat. (Position Statement, Canadian

Pediatric Society, 2003). A Federal Trade Commission (FTC) report discovered what many

supposed: media corporations were normally neglecting their own ranking limits and

aggressively advertising cruel amusement to children and teens (Media Awareness Network,

2005). Over the last 30 years there has been extensive research on the relationship between

televisions violence and violent behavior among youth. Longitudinal, cross-sectional, and

experimental studies have all confirmed this correlation (Beresin.V Eugene, 2005).

Prior to the birth of TV, this has discovered new entertainment opportunities for the families.

People were not much emotionally linked with the means of amusement they had like radio, live

theater. By submerging the people in too much entertainment, the media has created a new

culture for the youth that has kept them so immersed that many of them have become unusual.

Berey and Pollay (1968)were the first to understand the role of children. They measured

theassertiveness of the child (in favor of a brand preferred by the child) and the child-

centeredness of the mother in the case of purchase of a brand of breakfast cereal. They found that

high child-centered mothers purchased the child’s favourite brand less frequently, implying that

when a mother is child centered, she would purchase a brand that is good for the child and not

necessarily one that is preferred by the child. Berey and Pollayalso found that the assertiveness

of the child enhanced the recall of the child’s favourite brand among mothers. Examining shifts

in such influence across age, Ward and Wackman (1972) found that attempts by children at

influencing purchase were negatively related to the age of the child; however the tendency of

mothers to yield to such influence rose with the age of the child but varied across product

categories. Mehrotra and Torges (1977) and Williamsand Veeck (1998) suggested that no

particular attitude or set of attitudes uniquely determines for all products whether a mother would

be influenced by her child or not. Child-centered mothers were more likely to be influenced by

their children and family-oriented mothers or women with close knit

familieswere more sensitive to children’s influence. Mothers co-viewing television programmes

with their children were more likely to yield to children’s influencing attempt for products

advertised on those shows. Atkin (1978) found that while children do tend to make forceful

demands at the point of purchase, their success depends on whether they “ask” or “tell”.

Atkinreported a greater success rate in case of children that “tell” rather than “ask”.

Belch, Belch, and Ceresino (1985) later studied the diversity in the influence of children

andreported that the extent of such influence varied with product and stage in the decision


process, thus supporting the assertion of Szybillo and Sosanie (1977) that the roles of husbands,

wives, and children vary across stages of decision making. They found that while the role of the

teen age child was most prominent at the initiation stage, it was limited thereafter. Belch et al.

were also the first to report, in marketing journals, the discrepancy in reports of influence. They

detected that while children attributed greater influence in decision making to themselves, they

consistently attributed more influence to the father than mother. Subsequently, Foxman,

Tansuhaj, and Ekstorm(1989a, 1989b) reported more evidence supporting discrepancies in

reports. Foxman et al. (1989b) also found that personal resources of the child (such as grades in

school) and perceived product knowledge determined the extent of the influence. Supporting

FoxmanETall’s. (1989a) evidence, Beatty and Talpade (1994) reported similar effects of the

usage of the product by the child andChild’s product knowledge on the extent of the child’s

influence. Beatty and Talpadealso supported Belch et al.‟s (1985) findings about discrepancy in

reports when they found that the discrepancy was greater between father and child, rather than

between mother and child.

Moschis George P. (1985)has introduced the related concept of consumer socialization. He

has given the conceptual framework and the measurement models of socialization. Along with

the theoretical perspective he attempted to explain the family influences of the buying behavior

of customer, he pointed out various factors responsible for the purchase decisions. In his book,

he gave 197 propositions on the consumer socialization. Out of which 14 propositions were only

on the family influences, 19 proposition of peer influences, 37 propositions of mass media

influences, 14 propositions of effect of other socializing agents, 38 propositions of effect of age

and life cycle and 17 proposition of cultural factors along with a number of other factor


Ekstrom, Tansuhaj and Foxman (1987)took a reciprocal view of consumer socialization

ofchildren and proposed that children contribute to decision outcome through routes – one

byinfluencing their parents by direct expression of preferences and secondly by communicating

new knowledge to the parents and influencing purchases. They proposed that children whose

familycommunication pattern is characterized by a high concept–orientation will influence

(socialize) theirparents more than children whose family communication pattern is characterized

by a high socioorientation.

A child in a single parent family, higher socio – economic status, and higher personalresources

and in a sex role egalitarian family will have more influence. A child will have greaterinfluence

for product purchase decisions that he/she considers important or for which he/she hashigh

product knowledge. His/her participation in family decision making will tend to increase

his/hersatisfaction with family purchase decisions.

Singh (1992)studied the role played by family members while purchasing a television acrossfive

occupational categories: teachers, doctors, business people, lawyers, and engineers. Children

ofengineers and doctors were found to have remarkable influence in the purchase decisions.

Ahuja and Stinson (1993)examined the role of children in women led households and foundthat

the influence of the child varied across several parameters such as product, the age of the

child,and the sex role orientation of the mother. No conclusive patterns could be detected.

Robert Mayer (1994)has observed that it is quite evident that children not only attempt

toinfluence their parents to make purchases of products of special interest to them, but also

products ofremote interest (e.g. laundry detergents). For which they see advertisements on

television. Robertand Chris have argued that it is commonly expected that advertising effects

will be diluted whenconsumers encounter ads for competing brands. Consequently, advertisers

attempt to avoidcompetitors ads when buying media. It has been suggested that advertising for

mature and familiarbrands may not work in the same way as advertising for unfamiliar brands.

Relative to informationrelated to the more familiar brands advertised in the market place may be

less susceptible tocompetitive inference.

Jennifer and Deborah (1995)has concluded in their study that younger kids tend to usefewer

dimensions to compare and evaluate brands, use simple choice mechanisms based on

singleattribute rather than employing compensatory choice strategies of products in gathering

informationand making choices.

Jensen (1995)proposed that parents‟ involvement is a function of financial risk, their role

asusers and their perception of product differentiation whereas children are mostly involved in


purchase due to their role as users. She explored the influence of children in making purchases

andconcluded that besides product for direct consumption, children display influence in

purchasingproducts for family consumption where parents are less involved and perceive little or

no productdifferentiation (for food products).

Palan and Wilkes (1997)has conducted an adolescent parent interaction in family

decisionmakingand concluded that younger children are more likely to simply ask for products,

whereasadolescents are more likely to use a variety of influence strategies. It is through this

interaction thatadolescents attempt to influence decision outcomes. Adolescents do influence

family decisions andthat this influence may vary across different factors.

Schiffman (1997)has observed that over the past several decades, there has been a trendtowards

children playing an active role in what the family buys, as well as in the family decisionmaking

process. This shift in influence has occurred as a result of families having fewer children,more

dual-income couples who can afford to permit their children to make a greater number of

thechoices and the encouragement by the media to allow children to “express themselves”. Still

furthersingle parent households often push their children towards household participation and


Diancrispell(1998) explains how baby boomer children differ from their parents across a broad

spectrum of consumer preferences, attitudes, influences and demographics, including:

Pervasiveness of technology especially computers and its effect and perception.

Claude Pecheux and Christian Derbix (1999)have said that children’s attitude towardsparticular

brand is more crucial to understand than their choice behavior and this is important notonly to

understand their consumer behavior as children but also their future behavior as adults.

D. R. John (1999) classified consumer socialization stages of children as being the perceptual

stage (3-7 years), the analytical stage (7-11 years) and reflective stage (11-16 years). On the

basis ofan exhaustive review, she contended that children in perceptual stage focus on

perceptually salientfeatures of products use direct requests and emotional appeals to influence

purchases, and possesslimited ability to adapt strategy to a person or a situation. They are

expedient in making decision, areegocentric (as validated by Johnson (1995), and have the

emerging ability to adapt to cost-benefittrade-offs.

Dickerson Tasha, is of the opinion that consumer socialization of children includes

manydifferent elements, such as age, family communication structure, co-shopping and

advertisements/mass media. Consumer socialization also influences the development of brand

preferences, as wellas materialistic tendencies. “Consumer socialization is the Process by which

young people acquireskills, knowledge and attitude relevant to their functioning in the market

place” (Carlson andGrossbart, 1988).In other words, consumer socialization is how children

learn to be consumers. Children spend most of the time with their family members and thus

family is the most influentialagent of socialization.

DobhalShailesh (1999)explained the changing role of children for making the buyingdecisions

in different product categories. He explained that children now act as influencers / codeciders for

personal product, for vacations and for consumables. Whereas they are buyers forfamily

toiletries, initiator / gatekeeper for household durables and co-deciders / users for

familyAutomobiles, financial products and vacations. He also explained the changing role of

father and

mother regarding the consumer products.

In the same article Rajan Banerjee, Director Renaissance Management Consultants, Pune, (Aand

M) discussed the rising importance of children in the retail purchase decision, and how stores

need to evolve to retain the adults of tomorrow. He also said that in the consumer products,

international research shows that children tend to influence purchase decision of many products,

which they consume.

Mc Nealfurther explained that in the 1960s, children aged 2-14 directly influence about $

5billion in parental purchases. Mc Neal wrote “In the mid-1970s, the figure was $ 20 billion, and

it rose to $ 50 billion by 1984. By 1990, kids direct influence had reached $ 132 billion, and in

1997, it may have peaked at around $ 188 billion. Estimates show that children’s aggregate

spending roughly doubled during each decade of the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s and has tripled so

far in the 1990s”

Gene Del vecchio (O and M, Los Angeles 2000) has argued that marketers must gain anintimate

understanding of a child’s emotional needs, their hopes and fantasies in order to succeed

increasing and sustaining bonds with almost universal child appeals.

Steven M. Edward (2000) has pointed to adolescent population of 30 million (in U.S.A)which is

rapidly growing in both size and consumption power. Teenager’s preferences are alsoinfluencing

household consumption choices and therefore advertisers must begin to understand andaddress

the unique needs of this younger group of consumers.

Kapoor (2001)collected information from families in Delhi in regard to their roles acrossstages

of purchase decision making for six durables - televisions, refrigerators, washing machines,

personal computers, audio systems and cars. She found that individual members were associated

with multiple roles. The initiator for purchase in a family was typically a young female member,

who was likely to be the wife or one of the children. She illustrated that the need for an audio

system, personal computer and television was likely to be first expressed by the children in the

family. As influencers, younger members, especially children, were found to affect purchase of a

personal computer, audio system, and television. The final purchases were found to be decided

upon after consultation with other family members, mainly the husband.

Deepak Halan (2002) opines in a focus group study by kids-link, the market research group of

kid stuff promos and events with boys and girls in the age group of 13-15 years in Delhi,

girlsestimated that they were able to influence 50 percent of the decisions. The study highlighted


kids have a lot of information because of exposure to television, other media, and friends. They

reflected that parents sought their opinion even in making purchase of products not directly

related to the children, such as cars, because of their higher knowledge of brands, models and the

latest trends. Also, children stated that parents bought products that made the kids happy.

Anup Shah (2003)explains that marketers see children as a future as well as current marketand

hence brand loyalty at a young age helps in the quest of continued sales, later. He furtherexplains

that the journal of American Medical Association has said that children between the age of two

and seventeen watch an annual average of 15,000 to 18,000 hours of television compared with

12,000 hours spent per year in school. Children are also major targets for television advertising,

whose impact is greater than usual because there is an apparent lessening of influence by parents

and others in the older generation. Nevertheless, $ 1 billion a year is spent on ads and

commercials directed at children.

Kamaruddin Abdul Razak and SafeikMokhlis (2003)investigate how the process ofconsumer

socialization will determine adolescents‟ decision-making styles. Eight decision-making styles

were conceptualized as outcomes of the socialization process, which are acquired via interaction

with socialization agents namely parents, peers, printed media, television commercials and in-

school education. The study also proposes five social structural variables (social class, gender,

ethnicity, residence and religion) as being associated with the socialization agents and decision

making styles. There is a significant relationship between the social structural factors and

socialization process. The most revealing finding of this study is that parents did not contribute

to the formulation of decision making orientation for adolescents.

Singh and Kumar (2003)explains that children today do not only make their buyingdecisions

themselves but also play a great role in other buying decisions of the products to bepurchased in

household. They not only attempt to influence their parents to make purchases ofspecial interest

to them, but also with regard to remote interest, e.g. laundry detergents, for whichthey see

advertisements on television. They further analyzed that 90% of the children get pocketmoney

which they spend on comics, ice-creams, toffees and on other eatables available in themarket. So

they are targeted by the companies with great efforts and are emerging as a big market. Thus this

segment can very well be exploited in order to peep into parents‟ mind.

Kaur and Singh (2004)observed that children are individually active in initiating the idea to

purchase a durable. In other stages of the decision making process, they exhibit joint influence

alongwith other members of the family. This implies that they provide support to the member

exerting influence to increase pressure but do not wield much influence individually.

Kapoor and Verma (2005)investigated children’s understanding of television advertising in

a comprehensive study in Delhi. Their findings revealed those children as young as six years

could understand the purpose of television ads and distinguish between a commercial and a

television programme. With an increase in the age of the child, cognitive understanding of the

ads increased and children above the age of eight years were able to respond to television ads in

a mature and informed manner. Heavy viewing was positively associated with favorable attitudes

towardstelevision ads and conversely, interest in ads decline with age. Children’s exposure to

television ads was determined to a large extent by parents‟ control of their viewing. Parent-child

interaction played an important role in the children’s learning of positive consumer values and

their parents perceiving the influence as positive on their children’s buying response. Both

parents and children noted theimpact of television ads on children’s purchase requests.

Kaur and Singh (2006)explained that children constitute three different markets: the primary,

the influencer, and the future market. Certain products are simply children’s products for which

they are the primary users / buyers. They sometimes either purchase a product themselves or

select the product before it is purchased by the parents. For other products such as ones which

are used by the entire family unit they may influence purchases made by the parents. There are

some products where children wield direct influence or pester power by overtly specifying their

preferences and voicing them aloud. For other products parents‟ buying patterns are affected by

prior knowledge of the tastes and preferences of their children. This Passive Dictation‟ of choice

is prevalent for a wide variety of daily consumed product items as well as products for household


Nivedita Mukherjee (2006)says that the young Indian is emerging as the biggest and

mostinfluential consumer in the market place. Armed with an overload of information and

entertainment options, they now induce parents, who grew up on a „necessary consumption‟ life

style to spend without a thought and challenge marketers to drum up stronger brand creation

exercises. This is the age when channels like MTV belt out their favourite numbers at hours

convenient to their segment, when multiplexes shy away from screening block busters during

exam time, when consumers giants like unilever draw upon kid power to position a detergent as

“dirt is good” and mobile operators play cupid with anonymous dates. Teenomics has hit the

country with a vengeance.



This chapter presents the research methodology spreading in to eleven parts such as statement of

the problem; objectives of the study; hypothesis of the study; research design; sampling plan;

data collection; analysis and interpretation; limitations of the study; significance of the study and

chapters’ scheme.

Statement of the Problem

The problem of statement of this study is to know the impact of T.Vadvertisement on children’


Significance of the study

By this research children can improve their IQ level.

By this research children and their parents can be educated about the advertisement.

By this research parents can be improve their knowledge about the children behavior.

Scope of the study

We selected 50 parents from Ellenabad focusing on children behavior. One questionnaire

containing 15 items for the parents were administered to collect the data from 50 parents. All 50

questionnaire was filled with their response.

Objectives of the study

i) To know the awareness level among the children about the advertisement.

ii) To know the impact of advertisement on children behavior.

iii) To study the factors affecting the children behavior.


i) There is no significant difference towards the children about the advertisement.

ii) There is a positive impact on children behavior.

iii) There is no significant difference towards the factors affecting the children behavior.

Research Design

In this study, Descriptive and Exploratory research designed used.

Sample Design

To achieve the objectives of this study a sample of 50 parent’s response were collected from

Ellenabad. In this study convenion sampling has been used for this research.

Data Collection

In this study, the data has been collected through the primary as well as secondary source.

Questionnaire used for the data or as a primary source and secondary source. Data collected

through the reports, articles, and website.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

In this study collected data, analyzed and interpreted through the percentages.


Future researcher must test these findings in different cultural context to support our findings or

if any different results found. There are some limitations of study regarding sample selection

because entire sample is taken from only one city so it may not be the true representative of

population. Life style, economic condition and per capita income of that area might have some

influence on the community in sample. Another major limitation of our study is that lack of

grounded theory for our hypothesis support. We tried our best to find relevant literature in good

generals but due to uniqueness of the concept we didn’t succeeded to add that in our study. Most

of our references are from newspapers, internet and media sites. Third major limitation of our

study is regarding the validity and reliability of our measuring instrument, Although we tried our

best to make the process standardized but the sole reliability and validity of our instrument is

referred to them. Despite of all these constraints we tried our best to follow the standard research

procedures and styles for our study and hopeful that our sincere attempt will add very little value

in this stream of research.

Chapter Scheme







A total of 15 questionnaires were handed out at different parents in Ellenabad, and a sample of

50 was realized. This research showing following results:-

Table 4.1: Mode of communication

Mode ofCommunication No. of Respondents Percentages

Radio 2 4

Newspaper 18 36

T.V. 27 54

Internet 3 6

Total 50 100

Source: Survey






Table 4.1 shows that 4% parents use radio as a mode of communication, 36% parents use

newspaper,54% parents use T.V. and 6% parents use Internet as a mode of communication.

Table 4.2: Time spent on watching T.V. per day

Time spent No. of Respondents Percentages

Half an hour 5 10

1 hour 10 20

2 hours 22 44

More than 2 hours 13 26

Total 50 100

Source: Survey





Half an hour1 hour2 hoursMore than 2 hours

Table 4.2 shows that 10% parents says that their children spent half an hour on watching T.V.

per day, 20% parents says that their children spent one hour on watching T.V. per day, 44%

parents says that their children spent 2 hours on watching T.V. per day and 26% parents says that

their children spent more than 2 hours on watching T.V. per day.

Table 4.3:T.V. channels liked most by children

T.V channels No. of Respondents Percentages

Cartoon Network 15 30

Discovery 2 4

Entertainment 30 60

Others 3 6

Total 50 100

Source: Survey





cartoon NetworkDiscoveryEntertainmentOther

Table 4.3 shows that 30% parents response that cartoon network channel liked most by their

children, 4% parents response that Discovery channel liked most by their children, 60% parents

response that Entertainment channel liked most by their children, 6% parents response that Other

channels liked most by their children.

Table 4.4: Effect of Colgate advertisement

No. of times No. of Respondents Percentages

1 time 33 66

2 times 15 30

3 times 2 4

Many Times 0 0

Total 50 100

Source: Survey




1 time2 time3 time Many times

Table 4.4 shows that 66% parents response that after watching the Colgate advertisement their

children brush their teeth only one time, 30% parents response that after watching the Colgate

advertisement their children brush their teeth 2 times, 4% parents response that after watching

the Colgate advertisement their children brush their teeth 3 times.

Table 4.5: This table shows hours in a day they do study

Hours No. of Respondents Percentages

2 hours 25 50

3 hours 13 26

4 hours 9 18

5 hours 3 6

Total 50 100

Source: Survey





2 hours3 hours4 hours5 hours

Table 4.5 shows that 50% parents response that their children do their study only 2 hours in a

day, 26% parents response that their children do their study only 3 hours in a day,18% parents

response that their children do their study only 4 hours in a day, 6% parents response that their

children do their study only 5 hours in a day.

Table 4.6: Time of sleeping

Sleeping time No. of Respondents Percentages

9 o’clock 9 18

10 o’clock 24 48

11 o’clock 15 30

12 o’clock 2 4

Total 50 100

Source: Survey





9 o'clock10 o'clock11 o'clock12 o'clock

Table 4.6 shows that 18% parents says that their children go to sleep at 9 o’clock, 48% parents

says that their children go to sleep at 10 o’clock, 30% parents says that their children go to sleep

at 11 o’clock, 4% parents says that their children go to sleep at 12 o’clock.



We started with the aim to explore the role of advertisement in influencing the behavior of

children and our findings provided astonishing insights for future researchers and marketing

managers. We ended up with the findings that ads didn’t help buying behavior but children insist

on buying things they like while shopping with their parents. And the reason for this insistence

was proved to be personal not the impact of advertising. We find mix results that they try to copy

the ads, and parents rejected the notion that ads negatively impact the behavior of their children,

while they were agree in majority that ads enhance the knowledge of their children. We

discussed several key insights for practitioners and future researchers. What we believe this

study has a great importance for marketers involved in positioning and advertisement and will

definitely add value in marketing literature regarding impact of marketing practices on society

especially on children.


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Impact of Advertisement on Children’Behaviour: A Study

1. Which communication medium do you use?a) Radio ( )b) Newspaper ( )c) T.V. ( )d) Internet ( )

2. (i) As per your opinion,do your children like to watch T.V.?a) Yes ( )b) No ( )

2. (ii) How much time do they spent on watching T.V. per day?

a) Half an hour ( )b) One hour ( )c) Two hours ( )d) More than two hours ( )

3. Which connection do you use at your home?a) D.T.H. ( )b) Cable ( )c) Antenna ( )

4. Which kind of shows or programs do they like to see on T.V.?a) News ( )b) Sports ( )c) Entertainment ( )d) Cartoon ( )e) Others ( )

Strongly Strongly

Agree Agree Normal Disagree Disagree

5. (i) T.V. is harmful for children. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

(ii) T.V. affects the children. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

(iii) T.V.changes life of children. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

(iv) T.V.affects study of children. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

(v) T.V. improve moral values [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

among children.

(vi) T.V. increases the demand [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

among children.

(vii) Action advertisement affects [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

the children.

(viii) Religious advertisement [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

affects childrens’ emotions.

(ix) Sports advertisement affects [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Children’s’ interest.

(x) T.V. advertisement affects [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

children’s’ habits.

6. Which T.V. channels are liked most by children?(a) Cartoon Network ( )(b) Discovery ( )(c) Entertainment ( )(d) Others ( )

7. After watching the Colgate advertisement how many times they brush their teeth?a) One time ( )b) Two times ( )c) Three times ( )d) Many times ( )

8. With whom do they like most watching T.V.?a) With Family ( )b) With Friends ( )c) Lonely ( )

9. Would they like watching T.V.with elder person?a) Yes ( )b) No ( )c) Sometimes ( )

10. What will they do if you will not allow to watch any particular program?

a) They will see T.V.in your absence. ( )b) They will stand against in front of you. ( )c) They will go with your decision. ( )

11. What is the effect of drugs related advertisement on mental level of children?

a) They become addictive to that product. ( )b) They demand that particular product. ( )c) They stop their parents to use that product. ( )

12. What kind of advertisement are remembered by children?

a) Cartoon type advertisement ( )b) Big stars advertisement ( )c) Action type advertisement ( )

13. What is the affect of advertisement on physical health of children?

a) They become healthy. ( )b) They become sick. ( )c) No effect on health. ( )

14. How many hours in a day do they study?

a) 2 Hours ( )b) 3 Hours ( )c) 4 Hours ( )d) 5 Hours ( )

15. On what time they go to sleep?

a) 9 O’clock ( )b) 10 O’clock ( )c) 11 O’clock ( )d) 12 O’clock ( )


1. Name:

2. Age:

3. Gender:

4. Education:

5. Income:

6. Occupation: