a-stater fall 2010

A A Stater for alumni & friends of adams state college fall 2010 fall traditions mCdaniel scholarship trust record enrollment Puppies love ASC volunteers

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Magazine for alumni & friends of Adams State College


Page 1: A-Stater Fall 2010


erfor alumni & friends of

adams state college

fall 2010fall traditions mCdaniel scholarship trust record enrollment

Puppies loveASC volunteers

Page 2: A-Stater Fall 2010


erTraditions and rituals help people to connect with each

other and reaffirm their sense of belonging. Many traditionsare – well, traditional – like Homecoming. The longstandingrituals and events of Homecoming not only strengthen the re-lationship alumni have with their alma mater, but also helpform new relationships between today’s students and theirpredecessors.This issue of the A-Stater looks at many “new” fall tradi-

tions that have emerged at ASC in recent years. Each fall wewelcome new students at Orientation and Freshman Convo-cation. The annual Autumn@Adams celebration helps inte-grate the campus and community with events focused on such themes as “OurEarth, our Valley,” “Understanding Peace,”and this year’s concept: “Everyone has aStory to Tell.”Every year more and more students extend a helping hand to the community

during ASC Cares Day. For two decades, the Chemistry Department has delightedschool kids with the Chemistry Magic Show, usually held near Halloween.As a way of honoring our community and ASC’s work as a Hispanic Serving In-

stitution, a few years ago we began celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with cul-tural events. Receiving Title V grants to assist Hispanic Serving Insitutions alsoseems to have become a tradition at ASC.Our programs in art, music, theatre, and writing have created The Arts Extrava-

ganza, a new tradition that introduces high school students to their offerings. TheCommon Reading Experience is a relatively new academic tradition by which stu-dents, faculty, and staff explore the themes of a shared book.A few years ago, in preparation for a reaccreditation self-study, we initiated the

Day of Reflection. Classes are cancelled, and all faculty, staff, and students are en-couraged to spend the day addressing the college’s strengths and challenges. At thisyear’s Day of Reflection, we focused on assessment and shared governance in highereducation.Adams State also has an important tradition of honoring its supporters. At this

year’s ASC Foundation Student and Donor Recognition Dinner, we joyfully an-nounced the creation of the McDaniel Scholarship Trust by Emeritus Professor ofHistory John McDaniel (see page 20). In modeling a tradition of giving, Dr. Mc-Daniel has made the second largest gift in Adams State’s history.The values of a given group of people are reflected in and reinforced by the tradi-

tions it observes. Traditions build bridges between generations and create socialcohesion. If some traditions fall away or become modified with the passage of time,others are generated that speak to our needs and priorities.One value that underlies all traditions at Adam State – old and new – is our

mission of providing higher education to rural Coloradans, especially low income,minority, geographically isolated, or otherwise underserved students. Our newer tra-ditions all contribute in some way to that objective.

VOL. 50, NO. 3 • FALL 2010

Published by Adams State College

adams state college • alamosa, co 81102719.587.7011 • 800.824.6494

www.adams.edu • e-mail: [email protected] edition:




Steve Valdez ’87 Vice ChairGigi Darricades • Mary Griffin • Ramon Montoya ’69Ann Rice • Arnold Salazar ’75 • Charles Scoggin, M.D.

Dr. Tim Armstrong Faculty Trustee • Kenneth Scally Student Trustee


Executive Secretary/Director of Alumni RelationsToney Cantu ’70 President

Kasey Russell ’03 Vice PresidentKaren Rubidoux Miller ’94 Secretary

D. Mike Garcia ’73, ’77 • Robert Oringdulph ’71Sandy Ortega ’74 • Chris Page ’02, ’03Jeremy Ratliff ’96 • Brian Rossbert ’02

Rich Scanga ’75 • Liz Tabeling-Garcia ’96, ’06

ASC FOUNDATION BOARDDuane Bussey ’82 President

Dr. John McDaniel Vice PresidentJohn A. Marvel ’70 Secretary/Treasurer

Russell Achatz ’85 • Keith Cerny • Genevieve CooperDale Hettinger ’64 • Charles “Chuck” Houser ’62 • Jeni Jack ’85Cindy Palmer • Rich Scanga ’75 • Chris Sittler ’04 • Ray Skeff

Izora Southway ’66 • Eldo Wall • Michael Ware ’69

FOUNDATION HONORARY BOARD MEMBERSStephen Bokat ’68 • Marguerite Salazar ’75, ’76

FOUNDATION EMERITUS BOARD MEMBERSSharon Carter • Bob Copeland ’49Richard Jacobs • Harold KelloffRalph Outcalt • John ReasonJ. Byron Uhrich • R. Paul Wagner


Tammy Lopez ’91, ’00 Executive Director of the FoundationSteve Valdez ’87 Trustee Liaison

GRIZZLY CLUB BOARD OF DIRECTORSKeith Cerny Chair • Dave Barrows Vice Chair

Dennis Ortiz ’79 • Ric Cline ’71Ericha Loosbrock • Jeni Jack ’85 • Joe Martinez ’99Jay Meyer • Dennis Shioshita ‘77 • Steve Valdez ’87

ADAMS STATE COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENTAdams State College dedicates its resources to provide opportunityand access for all students. The College is an innovative leader thatrecognizes the inherent educational value of diversity. It is a cata-lyst for the educational, cultural, and economic interests of ruralColorado, the surrounding region, and the global community.



CONTRIBUTING WRITERS & PHOTOGRAPHERSNancy Blevins ’11 • Chris Day • Mike Henderson ‘07

Gaylene Horning ’94 • Larry Jeffryes ’69Lace King ’13 • Tim Mouser

president’s letter:

embracing traditions - old & new

the coverFreshman Vinnie D’Andrea and sophomore Ariel Brauer got back as much love as theyextended when they volunteered at the Valley Humane Society during the annual ASCCares Day Community Plunge, Oct. 2. In its tenth year, ASC Cares Day is one of many“new” traditions at ASC. See more, page 14.

David Svaldi

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in side


online edition of the A-Stater

www.adams.edu/alumni/astater/become a fan:


Fall traditions include outreach, service, and academic exploration ~ Page 14cover story




adams updatesASC tops last year’s record enrollment 4$3.18 million Title V grant supports student success 6Completing the North Campus 8The transformation continues 10

givingDr. John McDaniel donates college’s second largest gift 20Lifelong nurse creates nursing scholarship through bequest 22School of Business student lounge named forJ. Thomas Gilmore ‘66, ‘67 23

homecoming memories 24

alumnotes 30

alumni scrapbook 34

sports scenes 38

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a larger freshman class, growing graduate programs, and improved studentretention helped Adams State set a new record for enrollment this fall. Adams Staterecorded a 4 percent increase in on-campus undergraduate and graduate students, for atotal of 2,967, according to Dr. Michael Mumper ‘76, senior vice president for EnrollmentManagement and Program Development.

fresh faces: ASC’s 2010 freshman class is 5.7percent larger than last year’s, totalling 565 students. Thesescenes from the annual Freshman Orientation and WelcomeBack Luau show they’re clearly happy to be at ASC.

ASC topslast year’srecordenrollment

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“This is the seventh consecutive semester of enrollmentgrowth, and now with record enrollment two years in a row, wefeel this is a good sign of a permanent trend,” Mumper said.An additional 500 undergraduate students are enrolled on-

line or through other distance education programs, bringingAdams State’s total enrollment to 3,467, compared to last

year’s previousrecord high enroll-ment of 3,369.That figure in-cludes 2,747 un-dergraduates and720 graduate stu-dents.Adams State

President DavidSvaldi noted: “Weare nearing fullcapacity for on-campus students.We do anticipateadditional growth,but the bulk ofthat will be in on-line programs.”Mumper said

the freshman classincreased 5.7 per-cent over 2009, to565. Students arepersisting fromthe first to second

year of college at a higher rate, with retention thisyear at almost 60 percent, up nearly 9 percent fromtwo years ago. Mumper attributes this improve-ment to several new programs designed to fosterstudent success and to an increase in the quality ofentering freshman students.“We have been bringing in more students who

have outstanding academic records in high schooland do well at ASC. That improves our retentionrate,” Mumper said.“Our caring campus allows us to better address

the needs of underserved students – whether theyare from rural areas, low income families, minoritygroups, or are in their family’s first generation toattend college,” Svaldi added.

program growthGraduate student enrollment is up 5.4 percent

over last year. Most of Adams State’s graduate stu-dents are enrolled in online or hybrid programs,

which include a summer residency on campus.“This is the highest number of graduate students ever,”

Mumper said. Adams State recently expanded its number ofmaster’s degree programs to seven.Student diversity at Adams State is also increasing. Total

undergraduate Hispanic enrollment increased from 29 per-cent in 2009 to 32 percent. Another 14 percent of the under-graduate student body identifies as African American, NativeAmerican/Alaskan, Asian/Pacific Islander, or multi-racial.

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“This grant will help usimprove our student achieve-ment, especially of Hispanicand low-income students,”Mumper added. “ASC’s stu-dent retention rates have in-creased steadily over the pastthree years, and this grant willhelp us to build and expandthat success.”Adams State has the

longest Hispanic Serving his-tory among Colorado four-year institutions, with currentHispanic enrollment at 32percent, up three percent overlast year. Fifty-five percent ofthe student body is consid-ered low income, with familyadjusted gross income averag-ing $17,818; while 82 per-cent qualify for need-basedfederal Pell Grants – the high-est percentage of any publichigher education institutionin the state.“We plan to address three

significant areas: the need toconsolidate and expand ourstudent services, a need for acomprehensive faculty andstaff development program,

and the need to keep up with rapidly-evolving instructionaltechnology,” Mumper said.“Hispanic Serving Institution” is a federal designation for

colleges and universities that enroll a minimum of 25 percentHispanic students. Title V aids HSIs in expanding educa-tional opportunities for and success of Hispanic students. The

grants also enable HSIs to expand and enhance their academicofferings, program quality, and institutional stability.Lillian Gomez is Adams State’s Title V grant director, while

Eva Brown will serve as the project’s activities director. “Weare really excited to win this new grant, because the process isvery competitive. It gives Adams State the opportunity toadopt best educational practices that will benefit all of ourstudents, regardless of class, gender, or race,” Gomez said.Adams State President David Svaldi said: “I want to thank

the faculty and staff who worked on obtaining this grant, par-ticularly Dr. Mumper and Lillian Gomez, for their hard workon behalf of our students.”

student success centerA new Student Success Center will be constructed on the

first floor of the Nielson Library. Plans call for it to be openednext August to serve as a “one-stop” for the college’s variousacademic support programs, according to Mumper. “We willcreate a center that is inviting to students who do not nor-mally visit the library.Gomez added: “This will help Adams State expand services

for students who may not have been successful in the past.”The center will house the Title V Activity Director and in-

tervention specialists, as well as the college’s Academic Advis-ing Center, TRiO Student Support Services, STAY program(developmental education), and disability services. The TitleV grant will also support expansion of peer tutoring offeredthrough the Grizzly Learning & Testing Center, located onthe library’s second floor. The Student Success Center will in-clude ten student computer workstations to facilitate groupstudy.The grant will also support a new “Summer Bridge” pro-

gram to help freshmen make a successful transition to college.Serving 30-35 students each year, it will parallel a similar pro-gram offered through ASC’s Student Support Services that hasimproved student retention and academic performance.In the grant’s second year, the college will hire a career

counseling coordinator to provide students with career plan-ning and placement services.

$3.18 million Title V grantsupports student success

6 | A-Stater | Fall 2010

adams state college was recently awarded its third Title V grant in the last decade.The new $3.18 million Title V grant is focused on improving student engagement and suc-cess, according to Dr. Michael Mumper ‘76, Adams State senior vice president for EnrollmentManagement and Program Development. Designed to strengthen Hispanic Serving Institu-tions (HSIs), the new grant will run for five years.

Lillian Gomez (top) and Eva Brownare the Director and Activities Di-rector, respectively, for ASC’s new,five-year Title V grant.

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CASA (Cultural Awareness & Student Achievement) organized avariety of events for the annual Hispanic Heritage Month celebrationon campus. One that drew an appreciative crowd was an evening offlamenco music and dancing with Ronaldo Baca on guitar.

faculty developmentThe second major component of the new Title V project is

expansion of professional development activities for facultyand staff through the college’s Center for Equity in Teachingand Learning (CELT). This program was initiated underAdams State’s first Title V grant in 2000.“Faculty development will focus on transitioning from ped-

agogy – education of children – to androgogy – education ofadults. We will present workshops and seminars, as well as asummer immersion institute, on best practices for teachingHispanic, at-risk, and adult students,” Gomez explained. Inaddition, faculty who have completed these development pro-grams will be eligible for teaching improvement grants to fur-ther enhance their classroom work.

technology acquisitionThe Title V grant will also fund new instructional and as-

sistive technology for faculty and students. In addition to theStudent Success Center workstations, two technology-enhanced classrooms (TEC) will be built each year of thegrant.

A variety of assistive technology to support disabled stu-dents will also be acquired. This includes an Open Book ad-vanced screen reader, a low-vision desktop magnifier, Daisydigital readers, talking dictionaries, digital recorders, Live-scribe devices for converting notes to MP3s, and recordingsfor the blind and dyslexic.

service to hispanic studentsAdams State’s first Title V grant, for $1.96 million, was

awarded in 2000. The primary activity of that five-year proj-ect was creation of CELT to "support curricular innovationsand efficient use of technology." CELT workshops have stim-ulated many faculty members to implement new teachingpractices and a more student-centered approach to learning.In addition, participating faculty became more cognizant ofstudents of different ethnic, cultural, class, and social back-grounds.A $3.4 million Title V cooperative grant was awarded in

2006 to Adams State College, Trinidad State and Otero juniorcolleges to expand educational access for Hispanic students.

By Julie Waechter

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Completing theNorth Campus

bricks & mortarplaster & paint


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the best seats in the house (left center) were arguably thoseof Residence at Rex occupants, who enjoyed the Homecoming gamefrom their terraces. Leslie Kahler (left) enjoys her new home inASC’s first new residence hall in 40 years. The stadium portion ofthe facility (bottom center) will be finished soon.

In addition to new construction and remodeling of existing housing,the North Campus Transformationincludes a new soccer/lacrossefield near the river (below) andtwo new parking lots. A new soft-ball field will also be completedbefore the spring season begins.

dining in style: La Mesa Din-ing Hall (near left) has been re-modeled by ASC’s food provider,Sodexo.

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Constructed in the 1950s and ‘60s, all three facilities re-quire substantial upgrades to remain viable and attractive tostudents. For several years now, state budget cuts have limitedfunds for building maintenance and improvement.Adams State’s recent and imminent campus improvements

are made possible by a commitment from students. In springof 2008, they overwhelmingly approved a new student capitalconstruction fee to upgrade student life facilities and aca-demic buildings.

growing momentum“Creating a more appealing campus is part of our strategy

to continue enrollment growth, and we are already reapingthe benefits,” said President David Svaldi. In fall 2010, ASCtopped 2009’s record enrollment by 4 percent. (See pg. 4.)

By building enrollment to fulfill the capacity of campus fa-cilities – about 3,000 undergraduates – Adams State can bluntthe impact of continued state funding cuts. “Today more thanever, Adams State’s affordability allows many students toachieve the dream of higher education,” he added.“Despite the discouraging economic climate, Adams State

is more vibrant than ever, thanks to the vision and confidenceof our students,” Svaldi said. “I hope our alumni will invest inthe future of the college and its students by supporting thePhase II South Campus Renovation.”(Detailed information about how alumni can contribute to

these projects will be mailed after the first of the year.)

music renovation featuresproject cost: $5.7 millionBegin late February 2011 – Complete Spring 2012• 3,225 sq. ft., two-story addition with attractive east entrance

• Four practice rooms• Percussion studio• Two rehearsal halls• New recording studio

• New vestibule on west & south entrances; new roof, climate controlsystem

• Modern soundproofing• Improved meeting and study spaces• Wi-fi internet access• New concrete walkways to connect with Leon Memorial Concert Hall• Outdoor plaza with fixed seating• Amphitheater• Replace band and orchestra instruments• Rebuild 5 Steinway Grand Pianos

south campus renovations underway

The transformationcontinueswhile the dust is far from settled on Adams State’s North Campus Transformation,Phase II work has already begun. Now the focus moves to the South Campus for upgrades ofthree academic buildings: the Education & Social Sciences (ES) Building, the Music Building,and Leon Memorial Concert Hall.

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The Music Building addition,(blue & white areas of dia-gram below) will providemuch needed additional re-hearsal and practice space.It will also create a neweast-facing entrance to bring innatural light and create better access toLeon Memorial (right).

a reputation for training fine musicians andmusic teachers has been a hallmark of Adams State College’sMusic Department for decades. Today, nearly a third of ASC’s2,500 on-campus undergraduate students attend music classesor lessons or perform in ensembles. This vibrant departmentincludes 7 full-time and 10 adjunct faculty, 89 music majors,and 50 non-major ensemble participants.More than 50 years of use have taken a toll on the Music

Building’s interior finishes and equipment, and more space isrequired to relieve crowded corridors and accommodate stu-

dent practice room needs. The much-needed facility upgrades will allow theMusic Building to continue to serve as acenter of inspiration and instruction foraspiring musicians and music teachers.The project also includes replacement ofband and orchestra instruments, mostof which are 20 to 40 years of age.A 3,225 sq. ft., two-story addition

will add four much-needed practicerooms, a percussion studio, and two re-hearsal halls. A new recording studiowill expand student learning and experi-mentation opportunities. The additionwill face east, with glass panels and anopen stair bringing natural light to theinterior.Modern soundproofing will greatly

improve the existing building’s func-tionality – allowing students and theirprofessors to tune into the lesson athand.New concrete walkways will connect

Leon Memorial Concert Hall and theMusic Building and facilitate large in-strument transportation. A plaza with

fixed seating willprovide a student gatheringpoint outside the addition. A new am-phitheater will offer outdoor performance space.

renowned for excellent acoustics, Leon Me-morial Concert Hall is the premier concert venue in Alamosaand the San Luis Valley. It was built in 1968 through a giftfrom sisters Rose Leon and Ella Leon Grove, who ran a suc-cessful women’s apparel shop in Alamosa.The intimate 200-seat auditorium makes every perform-

ance a joy for both audience members and performers.Integral to Adams State’s excellent music department, Leon

Memorial is the ideal setting for recitals by faculty, students,and guest musicians. Community groups such as the AlamosaLive Music Association also use it regularly.The renovation project will replace the worn seating and

upgrade finishes. Sound insulation, lighting, and ventilationwill also be improved, and the green room and adjacent fac-ulty offices will be refurbished.This renovation will ensure the hall’s longevity as the re-

gion’s premier concert venue and maintain the integrity of itsacoustics.

Fall 2009 | A-Stater | 11


leon memorial featuresproject cost: $427,010Under way – Complete January 2011• New auditorium seating and upgraded finishes• New sound booth & recording equipment• Refinished stage• Improved sound insulation, lighting, ventilation• Refurbished lobby, green room, and adjacent faculty

offices• New harpsichord• New walkways and plaza leading to Music


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for more than 43 years, theES (Education & Social Sciences) Build-ing has been the principal site for AdamsState’s humanities and education classes.Half of the college’s 2,500 on-campusstudents attend class here five days aweek.The entire ES Building will be com-

pletely gutted and reconfigured, torenew it as the college’s premier aca-demic facility and accommodate pro-jected enrollment increases.Natural light, new finishes, and indoor and outdoor study/gathering spaces will make the building

welcoming to students. An atrium with adjacent outdoor patio, study areas, and interior glass walls willopen up the center of the building south to north and suffuse it with light. An open staircase will connecta bright, welcoming second-floor study area with the third floor. The first floor will become a study hub,with a 24-hour computer lab and study alcoves with wi-fi access. A new 140-space parking lot will be de-veloped just east of the building, at First & Richardson Ave.The $11.4 million renovation project will accommodate the needs of the academic departments as

they have evolved over time. Classrooms, meeting rooms, and offices will be resized tobetter suit student and faculty needs. Because Adams State’s small stu-dent-teacher ratio is key to student success, ES class-rooms have been resized to foster thisintimate environ-ment, resultingin more totalclassrooms.This renova-

tion will also im-prove the energyefficiency and ac-cessibility of theES building andcreate an environ-ment with flexibilityto foster differentteaching and learningenvironment ap-proaches.

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es building renovation featuresproject cost: $11.4 millionBegin January 2011 – Complete August 2011• Complete interior redesign• 24-hour access computer lab with 20 stations• Teaching computer lab with 32 stations• High-tech conference room for faculty/staff development• Inviting student study areas equipped with wi-fi internet access• Open atrium and staircase, outdoor patio suitable for class lectures• Archaeology/anthropology laboratory• Psychology participation lab• Lecture halls and classrooms ranging from seminar rooms for 16 to

a tiered lecture hall that will seat 120• Writing Studio• Teacher Education demonstration classroom & early childhood

math/science lab• Counselor education therapy rooms• New energy-efficient mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems• New 140 space parking lot adjacent to building

the central feature of the es remodeling is an open stair and sunlit study areabetween the top two floors (top left). A bright first floor will now welcome students into acomfortable wi-fi study area (left) and feature a 24-hour computer lab. The first-floorlounge will open southward to a patio that borders a treed lawn (above).

Gone will be the ES Building’s long, dark hallwaysand ubiquitous orange classroom desks.

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Award winningColorado writer LauraPritchett (above) wasthe keynote speakerfor this fall’sAutumn@Adamscampus and commu-nity celebration.

She talked about theimportance of “place”and details in convey-ing a story’s theme atan afternoon workshop(right), where she alsosigned copies of herbooks (far right, top.)

It’s that tifall traditions includservice & academic exp

“i spend 90 percent of my timedaydreaming, imagining otherpeople’s lives,” said author LauraPritchett. Fittingly, she was thekeynote speaker during the 7thannual Autumn@Adams celebrationin September, which was structuredaround the theme: Everyone Has AStory To Tell/Todos Tienen Una His-toria Que Contar.

Pritchett’s book Sky Bridge was selected for thisyear’s Common Reading Experience (CRE), whichorganizes freshman writing courses and campusevents around a book that will stimulate sharedconversations on campus, both inside and beyondthe classroom.Pritchett also addressed the Freshman Convoca-

tion on Aug. 20. She said she was impressed withthe campus and community. "I was so taken withthe small town feel – the inclusive, warm, encour-aging atmosphere was so apparent."Set in Lamar, Colo., Sky Bridge won the WILLA

Literary Award and was a finalist for the DublinInternational Award and the Colorado BookAward. It is narrated by Libby, a young womanwho has decided to adopt her younger sister’s baby.Libby struggles to care for baby Amber and con-tinue her job as a grocery store bagger, while sorelymissing her sister, Tess.Dr. Carol Guerrero-Murphy, professor of Eng-

lish and chair of the CRE, said Sky Bridge reallyspoke to the students, so many of whom are from

rural communities similar to that portrayed in thebook. “One student told me: ‘I couldn’t sleep untilI finished it,’” she said.During Autumn@ Adams, Pritchett gave an af-

ternoon talk on “How place informs character andplot" and read from her book at an evening event,in addition to meeting with students in their Eng-lish classes. Raised on a ranch in northern Col-orado, Pritchett said she spent “a lot of timeoutside – escaping my brothers and parents. Ispent a lot of time watching how light gleams offgrain.” Such details, she said, are key to illustratinga story’s theme.“Stories help us perceive and possess our life.

… They help us to grow, to understand our life, torecognize where we want to change,” Pritchettsaid. “I tell stories constantly.” She told audiencesshe was inspired to write Sky Bridge after overhear-ing a waitress tell someone she was adopting hersister’s child.ASC’s Common Reading Experience began sev-

eral years ago with reading of Einstein’s Dreams by

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Alan Lightman. Subsequent books chosen included RocketBoys by Homer Hickam, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, ALongWay Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah,and Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David OliverRelin.The selection committee includes faculty and staff from

various disciplines and involved the entire campus in settingbook criteria. Guerrero-Murphy said they seek books thathave an element of hope, present diverse voices, and affirmthe multicultural threads that comprise a community. In alter-nating years the book’s focus is either on examining oneself, oron examining the outer world.“Of course, we also look for a book that is engaging, read-

able, accessible and has good literary quality,” she added. Stu-dents may be assigned to write a personal response to thestory, attend and write a reflection on a related event, or towrite from the perspective of a character who is unlike them-selves.

“We have many discussions. Some students were concernedabout a rape scene in the book, as well as obscene languageand discussion of abortion and religious values, while otherstudents said they loved Sky Bridge specifically because of thatrealism.” Guerrero-Murphy said.

By Julie Waechter

See Laura Pritchett reading her work at ASC onwww.youtube.com/adamsstate

Fall 2010 | A-Stater | 15


ime of year ...de outreach,ploration

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cook-0ff spices up autumn@adams

THE EXAMINED LIFE art exhibit (above left) featured works by students and community members during [email protected] professor Marty Jones (above right) incorporated his musicality into his “Last Lecture.”

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Fall 2010 | A-Stater | 17

Popular professors inspirewith “Last Lecture”the inevitability of change and our need to embrace it was thecommon theme at the Autumn@Adams Last Lecture, which drew200 campus and community members to hear words of wisdomfrom two Presidential Teacher Award recipients, Dr. Marty Jonesand Dr. John Taylor, professors of chemistry and theatre, respec-tively.Likely to become another annual tradition, the event was modeled after Carnegie Mellon

University's Last Lecture series, which became nationally recognized in 2007 when computerscience professor Dr. Randy Pausch gave his lecture, conceived after he learned he had terminalcancer.

The ASC Last Lecture may be viewed on You Tube: www.youtube.com/adamsstateDr. John Taylor related how hecaught the theatre bug as a veryyoung child.

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transplant trees. pick uptrash. weed the garden.walk the dog.Those are just a few of the community

service projects accomplished on the tenthanniversary of the ASC Cares Day Commu-nity Plunge, Oct. 2. The project dispatched200 college students and staff to help on 16different community service projects.ASC United Campus Ministry coordi-

nates the service event, as well as the ASCCares Volunteer Fair, which brings San LuisValley non-profits onto campus to recruitvolunteers.

Area youth worked with college student or-ganizations in two ASC Cares Day projects.Above, members of ACME (ASC Computer,Math, and Engineering club) work with highschool students from Upward Bound tostraighten up the community garden at BoydSchool. At right, the men’s basketball teamincluded youth from the Mi Amino program intheir clean up of Hwy. 285 south of town.

The Adams State College Chemistry Department preOctober. The event’s fascinating magic tricks (experular with area school children. Serenading the crowdBeeton as Dorothy, accompanied by Dr. Marty Jonestrayed by Dr. Christy Miller, mixes chemicals for theshow will soon be posted on YouTube www.youtube

Chemistry Dept. has th

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sented its 20th annual Chemistry Magic Show iniments) and fun hands-on activities are always pop-d with Somewhere Over the Rainbow is Dr. Reneeas the Cowardly Lion on guitar. The Tin Man, por-“Rainbow Connection” experiment. A video of the.com/adamsstate.

Swinging from a tree, students from 14 Colorado high schools were introducedto the Seventh Annual Adams State College Arts Extravaganza. Rachel Perez andstaff from the Adams State Adventure Programs led a “swinging” icebreaker, then75 high school students enjoyed expressing themselves with paint, ceramics, improvtheatre, music, and creative writing.Chance Christie, a La Veta High School sophomore, said the drama and choir

classes were very educational and exciting. “I would love to attend Adams Stateonce I am older. This is a great school with inspiring instructors.”Jenna Neilsen, associate professor of theatre, said some first-year Adams State

theatre students joined the high school students on stage for the improv workshop.“The visiting students seemed interested and learned a few things in terms of beingon stage and sharing responsibility for a scene.”A group of students from Swink High School in the Arkansas Valley participated

with their art teacher, Max Cordova, and Bonnie Grossen, their English teacher anddrama sponsor. Grossen said coming from a school of only 120 to visit Adams Stategives the student a chance to see college life and a college campus, as well as to"taste" a sampling of fine arts activities. “Our students come back from the work-shops bubbling with excitement. Each workshop, whether art or theatre or writingor music, let students feel involved.”

Arts Extravaganza participants break the ice with a swing (below left). Art professorGene Schilling guides a painting project (below right).

Extravagant traditionappeals to students

he magic touch

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McDaniel's bequest was announced Nov. 4 at the conclu-sion of the Adams State College Foundation's annual Studentand Donor Recognition Dinner, at which McDaniel was pre-sented the college's highest honor, the Billy Adams Award.Adams State Foundation President Duane Bussey said: “To

have a scholar such as Dr. John McDaniel devote his entire aca-demic career to Adams State College is certainly a valuable giftin itself. But now Dr. McDaniel has really outdone himself."Adams State President David Svaldi noted: "The McDaniel

Scholarship Trust is a fitting legacy from a man who alwaysfocused on students, in the classroom, through mentoring,and even following graduation. Dr. McDaniel realizes the im-portance of motivating students and providing them with the

means to complete a collegeeducation."In accepting the Billy

Adams Award, McDanielsaid, "I am profoundly grate-ful and deeply honored to ac-cept this award, named forour own Governor BillyAdams, a longtime San LuisValley resident and the name-sake of the college we loveand serve."

outstandinggenerosityA surprise guest at the

dinner was the Hon. CarlosLucero, Adams State Class of1961 and a longtime friendof McDaniel's. He recalledteaching in Adams State'spre-law program, and said allhis students "raved about Dr.John McDaniel. He had thegreatest respect for his stu-dents, and the greatest loveand admiration for this col-lege."After some ribbing about

McDaniel's frugality, Lucero said: "John marshals his fundsand guards them carefully. Then when you least expect it, hedemonstrates a generosity that is so outstanding that you can'tbelieve it. . . . John has given and given and given to AdamsState."Earlier in the evening, McDaniel turned the focus on the

students he always made his first priority. "Tonight fourawards have been presented, but it is the donors and scholar-ship recipients that this evening is really about, and it is youwe wish most to honor," he said."As someone who throughout his educational journey has

benefited from scholarships, I would like to address particu-

a man who devoted his entire academic career to the benefit of Adams State Collegeand its students has pledged the second largest donation in the college’s history. Emeritus Pro-fessor of History, Dr. John McDaniel, committed the bulk of his estate to create the McDanielScholarship Trust to fund scholarships that will help countless students for decades to come.

mCdaniel scholarship trust created

Dr. John McDaniel donates co

ASC President David Svaldi (left) presents the 2010 Billy Adams Award to Emeritus Professor of His-tory, Dr. John McDaniel.

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larly those of you who are fellow beneficiaries. It seems to methat there are two aspects to any such award. First, of course,is the monetarysupport, which isalways welcomeand may make acritical differencein one's beingable to continuein college. Butperhaps of equalimportance is theintangible thatsome individualor group has rec-ognized that yourintelligence, hard work, and scholastic excellence are deserv-ing of recognition and financial support."

history of scholarship supportAdams State students are already benefitting from another

scholarship program McDaniel created in partnership withthe ASC Foundation, alumni, and faculty. Eleven years ago,McDaniel set out to create 30 individual scholarship funds.He donated $5,000 to each fund, which was then matched bythe donor and the Adams State College Foundation. Todaythere are not 30, but 40 Mc-Daniel Scholarship Funds,with total endowments in ex-cess of $823,000 that fundhalf-tuition scholarships.McDaniel joined the his-

tory faculty of Adams StateCollege in 1967. He servedas head of the Department ofHistory, Government, Phi-losophy and Foreign Lan-guage from 1994-98.Beginning in 1993, hepresided over commence-ment ceremonies as facultymarshal. He was namedemeritus professor in springof 2007, when he retiredafter 40 years of teaching his-tory at Adams State. He con-

tinues to serve the college as vice president of the ASC Foun-dation.

He received hisbachelor of artsand master of artsdegrees in Englishfrom Texas Chris-tian University,then studiedFrench cultureand civilization atthe University ofStrasbourg with aFulbright Grant.McDaniel hadbegun doctoral

work at Harvard, but postponed it to work on John F.Kennedy's presidential campaign; he then worked in theKennedy administration. Following JFK's assassination, Mc-Daniel made a change and finished his doctoral work at theUniversity of Texas. He also served as an officer in the AirForce.Upon leaving the White House, McDaniel determined to

return to academia and seek a post in the Rocky MountainRegion. The rest is ASC history.

By Julie Waechter


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The Hon. Carlos Lucero ‘61 (left) regales the Donor Dinner audience with tales of his long friendshipwith Dr. John McDaniel. From the left are Dr. David Svaldi, McDaniel, and ASC Foundation representa-tive Jenny Cooper.

ollege’s second largest gift




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With a 41-year career devoted tonursing, Mary McAninch Beaver re-cently created a scholarship to aidAdams State College nursing students.She arranged a $25,000 bequest to fundthe scholarship. She and her husband,Cal, were recently inducted into theAdams State Foundation’s Legacy Soci-

ety, which recognizes those who includeAdams State in their estate planning.A valley native, Beaver encourages

local students to pursue nursing careers."I enjoyed being a nurse. It is gratify-

ing to know you saved a person's life."She spent her career at Porter Hospitalin Denver."Mary was devoted to her patients,"

said Beaver’s sister, Janet Mangum ‘63,who supported acquisition of ASC’sfirst computer programmed mannequinin 2006. The two sisters often meet inAlamosa, halfway between Mangum’shome in Albuquerque and Beaver’s inEvergreen, Colo. Dr. Amanda Jojola, di-rector of nursing, said the departmentand nursing students appreciate the

Beavers’ "kind hearts" and abundantgenerosity. "Not only will their gift di-rectly help nursing students, but it willalso indirectly help us build a strongnursing community within the San LuisValley."The Mary McAninch Beaver Nursing

Scholarship is for nursing students whohave a minimumGPA of 3.0; pref-erence will begiven to San LuisValley high schoolgraduates.Jojola recently

escorted Mary andCal Beaver andJanet and JasperMangum throughthe Adams Statenursing depart-ment. After re-modeling last year,the department of-

fers a lot of new technology, includingcomputer programmed mannequinswhich simulate a full range of disease

processes, medical-surgical events, men-tal health issues, and obstetric and pedi-atric situations."This is fantastic," Beaver said. "I

can't believe all the steps made fromwhen I went to school." The upgradedtechnology assists in training and teach-ing; however, patient-nurse relationshipsremain the same. “Nursing is an honor-able career. Our connection with thepatient often means their survival."She said her nurse’s training included

a “Resuscitation Annie,” with the resthands-on with live patients, textbooks,and films. "It is fantastic Adams Statehas a nursing school. It provides a goodopportunity for valley residents with ca-reer goals in the field."A 1966 graduate of the University of

Colorado School of Nursing, Beaversaid her donation would make a differ-ence in a smaller institution. "My dona-tion will impact Adams State in a way itcouldn't at a larger institution like theUniversity of Colorado."

By Linda Relyea ‘96

Lifelong nurse creates nursingscholarship through bequest

ABOVE: President David Svaldi (center) pres-ents the ASC Legacy Society commemorativeplate to Mary and Cal Beaver.

LEFT: Nursing Director Amanda Jojola (right)demonstrates capabilities of the San Luis Val-ley Center for Clinical Excellence.

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Adams State College alumni continue to appreciate andhonor their former professors. Michael L. Erickson ‘80 re-cently donated $5,000 to the college and requested the Schoolof Business student lounge be named in honor of Dr. J.Thomas Gilmore, former president, dean of the School ofBusiness, and emeritus professor of business.

amazing education"Adams State was an amazing place

to get an education," Erickson said. "Ihad a tremendous experience in collegeand appreciated the dedication shownby Dr. Gilmore. It was talks with himin his office that gave me the tractionfor life after college. Additionally, it wasDr. Gilmore who connected me withthe right opportunity to build a verysuccessful business career in the hightech industry."Gilmore said: "Mike was the kind of

student whose enthusiasm improvedevery class in which he enrolled. Every-one knew he would be successful inwhatever he chose to accomplish in hiscareer. It was a privilege to be honoredby him."After completing a rewarding 20-

plus-year business career, Erickson cur-rently teaches a career class at ThunderRidge High School in Douglas County.He said, "Since becoming an educator,I have recognized that teachers have ahuge opportunity to impact students inso many ways, much like Dr. Gilmoreand Dr. Ellis (emeritus professor of business) did for studentsat ASC."Chair of the School of Business Kurt Keiser said he appre-

ciates the generous gift and believes Gilmore laid a solid foun-dation the department continues to follow. "Our facultycontinues to follow the core values Tom instilled: access forstudents, affordability, and serving the under-represented."Gilmore received his bachelor's and master's degrees from

Adams State in 1967 and 1968, respectively, and earned adoctorate degree from Colorado State University in 1976. His

career in the School of Business began when he joined the fac-ulty in 1973. In 1983 he began a decade as dean, and wasnamed vice president for external affairs in 1993; the nextyear he was named vice president for administration. Finally,he was appointed to the college presidency in 1995, retiringin 2002. Adams State President Dave Svaldi said decisions

made during Gilmore’s tenure as president ensured the insti-tution’s future. "We wouldn't be where we are without Tom."Erickson stated, "Tom really cared about his students and

has made our world a better place. And now, I get to do thesame because of Dr. Gilmore and ASC."

By Linda Relyea ‘96

School of Business student loungenamed for J. Thomas Gilmore ‘66, ‘67

Dr. J. Thomas Gilmore (right) – alumnus, emeritus professor, and former dean and presi-dent of Adams State – with his former student Michael L. Erickson ‘80 at dedication of theSchool of Business student lounge.


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homecoming:people, parties, parade . . .

Perfect“anyone can win a nobel peace prize,but not everyone can be an Adams StateCollege alumnus,” said David Clemmer ’87 inaccepting the 2010 Outstanding AlumnusAward at Homecoming. Fellow honoree Dar-lene Clayton, 2010 Exceptional New Alumna,echoed that sentiment, calling Adams State her“chosen family,” which still does a “phenome-nal job” of cultivating students.

by linda relyea ‘96

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The alumni award recipi-ents expressed a humility andappreciation that was evidentamong all those who enjoyedthe weekend’s activities.Clemmer is at the top of

his profession: he owns sev-eral patents, has invented de-vices for measuring proteinsthat can now help the med-ical profession identify futurehealth risks – hardly a yeargoes by that he isn’t recog-nized and honored by hiscolleagues at a national level.Yet, in accepting his award,he told of others’ accomplish-ments, such as Jeff Owsley‘86, who completed a 148-mile marathon this summer.Clemmer recalled a class with

Dr. Ron Loser ‘65, emeritusprofessor of mathematics,whose “elegant” mathemati-cal equations inspired his stu-dents to challenge themselves.“I loved his class.” Clemmersaid he feels that way aboutall his teachers, from kinder-garten to graduate school.Although just entering her

professional career, Claytongraciously accepted heraward with thanks and praisefor her former professors,friends, family, and class-mates. She warmly thankedher mom for her constantsupport and encouragement.“She raised and nurturedme,” Clayton said.

all credit to thealma materThe joyful reunions, ban-

quets, and football partieswere marked by a constantexchange of hugs, smiles, andlaughter. Alumni focused ontheir shared stories and com-mitment to ASC. Nowherewas one-upmanship to beseen, but, rather, the positive energy ofsupport and encouragement that wasfirst fostered at their alma mater.Whether it had been one year or 50

since they last set foot on campus,alumni marveled at the recent advances,memorialized those who have passed,and honored those professors and staffwho led them on a journey of self-dis-covery and provided the tools of per-sonal and professional success.It is often easy to recognize cross-

country alumni who revere Coach JoeVigil. They remain fit and foster thelove of running. Alan Johnson ’70greeted Dr. Jack “Doc” Cotton, callinghim one of the best coaches at the col-lege. Johnson’s wife, Eileen, said shehadn’t realized until this year her hus-band placed three times in cross countrychampionships.Johnson’s humility is shared by many

Adams State alumni who value Adams

State and the foundation it laid for them.They tend to shrug off an achievement,instead crediting a professor, coach,roommate, family member, or friend.This attitude may well stem from the

approach of Dr. Ira Richardson, ASC’sfirst president. Those who knew himreadily share stories of admiration. Yet,the campus continues to attract admin-istration and faculty who have adoptedthe same values and dedication. Presi-dent David Svaldi spent the weekendshaking hands, smiling, giving speechesand supporting athletes, then wrappedit up by attended the last matinee of thetheatre production Two Rooms.This supportive attitude binds gradu-

ates with currents students, emeritusfaculty and staff with the college leadersof today. It’s what makes people comehome to Adams State.

By Linda Relyea ‘96


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homecoming was a circus

This year’s theme brought out students’creativity in Chalk the Walk (top left), theparade, (left) and the annual MedicineShow.

Outstanding New Alumna Darlene Clay-ton ‘04 waves from her perch in the pa-rade (top center), while OutstandingAlumnus Dave Clemmer ‘87 and his fam-ily also joined in the festive spirit(above).

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rushing to victory Redshirt freshman runningback Chris Jamison (above) rushed for a thencareer-high 83 yards in the Grizzlies' 55-0 Home-coming victory over New Mexico Highlands.

Homecoming royalty Kayla Smith and Garrett Lo-sack (right) were elected King & Queen, represent-ing HPPE/Div. Clubs and Music Clubs, respectively.

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a good time had by all

Alumni, students, and community mem-bers all had a blast at ASC’s Homecom-ing parade, game, and tailgate party. Thefun was sweetened by the footballteam’s huge victory. Sophomore receiverand return man Scott Kellogg (bottomleft) recorded 93 all-purpose yards.

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The ASC Alumni Officeschedules events through-out the year in Coloradoand other areas.

Up-to-date details aremailed to area alumni andare available on the collegewebsite and Facebook.

questions: call800-824-6494, ext. 8110

june 5, 2011bahamas • virgin islands • dutch west indies

Set sail from Port Canaveral, FL, for 7 days(plan a few extra days to visit Disney World).

deposit of $250/personSpaces are going quickly!

For additional information and to make a reservation,call Mike or Darlene at 800-267-7613.

eastern carribean

alumni cruisealumni cruise

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Ken `51 and GeorgeAnna `51 Joseph (Spring,TX) continue to reside in the Houston area.They celebrated their 61st wedding anniver-sary in September. Ken retired from the FBI asExecutive Assistant Director for Law Enforce-ment Services in November 1980. GeorgeAnnataught high school in Michigan and was art di-rector for Mona Shoves High School beforemoving to the Washington, DC, area.

Herman Abeyta `58 (Colorado Springs, CO)taught high school and coached for 2 years atPrimero High School west of Trinidad. He thenbecame a parole officer in Denver in 1960and, after several positions with the ColoradoDepartment of Corrections, including 6 yearsas director of Parole and Community Services,he retired in 1993 with 33 years of service. Henow occasionally dabbles in real estate.

Keith Fisher `58, `63(Alamosa, CO) taughtfor 9 years and thenwent into the creditand collections busi-ness. His wife,Claudette `63, `78,taught for 28 yearsand retired in 1992.In the winter they travel to Texas, where Keithhas found great fishing in the bays.

Jerrold Booher `59, `61 retired in 1994 after40 years as a teacher, coach, and school ad-ministrator — all in Colorado. He and his wife,Shirley, have 3 children: Trela is a real estateagent in Salt Lake City; Troy is a lawyer andpart-time law professor at the University ofUtah; and Traeln is a paralegal and housewifein Dayton, OH. Jerrold and Shirley spend theirsummers in Pocatello, ID, and winters in St.George, UT.

1960sWilliam Reilly `60 (Middleburg, FL) has beenretired for 19 years after 38 years as an officerin the operating department of the BurlingtonNorthern Railroad. He commenced RR serviceas a brakeman, then conductor. Shortly aftergraduating from ASC, he entered the manage-ment. Promotions provided assignments inColorado, Texas, Montana, Nebraska, and areturn to Texas. He has lived in Florida for 10years, but returns to his boyhood home inTrinidad severaltimes a year.

Bill Woodward `61(Las Vegas, NV)writes: “What a won-derful feeling to beback on campus

again. Walking into Richardson Hall broughtback a lot of memories. Throughout my ca-reers and travels, I’ve always been proud tosay that I am a graduate of ASC. Thanks to LoriLaske for taking time to show me around cam-pus again and the new construction.”

Kenneth Fenter `62 (Bend, OR) is the authorof the 2010 novel The Ruin. The book is avail-able on Amazon.com; the website isarborwoodpress.com. Lora Fenter `63 is anavid quilter and member of Bend’s Mt. Bache-lor Quilter’s Guild. Ken spends his days writ-ing and publishing, while Lora pursues thefabric arts. They have 2 children. Phil, 45, is ahelicopter pilot, and daughter Janelle, 42, isan elementary school teacher. They have 5grandchildren.

Norman `62, `65 and Mary Sue `64 (Mallory)Howey (Fruitland, NM) still enjoy traveling.They are on their way to Ecuador and theGalapagos Islands this fall. They spend theirsummers gardening and playing with thegrandchildren and the winters cruising. Theywrite, “Life is great and so was ASC!”

Victor Barela `63 (Minnetonka, MN) continuesloving retirement with his wife, friends, andfamily. His grandchildren are the joy of his life.He does some free-lance teaching at the Uni-versity of St. Thomas and St. Mary’s Universityin the continuing education and police sci-ence department as a Spanish instructor. Hewrites: “Teaching Spanish to the Twin Citiespolice departments is a true joy. Life is good!”

Eldon Leff `63, `66(Cañon City, CO) at-tended WashingtonUniversity DentalSchool. He retiredfrom the U.S. Navy in1993 and from pri-vate dental practicein 1997. He welcomesanyone to contact him at [email protected].

Joanne McComb `64 (Dolores, CO) retiredafter teaching 35 years. Her son is retiring nextyear after 25 years as an ag instructor atMCHS. Her husband retired from San JuanBasin Vocational School as an auto mechanicsinstructor. Her granddaughter is in her 2ndyear at pharmacy school at Wyoming Univer-sity in Laramie. Her grandson is playing base-ball as a freshman at NCJC.

Larry Barker `65 (Lubbock, TX) has beencoaching and teaching for 45 years at TexasTech University and the Lubbock Ind. SchoolDistrict.

James DeJong `68 (Denver, CO) recently re-tired from the Gates Corporation after 39

years, where he worked in IT, finance, and ac-counting. He and his wife, Sharon, are enjoy-ing their 5 grandchildren.

1970sEric Mead `71 (Lakewood, CO) has been re-tired for 5 years and enjoys hunting, fishing,playing bridge and tennis, and spending timewith his grandkids.

Patricia McDonald-Morland `72 (Denver, CO)received her MA in Christian counseling in1985. She has been married to husband,Jesse, since 1976. They have no children buthave 15 sets of God-children and havehelped raise 13 oth-ers. She was a pro-fessional model for10 years and retiredafter 34 years fromDenver PublicSchools as physicaled teacher, coun-selor, and dean.

Katherine Merchant Cook `74 (Cañon City,CO) volunteers to tutor children at FremontMiddle School. She is also a board member ofthe Cañon City Literacy Center.

Daniel Brown `76 was appointed superinten-dent of Gulf Islands National Seashore (GINS).A native of Colorado, he has served with theNational Park Service for 32 years. Prior to hisappointment to GINS, he was the superinten-dent at Chattahoochee National RecreationArea in Sandy Springs, Ga., and superinten-dent of Kennesaw Mountain National Battle-field Park in Kennesaw, Ga. He is pursuing hismaster's degree in park and resource manage-ment from Slippery Rock University in Pennsyl-vania. Brown and his wife, Karen, have twodaughters, Megan, 16, and Jenny, 12.

Christy Sherman Coutts `76, `84 (Delta, CO)has taught 2nd grade at Garnet Mesa Elemen-tary for the last 12 years. She has 2 grownsons who live in Steamboat and Ft. Collins.She attended the 1974-78 Women’s Basket-ball reunion this Au-gust at ASC andwrites: “Thiswomen’s basketballreunion has been sofun! It has been greatto step back in timeand remember allthe wild events ofthe past.”

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T. Shawn McGrath `76 has spent the past 15years living and teaching abroad. He nowteaches environmental science, astronomy,geology, and pathophysiology at Otero JuniorCollege Math and Science Dept. He previouslytaught at Rocky Ford High School for 2 years,then in an international school in Namibia for7 years, an international school in Belgium for7 years, and an international school in Hon-duras for 1 year. McGrath said he enjoyed hisinternational teaching experiences, but after15 years, it was time to come home. In his freetime he enjoys traveling, cooking, bird watch-ing, music, reading, and working with stainedglass.

Gary `76, `93 and Mary `73, `89 Neamon(Monte Vista, CO) are both retired from teach-ing. They enjoy reading, traveling, fishing, andvisiting family far and wide. Their daughter,Jessica, is a teacher in San Diego, where theyspend several weeks a year. Mary is on theMonte Vista School Board, and Gary teachesDrivers Education for the Monte Vista schools.They are enjoying life immensely!

Sandy Robertson`76 writes” “I live inCañon City, teach inCotopaxi and hangout with three grand-daughters.”

Christine Moeller Haslett `77, `94, `03(Alamosa, CO) retired in 2006 after teaching inAlamosa School District for 2 years in kinder-garten, 14 years in 1st grade and 5 years inmusic. She was the 21st Century Grant Admin-istrator for 5 years. She cares for 4 of her 6grandchildren. She is a school board memberfor the Alamosa School District and serves onthe SLVBOCS Board of Directors.

Jo Kissinger `77 (Au-rora, CO) writes:“Summer has beenpretty busy! I havebeen training for halfmarathons this year.I am doing 2! And—taking in differentsegments of the Col-orado Trail—I have to keep my hiking up.”She’s also been golfing, riding horses, andenjoying her family.

Linda McCormick`77 (Monte Vista, CO)is a bookkeeper fortheir potato broker-age business. She ismarried to John Mc-Cormick, and theyhave 3 children and 8 grandchildren. She en-joys doing sprint triathalons, stock car racing,and playing with all her grandkids.

Larry `77 and Billie (Feazell) `77 Olin(Pueblo, CO) will be celebrating their 33rd an-niversary in December and their 21st year onthe farm. Billie is retired after 33 years inteaching and lookingforward to a trip toNairobi, Kenya, towork at Tumaini Mis-sion. Larry is busywith organic farming,fishing, and showinghis grandson, Cody,how to cut and balehay.

Gregg Stinson `77 (Colorado Springs, CO) hasbeen teaching physical education at AbramsElementary, Fort Carson, for the last 30 years,as well as coaching track and field in District8. He is the 2010 assistant coach of the 5ABoys State Track and Field Champions at Foun-tain-Fort Carson High School. For 15 years hehas been the USATF and AAU club coach,coaching athletes from ASC who earned na-tional champion status: Tia Mosley and Ri-cardo Moody (Joe Gentry's Track Troupe). Hereceived the Colonel F. Don Miller Award, Col-orado Springs Sports Corporation in 2006. Hewrites: “After leaving Adams State, I had noclue I would end up working on Fort Carson, atDistrict 8, with mostly servicemen's children.After several wars and 30 years later, I'mamazed and humbled to realize I have beenpart of a link to keep the children and theirfamilies a productive unit in times of greatstress.”

Peggy Vigil `77 (Col-orado Springs, CO) isthe Physical Educa-tion & Health Direc-tor K-12 for ColoradoSprings School Dis-trict #11. Her hobbiesinclude golfing, bik-ing, skiing, traveling,and spending time with family and friends.

Anthony R. Madrid `79, `87 (Antonito, CO) re-tired at the end of the 2009-10 school yearafter a 30-year career in teaching, 23 of whichwere spent at Alamosa Open High School. Hetaught all the subjects that make up the social

studies and language arts curriculums. Re-garding future plans he simply states, “To becontinued.”

Kathleen Wood `79 (Boulder City, NV) is theoperations manager for Black Canyon RiverAdventures, a smooth water day trip south ofHoover Dam on the Colorado River. This is her20th year working on the Colorado River. Shewas a member of the inaugural class for Ne-vada State Certification in Environmental Edu-cation and Interpretation in 2008. Sincegraduation, she has co-owned a travel agency,was the sports editor for the Boulder CityNews, and was inducted in the Boulder CityHigh School Hall of Fame in 2002.

1980sAlan Stahlecker `82 (Lincolnville, KS) hasbeen a pastor for 17 years. In addition, he hasserved as a Rule 10 (non-teacher) coach in hisschool district for the last 9 years. He hascoached track for all 9 years, cross country for2 years, and girls basketball for the last 6years. He is the head girls basketball coachand head track coach for both boys and girlsat Centre High School. He writes: “I particu-larly enjoy using the things I learned compet-ing in the decathlon at ASC as I coach my trackand field athletes.”

Phil DeLorenzo `83 (Arvada, CO) is married toPatty Babkiewich `83. They have 3 children:Roxi, Rocco, and Carly. All are or have at-tended ASC. Roxi graduated in May 2010;Rocco is a junior playing football; and Carly isa freshmen on the softball team. Phil is insales, and Patty is a middle school principal inJefferson County Public Schools.

Brenda Eriksson `86 (Plano, TX) is a footwearmanager/asst. manager at Luke's Locker Run-ning Store. She coached collegiate track for 7years after graduating with her master’s de-gree at UNM. She coached kids for severalyears while raising 3 kids: Keenan, Jamie, andRyan. She also did some personal training atLifetime Fitness. She is also coaching theLuke's Locker 5k program and does a lot ofvolunteer work with area races.

Lloyd Engen `87 (Ft. Collins, CO), after 12years as ASC’s Sports Information/Public In-formation Director (1985-1997) and 12 years asSports Editor of the Valley Courier, is finishing1 year of rehabilitation from injuries/surgeryas a result of a freak accident while coveringan 8-man high school football game. He re-ceived 3 more writing/photography awardsfrom the Colorado Press Association in 1908-09, and was chosen as Colorado Media Per-son of the Year by the Colorado High School

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Coaches Association in March, 2010. He wasalso inducted into the ASC Athletics Hall ofFame. He plans to return to Alamosa afterrehab and pursue freelance writing.

Ruby Depuy `88 (Amarillo, TX) writes shortstories and is editing a novel for publication.Also, she teaches adults to read and write in aministry of her church. She writes: “Enjoying afulfilling retirement—I’m greatly blessed!”

Chris “Topher” Carroll `89 (Zuni, NM) hasbeen the head track coach (14 years) and thehead cross country coach (5 years) at ZuniHigh School. During his tenure, he has won 5State Championships and quite a few 2ndsand 3rds. He writes: “One thing remains con-stant. The knowledge I gained from CoachVigil and my other instructors at Adams Stateis demonstrated in the success I have hadthrough the years.”

Karen Rios Montoya `91 (Alamosa, CO) haswork for Alamosa County for almost 7 years.She remarried in Oct. 2008 to Amos MontoyaJr., who also attended ASC. Her daughter,Sianna Rios, is attending ASC.

Robert Baca `94 lives in Pueblo, CO, with hisbeautiful wife, Rosalind, and 3 children:Marisa, Isabella, and Diego. Robert coached 2High School State Championship wrestlingteams and recently created a non-profit,501c-3 wrestling academy which gives inter-ested youth in Southern Colorado the oppor-tunity to participate in wrestling. "It has beena struggle to raise all of the money needed,but with donations from a handful of busi-nesses, The Pueblo Wrestling Academy hasraised money for wrestling shoes and uni-forms for the kids." Robert is working on hismaster’s in special education at ASC and is arealtor on The All Star Real Estate Team ofKeller Williams.

Jeff Storm `98 (Alamosa, CO) returns to thecoaching ranks as the Grizzlies’ junior varsitymen’s basketball coach. Storm, a mainstay onthe ASC campus for the last 14 years, will alsodirect the Grizzlies’ academic progress moni-toring program for both the varsity and juniorvarsity squads. Storm guided the Grizzlywomen’s program for six years, coaching 13players to 15 total All-Rocky Mountain Athletic-Conference honors. The women also earned acombined 22 Academic All-RMAC honors dur-ing his 2000-06 stint with the program. Thatacademic commitment has aided Storm sincehe resigned the women’s coaching position inMarch 2006, since he teaches health andcoaching courses. Storm and his wife, Susan,reside in Alamosa.

Scott `91, `99 andMisty (Anderson)`92 Manchester(Cañon City, CO) have2 children: Zach (12)and Zoe (7). Theyenjoy living in Cañon,where Scott is a middle school counselor. Hehas been with Cañon City Schools for 18 years.He also coaches freshman football at the highschool and middle school wrestling and track.Misty is the accounting coordinator for CañonCity Schools and has been with the district for15 years.

Mindy Iris `92 (Du-rango, CO) joined theDurango Fire andRescue in 2006 andbecame trained as afirefighter. This win-ter, she completedher EMT-B trainingand successfullypassed and received her national certification.Now that she has her life back, she and herhusband have enjoyed time in Mexico andgetting the garden planted.

Mark `92 and Michelle (Bettger) `93 Nether-cot (Cañon City, CO)have 2 children:Logan (14) and Luke(11). Mark has beena probation officerfor 9 years. Michellehas been an elemen-tary teacher for 17years. They write:“Go Indians!”

West `92 and Stacy`91 Roybal moved toLongmont, CO tostart a new businessin 2008. They pro-vide personal careservices to those inneed in BoulderCounty. Their daugh-

ter, Sjaandra, is 16 and their son, Aren, is 11.They write: “We love Colorado and cherish ourtime and memories of ASC.”

Sandy Barney `94 (Clifton, CO) has finallyreached her goal. She writes historical articlesas a freelance writer for the Senior Beacon inGrand Junction. She is also pursuing finishingher 2 books and getting them published. Herlife is busy keeping up with her children andgrandchildren.

Tammy Dodson `94 (Aurora, CO) received herM.A. in counseling psychology and counseloreducation from CU-Denver in 1999. She re-

ceived her Ed.D. in educational leadershipfrom Nova Southeastern University in 2008,thanks to the great foundation of her under-graduate studies at ASC. She has been a pro-fessional school counselor at Grandview HighSchool, Cherry Creek Schools, and Aurorasince 2000. Tammy was a Top 10 FinalistAmerican School Counselor Association(ASCA) School Counselor of the Year and isserving as the Past President of ColoradoSchool Counselor Association.

David Beatty `96 (Huntington Beach, CA) hascontinued in the acting profession and is pro-ducing and acting in a new web series. It's acomedy about a young couple trying to savetheir home from foreclosure. It can be seen onwww.youtube.com/user/LienOnMe1.

Michael Glass `97 (Edwards, CO) was recentlyre-elected to the Holy Cross Energy Co-op inGlenwood Springs, CO, for another 3-yearterm.

Lloyd Spotted Wolf `97 (Ft. Gibson, OK) is inhis second season as the head football coachat Bacone College, an NAIA school in Musko-gee, OK. He won an NJCAA National Champi-onship in 2006 while coaching at BlinnCollege (TX), and was part of back-to-back 5AState Championships as an assistant at LaCueva H.S. in Albuquerque in 2003-2004.

Zach Odell `99 (Pueblo, CO) was recentlynamed head football coach at Central HighSchool. The current head baseball coach andformer head girl’s basketball coach, Odell hasbeen an assistant in the Wildcats' footballprogram for the past decade.

2000sHeather Heersink ‘00 (Alamosa, CO) was re-cently promoted to assistant vice president forbudget and technol-ogy at Adams State.She and her hus-band, Vern, have twochildren: Gabe, 7,and Lily, 4. Heatherearned her MBA fromColorado State Uni-versity in 2009.

Chad Green `01 (Mayville, ND) married hiswife, Sarah, a year ago. He is in his 2nd yearas the secondary music instructor for theFinley-Sharon School District. Their first child,Melody, was born Aug. 3.

John Schlieker `01 (Kremmling, CO) is back inthe classroom teaching special education, fol-lowing 5 years with the Mountain BOCESdoing academic testing related to special edu-cation services.

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Misty Romero Salazar ’02 (Aurora, CO) mar-ried Benjamin Salazar ’00 in 2005. Theymoved to Aurora in 2006, and she completedher MBA in 2009. Their son, Oliver, was bornin 2009. Misty works for Colorado State Uni-versity-Global Campus in the office of admis-sions. Benjamin will complete his master’sdegree in accounting in the spring of 2011.

Chris Basco ’03, ’05 and Marcy Libeer ’00,’03 are engaged and living in their first homein Thornton, CO, with their 2 miniatureschnauzers. Chris helps children with severedevelopmental disabilities at Laradon Hall.Marcy is a mentalhealth therapist re-habilitating juvenilejustice youth. Theyare enjoying their en-gagement and lookforward to expand-ing their family in thenext year or so.

Eric Blake ’03 (New Britain, CT) is head coachof the men's cross country and track programsat Central Connecticut State University andhas been named the head coach of thewomen's cross country and track teams. Blakewas appointed the head coach of the men'steams in August of 2009. He led the men'scross country team to its first-ever NortheastConference Championship last fall and wasnamed the NEC Coach of the Year. He also ledthe outdoor track squad to a program-bestthird place finish at the NEC Championshipsthis spring. Blake is a member of the U.S.Mountain Racing Team. He recently finished2nd in the Mount Washington Road Race, hisfifth two-two finish in the last 6 years. His fin-ish qualified him as a member of Team USA atthe World Mountain Running Championshipsin Slovenia on Sept. 5. In April 2009, Blakewas the first New England finisher in theBoston Marathon for the second straight year.He finished in 24th overall place with a timeof two hours and 23 minutes.

Zoila Gomez ’04 (Alamosa) achieved a per-sonal best time of 2:32:51 to finish 4th at theChicago Marathon and is training for the 2012Olympics. She also makes time to teach Eng-lish at the San Luis Valley Immigrant ResourceCenter. "For me, this is the opportunity of alifetime – to develop a program in which I canhelp immigrant workers develop confidenceand learn the basic language skills, so thatthey can be part of this society. I am very con-fident that with my own experience and en-thusiasm I will be able to make a difference intheir lives, just like my English instructors didin my life 11 years ago," she said.

Gomez also tutors children after school in acollaborative project of IMC, In The Arena, andTierra Nueva Apartments. “For most runners,their day ends after training, but for me, myday starts after practice. Tutoring the kids al-lows me to be a totally different person, notjust a runner,” she added.

John Quinn ’05 (Rockwall, TX) is a branchmanager for American General Finance in Dal-las.

Katie Roseberry ’06(Durango, CO)moved back home towork in the familyplumbing businessas the fourth genera-tion. She started raftguiding part-time inthe summer of 2008.She loves living in the Four Corners area andtraveling internationally—she just returnedfrom Ghana, West Africa.

Emily Jones ’07loves living in Du-rango. She enjoyshiking and crosscountry skiing in thearea. She works inmortgage auditingand really likeslearning about themortgage industry.

Kathy Park ’07 (Jaroso, CO) recently earnedher MFA in creative writing from Lesley Univer-sity. She joined the ASC English departmentas an adjunct professor. This summer sheserved as a literary judge for the SouthernPeaks Public Library’s second literary and artcollection,Messages from the Hidden Lake.

Elizabeth Wellman ’08 (Columbus, OH) isworking on her master's in theatre at OhioState University.

Nick Lara ’09 is an assistant men’s crosscountry and track and field coach at SouthernConnecticut State University. Upon gradua-tion, Lara joined the coaching staff at AdamsState, where he assisted in dual NCAA crosscountry titles for both the men’s and women’ssquads. The following year, in 2010, he as-sisted the cross country team, as well as theindoor men’s track squad, to National Cham-pionships.

Jason Lovato ’10 (Alamosa, CO) is working onhis MFA in poetry at Antioch University Los An-geles and teaching language arts at MountainValley High School. This summer he served asa literary judge for the Southern Peaks PublicLibrary’s second literary and art collection,Messages from the Hidden Lake.

Fall 2010 | A-Stater | 33


in memory

Irma Tobler Bailey Satterfield `29, `60(Alamosa, CO) passed away Oct. 14 at theage of 102.

Lucille Tessler `46 (Colorado Springs, CO)passed away Nov. 23, 2009.

Enrica McCurry `54, `67 (Tucson, AZ)passed away July 29 at the age of 83.

Charles Hurd `63 (South Fork, CO) passedaway Sept. 16 at the age of 70.

Harold O. Brown `67 (Gooding, ID) passedaway July 1 at the age of 71.

Arthur C. Hof `68 (Lynden, WA) passedaway Aug. 22 at the age of 68.

Irma Trogdon `69 (Colorado Springs, CO)passed away Sept. 7 at the age of 101.Among her survivors is her daughter, JaneTrogdon `66.

Virginia Rowley `70 (Edmond, OK) passedaway Aug. 5, at the age of 80. Among hersurvivors are her children: Karen Rowley-Parsons `79, Jason Parsons `85, Jon Row-ley `80, and Susan Rowley `92.

John L. Rivas `70 (Pueblo, CO) passed awayAug. 29 at the age of 77.

Mary Gutierrez `74 (Trinidad, CO) passedaway Sept. 7 at the age of 81.

Robert R. Campbell `76 (Phoenix, AZ)passed away July 25 at the age of 57.

Richard J. Valdez `79 (Colorado Springs,CO) passed away Aug. 29 at the age of 53.

Rebecca Bonaker `84 (Marysville, WA)passed away July 5 at the age of 65.

Elena Harrison `90 (Tacoma, WA) passedaway Oct. 9 at the age of 57.

new obituary guidelinesDue to space constraints, the

A-Stater has adopted a new policyregarding publication of obituar-ies.Items run in the “In Memory”

section of Alumnotes will includethe following information aboutdeceased alumni and friends ofthe college: name, graduationyear, hometown, date of death,and age; survivors who are alsoAdams State alumni will be listed,as well, if known.

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34 | A-Stater | Fall 2010

cañon city breakfastjune 19

Back L-R: Lori Laske, Rod and Kathleen Wood, Markand Michelle Nethercot, Scott and Misty Manches-ter, Paul and Bill Blair, Beth and Bill Waters.

Front L-R: Eldon and Elaine Leff, Aland Elva Salazar,George andChris Hugins.

cañon city


Page 35: A-Stater Fall 2010

durango alumni met june 14Back L-R: Ann Brown, Katie Roseberry, Darrell Trembly, Louis Myers, Lori Laske, Bill Dunn.

Middle L-R: Donald Walker, Diane Trembly, Jolleen Myers, Harriett Dunn, Emily Jones, Kathleen Delzell, RebeccaMars, Frank Leuthold

Front L-R: Sarah Menapace-Walker, June Santon, Marilyn and Dutch Malberg, Mindy Iris.


Fall 2010 | A-Stater | 35

manitou springs

colorado springs alumni enjoyedmanitou springs melodrama June 18Back L-R: Fran Reis and Herman Abeyta, Tom and Connie Goodwin

Middle L-R: Marcy Libeer and Chris Basco, Joe & Cheryl Pile, Dennis and Jeannine Zaiger, LoriLaske, Teenan Anderson, and Eva Esquibel

Front L-R: Dannie and Sharon Makris, Mary and Gene Cole, Billie and Larry Olin, Jane and EdClodfelter

Page 36: A-Stater Fall 2010

36 | A-Stater | Spring 2010

slv social june 8Back L-R: Alex and Karen Miller, Don Stegman, Lori Laske, Jim and GayleWoodke, Harry Hull, Doc Cotton, Leslie Doyle, Judy Jones, Marv and Mary Motz, VeronicaVasquez, Fran and Glen Clark, Sandy Ortega, Boogie Romero, Toney Cantu, Keith Fisher, Joel Korngut,Rob Oringdulph.

Front L-R: Tammy Lopez, Deana Znamenacek, Fran Hull, Mabel Cotton, Claudette Fisher, Martha Tibbetts, John Forbes,Dorothy Romero, Susan Oringdulph.

albuquerque social • March 11,2011 • 8 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency, inconjunction with the NCAA Div. II In-door Track & Field championships,hosted by ASC.

theatre alumni • May 6-7, 2011

men’s basketball lutz era 1966-1977 • June 24-25, 2011

cross country, track and fieldAugust 5-6, 2011

band • Summer 2012

More details will be mailed. For more infor-mation or to be added to the list, call LoriLaske at (800) 824-6494 ext. 7867, oremail [email protected]


women’s basketball

august reunion1974-78 women’sbasketball team

Vivian Hoge, Sandy Robertson,Christy Coutts, Jo Kissinger, LindaMcCormick and her grandson AceAsbell, Peggy Vigil, and LoriLaske.

san luis valley

Page 37: A-Stater Fall 2010

Alumni runners on First St.the morning of Nov. 13, priorto dedication of the CoachVigil Statue. (See page 38.)


Directorof Alumni RelationsLori Laske visits with JasonBumgardner, one of the ASC alums whotook advantage of the All-Colorado Alumni CareerFair in Denver in June.

career fair

Spring 2010 | A-Stater | 37

vigil tribute run

Page 38: A-Stater Fall 2010

Past and current ASC athletes, coaches, and colleagues paidtribute Nov. 12-13 to Dr. Joe Vigil ‘53, ‘59, Emeritus Profes-sor of Physical Education.On Friday evening, 235 gathered at a dinner held on cam-

pus, and nearly 300 attended the Vigil statue dedication thenext day. Created by nationally prominent artist/sculptorEmanuel Martinez, the life-size bronze statue of Coach Vigilwas installed near the new entrance of Rex Stadium. In addi-tion, numerous “Vigilantes” took an early morning run onSaturday (see page 37).David "Scotty" Garcia ’64, ’66 headed the Tribute to

Coach Joe I. Vigil Committee, a group of former ASC trackand cross-country runners that raised funds to commissionthe bronze.

38 | A-Stater | Fall 2010

Paying tribute to “Coach”

get latest results & statswww.ascgrizzlies.com

The ASC men’s and women’s cross country teams enter theDec. 4 NCAA Division II National Championships inLouisville, Ky., as Central Region Champions and the topranked teams in the country. The Grizzly women’s crosscountry team will be looking for their eighth straight and16th overall title at the NCAA Division II level, while themen are seeking their third straight and a record-settingeighth overall championship.The men had a 7-man pack time of just 18.2 seconds, as

they posted a team score ofjust 29 points to claim aconvincing 29-point win atregionals.Led by individual cham-

pion Kristen McGlynn andthe return of sophomore Ali-cia Nelson, the women’steam placed five amongst thetop 13 while claiming afourth straight NCAA Div.II Central Regional Champi-onship in thrilling fashion.The Grizzly men’s re-

gional title was led by seniorLuke Cragg, who placedthird in 31:08.87. The restof the Grizzly squad took

5th through 10th place in the next 7 seconds. SophomoreKeegan Calmes led the charge in 31:15.3, followed byRMAC Individual Champion Ryan McNiff in 31:20.5. Allseven earned USTFCCCA All-Central Region honors.Senior McGlynn, the 2009 RMAC Champion and

RMAC Runner of the Year, clocked a time of 20 minutes,53.4 seconds to become the first Grizzly women to win a re-gional title since Tanya Gaurmer in 2007.The women posted a team score of 45, edging arch-rival

and second-ranked Western State by three points. The Griz-zlies truly won the meet fur-ther down the pack as seniorsCassie Mitchell, Ashley Quin-tana, and Addison LeMasterall finished just ahead ofWestern State’s fourth runnerto claim the Grizzlies’ 15th re-gional title in 19 years. TheGrizzlies’ top five all earnedUSTFCCCA All-Central Re-gion honors, while McGlynnwas named as the U.S. Track& Field and Cross CountryCoaches Association CentralRegion Runner of the Year.

Grizzly X-Country seeks national victories Dec. 4

Seniors Ryan McNiff (left) and Kristen McGlynn (right) lead theGrizzly cross-country teams to the national championships.

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Fall 2010 | A-Stater | 39

sport scenes

footballGrizzly football finished in the top half of the Rocky Mountain Athletic Confer-

ence for the third straight year, as coach Marty Heaton’s squad went 5-6 overall and4-5 in conference play.The Grizzlies, who also went 5-6 for the third straight year, got off to a strong

start defeating Dixie State (Utah) in the home and season opener. The Grizzliesthen dropped four straight but rallied to win four of their final six games. Includedin that stretch was a 55-0 homecoming demolition of New Mexico Highlands (seephotos page 27, 28), a 41-34 double-overtime thriller over Mesa State on SeniorDay, and a 28-19 season-capping victory over Western State. That victory was theGrizzlies’ ninth straight over the Mountaineers.The Grizzlies had eight All-RMAC selections, including four first team picks in

senior cornerback Bryant Williams, junior middle linebacker Rocco DeLorenzo,sophomore rover James Ackel, and sophomore receiver and return man Scott Kel-logg, who racked up 1,327 all-purpose yards, the most of any Grizzly in 14 years.Williams, now a 3-time All-RMAC pick, led the RMAC in pass breakups with

13 and was tied with Ackel, last year’s RMAC Defensive Freshman of the Year, fortotal passes defended (15). DeLorenzo led the Grizzlies with 99 total tackles andwas named as the RMAC and D2Football.com National Defensive Player of theWeek after making 17 stops in the victory over Mesa State.Among those on the third team was junior running back Terjean Saffold, who

had four 100-yard days and scored 12 total touchdowns, the most of any Grizzly in15 years.volleyballWith as many as four freshmen in the starting

lineup, the Grizzly volleyball team finished the2010 campaign with 9-17 overall and 6-12 RMACrecords.Sophomore Dominique Davis (right) led the

Grizzlies with 355 total kills and was ranked thirdin the RMAC. She also finished the season rankedfifth in the RMAC in total points.The up-and-down 2010 season saw the Grizzlies

defeat a pair of nationally-ranked teams at the Col-orado Premier Challenge.Senior setter Mary McNeil completed her career

with 3,699 assists, a new NCAA Division II (1992-present) era school record and the second highestin ASC’s entire history.women’s soccerLed by juniors Amber Drumm and Jessica Hellweg, who both earned Second

Team All-RMAC accolades, the Grizzly women’s soccer team finished just one spotout of the RMAC Tournament, in seventh place overall. That finish was the best forthe Grizzlies under fourth-year head coach Tom Cliff.Hellweg, now honored by the RMAC for the second straight year, and Drumm

both scored six goals for the Grizzlies, who went 5-12-1 overall and 4-9-1 in thetough RMAC. In the process, the players have moved to third and fourth place, re-spectively, on the Grizzlies’ all-time goal scoring charts and have a good chance ofbreaking Sara Lyle’s all-time record of 20.The Grizzlies also had their best defense in five years, as freshman goalkeeper

Hannah Kohlts made 90 saves behind a solid defensive core led by Drumm.

save the datemarch 11-12, 2011NCAA Division II Indoor Track & FieldChampionshipsHosted by ASC in Albuquerque.

Alumni will be invited to a social onMarch 11 at 8 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency.

june 3-4, 2011Back to Plachy/Hall of Fame Dinner

The Hall of Fame committee will bemeeting soon to name selections in early2011. Athletic Hall of Fame nominationsare invited to [email protected].

Grizzlies wrap up fall competition

women’s golfThe Grizzly women’s golf team had a

record-breaking fall portion of the2010-11 season, as they recorded threeof their four best tournament scores,while averaging 338.5 strokes perround, an impressive 11.6 strokes aheadof the school record pace of 350.1 setlast year. Coach Jay Meyer’s 5-playergroup of seniors Codi Hegg and KendallMartin (above), junior Kelsey McSpad-den, sophomore Samantha Hall, andfreshman Kyra Garrison also broke teamand individual school records through-out the fall.

Page 40: A-Stater Fall 2010


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