a soul's cry

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  • 8/2/2019 A Soul's Cry



    GodA P R I L 2 0 1 0

    A S uls Cry:

  • 8/2/2019 A Soul's Cry


  • 8/2/2019 A Soul's Cry


    meet with Go d A p r i l 2 0 1 0 4

    will ll the void in our lives. Casual friendships look like they meetthe need but, in the end, fail to produce the intimacy we seek.

    We seek what the dictionary de nes as a close, familiar andloving personal relationship. We desire a deep understanding,transparency and openness that says we are truly known, loved andaccepted. Thats hard to nd, and it seems even more dif cult torealize that kind of relationship with God. He is, after all, God.

    We sometimes feel so distant and disconnected from Him. Were willing to put our faith in Him, but we go on about our lives without any sense of intimacy and, sadly, rob ourselves in theprocess.

    God created us to be in intimate relationship with Him. Godis a relational God; and He created man in his own image, in theimage of God he created him; male and female he created them(Genesis 1:27). He wants that intimacy with us, even more than wedo. And He wants us to want it, to seek it, to hunger and thirst forHim.

    Theres a story about a young man, a new Christian, who wanted that hunger for God, so he went to an older, wiser Christian who took him to a nearby river and held him under water until hestruggled in desperation. When the old man pulled him out of the

    water, the young man demanded, What did you do that for? Theolder man answered, When you hunger for God as much as you

    hungered for air, youll nd Him.Intimacy with God begins when you crave Him the way this

    young man gasped for air. Do you want it that badly? Are you willing to do what it takes to develop this kind of relationship?

    renewy ursel

    d A Y 1 : d e s

    i r i n g

    G o

    Read Psalm 84:112For the psalmist, the tabernacle or temple was the houseof the L ord , where you could meet with God. How does

    the writer describe his longing to be in Gods presence?

    What are some of the blessings or bene ts he nds in being in the courts of the l ord ?

    Since the Holy Spirit takes up residence in the believer,being in Gods presence is no longer dependent on a

    location. But how would you describe your desire for Godspresence?

    The heavenly FaTher didnT pursue you in salvaTion

    jusT To abandon you To a liFe oF cold religion.

    woodrow kroll

  • 8/2/2019 A Soul's Cry


    dAY 3: TrustdA Y 2 : G

    o s d

    e s i r ef or I n

    t i m a c y

    Read Genesis 1:2627; 1 John 4:912 Why is it important that God created man in His own image?

    What did God do when mans sin messed up his relationship with God?

    What motivates Gods desire for a relationship with you?

    What does it mean to you that God wants a relationship with you?

    Remember when God created Adam and Eve? He walked andtalked with them in the Garden of Eden. He cared about them.He made you, too, and wants to have a relationship with you. Hecares about you and knows all kinds of things about you. Findout how much God knows about you by writing the rst letter of each object in the spaces below.

    Name three of the speci cthings Psalm 139 says Godknows about you. Would He

    want to learn all about you if He didnt care about you and

    want a relationship with you?

    u n z o n e R ad p a 139:1i n w li i gtra a i .

    Read 1 John 1:59; Numbers 23:19;Malachi 3:6

    Trust is essential for intimacy. And intimacy with God would be impossible if He could not be trusted. Basedon todays verses, why can you trust God?

    I can trust God because in Him there is no

    I can trust God because, unlike man, He will not

    I can trust God because He will never




    C l u e :

  • 8/2/2019 A Soul's Cry


    dAY 4: Jesus & the H ly Spirit

    dAY 5: Gratitu e & Praise

    How does Jesus enable youto develop a relationship

    with God?

    Gratitude is part of any close relationship. Are you grateful forclose friends who enhance your life? Do they do or say things that

    encourage and uplift youthings youre grateful for? In the same way, gratitude toward God will make your relationship with Himeven more intimate.

    David consistently wrote overwhelmingly grateful praises to the Lordin the Psalms. He begins Psalm 34 by saying, I will bless the L ord at

    all times. Note how often he uses words like magnify, exalt andtaste. Then, ll out the table below as you examine this psalm. Therst row has been done as an example.

    Read Psalm 34:122

    Read John 14:131

    PromisesInstructionsGodDavid blessed the Lord answered David magnify the Lord Lord

    What does the Holy Spiritoffer as help in developing intimacy with God?

    Jot down some thingsyouve seen the Holy Spiritdo in your life.

    t h y s irii gr ac u ica r.

    h c u icaG d ru ur ug Bib .

    h i ra a r

    ur d.

    h i c u ica r ur d d ir G d. t h

    e H o l y S p i r i t . . .

  • 8/2/2019 A Soul's Cry


    11meet with Go d A p r i l 2 0 1 0

    week two

    one thInGFollow Davids example in making your relationshipwith God the one thing in your lie.

    If y u a I wa t t b i timat with G , we need todraw on the example of David. He was the man after Gods ownheart, a man who sought God.

    t Bib i c ud ray r ikDa id, pau , m , Da i a d r . s w a

    y ad a k G d ab u . W a d y ud ak G d i ray r?

    Da id: Psalm 51; Psalm 139s : 1 Kings 3:310; 8:2253e ija : 1 Kings 18:3640Da i : daniel 9:319n ia : Nehemiah 1:411J u : J hn 17pau : Ephesians 1:1522; 3:1421;

    Philippians 1:311; C l ssians 1:314

    WEEKENd: C mmunicati nRead Matthew 11:2526; Luke 11:113Communication keeps a relationship alive. Communicating withGod is called prayer. Jesus communicated with His Father (e.g.Matthew 11:2526; John 11:4142; John 12:2728); His disciplesfelt it was important enough to ask Jesus how to pray (Luke 11:1 13). Why do you think its important?

    How has communication helped or hindered your relationships?

    Read Davids prayer in Psalm 25:122; what does he talk about withGod?

    For your time of prayer today, put it in writing. Feel free to draw onanything youve read or learned through the week.

  • 8/2/2019 A Soul's Cry


    meet with Go d A p r i l 2 0 1 0 12

    David once said, One thing have I asked of the L ord , that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the L ord all thedays of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the L ord and to inquirein his temple (Psalm 27:4). More than anything else, David wantedto have a vibrant, growing, intimate relationship with the God of Israel. In fact, you could say that he craved such a relationship.

    The one thing that he asked for and sought after wasntas much about location (the house of the Lord) as it was aboutpresence. He wanted to be where the Lord is, to gaze upon Himand inquire or seek His guidance and wisdom and companionship.He craved closeness to his Heavenly Father. He wanted the warmthand caring that comes from an affectionate friendship.

    David did not go to the temple for the reasons we tend to goto church today: because its the right thing to do, or its expectedof us, or even because we want to be blessed. Instead, David wentto the temple because he thirsted after God. It was more than adesire; he needed God as much as a body needs water or air.

    Intimacy requires warmth, caring, affection and closeness. Thats what King David craved in his relationship with God. And itmade him a spiritual giant, a spiritual success. Despite the failures inhis life, he was a man after Gods own heart, an intimate friend.

    You, too, can be a man or woman after Gods own heart. Atthe end of his life, David told his son Solomon now set your mindand heart to seek the L ord your God (1 Chronicles 22:19). And

    if you want to follow Davids example, youll do the same: Do theone thing. Set your mind and heart to seek the Lord, to developthe kind of intimate relationship with God that David enjoyed. It ispossible.

    dAY 1: Panting F r GRead Psalm 42:16

    The Hebrew word for pant, arag , appears only one other place inthe Bible: Even the beasts of the eld pant for you because the water brooks are dried up, and re has devoured the pastures of the wilderness (Joel 1:20). In both cases, it re ects a needfor water,air, foodsomething essential for survival.

    Describe a time when you have panted for God.

    What will you do this week to increase your thirst for God?

    renewy ursel

    To have Found god and sTill To pursue him is The soulsparadox oF love.

    a.w. TozerThe pursuiT oF god

  • 8/2/2019 A Soul's Cry


    d A Y 2 : T h i r s t y

    o r

    G o

    Psalm 63:111Once again, the psalmist re ects an essential need,something greater than just a desire. He is thirsty for God inthe most elemental way. He needs God to survive. What aresome of the words that show you the depth of his need?

    How does David see his thirst satis ed?

    What does this tell you about Gods response to you andyour deepest needs?

    dAY 3: devel p a Pleasing Heart

    dAY 4: H n r G

    The rst step to having a heart that pleases God is knowing whatpleases Him and then saying, I am going to live wisely beforeGod. I will live in a way that God will be pleased even if othersdont follow me. What opportunities will you create today todemonstrate a pleasing heart?

    Read 1 Samuel 24:122 What is Davids reason for not killing Saul? How does hischoice show honor to God?

    How do you think it re ects Davidsintimate relationship with God?

    How does honoring God in uence your treatment of other people?

    What do you think God sees when He looks at your heart?

    How does Ezekiel 11:1920 offer hope to those whose hearts arehardened?

    Read 1 Samuel 16:413

    H r, noun honesty,fairness, or integrity inones beliefs and actions;high respect, as for

    worth, merit, or rank.

    H r, verb to

    hold in high respect;revere; to worship;to show a courteousregard for.

  • 8/2/2019 A Soul's Cry


    W E E K E N d : P a s s

    i n g

    A l o n g a

    L e g a c y

    dAY 5: C n ess Sin Read 1 Kings 2:14How does Davids advice to Solomon show his heart forGod?

    What will the next generation learn about a relationship withGod from your life?

    What can you do today to establish a legacy of intimacy withGod? Put it in writing.

    Read Psalm 51:119David is known as a man after Gods own heart; yet hesinfamous for his affair with Bathsheba. Although that incident

    was tragic, it offers hope for you and me. Davids confessionin Psalm 51 also reveals his desire for an intimate relationship

    with God. David knew his sin would negatively impact thatrelationship and confession would help make it right.

    Dont let your sinspast or presentkeep you from drawing near to God. Do what David did and confess those sins, acceptGods forgiveness and move on. Our mistakes will only hold usback if we hold onto them when God has forgiven us.

    Spend time today in examination, confession and praise.

    FanTasTic Finishers are people who can look back and say, i did

    whaT i could. i didnT doiT all well. i didnT do iT

    all perFecTly, buT i didiT in a way ThaT pleasesgod. woodrow kroll

    Read 1 Samuel 24:122 (David is hiding from King Saul who wants to kill him). Then with your brothers and sisters (oryou can play all the parts), reenact the story for your parents

    or grandparents. Wear robes and sandals if you want to makeit more real.

    Before you begin, tell your parents youre giving them a test when youre nished. Here are some questions to ask them:

    u n z o n e

    Where were David and his men?1.

    Who came to the place where David was hiding?2. What did the men with David want him to do to Saul?3. What did he do?4.

    Why wouldnt David do what his men thought he5.should do?

  • 8/2/2019 A Soul's Cry


    meet with Go d A p r i l 2 0 1 0 18 19meet with Go d A p r i l 2 0 1 0

    GoDs sIDe of theConveRsAtIonDiscover how Gods Word benefts your intimaterelationship with the Lord.

    Y u w y u sh u r a y ur Bib . You probably evenstarted this year with the good intention of reading it each day orat least m

    ore regularly than last year. But so many interruptions,demands and activities impact your day and make it hard to sit downand read Gods Word.

    Yes, reading the Bible is a struggle for most of us. But opening Gods Word and taking time to listen and understand what God hasto say is one of the most important building blocks in developing an intimate relationship with Him. The Bible is Gods side of theconversation. Its all the deeply personal stuff He wants you toknow about Him. Often we see it as a choreto do, and we dont know what wellget out of reading the Bible.

    Were not sure how to tap

    into the meaningful wisdom and spiritualstrength Godprovides for us

    when we draw on His Wordeach day.

    Psalm 119 is an excellent place to begin because it refers toGods Wordlaw, precepts, testimonies, etcin almost every oneof the 176 verses. Lets start with what we learn from verses 1 and2: Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the L ord ! Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart.

    Everyone who has ever lived has received some kind of blessing from God. In Matthew 5, Jesus reminds us that life-giving

    rain falls on the just and the unjust alike (v. 45). But theres a greaterblessing for those who choose to walk so they are bless-able. These are people who seek God with their whole heartswhobecome people after Gods own heart, just as David was.

    When we fail to read the Bible, we shortchange ourselves andmiss the blessings that come from getting to know God throughHis Word. We undermine our ability to develop the intimacy Goddesires. To motivate us further, lets look at the daily bene ts wecan enjoy from Gods Word.

    If y u use Meet with God in agr up setting, this entire

    weeks entries w ulmake a great stu y

    f Psalm 119 anPr verbs 1.

    week three

  • 8/2/2019 A Soul's Cry


    renewy ursel

    d A Y 1 : B e n e f

    t o

    C o u n s e


    dAY 2: Beneft MercyRead Psalm 119:7380Mercy is more than the ip side of grace. In mercy, God does notonly withhold judgment from us; His mercy also enables us to seeHis love and care in our lives every day. If you wonder why Godprovides good things for you, the answers are found in His Word.

    Do you think it would be possible to know about Gods mercy andgoodness without the Bible?

    What do you learn about Gods mercy from His Word that youcouldnt learn elsewhere?

    How does Gods mercy make an intimate relationship with Himpossible?

    Read Psalm 119:1724In this psalm, several words are used for Gods Word:counsel, testimony, statutes, precepts, law, ways, etc. What

    is counsel?

    What do you gain from Gods counsel according to these verses?

    List the sources of advice and opinion youturn to on a daily basis.

    What place does Gods Word have whenyou search for counsel?

    d A Y 3 : B e n e f


    o C o m

    o r t

    Read Psalm 119:4956Here the psalmist re ects on his history with God, especially indif cult times. How has he found comfort?

    What Scriptures have been particularly comforting to you in thehard times of your life? Jot them down here.

  • 8/2/2019 A Soul's Cry


    dAY 4: Beneft Un erstan ingRead Psalm 119:97104

    According to these verses, what understanding do we gain fromknowing Gods Word?

    What in uence does it have on how we live (119:100104)?

    What do you think life would look like if more people had thiskind of understanding?

    What would change in your life if you lived according to thiskind of understanding?

    r parents: We know its a challenge to get into Gods Word as an adult, but what about with your kids? How can you help them get to know God through His Word so they, too, can develop an intimaterelationship with Him? We asked parents and teachers for a few practical tips to share with you.

    Smaller children will understand the1. stories in the Bible better

    than other sections. But as they get older, include more thanjust stories.

    Use a version they can understand.2.

    Be alert to any questions they may have, even a few days later.3.

    Put the passage into context for them.4.

    Encourage them to act out what you read. Take an active part5.yourself.

    Have your child use his lap as a stage and his ngers as actors,6.using them to act out the story as you read.

    Use food (or toys) to represent people or physical structures in7.the Bible. Food keeps a childs attention.

    Make some mistakes on purpose as you read a familiar story;8. have your child beep you when you get it wrong, then givethe correct piece.

    After reading, ask questions like, What do we learn about God9.from this? Or What about this passage makes you love Godmore?

    Sing! Any phrases or songs that relate to the story make it fun10.and lasting.

    Use the Bible, not just a book of Bible stories, especially as11.your child gets older.

    Once theyve learned to read, designate your kids as readers (for12.at least part of the passage).


    U d r a di g Bib a d d i ga i i a r a i i wi G d i a i -

    g r c . Y u d b i i acy a du d r a di g. Y ur r a i i wi G dwi b da g r u y a w wi u hiW rd i y ur i . A d k w dg y ug a r ag scri ur i yacad ic wi u ai i r d iw rk J u C ri .

    r e m

    i n e r :

  • 8/2/2019 A Soul's Cry


    25meet with Go d A p r i l 2 0 1 0

    Read Proverbs 1:17How does wisdom differ from information or knowledge?

    What part does wisdom have in your intimate relationship withGod?

    WEEKENd: Beneft Li e

    dAY 5: Beneft Wis m

    Read Psalm 119:8996 According to 119:93, precepts (or word, law of God) give life.Describe some ways youve seen that in your experience.

    How have you grown in your intimate relationship with God? Takea few minutes to re ect on your walk with God and chart it here.Mark the rst time you heard about God; your point of salvation;times of growth; where youve struggled; whats helped; where youare today; where youd like to be in a few months or years. Whenhave you been closer to God? Whats taken you further away fromHim?

    spACe AnD tImeFocus on developing the two basic requirements or anintimate relationship with God.

    Th r s itt r m f r i tima y on a roller coaster. You andyour companion may be close together, but you cant do more thanhang on and keep breathing while youre blasted with light, sound,speed and adrenaline. And this shared rush lasts only minutes.

    Intimacy requires something very different. It takes spaceand time, and those are often hard to nd in our fast-paced world.

  • 8/2/2019 A Soul's Cry


    meet with Go d A p r i l 2 0 1 0 26

    When it comes to being intimate with God, these two factors arecrucial.

    The requirement of space isnt about distance but closeness orproximity, a coming together. James said, Draw near to God, andHe will draw near to you (James 4:8). Now, thats good advice, buthow could we hope to draw near to God? As weve already seen, itinvolves seeking out Gods presence instead of keeping Him at adistance.

    James offers another key when he continues, Cleanse yourhands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. ...Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt you (James4:8,10). We need to take care of sin. It gets in the way of ourrelationship with the Holy God. Every time you confess a sin orforsake it, you reduce the distance between yourself and God.Every time you seek forgiveness for gossiping or lying or someother sinful habit, you reduce the distance between God andyourself. Every time you humble your pride, recognizing who Heis and who you are, you reduce the distance between your heartand His. In other words, you actively draw near to God by actively distancing yourself from sin. And that allows a deeper intimacy

    with Him. The second requirement is time. Intimacy takes time; its a

    lifelong process. Theres no substitute for time, no drive-thruto build intimacy. And yet we often try to develop that intimate

    relationship with God in just an hour on Sunday mornings or withtwo minutes of Bible reading and a quick prayer.

    Why settle for less than God has made available for us toenjoy? In the Westminster Catechism, the purpose of man is toglorify God and to enjoy Him forever. What are you doing toenjoy God? To spend the time becoming intimate with God?

    Space and time are precious commodities these days, but this week, focus on these requirements for a deeper, more intimaterelationship with God.

    renewy urselRead Psalm 119:916How are you seeking or looking for God this week?

    What are you talking to Him about?

    Are you storing His Word in your heart? How?

    Take a few minutes to write about how youve seen God recently in your prayers, in your devotional times or in other ways.

    we pursue god because, and only because, he hasFirsT puT an urge wiThinus ThaT spurs us To The pursuiT. a.w. Tozer, The pursuiT oF god

    d A Y

    1 : S e e k

  • 8/2/2019 A Soul's Cry


  • 8/2/2019 A Soul's Cry


    WEEKENd: The J urneyRead Psalm 116:119Developing an intimate relationship with God is not a sprint, itsa journey. Psalm 116 re ects that journey with praise, blessing,gratitude and the promise of faithfulness to the faithful God. How

    would you describe your journey with God so far in life?

    If you keep a journal, look back over the struggles and issues youfaced and consider how God has brought you through them. Writeabout how youve seen God at work and your hopes for the nextyears of your life.

    In your own words, what do you miss by neglecting anintimate relationship with God?

    Whats helped develop intimacy in the close relationships inyour lifeyour spouse, children or parents, a good friend?How is that re ected in your relationship with God?

    What bene ts have you experienced in a closer walk withGod and His Word? What would you like to experience?

    What are you doing today to make space and time for yourrelationship with God?

    stickingp ints

    Meet with God , an of cial publication of Back to the Bible Woodrow Kroll, President

    Copyright 2010 The Good News Broadcasting Association, Inc. All rights reserved. International copyright secured.

    Printed in the U.S.A.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form withoutpermission in writing from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    Scripture quotations are taken from the English Standard Version,unless where otherwise noted. Copyright 2001 by Crossway

    Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Editor: Kathy ThorneProject Staff: Allen Bean, Ben Zuehlke, Barbara Gerhart,

    Brandy Grif n, Emily Wurl, Kathy Thorne,Leisa Larson

    Design: Brandy Grif n

    Cover and Interior Photos: www.Shutterstock.com

    Ba t th BibP.O. Box 82808Lincoln, NE 68501

  • 8/2/2019 A Soul's Cry


    If you thirst for God and desire anintimate relationship with Him,The Pursuit of God is a must-read!

    It will help you understandHim better, expose your

    heart and motivate youto do greater things forHim.

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