a shady plot


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premonition, paranormal ,vocabulary from A Shady Plot


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Poltergeist -a ghost or spirit supposed to manifest its

presence by noises, knockings, etc. 

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clairvoyanceThe supposed power to see objects or events

that cannot be perceived by the senses, Acute intuitive insight or perceptiveness

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Crystal Ball A globe of quartz crystal or glass in which

images, especially those believed to portend the future, are supposedly visible to fortune tellers

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eerieCausing inexplicable fear, dread, or

uneasiness; strange and frightening

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Mediumship is defined as the practice of certain people—known as mediums—to mediate communication between spirits of the dead and other human beings. While no evidence has been accepted by the scientific community in support of the view that there has been communication between the living and the dead, some parapsychologists  say that some of their research suggests that such communication may have taken place. The practice is associated with several religious belief systems such as spiritualism , voodoo, spiritism, Espiritismo etc.

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Some famous psychics- 

From left to right: Madam Helena Blavatsky, Daniel Dunglas Home, and Jeane Dixon.

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Nostradamas: Born Michel de Nostredame in 1503, Nostradamas was an apothecary who had hundreds of visions of the future. He recorded his prophecies and catalogued more than 6,000 of them. His collected prophecies, titled Les Prophecies, have rarely been out of print since they were first published in 1555. During his lifetime he endured public scorn and hatred -- many people believed his predictions to be the work of the devil -- but several famous figures of the day, including Catherine Medici of the powerful Florentine family the Medicis, were supporters.  

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Madam Helena Blavatsky: Blavatsky was a major player in the 19th century spiritualist movement. Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society, which fused mysticism and spiritualism. She also claimed to have psychic powers, and regularly held seances to communicate with the dead. Blavatsky established a Theosophical center in Madras, India, that still stands today, and many of her ideas influenced later spiritualist movements -- including our current day New Age cultural practices.


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Daniel Dunglas Home: A contemporary of Madam Blavatsky, Home was renowned for his ability to psychically move furniture, call up noises and spirits, and levitate. Just 18 when his career as a psychic began, Home's talents were notable because he could channel spirits through his body (both verbally and in a trance-like state), and also predict the future and reveal secrets from the past. Word of his talents spread across Europe, and he was called to hold séances for both Napoleon III and Queen Sophia of the Netherlands. 

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Edgar Cayce: Born in 1877, Cayce was known as "The Sleeping Prophet," because many of his prophecies would come to him as dreams. He would enter a sleep state and not recall what he'd said or done while in it. Cayce himself was skeptical of his own abilities, and recommended that seekers only take into account advice that would improve their lives. He also purportedly helped heal the sick (One famous story involves a woman who was charged with having hysteria. Cayce was able to divine that she actually had a rotting tooth that was causing her pain -- and if removed, her symptoms would abate. They did).

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Jeane Dixon: Jeane Dixon was the stage name of Lydia Emma Pinckert, a well-known astrologer and psychic who famously predicted the assasination of John F. Kennedy seven years before it occurred. Dixon's predictions and prognostications were followed by several notable figures, including Richard Nixon and Nancy Reagan. Her horoscopes were widely published and syndicated in newspapers across the country before her death in 1997.

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Transmigration -the passage of a soul after death into another body; metempsychosis

The passing of souls into successive bodily forms, either human or animal. According to Pythagoras, who probably learned the doctrine in Egypt, the rational mind , after having been freed from the chains of the body, assumes an ethereal vehicle, and passes into the region of the dead, where it remains till it is sent back to this world to inhabit some other body, human or animal. After undergoing successive purgations, and when it is sufficiently purified, it is received among the gods, and returns to the eternal source from which it first proceeded. This doctrine was foreign to Judaism until about the eighth century,when, under the influence of the Mohammedan mystics, it was adopted by the Karaites and other Jewish dissenters.

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psychica person who claims to have an ability to 

perceive information hidden from the normal sensesthrough extrasensory perception (ESP), or who is said by others to have such abilities

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Ouija Board

The term "talking board" is the generic name for a message board with numbers, letters, and a movable message indicator. The message indicator, touched lightly by one or more persons, slides or pivots along the surface of the board to spell out words. Hence, the name "talking board." There is debate about whether the messages come from supernatural entities or are some form of psychological phenomenon originating from the players. Boards using pendulums, fixed spinners, or rolling balls, are not technically "talking boards" although they may have the same effect. Talking boards are also referred to as Ouija boards, witch boards, spirit boards, oracle boards, and most recently, channeling boards. The name "Ouija" is a registered trademark for Parker Brothers' William Fuld Talking Board Set.

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Exorcist In some religions, an exorcist is a person

who is believed to be able to cast out the devil or other demons. A priest, a nun, a monk, a healer, a shaman or other specially prepared or instructed person can be an exorcist. An exorcist is a person who performs the ridding of demons or other supernatural beings who are alleged to have possessed a person, or (sometimes) a building or even an object

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premonitiona feeling of anticipation of or anxiety over a f

uture event;presentiment: He had a vague premoni

tion of danger.2.a forewarning

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paranormalParanormal is a general term (coined ca.

1915–1920) that designates experiences that lie outside "the range of normal experience or scientific explanation"

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Tarot cardThe Tarot is a deck of cards that originated over

500 years ago in northern Italy. Although the Tarot was first used in a game calledTriumphs, it was quickly adopted as a tool for divination, and popularized by occult societies such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The early Tarot symbolism was deeply rooted in Medieval and Renaissance Europe, but over the centuries it has grown to incorporate everything from Astrology and Kabbalah toRunes (which predate the Tarot by 1000 years) and the I Ching(which predates the Tarot by 2500 years). Today, the Tarot is far and away the most popular tool for spiritual introspection in the West

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vampireVampires are mythological or folkloric being

s who subsist by feeding on the life essence (generally in the form of blood) of living creatures, regardless of whether they are undead or a living person/being

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