a selection of scotch, english, irish, and foreign airs...


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Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive

in 2011 with funding from

National Library of Scotland



Presented by Lady Dorothea Ruggles-

Brise to the National Library of Scotland,

in memory of her brother. Major Lord

George Stewart Murray, Black Watch,

killed in action in France in 1914.

ZSth Jmmary 1927.


fy„av,.& G,rn>,ui f-yiir,- Ihi.rx (>f.i': (i J''/'JjL/frBSBB„/,M.< ^:„/.~- B<r/s ,vv Sco^ NccUc^ e?'-^'''"



The i\antin'^ HJgiilandman.

'I^^ii^^^^iZi:.^^ ^^a^.

thQuick Stpp^2.i^^ Regf


The Lads of ihf- ViIL^'c^ , f^





I /

I'll Touzle your Korchy

m±iir>f TT mi^tff 4mm ^^?


J.JjJJ^P^^t^^• , » •

£ ^^^^^Ait-

The Lady-'-; \jhy thing, or Gen Howe's March.

m t=9:;?:ff* ^.




T^^iqf=qi^rm=aot. m• a » :rt^^^^^^^S ^yiLTC:; I

^•^, P l,:IrIr I

^J j-C: I


The Oyfter Wives I'nt

1*7, 0\» » JfJTZ. r6 t^^d JUJ^-r^Sp^E^^ ^•^ • . Ij-i * P^RTit ^^^ ff .<, <-f-

(^^£ rp:^ Frrrrr ^^Quick StePj.7Regt

^ Quick Step.21^^Ree?


The Moon and ieven Stars-;.

.^^^^^^ ^^^1^jpric••^

1 a 9 Ifp » m ^J.



The Grand Parade.

'rh*^- Corporal.

The Qiteenof Hearts

gg^ .-m I r^r-^f^^jt:4js.

Lfji e^ .^ iJJ'ETh. Duke of Gloucefters Quick March

13 ^^^fe^g^feag-n-gr-Jn^fiy i-Tf^ ^The frifh Hautboy

^^^ijjjj^^ PP l^T3|nj.||.frr7T


Bung your Eye


^^^^p^^^f^.^^^ ^Quick St. 1- Old Hu/is.

f^^p^^^^^^^^pr?^t rT=vi^^^^^m^'

Quirk St^p 71^^ Reg[^,—7-« #

1 • 1*" * a -I

—^^^§1'7 m UJO^


#^ CXT IJlM:^^gb^:^

For /that and a* th.it.

18 r^-£l:_

p^ia'^f!'criciii- i Dr^^ i Cj':; i

J^The P.Z'lHe^^ quick Step



20 I ^^^M^0m^^^hiiri i^±f^Bdt

^m£A-iL*i bfacP M ^^i

The CampfcelFs are comine.

rc:z«:i^-.:q-j:s:'-T-ri<'i~::gi».—^#-- ^ » ,.f^!^^-* #• •

V. K_ .•j 3?iH43;

^, I:irl.'ibn.s Mormnij; Rrufh

MX*^^^^ 3 • • fee=P^ irr^»~ff

a=£i- fttKdit



The M'n-rs of Wi< klow.



^Cirlen is vour DaueKti-r Rf^ady.^^^^^^^^^^i^


Turk-ifh March

Thf Widows Rant.


a^^^^te^^^^ i^%^^teRob: Down.

'./ ^^^^^^m^1-'

IIk- I .til Medle11


^^r m d ti'd

C<ntlf Ann,


?s sr^ rf-rrm

Wood Munrich fair


llchlanci Laddie.


Tlip Rerruiling Officer.

p^^^^^ jl

' •#•^^^fe;T—


irf^egt^E^J^TJiro** the Lnng Muir. ,

553^5^ -*'4-l^A

^^^^mM^l^I^^ m^jr:

V.ell q-mq nac m.iir to yon Towni3

V, hitt; lock


Quick Step the Troopers.,

Jrr*^«:*-^ :!«'




• e •«-«!


Quick March 8*Regt

'^^^^^^^^m^smt^^m.Had thf I.afs till I win at her


'^p^^^fj^^j^-ic^rfrifjiffiEsMs!m^&^0l\^\^^:u^^ ^^^

WarUworth Caftlc.

My Wifes a Wanton wee thing 15

The hi£^h way to Dublin.


Ff-' C^li^^^^^^^^i

JfiThe Lee Rigg


^0^ ^^^Danrf- jn Queen Mab

^* ,A_*-i»—

_4z±t^:§iiThp Millers Rant



The Roval Glaff^ow Volunteers Jig.17

47I '^^^^^^^^m|t^^^^^^Efer i rf^gi^>%^-^^^t^

Major's Maq^ot

¥ ^ffiSfflri:^ s *-St1^frfif-;rr i

i +^^ 5 ^pfr'rii"ri i u


r' r


Willie was a Wanton Vvag.



si Fitri'ks Dav in the m( rmnt


p^^^m^^^0m^^^^.m.f fe^^imjjOT^efrr^-teSjp^m


J tnrrg-i

The Cow behind the HavcocU.



*^ ffi^^g^^^tgl^'^-rr;'--i^^^^^^^^yrrgg_j_L^.t-#'-^I

-*-r^#-r^r-ft^Th- Blar-k Dinr


Th;' Larls cf Duiifp.


3cp^?^^ili^^^^p^fe^;Ri-ftSLi ^


I'lip Carle he came o''f'r .the Craft.

p0^^:^M^^7rt< '


20 Quick Step Genf Rurgoynes

fi*^^ff^^^^^mmmfm^\^;^\^^s0it:^ ^^i^^i

\m^m^^!^r^\i.mm^ f^^The Eaft Nook:of Fife.

mmivif^ : -wurn -i





Mv JMotfeer's ay^e Glownng oTtr mt-.^^i^^^^^^i^^^^^^icc*£ ^^^


The Mircjuis of Gran fay's delight23




! r » ^te^djj^JI^^



Th» Bonnie ffcro.

^^^^ ^^4lXU;j^ ^^

i^^^g^^^^^^^#^^^^^ -e*^



Lanf^o Lee. New wav- ^ ^# ^


The Cream I'ot.N V ^"^

rftFMMfhf^fi^^ ^^Wi^^^^^^^^Sr Alexf M? Donald's Reel

BfiHliJinJ^^^ll^^Bonnj Breaft Notes.


26 Quick Step. La Prominade.



Quick Step. Tiirkifh^m ^0^^m^J^ttftCfl^^^tf^4PsJLM_j_r3Er^l

D mica lis DaiKc.

^^mm ;^M^^^^^^

f.ittlf Houfe tinder the Hill.

's&0^^ ^ffflps^ii^^^is 4^=^=?^

Mils Ramfajs Reel



^^p^^^^Roaft Beef.

A Span 1 11) .ligg.


28 Alleniaiide


Charles Street Batik.




^-f i fr.j i rrfr^^£?r i rjj^ii^j|jja[ gF-



Mifis Katie Hall's Reel.

^f^JMW^:^^ fW i)

JlJ^^ J l mLLg


30 Rural Felicitv.



M? Donalds Quick Step.


The Female Rake.

-r^.jrfa-gr i f a -yr~ f p f ff f


Quick Step 4V> Reg!

i-0m!:i]\'ii[m^:!h \mi[ii^'^^im^'^


32 Port Patrick.



The Highlandman Kifs'd his Mother.

P-^^-ti idm^^^M^mmum^%w **^

Well done Jock.

The Bottom of the Punch Bowl. 33


Quick vStep 16V' Regt

94/ ^^^Affi^^^Where will our Goodman lye.


Cupii^s Recruiting Serjeant

Kifs" me Sweetly

Marquis of Granbv Shambuy

^^>ui( k * tip Fufileers. „

Qli('(nfherr\ IIjuA


Lady Charlote\s Delight37

Big Bowwow.

^^^Bdy V'hack


La Damofelle

*rfMFnirrrr-fri^.A«^^UK^krfni^« I trnx-im ry mmmMrv j

flfflfir|£^jgduj^The Camerorii3n''s Rant


Linky Lanky.

^^.^ms^m^p^^Mp^^^eFa^%tf#WJ3 |



Soldiers Joy,3'


Thr Ranting Roaring Highlandman

Fufh about the Jorum.

40Nancv Dawfon.

Quick Step 43^ Regt


^rrw^^jtttt ^^^^mm.


^m^-\^^l^\ll\^\^f^^5^^ m


Major Montgomerie''s Quick Step. 4i

^^^i^i\!jimLmM^\^m \^^m^^ ^ wmimtKtt.


My Lodging is on the Cold Ground.

h-^^^^ ^^^^^mm^i^


The Koyal Glafgow "^'lunteers Farewell


42Steer her up and had her gaan

k) Bnflcg^

n 1 . .1 r» /•. • ^Bab at the Boufter.

rht Daitty B^fom MiU'-r.


Lather awa'wi^your Oak Stick.4.:!

i*ir^^^ TOP^^^P^^^^^^I^P^

Ibm Tullus's Hornpipe.

Vy let us a' to the i^ridal

^f^^^^m ^ B^^mm^f^^m


44The Parfon in his Boots


Sweet Mallv



Green Sjeeves.

^^s^g^^^^^rv i^Si^^^^»i

MiTs Gunning's Delight

mg^^^^^^ir Y 'i"^ir '^'i


Dainty Davit

i?i ;^^=FF ^^^^^^^^^

i^M? ifef:^^^ "^^^-^


jMy Peq,s;y is a Young thing

The Parfon in the Suds.

^^^^^^up wjt Aillv now

^^J|^g:s.^.ii^g^ --l^^f'

48?The Wonder,

2^ Quick Step. 42^ Regt

2'.' Quu 1< Step of 15th Regt49

60Thr Dumb Glutton.



Norick>ftip or the Wild Jrifh Man.

^u^m^i m^m i M''i

*if I*-

March de GerTs d" Armes


Wilkess Kriplf>. 51

SPtg^j^^##^ Pi fg r p :


^^;P4^-g-^^^N^^IP"^=="Major Ja« Campbell's Quick Step W. K R.

Shilling O^Gairey.


52Old Plantation Girls. Virginian -


The Merry Dancers.

O £jin ye were dead Gucitman.6i


The, Braes of Ancus

Qui<k Step so^h R.:qt

^^g MixjHfepl^^^P

^^^^P^The Lafses of Dunfe

i^-:rm 1 ^ Ml—




Thr Amorous Goddefs.


Pompey ran awav

5HColT Ar ^ Cunpbplls Quick Step.

^pr(» S

Ii!iy fcSS?m^^p^f^i^^^

Quick Step 2? Rat"? Royals


Ftaff upon a Trencher.


Quick Marrlf 19*^ Regt5'J


Quick St«p. Fencibjf's


bO The Haninurmen's Marrh, or Tinkers Ooi uViation

'-'i^^^M:I I ^^ V

Tht- 1V( p JWafon's March


The C('rdwainers March.IT


Tht" Gardeners March,

if^^^^^^^^The three Sheep Skins.

'™#li^^%f4^S^i^^g rtv..


62Cap^Campbel of^ird's Quick Step W.F.R.

Lord GlencairrTs Quick Step. W. F. R. 63


^l^^^g"?^^^^^^^Lafs if I comt near you^^^^telP^^-'^^^P^

Quick Step Weft Fencibles.



64Lefslie''s March

Come hap me with thy Petticoat 65

Come afliore Jolly Tir SCypur Troufers on.f,.

!4'..irmrrfir...^JiiJmirnirJJJ]irmr;jBj^4 jm rcri t:;;!"


* «

^jfj:i.i,i ,ni:^;jmr.r ifp-i^irr'j'f^^a^^^

fi[^r^JUJjjjjj^PB^^^.4tJ3^ |J]7jjj]




trJi.'JJ3j^-fr i[^^ i ;j::jjj^ i ijjtc;i:::fr[Iri^

f\: \i\\W^^'^Ms:^^M^ mTnftram Shandy


ft(rLr[rr i r[: ^ri[rr[^pf^t:fr^[r TO^g


A Trumpet Air67

^^g^^f^%^^f?^^ s• s


Quirk St«p 32^^ Regt

^sp^^Sfe-A Rock 8k.* a wi PirUloTaw,


- ^^i;:jj^uw^ i.Ojjt-;rmim^

[^^i^j. i




Butter*'d Peafe.


Ii*i» IPE 1»T»-

:r^ icrL£ricM'm^Mwf^s- i


^Ji^ r^m^^g^n

j s.^^^^^g^^^^il:P \^f-[^i


Thpre''s me luck about the houCt S9

.S'lilors Rant.^^ '

M^m^m'rj^o$i^:-[ i;;i ,.-j7:;^irf.

r[^i j.r-in


Sa°bral(V as I was Kifs'd Yeftrffn

^^^^m ^tw^ooi aL^M^f± :^

'm^i^^^^^jmi^^^m -

I ^i 13 EX.Ima. N?62

78.\ Spanifh Jig,

\II':^annde 79' Col! Arch"^ Campber^ quick Ste

Cacina N? 100

Campronian''s Rant 10>^

'\ Lovf'ly LaCs to a Friar rame 138

\WridgeK Allemande^^ 188

ATruMfet Air , .^^ 192

\ Rock & a wer pickle toW 15J4

B'uime your Eye .......•, 15

- ithMedley". 29

^'h'^k Dance 52

.uriiaiv Rr^aft Notes, . , 71

j' i'!^ PrOWTJVOW. I04

; jh M tilt- Bolfter : 119

vi-fEiinT.s Reel 161

Hutfercl Peafe 197

c€^i rleni rs yoar Daughter ready 24

€^©i!ilan . . .- .' 54

Charles Street Rauk 82

"\-:>'.fV'-' Recruitine Serv'ant , . . 9fi

Capt Campbtl of Airds clilto 179

Come hap me with ihy Petticoat 1^7

Come afhore JoJlv lar 190

DDuke of Gloceftofs Quick March 13

Dance in Queen Mab 45.

Duncan^s Dance 74

Dainty Refom Maker 120

Dainty Davie 132

F *

For a' that 8C a^that iS

Fy let UK a'^ to the P ndal 123':

GGentle Ann 3

Gen^ Burgcyne^s Quick Step 5>

Green Sleeves 13

Grace^s Farewell 16^

a) H it

Highland Laddie X9.32

Had the LaCs till I win at her 39

Hcpetcn house Fl

Quick March 127BandelsI

ill Touzle vour Kurchy 4

Icllity "... 20[ackfon s Morning Rrufh 22

[rifh Pilly 58

[ohnie'^s Grey Breeks 59

[ci rather have apiece than a Kifs ofmyJo.Bl

Irifh Trott 150

Irifh Lilt 196

Kifs me r,vcetly 97

Lango Lee '.

. . 25ec Riq 44

ad&ofDunfe 53ango Lee New wav 66

a Proininide Quick Step 72

ittle' l\ouse undei^ th<^ hiU 75


ILady Charlote's Delight N'.'lO-


La Uamofejle . . .^ lOb

Linky Lanky: . , 10«

Leather awa" wi your Oak Stick 121

Lary Grogan 155

La Nouvelle Angloife 162

Lord Kelly'^s Reel bv Mr. Greg 170

Lord Glencairns Quick Step 1B2

Lafs if I come near you 183

Lefslie's March 185

LaP^ie wi" the Yellow Coatie 195

MMy wife^s a wanton wee thing . 4


Majo/s Maggat 4R

My Mothe/s aye Glownng o''er me. . , .63

Marquis of Granby^s delight 64^

Mifs Ramfay s Keel : .'


Mjfs Katie Flails Heel .' 83

M'?.Donalds Quick Step 87

Marionets H4

Major Montgomerie^s Quick Stt p . . . . 1 L'

Mv r^odaino- ic on the Cold Grcrnd. . . !!


;»^ifs Gunnincfs delight N?I31

v\ fej^^y is a young thing ,133

iuche de Gen'^s d'^Armes 144

>laJor Jamts Campbels Quick Step l46

"^ancy Daw{bn .112

jNoridcyftie or the I'/ild Lrifli Man 143

oM'h Buffs Quick Step 16

3 id Plantation Girls . . yirginian 148

v) Gm ye were dead Gudf-man 151

P^ci-t Rtrick 90!^idv ^'hack 105

\ Piifh ibout the Jorum ...,.,. Ill

PoiJip' V Rin away. .Vnmtmxyi. 163

VVafe upon a Trencljeiw , 168

Qjuxck St^ 23^ Regt 2,.J 17th fieat 7

21^^ Regt «

..... 71^^ Ree? 17

Quick Step 22^ R( '^t N?l£

The Troopers 37

8^ Regt . . 3f



. . Fufile rs

Queenfberry Htuff; lOli

Quick Step 43fj Rett 11;^

42^ Rf^gt 126

2^ 42^ Rept .13/



15^h Repteg 13S

30^.^ Regt 15/

Ah Rp|tt


. . . . ..30\n KegV IgA

2;! Ratt? Royals 16J

19tP Reg^ 16S

.. Fencibles . 17P

. ; . Weftern Fencibles. ...... 18* |iii

32^ Regt 19^1R

Hob Down.', i. 2|

Royal Glafejow yoluntepr''s Jie y^J


'.'iSiVonft Reef N^.77

,S Hural Felicity 84

3f i\nnting Roaring Highlandman 110

P6 lioyal Gla^ow Volunteers Rrewell 117

P5 Royal Scots Quick March 156

3i Range/s Frolick 180

,9S S101 S: PatnVlfs Dav in the morning 50113 SfAlexfM? Donalds Reel. . .

." 70

12f Shamboy 98

ISPoldiers Joy. . 109

ir^teer her up SC had her gaan 118

IJ) Sweet Mally 125

16; Sukey Rids me 140

16 -^heling a Gairey. . . . . 147

IS i.tm Jones 153

ll ihantruish 159

18 "ipanifh March 186

,13 vailor'^s Rant 199

Vie BraleiV ^ as I was kifs'd Yeftreen..2O0

The Ranting Highlandman .,. .1

The Lads of the Village.

' . . N? ITh" Lady s Play thing^orGenlllowe'sM!? JTh" Oyfter Wives Rant gTh^ Moon 8: 7 Stars. '.'."9


Th'^ Grand Parade lo

Th*- Corporal 11

The Queen of Hearts 12

The Irifh Hautboy 14 ,

The Campbells are coming 2i

Th° Miners of Wicklow 23Turkifh March 2 6

The Widow'^s Rant 2 7

The Recruiting Officer 33Thro" the Lang Muir 3 4

The Hay Makers 4^The Highway to Dublin .43

The MillerV Rant 4bThe Cow behind the Haycock 51

The Carle he came o'er the Craft 55The Eaft Nook of Fife. ; . :.57

Th" Female Hero •.....! 65

Th FaithfuU Shepherd . (^^ J.f7


The DuclTs dang oer my dadie... N?. .68

Thf' Cream pott. .-:> -^-jt* ^^

Turkifh Quick Step. .... rfff 73

Th< Fyket 80

Tulloch Gorm 85

The female Rake 88

The Hi^hlandman Kifsd his Mother. . . 91

The Bottom of the Funch bowl 93

TomTullus's Hornpipe 122

i he Lon^i Room of Scarborough .... l2B

'Vhc Drumnu r 129

The Parfon in the Sudds 134

The Wonder. .' 136

The Mjjor 141

Tb*' Dumb Glutton 142

The Vhrry Dancers 149

Th' Polygon ..152

^^ Rraes of An^ub 154

fhf Lafses of Dunfe 158

Th" Amorous Goddefs 160

M-immerman^.s March 172

T.', .ors M-irrh' 173

iThe Parfonin his Roots N?124

The Weavers March .^ i7'i

i The Free Mafson s March 175.

The Cordwainer s March 17fc

Ihe Gardeners March 177

The^Three Sheep Skin''s 17?

The Wrighfs Rant 1 ftj^

The Whipman Laddie l8.-

Triftram Shandy 19

iTheres nae luck about the houfe.. . 19Bi

u •

up wit Ailly now ' 13^''



Wood Nunrich Rir 3¥.

W^ll gang nae mair to yon tow n . . . . 3^i

White Jock 3««

Warkworth Caftle. 40

Willie was a Wanton WagWell done Jack

Where will our Gudi man L\e

Wilkes's Wric;I<' • H3

V-,nVvD„odl,..X 'Q

..*..'' yf




-ISI-t^-^^ .^

''Z'f.«f^^ff„^U^^S^,,,,aay^fg^^^gi,^„ '" -/"'

My Love She's but a Lafsic vef"

A German Quick March.


^^m a^iJockey io the Fair,

^%y i ficij-JTJto^r im i™ i


iTfiiTi^ggfffl i dJiIjirfrf#


^ ^rT#tTf7rJ-^nTT^ i ^rrP,iJj: ii:i^j I # * g

f} Turks MarcVi.

^i rrrc/ ircW'Tji^'^ iHJ'rn-^jjNJjij

2';' Turks March.

^7rrrr^rir rM irrrrrcgifr^^lJlirJJfri-'/i^

|^g^iJ jj%%in7:jiiJ.:iE

rhe Barring of the Door

mmrfmf^fj^^ft^-H--* * * * \4'^ a -4-6

M9 Crae's Fancy.

The Capuchin

^iiJirp[[f ircc:fi[f;[c^10


i f^^Tadies Wattle.

" f 'li ^Oijyu'r iJ OaJiiu^ti ii


Donald Cotiper and his man


^fe imm:m ^ClMi-i^^

Lafs gin ye loe me toll me now

:tftfrt^^r i tlf[jfif^^J^iiHiMaggy's Wame is fii I hue.

Quick March 2^ Rart." of RoyalS


Chefter Caftle

^^^^^^^^m^ JIT

The l:r-nih of .Tune.

Tlic R:.'Ke.s o\' Mallo.

^^^g^^ i?^ff i^j-?^ 'i

^^^^te^^iiM^uLhiI wifh voiJ 1 merry new Yi-ar.

A Ronnv Lafs to marry me.9


f^^rf^Jj l LrJgJ^gJ^JOTlte

Tlip Stewards Lodge Song

24 ^-Ml J.Jc/i

-'Jjji j i i



ri'i fi:u;J-Ji^a crif ffii h^-

I* n . _ * n . p



rcf^jri rrtiDui:?:|3F=?

VQuick Step 26t^Reg?



Shammie Breeches.


^ihrnmnDrops of Drink

Oer the HiJls and far awa

Over the Water to Charlie,

31 'M'j;CTmx iii J^.TJif.r


j jjrji;7j m$*^ ifelfc!

rf^pKr; ii-J-i rFrrr if^^^^^^

/*ccrIcfi ^c(r i r%^ iEllr^i^^^pi+^ |Mifs Jamieson s Jig.

32^^^^ ^^g^ f r n ^H-iiff]^^^^^^^i*

fH^fri' i r.(^ffj? i j.Jif: rnjf:f;;ii^i T=^ ^-*

A Trip to Clumber.


A Trip to Clumber. For the Ger.- Flute.

.0m f. .Tf"* m.Mm fff'0 0, 0r^

Rofette. Quick Step


^'^ I wifli I mav die if I do.

3.fr'JijJf nrfrfJijJrniiJijJfn:rfaf^


mM^mffM^^^^mimmi^^mAndrew and his Cutty Gun


2^ Quick Step 2? Ratt^ Roya]s


'^^*mmm iism^^ \ui^\[mET^trji'Tirrrgmr^^p ti


Loch Nefs. 13




f;m^^\ :^\mm^^\:^mm.

'^mm«ijjji^m^i^\:^s^^hAi.^Them Try Plowman.

Wi[UJ i^.iLU i ir%i i^£:rfemWifl


" Jofeph\- Frolick.


The Wliigs o f Fife




f>iTic/^^^''^iLr^'i^ ic/^^%E:r^J-ii-rtota+4

'fcurt^f i tllriiiri^EZf^^'^'^^^^

Capf Rofs's R(el. ir

kJ^^K^^^^a^^Tbf Weazle.

4i; I I I ;3:;a:5::s=£r»s ^pE: S^ft±^i:iJ^tM\t !^1+**-^

i'il •I|-ilii^

^^ ^^^^4f-^^^l^ENcopolitai riiirifiprs.

^^g^^M%£^ll ^J r


IB The Milltrs Danghrer.

^£^g£g^La Voloncfe . f.

pf^iJiJ^^iprrff^;rrff^PA Fayourire Strath/pey.


(9.)^^ mIZZ


Qnic!< Stop "l-^^^Regt I


^ *

Johnny Cope.

J ^ . - -


• 0r, m — r I f m~ H-t- r 1

Jar k fori :-; Drc am.

•53 2hmf-cr

E ^^Siifsif

Quick Step Sorrtb Fencibles.

PfiglJJ^M <'-t

The AdlH Mtn ill ne'er Hi<

At) ye had heen where I hae been.




Q'li'.k March V^ Rati? Hovals.


To danton me.

Sfiiirloys fancy

If' »-


^&^^mm^^^^^-—.-»-irfH- .-]»-ii f ^ I _ *V;

^: li M •0'0-0-




Befsy Bell and Marry ^raj

Padys Reroiirce 26

^^^^^^mPady's Refource. for the 'In.FIal

" ?vlijur John Rruce''s Qmck Step.

The ale Wife and her Barrel. 5^7

tiBmin . wmt=^ii

^^^^^m ^Black Jock. •*

n mrntm?^^ mf^^t^^^^CbJllJ *«±±

Mount your Baggage.


^^^^^m yr^^TtJ^n^^1['

^^8Parlalaw. a German Tune.

J Cofillon. ^ -• ^^9


La Counterfaitte.

When file came ben /he bobed.


fiffla^tiM^a ^^^Hri


» U.iTh( Rfinn\ L.fs of Livinf'fron.


•^^^^^^^^ #tt3

Qaick Srcp 40!^ Rrgf




Sfaten llland F{ornpip(

^^^^^^g^^^a f


Jenny Nettles.

fc^MS^^fa^l^ l 1 ^llv^jJ rib i[4,.;j

^"iIv t;at Wnh l)('i- ocr wi Srraw,


WM^nm ^Q^,^f0^^^'--/^

The merry Girls of York.

^^^^^ft^^^iDanrerl bv Alcfridk(e.

i£i«.i. 'i*ys^-;.^i!V.-t-^ .;


The Merrv Girls of York. Koi tli« Vu.\\:^. Vi


rj ii " •

th n„„tQuick Step \0\^ Reg

' ^fem^Sfgmf^^^ilrcIrctj-p^

h:^^i:!m^^^^^^^^^mmfmThe Jubilee,

frgtf%^a^s:^f^jf% Eafi^^^i^^E.^^ol '•>

^* The Lalkrs of Mtlrors.



m^ MMm^^mPoor a puile hut rourf) o* Credit.


Wrll a go ro Ktlfo.


Tl)p Inverness Scots Meafiirc.

rSjJfjiJjj^^Jj-Ji Tf^sm

ifejfe^ir^Trr itrrffirgF£^


When I follow d a Lafs


Tail ToafUc

Qfiick S^ep 44^.*' Reg?

Kits ine faft my mothers coming.

La Rofalia.:\-

>^^wi#^%:£^^ tiiummThe Marniris of Hiinrlevs Reel.^m fim ^^i^^.

'" AWridges Dance

^%%te ^

m^^^j^^^Lady Harriot Hope's Reel.

lOrJ^4S^E ^mM''r:i^\t^'^ll \ml \^mm^SM

The Hemp Drefsers.


.¥ Q.rick March 15**' Rc^* 39

Quick Step 526^.*' Reg:

^F^^^W^^^^ tp


Quick Step Wy Regt

'%l&'f^fl%^l^ i


l| l'

m^^ ^^B

Bonnv Charlie.

I Diinrnii Grav. 11


^Jo^tinefla^Tl Racps.


C9) K Vf.l.^^.

''^ The Ruffians Rant.

^^L^i ij ii jr i

^rji rjmi ijiiiiiiu^iiJiiiiUiLii

''iIi^M^MmW^± t

p^^w^wpQuick Step c5'5V' Reg!


m^jjj;n jTii



Prince Fei-dinands Quick Step- j.

Qriir.k Step a*:' Reg?

"^ 'j »'

!' \0-.


Vr fteg;-

^ O^iOuiiXi ' " u:g0-0-^


fci;[xjiL£iLd'iU'M;^'iL^DUiU' i Lfj i^^if—


i4 Johnny Maogill.

119^ mi=^=fe m fe miffl?=ft*^

^cMto^^^ftff^^^^^^;^^.^^Quick Step 13V* Reg!

Recaule be was a bonnv Lad

Blow Zabella.

rs^\:^^ MiifF ^1)m^^[i!% JJ^i?J HiA J^w^

'HkHi^?^^ i»l#«r-rm8 iL i>i»»L Pf»l-j-o 1 aryrt i jkir j t Ft

i6Rofs Cafrle


!25: mMtf..\mrmmmHm.

fM^^ i^-n-u^^^^i^^The Bucket.


%?-j.M^j\r:].rTi]-gHrjj ii i _

Lifinen Hill.

'^Liij^iT^j i jjff. i^^^ifetJ^Vfff%!^^^^^^

The Milk Maid

O gin vc vvcre drad Gude-nian. Kor the Gtn Klutt




m^fflWK^fr^^^j#fyc^mLovelv Mallv.


) The Killworth Volunteers Quirk Maich

Dublin VolIIn^eers Quiclc Marcli. 61

0;,k SHck.

d t.:?<T)ii:

Marclie Francoife.

^e^ i»» i iH»»ii» .i,» P #

ll Dn r-Tjrrr

^'-^ Ncv^ vork Girls.

Swoctclr La/sie.

pm^Hmm-k^^W[:-\tmmJkM^im^ f ^

Lirtle Skirmini



« ^ -^-0^»

^^ ?F^ff?^ffti

The Good thine



f^ \mr^immi^^^^^Mt\ml!

c[frrrrfrf i rrfn^^^l^f i :Crcrfirrirtt- )< Ciun



The LiUie.

\&pmmmm^ >J_!

Wilkes's Releafe or Q.ii'k March 48\^-Reg!

ii^t€ ^ \{[w^'

^^ The Rraes of Auehtprf>'re

And will yoii be




S iw ye Johnnv Coming co Hie


Whv fhoird I nnt like mv Lovp.Whv Ihoiid I nor like mv Lovp. ,,c^^



i Cf;fefJ]^g%[cri gi^ccr-:^£^^11'

Smtioh Rrodie

mj^ i iium^^m jj-g«3

i^f^m^\^\^;n^tqn^^,^mm^La Rochclle.

tmm£m i^^ 0nmmf^rfmI


i *y^^i^^^^ ^s

56 Tlie 1 iV' of October.

.. ^ayg^p^p^j^j.ni^£jj:^^


Li Ri/seftc.J


"iC.f^^^^g^ •p-^


Gen! Carl.ron's Quick March 5*-

^wsa^^^%g£flf^^£^^^r^f^ Ett-

^^%rr i tfrftf^^^^^^^^^Gallway Girls.



H ippv Clown

^^^ ^r! quick Marcl) lOl^' Hcgt


tv-^r Z—m^^^^^^^^m^'^^ ^T»*

TIk- A::lci ^J:w^ \!,:vs dead.

=«^ \„ • ,-f^fj!:A-»^^5B

i.-iw ;.!! 'vJlini)i-|Hiiif\"

MtttliPw Rnt;<'s. ^^!

-J-' — ^ ' ^ ^ Z^^x^.

fM^^^i^^^^^^^^Eie^O La niv Dear

^^^ v^mWtft India.


60 F.ppic IVI^Nabb I

On rlit cjn_n c^mme ins.

--^mi^^ m^^ktf^i^*

/^.-r:ggjg^ja^^r ^ [^irr riirrrrr Ifa f^Dit r.Hjnr:

TrK Riothtrs.

€ -^Mm^m^^km^jw^tf^MUB.^^1^

yiixw Ncin I GiborLin. 61


^^^^^^Fur Ihi.' OerrKlalf.

ja i j,iii: ii"trr


s^aC' i[£[r


>2 ^Jolin Anderson mv Jo: »;., tt, vi.,!,, ,,r Flf,

m^^^^^^jifv i^U ^ni^^^ ^^^^m

Aire df r Opera Francoile


r*=#^^^^JTJ^Jtl I > :

^",fe I^J,HJ^ ^^^^^^riif Drunken Driiinnu'i.


VVoo'd and Married hikI a'


Drub the Rogues. ^

^%[jf i .Q:-'^i^: ii^-ri:


':^ij| JJJi' i

rf^' iE

ei IVep of Day


&p.^^f^Efffffl^^ ^ ^

A Trip ro Slitr'


175^P^^^Wfff Inlia

This is not my Ain Floufe 66


Oak Shck. N^ev, Wav^

i}^[^ i


irffflf^jii^^g^^Ratchelors of everv Station.

66 The Savage Darico with Variations

"fol:;^>^^f^j; llffLJii D [(g^ft

^.^ l J-Cfr,r lJ



'^0^^^mTlie Buffoon Dance.

nraes of nalwhedar. 67

^^g^crc^api^^^ idt

u^The Sows Tail to Geordie.

182ff^mfjn^m^i^]^^^ ^jflfffit^

fi8 Quick March F.afr YorU Militia.

Sweet WiUv O.


The Docfor.



The Parting Kifs.

fcgifc^^ ferfJJ^IiiJniP^^ I'F l fcr^Jil^^rf i

^»*5tjy "*Pi

fijD:ifhi^^^^rns^f^gpjj^ ii^'^-1-

"O M\' Diearie an thou die

/ dm dm \ *g-^

j < d m—ni

The Hit,'h v\av to Dublin. ANew Sett,

'-pfJii^^^ii^^ rrTTi f,mi --f£Pi 1 1 J r. I rf ii


' .£1

^1-a—H^ 'J. I . I



Mifs Sackviles Fancv.

7r<I O'er tiic Muir to Maggy-

Tt%.n "''

A Friend in Need.

^^^^^^^^^^paei^iThe Spinning Wheel


Sir John Malcolm.



The Sutors of Selkirk.

it[;fi i f


ri iia^. i



i Duke of Ferth's Reel

-M .-*'

'- pF;Tgj'Ci-L:I]'to^^''^i£J^ri££H£a^^

Tlie Farewell.


d Xiight and Joy be wi' you all

Sf Mm^0 ^-


ni^mMmum^The End of Voll. '2l


A Ronnv Lafs to marry nie - JN"- -23

A Trip to Clmnber - ^ _ - _ - 33

Andrew and his Cutty Gun - L . _ 37

A. Favourite Stvathfpey - - - - - 50

An ye had been where I hae been 57

A favourite Highland Quick ]V!arc.h>

73''Kegr: - - V''^

Aldridges Dance _ _ _ - - ^ l(>3

And will vou be ----- - '"^^

Aire de TOpera Francoife _ - _. -169

A Trip to Sligo _ - - - - - 174

IK Riend in need - - - - - ^93

- R

Behind the J^ulh in the Garden - - - 3

Relsy Bell and Mary Gray - - - -63

RlackJock - - 1 -~-- - - 73

Ronny Charlie - - - - - -NP-109

Royne Water - - - - - - - 121

Rcrruife he was a bonny Lad - . _ 12?

Blow Z,-<bella ,--''---- 12:i

Riaes of Aughtertyre - -.- „ - Hf:

Ratchelors of every ftation . .17''

Ruffoon Dance -"

- ^ - 1^^

Rnies of Ralwhedar _ - - - - l>>i

Chefter CalH6 - - - - ^^^—-/Cotillon - - -HI^^IF^Capt Rolses Reel - - - ^^^^-4.^

Cap*: John Rruce's Quick Step 6?

Cotillon _----- 7H

Qotillon ------ ''''

Cjpfus Jig : - - ^-'*- '^'


Campbells Allemande - _ _ _ N? 136

Calunbe -_- ____ __-l75D ,

Donald Couper and bis Man _ _ _ J2

Drops of Drink _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 27

Duncan Gray _ _ _ __ _ __1]1Dublin Volnnteers Quick March _ _ 137

Drub the Rogues _ _ ^ _ _ _ 172

Double Kifses _ _ 1 _ _ __^ 185

Duke of Perth's Reel _ _ _ _ _ 198

EEppie M*^Nabb _ _ _ _ _ _ - 163

Eal'tJiTork Militia Quick Step 183

FFrench Taptoo ^_ _.___28ly Gar Rub her o'er wi' Straw _ . _ 87

GGerman Quick March _ _ _ _ ^ 4

1ji^>- - _ _--__-. 118

'}-- 20Q


Gcnl Carletons Quick March _ N° 154

Galwav Girls _ - _ _ _ _ _ 155

Good Night and Joy be with

you all _ _ - - _

HHemp Drelsers _ ^ _ _ _ _ 10^^

Happy Clown _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 156

Humours of Graignamanock _ _ _ 189

Highway to Dublin a new Sett - - 190


Jockey to the Fair _ - _ _

I v.\(h you a merry new year _ _ _ 2^Iri/h Lafses _ _ _ _ _ _ - 30

I wilh I may die if 1 do _ _ _ _ 3i|

Jofepb's Frolick _ _ _ _ _ - - 4^

Johnny Cope - _ _ _ _ _ - 52i

Jackfon's Dream _ - _ _ _ _ 53

Juft as I was in the morning _ _ - 58

Jtrhny Nettles _ _ _ - - - - 86













Imernpl's Scots Meafiire _ _ _ N. 95

Jolinnv M^ Gill - - - - - _ - 119•J .

John AndetTon mv Jo _ „- _ _V^7- K ^^^

Killvcrankie -__ __-_^l8Kifs me faft my Mothers coming _ _ 99

Kilworth Volunteers Quick March _ 135

LLafs gin ye loe me tell me now _ - 13

Lochneft --.-._-_ 39

. La Polonefe _ - - . . _ _ 49

La fete de Village ___„-_ 64

La Counter faite _ . _ _ _ 79

La Rofalia - . ^ _ .. 100

Lady Harriot Hope"'s Reel _ . _ 104

Linnen Hall - . . , _ . 127

Lovelv Mallv - -.-„-_ 133

I-ittle Skirmifh _ . . _ .142

La RochoUe . . . _ _ _ . 151

La Rifsette --__-_ N? 153

Love and Opportunity . _ _ _ 159

MMy Love fhe's but a Lafsie yet _ _ _ 1

Marias frolick __ __-_-2M9 Crae's Fancy _ _ _ - _ |_ 9

Maggy s wame is fu I true _ _ _ _ 14

Mils Jamie/bn"'s Jig _-__-_ 32

Merry Plowman _ _ _ _ .. . - 41

Mount your baggage _ - - - - - 74

Merry Girls of \brk - ^ - H«

Marquis of Huntlevs Reel - . - lO;

Maggy [^auder _ _ _ _ - .12^

Marcho Franc oife - - - - '-

Martiew Rriggs - - - - - - if"?

Moar NciiH* S Giberian _ - _ . l-

Mv Doarie an thou die _ _

Mils Sackvile''s Fancv _ - - ^


Wopolihi>Thr( fhers W 47

\oltinglr.?n Caftlp . , _ . _ i ._ 84

\ott indium Races . . - . .113

N'rw \brk Girls _ _ - - HO

0\x tl)e bills and f;ir awav _ _ - -29

( >vcr the Water to Charlie _ - - - 31

O gin ve were dnH Giideman _ - 132

Ouk Stick _ _ ^ - _ - . _138

O I>a mv Dear _ _ - - 161

On dit qu aqfiinro ins ^ . . - 164

Oak Stick new way - - _ . 177

Ocr ihc Muir to Maggv - - -

i'>dvs Refource _ - - - -

- 192


) irlalaw _ ' _ _ ^ 75

; oor a purfe but ronth o''Credi t - 93

1 incf JPerdinand s Qinck Step _ _ 116

y of Dav _ __---_ - 173

Q(^iiick Marfli 2'j Raft'.' of Ront^Is N? ^ 13

- - _ - ^ - 251*" Hvg) - - - - 25

2'J - - - _2'^Ratt!' of Royals i 38

_ _ - _ 45l^'Reg!^ - -' - . .51


_ _ -if Ratt? of Royals - -59

. - _ - _ 23'^ Regt - _"^

- _ _ 76

_ _ _ _ 33^ Reg! - . . ^ 77

- _ _ - 4oV'Reg! - - _ _ 82

. - - - _io!*'Reg! - _ - - _90__-'_- 44l'' Reg? - _ - _ _ 98

3^ - - . - _15l*^Regl _ - _ _ 106

- _ _ _ - 26\^ Reg! - - - - -107

- - - - '-I2V' RegJ _ - _ - 108

, _ - - 55\''Reg! - - - - 115

- _ _ - 2^ Regt _ _ - - 117

- _ - _ 13^.^ RegT _ - _ - -120

2-/ _ _ - _ LO'.^Regt - - - - 157


RakfS of Mallo _ - . . - , N?2I

Rofitre Quick S^(p . - - - . 35

KulTiins R:mt . . . .114

Rofs Caftle - - - - - - - - 125

sSli;iniiiue Riecclies . _ . . . . 26

Sriimjiie - - - ..-.-- 44

Su(v ----- .--... 54

South Fcncil)les Quick Stfj* . - .55

Shiirlcj's fuiry - ... -61

Sandy oVr flit! L<t' . . ... .70

Sailor L:ul(ii(' , 71

Statfii Ulaiirl Hoiiipitx' . . . , 83

Siuguc - - . - - . - noSweefeft Lafsie _ . . ,,.J41Saw^ vo .)oh?mV entiling co (Vie _ . 148

Sviiioii Hrotlic - - . - . I50

Savnge Dance wilh Vaiiahoos - . 179

SvM'i'f Willv - - I'H

. 79

Sir John Malcolm _ _ _ _ jNVi95

TiVTirks March.. _ - . _ _ .6

2'/D? - -_.___.. - - 7

The IVvrring of the door _ _ - - -B

The Capuchin _ _ _ _ _ _ _io

Tad ics Waffle 1 _ - - _, _ - nTo the Weaver gin \t c*^ _ . - l€

The Peacock _ _ . _ . - l~

The tenth of June - . - ?o

The Stewards Lodge Sorit; - . 2-3

The Uhigs of Fife - . 43

The Wca^le . . _ - - _ . 4'-

The Millers Daughter - _ _^ 'i


The Auld man Ml neer die - _ - ,"'""

'Tu dantnn me _ - - - - _ .. hO

The Spa __---- _ _ •(-::

The M(>rry Meeting _ - - - ^'O

The Ale Wife and hev barrel _ - ^?

80The RonnyLa/s of Livingfton _ N? 81

Tit for Tit --^_____85The Jdbile^ ^ ______ 91

The Lafses of Melrofs _ _ _ _ 92

Till Toddle - _ _ _ _ ^ _97The Button hole - _ _ _ _ 102

The Pantheon _ _ _ _ 1 _112

The Bucket ^ _ _ _ _ _ 126

The Feathers _ _ _ _ _ _ 129

The Milk Maid - _ _ ^ _ _ 130

The Bon1bn_ ______ 134

The Good thing . _ _ _ . _ _ _ 143

The Lillie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _144

rhe 14\*^ of October _ _ _ _ _ 152

The Auld Man's Mare's dead _ _ _ 158

' !iL' Flight _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 162

-Tt e Brothers _ _ _ _ _ _ 165

'Ihe Drunken Drummer _ _ _ _170

Ui's !s not mvAin houfe _ _ ^ 176

The Sow's tail to Gcqrdie _ _ N? 182

The Doctor _______ 186

The Farting Kifs _ _ _ _ _ _ 187

The Spinning Wheel _____ 194

The Sutors of Selkirk _ _ _ _ 197

The Farewell _ _ _ _ _ _ 199

u "i

Unanimity _ _ __ _ _ _ _ igg

WWhen (he came ben Ihe bobbed _ _ 80


We'ill a go to Kelfo - _ _ _ _ 94'

Wlien I follow'd a Lafs _ _ _ _ 96

Wilkes's Releafe or Quick Step\

48^RegT_ _ _ _ _ _ _|- 145

Why fhould I not like my Love _ _ 149,

Woo'd and Married and a. _ _ _ 171



