a recommender system for refining ekeko/x transformation

Coen De Roover [email protected] A Recommender Syste m for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation s Tim Molderez [email protected] (c) anonymous Vancouver street artist

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Page 1: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

Coen De [email protected]

A Recommender System for Refining

Ekeko/X Transformations

Tim [email protected]

(c) anonymous Vancouver street artist

Page 2: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

Search-and-replaceBeyond syntactic templates

Meta-programming library

Recommender system

Logic meta-programming in Clojure

Genetic search for template mutations

Page 3: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

Motivation: automating edits within a program

value of annotation



manypublic class BreakStatement extends Statement {

@EntityProperty(value = SimpleName.class)private EntityIdentifier label;

public EntityIdentifier getLabel() {return label;


public void setLabel(EntityIdentifier label) {this.label = label;


public class BreakStatement extends Statement {@EntityProperty(value = SimpleName.class)private EntityIdentifier<SimpleName> label;

public EntityIdentifier<SimpleName> getLabel() {return label;


public void setLabel(EntityIdentifier<SimpleName> label) {this.label = label;

}} to be used as type parameter

Page 4: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

Automating Edits: using existing tool support


logic meta-programming


Eclipse plugin

applicationsprogram and corpus analysis

program transformation

meta-programming library for Clojure

causally connected

applicative meta-programming

script queries over workspace

specify code characteristics declaratively, leave search to logic engine

manipulate workspace

tool building

Building Development Tools Interactivelyusing the EKEKO Meta-Programming Library

Coen De RooverSoftware Languages Lab

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BelgiumEmail: [email protected]

Reinout StevensSoftware Languages Lab

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BelgiumEmail: [email protected]

Abstract—EKEKO is a Clojure library for applicative logicmeta-programming against an Eclipse workspace. EKEKO hasbeen applied successfully to answering program queries (e.g.,“does this bug pattern occur in my code?”), to analyzing projectcorpora (e.g., “how often does this API usage pattern occurin this corpus?”), and to transforming programs (e.g., “changeoccurrences of this pattern as follows”) in a declarative manner.These applications rely on a seamless embedding of logic queriesin applicative expressions. While the former identify source codeof interest, the latter associate error markers with, computestatistics about, or rewrite the identified source code snippets.In this paper, we detail the logic and applicative aspects of theEKEKO library. We also highlight key choices in their implemen-tation. In particular, we demonstrate how a causal connectionwith the Eclipse infrastructure enables building developmenttools interactively on the Clojure read-eval-print loop.


EKEKO is a Clojure library that enables querying andmanipulating an Eclipse workspace using logic queries thatare seamlessly embedded in functional expressions. Recentapplications of EKEKO include the GASR tool for detect-ing suspicious aspect-oriented code [1] and the QWALKEKOtool for reasoning about fine-grained evolutions of versionedcode [2]. In this paper, we describe the meta-programmingfacilities offered by EKEKO and highlight key choices intheir implementation1. We also draw attention to the highlyinteractive manner of tool building these facilities enable.


More concretely, we will demonstrate how to build alightweight Eclipse plugin entirely on the Clojure read-eval-print loop. We will use this plugin as a running examplethroughout the rest of this paper. Our Eclipse plugin is tosupport developers in repeating similar changes throughout anentire class hierarchy. It is to associate problem markers withfields that have not yet been changed. In addition, it is topresent developers a visualization of these problems. Finally,it is to provide a “quick fix” that applies the required changescorrectly.

Figure 1 illustrates the particular changes that need to berepeated. The raw EntityIdentifier type of those fieldswithin a subclass of be.ac.chaq.model.ast.java.ASTNode

1The EKEKO library, its implementation, and all documentation is freelyavailable from https://github.com/cderoove/damp.ekeko/.

p u b l i c c l a s s B r e a k S t a t e m e n t ex tends S t a t e m e n t {/ / B e f o r e changes :@ E n t i t y P r o p e r t y ( v a l u e = SimpleName . c l a s s )p r i v a t e E n t i t y I d e n t i f i e r l a b e l ;

/ / A f t e r changes :@ E n t i t y P r o p e r t y ( v a l u e = SimpleName . c l a s s )p r i v a t e E n t i t y I d e n t i f i e r <SimpleName> l a b e l ;

/ / . . . ( a . o . , a c c e s s o r methods change a c c o r d i n g l y )}

Fig. 1: Example changes to be repeated.

that carry an @EntityProperty annotation, is to receive a typeparameter that corresponds to the annotation’s value key.


The EKEKO library operates upon a central repository ofproject models. These models contain structural and behavioralinformation that is not readily available from the projectsthemselves. The models for Java projects include abstractsyntax trees provided by the Eclipse JDT parser, but alsocontrol flow and data flow information computed by the SOOTprogram analysis framework [3].

An accompanying Eclipse plugin automatically maintainsthe EKEKO model repository. To this end, it subscribes toeach workspace change and triggers incremental updates orcomplete rebuilds of project models. As a result, the infor-mation operated upon by the EKEKO library is always up-to-date. In addition, this plugin provides an extension point thatenables registering additional kinds of project models. TheKEKO extension, for instance, builds its project model fromthe results of a partial program analysis [4] —enabling queriesover compilation units that do not build correctly.


The EKEKO library enables querying and manipulating pro-grams using logic queries and applicative expressions respec-tively. We detail the former first. Section V discusses the latter.The program querying facilities relieve tool builders fromimplementing an imperative search for source code that ex-hibits particular characteristics. Instead, developers can specifythese characteristics declaratively through a logic query. The


Page 5: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

Think of it as querying a database of program information!

Logic meta-programming (LMP)

Page 6: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

Logic relations: ast/2 and has/3 “tables”

relation between a ?node of an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

and its ?type

(ast  ?type  ?node)

(has  ?property  ?node  ?value)


relation of AST nodes and the values of their properties

Page 7: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

(ekeko  [?statement  ?expression]      (ast  :ReturnStatement  ?statement)        (has  :expression  ?statement  ?expression))  

Logic querying: AST relations

SELECT  ast.node  as  ?statement,                  has.value  as  ?expression  FROM      ast,  has    WHERE    ast.type  =    :ReturnStatement  AND                has.property  =  :expression  AND                has.node  =  ast.node;                

SQL query

relation of all AST nodes of type :ReturnStatement and the value of their :expression property

equivalent logic query


Page 8: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

(defn        expression|returned      [?expression]      (fresh  [?statement]          (ast  :ReturnStatement  ?statement)            (has  :expression  ?statement  ?expression)))

Logic programming: defining relations LMP

local variable

(ekeko*  [?returned  ?type]      (expression|returned  ?returned)      (ast|expression-­‐type  ?returned  ?type)      (type|binary  ?type))

returned expressions of a type defined in compiled rather than source code

defining relation:

using newly defined relation:

Page 9: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

control and data flow


syntactic for(Object i : collection)

Ekeko Library: relations

class Ouch {int hashCode() { return ...;}


scanner = new Scanner();...x.close();...scanner.next();

(ast ?kind ?ast)(has ?property ?ast ?value)(ast-encompassing|method+ ?ast ?m)(ast-encompassing|type+ ?ast ?t)

(classfile-type ?binaryfile ?type)(type-type|sub+ ?type ?subtype) (type-name|qualified ?type ?qname)(advice-shadow ?advice ?shadow)

for logic meta-programming

(method|soot-cfg ?m ?cfg)(unit|soot-usebox ?u ?ub)(local|soot-pointstoset ?l ?p)(soot|may|alias ?l1 ?l2)

Page 10: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

Ekeko Library: functions

(remove-node node)(replace-node node newnode)(change-property node property value)(apply-and-reset-rewrites!)

for applicative meta-programming

(visualize nodes edges :layout layout :node|label labelfn :edge|label labelfn . . .)

(add-problem-marker marker node)(register-quickfix marker rewritefn) (reduce—workspace fn initval) (wait-for-builds-to-finish)




Page 11: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation



public class BreakStatement extends Statement {@EntityProperty(value = SimpleName.class)private EntityIdentifier label;

public EntityIdentifier getLabel() {return label;


public void setLabel(EntityIdentifier label) {this.label = label;


public class BreakStatement extends Statement {@EntityProperty(value = SimpleName.class)private EntityIdentifier<SimpleName> label;

public EntityIdentifier<SimpleName> getLabel() {return label;


public void setLabel(EntityIdentifier<SimpleName> label) {this.label = label;


Automating Edits: using Ekeko

Live Demo

Page 12: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation
Page 13: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

Meta-programming library


Recommender system

Logic meta-programming in Clojure

Beyond syntactic templates

Genetic search for template mutations

Page 14: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

Automating Edits: using existing tool support

requires specifying

where to apply a change

what changes to apply

carefully ensuring

no unwarranted changes are applied no required changes are missed

Page 15: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

Complexity: Ekeko vs IntelliJ


IntelliJ “replace structurally”

Page 16: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation


Templates to the rescue

template = code + meta-vars & wildcards


Page 17: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

Templates to the rescue


template = code + meta-vars & wildcards

Page 18: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

Templates to the rescue


template = code + meta-vars & wildcards

limited to syntactic matching …

Page 19: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

1/ directives for control over matching

2/ support for template composition

3/ directives for control over rewriting

advanced code templates in Ekeko/X

I’m a “structural search and replace” on steroids

Page 20: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

1/ directives for control over matching2/ formal operators for template mutation3/ genetic search for mutation recommendations




Page 21: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

match any match is in source code, with matching type and properties

orsimple qualified name match is any name resolving to name in template(equals ?var) any exposes match

child, child+, child* any match is corresponding child of parent match, nested within that child (+), or either (*)

match|set list match has at least given elements, in any order

match|regexp list match has elements described by regexp

(type ?type)type/variable declaration/referenceexpression

match resolves to, is of, or declares the type of its argument

(subtype ?type), (subtype+ ?type), (subtype* /type)

type/variable declaration/reference

match resolves to a (transitive +, reflexive *) subtype of the given argument

(refers-to ?var) expression match lexically refers to local, parameter or field denoted by its argument

(invokes ?method) invocation expression match invokes given argument


[….acceptVisitor(…)]@[(invokes ?method)][public void acceptVisitor(ComponentVisitor v)…]@[(equals ?method)]

constraining syntax, structure, data flow, control flow of matches

grouping of templates

Page 22: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

2/ support for template composition

class template with field and methods

separate field, methods, class templates

Page 23: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

3/ directives for control over rewriting

search templates=>replacement templates

replaces argument with instantiation of template for each match

replace any replaces its operand with a template instantiation

add-element lists adds a template instantiation to its operand…

not necessarily an entire template match!

Page 24: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation
Page 25: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation



public class BreakStatement extends Statement {@EntityProperty(value = SimpleName.class)private EntityIdentifier label;

public EntityIdentifier getLabel() {return label;


public void setLabel(EntityIdentifier label) {this.label = label;


public class BreakStatement extends Statement {@EntityProperty(value = SimpleName.class)private EntityIdentifier<SimpleName> label;

public EntityIdentifier<SimpleName> getLabel() {return label;


public void setLabel(EntityIdentifier<SimpleName> label) {this.label = label;


Automating Edits: using Ekeko/X

Live Demo

Page 26: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

Meta-programming library


Recommender system

Logic meta-programming in Clojure

Beyond syntactic templates

Genetic search for template mutations

Page 27: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

But specifying templates is still hard…

often requires multiple iterations

no unwanted matches

no required matches are missed generalization


no support for editing process

code templatesource code + meta-variables + matching directives

no disciplined methods for generalizing/refining templates

no automated support in the form of recommender system

Page 28: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

Specifying templates in Ekeko/X …

? ?


Page 29: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation


Specifying templates in Ekeko/X …

Page 30: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

1/ formal operators for template mutation2/ genetic search for mutation recommendations

return age; return ?v;introduce-variable



composite mutation

public class Book {private Integer count;public Integer getCount() {

return count;}


public class Book {private Integer ?v1;public Integer getCount() {

return [?v2]@[(refers-to ?v1)];}


Page 31: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

(Operator. "add-directive-invokes" operators/add-directive-invokes :refinement "Add directive invokes." opscope-subject applicability|methodinvocation "Requires matches to invoke the binding for the meta-variable." [(make-operand "Meta-variable (e.g., ?v)" opscope-variable validity|variable)])

constraints on their subject

constraints on their operands

constraints enable checking applicability of operator, validity of its operands + generating possible values!

(Operator. "remove-node" operators/remove-node :destructive "Remove from template." opscope-subject applicability|deleteable "Removes its selection from the template." [])

1/ formal operators for template mutation2/ genetic search for mutation recommendations

Page 32: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

1/ formal operators for template mutation2/ genetic search for mutation recommendations

specification of which all matches are desired

given enumeration of desired matches

1 row = 1 individual = 1 template group specification

Page 33: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

a) determine precision and recall of each individual b) determine extent of partial match for individuals without matches c) penalize excess use of directives


1/ formal operators for template mutation2/ genetic search for mutation recommendations

suppressing local minima

Page 34: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

16 2 Tree-based GP
















(y+1) (x/2)*


Parents Offspring


Figure 2.5: Example of subtree crossover. Note that the trees on the leftare actually copies of the parents. So, their genetic material can freely beused without altering the original individuals.

to crossover operations frequently exchanging only very small amounts ofgenetic material (i.e., small subtrees); many crossovers may in fact reduceto simply swapping two leaves. To counter this, Koza (1992) suggested thewidely used approach of choosing functions 90% of the time and leaves 10%of the time. Many other types of crossover and mutation of GP trees arepossible. They will be described in Sections 5.2 and 5.3, pages 42–46.

The most commonly used form of mutation in GP (which we will callsubtree mutation) randomly selects a mutation point in a tree and substi-tutes the subtree rooted there with a randomly generated subtree. This isillustrated in Figure 2.6. Subtree mutation is sometimes implemented ascrossover between a program and a newly generated random program; thisoperation is also known as “headless chicken” crossover (Angeline, 1997).

Another common form of mutation is point mutation, which is GP’srough equivalent of the bit-flip mutation used in genetic algorithms (Gold-berg, 1989). In point mutation, a random node is selected and the primitivestored there is replaced with a di↵erent random primitive of the same aritytaken from the primitive set. If no other primitives with that arity ex-ist, nothing happens to that node (but other nodes may still be mutated).When subtree mutation is applied, this involves the modification of exactlyone subtree. Point mutation, on the other hand, is typically applied on a

[Genetic programming, a field guide]

1/ formal operators for template mutation2/ genetic search for mutation recommendations

(Operator. "add-directive-invokes" operators/add-directive-invokes :refinement "Add directive invokes." opscope-subject applicability|methodinvocation "Requires matches to invoke the binding for the meta-variable." [(make-operand "Meta-variable (e.g., ?v)" opscope-variable validity|variable)])

(Operator. "remove-node" operators/remove-node :destructive "Remove from template." opscope-subject applicability|deleteable "Removes its selection from the template." [])



probability finetuning…

Page 35: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

best templates after 30 iterations

[public void acceptVisitor(ComponentVisitor v);]@[(invoked-by ?v17892744)]comp.acceptVisitor(v)



[public void acceptVisitor(ComponentVisitor v){...}]@[(invoked-by ?v20420073)]comp.acceptVisitor(v)


[public void acceptVisitor(ComponentVisitor v) ??v23406365]@[(invoked-by ??v23499077)]?v23184877(v)


[….acceptVisitor(…)]@[(invokes ?method)][public void acceptVisitor(ComponentVisitor v)…]@[(equals ?method)]

Example run: polymorphic invocations

Page 36: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

Ongoing Experiment

RQ1: how effective is the search in finding template changes?

RQ2: do users find the recommended changes helpful?

RQ3: do composite, template-specific mutations converge more quickly to a solution than generic code mutations?

finetuning: very sensitive to probabilities of crossover and mutation, quality of RNG, diversity in population, …

Page 37: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

Meta-programming library


Recommender system

Logic meta-programming in Clojure

Beyond syntactic templates

Genetic search for template mutations

Page 38: A Recommender System for Refining Ekeko/X Transformation

Future work involving Ekeko/X

and possible collaborations



evolvedclone B

clone B

evolvedclone B


system variant A system variant B system variant C

evolvedclone C

clone C

evolvedclone C





search for transformation editssuch that it can be applied to a variant of the system it was intended for