a radar study of premonsoon squall lines over gangetic west...

551'553 '2 1: 1i51· UOS.85(r.tI ·2) A radar study of premonsoon squall lines over Gangetic West Bengal A. K. ClL\UDHURY and D. K. RAKSHIT iUeteorological O ffice, C olcuuo A irport (Rece itw 19 August 19(9) ABSTRAC1'. OcqJrrenoo and lif e-eyele of preuronsoon llquall li ut."II in Gangetic W("!'It Bengal, their dependence OIL tho Il urf'aco and uppElr air meteorological p;,ramderl4 were 8.1l l\1,)"BCd from other echoes observed at Caloutta for the period 1963-67. Presence of high terrain in Chota X'lgpur platea u of Bihar and il1llOlatioll found to 00 responsible for the initi u. l Iorm et.ion of equal ! lines . l1u· phenomenon lead ing to stmul ten eous appeere uee of multi ple aqualtIines in fliffl'rent and their movement ill (lHfcront d irect ions were d iscussed . It h:l.!t lK'1'1l not iced that squall line. 11\0"'0 !,:cne",lIy in a direction within 0441 0 clockwise of tho peevelll ng wind at .. -n-km level and tho cor reepcndl ugdirection of surface equal! obeceved to 00 withi n 020° of the dt rcc t ton of movement or equulf Hne, r, Intr od u c&l on Duri ng th e premonsoon mont hs, t ho Nor- westers constitute the main weather hazard in Gangetio West Beng nl. Issuing of timely warnin gs for tho movement of these squall lines or for the onseb of surf ace squalls for the parked and moored aircraft requires intima te knowledge a bout the gnn- esis of the pri mary cumulus cell s, their subsequenb building up and the direction and speed of the movements of these rnassive clouds. The present study made wi th radar and ra wiu observa tions aims at unders tand ing th e iuitial gro wth and development of th ese clouds in time and space, their lifetime and decay and also their move- ments, as related to the upper winds. 2. Data A 3·2 -cm Radar (JUC Typc NMD 451 A) with peak out put power of 250 KW and p.r.f. 300/sec and beam wid th in both horizonta l and vert i- cal is in operation round the clock at Dum Dum. The rad ar is ope rated every full hour G)[T. Half hourly observ ations are ta ken when the storms are in the vicinity of the sta tion. All the ob servations are plotted on polar dia grams. Important develop. menta arc also photographed, Radarscope obser- vations, relevant autographic charts, current weather registers and the rawin observ ati ons of Dum Dum for the period from 1963 to 1967 have beeu utilised for this study. It may be mentioned here that only those occasious when well develop- cd squall Iines had formed had been taken into con- siderstion, It ·is well known th at th einitial cum ulus cells appearing oval or circular on the radarscope Wider condition of instability and favoured by insolation 450 and other triggers h1'fOW, merge t ogeth er a nd appcar on the rad arscope as broken or solid lines. Over the region of sbudy, the lines are generally 75 to 120 km in length (De 1963), tho ugh lines as long as :100 km hav e been observed. They orient them- selves in SWINE , SIN and/ or W/E d irection s and move generally perpendicular to their orientations. In course of their movements the cold downdrafts inj ected in. the unstable airmass ahead cause rege- neration of fresh cells. a Initial C rowtb or cells (a) Distrilmti QII ill time-- The initial appear- ance of 5:) echoes spread over the time sca le are tab ula ted in Table I and it is seen that maximum number of incidences of echoe s appear during 6-11 ( DI T wi th tho highest frequency occurring between 7-10 hours m IT. (b) Distributi QII ill spac<l (seclor/Jis/IIlIC<' )- Fig. 1 shows the distribution of the initia l echoes in spa ce. Of th e 55 celts which later on developed into well- defined lines, three c1usterings, suggesting three preferred zones of convectiv e acti vities, can bo recognised. (i) 29 cell, concentrate to constitute a zono (referred to as ..I. ) over the area :!8O' /3300- 225 km beyond , i.e., the Chota Nagpur plateau and tho adjoiuing areas of West Beng al, (ii) 9 cells conce ntrate to constitute a zone (referred to as B) oyer the a rea 360 %45 °_ 100/200 km , i.e., West Bengal and adjoining areas of East Pakistan t rav ersed by the BI<agiratM (West Bengal) , tho nlmirab, the il!w/"ulIl ati, the Padilla and the Alara i-a ll in East Pa kista n. (iii) 5 cc1Is concentrate to consti tute a zono

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  • 551'553 '21 : 1i51· UOS.85(r.tI ·2)

    A radar study of premonsoon squall linesover Gangetic West Bengal

    A. K. ClL\UDHU R Y and D. K. RAKSHIT

    iUeteorological Office, Colcuuo Airport

    (Receitw 19 August 19(9)ABSTRAC1'. OcqJrrenoo and life-eyele of preuronsoon llquall liut."II in Gangetic W("!'It Bengal, the ir dependence

    OIL tho Ilurf'aco and uppElr air meteorologica l p;,ramderl4 were 8.1ll\1,)"BCd from other echoes observed at Caloutta forthe period 1963-67. Presence of high terrain in Chota X'lgpur platea u of Bihar and 8~Ia.r il1llOlatioll found to 00responsible for the initiu. l Iorm et.ion of equal ! lines . l1u· phenomenon lead ing to stmul ten eous appeere uee of multipleaqua lt Iines in fliffl'rent r~iOtl 8 and their movement ill (lHfcront d irect ions were d iscussed . It h:l.!t lK'1'1l not iced thatsquall line. 11\0"'0 !,:cne", lIy in a direct ion within 04410 clockwise of tho peevelll ng wind at .. -n-km level and thocorreepcndlug di rection of surface equal! obeceved to 00 withi n 020° of the dtrcc t ton of movement orequulf Hne,

    r, Introduc&lon

    Duri ng th e premonsoon months, t ho Nor-westers constitute the main weather hazard inGanget io West Bengnl. Issuing of timely warnin gsfor t ho movement of these squall lines or for th eonseb of surface squalls for t he parked and mooredaircraft requires intimate knowledge a bout the gnn-esis of the primary cumulus cells, their subsequenbbuilding up and the direct ion a nd speed of themovements of these rnassive clouds . The presentst udy made with radar and ra wiu observa tionsaims a t understand ing the iuitial growth anddevelopment of these clouds in t ime and space,their lifetime and decay and also their move-ments, as related to the upper winds.

    2. Data

    A 3 · 2 -cm Radar (J UC Typc NMD 451A) withpeak out put power of 250 KW and p.r.f. 300/secand beam wi dth I' ~o in both horizonta l and verti-cal is in operation round the clock at Du m Dum.The radar is operated every full hour G) [T. Halfhourly observations are taken when t he storms arein the vicinity of the sta t ion. All t he observationsare plotted on polar diagrams. Important develop.menta arc also photographed, Radarscope obser-vations, relevant autographic charts, currentweather registers and the ra win observations ofDum Dum for the period from 1963 to 1967 havebeeu utilised for this st udy. I t may be ment ionedhere that only those occasious when well develop-cd squall Iines had formed had been taken into con-siders tion,

    It ·is well known that the initial cum ulus cellsappearing oval or circular on the radarscope Widercondition of instability and favoured by insolation


    and other triggers h1'fOW, merge t ogeth er andappcar on the radarscope as broken or solid lines.Over the region of sbudy, the lines are generally 75to 120 km in length (De 1963), tho ugh lines as longas :100 km hav e been observed. They orient t hem-selves in SWINE, SIN and/ or W/E directions andmove generally perpendicular to their orientations.In course of their movements the cold downdraftsinjected in. the unstable airmass ahead cause rege-neration of fresh cells.

    a Initial Crowtb or cells(a) Distri lmtiQII ill time-- The initial appear-

    ance of 5:) echoes spread over the time sca le aretabulated in Table I and it is seen that maximumnumber of incidences of echoes appear during 6-11(DIT wi th tho highest frequency occurring between7-10 hours m IT.

    (b) D istribut iQII ill spac