a preview of properties by: ms. oliva’s 8 th grade math members

A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

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Page 1: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

A Preview of Properties

By: Ms. Oliva’s 8th grade

Math Members

Page 2: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

Commutative Property of Addition


a+b = b+a 3+4 = 4+3

7 = 7

Page 3: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

Commutative Property of Multiplication


Page 4: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

Associative Property of Addition


(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)

(7 + 5) + 4 = 7 + (5 + 4)

12 + 4 = 7 + 9

16 = 16

Page 5: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members


(ab)c = a(bc)(4 x 7)2 = 4 (7 x 2)

28 x 2 = 4 x 1456 = 56

Page 6: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

Distributive Property

a (b + c) = ab + ac

7 (5+2) = 7(5) + 7(2)

7 (7) = 35 + 14

49 = 49


Page 7: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

Practice Quiz 1

Decide what property is shown. Click on your choice.

47 + (95 + 117) = (47 + 95) + 117

C. Distributive Property

B. Commutative Property

A. Associative Property

Page 8: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members


Don’t Cry— Try Again

Page 9: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

Awesome! It looks like you planted just the

right answer!

On to the next one

Page 10: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

Practice Quiz 2

Decide what property is shown. Click on your choice.

(8 x 7)4 = 8(7 x 4)

C. Distributive Property

B. Commutative Property

A. Associative Property

Page 11: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

Oh my gosh!! That’s not right!

Try Again

Page 12: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

Terrific!! C’est Magnifique!

On to the next one

Page 13: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

Practice Quiz 3

Decide what property is shown. Click on your choice.

8 (7 – 3) = (8 – 7) (8 – 3)

C. Distributive Property

B. Commutative Property

A. Associative Property

Page 14: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

OOPS!! Hey! Don’t sweat it!

Try Again

Page 15: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

Fantastic!! You’re on your


On to the next one

Page 16: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

Practice Quiz 4

Decide what property is shown. Click on your choice.

15 x 4 = 4 x 15

C. Distributive Property

B. Commutative Property

A. Associative Property

Page 17: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

OOPS!! I think you zipped through that one too fast!

Try Again

Page 18: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

Way to Go!!You’re just blooming!

On to the next one

Page 19: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

Practice Quiz 5

Decide what property is shown. Click on your choice.

17(x + y) = 17x + 17y

C. Distributive Property

B. Commutative Property

A. Associative Property

Page 20: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

ARGH!! Better luck next time, mate!

Try Again

Page 21: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

Marvelous!!You really had your

eye on that one!

On to the next one

Page 22: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

Practice Quiz 6

Decide what property is shown. Click on your choice.

(8x – 2) + 14 = 14 + (8x – 2)

C. Distributive Property

B. Commutative Property

A. Associative Property

Page 23: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

OOPS!! That was a ghostly error!

Try Again

Page 24: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

Excellent!!You must have

eaten your veggies!

On to your last slide!

Page 25: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

You’re on Your Own*Number your paper from 1-8. Write assoc., comm., or dist., to

correctly label the property of each.

1) 14 (2 – 6) = (14 x 2) – (14 x 6)

2) 3x + 17 = 17 + 3x

3) 12(4 + 8) = (12 x 4) + (12 x 8)

4) (6 x 5) x 9 = 6 x (5 x 9)

5) 3 + (20 + 4) = (3 + 20) + 4

6) (11 – 4) + 12 = 12 + (11 – 4)

7) 10(22 + 12) = (10 x 22) + (10 x 12)

8) 2x + (3x + 3x) = (2x + 3x) + 3x


Page 26: A Preview of Properties By: Ms. Oliva’s 8 th grade Math Members

The Answers

1) dist. (Distributive Property)

2) comm. (Commutative Property)

3) dist. (Distributive Property)

4) assoc. (Associative Property)

5) assoc. (Associative Property)

6) comm. (Commutative Property)

7) dist. (Distributive Property)

8) assoc. (Associative Property)