a piratical legacy chapter 37 - far too many teenagers

Chapter 37 Far Too Many Teenagers A Piratical Legacy Chapter 37 Far Too Many Teenagers

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Page 1: A Piratical Legacy Chapter 37 - Far Too Many Teenagers

Chapter 37 – Far Too Many Teenagers

A Piratical Legacy Chapter 37 Far Too Many Teenagers

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A large house on Pirate Island "Well, Ian? What do you think of our new house?" Angora Legacina asked quietly, stretching out on their brand new bed. "It's nice, I guess," Ian said, patting the mattress awkwardly. "A lot bigger than where we were living before, and having the master bedroom is a nice change." "Nicer bed, too," Angora giggled. "And one nobody else has used before. That's the icky thing about living in a generational house. Someone's already broken in all the interesting furniture." "I did not need that mental image," Ian said, shuddering. "Exactly."

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The other members of the household were a little more excited with the family's new digs. "There's way more room for dancing in your bedroom in this house than in our old house," Calico said as she balanced carefully on Grandma Rani's toes. "Isn't it lovely?" Rani agreed. "This is the first big house your grandfather and I have ever lived in. He grew up in our old house, and I grew up in your cousin Rakshasi's house. This house is three times larger than either of those!" "And it's so pretty inside, with lots of couches for jumping on," Callie said eagerly. "Can I jump on your bed too, Grandma?" "Well..." Rani hesitated for a moment. "Actually, I think your parents would join you. I'm the practical one in this house."

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Ian had wandered downstairs into the parlour, where younger daughter Ragamuffin was engrossed in watching the fish tank. "What kind of mischief are you getting up to, Muffy?" "Fishies," Muffy said clearly, pointing eagerly at the tank. "One, two, five, eleben, six, nine. Nine fishies!" Ian looked over his shoulder at the aquarium and counted silently. "I don't know how you managed it, but there are nine fish in there." "Yay!" Muffy clapped her hands happily. "Daddy, can you tell me a stowy about fishies?" "Uh, sure," Ian said, scratching his head uncertainly for a moment. Then inspiration struck.

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"And Dory started singing, 'Just keep swimming! Just keep swimming! Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.'"

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The next day was Ragamuffin's birthday, and the celebration was small so that the family would not experience that particular horror known as the Blue Screen of Death, whatever that was.

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As a child, the differences between Muffy and her older sister got even more apparent as Muffy's resemblance to her mother was even stronger. Callie still looked like an orange and fuzzy version of Ian.

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The two sisters were as close as ever and played very nicely together now that Muffy was older. One of their favourite things to do was take turns playing the piano and dancing to the music. To the delight of their older relatives, both girls were natural musicians and rarely caused aural pain.

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Before long, though, it was time for Calico's birthday and the family decided to risk having a larger celebration. Ian's cousin Ophelia came with her son and step-daughter, Laertes and Persephone, and some of Callie's school friends were in attendance as well.

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Calico grew up to be absolutely beautiful in the eyes of all who had the pleasure of seeing her. Even those who thought the orange fur was a little weird couldn't deny her good looks. To the surprise of some, Calico chose to be a Pleasure sim. But it didn't surprise anyone that she wished to follow in her beloved father's footsteps and become a Celebrity Chef.

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"Lookin' good, Callie," Laertes said approvingly, giving his distant cousin an appreciative glance. "You think so?" Calico asked, fluttering her eyelashes. "Definitely," Laertes said. He leaned in a little closer. "Hey... want to go for a walk around the block or something? Get away from all the parents and old people?"

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I heard that," Rani said, coming up the stairs behind them. "No necking, you two. You're way too closely related for that." Laertes blushed a deep crimson, which caused Calico to burst out laughing. "Grandma! Don't be gross! C'mon, Lert. Let's go see what your sister is up to." "Why does everyone call me 'Lert'?" Laertes asked the room at large as he followed Calico obediently back into the basement. "Because the world needs more Lerts."

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"So, both girls are getting bigger," Pierce said pensively to his son-in-law over a friendly game of chess a few days later. "I can hardly believe it," Ian said, considering for a few moments before moving a pawn. "It seems like yesterday they were just kittens and I was an angsty ball of nerves." "And now they're nearly grown up and you're still an angsty ball of nerves," Pierce chuckled. "Hey, I resemble that remark," Ian said, but there was no rancor in his voice. "Besides, ever since Ophelia told me about... about what happened to me after I crossed over to here... well, it preys on a man's mind, you know? To know that an aspect of me was--" "It's best not to dwell on that sort of thought, son," Pierce said. "Think about your daughters and your wife instead. And speaking of daughters, it sounds like a Muffy-force gale is about to blast up the stairs."

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"Daddy! Grandpa! Guess what?" Muffy asked, dancing excitedly in place. "What is it, Ragsy-girl?" Pierce asked, reaching over and tousling Muffy's hair. "Even though it's just my first day of school I already got an A-plus!" "Congratulations!" Pierce said. "I think this calls for a celebration. What do you think, Pierce?" "Just let me get my chef's hat," Ian said, smiling broadly. "I think I can whip up an apple pie for dessert." "My favourite!" Muffy said happily. "Nothing but the best for my girls," Ian grinned.

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After dinner found Ragamuffin and her mother sitting awkwardly in the corner of the nursery. "Mom, did you always know you wanted to marry daddy?" Muffy asked, pulling out a doll who looked suspiciously like Ian, right down to the red hair. "Not always," Angora said. "I didn't always know him, you see." "But ever since you knew him, you wanted to marry him?" "Well, it took me a while to realize it," Angora shrugged, pulling out another doll. "I was dating a lot of people when I met your dad, and

then I realized I was only dating one person and that's when I figured out that I loved him." "Love is nice, isn't it." "There's no feeling like it in the world," Angora nodded. "So if being loved by one person is nice, do you think it would be even nicer being loved by lots of people?" Ragamuffin asked curiously. Angora choked. "Maybe we should talk about this again when you're a little older."

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A few days later, the adults all went out to some function or other. This meant that Calico got to babysit her younger sister at night for the first time--a responsibility she took very seriously. "What do you want for dinner, Muffy?" Callie called from the kitchen as she poked through the cupboards. "Macaroni 'n' cheese," Muffy said, coming to stand in the doorway. "Do you know how to make that, Callie?" Calico grabbed a box from the cupboard. "There's directions on the side," she said, grabbing a bowl and spoon. "Put a pot on the stove for me, will ya? I think I can figure this out."

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"Mmm, this is really yummy," Muffy declared a short while later. "Mommy's macaroni tastes like paste, and yours is like paste with cheese. But daddy's is better." "That's 'cause daddy is a chef already," Callie said. "Mom only cooks if nobody else wants to do it. And then when she does nobody is hungry." "Do you have to go to school to be a chef?" Muffy asked curiously.

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Callie chewed thoughtfully for a moment before answering. "Yep, I think so. I mean, you can start out without college and work your way up but it's easier if you go to college. You work in cafeterias and stuff while at school so you get all kinds of experience and you get taught by all the best chefs and so you've got a huge advantage over the people who work their way through. If they want to be celebrities, they have to go on TV and get yelled at by Gordon Ramsey." "I dunno if I'm going to go to college," Muffy said. "I don't wanna be a chef. But I don't want to get yelled at either." "But you can go to college for lots of things," Callie said. "There's parties and stuff too. That's the part I want to do the most. Parties--with lots of cute boys." "Boys have cooties," Muffy said. "But it's still fun to chase them. They squeak when you catch them. But then when they stop they get boring."

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A few days later, Pierce cornered Ian in the kitchen. "Mind if I have a word?" "Sure," Ian shrugged. "What's up?" "I've just got this feeling laid on me today," Pierce said slowly, giving his son-in-law a long look.

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"What kind of feeling?" Ian asked, a note of concern in his voice. "I just... thank you for taking such good care of my daughter and giving me two such fine granddaughters," Pierce said, his voice catching. He pulled Ian towards him in a rough embrace. The younger man stiffened for a moment before accepting the gesture.

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"So we're dancing out on the sidewalk at five forty-five in the afternoon," Rani said quietly a little later that day. "And the kids are here, and your sisters and your brother and your parents. And you've been giving people random hugs all day and thanking them for living." "I know," Pierce replied. "I wish... but there's no sense wishing for the impossible. It has been a wonderful life with you, my sweet Rani." "I will miss you." "I'll be waiting."

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And, surrounded by all of his nearest and dearest family and friends, Pierce Buccaneer was taken from this life to that which lies beyond. "WE ARE OUT OF RUM. WOULD YOU LIKE A MARGARITA INSTEAD?"

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Next door... "Okay, so how come everyone is moving these days?" Sarah Pseudo demanded, pointing a finger-gun at her sister. "Everyone isn't moving," Cate snorted. "Just us and Callie's family. That's not everyone." "Well, but it's just weird," Sarah insisted. "They live next door to us and all. How come both sets of neighbors moved at the same time? And why did Grandma design both houses?" "Grandma likes making houses," Cate shrugged. "It's just what she does. She's always on the computer making new houses. And she likes Callie's dad. Now can we get back to playing? I'm tired of talking 'bout grown-up stuff." "Fine," Sarah said, flashing her sister a wicked grin. She stuck out her finger again. "Bang! You're dead, you dirty capitalist!"

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"Nope, you totally missed me," Cate giggled, ducking. "I did not," Sarah glowered. "Girls, stop arguing!" Lainey's voice called from elsewhere in the house. "Come on downstairs and meet our new butler." Grumbling, the girls stopped their play and meandered down to the main floor of their new house, jabbing finger-guns at one another all the while.

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Both girls ran into the nursery and stopped short. A strange man was standing there and he was expertly changing their brother, Dominic. "Ah, you must be the young mistresses," he said in a supercilious tone, sniffing without turning around. "The noise like that of a rampaging herd of elephants is the vital clue." "Who're you?" Cate demanded. "Be polite, Cate," Hugo said, stepping away from Billy's crib. "This is MacArthur, and he's our new butler. Nanny Karen won't be coming

anymore." "Good," Sarah declared. "Nanny Karen peed on our rug in the old house. YOU aren't going to pee on the rug, are you MacArthur?" "I should hope not." He turned to Hugo. "Young Dominic appears to be hungry. Would you prefer I feed him and his brother or would you and Mistress Lainey prefer to feed the children?" "Lainey and I will take care of the boys, if you would get breakfast for the girls and Orlando," Hugo said, taking Dominic.

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"So, what do you think?" Lainey asked in a low voice a few minutes later. She cuddled Dominic's twin, Billy, burping him gently. "About what?" Hugo asked, giving Dominic a similar treatment. "What do you think of MacArthur?" Lainey hissed. "Do you like him?" "Anybody's gotta be better than Nanny Karen," Hugo said, shuddering. "I think MacArthur will do okay. Did you notice? The girls took to him right away."

"They could use the extra discipline," Lainey said decisively. "The two of them have gotten so wild lately. I have quite come to the end of my rope." "Lately?" Hugo chuckled. "They've always been spitfires." Just then, Dominic let out a raucous burp, surprising for one so small. "Ah, that's better isn't it?" "And how about you?" Lainey cooed at Billy, bouncing him. "Er, you shouldn't do that..."

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"It appears Master Billy is also a 'spitfire'," MacArthur observed, returning to the kitchen to tidy up. "You would think I would know better with five children, MacArthur," Lainey said ruefully. "Will you take Billy? I have the sudden urge to shower."

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That night, the headmaster stopped by to interview the family regarding Orlando, Cate, and Sarah's applications to private school. MacArthur had laid out a veritable smorgasbord of tantalizing dishes, with a mouthwatering cheesecake as the piece de resistance, but for some reason the headmaster went straight for Orlando's TV dinner. "Orlando, I thought I told you to put your leftovers in the fridge," Orikes scolded her grandson gently. "But Headmaster Korey said it looked yummy!" Orlando said eagerly. "He asked if he could have a bite!"

"That's... kind of gross," Orikes shuddered. "I would remind you that I can hear your conversation," the headmaster said easily. "Perhaps a bribe would soothe my hurt feelings." "At least this one is straightforward." None of the family were really surprised that the interview was successful, and Headmaster Korey went home a lot richer than he'd arrived.

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A short time later it was time for a triple birthday party. The guest list was small, encompassing only the immediate family plus Liv, Nick and Green. Orlando was up first. "I wish..." "If you tell us, it won't come true!" Hugo and Orikes admonished in unison.

"Aww," Orlando pouted. "But if I don't say anything, how will you know what to give me for my birthday?" "We've already got your present all ready for you, darling," Lainey said. "Once you blow out the candles we can show you." "Really?" "Really," Grandpa Will chuckled. "Now don't keep us all waiting!"

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Orlando dashed away from the cake before anyone could get a good look at him, post-transition, but when he reappeared a few minutes later everyone was struck by how closely he resembled his mother. "I can't see a bit of me in his features," Hugo laughed, shooting a glance at Lainey. "That is mean to bring up after all these years, Hugo Pseudo," Lainey sniffed. "You know very well that Orlando is your son. He has your eyes and your complexion." Orlando surprised nobody in the family when he announced that he had selected the Family aspiration, with a lifetime want to be Captain Hero. "Your present is downstairs in the basement storage room," Lainey advised her son once he'd finished his cake.

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Orlando hurried downstairs and stopped short once he'd opened the door. "A room of my own? This is awesome! Thanks, mom and dad!" "Well, we thought your brothers would like your room upstairs soon," Hugo said. "And you're old enough now to have a little more privacy." "This is the best gift ever!" Orlando said enthusiastically. "Hey--is that a new computer? And a stereo?"

"The computer is from us," Will said. "And the stereo is from Liv." "You guys are the best," Orlando breathed, his eyes shining. "Hey, is it okay if I go to the youth centre for a few minutes?" "Ditching your own party?" "I just want to pick up a cell phone so I can call everyone and tell them I got my own room!" "You can go after your brothers blow out their candles."

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With that, the family tromped back upstairs so that Orikes and Lainey could compete in a baby-tossing race--Orikes with Billy and Lainey with Dominic.

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Dominic ended up looking an awful lot like his older brother. Personality-wise, however, they were pretty different: most notably, Dominic is by far the least playful member of the household. he is absolutely adorable, however.

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As for Billy? Well, his hair surprised everyone by going curly when he reached toddler. As for looks, he might very well be the looker of the family as he seems to combine the best features of both of his parents. Personality-wise, Billy differs most from the rest of his siblings in his innate love of making a mess.

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Once he was sure the guests had left and everyone else had gone to sleep, Orlando crept upstairs to check out his new look a little closer. Taking a deep breath, he puffed out his chest and stared at his reflection critically.

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"Oh yeah," he said finally. "This face and body are gonna have no trouble finding a steady girlfriend."

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The next morning, Orikes and Lainey set in to tag-team train the last two toddlers of the household. "Can you say, 'Grandma'?" Orikes asked them, bouncing Dominic on her lap. "No!" the boys pouted in unison. "How about, 'Mama'?" Lainey said cajolingly. "No!" they snickered. "Did my son just stick his tongue out at me?" Lainey said plaintively, looking at Orikes. The boys' grandmother was laughing too hard to answer.

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Cate and Sarah, meanwhile, snuck out into the back yard to play with their swingset. "Higher, Sarah!" Cate commanded, pumping her legs frantically to gain momentum. "If you do it hard enough I bet I can jump all the way into the neighbour's yard!" "I bet you can't," Sarah said, but she obediently pushed harder. "I bet you just fall down and break your leg or something. But that might be kind of cool. Then you could get a cast and I could sign it." "Yeah, but you'd probably just write a swear and then I'd get in trouble," Cate pouted. "I don't want to break my leg. I want to fly!" "You're pretty 'venturous for a capitalist," Sarah said. "The best way to make lots and lots of money is by undergoing dangerous adventures," Cate said. "It adds provenance to the loot."

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"A better way to get lots of money is to have lots of rich boyfriends," Sarah insisted. "They bring you presents and stuff, like karaoke machines and hot tubs. And expensive weird-looking vases." "Yeah, but you have to marry one of them eventually," Cate said. "And then the others stop bringing presents and even the one you married stops bringing expensive ones." "That's why you don't get married," Sarah explained. "I'm going to have seven boyfriends when I'm grown up: one for each day of the week." "But what if they find out about each other?" "That's why you keep a cowpl--" "Girls!" Lainey's voice sounded shrilly from in the house. "Hurry up and eat breakfast! The bus will be here in an hour!"

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Dominic stared at his father in confusion. "What do?" "Just put one foot in front of the other and come here," Hugo said encouragingly. "No!" "Daddy's here," Hugo said consolingly. "Don't worry--I'll catch you!" Dominic blinked and appeared to consider that for a moment before hesitantly putting one foot forward.

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"That's great!" Hugo said happily. "Just a little further, kiddo. You're doing it!" "Walkin'?" "Hooray!" Lainey chimed in, coming into the room with Billy in tow. "See what your brother can do, Billy? Would you like to try?"

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Billy stared at his mother with wide eyes and shrugged. With a smile, Lainey reached down to steady him on his feet. "I can't believe how fast they're growing up," Orikes sighed, sitting up on the couch. "Pretty soon I won't have any more babies to bounce on my knee!" "There is still Liv's baby," Lainey said consolingly. "She must be due very soon." "A little longer yet," Orikes said. "I can't wait to see whether she has a boy or a girl!"

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It wasn't long before both boys were not just walking, but running throughout the house. As spring progressed, Will set up an activity table for them on the back patio. Both boys were content to spend hours out there scribbling away, chewing on their blocks, and eating crayons.

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They were often joined by their sisters. "Ew, don't eat the purple one," Sarah scolded Dominic. "I wanted to use that next!" "Yeah," Cate chimed in. "Crayons aren't food or blocks. You can't stack them!" "Maybe we can," Billy insisted. "Jus' try harder!" The four of them were so absorbed in their play (or rather, squabbling) that they failed to notice the rather momentous event occurring just below them in the yard.

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Quietly, and without a lot of fanfare, family protector and guardian Lila burst gracefully into her elder years with a flutter of confetti.

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That evening signified another birthday... or four. First up was Billy...

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...followed by Dominic in his father's arms.

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As you can see, Billy's resemblance to his father is becoming more pronounced, especially about the mouth and cheekbones.

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As for Dominic, some differences between him and Orlando are starting to appear--it looks like he's got his father's cheekbones instead of his mother's, and possibly his father's jaw.

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Once the boys were grown up (but before they changed), their older sisters took their turn blowing out the candles. "Got your wishes ready?" Will asked teasingly. "Yeah, but we don't get our own rooms," Sarah pouted. "So I had to think up another one." "Remember, don't tell!"

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The girls grew up to look astonishingly like their father. In fact, I'd say they're both Hugo-clones. They decided to go for similar but not identical looks, with Sarah sticking to warmer tones again and Cate more inclined to cooler hues. Sarah announced that she had chosen Romance as an aspiration with a desire pick up large numbers of groupies as a Rock Goddess, while Cate surprised nobody when she mentioned she wished to be a Fortune sim like her mother. She wanted to earn her money the hard and slightly illegitimate way, though, as a Space Pirate.

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All the way on the other side of Pirate Island... The ragdoll cat named Cobble was not concerned with such trivialities as teen birthdays. The fish swimming around in his mistress's tank were much more interesting. "And after I eat Nemo, I think I'll try the neon tetra followed by the guppy. And then, for my main course I'm thinking that blue-and-yellow striped one..."

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Liv, now in the later stage of pregnancy, spent most of her time eating, sleeping, or playing video games. At the moment, she was sleeping. "zzz...that's okay, I've got quite enough rum already Jack...zzz.."

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Outside, Liv's uncles Nick and Green were enjoying the chilly spring morning. "Is it just my imagination, or does Nell look dumber than usual today?" Green asked. "Nell is a lovely dog and a great companion, but she's dumber than a box of rocks," Nick shrugged. "Maybe she's just not trying as hard to hide it today."

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"Hey Nelly, want to go for a walk?" he asked, putting the remote for the helicopter down. The overgrown puppy stared at him and then wuffed once in agreement. "Just don't take the south trail to town," Green advised, picking up the remote control for the helicopter. "Nelly likes to eat the hydrangea bushes." "That explains the blue poop."

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"No hydrangeas this time?" Liv asked a little later when she'd finally roused from her second nap of the day. "Much as the dogs wanted it, I convinced them otherwise," Nick chuckled, clearing away the breakfast dishes. "Well, whatever they were doing they sure worked up an appetite," Liv said. "Do you want me to refill their dish right away or wait til supper time?" "Better fill it," Nick said. "I don't think the greedy gluttons left anything for Cobble." "He'll be begging all afternoon anyway," Liv said. "I'm making trout for dinner tonight and you know that's his favourite."

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"There's nothing quite like fresh-caught trout in the spring," Liv said, sniffing dinner appreciatively. "I hear fish is brain food," Nick said conversationally. "Exactly," Liv said, patting her belly tenderly. "It's all for Bun." "As in, 'Bun in the oven'?" "Exactly." "That the Count's idea?" "Nope," Liv grinned. "Toshiko's."

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Nick stared at her for a moment before bursting out laughing. "What?" Liv asked innocently, carefully stabbing another forkful of food. "Do you know how happy Green and I are that you moved in with us?" "It's nice to feel appreciated. It's because I make you laugh, right?"

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"Some insanity is good for the soul," Nick nodded. "And I pride myself on my insanity," Liv said seriously. "It takes special talent to be nutty like me." "Modestly, too." "There's no shame in bragging about one's flaws."

"But is insanity a flaw in this crazy world we live in?" "Food for thought, uncle mine." The two were sharing a companionable silence when they realized something was wrong. "Green? GREEN!!!"

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Nick wept.

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Two very tired and grief-stricken people finally dragged themselves to sleep that night when it was all over. Cobble, showing the innate sensibility of his species, deigned to share a bed with Nick. The old man, who felt much older than he ever had before, was immeasurably comforted by the warm, purring presence.

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While time diminished the pain a little, it did not end it. A few nights later Liv dragged herself out of bed only to realize she'd been crying in her sleep. Dully, she got dressed--Count Randy would be arriving shortly.

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He got there just in time. "Ow! It hurts! Is it supposed to hurt? Randy!" "It's okay, Liv," Nick said reassuringly while Randy panicked quietly in the corner. "It's normal, dear. I watched your mom do this twice and you're going to be fine. Just a few more minutes..."

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"A girl," Liv breathed a few short but intense minutes later. "A girl!" "I... have a daughter?" Randy said incredulously. "Yes," Liv said tenderly. "And she's just perfect. Little Mialee." "Mialee? That is... an unusual name," Randy said slowly, but he did not sound displeased. "But pretty," Liv cooed, cuddling and rocking her daughter to her chest. "Just like her." "Indeed."

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With new life came new happiness, and Uncle Nick threw himself into the care of his great-niece. And when Mialee looked up him and gave him a great big toothless grin, Nick found himself returning the smile for the first time since Green had died. Slowly, he came to have some peace, though it could not be said that he was happy.

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A few days later, the family came over to meet the latest addition and while they were there, another family member made an unscheduled appearance. "Susanna. It's time, then?" "YES, NICHOLAS. YOU HAVE NO REGRETS?" "Only that I couldn't see Mialee and the other kids grow up," Nick

said. "But I think I am done here. I never achieved everything I wanted to, but in spite of that I am content." "I AM GLAD. NOW, SHALL WE GO?" "Please... take me to Green." "FOLLOW ME. AVOID THE TEQUILA."

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The loss of Nick hit the family hard, for he had maintained a close relationship with many of his extended kin. But at the same time, they were happy that he was reunited with his lover of so many years--the haunted look that had been in his eyes ever since Green's passing had broken all of their hearts. Will felt the loss the most. For the first time, his brother had gone somewhere he could not follow. But everyone was hurting.

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A few days later, Liv invited over Count Randy, her parents, her brother and his family for a low-key celebration. It was Mialee's birthday, and while a loud party was not on the menu, the little girl could at least grow into toddlerhood surrounded by the people who loved her the most.

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And with a bright burst of confetti, everyone's mood lightened.

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Looking at Mialee, there was no doubt that Count Randy was her father and Liv was her mother. The somewhat fussy little darling shrank back a little from all of the people, many of whom were strange to her, and seemed content to just sit in the corner and watch everything while she played with her toes.

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"She is magnificent," Count Randy proclaimed, swooping Liv into his arms. "How could she not be, with parents like us?" Liv murmured, leaning in for a kiss. "This is a fact." "I just wish..." "What?" Randy asked, nuzzling Liv's nose with his. "I wish that she could have known Uncle Nick and Uncle Green."

"Ah," Randy said knowingly. "Mortality. At times it can be an affliction." "Is that why you're a vampire?" "No," the Count said. "I was born to vampire parents, and so when I was old enough they made me as they were. I have occasionally wished... but there is no sense in wishing for the impossible. A born vampire cannot be cured." "But he can have children, and he needn't turn them."

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Setting Liv back on her feet, Randy knelt down Mialee, who was watching curiously. "I think I shall leave that to you, my sweet," he said solemnly. "What do you think, my cherished one? Would you like to be immortal?" Mialee, who had not really learned to talk yet, just started up at him with big eyes. "You have time to decide," Randy said after a moment of silence. "Still plenty of time, cherie. But at least you will have the choice, unlike me."

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Paris "So how was work today, son?" Andrew Thayer asked his son, Mitch. "It was okay, I guess," Mitch shrugged. "Passing drills aren't all that thrilling. I'll be glad when the seasons start." "We've had a bit of excitement here," Andrew said nonchalantly. "I think you should go talk to your wife." "Athena? Is something wrong with her?" "'Wrong' is an interesting choice of word," Andrew said. Mitch stared at his father for a moment before carefully putting down his spoon and standing up.

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"Yes, I know. I'm not blue anymore," Athena Thayer said grumpily. "Trust me, I'm as upset about it as you are." "I'm not upset so much as puzzled," Mitch managed to say. "How do you go from blue to ... not blue?" "Apparently there's a clause in the deity thing," Athena grumbled. "And you somehow violated it?" "Oh, I know exactly how I violated it," she complained. "I ticked off my mom, which is probably an understatement, and she totally overreacted as usual and stripped me of my deific powers and my immortality."

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"What did you do?" Mitch asked, reaching forward to grab his wife's hand supportively. "I lied to her," Athena said. "And then I lied about lying to her. Mom has this funny thing about lying. She really hates it. It's her pet peeve. It would have been nice to know this at some point before she punished me. You know, a little warning? It wasn't exactly her business and so I told her a little white lie. It's not like I was going around killing people or anything." To Mitch's ears his wife sounded pretty defensive. "What did you lie about?" Athena sighed, looking truly unhappy. "Mitch... we need to talk."

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That evening Mitch was pensive. He didn't really know what to make of all Athena had told him. On one hand, he was glad she'd been honest with him. On the other... she'd cheated on him. Repeatedly. Though Mitch had also had his share of indiscretions before the marriage, none of them had resulted in a child, and it was the last point that bothered him the most. He and Athena had talked of having kids one day, but always in the abstract. She had never been willing to turn the discussion into something more concrete--and now he knew the reason why. It wasn't that Mitch was angry, per se. See above about his frequent lack of faithfulness before they were married. But to spurn a child, to want nothing to do with a helpless little baby she'd helped create... to him, that was far more disturbing. Mitch stared at the sleeping form of his wife beside him. "Who are you?" he whispered.

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The relationship between Mitch and Athena was cordial but strained over the next few months. Athena felt unwell, but attributed that largely to her anxiety about her marriage. And then the real reason for her discomfort made itself apparent. "I'm pregnant?" she gasped. "I'm pregnant! Mitch! Get down here!" Mitch thundered down the stairs and was dumbstruck at the sight of his wife. This shocked him even more than the fact that she wasn't blue anymore. "Don't even say it," Athena said sharply. "Don't even think it. Yes, it's yours. Yes, I'm sure. And yes... I want to keep it."

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The prospect of their impending child proved to be the catalyst for Athena and Mitch to work on their marriage, and by the time Athena went into labour they had come to a tentative understanding. "Aaah! Now I remember why I said I was never doing this again! Mitch, we are never doing this again!"

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Both of them were happy to welcome their first child, Loki, to the family. "Are you going to tell your mother?" Mitch asked Athena quietly as she cooed over her son. Athena shook her head angrily. "She disowned me, remember? She's lost the right to know anything about my life." "Don't you think you're being awfully hard on her?" Mitch asked. "I still think she thought she was doing what was best for you. Look how it has improved our marriage... in a round-about way, at least." "I don't think that was her intention," Athena said. "I think she just wanted to make me suffer."

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To Athena's surprise, she actually liked being a mother. Perhaps Loki's trusting and unconditional love was just the kind of adoration she had always craved. Or maybe she'd finally grown up a little and was able to give that same kind of unconditional love in return. Whatever the reason, she threw herself into the care of her little son with the same fervor she showed to rebuilding her relationship with Mitch. The family thrived and was happy.

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Before any time at all felt like it had passed, it was time for Loki's birthday. Athena and Mitch decided to throw a small party, inviting some of their friends from work as well as Mitch's younger sister Valerie.

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Loki grew up to be absolutely adorable, with a lot of both his parents in him. "Are you sure you don't want to call your mother and tell her?" Mitch asked as they watched the tentative toddler trundle around the room. "No, I don't want to tell her," Athena said emphatically. "If she still sees me as a daughter at all, she knows already. And if that's the case, she can call or visit herself. If she doesn't still see me that way... then Loki's existance is none of her business." "But--" "I'm not going to change my mind, Mitch. Please don't bring the topic up again." But she couldn't help but wonder what her mother--and the rest of her family, for that matter--would think of her precious Loki. Sighing, she pushed the thought out of her mind. Her mother was probably just digging into the garden and turning into a plantsim again, like usual, with no thought to her wayward daughter at all.

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In an ornate apartment lobby on Pirate Island... "You know, there's only one thing that would make me happier right now," my simself said to sim-Chris. "What, our youngest child finally getting hitched isn't enough to keep you permanently giddy?" Chris asked. "I just wish that Athena and I weren't at outs right now," I sighed. "I don't like fighting within the family."

"When she's ready to apologize, she will come to you," Chris reminded me, pulling me close in a gentle hug. "Until then, put her out of your thoughts, love. Thinking of her only makes you sad." "She's our daughter. I can't just forget her, even if I wanted to. And I don't want to." "Come, they're getting started," Chris said by way of distraction. "No Athena today. This day is for Hades and Spandrell."

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I managed to push my worries about Athena to the back of my mind, at least, while watching my somewhat insane son sharing vows with his longtime paramour, Spandrell Buccaneer. The service was short and sweet, and good cake was had by all.

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After a simple lunch, all of us guests made ourselves scarce while Spandrell and Hades got to spend a bit of private time together as husband and husband. Even their roommate, Spandrell's twin brother Borusa, took off and spent the night at one of his girlfriends' houses. Normally he insisted that they come to him.

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Nobody in either extended family was surprised when the lads announced shortly thereafter that Hades was expecting. Well, except for Hades. "I can hear you, mother. And you're darned right I'm surprised! I thought Spandrell would be the one to get knocked up! This was his idea! I'm doooooomed!" Suck it up, kiddo.

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While Hades and Spandrell tried to adjust to the prospect of their impending fatherhood, Borusa continued his attempted conquest of the entire female population. He had a lot of old girlfriends from his college days who kept finding excuses to vacation on Pirate Island.

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However, he didn't limit himself to the women he already knew. Hades and Spandrell often had the apartment to themselves thanks to Borusa hitting the town. Before long there were local women coming to visit frequently as well.

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"You're shameless, B," Hades said approvingly when he walked into the apartment complex party room to check on availability one day. "That is a required trait of a romance sim." "You're a Romance sim?" Delilah O'Feefe asked, sounding affronted. "Does that bother you?" Borusa asked. Delilah considered for a moment. "Not really, no."

"Well then," Borusa said, leaning forward and effectively silencing her. "Dude, get a room!" Hades complained. "Before management rains doom upon your head for the public displays of affection." "Don't mind if we do," Borusa smirked and, taking Delilah by the hand, led her back in the direction of his room. "Ew."

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"Arr! Hard to port, mateys, lest you meet your DOOM against the rocks! Step lively, lads! Arrrrrr!"

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"Woo, you're going to have that baby pretty much any day now, aren't you?" Borusa smirked at his brother-in-law some considerable time later. "The sooner, the better," Hades complained. "I want my body back, doom it!" "That was always Shih's biggest complaint about being pregnant." "I don't blame her! Hey, does she have any suggestions to make the baby come a little earlier?" "Yeah, but they're way TMI to be sharing in polite company. Maybe some exercise will help?" "Vo Gerbits?" "Might as well give it a shot."

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It worked. "Hang on, Hades! I'm coming!" Spandrell gasped as he ran into the room. "Don't just run around, do something! Aieeeeee!" "Running around is doing something!" "Do something useful! Or I doom you!"

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Despite the complete ineptitude of the three men, little Minerva was born uneventfully. It will be interesting to see which of her parents she takes after the most.

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Just prior to yet another Pirate Island wedding... "Sterling, you make a better door than a window," David Ottomas complained. "Well, I don't want to sit in the front," Sterling Buccaneer complained. "Then stand at the back!" "You aren't related to me," Sterling pouted. "You can't tell me what to do." "Sterling!" Rajah Buccaneer, her grandfather, hissed. "Be quiet and sit! Your aunt is waiting!"

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Sterling pouted but complied and sat down in the front. Finally, the bridal couple emerged and Rakshasi Thayer exchanged vows with James Ottomas.

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"Teh caek is in ur face, mussin up ur beard," Shere Khan called from the peanut gallery. "At least it's not a lie," Rakshasi replied, winking at her brother before handing her less-than-amused husband a napkin. "Aww, don't pout honey. You agreed when we talked about it before." "I didn't realize it would be so... sticky," James said thickly as he attempted to swallow the pastry that had made it into his mouth.

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"To the amusement of everyone and the surprise of no one, Rakshasi showed definite signs of pregnancy during the wedding supper. "Do I need to get my shotgun?" Rajah asked teasingly. "Dad!" Rakshasi complained, holding her stomach and gulping weakly. "You're one to talk." "A man is allowed to tease his son-in-law and his daughter," Rajah smirked. "Congrats, you two. Or should I say you three?" With that, Rakshasi bolted, her father's laughter chasing her down the hall.

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Rakshasi and James had a loving marriage and thoroughly enjoyed the honeymoon period since they knew they would be welcoming their new addition sooner rather than later. Still, Rakshasi always managed a stunned expression whenever she popped into a new trimester

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However, nobody was more stunned than she was when she finally gave birth and discovered that she and James were the parents of not one, but two bouncing baby boys. James is holding Spike, and Rakshasi is holding Angel.

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And finally, we return to our legacy family in progress... "... and the itsy bitsy spider ran up the spout again." "Spidews awe ucky, Gwampa," Kennit Buccaneer said scornfully. "All haiwy wif too many legs." "Oh? You mean you don't want me singing you songs anymore?" Lee asked, making a mock sad-face.

"Diff'went songs, Gwampa. Hickowy dickowy dock?" "Just let me make sure your brother and his friends are okay outside," Lee said, standing up and walking into the kitchen to peer out the window. He returned a moment later. "All set, Kennit! Are you going to sing it with me?" "Otay. You fiwst, Gwampa."

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Outside, Balthier Buccaneer was engaged in a rousing game of Cops 'n' Robbers with his new best friends: Brittany Parker, Chandler Platz, and Marsha Bruenig. The three of them had become nearly inseparable at school lately, especially since most of Balthier's other friends had gone and grown up to teenagers and switched to the high school. "This is getting kind of boring now," Brittany complained. "Can we go inside?" "Yeah, there's lots of fun stuff to do in there," Marsha added. "Are you coming, Chandler?"

"I guess I can for a while," Chandler said. "I have to be home before six so I can't stay very long." "I thought you were all townies," Balthier said in puzzlement. "Do you even have a home?" "Do you see us sleeping in the parks and stuff?" Brittany asked, making a face. "Don't be silly, Balthier. Of course we have a home." "Can I go to your house one day? I want to see it." "Maybe," Brittany said noncommitally. "I have to check and see if that's allowed first, though."

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"Why wouldn't I be allowed to come to your house?" Balthier asked, continuing the conversation once they were safely inside the house and taking turns playing on the PS3. "It's just... you legacy folks never want to come to our house," Brittany shrugged. "Most of you don't even invite us over to visit your house. You only ever invite all the other legacy folks." "Well, if I get to be the heir I'll change that," Balthier said. "But I can't invite over people I don't know. I have to meet them first or how will I know their number? So you should bring me to your house so I can meet all the other townies, okay?"

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Brittany considered that for a moment. "Sure," she said finally. "Maybe after your birthday? That's coming pretty soon, isn't it?" "Yeah, on the same day as Kennit's birthday. It kind of stinks that he's finally getting big enough to play with on the same day I'm getting too big to play with him." "Does that mean you won't want to play with me 'n' Chandler 'n' Marsha anymore when you turn into a teenager?" Brittany asked, pouting slightly. "I didn't say that," Balthier protested. "Besides, won't you turn into teenagers soon?"

"It's hard for townie kids to grow up into teenagers," Brittany said. "I guess it's okay, because it means we can't ever die, but it stinks because all of our friends grow old and die and we just have to watch them." "That sounds yucky," Balthier said. "Did that happen to a lot of your friends? Is that how you knew how sad I was about my grandma?" "Kind of," Brittany said. "Hey, want to play Don't Wake the Llama?" "Sure!"

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Chandler had to leave before they really got started with the game, so Marsha and Brittany cajoled Andrew the Bigfoot until he agreed to join them in their game. "This is a very strange game," he said, poking at the sticks gingerly. "Andrew does not quite understand the point of it." "It's simple," Balthier said. "We each take turns putting straws on the pile. The loser is the one who makes the pile fall down." "Andrew is still confused," the hairy silver beast said. "Balthier should go first so that Andrew can watch and learn the rules."

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Before long, though, Andrew had the hang of the game and was having as much fun as everyone else. "Yes!" Marsha cried as her red stick teetered but didn't fall. On the couch, Lee snorted and rolled over. Marsha blushed. "Oops." "Andrew, how late are Marsha and Brittany allowed to stay over?" Balthier asked, casting a glance at his sleeping grandfather. Andrew considered. "Andrew thinks after the end of this game, because soon it will be time for Balthier to have his dinner and do his homework." "Okay," Brittany said. "That just means we have a new strategy. Don't wake the llama, guys! Let's see how long we can keep it sleeping!"

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"Wow, this is the highest we've ever gotten it!" Brittany said excitedly a little while later as the stack of straws teetered precariously atop the dromedary in the centre of the table. "Don't even laugh or breathe at it," Balthier said urgently. "That might make it fall over." "Ooh, ooh, Andrew is being careful!" the silverback said quickly, flailing his arms in excitement. "Mr. Andrew, watch out!" Marsha shrieked. "Don't hit the--"

Andrew whirled to look at Marsha and, in doing so, whacked his elbow on the corner of the table. Slowly, majestically, the straws toppled off of the llama, which roared to mechanical life and began bleating frantically. Marsha shrunk in her seat. "Um, oops?" Everyone stared at her for a moment. Then: "Ahahahahahahahahahahahah!"

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"Andwew's makin' suppa, Mistah Beah," Kennit mumbled around his thumb. "But I get a bottle instead." "Arr! Be there rum in th' bottle, mate?" "Hey! You can talk! How come you nevah talked befowe, Mistah Beah?" Kennit asked before stuffing his thumb back in his mouth and sucking contentedly. He didn't take his eyes off of the antique plushie. "Er, I talks plenty, mate." If the bear could have shrugged, it would have. "Maybe ye just weren't listenin', aye?" "I listen good!" Kennit protested. "An' ev'wyone thinks I don't but I do. I heah all kinds of int'westing things." "Is that so, mate? Any good gossip worth sharin'? I likes me a good bit o' gossip, savvy?"

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"Who you is?" said the toddler. "What they be teachin' kids these days?" bemoaned the bear. "I'm yer really great grandfather." "Weawy gweat?" "I can't be bothered t' keep track o' th' number, savvy?" "You funny, Gwampa Beah," Kennit giggled. "Call me Cap'n Jack, mate."

"Why?" "It's me name. I'm rather attached to it." "You name's not Cap'n," said Kennit. "Dat's what the piwates call Mommy." "I was Cap'n first, boyo. That were my ship she be runnin' now." "Can I have a ship someday?" "Maybe if yer really bad, mate."

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"An' then Gwampa Jack said I could have a ship if I's weawy bad." "Well, I guess I could let you borrow it sometimes," Balthier said. "Bowwow?" "Hehe, you sound like a puppy."

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"Not a puppy!" Kennit insisted. "You weiwd, Bawythew." "You're the one who lisps like a baby." "Not a baby neithah! Soon it's my biwthday. An' I can waid and piwwage wike you an' Mommy!" "Both our birthdays," Balthier said. "Sorry I teased you, Ken." "Teasing is otay if nobody cwies," Kennit shrugged. Then he wrinkled his nose. "Something smells funny, Bawythew." "Did you mess your diaper again?" "No!"

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Balthier looked up. "Uh oh! The tree's on fire again!" "Fiwe? Wheh?" Kennit asked anxiously, chewing on a crayon. "It's just outside," Balthier said reassuringly. "Don't worry, Kennit. It's still raining, so the fire will go out soon. It always does. You don't remember, but I'm lots bigger than you so I do." "Do they have fiwes on piwate ships?" "I dunno," Balthier shrugged. "Maybe we can ask Mom when she gets home from work."

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"I onwy like fiwes when they in a fiwepwace," Kennit pouted. "They awe hot. When I have the piwate ship, I won't let thewe be any fiwes." "But I'm going to be the heir so I get the pirate ship," Balthier said. "What's a hewe?" "Not 'hewe', silly. Heir. That means I get to live in the house when I grow up and get married." "And jump on the couches?"

"I do that already." "But how come I can't have the piwate ship anyway?" Balthier blinked. "I gotta ask mom about that. I'm not exactly the heir yet. Uncle Zing's older than mom and he's not the heir. So maybe you'll be the heir and get the pirate ship and I'll have to live all by myself." "I just want the piwate ship. You can be the hewe." "Okay, you two. Put your toys away. Time for bed!"

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"Did you hear the boys arguing earlier about who should get to be heir," Jim chuckled, pulling his wife closer to him. "Silly boys," Ching Shih, generation six heiress of A Piratical Legacy, said breathily. "Perhaps we should give them a bit of competition, hmm?" "Are you sure you want--" "Let's just throw caution to the wind and see what happens, love." "But--" "Less talking, more kissing." A short time later, the two lovers fell into an exhausted sleep, still holding one another tightly.

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Lee's bedroom was not nearly as conjugal. Though he managed to keep his chin up during the day and put on a happy face, it was at night when he really missed his recently deceased wife, Grace. Their bed was so... empty... without her. Lee shuddered, turned out the lights, and climbed under the covers. But he did not fall asleep for a long time.

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"Good morning, my red-headed cuddle-bear," Ching Shih sing-songed a few mornings later, lifting Kennit easily out of his crib. "Mommy, I'm too big to be a cuddle-beah," Kennit protested sleepily. "I'm big now!" "Yes, you are," Ching Shih said a little wistfully. "It's your birthday today, isn't it?" "An' Bawythew's biwthday, too!" "Well, my birthday boy, what would you like to do this morning? Since it's your birthday, we can do whatever you want! Well, within reason." "Can you tell me a stowy, mommy?"

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A short few minutes later, Kennit was dressed and sitting on the floor of the sunny nursery with his mother. He giggled delightedly as she read from his favourite book. "'..saw the whole thing, dude," the gnarled old turtle said. 'First you were all like, "Whoa!" and we were like "Whoa!" and you were like "Whoa......."'"

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That night the family gathered 'round the cake in the living room to watch the first of the two birthday boys blow out his candles. "Um, I kind of don't know what to wish for," Balthier said, scratching his head in confusion. "I already have everything I want, mostly. Am I allowed to wish for something for someone else?" "That's awfully kind of you, dear," Ching Shih said approvingly. "You can wish for anything you like, darling." "Okay, I'm all set," Balthier grinned. He looked up at the assembled throng of relatives. "Here I go!"

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When Balthier emerged from the bathroom after changing and fixing his hair, the general opinion was that he was the handsomest of Generation 7 so far. The ladies of Pirate Island were especially blessed, because Balthier decided to be a Pleasure sim and that meant he'd have plenty of dates to go around--if he wasn't too busy playing video games. Balthier was pretty sure he wanted to be a game designer when he grew up. "You're still looking nicely Piratical," Ching Shih said approvingly, fingering the edge of her son's coat.

"Well I figured I'd better look the part if I want to be chosen as heir," Balthier smirked. "Speaking of that," Ching Shih began with a wide grin. "Nah, don't choose yet," Balthier said, interrupting his mother. "If it's not me, I don't want the downer on my birthday. And if it is me, I don't want Kennit having a downer on his. Where is the little squirt? Can we sing to him now?"

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"We most certainly can," Ching Shih smiled, scooping her younger son up off the floor and carrying him over to where the second cake was waiting. "I wanna be big!" Kennit said gleefully. "You're not supposed to tell us your wish," Shih laughed. "That's not my wish. That's what happens anyway, and that's what I want. But I gotta wish, too. I'm weady!" Kennit screwed his eyes shut comically. "Sing and I can bwow out the candles and wish!"

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Kennit seems determined to remain in the running for heir. With that hair and that get-up, he was showing that he was just as intent on the heirship--or at least the pirate ship--as his brother. "And best of all," he said to himself as he checked out his new look in the bathroom mirror, "I don't have to speak with that stupid lisp anymore."

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By the time everyone left and the family went to bed, Ching Shih was exhausted--and a little sad that neither of her babies were babies anymore. But before she could drop off to sleep, she was pleasantly surprised--she was definitely pregnant again! She climbed back into bed, a smile playing on her lips. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tune in soon for the next chapter of A Piratical Legacy, where get to get better acquainted with all the teens of Pirate Island! Coming soon! Special thanks to orikes360 (Pseudo Legacy, Awesomesauce Bachelor Challenge) for the loan of her simself and Ian Legacina. Check out www.forums.boolprop.com for all the latest Piratical news--and probably news about all your other favourite legacies too!