a picture is worth a thousand words analysis

A picture is worth a thousand words Program Anti program Analysis By Feuyang Tekeu Vanessa

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Page 1: A picture is worth a thousand words     Analysis

A picture is worth a thousand wordsProgram Anti program Analysis

By Feuyang Tekeu Vanessa



Page 2: A picture is worth a thousand words     Analysis

IntroductionFrom March 2015 to May 2015 I worked on a project to develop an interface to determine the compositionality of a word using pictures.

The development of the interface was part of the mandatory subject for my Master 1. The project came to live after my professor asked himself if it will be easier to define the compositionality of a word based on its components’ pictures. The project had a previous interface with words and it had already involved lots of testing which resulted in the development of the new idea on how to achieve the goal in a simpler and more efficient way.

I was working with 2 classmates on the project and I was mainly in charge of the design and selection of the prototype. As the software was intended to assist my professor research work, he had the roles of innovator, clients and mentors for my work.


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List of Actors

Human ActorsName of actor Role in project Interest which

This actorPursues (outsideThis particularproject)

Degree of «buy in » or hostility into the project at moment of appearance in the story and evolution during the project

Degree ofAdded or nuisance value and tendencyTo evolve

Vanessa design and selection of the prototype

Finish studies, kids’ mentor

I was not very optimistic about the project at the beginning since I was having classes and writing exams at the beginning of the project. However, by the end I was highly motivated as I only had the project to focus on.

I was the driving force of the project in the beginning since we needed a prototype to move on with the implementation. But at the end, my role was less important as I was mostly involved in the report and presentation preparations.

Teammate(Gloire )

Development of the interface

Finish studies, pianist in a church

Gloire was not optimistic about the project at the beginning since he was also having classes and writing exams when the project started. However, by the end he was highly motivated as he had only to focus on the project.

Gloire really came into the picture after the choice of the final prototype was made to develop the interface.


Development of the interface

Finish studies Aicha was not optimistic about the project at the beginning since she was also having classes and writing exams when we started with the project. However, by the end she was highly motivated as she had only to focus on the project.

Aicha helped me with the selection of images (around 200), for the list of words that we had. She also took part in the development and report writing.

Professor/ Previous interface developer/clients

Provided the vision of the project, gave advices during the entire project, develop a

Finish his PhD, show the relevance of his multiple researches, mentoring other students and teaching classes

He was very optimistic about the project all along since it was his idea and he wanted to publish his findings

He Had influence all along the project with input on methodology that we should use for the choice of the prototype, advice on the interface


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previous interface and judged the report and presentation.

that was developed and the report

professor’s Researcher colleagues

Work closely with my Mentor in previous Researches on the field of my project

Perform research activities, teaching classes.

They were mostly neutral about the project most of the time.

Provided some comments and ideas during the prototype phase that help with the clarification of our design.

Annotators Selection of the prototype

Working, studying, family.

They only took part in the choice of the prototype.

They responded to a prototype form that was sent to their email addresses. Their feedback was used later to choose the best prototype for our experience.

Student’s job Stopping me sometimes for advancing in the project

My job was important since it was the only way that I could provide for myself. From the beginning till the end it was a source of problem because I was tired afterwards.

Non-Human ActorsName of actor Role in project Interest which

This actorPursues (outsideThis particularproject)

Degree of «buy in » or hostility into the project at moment of appearance in the story and evolution during the project

Degree ofAdded or nuisance value and tendencyTo evolve

Classes/ exams Losing interest on the project.

The exams where important also to complete my degree.

Report Motivation for the project and part of the final delivery.

The report was essential as it was another way of visualizing the project evolution and understanding it. However, sometimes it was conflicting with the


Stephanie, 01/03/17,
Isn’t this a non-human factor? It is true that since you are involved it is human
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prototype development since I started writing the report from the prototyping phase until the end of the project.

Team knowledge Base

The goal was to show that as master 1 student we had the necessary skills to successfully complete a project of this range and also to expand my knowledge.

Learn about a various range of topics and enable me have a career.

It was a main input and grow consequently as the team was learning more and more during the project.

Previous interface

Used as a guideline to develop the new system.

Was mostly used during the development phase.

Laziness Stopping me sometimes for advancing in the project.

Mainly at the beginning of the project it was hard to do anything as I was also preparing for my exam but by the end I was highly motivated.

Conflict Postponing the work of the team.

They were lots of timing issues all along the project but we managed to deliver the interface and report on time.

Selection Methodologies for the prototype

Postponing the choice of the prototype.

The selection methodology faced some issues during the choice of the prototype.

The selection methodology was mostly needed in the middle to choose the best prototype. It was sometimes difficult because I did not know how to use those methodologies

The prototype Development of the interface.

The prototype faces some issue during the development of the interface

The prototype was mostly used by the end to develop the interface. It was sometimes difficult because we have to follow the same design as the prototype.

Deadline Final delivery date for project and prototype.

The final deadline was irrelevant in the beginning, but played a big role in the end of the project by limiting since we had to present our job to a panel.


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1st Diagram – Program / Antiprogram

This diagram summarizes the progression of the project through the time and the main forces that took part in.

In the beginning, our professor came up with an idea and the team and I were working towards its development while our knowledge Base was again us.

During the project start up, the annotators and Mentor’s Researcher colleagues helps us filled the form necessary for the selection of the prototype and also gave us some useful comments on how we can move forwards. On the other end, I was also preparing for my final exams, they were lots of timing issues and misunderstanding amongst the team members, I had difficulties understanding the methodologies for the prototype selection since they were new to me and I also had my student job on the side so I was tired.

Moving into the milestone 1, things started to go better; I was free from the exams and I had plenty of time to work on the project. I was finally able to understand the prototype selection methodologies and I completed the prototype. But the team and I were still learning many other points’ necessary for the success of our project, I still had my student job, the problem with timing remained an issue for the team cohesion and we had to start working on the final report.

During the milestone 2, our (the team and I) knowledge started working for us. It was approximatively 3weeks since the beginning of the project we already knew a lot and we were still learning every day. While our confidence was growing we encountered many problems with the implementation of the prototype and the need to understand our professor previous interface. The clock was ticking, I was balancing the project with my job and we were still working on the final report.


Attribution of the topic

Project Start

Milestone 1

Milestone 2

Project End

Stephanie, 01/03/17,
I changed all the exam to “exams”. I assumed you had more than one exam to write? If not my bad lol correct it back to singular
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In the last phase, the report was completed and they were less conflicts amongst the team members. The project deadline was here and the prototype and the previous interface were giving us some difficulties leading to a waste of more time and I had to work again. At the end, we were not able to integrate some features that we really wanted to add at the beginning but the final interface that we proposed was good enough and we passed.

2nd Diagram – Program / Antiprogram

This diagram summarizes the progression of the project through the time and the main forces that took part in.

In the beginning, when the topic was attributed to me and the team, we were very afraid. This type of project was a first time for us and we were much stressed and knew nothing about it or how to do what was asked to us. Our knowledge was working against us

During the project start up, our knowledge were still very weak and with the exam, it felt like there was just no time to do something about it. Plus, I couldn’t understand the selection process, I felt dummier by the day, I had to work, they were lots of timing issues among us, and I was just tired and needed to rest. On the other side, the annotators and Mentor’s Researcher colleagues helped us fill the necessary forms for the selection of the prototype and also gave us some useful comments on how we can move forwards.

Moving into the milestone 1, our knowledge started to grow but it still wasn’t enough. Decide that, we needed also to start working on the final report. Conflicts were remaining and my job was not helping me at all. On the good notes, the exams were done, I had plenty of time. I was finally able to understand the prototype selection methodologies and I completed the prototype.


Attribution of the topic

Project Start

Milestone 1

Milestone 2

Project End

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During the milestone 2, our (the team and I knowledge) started working in favor of the project. It was approximatively 3weeks since the beginning we already knew a lot and we were still learning every day. While our confidence was growing we encountered many problems with the implementation of the prototype and the need to understand our professor previous interface. The clock was ticking, I was balancing the project with my job and we were still working on the final report.

By the end of the project, the project deadline was here and the prototype and the previous interface were giving us some difficulties leading to a waste of more time and I had to work again. At the end, we were not able to integrate some features that we really wanted to add at the beginning but the final interface that we proposed was good enough and we passed. On the positive points, our knowledge about the topic was so vast and we could appreciate the result of our work as it became one of our driving forces. The report was completed and they were less conflict amongst the team member.

Actor Matrix Diagram






MyselfThe team







Stephanie, 01/03/17,
C pas la meme chose en haut? Just before it?
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This matrix displays three keys dimensions for the most important actors in the project:

1. Their character during the project (negative, neutral or positive) 2. The control and influence that the project manager has towards those actors3. The importance of the project (size of the circle), and the progress over time

(start/middle/end of the project).

Actors on the upper right corner (positive about the project) are most likely no threat to the project and are easily controllable. On the bottom left part, actors are a threat to the project and less controllable like the deadline.


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ConclusionThis report analyzed the progress of a project I have worked on for approximatively 2 months. While the duration of the project is short, it is the most recent and meaningful I have done in my opinion during my academic life.

Doing this analysis after the project itself seems a little bit out of place because all the findings will not be of any use and is a fact that I am certainly missing some aspects that I can’t remember anymore but it can be a useful tool to analyze progress during project development in general. This analysis has helped me understand better the difficulties that I faced during the project (the laziness, exam, limited knowledge on the topic and the multiple conflict with my team mate) and identify the breakthrough which helped me complete the project on time (after finishing my exam I had enough time on my hand and I finally manage to understand the selection methodologies which helped us choose the prototype and move forward with the development).


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VANESSA is a student at ESIEE Paris where she has been enrolled for the MOTIS course since September 2016.She was born in Douala, Cameroon in 1990 where she was raised and completed a high school Diploma. She then travelled to South Africa where she graduated with a Bachelor of Technology in IT specializing in communication networks. She moved to France in 2015 to pursue her dream of becoming a business analyst, project manager or IT consultant. She loves her family, cooking, series, having new ideas and making business